Internet DRAFT - draft-stjohns-kdf-with-assignment


Network Working Group                                         M. StJohns
Internet-Draft                                             July 21, 2015
Intended status: Informational
Expires: January 22, 2016

                Key Derivation Functions with Assignment


   This document describes a key derivation function (KDF) wrap-around
   or a meta-KDF that's designed to mix in key assignment parameters to
   the key stream generation phase.  This allows a security module to
   rely upon and enforce the key assignment parameters during the
   assigment of key material from the generated key stream to the
   cryptographic objects.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 22, 2016.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of

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   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Discussion of Document Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Existing Key Derivation Functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Key Derivation with Assignment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  KDFA Processing Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       3.1.1.  KDFA Instantiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       3.1.2.  Extraction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       3.1.3.  Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       3.1.4.  Assignment  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     3.2.  ObjectTemplate Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.1.  General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.2.  Security of Public/Private Data Production  . . . . . . .  10
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Appendix A.  KDFA with Integer Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     A.1.  Object Template Definition and Encoding . . . . . . . . .  12
     A.2.  Parameter Assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Appendix B.  An Example KDFA Instantiation Statement  . . . . . .  19
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

1.  Introduction

   This document came about as a result of some analysis by the author
   of the existing PKCS11 TLS key derivation functions (KDFs).  It
   became apparent that not only were the existing PKCS11 TLS KDF
   functions severely flawed in that it was possible to extract
   sensitive key material, but that the actual definition of the TLS key
   derivation model made it impossible to implement a secure (with
   regard to key extraction) version of those PKCS11 functions with all
   current models of KDFs.

   Existing KDFs (see for example [SP800-108], [SP800-56C], [RFC5869]
   and [X9.63]), do an excellent job of producing pseudo-random key
   streams from a master key and some user supplied mix-in data.  Where
   they fall down is in the assignment of the key stream to
   cryptographic objects (e.g. keys or public random data such as IVs).

   The issue with the above is that the production targets of the KDF
   call - the specific objects to be produced rather than just the
   length of the key stream - are not involved in the production of the
   key stream.  That means the keystream does not change with a change
   in production targets.

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   In other words, it is possible to run the KDF multiple times with
   different production targets, the same supplied parameters, and the
   same master key with the result that different cryptographic objects
   are constructed from an identical key stream.  This is obviously a
   problem if part of the key stream is assigned in one case to a public
   object such as an IV, and in another case the same part of the key
   stream is assigned to an AES key.  Note that this is the case for all
   KDFs used with TLS1.2 ([RFC5246]) and previous versions.

   It's also possible to run the KDF multiple times, get the same exact
   key, but use the key with different modes in ways that can compromise
   security.  In the case of authenticating cryptographic modes such as
   CCM and GCM vs non-authenticating modes such as Counter, the rules
   for the authenticating modes require that the plaintext not be
   released until the message is authenticated.  However, it's trivial
   to use the same key in Counter mode and discard the authentication
   tag and glean the exact same plain text without every verifying the

   Other issues exist with the use of the same symmetric key both with
   CMAC and with a key derivation function based on CMAC.  The output of
   CMAC, when not used with a KDF, is a public - an integrity tag.  But
   the direct CMAC mode could be used to replicate the result of using
   the key with a KDF based on CMAC.

   In general, cryptographic guidance is to not use the same key for
   different purposes.  In practice, when such a key is derived from a
   master secret, or via a key agreement scheme, it's difficult to
   enforce this guidance.  This document describes a scheme which allows
   for the enforcement of that guidance by the simple expedient of
   ensuring the key stream changes with any change of mode, key length
   or key type.

   This document uses the term "cryptographic object" to refer to both
   key material and to other items that various protocols might want to
   produce from a keyed function.  The other various items include at
   least generic random data and random data that's to be used as an
   Initialization Vector (IV) or Nonce.

1.1.  Discussion of Document Structure

   The document is broken up into two different normative parts.  The
   first part is the body of the document which describes the general
   format for a KDF with assignment, but does not define the on-the-
   wire, crypto API input values.  The second part is Appendix A which
   defines a concrete set of input values.

