Internet DRAFT - draft-sun-dmm-ondemand-cp-orchestration


DMM WG                                                           K. Sun
Internet Draft                                                   Y. Kim
Intended status: Informational                                  S. Jeon
Expires: March 2019                                      Soongsil Univ.
                                                       October 22, 2018

               On-demand DMM control plane orchestration

   This document describes the required functionalities of mobility
   controller in the management and orchestration perspective for the
   on-demand DMM service.

Status of this Memo
   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.
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   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
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   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on March 21, 2019.

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   Copyright (c) 2018 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.
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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ................................................ 2
   2. Terminologies ............................................... 3
   3. DMM Service Management by Mobility Controller ............... 3
      3.1. DMM Service Instantiation .............................. 3
      3.2. DMM Service Modification ............................... 3
      3.3. DMM Service Release .................................... 5
   4. DMM Service Orchestration by Mobility Controller ............ 5
      4.1. DMM Service Description ................................ 5
      4.2. CP/DP Selection ........................................ 5
      4.3. DMM Service Monitoring ................................. 5
   5. Security Considerations ..................................... 6
   6. IANA Considerations ......................................... 6
   7. References .................................................. 6
      7.1. Normative References ................................... 6
      7.2. Informative References ................................. 6
   8. Acknowledgments ............................................. 6

1. Introduction

   The DMM deployment models draft presents available DMM deployment
   models and architectural considerations [I-D.ietf-dmm-deployment-
   models]. One of the deployment models is with the on-demand control
   plane orchestration mode, which allows control-plane agent/node,
   i.e., CPA/CPN to be assigned and selected on demand. The potential
   of the on-demand control plane orchestration mode is to facilitate
   DMM-as-a-Service (DMMaaS) that meets diverse needs of service
   operators and enterprise, not being limited to the provision of
   uniform DMM Services.

   The main component in the on-demand control plane orchestration mode
   is the Mobility Controller, which is in charge of determining and
   assigning appropriate control plane nodes while orchestrating them
   by taking into consideration mobility-centric control plane
   requirements and issues.

   In this draft, we specify the functionality of Mobility Controller,
   in the management and orchestration perspective. In the management,
   the requirements for DMM Service initiation, DMM Service
   modification, DMM Service release are described. In the
   orchestration, the requirements for DMM Service description, CP/DP
   selection for DMM Service and DMM Service monitoring are described.

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2. Terminologies

   This document is based on terminologies defined in
   [I-D.ietf-dmm-deployment-models], [I-D.ietf-dmm-fpc-cpdp].
   In addition, following term is defined as follows.

   DMM Service: Description of the relationship between DMM control
   plane and data plane components and configurations for providing
   mobility service to specific user group or tenant network. DMM
   service functions can be implemented stand-alone service or combined
   with other functions (e.g. gateway functions which is not related to
   mobility). Multiple DMM Service can be deployed in a network domain.

3. DMM Service Management by Mobility Controller

   This section describes DMM Service management in terms of DMM
   Service instantiation, DMM Service modification, DMM Service
   release, based on an operational procedure shown in Fig. 1.

3.1. DMM Service Instantiation

   Once Mobility Controller launches a DMM Service, it should determine
   necessary control plane functions for the requested DMM Service and
   let them get ready for running the operation. The control plane
   functions should be newly instantiated or chosen with already
   running ones. For the service instantiation, several steps should be
   checked and determined. First, an interface between Home-CPA and
   Access-CPN should be determined, i.e., choosing what control plane
   protocol to be used. It can be determined based on a DMM Service
   template chosen from a DMM Service description repository. Suppose
   that the Home-CPA and Access-CPN are with the FPC interface as a FPC
   client, defined in [I-D.ietf-dmm-fpc-cpdp]. The Home-CPA and
   Access-CPN configure the Home-DPN and Access-DPN via Routing
   Controller working as a FPC agent.

3.2. DMM Service Modification

   While DMM Service runs, Mobility Controller should be able to modify
   the topology or connectivity between control plane functions. One of
   the DMM Service modification examples is anchor switching, which can
   be called CPA switching, replacing a failed Home-CPA or a Home-CPA
   with a long routing distance from the mobile node (MN). Once
   Mobility Controller detects a failure of Home-CPA, it should be able
   to allocate a new Home-CPA function, which should then able to

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   retrieve mobility binding information and configuration parameters
   from the previous Home-CPA. After the anchor switching procedure is
   complete, interfacing the new Home-CPA with other CP and DP
   functions (e.g. Access-CPN, Home-DPA) is required.

