Internet DRAFT - draft-syed-ccamp-flexgrid-framework-ext


Network Working Group
Internet Draft                                          Sharfuddin Syed
Intended status: Standard Track                               Rajan Rao
Expires: Oct 23, 2012                                        Marco Sosa
                                                                Biao Lu

                                                             Bert Basch
                                                        Andrew G. Malis
                                                 Verizon Communications

                                                         April 23, 2012

               A Framework for control of Flex Grid Networks


   This document provides a framework for applying the Generalized
   Multi-Protocol Label Switching (GMPLS) architecture and protocols to
   a Flex-Grid capable optical switching layer.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 23, 2012.

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   Copyright (c) 2011 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
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Table of Contents

   1. Introduction...................................................2
   2. Terminology....................................................3
   3. Acronyms.......................................................4
   4. Requirements and constraints...................................5
   5. Use cases......................................................8
   6. Protocol Implications.........................................14
   7. Security Considerations.......................................14
   8. IANA Considerations...........................................14
   9. References....................................................15
      9.1. Normative References.....................................15
      9.2. Informative References...................................15
   10. Acknowledgments..............................................16
   11. Authors' Addresses...........................................16
   12. Contributor's List...........................................17

1. Introduction

   To enable scaling to data rates beyond 100 Gbps, next generation
   transport systems  based on a super-channel concept are currently
   being developed. To allow efficient allocation of optical spectral
   bandwidth for such high bit rate systems, the International
   Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector
   (ITU-T) is extending the G.694.1 grid standard beyond the
   traditional fixed grid assignment of a constant spectral width per
   channel (termed ''Fixed-Grid'') to include flexible grid (termed

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   ''Flex-Grid'') support allowing for varying spectral width per
   channel, to support a variety of high-bit rate channels, each
   optimizing the spectral bandwidth needed for its particular channel

   Current IETF GMPLS efforts for routing and signaling on Wavelength
   Switched Optical Networks (WSONs) have been focused on Routing and
   Wavelength Assignment (RWA) for fixed grid Reconfigurable Optical
   Add-Drop Multiplexors (ROADMs) and line systems. This framework
   document is intended to set the stage on introducing the flexible
   grid concept, and setting the requirements and use cases to be taken
   into consideration for extending the GMPLS protocols to include
   support for flexible grid capable elements and the need for
   specifying blocks of spectrum, rather than just wavelengths.

   Section 2 of this document provides background terminology, while
   section 3 provides an acronym list. Section 4 then goes over a set
   of requirements that must be considered when defining the protocol
   extensions to support flexible grid elements. Section 5 then
   provides further background with a set of use cases. Section 6 goes
   over protocol implications; section 7 covers security
   considerations; section 8 lists IANA considerations. Section 9
   provides a list of references. Acknowledgements and contact
   information is provided in sections 10-12.

2. Terminology

   A. Frequency Slot:
          A frequency range allocated to a given channel and
          unavailable to other channels within the same flexible grid
          It is a contiguous portion of the spectrum available for an
          optical passband filter. A frequency slot is defined by its
          nominal central frequency and its slot width.
   B. Spectral Slice:
          The minimum granularity of a frequency slot (e.g. 12.5GHz).
   C. Slot width:
          The full width of a frequency slot in a flexible grid [FLEX-
          The slot width is equal to number of spectral slices in the
          slot times the width of spectral slice.
   D. Super-channel:

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          A super-channel is a collection of one or more frequency
          slots to be treated as a unified entity for management and
          control plane purposes (Ref to figure-1).
   E. Contiguous Spectrum Super-channel:
          A contiguous spectrum super-channel is a super-channel with a
          single frequency slot (Ref to figure-1).
   F.           Split-Spectrum super-channel:
          A split-Spectrum super-channel is a super-channel with
          multiple frequency slots.
          Each frequency slot will be allocated an independent passband
          filter, irrespective of whether frequency slots are adjacent
          or not.

