Internet DRAFT - draft-stott-behave-safenet


BEHAVE Working Group                                           D. Stott 
Internet Draft                                              R. Townsend 
Expires: December 31, 2005                Lucent Technologies/Bell Labs 
                                                          June 29, 2005 
                SAFENeT:  Server-based Architecture For 
                Enterprise NAT and Firewall Transversal 
IPR Statement 
   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any 
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware 
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes 
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79. 
   One of the main challenges hindering the acceptance of VoIP is a 
   standards-based solution for traversing middleboxes such as Network 
   Address Translation (NAT) and FireWall (FW) boxes.  This Internet-
   Draft presents SAFENeT, a protocol that is intended to operate in an 
   enterprise environment and that allows the accommodation of real-time 
   services by the call server, internal to the enterprise network, to 
   communicate with the NAT/FW to enable the transversal of real-time 
   services including VoIP.  This document describes the SAFENeT 
   architecture and protocol and shows how it overcomes the problems 
   caused by NATs/FWs.  The SAFENeT architecture also enables security 
   features such as data confidentiality and digital integrity to be 
   used for the VoIP traffic traversing the NAT/FW.  
Table of Contents 
   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2 
     1.1  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  2 
     1.2  The NAT Routable Address Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3 
     1.3  The VoIP Binding Problem  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3 
     1.4  Security Problems Caused by NATs and FWs  . . . . . . . . .  4 
     1.5  SAFENeT as a Solution for Real-time Services  . . . . . . .  4 
     1.6  Organization of This Internet-Draft . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 
   2.  Existing Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 
     2.1  Application Layer Gateways (ALGs) . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5 
     2.2  Media Relays (MRs)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6 
     2.3  Session Border Controllers (SBCs) . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6 
     2.4  The MIDCOM and NSIS Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7 
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     2.5  RTP-based Solutions   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7 
     2.6  Controllable Firewalls  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8 
   3.  The SAFENeT Solution - Server-based Architecture For 
             Enterprise NAT/FW Transversal  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8 
     3.1  An Overview of SAFENeT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8 
     3.2  Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9 
     3.3  Improvement Rationales  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 
   4.  Examples and Details of SAFENeT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 
     4.1  Overview of Examples Illustrating SAFENeT . . . . . . . . . 13 
     4.2  Diagrams of Examples Illustrating SAFENeT . . . . . . . . . 14 
     4.3  Details of SAFENeT Communication Protocol (SCP) . . . . . . 21 
     4.4  Details of SAFENeT UA Communication Protocol (SUCP) . . . . 23 
     4.5  Illustrative Example of SCP and SUCP  . . . . . . . . . . . 24 
     4.6  SAFENeT Block Caching Optimization  . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 
   5.  Discussion of Concerns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 
     5.1  Don’t Mess with the Firewall  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 
     5.2  Multiple NATs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 
     5.3  Complex Enterprise Topologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 
   6.  UNSAF Architectural Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 
     6.1  Addressing UNSAF Architectural Considerations in General  . 29 
     6.2  Addressing Specific UNSAF Architectural  
             Considerations Per IAB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 
     6.3  IAB Consideration Summary   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 
   7.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 
   8.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 
   9.  References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 
     9.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 
     9.2  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 
   Authors’ Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 
   Full Copyright Statement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 
   Status of This Document  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 
1. Introduction 
1.1 Overview 
   Firewalls (FW) are essential in today’s environment for protecting 
   corporate and academic university networks from outside attacks and 
   for partitioning large internal networks for security reasons such as 
   between different organizations within these internal networks.  
   While Network Address Translation (NAT) boxes are common for 
   overcoming the limitations due to the scarcity of available IP 
   addresses, they also provide privacy through isolation of internal 
   networks (and the identity of individual users) from visibility from 
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   the outside.  One of the challenges hindering the acceptance of VoIP 
   is a standards-based method for traversing boxes such as NATs and 
   "Middleboxes" are defined as in [MIDBOX] –  
      any intermediary box performing functions apart from normal,      
      standard functions of an IP router on the datagram path between a 
      source host and destination host.  In this Internet-Draft,        
      middlebox refers only to NATs and FWs.  
1.2 The NAT Routable Address Problem 
   The way VoIP establishes an RTP session creates problems when a NAT 
   is involved.  The VoIP protocols assume that the initiating endpoint 
   advertises an IP address/port number that is routable from the remote 
   receiving host and is unmodified by any network equipment.  Neither 
   of these conditions are true when a NAT is present.  The Initiating 
   Phone’s IP address is generally a private address that is not 
   routable (i.e., known) from outside the NAT and the transmitted port 
   number is not the same as the one determined by the Initiating Phone 
   because the NAT changes it.  Therefore, the recipient has no way to 
   determine a connection back to the Initiating Phone.  
1.3 The VoIP Binding Problem 
   Typical Internet applications use a simple client/server model in 
   which the client connects to a well-known port number on the server. 
   VoIP is different from these typical Internet applications because it 
   uses separate signaling and bearer sessions (and may even have 
   additional sessions (e.g., RTCP) to monitor the quality of the bearer 
   channel).  The bearer and signaling channels must be bound so that 
   the bearer traffic goes to the correct endpoint.  The signaling 
   session uses the familiar client/server model for setting up and 
   taking down the bearer connection but is also responsible for 
   establishing parameters for that bearer connection.  The bearer 
   session is peer-to-peer.  
   FWs are usually configured to (a) allow traffic to specific ports on 
   specific servers (usually in a demilitarized zone (DMZ)), (b) permit 
   local/private hosts behind the FW to open connections to outside 
   servers, and (c) permit the reply via an authorized, previously made 
   connection.  When the FW opens a connection based on a request from 
   an internal client and permits packets to flow through, it records 
   the ports and addresses of the internal Initiating Phone to identify 
   where to send the reply.  With VoIP, the endpoints (i.e., both 
   Initiating Phone and Receiving Phone) independently open sockets to 
   receive bearer traffic.  Because the FW does not initiate the 
   traffic, it is unable to anticipate the traffic from a remote host 
   (to say nothing about guaranteeing the binding of both the bearer and 
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   signaling channels for the VoIP session) and blocks the connection.  
   Further, since the RFC 3550 on RTP [RTP] does not specify 
   definitively what the endpoint must choose as port numbers (on a 
   session–by-session basis), the FW administrator cannot know which 
   ports to open to incoming replies (as would be done for normal 
   Internet replies from servers) and is faced with opening nearly all 
   UDP ports – not a good thing for security reasons.  
1.4 Security Problems Caused by NATs and FWs 
   For environments needing a secure connection (bearer channel, 
   signaling channel or both), Application Layer Gateways (ALG), 
   traditionally used to add intelligence to middleboxes to handle 
   applications such as VoIP, create difficulties for encrypted traffic. 
   Security measures such as encryption that are designed to protect 
   signaling data from malicious network entities have the effect of 
   hiding the data from the ALG.  Since ALGs cannot look at the data 
   being transported, they block VoIP bearer traffic.  So VoIP cannot be 
   supported in secure environments.  UAs wishing to set up a secure 
   connection to achieve data confidentiality and data integrity for 
   signaling likewise find that the current systems do not support this 
   functionality.  Additionally, since the NAT changes the source 
   address, the hash produced by the initiating host in a digital 
   signature will not be confirmed by the receiving host and an error 
   message will be generated.  
1.5 SAFENeT as a Solution for Real-time Services 
   SAFENeT is proposed as a solution for any real-time services and, 
   specifically, for VoIP for enterprise or academic environments.  This 
   Internet-Draft distinguishes an enterprise network from the 
   residential case in which each customer may have his or her own NAT 
   and the ISP on the public side of the NAT owns the call server.  The 
   residential case is more likely to accept ICE because they have to 
   trust the ISP's call server (and might as well trust the path to the 
   STUN server the call server that the ISP also owns) and they have 
   fewer concerns about potential "bad" behaviors from ICE, such as 
   routing internal calls though the STUN/TURN server).  
   In this Internet-Draft, the term VoIP is used to reflect the 
   characteristics of real-time services including VoIP as well as other 
   applications such as video and IM.  
