Internet DRAFT - draft-suzuki-web-jingle


Internet Engineering Task Force                         Yoshihiro Suzuki
Internet-Draft                                         D3 Communications
Intended Status: Informational                            Nobuo Ogashiwa
Expires: July 31, 2012                     Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College
                                                       February 28, 2012

           Real-Time Web Communication by using XMPP Jingle


   XMPP Jingle specification defines an XMPP protocol extension for
   managing peer-to-peer media sessions between two users. And XMPP
   Jingle can manage multi contents simultaneously in one Jingle
   stream, but in the XMPP world there is no common way to layout
   variable multi contents on each display. In this document, a
   solution to this issue is provided by using Web browser's layout

   This document describes a new concept to realize one of solutions
   of RTCWeb. Of course, "Web Browser" is used for Web application's
   frontend for real-time communication, and XMPP Jingle specification
   (XEP-166) is used as signaling protocol. And a simple mapping
   manner between jingle contents and HTML graphical elements enables
   to unite Web browser's layout function and Jingle's media content
   management function to realize RTCWeb functions.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with
   the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

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   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other
   documents at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts
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Internet-Draft          RealTimeWeb Using XMPP Jingle      February 2012

   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on July 31, 2012.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
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   respect to this document.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
   2. Architecture and Functional Model. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
   3. Procedures of Real-Time Communication. . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
    3.1 Procedures of Initialization and Negotiation . . . . . . . . 5
    3.2 Mapping between Contents in Jingle and HTML/DOM Elements . . 5
    3.3 Procedures of Jingle Stream Connection . . . . . . . . . . . 6
    3.4 Procedures of Adding or Deleting contents. . . . . . . . . . 6
    3.5 Procedures of Termination. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   4. Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   5. IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
   6. References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
    6.1 Normative References   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
    6.2 Informative References   . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

1. Introduction

   XMPP can signal various information between users' clients, and
   signaling infromation can be easily written by using XML
   syntax. So, XMPP has now over 300 extended specifications as XEP
   series specifications in XSF (XMPP Standards Foundation) without
   core protocols written as RFC 6120: XMPP CORE, RFC 6121: XMPP IM
   and so on.

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   In the XMPP world, many extensions are about how to treat various
   signaling informations only. In IM (Instant Messaging) service
   which is very typical service of XMPP, text messages are sent and
   received as in-band data, or piggy-backed in signaling message like
   as SMS of cell phone services.

   In Jingle Specification (XEP-0166) and Jingle related
   specifications, it's possible for each client to negotiate stream's
   specifications as out of band media paths by using a set of Jingle
   signaling procedures. When each client can succeed negotiation, it
   sets up media path as a Jingle stream directly between 2 clients,
   and then it can directly send and receive any numbers of media
   contents in one Jingle stream directly without a help of XMPP

   As above description, Jingle specifications define to manage multi
   contents stream between 2 clients, but in these specifications it's
   not written about a common way to layout and render various
   contents on each display . Until now it is a implement matter in
   the XMPP world. In order to layout and render changeable number of
   contents, it will be defined how to layout and render the contents
   at the time when number of contents are changed. So, in this
   proposal, Web browser is introduced to realize a flexible frontend
   real-time communication services. And this proposal would be one of
   solutions to realize RTCWeb.

2. Architecture and functional model

   In this document, Browser model is basically same as RTCWeb
   overview document [I-D.ietf-rtcweb-overview] as follows. But there
   are small changes to simplify to use XMPP, signaling path is
   changed to XMPP signaling, and RTC media path is changed to XMPP
   Jingle media path. And "Browser RTC function" is changed to
   "Browser Jingle function" in order to clarify to use XMPP features.

