Internet DRAFT - draft-sullivan-domain-origin-assert


Network Working Group                                        A. Sullivan
Internet-Draft                                                 Dyn, Inc.
Intended status: Informational                          October 22, 2012
Expires: April 25, 2013

        Asserting DNS Administrative Boundaries Within DNS Zones


   Some clients on the Internet make inferences about the administrative
   relationships among servers on the Internet based on the domain names
   of those servers.  Perhaps unfortunately, it is not currently
   possible to detect the real administrative boundaries in the DNS, and
   therefore such inferences can go wrong in several ways.  Mitigation
   strategies deployed so far will not scale.  The solution to this is
   to provide a way to make an explicit assertion about the
   relationships between different domain names and perhaps the services
   provided at them.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on April 25, 2013.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect

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   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
   2.  Background, terminology, and organization of this memo . . . .  5
   3.  Overview of mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     3.1.  Identifying names as the scope for policy authority  . . .  6
     3.2.  Identifying names, schemes, and ports as the scope for
           policy authority . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
   4.  The SOPA Resource Record . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
     4.1.  Thr SOPA Resource Record only for names  . . . . . . . . .  7
     4.2.  Thr SOPA Resource Record with ports and schemes  . . . . .  8
   5.  Use of the SOPA RRTYPE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     5.1.  Special target labels  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       5.1.1.  The root target  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
       5.1.2.  Wildcards in targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
     5.2.  What can be done with an SOPA RR . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   6.  An example case  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     6.1.  Examples of using the SOPA record for determining
           boundaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
       6.1.1.  One delegation, eight administrative realms, no
               root target  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
       6.1.2.  One delegation, eight administrative realms, root
               targets  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
       6.1.3.  Two delegations, seven or eight policy realms,
               root targets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
   7.  Limitations of the approach and other considerations . . . . . 15
     7.1.  Handling truncation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   8.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   9.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   10. Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
   11. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     11.1. Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     11.2. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
   Appendix A.  Discussion Venue  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   Appendix B.  Change History  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   Author's Address . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

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1.  Motivation

   Many network resources are accessed primarily by name.  DNS names
   make up the bulk of those names.  As a result, DNS names have become
   fundamental elements in building security policies and user agent
   behaviour.  For example, domain names are used in attempts to
   determine the scope for data sharing of HTTP state management cookies
   [RFC6265] .  The idea is to foil the attempts of attackers in (for
   example) from setting cookies for everyone in

   Another example policy is a user interface convention that purports
   to display the "real" domain name differently from other parts of the
   fully-qualified domain name, in an effort to decrease the success of
   phishing attacks.  In this strategy, for instance, a domain name like
   "" is formatted to highlight
   that the name is inside "attackersite.tld", in the hope of thereby
   reducing the user's impression of visiting "".

   Issuers of X.509 certificates make judgements about administrative
   boundaries around domains when issuing the certificates.  For some
   discussion of the relationship between DNS names and X.509
   certificates, see [RFC6125].

   One way to build a reasonable policy is to treat each different
   domain name distinctly.  Under this approach,,, and are all just different domains.
   Such an approach can be awkward, however, when (as is often the case)
   the real administrative boundary is a shared one (in this example,  Therefore, clients have attempted to make more
   sophisticated policies.

   Historically, policies were sometimes based on the DNS tree.  Early
   policies made a firm distinction between top-level domains and
   everything else; but this was too naive, and later attempts were
   based on inferences from the DNS names themselves.  That did not work
   well, because there is no way in the DNS to discover the boundaries
   of administrative control around domain names.

   Some have attempted to use the boundary of zone cuts (i.e. the
   location of the zone's apex, which is at the SOA record; see
   [RFC1034] and [RFC1035]).  Unfortunately, that boundary is neither
   necessary nor sufficient for these purposes: it is possible for a
   large site to have many, administratively distinct subdomain-named
   sites without inserting an SOA record, and it is also possible that
   an administrative entity (like a company) might divide its domain up
   into different zones for administrative reasons unrelated to the
   purposes of sites named in that domain.  It was also, prior to the

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   advent of DNSSEC, difficult to find zone cuts.  Regardless, the
   location of a zone cut is an administrative matter to do with the
   operation of the DNS itself, and not useful for determining
   relationships among services offered at names in the DNS.

