Internet DRAFT - draft-sun-idr-bgp-ls-notification



INTERNET-DRAFT                                                    M. Sun
Intended Status: <Standard Track>                            B.Pithawala
Expires: December 30,2017                            HUAWEI Technologies
                                                               Baidu Inc
                                                            June 28,2017

            <BGP Support for Fast Link Status Notification> 


   This document describes the use of Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
   community. This optional transitive community will instruct router to
   monitor itself ports . With this community, controller only needs to
   send route update message once and will get the feedback only if link
   status changes. In particular this community can help controller get
   the link status changing notification much faster than current

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
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   Copyright (c) 2017 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

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Table of Contents

   1  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     1.1  Large-scale DC Routing Solution . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  3
     1.2 BFD protocol and Hellos Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   2.  Another Centralized Link Detection Method Based on BGP . . . .  5
     2.1 Basic Principle  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     2.2 Advantages and Benefits of this solution . . . . . . . . . .  7
   3  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  7
   4  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     4.1  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
     4.2  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8


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1  Introduction

   With the advent of micro services application architecture and the
   continued advances in massively scaled distributed systems, majority
   of traffic traversing the data center network is within the data
   center (east-west). This necessitates the data center network to have
   deterministic latency (preferably ultra-low), high scalability, high
   availability and low cost. For those requirements, current large-
   scale data center network is mostly based on CLOS architecture,
   [RFC7938] shows a typical 3 layer(5 stages) CLOS architecture(in
   Figure 1,3 layer means Leaf-Agg-Spine ).

                                    |     |
                                 +--|     |--+
                                 |  +-----+  | +-----------------------+
                     Agg         |           | | Agg              POD  |
                    +-----+      |  +-----+  | |+-----+                |
      +-------------| DEV |------+--|     |--+-+|     |-------------+  |
      |       +-----|  C  |------+  |     |  +-+|     |-----+       |  |
      |       |     +-----+         +-----+    |+-----+     |       |  |
      |       |                                |            |       |  |
      |       |     +-----+         +-----+    |+-----+     |       |  |
      | +-----------| DEV |------+  |     |  +-+|     |-----------+ |  |
      | |     | +---|  D  |------+--|     |--+-+|     |---+ |     | |  |
      | |     | |   +-----+      |  +-----+  | |+-----+   | |     | |  |
      | |     | |                |           | |          | |     | |  |
    +-----+ +-----+              |  +-----+  | |        +-----+ +-----+|
    | DEV | | DEV |              +--|     |--+ |        |     | |     ||
    |  A  | |  B  |Leaf             |     |    |  Leaf  |     | |     ||
    +-----+ +-----+                 +-----+    |        +-----+ +-----+|
      | |     | |                              +----------+-+-----+-+--+
      O O     O O                                         O O     O O
        Servers                                             Servers

                     Figure 1 3-Layer Clos Topology
   Note: Leaf is switching node that is connected with servers, Agg is
   exchange node that aggregates Leaf, and Spine is core exchange node.

   Nowadays, the scale of this architecture can support 100k servers.
   The number of links in network is nearly up to 200k links. Managing
   the large number of switches and links in a data center from a
   Controller is a difficult scale problem.

1.1  Large-scale DC Routing Solution

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   [RFC7938] introduces a link detection solution based on BGP.This RFC
   uses ebgp to connect switches (physical link) and use ibgp to connect
   switches and controller (logical link). The ebgp connections are made
   using the local loopback addresses of the Routers/Switches.Since this
   solution does not have any IGP in the network to convey the local
   loopback addresses to form the EBGP connection, the solution uses a
   centralized controller to initiate the messages to convey loopback
   address of a Router to its neighbor. It uses a combination of ibgp
   and ebgp connections and messages to achieve the following as Figure

       inject Prefix +-----+Controller+----+
       for R1 with   |     +----------+    | expect Prefix
       one-hop       |                     | for R1 from R2
       community   +-++                  +-++
                   +--+ Prefix for R1    +-++
                        relayed            | Prefix for R1
                                         +-++NOT relayed

               Figure 2 one kind of link detection method
   In Figure 2, the controller periodically updates the packets to the
   source of the link, determines link status (status of link connecting
   to routers/switches) according to whether controller receives update
   message from destination link node.The controller sends route message
   to switch R1 periodically, which only contains one-hop community
   attribute.R1 publishes this message to its neighbor R2 through ebgp
   with no_export attribute in it.R2 sends this message to controller
   through ibgp instead of sending message to R3 because of no_export
   attribute.If controller receives route message from R2 within
   specified time, it is assumed that R1->R2 status is normal.
   Otherwise, R1->R2 status is down.

