Internet DRAFT - draft-sudha-teas-rsvp-preemption-avoidance


Network Working Group                      Sudharsana Venkataraman (Ed) 
Internet Draft                                         Juniper Networks 
Intended status: Informational 
Expires: January 6, 2016                                   July 6, 2015 
          Avoiding Repeated Preemption of Low-Priority TE LSPs - 

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Internet-Draft           Avoiding Preemption                  July 2015 

   Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without 
   warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License. 

   When a high priority LSP is being setup, if there is reservation 
   contention on a link along the path to the destination, any low 
   priority LSP taking the link could get preempted and eventually 

   Low priority LSPs could suffer preemption repeatedly when they are 
   placed in succession on heavily used links that have very less 
   remaining bandwidth. This document describes a solution to avoid 
   repeated preemption of low priority LSPs in the network. 

Conventions used in this document 

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119]. 

Table of Contents 

   1. Introduction...................................................3 
      1.1. Scenarios that can cause repeated preemption of low priority 
   2. Recommendations................................................5 
      2.1. Transit based approach....................................5 
      2.2. Sample procedure at transit...............................5 
         2.2.1. Inputs to the procedure:.............................5 
         2.2.2. Periodic sub-procedure...............................6 
         2.2.3. Advantages:..........................................7 
      2.3. Ingress based approach:...................................7 
      2.4. Sample procedure at ingress...............................7 
         2.4.1. Inputs to the procedure:.............................7 
         2.4.2. Procedure at ingress.................................8 
         2.4.3. Disadvantages over transit based approach............9 
         2.4.4. Advantages:..........................................9 
   3. Use cases and applicability of approaches......................9 
      3.1. Pertaining to a particular link...........................9 
      3.2. Setting up general LSP behavior in the network...........10 
   4. Security Considerations.......................................11 
   5. IANA Considerations...........................................11 
   6. Normative References..........................................11 
   7. Acknowledgments...............................................11 
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   8. Authors' Addresses............................................11 

1. Introduction 

   When an LSP does not have configured hops as constraints, it 
   typically gets setup along the shortest path to the destination as 
   long as the required bandwidth is available. Links along the 
   shortest path are therefore mostly saturated with very less 
   remaining bandwidth to reserve. Low priority LSPs along such paths 
   are very likely to suffer preemption when a higher priority LSP 
   needs to be setup (Hard preemption of TE LSPs is described in 
   [RFC3209] and soft-preemption is described in [RFC5712]). When a low 
   priority LSP reroutes it does not try to avoid links with less 
   remaining bandwidth. It may therefore again be setup on another 
   heavily used path, as the goal is have optimal metric, with a high 
   chance of getting preempted again.  

   So a low priority LSP may suffer preemption multiple times before it 
   settles on a longer and less utilized path, finally owing to 
   bandwidth unavailability on shorter and congested paths, causing lot 
   of control plane churn in the network during the course. 

                    +-----------+            +----------+ 
                    |           |        |\  |          | 
                    | Router A  |--------+ \ | Router B | 
          +---------|           |--------+ / |          |--------+ 
          |         |           |        |/  |          |        | 
          |         +-----------+            +----------+        | 
     +---------+                                            +---------+ 
     |         |                                            |         | 
     | Ingress |                                            | Egress  | 
     |         |                                            |         | 
     +---------+                                            +---------+ 
          |         +-----------+            +----------+        | 
          |         |           |        |\  |          |        | 
          +---------|  Router C |--------+ \ | Router D |--------+ 
                    |           |--------+ / |          | 
                    |           |        |/  |          | 
                    +-----------+            +----------+ 

   Let's say the paths between Router A and B contributes to lesser cost 
   when establishing LSPs from Ingress to Egress, compared to the paths 
   between Router C and D. As a result the links lying along the paths 

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   from A to B are saturated, with very less remaining bandwidth, as 
   usage increases.  