   This Internet-Draft proposes a solution optimized for VoIP.  SAFENeT 
   solves the problems of return routable addresses, binding the 
   signaling and bearer streams, and the security issues of encryption 
   for confidentiality (supporting hop-by-hop encryption and end-to-end 
   encryption by the UA of S/MIME bodies) and digital signatures for 

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   integrity.  SAFENeT does not address privacy in the Rec. X.805 [X805] 
   Note:  In this Internet-Draft, the term ‘encryption and digital      
          signatures’ and its variants is meant to convey the concepts  
          of both encryption, i.e., data confidentiality, and digital   
          signatures including using message digests with a hash        
          calculation on the message contents, i.e., data integrity, as 
          in [X805].  
   The intent of this version of the Internet-Draft is to see if there 
   is any interest in pursuing the proposal and to elicit comments and 
   discussions on problem areas that need more work.  
1.6 Organization of This Internet-Draft 
   While some solutions exist for handling NAT/FW transversal, all have 
   drawbacks; Section 2 describes these existing solutions.  Section 3 
   proposes the SAFENeT solution with assumptions and rationales.  
   Section 4 gives examples and details of the SAFENeT solution.  
   Section 5 adds further discussion of concerns of NAT/FW traversal.  
   Section 6 covers considerations to be made when selecting a technique 
   for traversing a NAT per the IAB draft [NAT-TRAV].  Section 7 is the 
   section on security.  Section 8 is the IANA considerations and 
   Section 9 contains references.  
2. Existing Solutions 
   This section describes a number of technologies that have been 
   proposed to solve the NAT/FW transversal problem.  As we show, 
   clearly none of them is suitable for enterprise VoIP systems in which 
   a high level of security is a principal requirement.  An IAB draft 
   [NAT-TRAV] details considerations to be made when selecting a 
   technique for traversing a NAT.  
   From Rosenberg, [ICE], “Unfortunately, these techniques all have 
   pros and cons which make each one optimal in some network topologies, 
   but a poor choice in others.”  
2.1 Application Layer Gateways (ALGs) 
   ALGs are often integrated with NAT boxes.  They process every packet 
   sent through the box and inspect the packet contents for pre-
   programmed application-specific fields with address or port 
   information.  For example, an ALG with VoIP support might inspect the 
   packets looking for INVITE messages.  The ALG would read the INVITE 
   message to get the UA’s address and port number (from the SDP), bind 

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   a new address and port number for that media stream, and rewrite the 
   SDP with the new (public) address and port number.  
   The key difficulties in using an ALG in this situation are (a) the 
   need to reprogram the ALG to support each new protocol, (b) the need 
   to address the resource intensiveness of a box in the main stream of 
   communication, and (c) the obvious inability to support protocols 
   using cryptography (e.g., S/MIME) if the application requires 
2.2 Media Relays (MRs) 
   Another class of transversal techniques is illustrated by a type of 
   box called an MR.  MRs terminate the signaling protocol on each side 
   of the relay (similar to a media gateway but using the same protocol 
   on both the input and output sides).  The advantages of an MR are 
   that (a) the signaling and bearer paths are forces through the same 
   point, (b) the session is broken into 2 independent sessions such 
   that any end-to-end requirements of the protocol do not need to apply 
   across the box, and (c) the box serves as an endpoint for encryption, 
   i.e., the clear text is available for reading and rewriting in the 
   box.  One example of this technique in SIP is called a back-to-back 
   UA (B2BUA).  The B2BUA box implements a complete SIP stack on each 
   side of the B2BUA function.  
   MRs are generally the network engineers last choice.  They are 
   clearly performance and reliability bottlenecks and they break 
   security assumptions including end-to-end authentication.  MRs limit 
   the effectiveness of the signaling protocol because messages are no 
   longer truly end-to-end.  For example, they are likely to drop 
   headers they do not understand, i.e., new features may require 
   reprogramming of the MR.  
2.3 Session Border Controllers (SBCs) 
   A special case of an MR is the SBC.  SBCs are gateway boxes meant to 
   sit at the edge of a network and provide peering to various telephony 
   networks, including video, IM, and gateways to other IP or TDM 
   networks.  They often add features such as firewalling, QoS and SLA 
   management, and limited intrusion detection/prevention.  SBCs 
   advertise the capability of providing NAT transversal and FW 
   pinholing.  A careful study of these claims reveals that they are 
   implementations of an ALG and, as such, have the same limitations 
   described in the ALG section above; additionally, most SBCs are MRs 
   and have the attributes of Section 2.2.  
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2.4 The MIDCOM and NSIS Solutions 
   The MIDCOM WG has been addressing solutions in which one trusted 
   third party entity controls the transport layer behavior of another 
   entity in the network to support the transport of an application.  
   The WG has discussed protocols where a call server controls a FW to 
   support VoIP is one such example.  The WG has also developed a series 
   of NAT transversal protocols for VoIP:  Interactive Connectivity 
   Establishment [ICE], Simple Transversal of UDP Through Network 
   Address Translators [STUN], Traversal Using Relay NAT [TURN].  
   The basic architecture of these protocols is to (a) place a protocol 
   server outside the NAT and (b) modify the client application to work 
   with the protocol.  The basic distinction between STUN and TURN is 
   that STUN only supports UDP and TURN requires all traffic to go 
   through the server.  
   SAFENeT has an advantage over ICE in that it requires a smaller 
   number of messages to determine which protocol it should use and that 
   packet loss may cause ICE to choose non-ideal paths (e.g., hosts on 
   the same network may end up communicating through the STUN server if 
   the wrong packet is lost). Both STUN and TURN have security problems 
   as stated in their respective specifications.  TURN requires all 
   packets to go through the TURN server, becoming a performance 
   bottleneck and coming at high cost to the provider of the TURN 
   service.  [TURN] also states a reliability issue, “TURN will **almost 
   always** provide connectivity to a client.”  
   The NSIS WG has also been working on middlebox transversal.  These 
   protocols generally allow, but not require, a third party such as a 
   proxy to control the middlebox to support traversal features.  
   Future efforts in NSIS are expected to provide significant help in 
   supporting communication between the proxy and the middlebox.  
   Unfortunately, the recent NSIS effort is currently incomplete and 
   does not meet the needs for enterprise quality VoIP.  
2.5 RTP-based Solutions 
   VoIP’s separation of control and bearer streams (and, in particular, 
   negotiating the bearer port numbers from inside the control protocol) 
   causes problems for administering FWs.  FW administrators need to (a) 
   use bulky ALGs to handle VoIP traffic or (b) essentially allow 
   transversal for all UDP traffic.  When the control messages (e.g., 
   the SDP bodies) are encrypted or even just authenticated with an 
   integrity check, the network administrator is placed in the bad 
   situation of allowing insecure traffic or barring certain traffic.  
   One Internet-Draft [expired], now expired, modified the RTP 
   specification to allow all RTP streams to a single host to be 
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   multiplexed to the same port.  Multiplexing RTP streams to a single 
   well-known port substantially reduces the FW administration problem 
   and VoIP will behave similarly to most typical Internet applications. 
    In theory, the FW could communicate with the call server to 
   determine which initiating and receiving hosts have valid connections 
   [expired] advocates having RTP and RTPC on separate well-known ports. 
    While they could share the same port, there are arguments against 
   doing that, namely, that (a) the 2 streams may have different QoS 
   parameters since those parameters are assigned on a per-connection 
   basis and not on a per-packet basis and (b) sending both RTP and RTPC 
   packets to the same port may cause existing RTP stack to fail.  These 
   authors do not know if this work will be continued in the future.  
2.6 Controllable NAT/FWs 
   One study [BLTJ] demonstrated a VoIP system that communicated with a 
   specialized NAT/FW to support address and port mapping and pinholing 
   under the control of  a SIP proxy connecting two SIP phones.  In this 
   architecture, the SIP proxy used ITU-T Rec. H.248/MEGACO [H248] to 
   communicate with the NAT/FW to request address and port mappings to 
   open pinholes based on the MEGACO messages.  The architecture solved 
   the problem for NAT/FW transversal but not end-to-end integrity.  