            200 GHz        200 GHz                 200 GHz        200 GHz
            <------>      <------>                 <------>       <------>
            ________      ________                 ________       ________
           |        |    |        |               |        |     |        |
           |        |    |        |               |        |     |        |
           |        |    |        |               |        |     |        |
           |        |    |        |               |        |     |        |
           |________|    |________|               |________|     |________|

           |<--s1-->|    |<--s2-->|               |<--------s3----------->|

           Contiguous Spectrum super-channels     Split Spectrum super-channel

                          Figure 1: Super-Channel

3. Acronyms

   OCG: Optical Carrier Group

   SCH: Super Channel

   OCh: Optical Channel

   OCC: Optical Channel Carrier

   OTUk: Optical channel Transport Unit level k

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   ODUk: Optical channel Data Unit Level k

   ODUj: Optical channel Data Unit Level j

   CDC:  Colorless, Directionless and Contentionless

   CD:   Colorless and Directionless

   ROADM:   Reconfigurable Optical Add-Drop Multiplexer

4. Requirements and constraints

   This section covers the high level requirements for the support of
   super-channels over flexible grid infrastructure (Flex-Grid).
   Specifically, the scope of requirements and constraints listed in
   this section covers the functionality that shall be supported by the
   control plane sub-system. The Features are listed as a list of
   Requirements Tagged as Rn, for better traceability and coverage in
   other related drafts and/or for references by other related
   standards across other standard bodies.

   R1: Flexible size of super-channel

   The protocol shall allow the super-channels on the Flex-Grid to be
   of different size/width. The number of slices and the granularity of
   each slice shall be flexible.

   R2: Flexible mapping of super-channel

   The super-channels shall be allowed to be mapped to any spectrum
   location in the ITU Grid.

   The frequency slots allocation of super-channels on the ITU-Grid
   shall confirm to [FLEX-GRID]

   R3: Contiguous Spectrum and Split Spectrum super-channel

   The protocol shall allow the use of super-channels which can be
   contiguous or non-contiguous.

   Example: consider a system supporting 500GHz super-channel.

   In case of contiguous spectrum, the super-channel is allocated with
   40 slices of 12.5GHz granularity. This super-channel is placed
   directly on the Flex-Grid at any location.

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   In case of split spectrum, the super-channel is divided into
   multiple members. Considering the same example scenario, the 500GHz
   super-channel can be divided into 2 member split spectrum channels.
   Each member is allocated a different flexible location on the Flex-
   Grid. Each frequency slot can be 250GHz, 20x12.5GHz slices allocated
   for frequency slot.

   R4: Co-routing of split-spectrum super-channel

     The protocol shall support the co-routing of frequency slots
     within the split-spectrum super-channels.

     Please refer to the Figure 5 and Use Case 3, depicting the co-
     routing of split-spectrum super-channels.

   R5: Flexible Modulation Formats and polarization mode for different
   super-channels on the same Flex-Grid

   Each super-channel mapped on to the Flex-Grid system shall have the
   capability to support different modulation formats with either
   single or dual polarization modes.

   R6: Fixed vs Flexible Grid super-channel interworking

   The Control Plane protocol shall handle nodes which support flex-
   grid functionality in addition to nodes that only support fixed grid
   functionality. The enhanced control plane protocol with the flex-
   grid extensions shall also be able to work with fixed grid network
   in a backwards compatible manner.

   This requirement is to enable introduction of flex-grid systems into
   existing fixed-grid network. This can also be used to deploy flex-
   grid system in certain segments of the network. Please also refer to
   the use case section of this document.

   R7: Support for the CDC based super-channels over Flex-Grid

   The super-channel over the Flex-Grid control plane frame work shall
   support CDC (Connectionless, Directionless and Contentionless)
   architecture. Further, flexibility of control shall be provided,
   such that, depending on deployment scenarios and application, a sub-
   set of CDC features are used on a given network segment. Hence, each
   type of ROADMs shall be supported.

   R8: Directionless/Contentionless super-channels

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   The protocol shall allow for routing the super-channels in different
   fiber directions/degrees, based on the following criteria:

   a) Based on spectral slices
   b) Based on fibers/nodes

   The super-channels with the same frequency slot mapping are not
   allowed to be provisioned over a given fiber direction.

   Please refer to the Figure 5 and Use Case 3, depicting the handling
   of same super-channel at a CDC node.

   R9: Resizing of super-channel bandwidth

   Depending on the spectral bandwidth changes, the protocol shall
   allow super-channels resizing.

   R10: super-channel LSP restoration

   The protocol shall support the super-channel based LSP restoration
   feature, with the following features:

   a) During the restoration process, it shall be possible for the
     protocol to pick different frequency slots of super-channel,
     keeping the number and size of slices the same.
   b) LSP restoration with optional pre-computed path (with or without
     resource reservation) shall be supported.
   c) Revertive and Non-Revertive restoration options shall be provided.

