Internet DRAFT - draft-strassner-i2nfs-info-model


I2NSF                                                   John Strassner
Internet Draft                                              Liang Xia
Intended status: Standard Track                                Huawei

Expires: August 2015                                 February 10, 2015

         Interface to Network Security Functions Information Model

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   This document describes an information model that defines the
   salient managed entities and their relationships in an Interface to
   Network Security Function (I2NSF) architecture. The information
   model is independent of platform, language, and protocol, and serves
   as a common consensual lexicon for the I2NFS architecture as well as
   clients using this architecture. This enables multiple application-
   specific data models (which are dependent on platform, language,
   and/or protocol) to be built from this information model. The
   advantage of doing so is to ensure that such data models will be
   able to share and reuse consensually defined concepts, thereby
   increasing interoperability.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ................................................ 3
   2. Conventions used in this document ........................... 3
      2.1. Acronyms ............................................... 4
      2.2. Definitions ............................................ 4
         2.2.1. Information Model ................................. 4
         2.2.2. Data Model......................................... 5
         2.2.3. Inheritance ....................................... 5
         2.2.4. Relationship ...................................... 5
   Association .................................. 5
   Aggregation .................................. 5
   Composition .................................. 5
         2.2.5. Multiplicity ...................................... 6
      2.3. Symbology .............................................. 6
         2.3.1. Basic Symbols ..................................... 6
         2.3.2. Relationship Multiplicity ......................... 6
         2.3.3. Relationship Naming ............................... 7
         2.3.4. Relationship Navigability ......................... 7
         2.3.5. Relationships Implemented as Classes .............. 7
   3. Design of the I2NSF Information Model ....................... 8
      3.1. Overview ............................................... 8
      3.2. I2NSF Clients ......................................... 10
      3.3. Security Policy Layer ................................. 10
      3.4. Context-Aware Policy Engine ........................... 10
      3.5. Security Capability Layer ............................. 11
   4. I2NSF Information Model Hierarchy .......................... 11
   5. Usage Examples of the I2NSF Information Model .............. 11

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   6. Security Considerations .................................... 11
   7. IANA Considerations ........................................ 12
   8. References ................................................. 12
      8.1. Normative References .................................. 12
      8.2. Informative References ................................ 12
   9. Acknowledgments ............................................ 12

 1. Introduction

   Networks and networked applications are becoming increasingly
   diverse and complex. Concurrently, operators are struggling to
   deploy new services quickly, and require more powerful and robust
   network management services and applications. Both of these problems
   are exacerbated by the proliferation of vendor-specific devices and
   data models.

   While Yang offers an easier way to build data models, it lacks
   several software abstractions that facilitate representing high-
   level entities and relationships between such entities. UML
   Information Models are the de facto method for defining entities and
   relationships in a technologically-neutral manner. The use of an
   information model increases interoperability by defining a common
   lexicon of concepts, terms, entities, and relationships that all
   clients and applications can use. Data Models created in Yang, as
   well as in other technologies, can use the terms and concepts
   defined in the information model to ensure that concepts defined in
   different technologies can be identified and translated to each

   The I2NFS Information Model will define managed objects and
   mechanisms to address the operational, administrative, and
   management aspects of the managed objects.

 2. Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].

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  2.1. Acronyms

  AAA - Authentication, Authorization, Accounting

  ABAC - Attribute Based Access Control

  I2NSF - Interface to Network Security Functions

  Netconf - Network Configuration protocol

  NSF - Network Security Function

  OAM - Operational, Administrative, and Management

  PAP - Policy Administration Point

  PBAC - Policy Based Access Control

  PDP - Policy Decision Point

  PEP - Policy Enforcement Point

  PIP - Policy Information Point

  PR - Policy Repository

  PXP - Policy Execution Point

  RBAC - Role Based Access Control

  UML - Unified Modeling Language

  Yang - A data definition language for use with Netconf

  2.2. Definitions

   This section defines important terms that are used in this document.

  2.2.1. Information Model

   An information model is a representation of concepts of interest to
   an environment in a form that is independent of platform, language,
   and protocol.

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  2.2.2. Data Model

   A data model is a representation of concepts of interest to an
   environment in a form that is dependent on platform, language,
   and/or protocol (typically, but not necessarily, all three).