   What appears to be needed is a mechanism to determine administrative
   boundaries in the DNS.  That is, given services at two domain names,
   one needs to be able to answer whether the first and the second are
   under the same administrative control and same administrative
   policies.  We may call this state of affairs "lying within the same
   policy realm".  We may suppose that, if this information were to be
   available, it would be possible to make useful decisions based on the

   A particularly important distinction for security purposes is the one
   between names that are mostly used to contain other domains, as
   compared to those that are mostly used to operate services.  The
   former are often "delegation-centric" domains, delegating parts of
   their name space to others, and are frequently called "public suffix"
   domains or "effective TLDs".  The term "public suffix" comes from a
   site,, that publishes a list of domains (henceforth,
   the "public suffix list") that are used to contain other domains.
   Not all, but most, delegation-centric domains are public suffix
   domains; and not all public suffix domains need to do DNS delegation,
   although most of them do.  The reason for the public suffix list is
   to make the distinction between names that must never be treated as
   being in the same policy realm as another, and those that might be so
   treated.  For instance, if "com" is on the public suffix list, that
   means that "" lies in a policy realm distinct from that of

   Unfortunately, the public suffix list has several inherent
   limitations.  To begin with, it is a list that is separately
   maintained from the list of DNS delegations.  As a result, the data
   in the public suffix list can diverge from the actual use of the DNS.
   Second, because its semantics are not the same as those of the DNS,
   it does not capture unusual features of the DNS that are a
   consequence of its structure (see [RFC1034] for background on that
   structure).  Third, as the size of the root zone grows, keeping the
   list both accurate and synchronized with the expanding services will
   become difficult and unreliable.  Perhaps most importantly, it puts
   the power of assertion about the operational policies of a domain
   outside the control of the operators of that domain, and in the
   control of a third party possibly unrelated to those operators.

   There have been suggestions for improvements of the public suffix
   list, most notably in [I-D.pettersen-subtld-structure].  It is
   unclear the extent to which those improvements would help, because

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   they represent improvements on the fundamental mechanism of keeping
   metadata about the DNS tree apart from the DNS tree itself.

2.  Background, terminology, and organization of this memo

   The reader is assumed to be familiar with the DNS ([RFC1034]
   [RFC1035]) and DNSSEC ([RFC4033] [RFC4034] [RFC4035] [RFC5155]).

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

   Section 3 describes the mechanism in general terms, outlining two
   different possible approaches and outlining the compromises in each
   case.  Definitions of the new RRTYPE is in Section 4, with two
   different definitions to allow for the two different approaches.
   There is some general discussion of the use of the RRTYPE is in
   Section 5.  Then, Section 6 offers an example portion of a DNS tree
   that can be used to understand the ways in which the mechanism can be
   used to draw inferences about administrative relationships.
   Section 7 notes some limitations of the mechanism.  Section 8
   outlines how the mechanism might be used securely.

3.  Overview of mechanism

   This memo presents a way to assert a common administrative realm by
   placing a resource record (RR) at DNS names within the policy realm.
   The mechanism requires a new resource record type (RRTYPE) to enable
   these assertions, called SOPA (for Start Of Policy Authority, echoing
   the Start Of Authority or SOA record).  While there are reported
   difficulties in deploying new RRTYPEs, the only RRTYPE that could be
   used to express all the necessary variables is the TXT record, and it
   is unsuitable because it can also be used for other purposes.  The
   use of this mechanism does not require "underscore labels" to scope
   the interpretation of the RR, in order to make it possible to use the
   mechanism where the underscore label convention is already in use.
   The SOPA RRTYPE is class-independent.

   While many policies of the sort discussed in Section 1 appear to be
   based on domain names, they are actually only partly based on them.
   Usually, there are implicit rules that come from the destination port
   [RFC6335] or scheme [RFC4395] (or both) in use.

   It is possible to make those assumptions explicit, but at the cost of
   expressing in the resulting record a tighter relationship between the
   DNS and the services offered at DNS names.  There are arguments to be

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   made for each approach.  Section 3.1 and Section 3.2 explore the two
   different approaches; this memo does not make a decision about which
   strategy to adopt.  If there are future developments of this memo,
   one strategy will be selected.