   R11: Embedded Control Channel for super-channel routing and

   The system shall continue to use the standard mechanism for ECC
   defined in [ref: OSC based control channel], for OAM features
   required to be supported between network elements deploying super-
   channel over Flex-Grid.

   R12: Management Plane and Control Plane feature interaction for

   The system shall keep track of important bandwidth related
   parameters for the Flex-Grid based system. Important parameters
   include (but not limited to):

   a) Available Spectral Slices
   b) Provisioned super-channels along with provisioned spectral-slices

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5. Use cases

   The use cases described in this section are for information only.
   The OTN hierarchy described in this section is sure to be discussed
   in ITU SG-15 Q6 & Q14. Within the scope of this frame-work document,
   the main focus is super-channel entity. The remaining layers are
   described to illustrate the relationship with the digital layers.

   With respect to the mapping hierarchy in the OTN layers, multiple
   OCHs are mapped to the SCH, and multiple OCCs (Optical Channel
   Carriers) are mapped to an OCH. This hierarchy is depicted in Figure
   2 below. Specifically, the following flexibility of number of
   instances that are mapped between the layers shall be supported.

   X number of OCC mapped to OCH

   Y number of OCH mapped to SCH

   Z number of SCH mapped to OCG

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                        __________        __________
                       |          |      |          |
                       |   ODUj   | ...  |   ODUj   |
                       |__________|      |__________|
                            |                  |
                            |                  |
                       |                            |
                       |             OTUk           |
                       |                            |
                       |             OCH            |
                            |                  |
                            |                  |
                        ____|_____        _____|____
                       |          |      |          |
                       |carrier 1 | ...  |carrier n |
                       |__________|      |__________|
                            |                  |
                            |                  |
                       |                            |
                       |             SCH            |
                       |                            |
                       |             SCG            |
                Figure 2: Super-Channel mapping to OTN hierarchy

   Example Use Case 1: Super-Channel with multiple OCHs and multiple
   carriers per OCHs.

   The following Figure 3 gives an example use case where multiple OCH
   are carrier over a single SCH. Please note that this is an example
   use case only. In general, the system shall be capable of supporting
   flexible mapping where there is flexible number of carriers mapped
   into an OCH and a flexible number of OCHs mapped to a single Super-

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    ____    ____  ____    ____  ____    ____  ____    ____  ____    ____
  |    |  |    ||    |  |    ||    |  |    ||    |  |    ||    |  |    |
  |____|  |____||____|  |____||____|  |____||____|  |____||____|  |____|
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |       |
   _|______|___  _|______|___  _|______|___  _|______|___  _|_______|__
  |            ||            ||            ||            ||            |
  |    OTUk    ||    OTUk    ||    OTUk    ||    OTUk    ||    OTUk    |
        |             |             |             |             |
        |             |             |             |             |
   _____|_______ _____|______  _____|______  _____|______  _____|______
  |            ||            ||            ||            ||            |
  |    OCH     ||    OCH     ||    OCH     ||    OCH     ||    OCH     |
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__
  |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    |
  | C1 | | C2 | | C3 | | C4 | | C5 | | C6 | | C7 | | C8 | | C9 | |C10 |
  |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
    |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
  |                                                                    |
  |                              SCH                                   |
                  |                            |
                  |             OCG            |
Figure 3: Super-Channel use case showing multiple OCH and multiple carriers per OCH

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   Example Use Case 2:

   The following Figure 4 shows the case where multiple OCHs are
   carried over separate super-channels.

     ____                      ____      ____                      ____
    |    |                    |    |    |    |                    |    |
    |ODUj|..                  |ODUj|    |ODUj|..                  |ODUj|
    |____|                    |____|    |____|                    |____|
       |                        |         |                         |
       |                        |         |                         |
    ___|________________________|____   __|_________________________|____
   |                                 | |                                 |
   |               OTUk              | |               OTUk              |
   |_________________________________| |_________________________________|
                    |                                   |
                    |                                   |
    ________________|________________   ________________|________________
   |                                 | |                                 |
   |               OCH               | |               OCH               |
   |_________________________________| |_________________________________|
       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
       |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
     __|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__   _|__
     |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    | |    |
     | C1 | | C2 | | C3 | | C4 | | C5 | | C6 | | C7 | | C8 | | C9 | |C10 |
     |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____| |____|
        |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
        |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |
      __|______|______|______|______|_    _|______|______|______|______|__
     |                                |  |                                |
     |          SCH1                  |  |             SCH2               |
     |________________________________|  |________________________________|
                    \                                        /
                     \                                      /
                         |                            |
                         |             SCG            |
Figure 4: Split-Spectrum Super-Channel use case showing multiple OCH and multiple
carriers per OCH

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   Example Use Case 3: Network Level Use Case of super-channel

   A network level diagram to illustrate the use of CDC based super-
   channel (contiguous spectrum and split-spectrum) is shown in Figure
   5 below. In this scenario, N1 and N2 are digital/TDM nodes, where
   the client services originate. N2, N3, N4 and N5 are Optical/WDM
   nodes on which the super-channels are provisioned. Node N2 is CDC
   ROADM and Nodes N3, N4 and N5 are Colorless ROADMs only.