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   This was done somewhat in the same vein as the NIST definition of
   CBC-MAC Counter Mode (CCM) ([SP800-38C]) where the main body of the
   document describes the general form of how to use CCM, and where
   Appendix A of that document defines one specific Nonce formation

2.  Existing Key Derivation Functions

   Existing KDFs refer to one or two steps or stages in key derivation:
   Extraction (which may or may not be present) and expansion.  The
   former is use to extract and concentrate entropy from a master key
   (and sometime also to provide a length match between the master key
   and the function used for expansion) and the latter is used to
   provide a key stream of arbitrary length.

   In some KDFs, the extraction phase is subsumed in the key length
   matching function of the KDF's underlying pseudo-random function.
   E.g., the description of HMAC provides a means to adapt a key of any
   length for use with the HMAC function and that adaptation function is
   computationally similar to that described for discrete expansion

   There is a third step - assignment - which is implied, but the
   process of doing the actual assignment is left as an exercise to the
   user or protocol designer.  This is problematic, as the protocol
   designer may not realize the implications of this step to the
   security of keys within a security module.  In addition, a security
   module implementer may have to implement many different assignment
   functions to satisfy each of the protocol needs.

   Existing KDFs have a general model.  Specifics will differ, but the
   calling sequence is similar to:

      Step 1: Extraction (optional or missing for some KDFs)

         master_secret = KDF-Extract(master_secret,[seed]);


         master_secret  is the master key or shared secret input to the

         seed  is an optional, not necessarily secret, value used to
            provide additional entropy to the extraction phase

      Step 2: Expansion

         key_stream = KDF-Expand (master_secret, info, L);

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         key stream  is the raw octet stream produced by the expansion

         KDF-Expand  is the expansion function, usually driven by one of
            a CMAC, HMAC or HASH function

         master_secret  is the key for the KDF, either the original
            master secret, or the extracted master secret from step 1.

         info  is the information supplied by the caller of the KDF mix-
            in data.  For TLS1.2 and before this is the concatenation of
            the "label" and "context", for HKDF this is the "info".  The
            actual formation varies according to the specific construct
            and the needs of the KDF caller or protocol using the KDF.

         L  is the length of the key stream to be produced - usually in
            bits.  Depending on the KDF, the L term may or may not be
            part of the data the KDF mixes in as mandatory dependent
            data in key derivation, and may only tell where to truncate
            the output stream.

   Note that alternate calling sequences for the above are possible,

      key_stream = KDF (master_secret, label, context, L);

   But that most KDFs concatenate label and context before input to the
   underlying pseudo-random function.

   This document proposes to wrap the two steps described above into a
   key derivation construct that adds a mandatory third step: key

3.  Key Derivation with Assignment

   The general form for a KDF with assignment (KDFA) call is:

      ObjectHandle[] = KDFA (master_secret, label, user_context,
      object_count, ObjectTemplate[]);

      ObjectTemplate = { ObjectType, ObjectLength, ObjectMode,
      ObjectFlags }


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   ObjectHandle[]  is an array of handles pointing to the created
      objects.  Object handles are public data, but may reference either
      public (e.g., IVs), or secret (e.g., AES key, EC private key)

   master_secret  is the input master secret or the handle thereof

   label  is a string of octets which describe the general purpose of
      the call

   user_context  is a set of data (a string of octets) which is
      particular to this call of the KDFA.

   object_count  is the number of objects to assign from the key stream

   ObjectType  is an enum listing the various types of objects that can
      be created.  See below, but this includes at least AES keys, HMAC
      keys, IV/Nonce (public), and generic public random data.

   ObjectLength  is the length in bytes of the key stream data needed to
      produce the object (not necessarily the same as the key length of
      the produced object, but usually.  See the discussion below in
      Appendix A of how to produce derivable EC Private Keys for

   ObjectMode  depends on object type, but is an enum which constrains
      the created object into a specific use.  E.g.  AES keys can be use
      to encrypt/decrypt, encrypt/decrypt in AEAD modes, CMAC and be a
      master secret for use with a KDF.  The mode specifies which of
      these are correct.

   ObjectFlags  permits the specification of how a security module might
      handle the object.  E.g. some produced objects might as a general
      rule be exportable.

