Internet DRAFT - draft-thubert-bess-secure-evpn-mac-signaling


BESS                                                     P. Thubert, Ed.
Intended status: Standards Track                           A. Przygienda
Expires: 16 March 2024                             Juniper Networks, Inc
                                                             J. Tantsura
                                                       13 September 2023

                       Secure EVPN MAC Signaling


   This specification adds attributes to EVPN to carry IPv6 address
   metadata learned from RFC 8505 and RFC 8928 so as to maintain a
   synchronized copy of the 6LoWPAN ND registrar at each EVPN router and
   perform locally a unicast IPv6 ND service for address lookup and
   duplicate address detection.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 16 March 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  Glossary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.3.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.1.  IPv6 Interface, Link, and Subnet  . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  RFC 6775 Address Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     3.3.  RFC 8505 Extended Address Registration  . . . . . . . . .  10
       3.3.1.  R Flag  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       3.3.2.  TID, "I" Field and Opaque Fields  . . . . . . . . . .  11
       3.3.3.  Status  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       3.3.4.  Route Ownership Verifier  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     3.4.  RFC 8505 Extended DAR/DAC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     3.5.  Anycast and Multicast Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     3.6.  Prefix Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     3.7.  RFC 7400 Capability Indication Option . . . . . . . . . .  15
   4.  Extending 6LoWPAN ND  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     4.1.  Use of the R flag in NA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     4.2.  Distributing the 6LBR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     4.3.  Unicast Address Lookup with the 6LBR  . . . . . . . . . .  19
   5.  Requirements on the EVPN-Unaware Host . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     5.1.  Support of 6LoWPAN ND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   6.  Enhancements to EVPN  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     6.1.  Updated ARP/ND Extended Community . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
     6.2.  Updated Mobility Extended Community . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     6.3.  Extended ROVR MAC Procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   7.  Protocol Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
     9.1.  MAC Mobility Extended Community Flags . . . . . . . . . .  42
     9.2.  ARP/ND Extended Community Flags . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
   10. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
   11. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43
   12. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  45
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46

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1.  Introduction

   "Registration Extensions for IPv6 over 6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery"
   [RFC8505] (ND) provides a zeroconf routing-agnostic Host-to-Router
   Link-Local interface for Stateful Address Autoconfiguration.
   "Address-Protected Neighbor Discovery for Low-Power and Lossy
   Networks" [RFC8928] (AP-ND) adds a zeroconf anti-theft protection
   that protects the ownership of the autoconfigured address with
   autoconfigured proof of ownership called a Registration Ownership
   Verifier (ROVR).

   [RFC8505] enables the host to claim an IPv6 address and obtain
   reachability services for that address.  It is already used to inject
   host routes in RPL [RFC9010] and RIFT "Routing in Fat Trees" [RIFT],
   and to maintain a proxy-ND state in a backbone router [RFC8929]; this
   specification extends its applicability to the case of Ethernet
   Virtual Private Network (EVPN).

   [RFC8505] specifies a unicast address registration mechanism that
   enables the host called a 6LowPAN Node (6LN) to install a ND binding
   state in the 6LowPAN Router (6LR) that can serve as Neighbor Cache
   Entry (NCE), though it is not operated as a cache.  The protocol
   provides the means to reject the registration in case of address
   duplication.  It also enables to discriminate mobility from
   multihoming.  [RFC8928] adds the capability to verify the ownership
   of the address and prevent an attacker from stealing and/or
   impersonating an address.

   [RFC8505] defines the 6LoWPAN Border Router (6LBR) as an abstract
   address registrar that provides authoritative service for Address
   Registration and duplicate detection.  The 6LBR stores address
   metadata that is obtained during the Address Registration, including
   an owner ID and a sequence counter.  As part of the process of a new
   Address Registration, the 6LR queries the 6LBR for existing metadata
   related to the address being registered.  This enables in particular
   to detect a duplication and reject the registration.  This
   specification extends the 6LBR abstract data model to store the Link
   Layer Address (LLA) of the Registering Node.  This enables the 6LBR
   to perform locally, and using unicast communication, the IPv6 ND
   services of address lookup and duplicate address detection.

   The [RFC8505] address registrar can be centralized, but it can also
   be distributed and maintained synchronized using a routing protocol.
   This specification adds attributes to EVPN to carry the IPv6 address
   metadata learned from [RFC8505] so as to maintain a synchronized copy
   of the 6LBR abstract data at each EVPN router.