   Majority of the LSPs set up along the paths from Router A to B are 
   high priority LSPs. As there is bandwidth shortage along these 
   paths, low priority LSPs typically get moved out to the longer paths 
   which are along Router C to D. This happens only when the low 
   priority LSPs cannot be accommodated along any of the paths from 
   Router A to B 

   As long as the low priority LSPs are able to reserve bandwidth along 
   any of the paths from Router A to B they are placed in one of the 
   paths in that bundle from A to B, only to be preempted and moved to 
   another path within the bundle when a new higher priority LSP is 

   The repeated preemption and rerouting can be avoided if the low 
   priority LSP can be setup along C to D, when the path along A to B 
   gets heavily used. 

   The objective is to avoid hot-links (ones with low remaining 
   bandwidth) when placing low priority LSPs, so that there is less 
   probability of them getting preempted repeatedly. 

1.1. Scenarios that can cause repeated preemption of low priority LSPs 

    When a member link is removed from an aggregate bundle, it is 
    expected to create some congestion on the aggregate link. This 
    could increase the probability of preemption for any low priority 
    LSPs taking the aggregate link 
    When a member link is added to an aggregate bundle that is 
    currently congested or when a new link or router is added to a 
    network that is running hot, it could result in immediate spike in 
    the available bandwidth, attracting LSPs waiting to be setup, which 
    could include the low priority LSPs. But such a setup may be short 
    lived. Considering the congestion on the link, they could 
    subsequently get preempted. 
    When a particular link or router is to be taken down for 
    maintenance, it generally reroutes the traffic along other paths 
    causing congestion along those paths owing to the extra load from 
    the path under maintenance. This increases chances of preemption 
    for any low priority LSPs taking the alternate path. 
    It should be noted that in the scenarios specified above in which 
    the probability of repeated preemption of low priority LSP is high, 
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    the use of resource affinities like link color may not be suitable 
    because the operator may want the low priority LSPs to use the 
    shortest path when the links along the shortest path are not 
    heavily utilized. 

2. Recommendations 

   The idea is to avoid placing low priority LSPs on hot links, rather 
   than moving them away (by pre-empting them) when a higher priority 
   LSP needs to be setup. Hot links are the ones that are running 
   almost saturated with little unreserved bandwidth. The shortest 
   path(s) to the destination tend(s) to get hot under scale and heavy 
   usage.  The following outlines two possible options to accomplish 

2.1. Transit based approach 

   A transit router should monitor the remaining bandwidth on all 
   attached links. When it falls below a threshold for a link, it 
   RECOMMENDED that the bandwidth subscription percentage, for low 
   priorities, on that link SHOULD be set to a value (i.e. reduced) 
   such that it prevents further placement of low priority LSPs on that 

   This subscription percentage change on the link for low priorities 
   can be reversed when the remaining bandwidth at priority 0 increases 
   by a reasonable amount. 


2.2. Sample procedure at transit 

   Here is a sample procedure to set per priority bandwidth 
   subscription on hot links. It is RECOMMENDED that the transit router 
   execute the following procedure on each of its attached links.  

2.2.1. Inputs to the procedure: 

  a) Rem_bw_threshold%: 

   When remaining (unreserved) bandwidth at highest priority, on the 
   link, falls below this percentage action is to be taken. 

  b) Input_priority: 

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   For priorities inferior to this, action is to be taken. 

  c) Subscription_percent%:  

   Subscription percentage to be used for setting per priority 
   subscription which is the action. 

  d) Igp_update_threshold%: 

   Percentage by which bandwidth utilization on a link should change to 
   qualify for an IGP TE update to be sent out of the box. 

2.2.2. Periodic sub-procedure 

  a) Find the remaining available bandwidth on the link at priority 0 
     and see if it is below rem-bw threshold%. Note that the available 
     bandwidth should the actual value that is known on the router and 
     may be different from the value advertised in IGP TE. 
  b) If the remaining bandwidth (at priority 0) is below  
     rem-bw-threshold% of the total link capacity, the link qualifies 
     for action. 
  c) Action: Set the subscription on the link, for priorities in the 
     range between input_priority and 7, to value given by 
  d) If the remaining bandwidth percentage (at priority 0) is above 
     rem-bw-threshold% of the total link capacity by at least 
     igp_update_threshold% of the links capacity, and the subscription 
     is not 100% for lower priorities on that link, it should be set to 
     100% (or a configured maximum subscription value). 