3.1.  KDFA Processing Steps


   KSG  The key stream generator, which is an underlying KDF of specific
      type and characteristics - see step 0.

   seed_value  an optional (depending on protocol, KSG or use) value
      used with the KDF-Extract phase.

   master_secret  a secret key appropriate for the KDF type selected in
      step 0.

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   ObjectTemplate[]  a set of templates for objects to be produced.  At
      least 1 and as many as are required to the limits of the permitted
      length of the underlying KDF.

   user_context  the data provided by the caller.  Generally a
      concatenation of the user "label" and "context" of some form.
      This is opaque to the KDF and not interpreted by the security

3.1.1.  KDFA Instantiation

   Step 0: Select and instantiate an underlying KDF as the key stream
   generator (KSG).

      Most KDFs are actually described as a family of KDFs and require
      specification of one or more characteristics to form a specific

      For example, HKDF [RFC5869] requires the selection of an
      underlying hash function such as SHA-256; [SP800-56C] requires the
      selection of a KDF function from [SP800-108] and that KDF
      requires, in turn, the selection of the specific mode (iterative
      or feedback), specific pseudo-random function (PRF) (e.g.  HMAC-
      SHA256 or AES-CMAC or others), ordering of fields, and the length
      of the L and i values when expressed for input to the PRF.

      If an extraction phase is used by the KSG, it will use the same
      underlying function as the expansion phase unless otherwise

      The KDFA also needs to specify the size of the ObjectTemplate

3.1.2.  Extraction

   Step 1:

   if required by the KSG then

       master_secret = KSG-Extract(master_secret[,seed]);

3.1.3.  Expansion

   Step 2:

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   a) Calculate the length of the key stream to be generated:

   L = 0

   for (i = 0; i < object_count; i++) {
       L += ObjectTemplate[i].length;

   b) Set up the info field:

   // the || operator represents concatenation of the encoded
   // bytes of the value
   // object_count is the length of the ObjectTemplate[] array and
   // represents the number of key templates
   // Separator is an optional value - its inclusion is specified by
   // the protocol or KDF definition. If present, generally a single
   // octet of 0x00.

   // Marshall the base mixin data
   info = label || [separator ||] user_context;

   // Add the count of objects
   info = info || object_count;

   // append each of the object templates to the info data
   for (i = 0; i < object_count; i++) {
       info = info || encodeTemplate(ObjectTemplate[i]);

   c) Calculate the key stream

   // key_stream is an array of octets

   key_stream = KSG-Expand (master_secret, info, L);

   The "encodeTemplate()" function takes an object template and turns it
   into an array of octets.  Each KDFA instantiation specifies the
   meaning and ordering of octets within the encoding, and specifies the
   meaning of the values specified for each field within an
   ObjectTemplate.  See Appendix A for a concrete definition of a KDFA
   for use within IETF specified protocols.

   The ordering of subfields within the "info" field are subject to
   modification by a specific KDFA instantiation.  If not otherwise
   specified, the info field has the ordering specified above and with
   the inclusion of a single octet of zero as a separator.

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3.1.4.  Assignment

   Step 3: Assign

   // "handles" is an array of cryptographic object handles of
   // the same length as ObjectTemplate

   ObjectHandles[] handles =
       new ObjectHandles[object_count];

   offset = 0;

   for (i = 0; i < object_count; i++) {

      handles[i] =
          createObject (key_stream, offset, ObjectTemplate[i]);
      offset += ObjectTemplate[i].ObjectLength;

   The "createObject()" function is expected to create a cryptographic
   object with attributes as specified or derived from those in the
   provided ObjectTemplate.  In the case of a hardware security module
   (HSM), the HSM is expected to create an object with enforceable
   policy based on those attributes.  In the case of a software security
   module, where secret and non-secret data usually share the same
   memory domain, the attributes tend to be advisory.

3.2.  ObjectTemplate Considerations

   Although the ObjectTemplate is specified above as four distinct
   fields, specific KDFAs may choose to combine one or more of the
   fields as long as the information about the object type, use mode and
   length are readily discernable.

   For example, a notional KDFA might specify the combination of those
   three fields into a single field specified by an ASN1 OBJECT
   IDENTIFIER (OID) which in turn defines the key type, length and use
   mode: "id-aes-128-ccm: 2.16.840.".  This notional KDFA
   might use the ASN1 DER encoding of that OID as the ObjectTemplate
   mixin data and use a table lookup of the OID to derive object length.