   But when link detection packets sending frequency is high, the
   controller load is heavy, i.e. controller processing capacity is not
   enough, and firewall device does not accept this large flow of
   traffic.On the other hand,when link detection packets sending
   frequency is low, the convergence speed of network is slow, that will
   lead to loop or network interruption and other issues. Network
   reliability is unacceptable.With single controller multi-threaded

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   exabgp + virtual router vyatta, experimental test data shows that
   this solution can only support 1k links and 512 servers in non-block

1.2 BFD protocol and Hellos Protocol

   Existing mainstream distributed link monitoring methods are Protocol
   Hellos [RFC 2328]and BFD protocol[RFC 5880].

   Protocol Hellos: Since a protocol (ebgp) is initiated over the link,
   the status of the link could be inferred by receiving periodic hellos
   (or the lack of hellos).Protocol hellos are generally regarded as a
   slow link detection mechanism. Increasing the frequency of hellos
   only creates a scale issues at many points in the network without
   really providing sub-second link detection.

   BFD solution configures BFD session at both ends of the link which
   need to be detected. Each end sends detection BFD messages and link
   will report failure if the detection message is not received on
   time.BFD needs plenty of configurations to different devices and
   different ports. In VRRP track, 100k servers need to configure 200k
   links and 200k ends. At the same time, 100k servers use BFD need to
   configure 200k links and 400k ends which may cause some unexpectable
   errors with high cost.

2.  Another Centralized Link Detection Method Based on BGP

2.1 Basic Principle

   Considering current large-scale DCN link detection method, there are
   many problems of periodical detection method. When the frequency of
   sending and receiving messages is high, the controller load will be
   too heavy. The controller processing capacity is not enough and
   firewall devices cannot accept this large flow of traffic. On the
   other hand, when the frequency is low, the convergence speed of
   network will decrease. This may cause network interruption and worse
   network reliability.

   Compared with traditional link detection method, this solution
   propose an efficient optimization method which can monitor links
   automatically. This method can reduce lots of manual configuration
   work, avoid various types of errors and high cost. Furthermore, it
   also eases the collection of link status notifications for the

   In Figure 3, if the controller need to detect link status from R1 to
   R2, the process is as following.

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          +-+  +-----------+ Controller +------+  +-+
          |1|  | ibgp1     +------------+ ibgp2|  |3|
          +-+  |                               |  +-+
            +--+--+                         +--+--+
            | R1  |         ebgp            |  R2 |
            | AS1 +------------------------/+ AS2 |
            +--+--+         +-+           / +--+--+
               |            |2|         /     |
               |ebgp        +-+        /      |ebgp
            +--+--+                   /    +--+--+
            |R5   |                  /     | R3  |
            |AS5  |       port is   /      | AS3 |
            +-----+        automatically    +-----+

                Figure 3 the principle of this solution
   Step 1:

   a) Controller sends route update message A1 to R1 (nonperiodic, just
   once) then they can establish a peer. In A1, there's instructions
   that can enable R1's port (link) status monitoring function.

   b) is the same as a>, only the objective is R2.

   c) The A1 message only contains one-hop community attribute and its
   prefix is used to identify device R1.