3. The SAFENeT Solution - Server-based Architecture For Enterprise 
   NAT/FW Transversal 
3.1 An Overview of SAFENeT 
   SAFENeT uses a different approach in solving the NAT/FW traversal 
   problem from those described above and is inherently simpler in 
   operation.  SAFENeT solves the NAT problem by having a SIP proxy 
   function as a call server internal to the enterprise network.  The 
   call server communicates with the NAT/FW, negotiates an addressing 
   mapping for the session, then communicates the result to the 
   local/private endpoint.  Optionally, it moves the transversal logic 
   from the endpoints to a call server, one under the control of the 
   enterprise, and opens up the possibility of allowing a secure 
   This architecture solves the NAT routable address problem, provides 
   for appropriate binding of the two sessions needed by VoIP, and 
   optionally allows for security measures (data confidentiality and 
   integrity) if desired.  
   SAFENeT requires two area of specification.  The first area of 
   specification is a standard secure interface to the NAT/FW to allow a 
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   trusted server (e.g., the call server) to cooperate with the NATs/FWs 
   to establish safe bindings that allows the authorized traffic (i.e., 
   bearer stream) to traverse the NAT/FW.  
   The first part is nothing more than an application protocol for SIP 
   proxies to communicate with the NAT/FW as in and drafts in NSIS 
   similar to [NSIS-FW] and [NSLP].  The call server would obtain a NAT 
   binding for the session and open a pinhole in the FW.  In a system 
   not needing end-to-end cryptography or digital signatures for 
   confidentiality or integrity respectively, this SAFENeT Communication 
   Protocol (SCP) alone is sufficient for a viable, working system; see 
   Section 4.3 for details.  
   SCP differs from the other work in NSIS in that it is meant to be 
   used for VoIP and similar applications while using the 
   procedures/protocols  for controlling middleboxes (NATs and FWs) 
   [NSLP] in allowing the transversal of application streams.  It is 
   intended to be used between a trusted server and the relevant 
   middleboxes and covers the case in which the bearer and signaling 
   paths are separate.  It is not meant to be a replacement for the NSIS 
   work but does allow a migration from SCP to the NSIS solution.  NSIS-
   aware middleboxes could be configured to use SCP and the SAFENeT 
   A second area of specification is an extension to the SIP 
   specification to allow the User Agents (UAs) to learn about the NAT 
   bindings thereby enabling end-to-end cryptography or digital 
   signatures between UAs (e.g., S/MIME encoded Session Description 
   Protocol (SDP) bodies as described in RFC 3261 [SIP]).  This optional 
   protocol is known as SUCP for SAFENeT UA Communication Protocol, the 
   details being described in Section 4.4.  Since the rationale of end-
   to-end cryptography is to ensure the SDPs are not read by a malicious 
   interloper, eliminating the need to traverse network boxes that can 
   read or modify the bit stream provides an extra bonus for security.  
   Offering a protocol allowing digital signatures adds data integrity 
   as a security attribute.  The UA needs to generate the SDP body with 
   the public address and port number as established by the SIP proxy.  
   The UA must obtain this information from the call server before 
   sending the INVITE or OK messages and before computing the hash that 
   is sent to the remote receiver (the description in Section 4.2 below 
   will illuminate these details better).  
3.2 Assumptions 
   This section describes some simple assumptions about the target 
   system under which SAFENeT correctly operates.  They were selected to 
   reflect a typical enterprise or academic VoIP system with high 
   security needs.  Most medium and large business firms, including 

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   those in the fields of finance, medical and military are expected to 
   be in this category.  
      1) The basic example of an enterprise network has NAT(s) and/or   
         FW(s) at the boundary to the public network.  See Figure 1.    
         The FW allows incoming SIP messages between remote hosts and an 
         internal SIP proxy.  
    |   Call   | 
    |  Server  | 
           __\________                   ___  ____                      
          /            \                /  \\/    \                     
         |              \             //    ))     \\                   
   +----------+     +----------+     //             \\     +----------+ 
   |    IP    |     |   NAT/   |____(    Internet    )_____|  Remote  | 
   |   Phone  |     |    FW    |     \\             //     |   Phone  | 
   +----------+     +----------+      \\     )     //      +----------+ 
                                        \___/ \___/                     
                    Figure 1:  Architecture of SAFENeT 
      2) The enterprise IT management controls the servers in the      
         enterprise network and knows and controls the topology of the 
         private network (e.g., between local/private clients and their 
         SIP proxy(ies)).  The enterprise administrator can configure  
         the NAT/FW to permit only certain addresses and ports to be   
         used for VoIP connections involving particular servers.  While 
         the NAT/FW may be owned by an entity other than the           
         enterprise, the enterprise must be able to control the NAT/FW.  
      3) The signaling path is constrained to always pass through the  
         call server.  
      4) Traditional security mechanisms by the enterprise protect the 
         call server and middlebox from unauthorized physical or       
         administrative access.  
      5) The internal call server is a trusted entity.  
      6) Communication between UAs in the local/private realm and their 
         call server(s) does not traverse the boundary with the public 
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      7) The protocol proposed in this Internet-Draft is assumed to run 
         over a secure protocol such as TLS using mutually             
         authenticated certificates to provide authentication,         
         confidentiality, and integrity.  
      8) Without loss of generality, UAs have local/private addresses   
         that, in general, have no valid route from the remote UA.  
      9) The system supports hop-by-hop encryption techniques such as   
         SIPS over TLS [SIP].  Encrypted messages can only be processed 
         by SIP entities, i.e., SIP proxies and UAs.  
     10) The system supports S/MIME.  UAs can choose to add (a) end-to- 
         end message integrity on S/MIME bodies with digital signatures, 
         (b) end-to-end encryption of S/MIME bodies, or (c) both.  UAs  
         generally use S/MIME to protect the SDP but can also protect a 
         copy of the SIP headers.  Only UAs can process cryptographic   
         S/MIME bodies.  The solution cannot require UAs to copy        
         encrypted headers (such as media addresses) into clear text    
         headers as this defeats the purpose of encryption and          
         introduces potential coherency (i.e., improperly modified      
         headers) issues.  
     11) NAT vendors may implement their devices however they see fit. 
         Without loss of generality, NATs will display behavior as     
         symmetric NAT [STUN] where the NAT selects new external       
         address and port numbers for each new connection.  
     12) It is not acceptable to route traffic between local/private   
         UAs via the public network.  It is also not acceptable for a  
         UA to send local/private addresses outside the NAT for the    
         reasons described in the Introduction.  
     13) The solution may support the case where the call server       
         applies cryptographic functions on behalf of the UA.  Under   
         this method, the call server could be signing or encrypting   
         messages on behalf of the UA because the UA do not have the   
         capability to do so themselves (e.g., lack of a public key    
         certificate or lack of a software application).  
3.3 Improvement Rationales 
   There are five basic reasons for SAFENeT being a viable (and better) 
   alternative as a solution to the NAT/FW transversal problem.  
      1) The call server (a trusted entity inside the enterprise FW)    
         controls the packet routing for signaling messages.  

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      2) The trusted call server handles all signaling message          
      3) No additional proxies or servers are required; a call server is 
         presumed to exist.  
      4) The UA communicates only signaling/control information with a  
         trusted SIP proxy, i.e., does not rely on an unknown trust     
         relationship with a server in the public network.   
      5) There are no restrictions on types of NATs/FWs SAFENeT can     
   The first advantage is a clear improvement over ICE and UNSAF-like 
   systems.  The SIP proxy is configured with the simple routing 
   instructions (such as the subnets with voice endpoints that connect 
   to the public network, those solely within the local/private 
   network, default routes toward the NAT/FW, or even where IPv4/IPv6 
   mappings should be applied) to determine how to route the bearer 
   streams.  Recall that ICE requires complex procedures and message 
   exchanges to (a) determine the type of NAT as input to selecting the 
   proper procedure in the STUN server and (b) determine if alternate 
   paths to the remote host exist.  
   The second advantage is in contrast to ALG-based solution that 
   require code to process the VoIP signaling messages.  Besides having 
   a maintenance advantage, the SAFENeT approach makes it easier to 
   enforce policies because they are processed within a single entity. 
    The same reasoning can also be applied to note that security is 
   improved using the SAFENeT architecture.  
   Unlike several of the alternative solutions, SAFENeT requires no 
   additional boxes (presuming a server, such as one for session 
   control, already exists), thereby improving performance, 
   reliability, and security, and lowering cost.  