   It is worth observing that a policy realm relationship ought to be
   symmetric: if is in the same policy realm as,
   then should be (it would seem) in the same policy realm
   as  In principle, then, if a SOPA RR at
   provides a target at, there should be a complementary
   SOPA RR at with a target of  Because of the
   distributed nature of the DNS, and because the other administrative
   divisions need not follow the policy realms, the only way to know
   whether two names are in the same policy realm is to query at each
   name, and to correlate the responses.

3.1.  Identifying names as the scope for policy authority

   The first approach provides, as the RDATA of a SOPA RR, a target name
   that lies in the same policy realm as the owner name in the RR.  For
   convenience, in what follows this is sometimes called this the
   "names-only" strategy.  Such an approach is an assertion on the part
   of the authoritative DNS server for the owner name in question that
   there is a policy relationship between that owner name and the target
   name.  If a single name lies in the same policy realm as several
   other target names, an additional RR is necessary for each such
   relationship, with one exception.  It is not uncommon for two
   different names to have policy relationships among all the children
   beneath them.  Using the SOPA RR, it is possible to specify that the
   target is all the names beneath a name, using a wildcard target.

   This approach follows the traditional way that relationships are
   expressed in the DNS, which is historically mostly between different
   names.  Aliases, for instance, redirect names or trees, and not names
   or trees for specific RRTYPEs.  It has the disadvantage, however,
   that it may not provide enough information about the relationship
   between two names to make all the inferences one might need about the
   relationship.  For instance, the relationship between two hosts might
   depend on the protocol, port, and scheme in use: two domains might
   share policy for the purposes of connections on port 80, but for no
   other connections. [[anchor2: Could this be capured by using SRV or
   NAPTR records on both sides of the policy relationship?  Too slow?]]

3.2.  Identifying names, schemes, and ports as the scope for policy

   The second approach provides, as the RDATA of a SOPA RR, a target

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   name that lies in the same policy realm as the owner name in the RR,
   but can identify the relationship as pertaining only to certain ports
   and schemes.  In what follows, for convenience this is sometimes
   called the "port-and-scheme" stragegy.  It provides a way to cover
   ranges of ports with a single resource record, and to cover all
   schemes and ports with a single resource record.  It does not,
   however, permit arbitrary combinations of destination point and
   schemes without using more than one RR.

   This approach offers a mechanism to express relationships between
   services at a domain name instead of merely between names.  As a
   disadvantage, however, it seems to step outside the usual scope of
   the DNS, which concerns itself with names and not services offered at
   those names.  It might be argued that some RRTYPEs (notably SRV
   [RFC2782] and NAPTR [RFC3403]) do relate to services; but in those
   cases, it is an expression of services available at an already-named
   host.  It would be a significant innovation, perhaps in a bad
   direction, to attempt to express these relationships in a single RR.
   Since the names are under different administration, also, it is
   entirely possible that the operators of the two domains do not agree
   on the port ranges and schemas to be supported, creating an
   intractable comparison problem for a client.

4.  The SOPA Resource Record

   Because of the two approaches outlined in Section 3.1 and
   Section 3.2, this section provides two different outlines of the SOPA
   resource record.  This arrangement is pending the decision about
   which strategy to adopt, at which time the discussion below will be
   reduced to reflect that decision.

4.1.  Thr SOPA Resource Record only for names

   In this case, the SOPA resource record, type number [TBD1], includes
   the following fields:
   Name:  The owner name of the RR.
   TTL:  The time to live for the RR.
   Class:  The CLASS for the RR.  As of this writing, on the
      contemporary Internet this is almost always "IN", but the SOPA RR
      is class-independent.
   SOPA:  The RRTYPE field.
   Target:  A DNS name relative to the root that is in the same policy
      realm as the SOPA RR's owner name.  The name MUST be a DNS name
      according to the rules in [RFC1034] and [RFC1035], except that the
      left-most label of the target MAY be the wildcard character ("*").
      In addition, the target may be "."; in that case, the RR asserts
      that there are no other names in the same policy realm.  For

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      further discussion, see Section 5.1.  The target MUST NOT be an
      alias [RFC2181], such as the owner name of a CNAME [RFC1034],
      DNAME [RFC6672], or other similar such resource records.

   The SOPA RRTYPE's wire format is as follows:

   [[anchor3: To follow if this idea (and this version of it) turns out
   worth pursuing.  It can be derived from above, however.]]