  Setting per priority bandwidth subscription will result in TE updates 
  being advertised by IGP for the link. 

  It is RECOMMENDED that the value of the subscription percentage 
  SHOULD NOT cause immediate preemption of any of the low priority LSPs 
  already taking the link.  The link that gets selected for 
  subscription action, has at least (100 - rem_bw_threshold) % of its 
  capacity reserved. The subscription percentage that is set should be 
  more than current real reservation percentage which is (100 - 
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  rem_bw_threshold) % so that none of the low priority LSPs that have 
  already reserved bandwidth on the link suffer preemption owing to 

2.2.3. Advantages: 

  a) This approach doesn't rely on IGP TE update, to identify when a 
     link qualifies to be hot or ceases to be one. So this procedure is 
     able to work even when the change in bandwidth usage leading to 
     toggling of links hotness state, is less than igp_update-
  b) When per bandwidth subscription is set, IGP TE update is 
     triggered, and this enables all nodes to avoid placing low 
     priority LSPs on the given link. 

2.3. Ingress based approach: 

   The ingress should monitor all the links in its TE database. When 
   the remaining bandwidth at priority 0, for any link falls below a 
   given threshold, it is RECOMMENDED that Ingress SHOULD instrument 
   its view of TE database to reflect a lesser available bandwidth for 
   lower priorities on that link than actually is available. 

   This instrumented view can be reversed for a link when the remaining 
   bandwidth at priority 0 increases by a reasonable amount. 

2.4. Sample procedure at ingress 

   Here is a sample procedure local to ingress to create an 
   instrumented view of TE database that helps avoid saturated links 
   when computing path for low priority LSPs. 

2.4.1. Inputs to the procedure: 

  a) Rem_bw_threshold%: 
     When remaining (unreserved) bandwidth at highest priority, on the 
     link, falls below this percentage action is to be taken. 
  b) Input_priority: 
     For priorities inferior to this, action is to be taken. 

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  c) Subscription_percent%:  
     Subscription percentage to be used for arriving at the available 
     bandwidth at low priorities for the link. 
  d) Igp_update_threshold%: 
     Percentage by which bandwidth utilization on a link should change 
     to qualify for an IGP TE update to be sent out of the box. 

2.4.2. Procedure at ingress 

   For each link in TE database, the following procedure is executed. 

  a) Find the remaining available bandwidth on the link at priority 0, 
     from the data available in TE database and see if it is below rem-
     bw threshold% 
  b) If the remaining bandwidth (at priority 0) is below rem-bw-
     threshold% of the total link capacity, the link qualifies for 
  c) Action: Set the available bandwidth on the link in TE database, 
     for priorities in the range between input_priority and 7, to a 
     value derived by application of subscription_percent, on the total 
     link capacity, taking into account the existing reservations at 
     that priority, as can be obtained from the TE database. 
  d) If the remaining bandwidth percentage (at priority 0) is above 
     rem-bw-threshold% of the total link capacity by at least 
     igp_update_threshold% of the links capacity, the instrumented view 
     is reversed and the actual values received from IGP TE updates can 
     be used. 

  Just as the case in transit based approach, it is RECOMMENDED that 
  the value of the subscription percentage SHOULD NOT cause immediate 
  preemption of any of the low priority LSPs already taking the link.   

   Every time a TE update for the link is received, if it ceases to be 
   hot or becomes one owing to the update, link capacity for low 
   priorities can be modified based on subscription-configuration. 

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2.4.3. Disadvantages over transit based approach 

   The local instrumented view does not get sent in TE updates. Hence 
   other Ingress routers not following the procedure will still use the 
   congested link for low priority LSPs. 

   When a link qualifies as hot owing to placement of an LSP whose 
   reservation did not cross igp_update_threshold, none of the 
   computing nodes other than the ingress that initiated the concerned 
   LSP, get to know about the hotness of the link, even if we assume 
   all of them follow the same procedure. 

   This problem can be mitigated by having all routers use an adaptive 
   igp_update_threshold rather than using a static one. This requires 
   all the routers to send more frequent updates when link utilization 
   gets closer to a threshold. 