   With SAFENeT, the only entities the UA communicates with are its SIP 
   proxy (for signaling) and the remote UAs (for bearer traffic).  The 
   SIP proxy provides the binding requests on behalf of the UA, thereby 
   minimizing the configuration setup/data needed by the UA, this 
   latter function being applicable only for the option of end-to-end 
   encryption.  The only changes in the UA behavior are (a) code to 
   handle the slight modification to the SIP headers and (b) the 
   addition of the functionality for processing a response to the call 
   server with the NAT mappings between the local/private and public 
   addresses (described below).  In contrast, with the ICE approach, 
   the UAs in the local/private network all need to be configured with 
   the addresses of any available STUN or TURN servers with weights to 
   probabilistically determine how to select each.  
   Regarding the last advantage, SAFENeT needs to make no distinctions 
   about NAT behavior as do the alternatives as stated in [ICE].  
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   The problems discussed in [NSLP] are either resolved by the SAFENeT 
   proposal or are not relevant – save one.  The issue of QoS signaling 
   is still relevant and needs to be addressed.  
4. Examples and Details of SAFENeT 
4.1 Overview of Examples Illustrating SAFENeT 
   Figure 2 illustrates a VoIP transaction with no NAT in the system; 
   the system works fine.  While the Receiving Phone is shown without a 
   NAT/FW, there is no loss of generality; the connection protocol is 
   simply carried out on the receiving side too.  
   Figure 3 illustrates the well-known NAT problem of an external 
   address that is not routable from the remote host.  
   Figure 4 shows a basic version of the SAFENeT solution, i.e., one in 
   which the message does not involve encryption.  As noted earlier, a 
   similar situation holds true for ALGs with encryption.  
   Notes for the succeeding diagrams: 
      Recall that in this Internet-Draft, the term ‘encryption and      
      digital signatures’ and its variants are meant to convey the      
      concepts of both encryption, i.e., data confidentiality, and      
      digital signatures including any hash-oriented message contents,  
      i.e., data integrity.  
      The OpenRequest and OpenReply messages signify that the NAT has  
      generated a binding between the local/private phone and the      
      public address.  
      This document distinguishes "end-to-end" encryption (e.g.,       
      S/MIME) from hop-by-hop encryption (e.g., TLS or IPSec);  
      end-to-end encryption is hidden from the call server and         
      middlebox whereas hop-by-hop encryption is processed by the call 
      server, but not the middlebox  
      The bindings in the RTP part of the diagram are shown as the     
      attached destination address/port numbers.  
      The public IP addresses used in all the examples of this document 
      are shown as assigned in the TEST-NET and Benchmark Testing      
      blocks [RFC 3330] and are just that – examples.  The two         
      different blocks were chosen to reflect that, in a real world    
      implementation, the Initiating Phone and Receiving Phone will be 
      on different nets.  
   Figure 5 shows how the basic version fails if the message is 
   digitally signed.  A similar case holds for encrypted messages.  
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   Figure 6 shows the SAFENeT version that correctly handles both 
   encryption and digital signatures.  
   Figure 7 shows an incoming call and confirms the assertion made above 
   about no loss of generality.  
4.2 Diagrams of Examples Illustrating SAFENeT 
   Figure 2 depicts a system with null NAT functionality; no problems 
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+ 
   |Initiating|        |   Call  |        |  NAT/FW |        |Receiving| 
   |   Phone  |        |  Server |        |         |        |  Phone  | 
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+   
        |                   |                   |                   | 
        | F1: INVITE        |                   |                   | 
        |------------------>|                   |                   | 
        |                   | F2: INVITE        |                   | 
        |                   |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                   |                   |            F3: OK | 
        |                   |<------------------+-------------------| 
        |            F4: OK |                   |                   | 
        |<------------------|                   |                   | 
        | F5: ACK           |                   |                   | 
        |------------------>|                   |                   | 
        |                   | F6: ACK           |                   | 
        |                   |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                   |        RTP        |                   | 
        |                   |  |                   | 
        |                   |        RTP        |                   | 
        |                   |  |                   | 
        |                   |                   |                   | 
             Figure 2:  Example without NAT’s Address Translation       
                                     Function Active 
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   Figure 3 shows the well-known NAT problem in which case the 
   Initiating Phone is unaware of the NAT.  The Receiver is unable to 
   route back using the local/private address since the public Internet 
   has no knowledge of it.  ALGs can also offer a specialized solution 
   to the problem by rewriting the SDP.  Subsequently, if the message is 
   encrypted, the ALG cannot process the message and the transaction 
   fails.  For digital signatures, the message digest is incorrect and 
   the message is rejected by the Receiver.  
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+ 
   |Initiating|        |   Call  |        |  NAT/FW |        |Receiving| 
   |   Phone  |        |  Server |        |         |        |  Phone  | 
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+  
        |                    |                   |                   | 
        | F1: INVITE         |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        |                    | F2: INVITE        |                   | 
        |                    |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                    |                   |            F3: OK | 
        |                    |<------------------+-------------------| 
        |             F4: OK |                   |                   | 
        |<-------------------|                   |                   | 
        | F5: ACK            |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        |                    | F6: ACK           |                   | 
        |                    |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                    |                   |        RTP        | 
        |                    |                   |  | 
        |                    |                   |    ?? <-----------| 
        |                    |                   |                   | 
        Figure 3:  Example showing the well-known problem with NATs     
                    for the case of encryption without any attempt      
                         to mitigate and the transaction fails 
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   Figure 4 show how a basic SAFENeT offers a solution in the case in 
   which the message is neither encrypted or digitally signed.  The 
   Proxy generates an exchange with the Initiating Phone to generate, 
   then later activate, a binding between the local/private address and 
   the public address being transmitted.  No end-to-end encryption nor 
   digital signature is involved.  
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+ 
   |Initiating|        |   Call  |        |  NAT/FW |        |Receiving| 
   |   Phone  |        |  Server |        |         |        |  Phone  | 
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+   
        |                   |                   |                   | 
        | F1: INVITE        |                   |                   | 
        |------------------>|                   |                   | 
        |                   | F2: OpenRequest   |                   | 
        |                   |------------------>|                   | 
        |                   |     F3: OpenReply |                   | 
        |                   |<------------------|                   | 
        |                   | F4: INVITE        |                   | 
        |                   |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                   |                   |            F5: OK | 
        |                   |<------------------+-------------------| 
        |            F6: OK |                   |                   | 
        |<------------------|                   |                   | 
        |                   |F7: UpdateRequest  |                   | 
        |                   |------------------>|                   | 
        |                   |   F8: UpdateReply |                   | 
        |                   |<------------------|                   | 
        | F9: ACK           |                   |                   | 
        |------------------>|                   |                   | 
        |                   | F10: ACK          |                   | 
        |                   |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                   |                   |         RTP       | 
        |                   |                   | | 
        |                   |                   |<------------------| 
        |                   |        RTP        |                   | 
        |                   |  |                   | 
        |<------------------+-------------------|                   | 
        |                   |        RTP        |                   | 
        |                   |  |                   | 
        |                   |                   |                   | 
        |                   |                   |                   | 
      Figure 4:  Example with NAT using a basic SAFENeT without  
               end-to-end encryption and digital signature support 
                 (and no encryption or digital signing) giving a        
                              successful transaction 
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   In Figure 5, we show that encryption and digital signing add another 
   level of complication.  For case with encryption, the INVITE message 
   cannot be processed by the FW and, for the case with digital 
   signing, the digest in the F4: INVITE message has not been 
   recalculated to reflect the proper public address and is therefore 
   rejected by the Receiver.  The transaction does not proceed.  