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                        +-----------+------------+  On-the-wire
                        |           |            |  Protocols
                        |   Web     |    XMPP    |--------->
                        |  Server   |   Server   |  XMPP Federation
                        |           |            |  Protocol
                        +-----------+------------+  (Jingle Signaling 
                                    ^                            Path)
                                    | HTTP/XMPP
                      |    JavaScript/HTML/CSS     |
                   Other  ^                 ^RTC
                   APIs   |                 |APIs
                      |   |                 |      |
                      |                 +---------+|
                      |                 | Browser ||  On-the-wire
                      | Browser         | Jingle  ||  Protocols
                      |                 | Function|----------->
                      |                 |         ||  Jingle 
                      |                 |         ||   Media Path
                      |                 +---------+|
                                       Native OS Services

                Figure 1: Browser Model by Using XMPP

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   And Overview of the system is basically same as RTCWeb Overview
   document [I-D.ietf-rtcweb-overview] as follows. Like as Figure 1,
   there are small changes to clarify to use XMPP features. In the
   XMPP specifications, "federation protocol" is defined to signal
   between the peering servers.

              + -----+------+             +------+------+
              |      |      |             |      |      |
              | Web  | XMPP |  Signaling  | Web  | XMPP |
              |      |      |-------------|      |      |
              |Server|Server|   path      |Server|Server|
              |      |      |             |      |      |
              + -----+------+             +------+------+
                     /                           \
                    /                             \
                   /                               \  HTTP/XMPP
                  /                                 \
                 /                                   \
                /   HTTP/XMPP                         \
               /                                       \
         +-----------+                           +-----------+
         |JS/HTML/CSS|                           |JS/HTML/CSS|
         +-----------+                           +-----------+
         +-----------+                           +-----------+
         |           |                           |           |
         |           |                           |           |
         |  Browser  | ------------------------- |  Browser  |
         |           |     Jingle media Path     |           |
         |           |                           |           |
         +-----------+                           +-----------+

            Figure 2: Browser RTC Trapezoid by Using XMPP

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3. Procedures of Real-Time Communication

   Basic procedure is almost same as Jingle specification, but there
   are some different points in order to introduce Web browser as
   real-time communication service frontend. XMPP's signaling is done
   by presence, message and IQ stanza. "Stanza is a basic set of XML
   statements in XMPP signaling. In this proposal, in order to map
   contents in a Jingle stream to HTML/DOM elements, we add some xml
   elements or attributes in Jingle signaling IQ stanzas. In the
   following section, it is showed how to use our proposed protocol
   extensions. In Jingle specifications, caller is called as "Jingle
   Initiator" and callee is called as "Jingle Responder". In figure 3,
   it shows simplified session flow of XMPP Jingle, and horizontal
   arrow is one IQ stanza with Jingle action type name. Doubled
   horizontal arrow is used to show out-band direct media path between
   caller and callee. Of course, usual IQ stanzas (single horizontal
   arrow) are transferred by the help of XMPP servers belong the
   signaling path. (In XMPP world, it may be available for each clients
   to connect its own server, server-server signaling protocol is
   called federation protocol.)

             Caller (Initiator)            Callee (Responder)
                    |                             |
                    |   session-initiate          |
                    |   ack                       |
                    |   session-accept            |
                    |   ack                       |
                    |   [optional further         |
                    |    negotiation]             |
                    |   Real-Time Call (RTP)      |
                    |   session-terminate         |
                    |   ack                       |
                    |                             |

                  Figure 3: simplified session flow

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3.1. Procedures of Initialization and Negotiation

   In the RTCWeb model, user gets initial HTML contents from Web
   server as a Web application, and this HTML contents must have
   JavaScript statements to set up signaling session between his
   client and a XMPP server. So HTML statements is loaded, Web browser
   kicks this JavaScript event handler (maybe "onLoaded" event
   handler), and JavaScript statements set up a XMPP signaling session
   at first.

