Internet DRAFT - draft-strassner-t2trg-semantics-and-iot


Thing-to-Thing Research Group                              J. Strassner
Internet-Draft                                      Huawei Technologies
Intended Status: Informational                               J. Halpern
Expires: September 12, 2016                                    Ericsson
                                                                  Q. Wu
                                                    Huawei Technologies
                                                          March 8, 2016

                 Semantics and the Internet of Things


   This document examines how semantics help different deployments in
   an Internet of Things (IoT) environment interoperate. IoT data,
   device, and system interoperability requires semantics to ensure
   that the meaning of terms and objects in one device or system are
   not lost or altered when they are exchanged and used by other
   devices or systems.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress".

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 12, 2016.

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   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction and Motivation .................................  2
   2.  Why Information and Data Models Alone Are Not Enough ........  2
   3.  Why Ontologies Alone Are Not Enough .........................  3
   4.  A Proposed Architectural Solution ...........................  4
   5.  Future Issues ...............................................  6
   6.  Security Considerations .....................................  6
   7.  IANA Considerations .........................................  6
   8.  References ..................................................  6
   Authors' Addresses ..............................................  7

1.  Introduction and Motivation

   The Internet of Things (IoT) includes a wide range of devices with
   a diverse set of functionality. This ranges from "smart" devices [1]
   [2] to simple sensors and actuators that lack any ability to deviate
   from their pre-programmed functions.

   The IoT is currently being populated by diverse devices and systems
   that are operating as silos. A unified, open system that can support
   multiple applications cannot be built in a "bottom-up" fashion; this
   simply encourages more silos. Since different devices will have very
   different capabilities, standard networking assumptions (e.g., the
   ability to connect to the Internet anytime) are not applicable. The
   IoT operates more as a collection of consumers and providers of data
   than as a typical point-to-point communication system.

2.  Why Information and Data Models Alone Are Not Enough

   An information model (IM) [3] defines a common set of terminology
   and manageable objects. IMs can be used to define disparate data
   models (DMs), and maintain coherence between each realization of
   each common term in each DM. However, IMs and DMs by themselves
   CANNOT guarantee semantic interoperability.

   Semantics in IMs are largely defined by the **descriptive** text
   associated with the model, rather than by any **formal elements**
   contained in the model. This leads to several limitations. First and
   foremost, it is hard, even for human beings, to determine when two
   IMs are describing the same concept. This is due to several reasons,
   including expressing one concept as a set of model elements, having
   a large number of model elements to understand, and because of the
   inherent ambiguity of using descriptive, rather than formal,
   definitions of the model elements. Doing so in an automatic and
   scalable fashion to support dynamic creation of devices is **much**
   harder. Models define objects, facts, and values (i.e., data with
   no persistence) in an extensible manner. However, without formal
   semantics, reasoning (e.g., subsumption, as used in OWL [16]) is

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   To complete the picture, it should be noted that DMs without IMs are
   even more limiting. Trying for conceptual alignment and reasoning
   across different data modeling techniques is almost impossible,
   particularly due to the inability of many DMs to express the rich
   semantics required by IoT interoperability.

3.  Why Ontologies Alone Are Not Enough

   An ontology [4] [5] for a given domain defines a set of formulae
   that represent the characteristics and behavior of entities in that
   domain. Ontologies, unlike IMs, use **formal** languages (typically,
   either first-order logic or some type of description logic); this
   helps remove ambiguities that can creep into an IM or a DM. However,
   using ontologies as the sole source of information also has a number
   of problems.

   First, ontologies use an Open World Assumption (OWA), while IMs and
   DMs use a Closed World Assumption (CWA). An OWA means that the truth
   of a statement is independent of whether or not it is known to be
   true. In contrast, a CWA means that if a statement is true, then it
   is also known to be true. Significantly, this means that if something
   is not known to be true, then it is false. Put another way, OWA
   means that the lack of knowledge does NOT imply falsity. This is a
   key characteristic for enabling inferencing to create new knowledge
   from existing knowledge.

   Second, ontologies focus on the runtime exploitation of knowledge
   [14], while IMs and DMs are used for realization of knowledge. IMs
   and DMs provide answers in the form of facts. This is often much
   simpler than applying logic to reason about whether a particular
   attribute has a given value or not. Note that if models are
   augmented with metadata, then the metadata may be used to "wrap"
   objects together at runtime, making it possible to add behavior
   and/or attributes to models at runtime. See, for example, section
   5.7 of [15] for how this is used in an IETF IM.