   Four super-channels are provisioned in this example network. Super-
   Channels S1 are contiguous spectrum super-channels, both using the
   same frequency slots, and are added/dropped at Node N2. The
   contention for the same super-channel (with exactly the same
   frequency slot mapping) is avoided by routing these super-channels
   in different degrees of the network. Alternatively, if these super-
   channels have to go through the same fiber path, then the frequency
   slots occupied on the Flex-Grid shall be different.

   Super-channels S2-1 and S2-2 illustrates the split-spectrum super-
   channel that is co-routed over the same fibers in the network.

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                                     |         |
                                     |   N4    |
                                     |         |
                                     |         |
                                      /       \

            S1, s2-1, s2-2          /           \           s2-1, s2-2

     _________          _________ / D1             \_________         ______
    |         |--s1----|         |                 |         |       |      |
    |         |--s2-1--|         |                 |   N5    |--s2-1-|   N6 |
    |   N1    |--s2-2--|   N2    |                 |         |--s2-1-|      |
_   |_________|--s1--- |_________|                 |_________|       |______|
                                  \ D2            /

                             S1    \            /

                                    \          /

                                    |         |
                                    |  N3     |
                                    |         |
                                         | s1
                  Figure 5: Super-Channel Network Level use case

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   Example Use Case 4: Fixed and Flexible Grid Interworking

    - In Figure 6:
         o The Nodes N2 and N3 are Flex-Grid and Fixed grid capable
         o The Nodes N1 and N4 are fixed grid capable nodes.
    - Fixed and Flexible support on the same interface
         o In Figure 6, this is represented by Link L3
   - BW advertisement that include both fixed and flexible grid by Flex
     Grid capable nodes
   - Signaling support for both fixed and flex-grid.

            ________        _________           ________           ________
           |        |--L1--|         |         |        |         |        |
           |        |      |         |---L3--- |        |---L4----|        |
           |        |--L2--|         |         |        |         |        |
           |________|      |_________|         |________|         |________|

             Figure 6: Use case for fixed and flex-grid interworking

6. Protocol Implications

   Support GMPLS Routing extensions to satisfy requirements in section

   Support GMPLS Signaling extensions to satisfy requirements in
   section 4.0.

7. Security Considerations

   <Add any security considerations>

8. IANA Considerations

   IANA needs to assign a new Grid field value to represent ITU-T Flex-

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9. References

     9.1. Normative References

   [RFC 2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

     9.2. Informative References

   [1]   ITU-T Recommendation G.694.1, "Spectral grids for WDM
         applications: DWDM frequency grid", June 2002

   [2]   [FLEX-GRID] Unpublished ITU-T Study Group-15 doc: G.694.1
         [Rev-2, 12/2011]

   [3]   [RFC 6163] Framework for GMPLS and Path Computation Element
         (PCE) Control of Wavelength Switched Optical Networks (WSONs)

   [4]   draft-ietf-ccamp-rwa-info-13.txt: Routing and Wavelength
         Assignment Information Model for Wavelength Switched Optical

   [5]   draft-syed-ccamp-flexgrid-framework-ext.pdf -                                                          - PDF version of
         this draft which contains figures.

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10. Acknowledgments

11. Authors' Addresses

   Sharfuddin Syed
   140 Caspian Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94089

   Rajan Rao
   140 Caspian Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94089

   Marco Sosa
   140 Caspian Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94089

   Biao Lu
   140 Caspian Ct., Sunnyvale, CA 94089

   Bert Basch
   Verizon Communications
   60 Sylvan Rd., Waltham, MA 02451

   Andrew G. Malis
   Verizon Communications
   60 Sylvan Rd., Waltham, MA 02451

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12.  Contributor's List

   Radhakrishna Valiveti

   Iftekhar Hussain

   Abinder Dhillon

   Mike VanLeeuwen

   Ping Pan

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