4.2.  Thr SOPA Resource Record with ports and schemes

   In this case, the SOPA resource record, type number [TBD1], includes
   the following fields:
   Name:  The owner name of the RR.
   TTL:  The time to live for the RR.
   Class:  The CLASS for the RR.  As of this writing, on the
      contemporary Internet this is almost always "IN", but the SOPA RR
      is class-independent.
   SOPA:  The RRTYPE field.
   Starting port:  The port number that begins the range to which this
      SOPA RR applies.  This is a 16 bit unsigned integer in network
      byte order.  The range is 0-65535.
   Ending port:  The port number that ends the range for which this SOPA
      RR applies.  This is a 16 bit unsigned integer in network byte
      order.  The range is 0-65535.
   Scheme:  The scheme to which the SOPA RR applies.  The scheme SHOULD
      be listed in the IANA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) Schemes
      registry [1]. [[anchor4: This is "SHOULD" right now, but I think
      it should be "MUST".  I can't think of a reason why not to make it
      MUST.]] Alternatively, the field may
      contain the special value "*", in which case the SOPA RR applies
      to all schemes, with a limitation: some clients use certain
      schemes only for internal operations, and regardless of whether
      those schemes are included in an SOPA RR, they MAY be ignored.
   Target:  A DNS name relative to the root that is in the same policy
      realm as the SOPA RR's owner name.  The name MUST be a DNS name
      according to the rules in [RFC1034] and [RFC1035], except that the
      left-most label of the target MAY be the wildcard character ("*").
      In addition, the target may be "."; in that case, the RR asserts
      that there are no other names in the same policy realm.  For
      further discussion, see Section 5.1.  The target MUST NOT be an
      alias [RFC2181], such as the owner name of a CNAME [RFC1034],
      DNAME [RFC6672], or other similar such resource records.

   The SOPA RRTYPE's wire format is as follows:

   [[anchor5: To follow if this idea (and this version of it) turns out

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   worth pursuing.  It can be derived from above, however.]]

5.  Use of the SOPA RRTYPE

   SOPA RRs may have, in effect, three different functions.  The
   simplest is to make an assertion that two DNS names are in the same
   policy realm.  Under the port-and-scheme strategy, if the Starting
   Port is 0, the Ending Port is 65535, the Scheme is "*", and the
   Target is anything other than ".", then the SOPA record makes a claim
   that the owner name and the target name are in the same policy realm
   in every case.  This is also the claim whenever the names-only
   stragey is in use, and the RDATA has a target other than ".".

   The second function, available only under the port-and-scheme
   strategy, is to make an assertion that two DNS names are in the same
   policy realm, but only for some subset of ports or schemes or both.
   There is a 1:1 port mapping presumed in the way the SOPA RR is
   structured, such that it is not possible to say that port N at the
   owner name is related to port M at the target name.  This is an
   expedient for simplicity.  For the same reasons of simplicity, the
   SOPA RR permits linking all schemes between names, or else one
   scheme; a given RR does not permit listing more than one scheme
   without using the wildcard selector.

   The third function is to make an assertion that no other name lies in
   the same policy realm as the owner name.  If there are names beneath
   that owner name, this is a way for a DNS operator to assert that the
   owner name is a public suffix.  For more details, see Section 5.1.

   There could be more than one SOPA resource record per owner name in a
   response.  Each domain name in the RDATA is treated as a part of the
   same policy realm as the owner name in the original QNAME (subject to
   the qualifications of scheme and port contained in the SOPA RR in the
   port-and-scheme strategy).  The QNAME from the query might not be the
   owner name of the SOPA RR: if the original QNAME was an alias, then
   the SOPA owner name will be different.

   There are three possible responses to a query for the SOPA RRTYPE at
   an owner name that are relevant to determining the policy realm.  The
   first is Name Error (RCODE=3, also known as NXDOMAIN).  In this case,
   the owner name itself does not exist, and no further processing is

   The second is a No Data response [RFC2308] of any type.  The No Data
   response means that the owner name in the QNAME does not recognize
   any other name as part of a common policy realm.

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   The final is a response with one or more SOPA resource records in the
   Answer section.  Each SOPA resource record asserts a relationship
   between the owner name and the target name, according to the
   functions of the SOPA RRTYPE outlined above.