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+ 
   |Initiating|        |   Call  |        |  NAT/FW |        |Receiving| 
   |   Phone  |        |  Server |        |         |        |  Phone  | 
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+  
        |                    |                   |                   | 
        | F1: INVITE         |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        |                    | F2: OpenRequest   |                   | 
        |                    |------------------>|                   | 
        |                    |      F3: OpenRepy |                   | 
        |                    |<------------------|                   | 
        |                    | F4: INVITE        |                   | 
        |                    |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                    |                   | F5: 403 Forbidden | 
        |                    |<------------------+-------------------| 
        |  F6: 403 Forbidden |                   |                   | 
        |<-------------------|                   |                   | 
        |                    |                   |                   | 
                Figure 5:  Example with NAT using the basic SAFENeT     
                              without digital signature support         
                                 (but with digital signature) 
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   In Figure 6, we show SAFENeT with security support to allow 
   encryption or digital signatures.  The public address must be sent 
   back to the Initiating Phone to encrypt the message including the 
   public address for the encryption case or to generate a new hash 
   using the public address before sending out the INVITE* message to 
   the Receiving Phone for the digital signature case.  Now the 
   transaction can proceed successfully.  
   When the outgoing message relies on a security certificate, the hash 
   in the certificate must be recalculated with the proper public 
   address replacing the local/private address.  The term ‘with 
   mappings’ is used to signify elements in that action.  
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+ 
   |Initiating|        |   Call  |        |  NAT/FW |        |Receiving| 
   |   Phone  |        |  Server |        |         |        |  Phone  | 
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+        +---------+  
        |                    |                   |                   | 
        | F1: INVITE         |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        |                    | F2: OpenRequest   |                   | 
        |                    |------------------>|                   | 
        |                    |     F3: OpenReply |                   | 
        |                    |<------------------|                   | 
        |  F4: 444 Response* |                   |                   | 
        |<-------------------|                   |                   | 
        | F5: ACK            |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        | F6: INVITE**       |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        |                    | F7: INVITE**      |                   | 
        |                    |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                    |                   |            F8: OK | 
        |                    |<------------------+-------------------| 
        |                    | F9: UpdateRequest |                   | 
        |                    |------------------>|                   | 
        |                    |  F10: UpdateReply |                   | 
        |                    |<------------------|                   | 
        | F11: OK            |                   |                   | 
        |<-------------------|                   |                   | 
        | F12: ACK           |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        |                    | F13: ACK          |                   | 
        |                    |-------------------+------------------>| 
                        --  Continued on next page  -- 
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                          --  From previous page  -- 
        |                    |                   |     RTP/RTCP      | 
        |                    |                   |  | 
        |                    |                   |             2347  | 
        |                    |                   |<------------------| 
        |                    |     RTP/RTCP      |                   | 
        |                    | |                   | 
        |                    |            12001  |                   | 
        |<-------------------+-------------------|                   | 
        |                    |       RTP/RTCP    |                   | 
        |                    | |                   | 
        |                    |             5601  |                   | 
        |                    |                   |                   | 
     * with mapping information 
     ** with proper credentials 
       Figure 6:  Example with NAT using SAFENeT with end-to-end        
                     encryption and  digital signature support  
                        (and with an encrypted or digitally  
                                  signed message) 
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   Figure 7 shows an incoming call.  With similar interactions between 
   the call server and the local/private phone as described above, the 
   transaction can proceed successfully.  
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+       +----------+ 
   |Receiving |        |   Call  |        |  NAT/FW |       |Initiating| 
   |   Phone  |        |  Server |        |         |       |  Phone   | 
   +----------+        +---------+        +---------+       +----------+  
        |                    |                   |                   | 
        |                    |                   |        F1: INVITE | 
        |                    |<------------------+-------------------| 
        |         F2: INVITE |                   |                   | 
        |<-------------------|                   |                   | 
        | F3: OK             |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        |                    | F4: OpenRequest   |                   | 
        |                    |------------------>|                   | 
        |                    |     F5: OpenReply |                   | 
        |                    |<------------------|                   | 
        |  F6: 444 Response* |                   |                   | 
        |<-------------------|                   |                   | 
        | F7: OK**           |                   |                   | 
        |------------------->|                   |                   | 
        |                    |                   |                   | 
        |                    | F8: OK**          |                   | 
        |                    |-------------------+------------------>| 
        |                    |                   |           F9: ACK | 
        |                    |<------------------+-------------------| 
        | F10: ACK           |                   |                   | 
        |<-------------------|                   |                   | 
        |       RTP          |                   |                   | 
        |   |                   |                   | 
        |                    |                   |        RTP        | 
        |                    |                   |  | 
        |                    |                   |<------------------| 
        |                    |        RTP        |                   | 
        |                    | |                   | 
        |<-------------------+-------------------|                   | 
        |                    |                   |                   | 
     * with mapping information 
     ** with proper credentials 
              Figure 7:  Example of an incoming call using SAFENeT      
                       with encryption and digital signature support 

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4.3 Details of SAFENeT Communication Protocol (SCP) 
   SAFENeT defines a protocol (SCP) for communicating between the SIP 
   proxy (call server) and the NAT/FW similar in functionality to that 
   of RFC 3303 [RFC3303].  Illustrated in Figure 4, the process includes  
      (a) the call server acting as a manager requesting a NAT mapping 
          for the RTP stream described in the SIP SDP, 
      (b) the NAT/FW reserving the binding and replying to the manager  
          with the requested mapping, 
      (c) the manager requesting the binding be enabled,  
      (d) the RTP communication taking place, and 
      (e) the manager closing the binding after the call completes.  
   The protocol is assumed to run over a secure transport protocol such 
   as TLS [TLS].  TLS is an excellent choice because proxies are already 
   required to support it.  Mutual authentication through public key 
   certificate validation is required for the system to be secure.  
   TLS, using mutually authenticated certificates, provides 
   authentication, confidentiality, and integrity.  These properties 
   provided by TLS, protection against many common security threats, 
   such as eavesdropping and masquerading.  Additionally, mutual 
   certificate authentication (with Diffie-Hellman-based session key 
   exchanges, used in most common public-key systems) is used to 
   prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.  Access control to the SCP 
   manager and agent is well defined and manageable because the set of 
   managers and agents that can communicate with the SCP boxes is 
   It is recommended that both the call server and the NAT/FW be 
   configured with its peer’s public key and that it only accept 
   connections from devices if it has that device’s public key 
   configured.  The call server is located in a DMZ.  
   In this process the NAT/FW is an SCP agent and the call server is the 
   SCP manager.  SCP contains the basic messages for opening a session, 
   updating session parameters, and closing the session.  TLS provides 
   the secure connection.  The manager connects to the NAT/FW acting as 
   an SCP agent once (e.g., at boot time) and reuses the same TLS 
   connection for all sessions.  
   Because no communication protocol currently exists to exchange these 
   types of messages, SAFENeT defines a simple, text-based message 
   format.  The format is conceived to be easy to implement and enhance. 
   As new protocol are developed (e.g., future NSIS protocols), this 
   protocol can migrate to the newer one.  
   The first SCP message from the manager to the agent is the stream 
   header, used to inform the agent the SCP version number the manager 
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   is using.  All subsequent messages are a single request or reply 
   separated by a pair of CRLF as do many applications like SMTP.  The 
   manager can send any of three message types: OpenRequest, 
   UpdateRequest, and CloseRequest.  The agent can reply using 
   OpenReply, UpdateReply, CloseReply, or ErrorMessage.  The agent 
   replies to a request with a reply message or an error message.  
   Replies must correspond to the appropriate last request.  
   If at any point the agent detects an error in request (such as a bad 
   value or unsupported feature), it replies with an ErrorMessage 
   instead of the normal reply message.  The error message indicates 
   which field caused the error, the type of error, and an optional text 
   description of the error.  
   The agent can also send Info messages to provide asynchronous 
   notifications to the manager, e.g., a time-out due to inactivity.  
   Each message follows a common format.  The first line is the header 
   indicating the message type and unique session ID.  Because the agent 
   established the ID, the OpenRequest does not specify one; the agent 
   chooses one and includes it in the OpenReply message.  A message body 
   consisting of a sequence of request fields, follows the header.  
   Table 1 shows the possible request fields.  Most parameters can be 
   set to 0 (zero) to indicate the value is unassigned or to –1 to 
   indicate a wildcard.  When the session is activated, the agent must 
   verify that all the appropriate fields have been set – e.g., a NAT’s 
   policy may require that the local/private address and port number be 
   set as well as the remote address.  The interface parameter can be 
   used to specify a particular interface on the NAT/FW.  In general, 
   the manager needs to know *a priori* the meaning of the interface 
   value (e.g., the NAT/FW may expect the SNMP ifIndex or some other 
   interpretation).  The manager should set the interface value to 0 
   (zero) as unassigned unless it knows the specific interface value.  