   Step 2:

   When R1 receives route update message A1 from controller, it will add
   a no_export attribute so it can only publish to egbp neighbor R2. R2
   will publish this route message to controller through ibgp instead of
   its ebgp neighbor device R3.

   a) R2 finds that message A1 comes from R1 according to the community
   in A1.

   b) Here we need to define a dedicated bit in communities to specify
   that R2 should start to monitor its link when it receives this
   indication. Hence, start to monitor all the links from R1 to R2 in
   this step.

   step 3

   If it detects ports (links) status has changed in step 2 b), on the

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   one hand, if the port status switches from normal to fault, R2 will
   tell controller a withdraw message through ibgp. On the other hand,
   R2 will tell controller a announce message through ibgp.

   step 4

   When controller receives route A1 update message from R2:

   a) Find corresponding link based on received A1 update message
   <prefix, srcIP>. Prefix marks network device R1 and srcIP means
   device R2. The <prefix, srcIP> can tell controller this is the link
   from R1 to R2.

   b) If the message is route announce type, link status is normal,
   otherwise, the withdraw type means link status is fault.

   It is important to notice here that we do not prefer any link
   detection mechanism and the BGP implementation on a vendor's device
   is free to activate any link detection mechanism it chooses (some
   examples are BFD, either auto-sensing feature etc.).

2.2 Advantages and Benefits of this solution

   Generally speaking, we need a dedicated bit of communities that can
   notify R2 to start monitoring the link between R1 and R2. It's quite
   simple but there are many advantages of this solution.

   1. It needs no extra configuration and can monitor corresponding
   ports (links) automatically. It helps controller know about every
   link status with existing BGP protocols. It can avoid lots of manual
   configuration and unnecessary errors and costs caused by manual

   2. It can solve the conflict that network needs fast convergence time
   but controller capacity constraint. Using this solution, network with
   single controller can support 100k servers while other method can
   only support 512 servers.

   3. The performance of real-time link failure recovery is better. With
   experiments, link failure report time reduces from 3s to less than
   50ms, link failure recovery time decreases from 1s to less than 50ms.

3  IANA Considerations

   The IANA has registered Transitive Extended Community Types in
   RFC7153. This registry contains values of the high-order octet (the
   "Type" field) of a Transitive Extended Community.


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   This method only needs one unassigned type value to notify device
   monitoring corresponding links(ports).

4  References

4.1  Normative References

   [RFC2328]  Moy, J., "OSPF Version 2", STD 54, RFC 2328, April 1998.

   [RFC4271]  Rekhter, Y., Ed., Li, T., Ed., and S. Hares, Ed., "A
              Border Gateway Protocol 4 (BGP-4)", RFC 4271, January

   [RFC5880]  Katz, D. and D. Ward, "Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
              (BFD)", RFC 5880, June 2010.

   [RFC7153]  E. Rosen, Y. Rekhter, "IANA Registries for BGP Extended 
	      Communities", RFC 7153, March 2014.

   [RFC7938]  P. Lapukhov, A. Premji, J. Mitchell, Ed., "Use of BGP for 
	      Routing in Large-Scale Data Centers", RFC 7938, August 2016.

4.2  Informative References

   [RFC3765]  Huston, G., "NOPEER Community for Border Gateway Protocol
              (BGP) Route Scope Control", RFC 3765, April 2004.

   [RFC6286]  E. Chen, J. Yuan, "Autonomous-System-Wide Unique BGP 
	      Identifier for BGP-4", RFC 6286, June 2011.

   [RFC6608] J. Dong, M. Chen, A. Suryanarayana, "Subcodes for BGP Finite 
	     State Machine Error", RFC 6608, May 2012.

   [RFC7606] E. Chen, Ed., J. Scudder, Ed., P. Mohapatra, K. Patel, "Revised
	     Error Handling for BGP UPDATE Messages", RFC 7606, August 2015.

   [RFC7705] W. George, S. Amante, "Autonomous System Migration 
	     Mechanisms and Their Effects on the BGP AS_PATH Attribute", 
	     RFC 7705, November 2015.

   [RFC7752] H. Gredler, Ed., J. Medved, S. Previdi, A. Farrel, S. Ray, 
	     "North-Bound Distribution of Link-State and Traffic Engineering 
	     (TE) Information Using BGP", RFC 7752, March 2016.

Authors' Addresses

   Marcus Sun
   12 E. Mozhou Rd.Nanjing,Jiangsu


   Burjiz Pithawala
   2330 Central Expressway, Santa Clara, CA 95050


   Feng Gao
   BAIDU Inc.
   10 shangdi shijie Haidian, Beijing


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