   Any other response is no different from any other sort of response
   from the DNS, and is not in itself meaningful for determining the
   policy realm of a name (though it might be meaningful for finding the
   SOPA record).

5.1.  Special target labels

5.1.1.  The root target

   An SOPA resource record with the single character "." (called the
   "root target") in the RDATA is a positive assertion that no other
   domain name falls inside the policy realm of the owner name.  The
   record has a special use: it may be used to bootstrap operation.  A
   client that has encountered the root target may remember the
   existence of the root target even after the expiry of the TTL on the
   RRset, until such time as a new query for the owner name may be made
   successfully.  This rule permits implementations to cache positive
   statements of administrative isolation during disconnected periods,
   thereby starting a subsequent session with the values of prior
   affirmed policy.  Apart from this bootstrapping use, and the ability
   of such an RR to have a TTL independent of the negative TTL value for
   the zone, this mechanism is semantically equivalent to a No Data

   It would be absurd for the root target for any given schema to exist
   with any other SOPA resource record at that owner name.  An
   authoritative name server MAY refuse to serve a zone containing such
   an inconsistency, MAY refuse to load a zone containing such an
   inconsistency, or MAY suppress every SOPA RR at an owner name and
   schema except that containing the root target.  The name server side
   of a recursive resolver MAY discard every SOPA RR at an owner name
   except that containing the root target.  Conforming servers MUST NOT
   serve the root target and any other SOPA RR at the same owner name.
   Clients receiving a SOPA RRset that includes the root target MUST
   accept that RR, and discard any other RR in the RRset.

5.1.2.  Wildcards in targets

   The special character "*" in the Target field is used to match any
   label, according to the wildcard label rules in section 4.3.3 of
   [RFC1034].  Note that, because of the way wildcards work in the DNS,
   is it not possible to place a restriction to the left of a wildcard;
   so, for instance, example.* does not work.  The effect is

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   maintained in this memo.  An authoritative name server MUST NOT serve
   an SOPA RR with erroneous wildcards, and clients receiving such an
   SOPA RR MUST discard the RR.  If the discarded RR is the last RR in
   the answer section of the response, then the response is treated as a
   No Data response.

5.2.  What can be done with an SOPA RR

   Use of an SOPA RR enables a site administrator to assert or deny
   relationships between names.  By the same token, it permits a a
   consuming client to detect these assertions and denials.

   Some of these relationships are currently impossible to indicate in
   the DNS.  For example, IDN character variants (see [RFC4290]) result
   in situations where multiple labels are sometimes intended to be
   treated as though they are the same.  Without a mechanism for binding
   the names together even loosely, such a goal cannot be achieved.

   The use of SOPA RRs could either replace the public suffix list or
   (more likely due to some limitations -- see Section 7) simplify and
   automate the management of the public suffix list.  A client could
   use the responses to SOPA queries to refine its determinations about
   http cookie Domain attributes.  In the absence of SOPA RRs at both
   owner names, a client might treat a Domain attribute as though it
   were omitted.  More generally, SOPA RRs would permit additional steps
   similar to steps 4 and 5 in [RFC6265].

   SOPA RRs might be valuable for certificate authorities when issuing
   certificates, because it would allow them to check whether two names
   are related in the way the party requesting the certificate claims
   they are.

6.  An example case

   For the purposes of discussion, it will be useful to imagine a
   portion of the DNS, using the domain example.tld.  A diagram of the
   tree of this portion is in Figure 1.  In the example, the domain
   example.tld includes several other names: www.example.tld,
   account.example.tld, cust1.example.tld, cust2.example.tld,
   test.example.tld, cust1.test.example.tld, and cust2.test.example.tld.

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                     ------example -----
                    /     /   |  \      \
                   /     /    |   \      \
                  /   www  account \      cust2
              test                  \
             /   \                   cust1
         cust1   cust2

                                 Figure 1

   In the example, the domain tld delegates the domain example.tld.
   There are other possible cut points in the example, and depending on
   whether the cuts exist there may be implications for the use of the
   examples.  See Section 6.1, below.

   The (admittedly artificial) example permits us to distinguish a
   number of different roles.  To begin with, there are three parties
   involved in the operation of services:
   o  OperatorV, the operator of example.tld;
   o  Operator1, the operator of cust1.example.tld;
   o  Operator2, the operator of cust2.example.tld.