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2.  Terminology

2.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2.2.  Glossary

   This document uses the following acronyms:

   6CIO  Capability Indication Option [RFC7400]
   6LN:  6LoWPAN Node (the Host) [RFC6775]
   6LR:  6LoWPAN router (the router) [RFC6775]
   6LBR:  6LoWPAN Border router [RFC6775]
   AMC:  Address Mapping Confirmation [UNICAST-LOOKUP]
   AMR:  Address Mapping Request [UNICAST-LOOKUP]
   ARO  Address Registration Option [RFC6775]
   CIPO:  Crypto-ID Parameters Option
   DAD:  Duplicate Address Detection [RFC4862]
   ICMPv6:  Internet Control Message Protocol for IPv6
   DAC  Duplicate Address Confirmation [RFC6775]
   DAR  Duplicate Address Request [RFC6775]
   EDAC  Extended Duplicate Address Confirmation [RFC8505]
   EDAR  Extended Duplicate Address Request [RFC8505]
   EARO:  Extended Address Registration Option [RFC8505]
   EVPN:  Ethernet VPN [RFC7432]
   LLA:  Link-Layer Address (the MAC address on Ethernet)
   LLN  Low-Power and Lossy Network [RFC6550]
   NA:  Neighbor Advertisement [RFC4861]
   NCE:  Neighbor Cache Entry [RFC4861]
   ND:  Neighbor Discovery [RFC4861]
   NDPSO:  Neighbor Discovery Protocol Signature Option
   NS:  Neighbor Solicitation [RFC4861]
   RA:  Router Advertisement [RFC4861]
   ROVR:  Registration Ownership Verifier [RFC8505]
   TID:  Transaction ID (a sequence counter in the EARO) [RFC8505]
   SLAAC:  Stateless Address Autoconfiguration [RFC4862]
   SLLAO:  Source Link-Layer Address Option [RFC4861]
   TLLAO:  Target Link-Layer Address Option [RFC4861]
   ROVR MAC:  MAC obtained from a host meeting requirements in Section 5
   Validated ROVR MAC:  ROVR MAC validated by procedures specified in
   ROVR Node:  EVPN node capable of advertising ROVR MACs
   non-ROVR Node:  EVPN node not supporting extensions defined in this

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   VPN:  Virtual Private Network

2.3.  References

   This document uses the terms Clos fabric and Fat Tree
   interchangeably, to refer to a folded spine-and-leaf topology as
   defined in the terminology section of "RIFT: Routing in Fat Trees"

   The term "leaf" represents the access switch that connects the
   servers to the Fat Tree.  The leaf is typically a Top-of-Rack (ToR)

   This specification uses the terms 6LN, 6LR and 6LBR to refer
   specifically to nodes that implement the said roles in [RFC8505] and
   does not expect other functionality such as 6LoWPAN Header

   *  In the context of this document, the 6LN is a server that
      advertises an address mapping using [RFC8505], and optionally
      protects its ownership with [RFC8928].

   *  The 6LR and 6LBR function are collapsed at the leaf and its state
      is synchronized with that of the EVPN functional support using an
      internal interface that is out of scope.  That interface could be
      "pull" meaning that the 6LBR fetches the EVPN information when it
      needs it, or "push", meaning that any information that EVPN
      distributes is immediately fed in all the 6LBRs in all the leaves.
      Note that this is pure control plane and is not subject to
      abbreviating optimization as the FIB may be.

   In this document, readers will encounter terms and concepts that are
   discussed in the following documents:

   EVPN:  "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN" [RFC7432] and "Network
      Virtualization Overlay Solution" [RFC8365],

   Classical IPv6 ND:  "Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6" [RFC4861]
      and "IPv6 Stateless Address Autoconfiguration" [RFC4862],

   6LoWPAN ND:  Neighbor Discovery Optimization for Low-Power and Lossy
      Networks [RFC6775], "Registration Extensions for 6LoWPAN Neighbor
      Discovery" [RFC8505], "Address Protected Neighbor Discovery for
      Low-power and Lossy Networks" [RFC8928], and "IPv6 Backbone
      Router" [RFC8929].