  2.2.3. Inheritance

   Inheritance makes an entity at a lower level of abstraction (e.g.,
   the subclass) a type of an entity at a higher level of abstraction
   (e.g., the superclass). A subclass does NOT change the
   characteristics or behavior of the superclass that it inherits from.
   However, a subclass MAY add new attributes and relationships that
   distinguish it from the attributes and relationships defined by its

  2.2.4. Relationship

   A relationship is a generic term that represents how a first set of
   entities interact with a second set of entities. A recursive
   relationship sets the first and second entity to the same entity.
   There are three basic types of relationships, as defined in the
   subsections below. Association

   An association represents a generic dependency between a first and a
   second set of entities. Aggregation

   An aggregation is a stronger type (i.e., more restricted
   semantically) of association, and represents a whole-part dependency
   between a first and a second set of entities. In other words, three
   objects are implied by an aggregation: the first entity, the second
   entity, and a new third entity that represents the combination of
   the first and second entities. The entity owning the aggregation is
   referred to as the "aggregate", and the entity that is aggregated is
   referred to as the "part". Composition

   A composition is a stronger type (i.e., more restricted semantically)
   of aggregation, and represents a whole-part dependency with two
   important behaviors. First, an instance of the part is included in
   at most one instance of the aggregate at a time. Second, any action
   performed on the composite entity (i.e., the aggregate) is

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   propagated to its constituent part objects. For example, if the
   composite entity is deleted, then all of its constituent part
   entities are also deleted. This is not true of aggregations or
   associations - in both, only the entity being deleted is actually
   removed, and the other entities are unaffected.

  2.2.5. Multiplicity

   A specification of the range of allowable cardinalities that a set
   of entities may assume. This is always a pair of ranges, such as 1 -
   1 or 0..n - 2..5.

  2.3. Symbology

   In order to unambiguously represent information in this document,
   ASCII art will be used. This art will use the following special

  2.3.1. Basic Symbols

   Indentation:  this will be used to indicate hierarchy levels

   Inheritance:  represented by --|> (e.g., subclass -I> superclass)

   Association:  represented by --A- (e.g., ClassA --A- ClassB)

   Aggregation:  represented by --Ag- (e.g., ClassA --Ag- ClassB)

   Composition:  represented by --C- (e.g., ClassA --C- ClassB)

  2.3.2. Relationship Multiplicity

   Relationships MUST have a specified multiplicity, and can be
   represented as follows:
        ---------                   ---------
       |         | 0..1       1..n |         |
       | Class A |---------------A-| Class B |
       |         |   BDependsOnA   |         |
        ---------                   ---------

            Figure 1.  Illustrating a Non-Directed Association.

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  2.3.3. Relationship Naming

   Relationships MUST be named. This is to facilitate their
   implementation as named managed objects. The name SHOULD be in
   InitCaps. In Figure 1, Class B depends on Class A (e.g., an event
   must happen to A before B can take action).
  2.3.4. Relationship Navigability

   Relationships MAY indicate a constraint on which set of entities can
   communicate with the other set of entities in a relationship. If
   there is no such constraint, then the symbology in Section 2.3.1,
   illustrated by Figure 1 in Section 2.3.2, is sufficient. Otherwise,
   an arrow, denoted by the right angle character (i.e., ">"), is used.
   Relationships with constraint and a specified multiplicity can be
   represented as follows:
       ---------                    ---------
      |         | 0..1       1..n  |         |
      | Class A |---------------A->| Class B |
      |         |   BDependsOnA    |         |
       ---------                    ---------

              Figure 2.  Illustrating a Directed Association.

   In this case, Entities of Class A can communicate with Class B; the
   reverse is not allowed.
  2.3.5. Relationships Implemented as Classes

   A relationship MAY be realized as a class. This is typically called
   an "association class", regardless of whether the association is an
   association, an aggregation, or a composition. This is illustrated as

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                      | Class C |
        ---------          |          ---------
       |         | 0..1    |   1..n  |         |
       | Class A |----------------A->| Class B |
       |         |   BDependsOnA     |         |
       ----------                     ---------

               Figure 3.  Illustrating an Association Class.