   Since there are three parties, there are likely three administrative
   boundaries as well; but the example contains some others.  For
   instance, the names www.example.tld and example.tld are in this case
   in the same policy realm.  By way of contrast, account.example.tld
   might be treated as completely separate, because OperatorV might wish
   to ensure that the accounts system is never permitted to share
   anything with any other name.  By the same token, the names
   underneath test.example.tld are actually the test-instance sites for
   customers.  So cust1.test.example.tld might be in the same policy
   realm as cust1.example.tld, but test.example.tld is certainly not in
   the same administrative realm as www.example.tld.

   Finally, supposing that Operator1 and Operator2 merge their
   operations, it seems that it would be useful for cust1.example.tld
   and cust2.example.tld to lie in the same policy realm, without
   including everything else in example.tld.

6.1.  Examples of using the SOPA record for determining boundaries

   This section provides some examples of different configurations of
   the example tree in Section 6, above.  The examples are not
   exhaustive, but may provide an indication of what might be done with
   the mechanism. [[anchor6: This needs to have examples of using the

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   ports and scheme added to it.  Suggestions welcome.  Also, I think
   some examples could be made longer to make them clearer.  Maybe
   complete zone files in presentation form in an appendix?]]

6.1.1.  One delegation, eight administrative realms, no root target

   In this scenario, the example portion of the DNS name space contains
   all and only the following SOPA records for the names-only strategy:

      example.tld 86400 IN SOPA www.example.tld
      www.example.tld 86400 IN SOPA example.tld

   For the scheme-and-port strategy, these are the records instead:

      example.tld 86400 IN SOPA 0 65535 * www.example.tld
      www.example.tld 86400 IN SOPA 0 65535 * example.tld

   Tld is the top-level domain, and has delegated example.tld.  The
   operator of example.tld makes no delegations.  There are four
   operators involved: the operator of tld; OperatorV; Operator1, the
   operator of the services at cust1.example.tld and
   cust1.test.example.tld; and Operator2, the operator of the services
   at cust2.example.tld and cust2.test.example.tld.

   In this arrangement, example.tld and www.example.tld positively claim
   to be within the same policy realm.  Every other name stands alone.
   A query for an SOPA record at any of those other names will result in
   a No Data response, which means that none of them include any other
   name in the same policy realm.  As a result, there are eight separate
   policy realms in this case: tld, {example.tld and www.example.tld},
   test.example.tld, cust1.test.example.tld, cust2.test.example.tld,
   account.example.tld, cust1.example.tld, and cust2.example.tld.

6.1.2.  One delegation, eight administrative realms, root targets

   This example mostly works the same way as the one in Section
   Section 6.1.1, but there is a slight difference.  In this case, in
   addition to the records listed in Section 6.1.1, both tld and
   test.example.tld publish root targets in their SOPA records.  For

      tld 86400 IN SOPA .
      test.example.tld 86400 IN SOPA .

   For scheme-and-port:

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      tld 86400 IN SOPA 0 65535 * .
      test.example.tld 86400 IN SOPA 0 65535 * .

   The practical effect of this is largely the same as the previous
   example, except that these expressions of policy last 86,400 seconds
   instead of the length of time on the negative TTL in the relevant SOA
   for the zone.  Many zones have short negative TTLs because of
   expectations that newly-added records will show up quickly.  This
   mechanism permits such names to express their administrative
   isolation for predictable periods of time.  Moreover, because clients
   are permitted to retain these records during periods when DNS service
   is not available, a client could go offline for several weeks, and
   return to service with the presumption that test.example.tld is still
   not in any policy realm with any other name.

6.1.3.  Two delegations, seven or eight policy realms, root targets

   In this scenario, example.tld delegates the name test.example.tld.
   In this case, in addition to the SOPA record at test.example.tld,
   there is an SOA record for test.example.tld.  So, there are the same
   SOPA records as in Section 6.1.2.  The addition of the SOA record for
   test.example.tld does not affect the relationship between
   test.example.tld and example.tld.  At this point, there are eight
   policy realms.