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3.  6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery

   6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery defines a stateful address
   autoconfiguration mechanism for IPv6. 6LoWPAN ND enables to divorce
   the L3 abstractions for link and subnet from the characteristics of
   the L2 link and broadcast domain.  It is applicable beyond its
   original field of IoT to any environment where the broadcast nature
   of the underlaying network should not be exploited, e.g., in the case
   of a wireless link where broadcast uses an excessive amount of
   spectrum, and a distributed cloud, where it may span too widely.

   In contrast to Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) [RFC4862]
   which relies on broadcast for duplicate address detection (DAD) and
   address lookup, 6LoWPAN ND installs and maintains a state in the
   neighbors for the duration of their interaction.  Though it is also
   called a Neighbor Cache Entry (BCE) in [RFC6775], and in contrast
   with the the BCE in SLAAC, that state is not a cache that can be
   casually flushed and rebuilt.  It must be installed proactively and
   refreshed periodically to maintain the connectivity and enable
   unicast-only operations.

   This section goes through the 6LoWPAN ND network abstractions and
   mechanisms that this specification leverages, as a non-normative
   reference to the reader.  The relevant normative text is to be found
   in [RFC6775], [RFC8505], and [RFC8928].

3.1.  IPv6 Interface, Link, and Subnet

   The typical abstraction for an IP Link with 6LoWPAN ND is a logical
   point-to-point (P2P) link between a node (a host or a router) and a
   router, regardless of the physical medium between the node and the
   router, which may or may not be shared with other nodes.

   A Subnet is deployed over a mesh of nodes connected with those
   logical P2P Links, where routers form a connected dominating set as
   represented in Figure 1; the resulting aggregate is called a
   multilink subnet (MLSN).  An MLSN may be only partially meshed, and
   the underlaying network is not expected to provide a multicast or a
   broadcast service across the subnet.

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                    +------+                     +------+
                    | Host |----------+    +-----| Host |
                    +------+          |    |     +------+
                        |           +--------+
                        |   +-------| Router |
                        |   |       +--------+
                     +--------+        |   |       +------+
                     | Router |        |   +------ | Host |
                     +--------+        |           +------+
                        |   |   +--------+
                        |   +---| Router |
                        |       +--------+
                      +------+     |  |     +------+
                      | Host |-----+  +-----| Host |
                      +------+                +------+

                 Figure 1: P2P Links in a Multilink Subnet

   Consequently, the subnet model is not-on-link, meaning that the any-
   to-any connectivity across the subnet is ensured through L3
   operations (routing or proxy) as opposed to transitive (any-to-any)
   reachability from L2.  It also means that hosts do not lookup other
   nodes using IPv6 Neighbor Discovery but forward all their traffic via
   their connected routers.  Which in turn means that only routers need
   to be discovered, which is done by sending Router Advertisement (RA)
   messages to all directly reachable nodes in the subnet, e.g., using a
   radio broadcast.

   As illustrated in Figure 2, an IP interface bundles multiple sub-
   interfaces to connect the IP links between this node and peers in the
   same subnet, which is known as a point-to-multipoint (P2MP)

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                        | P2MP Interface
                        | --------------
                        |  MAC Address
                        |  IPv6 Link-Local address(es)
                        |  IPv6 global addresses
                        |   +------------------------
                        |   | P2P sub-interface
                        |   | -----------------
                        |   |  Peer MAC Address
                        |   |  Peer IP addresses
                        |   +------------------------
                        |   +------------------------
                        |   | P2P sub-interface
                        |   | -----------------
                        |   |  Peer MAC Address
                        |   |  Peer IP addresses
                        |   +------------------------
                        |   +------------------------
                        |   | P2P sub-interface
                        |   | -----------------
                        |   |  Peer MAC Address
                        |   |  Peer IP addresses
                        |   +------------------------
                        |    ....

                          Figure 2: P2MP Interface

   In the case of a 6LoWPAN radio, the IP Interface may be physical, and
   the P2P IP links are virtual based on discovered neighbor routers;
   the same model can apply when the node is connected via a switch to
   one or more routers.