   Third, ontologies become less suitable compared to IMs and DMs when
   the concepts to be represented do not have precise definitions.
   While work on using different forms of multiple-valued logic (e.g.,
   fuzzy logic, which is different than probability) have been applied
   to both IMs/DMs and ontologies, in all cases known to the authors,
   this requires manual coding of relationships and formulae, as well
   as manual definition of the type of logic used, and how it is
   extended to include fuzzy reasoning. Furthermore, no standard
   reasoners that allow the user to define their own type of fuzzy
   logic are available.

   Fourth, networks are inherently collections of heterogeneous
   entities. Their context and topology change, which causes their
   behavior to change. This is very difficult to model using
   ontologies, and typically leads to unsolvable complexity problems.

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   Finally, the vast majority of equipment data are defined using DMs,
   which are difficult to translate into ontologies. First, notions of
   methods, which frequently appear on classes in models, do not have
   a direct counterpart in ontologies. Classes in models emphasize the
   operational properties of the object; classes in ontologies reflect
   the structural properties of the object. We need to incorporate the
   formal reasoning power of ontologies **without breaking our current
   uses of DMs**.

4.  A Proposed Architectural Solution

   The FOCALE architecture, first defined in [6], combined the use of
   models and ontologies to build a scalable and extensible knowledge
   base. Information and data models were used to represent facts, and
   ontologies were used to represent the semantics required to reason
   about those facts. The combination of models and ontologies served
   to deal with the inherent cognitive dissonance that arises from
   heterogeneous data generated by different platforms, languages, and
   protocols. For example, models can be used to represent different
   telemetry data generated by IoT devices, and ontologies can be used
   to relate these data using one or more semantic relationships (e.g.,
   is-similar-to, is-identical-to, as well as more traditional
   linguistic relationships, such as synonyms, antonyms, and
   meronyms). The semantic processing engine can then use reasoning to
   determine and infer relationships between data, structures of data,
   and recognize new data (i.e., data that has not been defined).

   In FOCALE, we used the standard Data-Information-Knowledge-Wisdom
   (DIKW) [7] approach to discover and annotate data. We consider DIKW
   a continuum; as more information is collected, DIKW elements do not
   "disappear", but instead are augmented/enhanced, and can move up the
   continuum. This enables a number of breakthroughs [8], including:

     o  heterogeneous data can be recognized as being similar
     o  different commands using different languages can be normalized
     o  incorrect knowledge can be corrected, and new knowledge can be
        added to the knowledge base

   FOCALE is a variant of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) [9]. MDE uses
   an integrated view to more directly translate design intent into
   implementation through the use of software tooling. Key to such
   tooling are metadata, Domain-Specific Languages (DSLs), and MDE

   Metadata has been defined as data about data. In MDE, metadata is
   descriptive and/or prescriptive information about concepts that are
   not limited to data, but can apply to any managed object. This has
   been used in industries (though not necessarily networking related)
   for a long time. For example, the platform is a metadata-
   driven development model [10].

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   Metadata enables all deployment and non-functional behavior for
   different applications to be derived from the same model and
   automatically generate configuration and monitoring information.
   See sections 5.16 - 5.20 of [15] for how this is used in an IETF IM.

   APIs are a hot topic. However, an API is just a static definition,
   at a particular point in time, of some functionality. What happens
   if that functionality changes? The API breaks. What is the context
   in which the API is being used changes? The API may no longer be
   applicable. Relying on just APIs makes a software design fragile.
   Instead, if APIs and the data that they use are annotated with
   appropriate metadata, they can transform application-specific data
   into a common form used by other applications. Metadata, when used
   with models and ontologies, creates a self-describing framework that
   enables data to define contextually-aware application features and
   functionality. Such an architecture is needed for IoT, because IoT
   data does not conform to one "universal schema". In addition, IoT
   data needs metadata augmentation as a first step to define and
   understand the hidden semantics that are associated with IoT data.

   The underlying issues with IoT are not its volume and velocity, but
   rather how to extract **value** from collected and processed IoT
   data [17]. The solution proposed in [17] discovers, through machine-
   based reasoning, semantic information describing ingested data as
   well as the context in which the data is produced and received, and
   then annotates the data using a number of mechanisms, such as [18].

   Domain Specific Languages (DSLs) provide a robust way to implement
   specific configuration and monitoring processes by being formed
   from models and ontologies that contain metadata [11]. Briefly, the
   combination of a model and an ontology can be used to represent the
   syntax and semantics of a grammar (for the DSL). This approach
   provides an extensible vocabulary, and associated lexicon, for the
   grammar. When used in an MDE environment, the grammar may be
   dynamically refined and adjusted to address the needs of the users
   of the DSL.