   Next, the Operator1 determines that it is safe to treat the test
   instance and production instance as being in the same policy realm.
   To begin with, Operator1 asks OperatorV to add the following record
   to the test.example.tld zone for the names-only case:

      cust1.test.example.tld 86400 IN SOPA cust1.example.tld

   And for the scheme-and-port case:

      cust1.test.example.tld 86400 IN SOPA 0 65535 * cust1.example.tld

   This arrangement is not complete yet.  Until a record is also added
   at cust1.example.tld, Operator1's intention is only half fulfilled.
   The service at cust1.test.example.tld treats cust1.example.tld as
   part of a common policy realm, but the converse is not the case.
   [[anchor7: I can't decide whether there's anything useful in this
   configuration.  Thoughts?  I also can't decide whether this is still
   8 admin realms, 7 admin realms but broken, or 7 admin realms from one
   perspective and 8 from another.]]

   To complete the process, Operator1 asks OperatorV to add the
   following record to the example.tld zone in the names-only case:

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      cust1.example.tld 86400 IN SOPA cust1.test.example.tld

   In the scheme-and-port case:

      cust1.example.tld 86400 IN SOPA 0 65535 * cust1.test.example.tld

   Once this is complete, both names treat the other as part of the same
   policy realm.  In the end, the example segment of the DNS expresses
   the following seven policy realms: tld, {example.tld,
   www.example.tld}, test.example.tld, {cust1.test.example.tld,
   cust1.example.tld}, cust2.example.tld, account.example.tld,

7.  Limitations of the approach and other considerations

   There are four significant problems with this proposal, all of which
   are related to using DNS to deliver the data.

   The first is that new DNS RRTYPEs are difficult to deploy.  While
   adding a new RRTYPE is straightforward, many provisioning systems do
   not have the necessary support and some firewalls and other edge
   systems continue to filter RRTYPEs they do not know.

   The second is that it is difficult for an application to obtain data
   from the DNS.  The TTL on an RRset, in particular, is usually not
   available to an application, even if the application uses the
   facilities of the operating system to deliver other parts of an
   unknown RRTYPE.

   The third, which is mostly a consequence of the above two, is that
   there is a significant barrier to adoption: until browsers have
   mostly all implemented this, operations need to proceed as though
   nobody has.  But browsers will need to support two mechanisms for
   some period of time if they are to implement this mechanism at all,
   and they are unlikely to want to do that.  This may mean that there
   is no reason to implement, which also means no reason to deploy.
   This is made worse because, to be safe, the mechanism really needs
   DNSSEC, and performing DNSSEC validation at end points is still an
   unusual thing to do.  This limitation may not be as severe for use-
   cases that are directed higher in the network (such as using this
   mechanism as an automatic feed to keep the public suffix list
   updated, or for the use of CAs when issuing certificates.

   Finally, in many environments the system hosting the application has
   only proxied access to the Internet, and cannot query the DNS
   directly.  It is not clear how such clients could ever possibly

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   retrieve the SOPA record for a name.

7.1.  Handling truncation

   It is possible to put enough SOPA records into a zone such that the
   resulting response will exceed DNS or UDP protocol limits.  This is
   especially true in the case where one wishes to take advantage of the
   scheme-and-port approach, and one expresses many different such
   relationship.  In such cases, a UDP DNS response will arrive with the
   TC (truncation) bit set.  An SOPA response with the TC bit must be
   queried again in order to retrieve a complete response, in order to
   ensure that there is no missing root target (see Section 5.1.1),
   generally using TCP.  This increases the cost of the query, increases
   the time to being able to use the answer, and may not work at all in
   networks where administrators mistakenly block port 53 using TCP.

8.  Security Considerations

   This mechanism enables publication of assertions about administrative
   relationships of different DNS-named systems on the Internet.  If
   such assertions are accepted without checking that both sides agree
   to the assertion, it would be possible for one site to become an
   illegitimate source for data to be consumed in some other site.  In
   general, assertions about another name should never be accepted
   without querying the other name for agreement.

   Undertaking any of the inferences suggested in this draft without the
   use of the DNS Security Extensions exposes the user to the
   possibility of forged DNS responses.

9.  IANA Considerations

   IANA will be requested to register the SOPA RRTYPE if this proceeds.

10.  Acknowledgements

   The author thanks Adam Barth, Dave Crocker, Jeff Hodges, John
   Klensin, Murray Kucherawy, Gervase Markham, Patrick McManus, Henrik
   Nordstrom, Yngve N. Pettersen, Eric Rescorla, Thomas Roessler, Peter
   Saint-Andre, and Maciej Stachowiak for helpful comments.