   In the case of a multihomed NIC card in a datacenter, the NIC is
   connected to several Top-of-Rack (ToR) switches acting as leaves in
   the fabric, over as many Ethernet physical interfaces.  If the NIC
   provides a L2 virtual switch, then the stack can apply the same model
   as above, modeling the virtual port to the virtual switch as a P2MP

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   On the other hand, if the NIC provides a virtual router, then
   Ethernet ports are L3 ports and the physical link to the leaf is
   modeled as P2P.  To form the P2MP interface, the router bundles
   (aggregates) the physical interfaces as the sub-interfaces of a
   single logical P2MP Link, as shown in Figure 3.

                      | NIC Aggregate interface
                      | -----------------------
                      |  virtual MAC Address
                      |  IPv6 global addresses
                      |   +------------------------
                      |   |  Ethernet Port 1
                      |   | -----------------
                      |   |  Physical MAC Address
                      |   |  IPv6 Link-Local address(es)
                      |   |  Leaf MAC Address
                      |   |  Leaf IP addresses
                      |   +------------------------
                      |   +------------------------
                      |   | Ethernet Port 2
                      |   | -----------------
                      |   |  Physical MAC Address
                      |   |  IPv6 Link-Local address(es)
                      |   |  Leaf MAC Address
                      |   |  Leaf IP addresses
                      |   +------------------------
                      |    ....

                      Figure 3: Logical P2MP Interface

   To conserve the same model, it makes sense to configure the same
   (virtual) MAC address on all the physical interfaces, and use it for
   the purpose of IPv6 ND.  In that case, the same MAC address is
   exposed as Link-layer Address (LLA) to both leaves for the NIC IP
   addresses, and the IPv6 address still appears as unicast.  Note that
   the Link-Local addresses used to register the global IPv6 addresses
   to the leaf may be different but that does not affect the exposed

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   When that is not possible, then the same IP address is advertised
   with the physical MAC address of each port as the LLA over that port.
   In that case, the global IPv6 address appears as anycast, and SHOULD
   be advertised as such, more in Section 3.5.

3.2.  RFC 6775 Address Registration

   The classical "IPv6 Neighbor Discovery (IPv6 ND) Protocol" [RFC4861]
   [RFC4862] was defined for serial links and transit media such as
   Ethernet.  It is a reactive protocol that relies heavily on multicast
   operations for Address Discovery (aka Lookup) and Duplicate Address
   Detection (DAD).

   "Neighbor Discovery Optimizations for 6LoWPAN networks" [RFC6775]
   adapts IPv6 ND for operations over energy-constrained LLNs.  The main
   functions of [RFC6775] are to proactively establish the Neighbor
   Cache Entry (NCE) in the 6LR and to prevent address duplication.  To
   that effect, [RFC6775] introduces a new unicast Address Registration
   mechanism that contributes to reducing the use of multicast messages
   compared to the classical IPv6 ND protocol.

   [RFC6775] defines a new Address Registration Option (ARO) that is
   carried in the unicast Neighbor Solicitation (NS) and Neighbor
   Advertisement (NA) messages between the 6LoWPAN Node (6LN) and the
   6LoWPAN router (6LR).  It also defines the Duplicate Address Request
   (DAR) and Duplicate Address Confirmation (DAC) messages between the
   6LR and the 6LBR.  In a Low-Power and Lossy Network (LLN), the 6LBR
   is the central repository of all the Registered Addresses in its
   domain and the authoritative source of truth for uniqueness and

3.3.  RFC 8505 Extended Address Registration

   "Registration Extensions for 6LoWPAN Neighbor Discovery" [RFC8505]
   updates RFC 6775 into a generic Address Registration mechanism that
   can be used to access services such as routing and ND proxy.  To that
   effect, [RFC8505] defines the Extended Address Registration Option
   (EARO), shown in Figure 4:

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      0                   1                   2                   3
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     |     Type      |     Length    |    Status     |    Opaque     |
     |  Rsvd | I |R|T|     TID       |     Registration Lifetime     |
     |                                                               |
    ...             Registration Ownership Verifier                 ...
     |                                                               |

                        Figure 4: EARO Option Format

3.3.1.  R Flag

   [RFC8505] introduces the R Flag in the EARO.  The Registering Node
   sets the R Flag to indicate whether the 6LR should ensure
   reachability for the Registered Address.  If the R Flag is set to 0,
   then the Registering Node handles the reachability of the Registered
   Address by other means.  In an EVPN network, this means that either
   it is a RAN that injects the route by itself or that it uses another
   EVPN router for reachability services.