   As next step, user would choose peer user to make a real-time
   communication call. Maybe it will be done by the event that user
   select a gui part on a some kind of address book. When this event
   is occurred, JavaScript statements starts to manage negotiation of
   stream specification. Some default contents in a Jingle stream will
   be proposed from caller (Jingle initiator) to callee (Jingle
   Responder) by using Jingle "session-initiate" IQ-stanza with some
   candidates of content specifications. One content specification
   have basically 2 XML elements, one is a media information and
   another one is a transport information. A "description" XML element
   have media information with media type and some candidates of codec
   specifications, and a "tranport" XML element have transport type
   information and some candidates of IP address and port set. Caller
   and Callee make negotiation by using some more IQ-stanzas, and when
   negotiation is finally succeeded, callee (Jingle responder) send
   session-accept IQ-stanza, at this time, caller's initial candidate
   specifications are filtered to one acceptable content specification
   for both caller and callee.

   In this proposal, session-initiate and session-accept IQ-stanza
   should have one more information, it's layout information of
   contents in a Jingle stream on the each clients' Web browser
   window. This layout information is used to map between a content in
   a Jingle stream and a HTML/DOM element. This is a very important
   point of this proposal. So, this proposal can manage and layout any
   number of contents in a Jingle stream and a Web browser. Following
   Example IQ-stanza has layout information with usual Jingle
   "session-initiate" XML elements as "<layout/>" tag.

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   Example 1.  Example of IQ-stanza from caller (session-initiate)

    <iq from="alice@woderland.lit/rabbithole"
      <jingle xmlns="urn:xmpp:jingle:1"
        <content creator="initiator" name="Webcam">
         <description xmlns ='urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1' media='video'>
          <payload-type id='98' name='theora' clockrate='90000'>
             <parameter name='height' value='600'/>
             <parameter name='width' value='800'/ >
             <parameter name='delivery-method' value='inline'/>
             <parameter name='configuration' value='somebase16string'/>
             <parameter name='sampling' value='YCbCr-4:2:2'/>
            </payload-type >
           <candidate candidate="1"
        <layout URL="http://www.woderland.lit/alice-videocall-00.html"/>

3.2. Mapping between contents in Jingle and HTML/DOM elements

   As mentioned above, in our proposal layout tag in session-initiate
   IQ stanza is very important. In Example. 1, layout information has
   only one attribute "URL". For simple html can be written in the
   manner of XML syntax, but usual Web applications' HTML statements
   and related CSS and JavaScript statements are not conformed XML
   syntax, so these are described as URL simply. Web browser's Jingle
   function part hands over this URL information to Core of Web
   brwoser and Web browser loads new page of URL which describes
   layout information of initial default contents set in HTML syntax

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   In this proposal, We proposed 2 way to map a content in a Jingle
   stream to a element of HTML/DOM. One is the way to use common id in
   both a new "id" attribute of "<content/>" tag and "id" information
   in HTML/DOM element. In this way "id" must be unique in one
   real-time session, and make the same value as both a new "id"
   attribute of "<content/>" tag and "id" information in HTML/DOM
   element. This idea introduce a new "id" attribute in <content/> tag
   in Jingle signaling information. From the view of Web application
   or Ajax programmer, identical objects in HTML,
   CSS, JavaScript statements must have the same value of "id"
   attribute, this approach is extension of this rule to apply the
   content of a Jingle stream. So, This is natural extension for Ajax
   programmers, but it is needed to add new attribute in Jingle

                  Example 2.  Mapping by "id" value

    --- Jingle stream specification ---
      <jingle action="session-initiate">
        <content creator="initiator" name="Webcam" id="webcam-video">
          <description media = 'video' >
           <payload-type id='98' name='theora' clockrate='90000/'>
            <candidate ip="" port="13450"/>
        <layout URL="http://www.woderland.lit/alice-videocall-00.html"/>

    --- HTML layout specification ---
     <html id="98765">
         <div id ="webcam-video"
              style="position: absolute,
              top: 10px, left: 800px, height: 768px, width: 1024px,
              z-index: 3" />
           <video src="rtp://"/>

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   Another way to map a content in a Jingle stream to a element of
   HTML/DOM is to use a set of ip address and port number written in
   "<transport/>" tag information of a "<content/>" description, and
   in a HTML/DOM element this set of ip address and port number is
   described as src attribute of media tag. For the video or image
   content, This approach is very natural for protocol designer,
   because there is no change in existing specifications to map a
   Jingle content to a HTML/CSS/JavaScript elements. But, Web browser
   with Jingle Functions must keep mapping information between
   <transport/> information of Jingle stream specification and
   identical object in HTML/CSS/JavaScript statements.