   The "ObjectFlags" field may be omitted by any given KDFA.  However,
   as that field provides some information about extractability and
   sensitivity, such KDFAs might be specified in a manner that does not
   permit the extraction of produced material from an HSM.  This should
   be discussed by any KDFA definition.

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   Appendix A provides one concrete definition of the format and meaning
   of the ObjectTemplate fields for use with IETF protocols.

4.  Security Considerations

4.1.  General

   This document provides a definition of a family of KDFs that allow
   for the enforcement of policy during the assignment of key material
   to cryptographic objects.  The KDFAs have the property that all of
   the parameters that describe the derived cryptographic objects are
   involved in the production of the key stream.  That means that any
   change in the parameters for the cryptographic objects (e.g. length,
   type, mode, handling restrictions) will result in a change of the
   complete key stream.

   KDFs without this property generally can't prevent the assignment the
   same key stream material to different cryptographic objects.  This
   can result in weaker protection of the key material.

   For example, consider a key stream of 16 octets which is, in one
   instance. assigned to a single 128 bit AES key and is, in another
   instance, assigned to two single DES keys.  This reduces the brute
   force attack work factor from a single attack on one 128 bit key into
   two attacks on 56 bit keys.  Once you've recovered the DES keys, you
   can easily reconstitute the AES key.

   If the KDF allows the assigment of some part of the key stream to
   public data (such as Initialization Vectors) as does the TLS1.2 and
   earlier KDFs, it's trivial to arrange for part of a putatively secret
   key to be assigned to the public data.

   KDFs with assignment provides a convention for describing a set of
   values that are involved in both the production of the derived key
   stream and with the assignment of the keys stream to cryptographic
   objects.  The document does not change any of the underlying
   cryptographic primitives, but provides a way of ensuring that
   security modules, especially HSMs can derive objects from key
   material with enforceable security properties.  However, protocols
   must adopt and define KDFAs in place of their existing KDFs to gain
   the benefits of this convention.

4.2.  Security of Public/Private Data Production

   NIST, in various documents related to key derivation, has prohibited
   the KDF production of public data (E.g.  IVs) from secret key
   material.  That appears to be a necessary restriction since the KDFs
   specified by NIST do not have an assignment step where the target

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   object parameters and types are mixed into the key stream generation

   One question for discussion is whether or not the addition of the
   assignment process described in this document can be used as an
   argument to remove that restriction.  A number of protocols, TLS in
   particular, have needs for various types of cryptographic material
   that can be exported from a security module.  The author believes the
   KDFA scheme provides the security guarantees necessary to obviate
   this restriction.

5.  IANA Considerations

   To be provided.  IANA management will be required for the Appendix A
   values.  There are no values in the main body of the document that
   require IANA management.

6.  Normative References

   [FIPS180]  National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Secure
              Hash Standard (SHS)", Federal Information Processing
              Standards Publication 180-4, March 2012.

   [FIPS186]  National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Digital
              Signature Standard (DSS)", Federal Information Processing
              Standards Publication 186-4, July 2013.

   [FIPS197]  National Institute of Standards and Technology, "Advanced
              Encryption Standard (AES)", Federal Information Processing
              Standards Publication 197, November 2001.

   [FIPS198]  National Institute of Standards and Technology, "The
              Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC)", Federal
              Information Processing Standards Publication 198-1, July

   [RFC2104]  Krawczyk, H., Bellare, M., and R. Canetti, "HMAC: Keyed-
              Hashing for Message Authentication", RFC 2104, February

   [RFC4493]  Song, JH., Poovendran, R., Lee, J., and T. Iwata, "The
              AES-CMAC Algorithm", RFC 4493, June 2006.

   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5246, August 2008,

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   [RFC5649]  Housley, R. and M. Dworkin, "Advanced Encryption Standard
              (AES) Key Wrap with Padding Algorithm", RFC 5649,
              September 2009.

   [RFC5869]  Krawczyk, H. and P. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand
              Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869, May 2010.