   This document specifies how the R Flag is used in the context of
   EVPN.  An EVPN Host that implements the 6LN functionality from
   [RFC8505] requires reachability services for an IPv6 address if and
   only if it sets the R Flag in the NS(EARO) used to register the
   address to a 6LR acting as an EVPN border router.  Upon receiving the
   NS(EARO), the EVPN router generates a BGP advertisement for the
   Registered Address if and only if the R flag is set to 1.

   [RFC9010] specifies that the 'R' flags is set in the responded NA
   messages if and only if the route was installed.  This specification
   echoes that behavior.

3.3.2.  TID, "I" Field and Opaque Fields

   When the T Flag is set to 1, the EARO includes a sequence counter
   called Transaction ID (TID), that is needed to format the MAC
   Mobility Extended Community.  This is the reason why the support of
   [RFC8505] by the Host, as opposed to only [RFC6775], is a
   prerequisite for this specification); this requirement is fully
   explained in Section 5.1.  The EARO also transports an Opaque field
   and an associated "I" field that describes what the Opaque field
   transports and how to use it.

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   This document specifies the use of the "I" field and the Opaque field
   by a Host.

3.3.3.  Status

   The values of the EARO status are maintained by IANA in the Address
   Registration Option Status Values subregistry [IANA-EARO-STATUS] of
   the Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) Parameters

   [RFC6775] and [RFC8505] defined the original values whereas [RFC9010]
   reduced range to 64 values and reformatted the octet field to enable
   to transport an external error, e.g., coming form a routing protocol.

   This specification uses the format expressed in [RFC9010].  The value
   of 0 denotes an unqualified success, 1 indicates an address
   duplication, 3 a TID value that is outdated, and 4 is used in an
   asynchronous NA to indicate that 6LN should remove that address and
   possibly form new ones.

3.3.4.  Route Ownership Verifier

   Section 5.3 of [RFC8505] introduces the Registration Ownership
   Verifier (ROVR) field of variable length from 64 to 256 bits.  The
   ROVR is a replacement of the EUI-64 in the ARO [RFC6775] that was
   used to identify uniquely an Address Registration with the Link-Layer
   address of the owner but provided no protection against spoofing.

   "Address Protected Neighbor Discovery for Low-power and Lossy
   Networks" [RFC8928] leverages the ROVR field as a cryptographic proof
   of ownership to prevent a rogue third party from registering an
   address that is already owned.  The use of ROVR field enables the 6LR
   to block traffic that is not sourced at an owned address.

   This specification does not address how the protection by [RFC8928]
   could be extended for use in EVPN.  On the other hand, it adds the
   ROVR to the BGP advertisement to share the state with the other
   routers via the Reflector (see Section 6.1), which means that the
   routers that are aware of the Host route are also aware of the ROVR
   associated to the Target Address, whether it is cryptographic and
   should be verified.

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3.4.  RFC 8505 Extended DAR/DAC

   [RFC8505] updates the DAR/DAC messages to EDAR/EDAC messages to carry
   the ROVR field.  The EDAR/EDAC exchange takes place between the 6LR
   to which the node registers an address, and the abstract 6LBR that
   stores the reference value for the ROVR and the TID associated to
   that address.  It is triggered by an NS(EARO) message from a 6LN to
   the 6LR, to create, refresh, compare and delete the corresponding
   state in the 6LBR.

   In the status returned with the EDAC message, the 6LBR indicates if
   the registration is accepted, should be challenged, or is duplicate.
   The status of 0 (success) indicates that the address is either new or
   that the current registration matches, and in particular that the
   ROVR at the 6LBR and the one in the EDAR message are identical.

                  6LN               6LR                6LBR
                   |                 |                   |
                   |   IP Link       |    subnetwork     |
                   |                 |                   |
                   |  NS(EARO)       |                   |
                   |---------------->|                   |
                   |                 |                   |
                   |                 |    EDAR           |
                   |                 |------------------>|
                   |                 |                   |
                   |                 |      EDAC(status) |
                   |                 |<------------------|
                   |                 |                   |
                   |       NA(EARO)  |                   |
                   |<----------------|                   |
                   |                 |                   |

                          Figure 5: EDAR/EDAC flow

   The EDAR/EDAC exchange is protected by the retry mechanism specified
   in Section 8.2.6 of [RFC6775], though in a data center, a duration
   significantly shorter than the default value of the Retransmission
   Timer [RFC4861] of 1 second may be sufficient to cover the round-trip
   delay between the 6R and the 6LBR.