   In Figure 3, Class C is an association class, and represents the
   realization of the association named BDependsOnA. Conceptually, this
   means that the relationship between Classes A and B is complex, and
   requires a class to represent it. For example, class attributes MAY
   be used to define how Class B depends on Class A.

 3. Design of the I2NSF Information Model

   This section describes the I2NSF Information Model. It first
   provides an architectural overview of the main entities involved.
   Then, it defines an object-oriented information model for
   representing the entities and their relationships.

  3.1. Overview

   The operation of I2NSF may be conceptualized as shown in Figure 4.

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          -----------------                ------------
         |  I2NSF Clients  |              | Info Model |<--------+
          -----------------                ------------          |
                 / \                                             |
                  |                                              |
                  |  Intent-based Security Policy                |
                  |                                              |
                 \ /                                             |
       -------------------------             -------------       |
      |  Security Policy Layer  | <-------> | Data Models |<-----+
       -------------------------             -------------       |
                 / \                              / \            |
                  |                                |             |
                  |  Policy to Device Translation  |             |
                  |                                |             |
                 \ /                              \ /            |
     -----------------------------           ---------------     |
    | Context-Aware Policy Engine | <-----> |  Data Models  |<---+
     -----------------------------           ---------------     |
                 / \                              / \            |
                  |                                |             |
                  |  Device Capabilities           |             |
                  |                                |             |
                 \ /                              \ /            |
     -----------------------------           ---------------     |
    |  Security Capability Layer  | <-----> |  Data Models  |<---+
     -----------------------------           ---------------

               Figure 4.  Conceptual Operation of the I2NSF.

   An I2NSF client is a user, application, process, or similar entity
   that wants to invoke a physical or virtual Network Security Function
   for OAM purposes. This results from the I2NSF Security Policy Layer
   exposing a set of security capabilities of one or more network
   devices. The I2NSF client does not have to be aware of which set of
   security devices is present or is being used; all the I2NSF client
   needs to be cognizant of is which network security functions are
   required for a given flow.

   The Context-Aware Policy Engine uses information about the subject
   and target of the policy, the current context, the type of operation
   desired, and any other required information, and translates the
   (high-level) intent of the I2NSF client to the capabilities of the
   network security devices.

   The Intent-based Security Policy is a declarative specification of
   the security functions required by an I2NSF client. Since multiple

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   devices can have non-interoperable data models that describe their
   capabilities, I2NSF uses an information model to represent all
   concepts that are used by I2NSF clients, applications, and the
   system itself. This enables each of the three layers shown in Figure
   4 to (in principle) have their own data model to represent their
   functionality in an efficient manner. The information model serves
   as a lexicon that enables different entities in the I2NSF
   architecture to map the same or similar terms to different
   expressions from different data models.

   The following subsections define important architectural entities in
   each layer in more detail.

  3.2. I2NSF Clients

  3.3. Security Policy Layer

  3.4. Context-Aware Policy Engine

   The purpose of I2NSF is to ensure that only properly authorized and
   validated requests to perform operations on Resources and Services
   are allowed.

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      -----------   1   --------   7   -----
      | Requestor |---->|   PEP  |---->| PXP |
       -----------       --------       -----
                           |  / \
                         2 |   |  6
                           |   |
                          \ /  |
                         --------   3   --------------
                        |        |---->|              |
                        |  CADE  |<----|     PIP      |
                        |        |  5  |              |
                         --------       --------------
                                         / \  / \  / \
                                        4a|  4b|  4c|
                                          |    |    |
                                          |    |    |
                                         ---  ---  ---
                                        | S || E || R |
                                         ---  ---  ---

     Figure 5.  High-Level Overview of the I2NSF Access Control Engine.

  3.5. Security Capability Layer

 4. I2NSF Information Model Hierarchy


 5. Usage Examples of the I2NSF Information Model


 6. Security Considerations


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 7. IANA Considerations


 8. References

  8.1. Normative References

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

  8.2. Informative References

 9. Acknowledgments

   This document was prepared using

Authors' Addresses

   John Strassner
   Huawei Technologies
   2330 Central Expressway
   Santa Clara, CA  95138

   Liang Xia
   Huawei Technologies

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