      Example 3.  Mapping by a set of ip address and port number

    --- Jingle stream specification ---
      <jingle action="session-initiate">
        <content creator="initiator" name="Webcam">
          <description media = 'video' >
            <payload-type id='98' name='theora' clockrate='90000/'>
            <candidate ip="" port="13450"/>
        <layout URL="http://www.woderland.lit/alice-videocall-00.html"/>

    --- HTML layout specification ---
    <html id="98765">
         <div id ="webcam-video"
              style="position: absolute,
              top: 10px, left: 800px, height: 768px, width: 1024px,
              z-index: 3" />
           <video src="rtp://"/>

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   In this proposal, contents in a Jingle stream is related to a
   identical object of HTML/CSS/JavaScript , and a Jingle stream is
   related to layout description by using whole HTML/CSS
   statements. In Jingle specification, it is needed to add
   "<layout/>" information, when Jingle specification is described or
   changed in Jingle signaling messages. So when a set of contents or
   a Jingle stream specification is changed, HTML/CSS statements must
   change to update mapping information. (Maybe user's Web Browser
   should upload new HTML/CSS/JavaScript set to Web Server, until new
   Jingle signaling message will be sent to peer's Web browser.  And
   when HTML/CSS statements is updated, Web browser must load new page
   which include updated layout information.

   Of Course, in this proposal, without Jingle signaling message, each
   Web browser can change position of contents or scale of contents by
   using Ajax manner or apply new CSS statements only to adapt user's
   own request on one side.

3.3. Procedures of Jingle stream connection

   In section 4.1, both caller (Jingle initiator) and callee
   (Jingle responder) agreed contents' specifications in a Jingle
   stream and contents' layout information. Jingle specification
   defines how to connect between the Jingle clients, but does not
   define how to layout on the screen.  So, the JavaScript program
   which is done the negotiation and connection of Jingle stream, then
   connects each content in a Jingle stream to HTML/DOM element by
   using mapping information which is described above. HTML rendering
   engine starts HTML/DOM rendering, and at same time CSS mechanism
   can relocate and rescale HTML/DOM elements. The previous section's
   and this section's procedures are automatically done by user's
   event which user made by pressing a gui parts on some address book
   interfaces. Of course if callee is not online, or lacks abilities
   to treat contents in a Jingle stream, or some error occurred in the
   procedures, caller's call will be failed. Details of error
   condition in the Jingle protocol are well defined in Jingle
   specifications (XEP-166 and some more). Maybe, JavaScript API will
   be well defined to make a realtime communication call in order to
   use various signaling protocol by W3C WebRTC WG.

3.4. Procedures of adding or deleting contents

   In Jingle specifications, adding or deleting contents in a Jingle
   stream are well defined, so in this proposal the important thing is
   to keep mapping information between the contents in a Jingle
   stream and HTML/DOM elements in HTML statements or a DOM tree. The
   following figure shows overall session status in a Jingle session.