              National Institute of Standards and Technology,
              "Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom
              Functions", NIST Special Publication 800-108, October
              2009, <

              National Institute of Standards and Technology,
              "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: The
              CMAC Mode for Authentication", NIST Special
              Publication 800-38B, May 2005.

              National Institute of Standards and Technology,
              "Recommendation for Block Cipher Modes of Operation: CCM
              Mode for Authentication and Confidentiality", NIST Special
              Publication 800-38C, May 2004.

              National Institute of Standards and Technology,
              "Recommendation for Key Derivation through Extraction-
              then-Expansion", NIST Special Publication 800-56C, May

   [X9.63]    ANSI Accredited Standards Committee X9, Inc., "Public Key
              Cryptography for the Financial Services Industry - Key
              Agreement and Key Transport Using Elliptic Curve
              Cryptography", ANS X9.63-2011, 2011.

Appendix A.  KDFA with Integer Parameters

   This section describes a concrete realization of an KDFA by providing
   both the encoding process for an ObjectTemplate and providing
   specific values for the four notional fields of an object template.

A.1.  Object Template Definition and Encoding

   An object template consists of the four fields described above and in
   the order described above, specifically: object type, object mode,
   object length and object flags.

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   All four fields are represented as 16 bit unsigned network byte order
   integers.  Object length is specified in octets.

   To encode an object template for inclusion in the KSG mixin data,
   express each field as a two octet network-byte-order integer and
   concatenate them in order.  E.g. to encode a template representing an
   AES 256 bit CMAC key that is not exportable (AES/CMAC/32/0), you
   would get (hex): [00 01 00 06 00 20 00 00].

   To complete the encoding of the info field of the KDF, concatenate in
   order the "user_context" data, the number of object template
   expressed as an unsigned 16 bit network byte order integer, and the
   encoded object templates in order provided.

   The requested key lengths must be compatible with both the key type
   and mode.

   With HMAC and MASTER-HMAC keys, any output length key is acceptable,
   but shorter keys may be prohibited by security module policy.  Note
   that the extraction step (if any) takes place before (and generally
   replaces) the normal HMAC key size adjustment step.

   With AES-MASTER-CMAC keys, any output key length is acceptable.  But
   note that any length other than 128, 192 and 256 will require an
   underlying KSG/KDF that has an extraction step.  Note this also means
   the effective security of the KDF is limited to the 128 bit output
   size of the extraction step.

   Master secrets of any type produced by a KDFA compliant with this
   appendix may only be used with KDFAs of identical formulation (i.e.,
   same underlying KDF and PRF and parameter choices and ordering unless
   they are produced with the LEGACY usage flag set in the object

A.2.  Parameter Assignments

                       The object type assignments.

   | Mnemoni |    Value    |    Class     |  Spec.   | Notes           |
   |    c    |             |              |          |                 |
   | GENERIC |    0x0000   |   Generic    |   None   | Used for any    |
   |         |             |              |          | key not         |
   |         |             |              |          | otherwised      |
   |         |             |              |          | typed           |
   |   AES   |    0x0001   |  Symmetric   | [FIPS197 | Valid with      |
   |         |             |              |    ]     | encryption,     |