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                       Table 1 – Request Field Types 
   |  Request |  Parameters   | Description                            | 
   |   Type   |               |                                        | 
   | From:    |address port#  | The local/private address and port     | 
   |          | interface     | number and NAT/FW interface            | 
   |          |               |                                        | 
   | To:      |address, port# | The mapped (public) address and port#  | 
   |          |               |                                        | 
   | For:     |address, port# | The remote destination                 | 
   |          | interface     |                                        | 
   |          |               |                                        | 
   | Proto:   |IP protocol    |  Specific IP protocol 9E.g., UDP, TCP) | 
   |          |               |                                        | 
   | Active:  |Boolean        | True to indicate activation of mapping;| 
   |          |               | False – not activated                  | 
   |          |               |                                        | 
   | Action:  |type           |  FW action can be block, reject, allow,| 
   |          |               | or log                                 | 
4.4 Details of SAFENeT UA Communication Protocol (SUCP) 
   Just as we need to add a protocol for the manager (call server) to 
   the agent (NAT/FW), we also need to devise an optional communication 
   protocol for use between the manager and the UA (agent).  This 
   section defines such a protocol.  If another mechanism comes into 
   use, these messages could be included to enhance that protocol.  This 
   part of the protocol might not be needed if the end-to-end security 
   aspects of the protocol are not used.  
   Using Figure 6 as an illustration, SUCP is an extension to the SIP 
   headers as well as requiring additional SCP interactions.  On an 
   INVITE message, SUCP adds a single header specifying the 
   local/private address and port number and the remote addresses of the 
   media sessions (or a list of such tuples if it opens multiple 
   sessions).  Next the manager checks if the message is to traverse (a) 
   a NAT, (b) a FW and no NAT, (c) both a FW and a NAT, or (d) neither. 
   For (a) the call server obtains the mappings as describe in Section 
   4.3, communicates them to the UA, and proceeds using a modified SCP 
   as in Figure 6.  For (b), the call server requests a pinhole be 
   opened and passes the INVITE as normal.  For (c), use the combined 
   actions for (a) and (b).  For(d), the call server passes the INVITE 
   directly to the remote UA and removes the OpenRequest. 
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   An example of the initial SIP header would include information with 
   the UA address and port number: 
      MediaMapRequest:  saddr=,sport=12000.  
   The call server can determine if the session will be using a NAT.  
   If a NAT is not involved, the call server ignores (or removes) the 
   request and processes the message as normal.  
   If a NAT is involved, the call server uses SCP with additional 
   messages to communicate the binding information to the UA and 
   proceeds similarly as in Section 4.3.  The UpdateRequest/Reply 
   messages (that are SIP messages) secure the binding from the NAT and 
   transmits it to the UA.  The UA uses this information to encrypt the 
   SDP or recalculate the message digest.  The UA will reconstruct the 
   SDP with the public address and port numbers (the only address the 
   remote UA sees), acknowledge the SIP message, and send the new 
   INVITE with public address, the same Call-ID as the original INVITE, 
   and the appropriate CSeq number: 
      MediaMapRequest:  saddr=,sport=2346.  
   The remote host will then have a routable address and any encrypted 
   or digitally signed message can be deciphered correctly by the 
   remote host.  
   On teardown, the call server uses SCP to delete the binding and/or 
   close the pinhole.  
   There is the possibility of using policy use-cases to provide the 
   communication between the call server and the UA as is currently 
   being introduced in the SIPPING WG [usecase] since the knowledge and 
   mechanism may already exist. 
4.5 Illustrative Example of SCP and SUCP 
   In a scenario for an outbound call, using encryption or digital 
   signature, through a NAT/FW as in Figure 6, the UA sends an INVITE 
   message (F1) to the call server (see Figures 8a-f).  
         F1: INVITE   +---------------------------------+ 
                      | MediaMapRequest: \              | 
                      |  saddr=,sport=12000; \  | 
                      |  saddr=,sport=12001     | 
                          Figure 8a – INVITE Message 
   Recognizing the sender is inside the NAT/FW, the call server/manager 
   uses SCP to obtain a mapping for the UA.  The manager  sends an 
   OpenRequest message (F2) to the agent (NAT) to open a session based 
   on the Initiating Phone’s (the local UA’s) private address and port 
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   number and the Receiver’s (the remote UA) address.  The remote UA is 
   free to choose any ephemeral port.  
    F2: OpenRequest   +-------------------------------+ 
                      | OpenRequest                   | 
                      |  From: 12000-12001 0 | 
                      |  For: 0 0                     | 
                      |  Proto: UDP                   | 
                      |  Active: False                | 
                     Figure 8b – Request to Open Message 
   The agent then chooses a session ID and builds a mapping for the 
   given addresses and port number and replies with an OpenReply message 
   (F3) that establishes a session ID, 31824 in this example.  
      F3: OpenReply   +-------------------------------+ 
                      | OpenReply 31824               | 
                      |  From: 12000-12001 1 | 
                      |  To: 2346-2347     | 
                      |  Proto: UDP                   | 
                      |  Active: False                | 
                          Figure 8c – Reply Message 
   The manager sends the mapped (public) address and port number to the 
   UA (F4).  
   F4: 444 Response   +----------------------------------+ 
                      | 444 UseMediaMapping: \           | 
                      |  saddr=,sport=12000; \   | 
                      |  maddr=,mport=2346; \  | 
                      |  saddr=,sport=12001; \   | 
                      |  maddr=,mport=2347     | 
                  Figure 8d – Mapping Information to UA Message 
   At this point, the UA has the NAT mapping it needs to advertise the 
   public address and port number to the remote UA as F5 F6in Figure 6 
   F5and the call server forwards the new INVITE to the remote UA as F6 
   F7using the public address and port numbers.  

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   Once the network accepts the call, the manager sends an UpdateRequest 
   message (F9) to activate the binding for this session (and/or open a 
   FW pinhole).  
   F9: UpdateRequest   +-------------------------------+ 
                       | UpdateRequest 31824           | 
                       |  For: –1 0         | 
                       |  Active: True                 | 
                    Figure 8e – Activate the Binding Message 
   The agent replies with an UpdateReply as F10.   
    F10: UpdateReply   +-------------------------------+ 
                       | UpdateReply 31824             | 
                       |  For: –1 2         | 
                       |  Active: True                 | 
                  Figure 8f – Reply to the Activation Message 
   After the proper OKs and ACKs, the NAT/FW is ready to accept/traverse 
   RTP traffic between the remote UA at and mapping it 
   to the local/private UA address/port number at  
   Similarly, the RTCP stream uses port 2347 on the public side and 
   12001 on the private side.  
   When the call is complete, the manager sees an acknowledged BYE SIP 
   message and sends a CloseRequest with the session ID to the agent to 
   delete the binding.  
4.6 SAFENeT Block Caching Optimization 
   The performance of SAFENeT for applications like VoIP can optionally 
   be improved by pre-allocating NAT mappings.  This allows the manager 
   to choose the public address and port number without contacting the 
   NAT.  Thus, the SIP INVITE can complete with a single message between 
   the manager and the agent instead of the two described in Section 4.3 
   and illustrated in Section 4.2.  To enable this optimization, the 
   manager needs to reserve a block of public port numbers (and 
   addresses if appropriate) from the NAT for future mappings.  
   The manager obtains a block of port numbers and session IDs from the 
   agent using a new message type, ReserveBlock.  The manager can 
   specify the size of the block in the message body.  The agent finds a 
   suitable block of addresses and returns a list with the public 
   address, port number, and session ID for each.  The manager can then 
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   choose its own mappings from the list.  It still needs to use the 
   UpdateRequest message to activate the mappings at the NAT.  The 
   manager is contacted when the call completes.  For example, if the 
   remote UA dos not answer or redirects the call to another endpoint 
   (i.e., call forwarding), the manager would disregard the original 
   binding and choose a new one when the UA sends the INVITE to the next 
   remote UA.  