2.4.4. Advantages: 

   This being an ingress based solution, transit routers do not have to 
   be configured or upgraded. 

   If owing to the local instrumented view obtained by applying 
   subscription, a certain low priority LSP is not coming up after 
   multiple retries, then the ingress can choose to relax the 
   subscription and try to bring up the low priority LSP. Such a 
   situation cannot be detected and fixed in the transit based 

3. Use cases and applicability of approaches 

   The following sections discuss the applicability of transit and 
   ingress based approaches in various situations. 

3.1. Pertaining to a particular link 

   When a member link is removed from an aggregate bundle, it is 
   expected to create some congestion on the aggregate link. Before 
   removing the member link, the subscription percentage may be set for 
   low priorities such that the remaining bandwidth is utilized by 
   higher priority LSPs. 

   When a member link is added to an aggregate bundle that is currently 
   congested or when a new link or router is added to a network that is 
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   running hot, it could result in immediate spike in the available 
   bandwidth, attracting LSPs waiting to be setup, which could include 
   the low priority LSPs. Setting the subscription for low priorities 
   accordingly, before adding the member link, could avoid the 
   situation of low priority LSPs getting placed on the new member link 
   given that the aggregate link is on a congested path. 

   It should be noted that these use cases do not require any 
   monitoring of links and the link(s) requiring action is known in 
   advance. The transit router based approach is better suited for 
   these cases. That is, in the above situations the subscription 
   percentage for lower priorities may be decreased on the link without 
   checking for the conditions described in Section 3.2, and the 
   procedure in Section 3.2 may be executed fully after a user-
   configured time period. 

3.2. Setting up general LSP behavior in the network 

   In a network, an admission control behavior that differentiates 
   between the LSPs based on their priority, overriding actual 
   bandwidth availability at the priority, can be setup in two ways. 

   One approach is to start with a behavior where there is no 
   differentiation based on priorities. Then the low priority LSPs are 
   denied portion of the total capacity when links become hot as is 
   discussed in earlier sections of this document. This approach 
   assumes steady state and no congestion in the network as a whole to 
   start with. 

   Another could be to deny bandwidth for low priority LSPs on any link 
   that comes up. Then gradually with the passage of time, the 
   available bandwidth for low priority LSPs can be increased if the 
   utilization does not spike. With every preemption the gradual 
   increase in available bandwidth for low priorities can be backed off 
   exponentially. This approach assumes congestion and that the entire 
   network is running hot, when any link is brought up.  

   Other situations where the affected link is not precisely known in 
   advance is the maintenance use case. When a particular link or 
   router is to be taken down for maintenance, it generally reroutes 
   the traffic along other paths causing congestion along those paths 
   owing to the extra load from the path under maintenance. The 
   subscription on the links of the alternate paths can be set to limit 
   the low priority LSPs on those paths. 

   For setting up general network behaviors and for handling situations 
   where affected link is not known in advance, the ingress based 
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   approach is better suited. The ingress could just monitor all 
   network links or a subset of them identified by policy. 

   The transit based approach coupled with a management script also can 
   be used though. 

4. Security Considerations 

   The recommendations do not present any new security concerns. 

5. IANA Considerations 

   This document makes no request of IANA. 

6. Normative References 

   [RFC2119]   Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate 
               Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. 
   [RFC3209]    Awduche, D., "RSVP-TE: Extensions to RSVP for LSP  
               Tunnels", RFC 3209, December 2001. 
   [RFC5712]    Meyer, M., Ed. and JP. Vasseur, Ed., "MPLS Traffic              
               Engineering Soft Preemption", RFC 5712, January 2010. 

7. Acknowledgments 
   We are grateful to Yakov Rekhter for his contributions to the 
   development of the idea and thorough review of content of the draft. 
   Thanks to Vishnu Pavan Beeram and Harish Sitaraman for their 
   comments and inputs. 
8. Authors' Addresses 

   Sudharsana Venkataraman 
   Juniper Networks 
   Chandra Ramachandran 
   Juniper Networks 
   Raveendra Torvi 
   Juniper Networks 
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