   With this specification, the 6LBR is distributed across the leaves,
   and all the leaves where an address is currently registered maintain
   a full 6LBR state for the address, aka local state in the following
   text.  The specification leverages the EDAR/EDAC exchange to ensure
   that a leaf (acting as a 6LR) that needs to create a 6LBR state for a

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   new registration has the same value for the ROVR as any 6LBR already
   serving that address on another leaf.  At the same time, the
   specification avoids placing full ROVR information in BGP so 1) it is
   not observable by a potential attacker and 2) the new attributes
   remain reasonably small.

3.5.  Anycast and Multicast Addresses

   "IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Multicast Address Registration"
   [I-D.ietf-6lo-multicast-registration] extends [RFC8505] to enable the
   address registration of IPv6 anycast and multicast addresses.  From
   the host perspective, the registration is very similar to that of
   unicast addresses, but for a flag in the EARO that signals that the
   address is multicast or anycast.

   This procedure can be used as a replacement to "Multicast Listener
   Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6" [RFC3810] for source-
   independant multicast operation.  As for unicast, the method saves
   the need for the host to listen to pollings from the router, and
   allows the host to sleep for periods of time.

3.6.  Prefix Registration

   "IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix Registration"
   [I-D.ietf-6lo-prefix-registration] provides another extension of
   [RFC8505] to enable the registration of prefixes.  The registration
   is agnostic to the method that the Registering Node used to obtain
   the prefix (DHCP-PD, IPAM, manual configuration, or

   As for addresses, the Registering Node may request that the router
   ensures reachability for the Registered Prefix, typically by
   redistributing the prefix in a routing protocol.  The registration is
   also agnostic to the routing protocol that is being used.

   The Registered Prefix may be owned by the Registering Node, for
   instance if the prefix is used for a tethered stub or iwithin the
   node to address applications and / or virtual machines.  In that
   case, the expectation for the routing fabric is to forward packets
   with a destination address that matches the prefix towards the
   Registering Node.

   Alternatively, the Registered Prefix may be signaled as topologically
   correct at the Registering Node.  This means that the Registering
   Node can relay packets that are sourced in the Registered Prefix to
   the outside, and the packets will be not be filtered by the
   application of [BCP38].  This is used to announce a Provicer Assigned
   (PA) address range and ensure that packets exit the network via the

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   ISP that provided the prefix.  In that case, the expectation for the
   routing fabric is to forward packets destined to the outside and with
   with a source address that matches the prefix towards the Registering

3.7.  RFC 7400 Capability Indication Option

   "6LoWPAN-GHC: Generic Header Compression for IPv6 over Low-Power
   Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs)" [RFC7400] defines the
   6LoWPAN Capability Indication Option (6CIO) that enables a node to
   expose its capabilities in router Advertisement (RA) messages.

   [RFC8505] defines a number of bits in the 6CIO, in particular:

   L:  Node is a 6LR.
   E:  Node is an IPv6 ND Registrar -- i.e., it supports registrations
      based on EARO.
   P:  Node is a Routing Registrar, -- i.e., an IPv6 ND Registrar that
      also provides reachability services for the Registered Address.

       0                   1                   2                   3
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
      |     Type      |   Length = 1  |     Reserved      |D|L|B|P|E|G|
      |                           Reserved                            |

                            Figure 6: 6CIO flags

   A 6LR that provides reachability services for a Host in an EVPN
   network as specified in this document includes a 6CIO in its RA
   messages and set the L, P and E flags to 1 as prescribed by

4.  Extending 6LoWPAN ND

4.1.  Use of the R flag in NA

   This document extends [RFC8928] and [RFC8505] as follows

   This document also updates the behavior of a 6LR acting as EVPN
   router and of a 6LN acting as Host in the 6LoWPAN ND Address
   Registration as follows:

   *  The use of the R Flag is extended to the NA(EARO) to confirm
      whether the route was installed.