5. Discussion of Concerns 
   This section discusses some issues of concern for middlebox traversal 
   solutions.  Because enterprises rely on the security of their FW, it 
   is reasonable to be concerned that changes to the FW may have adverse 
   effects on security.  The issue of enterprises having multiple FWs is 
   covered as well as the issue of complex enterprise topology.  
5.1 Don’t Mess with the Firewall 
   A valid question for any middlebox solution is why an administrator 
   who is responsible for the enterprise’s network security should trust 
   the SAFENeT solution enough to install it in his/her network.  
   Administrators should be concerned that the solution allows 
   applications to open *bad* holes through the FW.  An example is a 
   solution that allows middlebox-aware viruses to open backdoors 
   through the FW to propagate or release sensitive data back through 
   the FW; obviously unacceptable.  Similarly, a solution that allows a 
   remote host to control the access through the FW would likely result 
   in severe problems.  
   SAFENeT offers an architecture and protocol that allows restrictions 
   to be placed on how the system is provisioned that address the above 
   concerns.  The SAFENeT architecture is proposed to allow only a small 
   set of authorized hosts (e.g., the local call servers hat are often 
   physically co-located with the agents) can access the middlebox.  
   This restriction can be enforced by the enterprise with various key 
   management policies, access control mechanisms, and social 
   engineering mechanisms.  For example, some administrators may 
   statically configure the managers and agents by entering the other 
   element’s public key manually.  Others may find a public key 
   infrastructure (PKI) system or symmetric key-based authentication 
   system to be more effective.  Vendors and administrators are also 
   free to use host-based access control mechanisms to restrict the set 
   of managers that can connect using SCP.  
   The fundamental purpose of the solution is to allow VoIP traffic to 
   traverse the middlebox but not allow any additional connections.  As 
   a point of reference, consider ALGs.  These devices are generally 
   accepted as allowable at the enterprise edge for non-encrypted VoIP. 
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   A key differentiator for SAFENeT over ALG is where the VoIP logic for 
   parsing the VoIP message is processed.  With ALGs, the logic must be 
   programmed into the middlebox and must be changed to correctly deal 
   with each newest VoIP message format and feature set.  With SAFENeT, 
   it is handled by the call server which needs only a secure 
   communication channel to the middlebox.  
   It can be a debatable issue whether it is better to trust a middlebox 
   vendor’s VoIP processing code or a service provider’s VoIP code.  FW 
   vendors might not be current with the latest VoIP protocol 
   developments but service providers might not have the most secure 
   software engineering practices.  If one must be flawed in such a way 
   that the system is vulnerable to DoS attacks or exploitable code, 
   better that the failure be confined to the call server instead of 
   affecting the FW.  If properly built, the agent failure mode when it 
   detects an improperly formed SCP message should failsafe by dropping 
   the connection to the agent.  We are unaware of any ALG product that 
   would prevent such an attacking (or zombie) host from spoofing a call 
   session message to open a connection through the FW.  This situation 
   cannot happen with SAFENeT because the SCP messages are 
   Compared to other proposed solutions, SAFENeT clearly provides a more 
   secure solution.  SAFENeT does not open FW pinholes until both 
   endpoints have acknowledged the call.  Most host-based solutions 
   (e.g., ICE and those based on NSIS solutions) open a pinhole before 
   signaling the remote endpoint, and will do so even in the case when 
   the endpoint refuses the call or diverts to voice mail.  With other 
   host-based solutions, any internal host is capable of opening 
   pinholes through the FW whereas in SAFENeT only a call server can 
   establish a connection.  
5.2 Multiple NATs 
   While SAFENeT is not optimized for multiple NATs (e.g., where traffic 
   passes through back-to-back NATs), it is supported.  The SAFENeT 
   architecture can accommodate the case for multiple NATs such as 
   between department boundaries with multiple NAT instantiations, each 
   with its own manager.  The manager needs to be aware of the 
   connecting NATs and the routing between them.  The trick to making 
   this work is to issue multiple SCP commands to each involved NAT.  
   The first set of SCP messages are to reserve a port and address from 
   each NAT.  The second set is to update each mapping with the ports 
   from the other NAT(s).  Once all the bindings have been specified, 
   the manager can send to the endpoint the mapping from the NAT nearest 
   to the endpoint and then specify ports to neighboring NATs along the 

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   If the manager uses the option of reserving multiple NAT port 
   bindings ahead of time, the process is much simpler. The manager 
   simply needs to choose ports for each involved NAT and send updates 
   to each NAT along the path as before.  
5.3 Complex Enterprise Topologies 
   SAFENeT assumes that the manager can be configured with routing data 
   for the enterprise.  In particular, the manager must know what 
   middleboxes are along the path from the local endpoint to the NAT/FW 
   at the enterprise edge.  As the enterprise topology becomes more 
   complex, distributing managers throughout the network helps in 
   scaling the problem.  
   One difficult problem for any middlebox solution, that does not 
   restrict the data path, is the handling of multiple potential routes. 
   An underlying assumption is that the solution is able to predict the 
   data path.  If the network permits per-packet load sharing over two 
   different paths with different (logically separate) NATs, it may not 
   be possible for NATs in the two different paths to assign the same 
   bindings because of previous assignments.  Judicious choices in 
   network architecture design may be needed to alleviate problems like 
6. UNSAF Architectural Considerations 
   While the authors believe SAFENeT is not an UNSAF architecture as 
   described in RFC 3424 [UNSAF] and does not suffer the same 
   limitations, some discussion is warranted for completeness both on 
   how SAFENeT differs from the UNSAF architecture and on how SAFENeT 
   addresses the architectural considerations proscribed in Section 4 of 
   [UNSAF].  This discussion can also serve both to highlight the value 
   of SAFENeT in solving the NAT/FW traversal of VoIP traffic while 
   enabling a higher level of security in transactions requiring it and 
   to note the longer term use of NATs/FWs for corporate/enterprise 
6.1 Addressing UNSAF Architectural Considerations in General 
   The discussion of UNSAF considerations should start with a listing 
   of what problems we are solving by the use of NATs/FWs at the edge 
   of enterprise networks.  The rationale behind the solutions to those 
   problems are generally considered to be (a) relief from the 
   limitations of the IPv4 address space, (b) keeping the topology of 
   the enterprise network private from the outside world, (c) providing 
   an isolation of unwanted traffic from the outside, and (d) using 
   NAT/FW as the endpoint for secure tunnels in providing secure VPN 
   transport across the external domain.  
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   The UNSAF considerations are based on two premises.  One is that 
   UNSAF solutions are short term workarounds and “MUST be considered 
   transitional in IETF proposals, and a better architectural solution 
   is being sought” [UNSAF].  For enterprises with the need for strict 
   security, the authors note that while IPv6 solves reason (a), it 
   does not hold a solution to either (b), (c), or (d).  Therefore, the 
   SAFENeT proposal may be a longer term solution to the VoIP NAT/FW 
   traversal problem.  Nonetheless, as noted in the proposal 
   description above, this solution is simple enough that it can likely 
   be migrated into a more general, long term solution if/when one 
   becomes available.  
   Secondly, the [UNSAF] document prescribes certain considerations 
   that are addressed below.   
6.2 Addressing Specific UNSAF Architectural Considerations Per IAB 
   The IAB has mandated [UNSAF] that any protocols developed by which a 
   client attempts to determine its address in another realm on the 
   other side of a NAT through a collaborative protocol reflection 
   mechanism document a specific set of considerations.  
   From Section 4 of [UNSAF]: 
   “By distinguishing these approaches as short term fixes, the IAB  
   believes the following considerations must be explicitly addressed in  
   any proposal: 
   1.  Precise definition of a specific, limited-scope problem that is 
       to be solved with the UNSAF proposal.   A short term fix should 
       not be generalized to solve other problems.  Such generalizations 
       lead to the the (sic) prolonged dependence on and usage of the 
       supposed short term fix -- meaning that it is no longer accurate 
       to call it "short term".  
   2.  Description of an exit strategy/transition plan.  The better 
       short term fixes are the ones that will naturally see less and 
       less use as the appropriate technology is deployed.  
   3.  Discussion of specific issues that may render systems more 
       "brittle".  For example, approaches that involve using data at 
       multiple network layers create more dependencies, increase 
       debugging challenges, and make it harder to transition.  