   [11] uses this approach, along with the concept of the Policy
   Continuum [19], to define a set of DSLs for different constituencies
   of users. The Policy Continuum posits that different actors, ranging
   from business users and product managers, to application developers,
   to network, compute, and storage administrators, all use policy
   rules; however, the policy used by each of these actors is different
   in terms of structure, content, and representation. Writing multiple
   different languages, with the intent of having them interoperate, is
   very difficult. In contrast, this approach defines a single
   conceptual grammar, and then takes pieces of the grammar to build
   "mini-languages" (i.e., DSLs), each focused on the needs of a
   specific set of actors. Significantly, this means that changes in
   the data model can be transformed to a common representation in the
   information model, which can then be translated into changes in one
   or more DSLs. Optionally, APIs can also be defined.

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5.  Future Issues

   There are a number of future issues that need to be worked. These
   include, but are not limited to:

     o  how to harness the enormous repository of Linked Open Data [12]
        on the web, and to extract useful data for IoT applications, or
        whether Linked Open Data is "merely more data" [13]
     o  how to standardize IM to DM mappings/transformations
     o  how to standardize adding and managing metadata with IoT data
     o  how to develop new architectural patterns for IoT data
        processing that lend themselves to Big Data and Analytics
     o  how different policy paradigms (e.g., imperative and intent-
        based, or declarative) can be supported

6.  Security Considerations


7.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no actions for IANA.

8.  References

8.1.  Informative References

   [1]   G. Kortuem, F. Kawsar, V. Sundramoorthy, D. Fitton, "Smart
         objects as building blocks for the internet of things",
         IEEE Internet Comput. 14 (2010), pp 44-51
   [2]   Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014-2015, ICT 30 - 2015:
         "Internet of Things and Platforms for Connected Smart Objects"
         amended April 17, 2015

   [3]   A. Pras, J. Schoenwaelder, "On the Difference between
         Information Models and Data Models", RFC 3444, January 2003
   [4]   N. F. Noy, D. L. McGuinness, "Ontology Development 101: A
         Guide to Creating Your First Ontology", Stanford Knowledge
         Systems Laboratory Technical Report KSL-01-05, March 2001.
   [5]   S. Staab, R. Studer, "Handbook on Ontologies", Springer, 2nd
         edition, 2009, ISBN:  978-3540709992
   [6]   J. Strassner, N. Agoulmine, E. Lehtihet, "FOCALE - A Novel
         Autonomic Networking Architecture", International Transactions
         on Systems, Science, and Applications Journal, vol 3, No 1,
         pp 64-79, 2007
   [7]   J. Rowley, "The wisdom hierarchy: representations of the DIKW
         hierarchy", Journal of Information Science 33, pp 163-180, 2007

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   [8]   J. Strassner, S. van der Meer, D. O'Sullivan, S. Dobson, "The
         Use of Context-Aware Policies and Ontologies to Facilitate
         Business-Aware Network Management", Journal of Network and
         System Management 17, pp 255-284, 2009
   [9]   D. C. Schmidt, "Model-Driven Engineering", IEEE Computer 2006
   [11]  J. Strassner, "Model-driven DSLs", work in progress
   [12]  B. Haslhofer, "Linked Data Tutorial", 2009
   [13]  P. Jain, P. Hitler, P.Z. Yeh, K. Verma, A.P. Sheth, "Linked
         Data is Merely More Data", Proc. WWW 2009 Workhop on Linked
         Data on the Web, 2009
   [14]  W3C, "Ontology Driven Architectures and Potential Uses of the
         Semantic Web in Systems and Software Engineering", 2006
   [15]  J. Strassner, J. Halpern, J. Coleman, "Generic Policy
         Information Model for Simplified Use of Policy Abstractions
         (SUPA)", draft-strassner-supa-generic-policy-info-model-04,
         Feb 12, 2016
   [16]  W3C, "OWL 2 Web Ontology Language Document Overview (Second
         Edition)", W3C Recommendation, 11 Dec 2012
   [17]  J. Strassner, "Engineering Value from Big Data", presentation
         at the First International Workshop for Big Data Standards,
         March 7, 2016
   [18]  W3c, "RDFa 1.1 Primer - Third Edition", W3C Working Group
         Note, March 17, 2015,
   [19]  S. Davy, B. Jennings, J. Strassner, "The Policy Continuum - A
         Formal Model", Proc. of the 2nd Intl. IEEE Workshop on
         Modeling Autonomic Communication Environments (MACE), Multicon
         Lecture Notes, No. 6, Multicon, Berlin, 2007, pages 65-78

Authors' Addresses

   John Strassner
   Huawei Technologies
   2230 Central Expressway
   San Jose, CA  USA

   Joel Halpern
   P. O. Box 6049
   Leesburg, VA 20178

   Qin Wu
   Huawei Technologies
   101 Software Avenue, Yuhua District
   Nanjing, Jiangsu  210012   China

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