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   |         |             |              |          | MAC, master     |
   |         |             |              |          | key, and key    |
   |         |             |              |          | wrap modes      |
   |   SHA1  |    0x0002   |     Hash     | [FIPS180 | Valid with MAC  |
   |         |             |              |    ]     | and master key  |
   |         |             |              |          | modes           |
   |  SHA224 |    0x0003   |     Hash     | [FIPS180 | Valid with MAC  |
   |         |             |              |    ]     | and master key  |
   |         |             |              |          | modes           |
   |  SHA256 |    0x0004   |     Hash     | [FIPS180 | Valid with MAC  |
   |         |             |              |    ]     | and master key  |
   |         |             |              |          | modes           |
   |  SHA384 |    0x0005   |     Hash     | [FIPS180 | Valid with MAC  |
   |         |             |              |    ]     | and master key  |
   |         |             |              |          | modes           |
   |  SHA512 |    0x0006   |     Hash     | [FIPS180 | Valid with MAC  |
   |         |             |              |    ]     | and master key  |
   |         |             |              |          | modes           |
   | Reserve | 0x0007-0x00 | Symmetric,Ha | Reserved | Reserved for    |
   |    d    |      FF     |      sh      |          | symmetric and   |
   |         |             |              |          | hash key types  |
   | NONCEIV |    0x0100   |   Generic    |   None   | Produces random |
   |         |             |              |          | data not meant  |
   |         |             |              |          | to be used as   |
   |         |             |              |          | key material,   |
   |         |             |              |          | generally publi |
   |         |             |              |          | c/exportable    |
   | Reserve | 0x0101-0x01 |   Generic    | Reserved | Reserved for    |
   |    d    |      FF     |              |          | generic object  |
   |         |             |              |          | types           |
   |  ECPRIV |    0x0200   |   Private    |   None   | Produces an EC  |
   |         |             |              |          | private key     |
   |         |             |              |          | using the       |
   |         |             |              |          | method          |
   |         |             |              |          | described below |
   |         |             |              |          | usable with     |
   |         |             |              |          | either ECDH or  |
   |         |             |              |          | ECDSA           |
   | ECDHPRI |    0x0201   |   Private    |   None   | Produces an EC  |
   |    V    |             |              |          | private key     |
   |         |             |              |          | using the       |
   |         |             |              |          | method          |
   |         |             |              |          | described below |
   |         |             |              |          | usable only     |
   |         |             |              |          | with ECDH       |
   | ECDSAPR |    0x0202   |   Private    |   None   | Produces an EC  |
   |    IV   |             |              |          | private key     |
   |         |             |              |          | using the       |

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   |         |             |              |          | method          |
   |         |             |              |          | described below |
   |         |             |              |          | usuable only    |
   |         |             |              |          | with ECDSA      |
   | Reserve | 0x0203-0x03 |   Private    | Reserved | Reserved for    |
   |    d    |      FF     |              |          | asymmetric key  |
   |         |             |              |          | types           |
   | Reserve | 0x0400-0xFF |     Any      | Reserved | Reserved for    |
   |    d    |      FF     |              |          | future          |
   |         |             |              |          | assignment      |

                                  Table 1

   Private Elliptic Curve keys may be produced via derivation using the
   mechanism described in Section B.4.1 of [FIPS186].  Generally, the
   length of the key to be produced plus 64 bits (i.e., 320 bits for a
   P256 key) are taken from the derived key stream, expressed as an
   integer and then taken modulus the prime of the curve.  For this
   KDFA, the ObjectLength term of the private key object is specified as
   the key length plus 64 bits expressed in terms of complete octets or
   40 decimal for a P256 private key.

    The key mode assignments.  Note that not all combinations are valid
      with all key types and individual security modules may further
                       restrict valid combinations.

   |   Mnemonic  |     Value     |         Spec         | Notes        |
   |   GENERIC   |     0x0000    |         None         | This data    |
   |             |               |                      | has no       |
   |             |               |                      | enforceable  |
   |             |               |                      | security     |
   |             |               |                      | module mode. |
   |             |               |                      | Generally    |
   |             |               |                      | only useful  |
   |             |               |                      | in           |
   |             |               |                      | combination  |
   |             |               |                      | with a       |
   |             |               |                      | generic key  |
   |             |               |                      | or a         |
   |             |               |                      | NONCEIV, but |
   |             |               |                      | could        |
   |             |               |                      | conceivably  |
   |             |               |                      | be used with |
   |             |               |                      | a symmetric  |
   |             |               |                      | key which    |