11.  References

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11.1.  Normative References

   [RFC1034]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - concepts and facilities",
              STD 13, RFC 1034, November 1987.

   [RFC1035]  Mockapetris, P., "Domain names - implementation and
              specification", STD 13, RFC 1035, November 1987.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [RFC4033]  Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S.
              Rose, "DNS Security Introduction and Requirements",
              RFC 4033, March 2005.

   [RFC4034]  Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S.
              Rose, "Resource Records for the DNS Security Extensions",
              RFC 4034, March 2005.

   [RFC4035]  Arends, R., Austein, R., Larson, M., Massey, D., and S.
              Rose, "Protocol Modifications for the DNS Security
              Extensions", RFC 4035, March 2005.

   [RFC5155]  Laurie, B., Sisson, G., Arends, R., and D. Blacka, "DNS
              Security (DNSSEC) Hashed Authenticated Denial of
              Existence", RFC 5155, March 2008.

11.2.  Informative References

              Pettersen, Y., "The Public Suffix Structure file format
              and its use for Cookie domain validation",
              draft-pettersen-subtld-structure-09 (work in progress),
              March 2012.

   [RFC2181]  Elz, R. and R. Bush, "Clarifications to the DNS
              Specification", RFC 2181, July 1997.

   [RFC2308]  Andrews, M., "Negative Caching of DNS Queries (DNS
              NCACHE)", RFC 2308, March 1998.

   [RFC2782]  Gulbrandsen, A., Vixie, P., and L. Esibov, "A DNS RR for
              specifying the location of services (DNS SRV)", RFC 2782,
              February 2000.

   [RFC3403]  Mealling, M., "Dynamic Delegation Discovery System (DDDS)
              Part Three: The Domain Name System (DNS) Database",
              RFC 3403, October 2002.

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   [RFC4290]  Klensin, J., "Suggested Practices for Registration of
              Internationalized Domain Names (IDN)", RFC 4290,
              December 2005.

   [RFC4395]  Hansen, T., Hardie, T., and L. Masinter, "Guidelines and
              Registration Procedures for New URI Schemes", BCP 35,
              RFC 4395, February 2006.

   [RFC6125]  Saint-Andre, P. and J. Hodges, "Representation and
              Verification of Domain-Based Application Service Identity
              within Internet Public Key Infrastructure Using X.509
              (PKIX) Certificates in the Context of Transport Layer
              Security (TLS)", RFC 6125, March 2011.

   [RFC6265]  Barth, A., "HTTP State Management Mechanism", RFC 6265,
              April 2011.

   [RFC6335]  Cotton, M., Eggert, L., Touch, J., Westerlund, M., and S.
              Cheshire, "Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)
              Procedures for the Management of the Service Name and
              Transport Protocol Port Number Registry", BCP 165,
              RFC 6335, August 2011.

   [RFC6672]  Rose, S. and W. Wijngaards, "DNAME Redirection in the
              DNS", RFC 6672, June 2012.


   [1]  <>

Appendix A.  Discussion Venue

   This Internet-Draft is discussed on the applications area working
   group mailing list:

Appendix B.  Change History

   00 to 01:
      *  Changed the mnemonic from BOUND to AREALM
      *  Added ports and scheme to the RRTYPE
      *  Added some motivating text and suggestions about what can be
         done with the new RRTYPE
      *  Removed use of "origin" term, because it was confusing.  The
         document filename preserves "origin" in the name in order that
         the tracker doesn't lose the change history, but that's just a

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      *  Removed references to cross-document information sharing and
         ECMAScript.  I don't understand the issues there, but Maciej
         Stachowiak convinced me that they're different enough that this
         mechanism probably won't work.
      *  Attempted to respond to all comments received.  Thanks to the
         commenters; omissions and errors are mine.
   01 to 02:
      *  Changed mnemonic again, from AREALM to SOPA.  This in response
         to observation by John Klensin that anything using
         "administrative" risks confusion with the standard
         administrative boundary language of zone cuts.
      *  Add discussion of two strategies: name-only or scheme-and-port.
      *  Increase prominence of utility to CAs.  This use emerged in
         last IETF meeting.

Author's Address

   Andrew Sullivan
   Dyn, Inc.
   150 Dow St
   Manchester, NH  03101


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