   4.  Identify requirements for longer term, sound technical solutions; 
       contribute to the process of finding the right longer term 
   5.  Discussion of the impact of the noted practical issues with 
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       existing deployed NATs and experience reports.”  
   For consideration (1), SAFENeT covers the case of VoIP (and similar 
   applications) traversing NATs/FWs in an enterprise environment.  
   Additionally, it covers the further cases in which encryption is used 
   for data confidentiality and digital signatures used for data 
   For (2), as in other cases, the problem for some may be self-healing 
   (by use of IPv6) for some of its attributes but others may be long 
   term issues (isolation of data from the public network, isolation of 
   the enterprise topology from the public network) leaving SAFENeT as a 
   long term solution.  Even the long term SAFENeT solution can likely 
   be merged into more comprehensive solutions as will be determined in 
   the marketplace, e.g, as might be developed in NSIS.  
   For (3), neither discovery nor security is an issue as it is with 
   STUN because the call server is a defined part of the enterprise 
   network, i.e., inside the NAT/FW.  Every solution that works with 
   applications and addresses/ports uses data at multiple network 
   layers and thereby creates debugging issues – seems unavoidable for 
   this type of protocol.  
   On the long term issue (4) and referencing the considerations in the 
   Internet-Draft on STUN: 
    - the bindings for SAFENeT are explicit, 
    - although the control is not “in-band”, the enterprise topology is 
      known and the call server is provisioned only with appropriate    
      addresses as described in section 4.3, thereby relieving the      
    - limiting control is not an issue since the call server resides   
      within the private enterprise network, and 
    - SAFENeT is simple.  
   For (5), no assumptions have been made about NATs/FWs.  Assigning the 
   ports does not seem to be a problem.  Likewise for timeouts; SCP is 
   assumed to run over a protocol like TCP (e.g., TLS over TCP) that 
   provides reliable delivery; the endpoint will eventually disconnect 
   if the signaling cannot complete. 
6.3 IAB Consideration Summary 
   SAFENeT has less of an issue with the IAB considerations than other 
   schemes. Having the call server inside the NAT/FW allows the 
   enterprise to manage its own topology and, in fact, opens the door 
   to allowing to better security operation.  This architecture, as 
   contrasted with others requiring a box outside the FW and as 
   contrasted with the residential case assumed to have the call server 
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   outside the FW, alleviates the majority of the IAB considerations 
   for NAT traversal.  
7. Security Considerations 
   As in STUN, attack possibility discussions can be limited to denial 
   of service (DoS), masquerading, and eavesdropping attacks.  These 
   descriptions do not include attacks from within the enterprise from 
   trusted sources; untrusted ones are summarily fired.  
   Like all Internet applications, it is possible to flood the agent 
   with spoofed packet (e.g., SYN packets for TCP).  The underlying 
   transmission protocol provides authentication.  
   For a distributed DoS (DDoS) attack in which a remote UA with a 
   legitimate return address distributes that address to other evil UAs 
   all of whom call try to call in, the NAT/FW should reject all of 
   those extra calls because it will not have a mapping with the 
   outgoing call.  If there was no original outgoing call, the attack is 
   no different from any DDoS attack.  
   Attempts to trick the local/private UAs by providing them with fake 
   mapped addresses won’t work because only the call server can supply 
   addresses via its interaction with the NAT/FW in setting up call 
   bindings.  Other varieties of attacks using fake addresses are 
   thwarted similarly.  
   Eavesdropping attacks are carried out using a faked address to the 
   attacker who then passes the traffic on to the original recipient.  
   As above SAFENeT precludes a faked address because of the isolation 
   of the call server and its local/private connection with the NAT/FW 
   in setting up the bindings.  
   Other attacks rely on one primitive, namely injecting a response with 
   a faked address.  Not being able to do this in an SAFENeT environment 
   precludes virus and Trojan horse attacks.  Not running SAFENeT on 
   general-purpose computers and using best-practices to harden the 
   platforms is the best approach to attacks of these sorts.  
   Public-key authentication provides a mechanism to verify each host's 
   identity (including the DNS mapping between the host and it address). 
   Public-key authentication also prevent Man-in-the-Middle attacks 
   because each host authenticates the other using its respective 
   private key, which the potential MitM cannot know.  After exchanging 
   session keys between the authenticated hosts, the session keys are 
   used to encrypt each message and to include a data integrity check.  
   These two mechanisms provide confidentiality, integrity and 
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8. IANA Considerations 
   A standard port over which to run SCP is TBD.  
9. References 
9.1 Normative References 
9.2 Informative References 
   [MIDBOX]  RFC 3234, B. Carpenter and S. Brim, “Middleboxes: Taxonomy 
   and Issues”. 
   [RTP]  RFC 3550, H. Schulzrinne, S. Casner, R. Frederick, V. 
   Jacobson, “RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications”. 
   [X805]  ITU-T Rec. X.805, “Security architecture for systems 
   providing end-to-end communications”.  
   [NAT-TRAV]  J. Rosenberg, draft-iab-nat-traversal-considerations-00, 
   “Considerations for Selection of Techniques for NAT Traversal”. 
   [ICE]  J. Rosenberg, draft-ietf-mmusic-ice-04, “Interactive 
   Connectivity Establishment (ICE): A Methodology for Network Address 
   Translator (NAT) Traversal for Multimedia Session Establishment 
   [STUN]  RFC 3489, J. Rosenberg, J. Weinberger, C. Huitema, R. Mahy. 
   “Simple Traversal of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) Through Network 
   Address Translators (NATs)”. 
   [TURN]  J. Rosenberg, R. Mahy, and C. Huitema, draft-rosenberg-
   midcom-turn-07, “Traversal Using Relay NAT (TURN)”. 
   [expired]  J. Peterson and J.Rosenberg, draft-peterson-rosenberg-avt- 
   rtp-ssrc-demux-00, “A Multiplexing Mechanism for Real-Time Protocol 
   (RTP)”, July 2004. 
   [BLTJ]  P. Sijben, W. van Willigenburg, M. de Boer, and S. van der 
   Gaast, “Middleboxes: Controllable Media Firewalls,” Bell Labs 
   Technical Journal, vol. 7, pp.141-157, August 2002. 
   [H248}  ITU-T Rec. H.248, “Gateway control protocol”. 
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   [NSIS-FW]  R. Hancock, G. Karagiannis, J. Loughney, and S. van den 
   Bosch, draft-ietf-nsis-fw-07, “Next Steps in Signaling: Framework”. 
   [NSLP]  M. Stiemerling, H. Tschofenig, C. Aoun, draft-ietf-nsis-nslp-
   natfw-05, “NAT/Firewall NSIS Signaling Layer Protocol (NSLP)”, 
   (Status is ‘AD is watching’). 
   [SIP]  RFC 3261, J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne, G. Camarillo, A. 
   Johnston, J. Peterson, R. Sparks, M. Handley, E. Schooler, “SIP: 
   Session Initiation Protocol”. 
   [RFC3303]  RFC 3303, P. Srisuresh et al, “Middlebox Communication 
   Architecture and Framework”. 
   [TLS]  RFC 2246, T. Dierks, C. Allen, “The TLS Protocol Version 
   [usecase]  V. Hilt, draft-hilt-sipping-policy-usecases-00, “Use Cases 
   for Session-Specific Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) Session 
   [UNSAF]  RFC 3424, L. Daigle, Ed., “IAB Considerations for Unilateral 
   Self-Address Fixing (UNSAF), November 2002. 
Author's Addresses 
   David Stott                             Phone: +1 973 386 3898 
   Room 15A-149                            Email: 
   Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs          URI:    
   67 Whippany Road 
   Whippany, NJ  07981 
   Rick Townsend                           Phone: +1 732 949 8667 
   Room 4C-605A                            Email: 
   Lucent Technologies, Bell Labs          URI:    
   101 Crawfords Corner Road 
   Holmdel, NJ  07733 
   Comments are solicited and should be addressed to the working group's 
   mailing list at and/or to the 
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Full Copyright Statement 
   "Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). 
   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions 
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors 
   retain all their rights." 
   "This document and the information contained herein are provided on 
Status of This Document 
   "Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups. Note that other 
   groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. 
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months 
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
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   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 31, 2005. 

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