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   |             |               |                      | can be used  |
   |             |               |                      | with any     |
   |             |               |                      | implemented  |
   |             |               |                      | mode.  The   |
   |             |               |                      | use of this  |
   |             |               |                      | mode value   |
   |             |               |                      | with a       |
   |             |               |                      | symmetric    |
   |             |               |                      | key is not   |
   |             |               |                      | recommended  |
   |             |               |                      | and may be   |
   |             |               |                      | prohibited   |
   |             |               |                      | by any given |
   |             |               |                      | security     |
   |             |               |                      | module.      |
   |   ENCRYPT   |     0x0001    |       Various        | Must be used |
   |             |               |                      | with a       |
   |             |               |                      | symmetric    |
   |             |               |                      | key object   |
   |             |               |                      | type. Allows |
   |             |               |                      | the use of   |
   |             |               |                      | any mode     |
   |             |               |                      | permissible  |
   |             |               |                      | for the key  |
   |             |               |                      | type except  |
   |             |               |                      | CMAC or      |
   |             |               |                      | MASTER-CMAC. |
   |     AEAD    |     0x0002    |       Various        | Must be used |
   |             |               |                      | with a       |
   |             |               |                      | symmetric    |
   |             |               |                      | key. Allows  |
   |             |               |                      | the use of   |
   |             |               |                      | any AEAD     |
   |             |               |                      | mode.        |
   | MASTER-CMAC |     0x0003    |       Various        | Must be used |
   |             |               |                      | with a       |
   |             |               |                      | symmetric    |
   |             |               |                      | key type     |
   |             |               |                      | that can use |
   |             |               |                      | CMAC. The    |
   |             |               |                      | key may only |
   |             |               |                      | be used with |
   |             |               |                      | CMAC based   |
   |             |               |                      | KDFs         |
   | MASTER-HMAC |     0x0004    |       Various        | Must be used |
   |             |               |                      | with a hash  |
   |             |               |                      | typed object |
   |             |               |                      | (e.g. SHA1,  |

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   |             |               |                      | SHA256 etc). |
   |             |               |                      | The key may  |
   |             |               |                      | only be used |
   |             |               |                      | with HMAC    |
   |             |               |                      | based KDFs   |
   | MASTER-HASH |     0x0005    |       Various        | Must be used |
   |             |               |                      | with a hash  |
   |             |               |                      | typed        |
   |             |               |                      | object. The  |
   |             |               |                      | produced key |
   |             |               |                      | may only be  |
   |             |               |                      | used with    |
   |             |               |                      | hash based   |
   |             |               |                      | KDFs         |
   |     CMAC    |     0x0006    | [SP800-38B][RFC4493] | Must be used |
   |             |               |                      | with a       |
   |             |               |                      | symmetric    |
   |             |               |                      | key. The     |
   |             |               |                      | produced key |
   |             |               |                      | may only be  |
   |             |               |                      | used with    |
   |             |               |                      | the CMAC     |
   |             |               |                      | mode.        |
   |     HMAC    |     0x0007    |  [FIPS198][RFC2104]  | Must be used |
   |             |               |                      | with a hash  |
   |             |               |                      | key.  The    |
   |             |               |                      | produced key |
   |             |               |                      | may only be  |
   |             |               |                      | used with an |
   |             |               |                      | HMAC mode    |
   |             |               |                      | consistent   |
   |             |               |                      | with the     |
   |             |               |                      | object type  |
   |             |               |                      | parameter.   |
   |             |               |                      | E.g. if the  |
   |             |               |                      | object type  |
   |             |               |                      | is SHA1,     |
   |             |               |                      | then the     |
   |             |               |                      | permitted    |
   |             |               |                      | mode for the |
   |             |               |                      | key is HMAC- |
   |             |               |                      | SHA1         |
   |   KEYWRAP   |     0x0008    |      [RFC5649]       | Must be used |
   |             |               |                      | with a       |
   |             |               |                      | symmetric    |
   |             |               |                      | key. The     |
   |             |               |                      | produced key |
   |             |               |                      | may only be  |

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   |             |               |                      | used with    |
   |             |               |                      | the Keywrap  |
   |             |               |                      | mode to wrap |
   |             |               |                      | other keys.  |
   | PLACEHOLDER |     0xXXXX    |       Various        | TBD          |
   |             |               |                      | placeholder  |
   |             |               |                      | for other    |
   |             |               |                      | cipher modes |
   |             |               |                      | such as CCM, |
   |             |               |                      | GCM, CTR,    |
   |             |               |                      | CBC, etc.    |
   |   Reserved  | 0x0009-0x0FFF |         None         | Reserved for |
   |             |               |                      | cipher modes |
   |    ECP256   |     0x1000    |      [FIPS186]       | May only be  |
   |             |               |                      | used with an |
   |             |               |                      | EC Private   |
   |             |               |                      | key.         |
   |             |               |                      | Specifies    |
   |             |               |                      | the produced |
   |             |               |                      | key will be  |
   |             |               |                      | on the NIST  |
   |             |               |                      | P-256 curve. |
   |   Reserved  | 0x1001-0x1FFF |         None         | Reserved for |
   |             |               |                      | elliptic     |
   |             |               |                      | curve types  |
   |   Reserved  | 0x2000-0x2FFF |         None         | Reserved for |
   |             |               |                      | discrete     |
   |             |               |                      | logarithm    |
   |             |               |                      | parameter    |
   |             |               |                      | types        |
   |   Reserved  | 0x3000-0xFFFF |         None         | Reserved for |
   |             |               |                      | future       |
   |             |               |                      | assignment   |