       +----------+  +------------+  +------------+  +----------+
       | Mobility |  |  Home-CPA  |  | Access-CPN |  | Routing  |
       |Controller|  |(FPC Client)|  | (FPC Agent)|  |Controller|
       +----------+  +------------+  +------------+  +----------+
             |              |               |              |
        Launching           |               |              |
       DMM Service          |               |              |
             |              |               |              |
         Select CP          |               |              |
             |              |               |              |
             | Home-CPA     |               |              |
             | Configuration|               |              |
             +------------->|               |              |
             | Access-CPN Configuration     |              |
             +----------------------------->|              |
             |              | CP Signaling  |              |
             |              |<------------->|              |
             |              |               |              |
             |              | Home-DPA Configuration       |
             |              +----------------------------->|
             |              |               | Access-DPN   |
             |              |               | Configuration|
             |              |               +------------->|
             |              |               |              |
             |              |               |      DP Configuration
             |              |               |              |
             |              | CP-DP Connection             |
             |              |<---------------------------->|
             |              |              CP-DP Connection|
             |              |               |<------------>|
             | DMM Service Launching Complete              |
             |<-------------+---------------+              |
             |              |               |              |
         DMM Service        |               |              |
          Running           |               |              |
             |              |               |              |

               Figure 1. DMM Service Instantiation Procedure

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3.3. DMM Service Release

   For the DMM Service release, the Mobility Controller should request
   the release of functional resource of the relevant DMM entities
   while cleaning the information and parameters configured on them for
   the DMM Service. Once the release request is received by the
   Mobility Controller, the Home-CPA is required to stop location
   tracking of the mobility sessions served and delete the information
   related to MNs and IP sessions. Access-CPN is required to delete the
   information related to MNs and IP sessions served. For the service
   release of data plane nodes, the Mobility Controller is required to
   request the initialization of forwarding state on the data plane
   nodes such as Home-DPN and Access-DPN(s) to the Routing Controller.

4. DMM Service Orchestration by Mobility Controller

   This section describes DMM Service orchestration in terms of DMM
   Service description, CP/DP selection, DMM Service monitoring.

4.1. DMM Service Description

   For the DMM service description, number of Home-CPA and Access-CPN,
   DMM Service topology, protocols between control plane nodes should
   be described in the chosen DMM service template. The Mobility
   Controller should be able to understand a given DMM Service
   description and translate it for the DMM Service configuration. For
   example, DMM service description can be specified depended on types
   of DP protocol(e.g. SRv6, ILA, etc.) or CP protocol(MIP, PMIP, etc.)

4.2. CP/DP Selection

   The Mobility Controller is required to select appropriate CP/DP
   functions, based on a requested DMM Service. The selection can be
   based on an capabilities(e.g. protocol), operator's policy, optimal
   path computation, handover performance such as lower latency, lower
   packet loss, and so on. The current load information of CP/DP nodes
   can also be considered for load balancing of the nodes.

4.3. DMM Service Monitoring

   For the reliable DMM Service support, DMM Service monitoring is
   essentially required. The monitoring includes the current routing
   path whether it is optimized or not. Depending on determination of

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  routing path optimality, the Mobility Controller may be required to
  reselect or relocate Home-CPA and Home-DPN functions, by an
  appropriate measure, e.g., anchor switching procedure as described
  in Section 3.2.

5. Security Considerations


6. IANA Considerations


7. References

7.1. Normative References

   [I-D.ietf-dmm-deployment-models] Gundavelli, S. and Jeon, S., "DMM
             Deployment Models and Architectural Considerations",
             draft-ietf-dmm-deployment-models-04, May 2018.

   [I-D.ietf-dmm-fpc-cpdp] Matsushima, S., Bertz, L., Liebsch, M.,
             Gundavelli, S., Moses, D. and Perkins, C., "Protocol for
             Forwarding Policy Configuration (FPC) in DMM", draft-ietf-
             dmm-fpc-cpdp-12, June 2018.

7.2. Informative References

8. Acknowledgments

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Authors' Addresses

   Kyoungjae Sun
   Soongsil University
   369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
   Seoul, Korea


   Younghan Kim
   Soongsil University
   369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
   Seoul, Korea


   Seil Jeon
   Soongsil University
   369 Sangdo-ro, Dongjak-gu
   Seoul, Korea

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