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               | session-initiate
               |  +---------->--------------+
               |/                           |
       PENDING o-----------------------+    |
               |  | content-accept,    |    |
               |  | content-add,       |    |
               |  | content-modify,    |    |
               |  | content-reject,    |    |
               |  | content-remove,    |    |
               |  | description-info,  |    |
              \|/ | session-info,      |    |
               |  | transport-accept,  |    |
               |  | transport-info,    |    |
               |  | transport-reject,  |    |
               |  | transport-replace  |    |
               |  +--------------------+    |
               |                            |
               | session-accept            \|/
               |                            |
        ACTIVE o-----------------------+    |
               |  | content-accept,    |    |
               |  | content-add,       |    |
               |  | content-modify,    |    |
               |  | content-reject,    |    |
               |  | content-remove,    |    |
               |  | description-info,  |    |
              \|/ | session-info,      |    |
               |  | transport-accept,  |    |
               |  | transport-info,    |    |
               |  | transport-reject,  |    |
               |  | transport-replace  |    |
               |  +--------------------+    |
               |                            |
                                            | session-terminate
                                            o ENDED

                 Figure 4: overall session status

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   Following example is showed to adding one content to a jingle
   stream. If user requests to add more contents in a Jingle stream,
   more contents specification must be added to adapt a user's
   request. When a set of contents or a Jingle stream specification is
   changed, mapping information or <layout/> information must be

            Example 4.  Example of IQ-stanza (content-add)

    <iq from="alice@woderland.lit/rabbithole"
       <jingle xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:1'
        <content creator='initiator' name='webcam2'>
         <description exmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:apps:rtp:1' media='video'>
            <payload-type id='98' name='theora' clockrate='90000'>
              <parameter name='height' value='600'/>
              <parameter name='width' value='800'/>
              <parameter name='delivery-method' value='inline'/>
              <parameter name='configuration' value='somebase16string'/>
              <parameter name='sampling' value='YCbCr-4:2:2'/>
            <payload-type id='28' name='nv' clockrate='90000'/>
            <payload-type id='25' name='CelB' clockrate='90000'/>
            <payload-type id='32' name='MPV' clockrate='90000'/>
            <bandwidth type='AS'> 128 </bandwidth>
          <transport xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:transports:udp:0'/>
        <layout URL="http://www.woderland.lit/alice-videocall-01.html"/>

3.5. Procedures of Termination

   Web browser on both side can terminate realtime communication call
   by using usual Jingle signaling manner, but there is one different
   thing. It is needed to set HTML/CSS/JavaScript statements to update
   Web browser window to show that realtime communication call is
   terminated. Example 5 is one of session-terminate signaling message.

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         Example 5.  Example of IQ-stanza (session-terminate)

    <iq from="alice@woderland.lit/rabbithole"
      <jingle xmlns='urn:xmpp:jingle:1'
          <text>I&apos;m outta here!</text>
        <layout URL="http://www.woderland.lit/alice-videocall-2.html"/>

4. Security Considerations

   This document has no requirement for a change to the security
   models within associated protocols.

5. IANA Considerations


6. References

6.1. Normative References

  [RFC6120]   P. Saint-Andre, "Extensible Messaging and Presence
              Protocol (XMPP): Core", March 2011.

  [RFC6121]   P. Saint-Andre, "Extensible Messaging and Presence
              Protocol (XMPP): Instant Messaging and Presence,
              March 2011.

  [XEP-0166]  Scott Ludwig et al, "Jingle", December 2011.

              Available at

  [XEP-0167]  Scott Ludwig et al, "Jingle RTP Sessions" December

              Available at

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             H. Alvestrand, "Overview: Real Time Protocols for
             Brower-based Applications", 
             draft-ietf-rtcweb-overview-02 (work in progress),
             September 2011.

             C. Holmberg et al,"Web Real-Time Communication
             Use-cases and Requirements",
             draft-ietf-rtcweb-use-cases-and-requirements-05 (work in
             progress), September 2011.

             Adam Bergkvist et al, "WebRTC 1.0: Real-time
             Communication Between Browsers", February 2012

             Available at

6.2. Informative references

  Authors' Addresses

  Yoshihiro Suzuki
  D3 Communications
  1-18-31 Tamagawa-Gakuen
  Machida City, Tokyo
  Japan 194-0041

  Nobuo Ogashiwa
  Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College
  1154-4 Koyahara-machi
  Maebashi City, Gunma Pref
  JAPAN 379-2192