                                  Table 2

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      This table specifies a bit mask of options that can modify the
    handling of a produced object by a security module.  Multiple flags
      (OR'd together) may be specified for any given produced object.

   |  Mnemonic  | Value  | Notes                                       |
   | EXPORTABLE | 0x0001 | This object is exportable from the security |
   |            |        | module.  If the CLEARTXT flag is not also   |
   |            |        | set, this implies that the object is        |
   |            |        | exportable by keywrapping modes only.  Use  |
   |            |        | this for objects that are used by other     |
   |            |        | entities.  E.g., TLS key exporter keys.     |
   |  CLEARTXT  | 0x0002 | This object is non-secret.  It may be used  |
   |            |        | in the clear. Use this with GENERIC and     |
   |            |        | NONCEIV to produce initialization vector    |
   |            |        | material.                                   |
   |   LEGACY   | 0x0004 | This flag may only be used with one of the  |
   |            |        | MASTER-* modes. It specifies that the       |
   |            |        | produced key may be used with a KDF that is |
   |            |        | not a KDFA of this specific type.           |
   |  Reserved  | 0xFFF8 | These bits are reserved for future          |
   |            |        | assignment                                  |

                                  Table 3

Appendix B.  An Example KDFA Instantiation Statement

   An example statement for use with TLS1.3:

      The TLS Key Deriviation Function (KDF) shall be a KDF with
      Assignment (KDFA) as defined in Appendix A of [this document].

      The KDFA's underlying key stream generator (KSG) shall be as
      defined in [HKDF].  The KDF will include the extraction phase with
      no input seed.  The KSG's underlying pseudorandom function shall
      be as negotiated or the TLS1.3 default of SHA256.

      The KDFA's label field maps directly to the TLS "label" and the
      user_context field maps to what was specified as the "seed" for
      the TLS1.2 PRF but is generally the context for each specific KDFA

      The KDFA shall concatenate the label field and the user_context
      field and the encoded object templates and supply them to the HKDF
      instantiation as the "info" field.

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   An example of how this might be used in TLS follows.  It assumes that
   AES-128-CCM is the negotiated mode and that the CCM nonce is not a
   fixed value, but also negotiated and has a length of 4 octets.  It
   also assumes that HKDF with SHA256 is being used as the KSG and that
   the host random is 00 01 02 .. 1F and that the client random is 1F 1E
   ... 00.  Finally, it uses the "key expansion" label.

   1.  Create the object templates for two keys and two nonces: { AES
       AEAD 16 0 } { AES AEAD 16 0 } { NONCEIV GENERIC 4

   2.  Encode the object templates and concatenate them: [00 01 00 02 00
       10 00 00 00 01 00 02 00 10 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 20 00 03 01 01 00
       00 00 20 00 03]

   3.  Concatenate the label, user context (e.g. the client random and
       server random) and object templates: info = [ (label)6b 65 79 20
       65 78 70 61 6e 73 69 6f 6e (clientRandom) 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07
       08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1a 1b 1c 1d
       1e 1f (serverRandom) 1f 1e 1d 1c 1b 1a 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
       10 0f 0e 0d 0c 0b 0a 09 08 07 06 05 04 03 02 01 00 (object count)
       00 02 (object templates) 00 01 00 02 00 10 00 00 00 01 00 02 00
       10 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 20 00 03 01 01 00 00 00 20 00 03 ]

   4.  Calculate the length from the object templates: length = 16 + 16
       + 4 + 4;

   5.  Generate the key stream: key_stream = HKDF-SHA256 (master_secret,
       info, length);

   6.  Split up the key stream into objects according to the templates.

Author's Address

   Michael C StJohns


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