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4.2.  Distributing the 6LBR

   This specification enables to distribute the 6LBR at the edge of the
   EVPN network and collapse the 6LBR function with that of the EVPN
   support.  In that model, the EVPN to 6LBR interaction becomes an
   internal interface, where each side informs the other in case of new
   information concerning an IP to Link-Layer Address (LLA) mapping.
   Since this is an internal interface, this specification makes no
   assumption on whether the 6LBR stores its own representation of the
   full EVPN state, which means that the EVPN support informs the 6LBR
   in case of any change on the EVPN side (this is called the push
   model, see Figure 13), or if the 6LBR queries the EVPN support when
   it does not have a mapping to satisfy a request (pull model, see
   Figure 12).

   This specification leverages [RFC8929] that augments the abstract
   data model of the 6LBR to store the LLA associated with the
   registered address.  Based on that additional state, the 6LBR in a
   leaf can communicate the mapping to the collocated EVPN function and
   respond to unicast address mapping lookups from the server side.

   In an environment where the server ranges from a classical host to a
   more complex platform that runs a collection of virtual hosts
   interconnected by a virtual switch, but where the host-to-leaf
   interface remains at layer 2, the 6LR and the 6LBR functions can be
   collapsed in the leaf.  The 6LR to 6LBR interaction also becomes an
   internal interface, and there is no need for EDAR/EDAC messages.

   In that case, the MAC address associated to the Registered Address is
   indicated in the Target Link-Layer Address Option (TLLAO) in the NS
   message used for the registration, as shown in Figure 7.  In the case
   of a pull model, if the 6LBR does not have a local state for the
   mapping, it queries the EVPN support to obtain the EVPN state if any.
   If a mapping is known then the 6LR/6LBR evaluates the registration
   for address duplication and other possible issues per [RFC8505].
   Else (this is for a new mapping), if the registration is accepted,
   then the 6LBR notifies the EVPN support to inject a route type 2 in
   the fabric.

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                Server              Leaf
          +--------------+   +-------------------+
          |              |   |                   |
           6LN                6LR/6LBR       EVPN
            |                    |            |
            | <vSwitch> Ethernet | <call I/F> |
            |                    |            |
            |  NS(EARO)          |            |
            |------------------->|            |
            |                    |            | ^
            |                    |   query    | |
            |                    |----------->| | if pull
            |                    |  response  | | model
            |                    |<-----------| |
            |                                 | v
            |            Evaluation (DAD)     |
            |                                 |
            |                    |new mapping |
            |                    | indication |
            |                    |----------->|
            |                                 | Inject/maintain
            |         store a mapping state   | EVPN route type 2
            |                                 | ------------------>
            |       NA(EARO)     |            | [via BGP signaling]
            |<-------------------|            |
            |                    |            |

                       Figure 7: Direct Registration

   In another type of deployment, the 6LR may be a virtual router in the
   server whereas the 6LBR runs in the leaf node.  To address that case,
   the EDAR/EDAC may be used to communicate as shown in figure 5 of
   [RFC8505].  This draft leverages the capability to insert IPv6 ND
   options in the EDAR and EDAC messages introduced in [RFC8929] to
   place a TLLAO that carries the MAC address associated to the
   Registered address in the EDAR and EDAC messages as shown in
   Figure 8:

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            Server                       Leaf
      +----------------+          +----------------+
      |                |          |                |
       6LN          6LR            6LBR        EVPN
        |            |              |            |
        | <vSwitch>  |  Ethernet    | <call I/F> |
        |            |              |            |
        |  NS(EARO)  |              |            |
        |----------->|              |            |
        |            |  EDAR(TLLAO) |            |
        |            |------------->|            |
        |            |              |            | ^
        |            |              |   query    | |
        |            |              |----------->| | if pull
        |            |              |  response  | | model
        |            |              |<-----------| |
        |            |                           | v
        |            |    Evaluation (DAD)       |
        |            |                           |
        |            |              |new mapping |
        |            |              | indication |
        |            |              |----------->|
        |            |                           | Inject/maintain
        |            |   store a mapping state   | EVPN route type 2
        |            |                           | ------------------>
        |            |  EDAC(TLLAO) |            | [via BGP signaling]
        |            |<-------------|            |
        |  NA(EARO)  |              |            |
        |<-----------|              |            |
        |            |              |            |

                         Figure 8: leveraging EDAR

   [RFC8505] updates the DAR/DAC messages into the Extended DAR/DAC to
   carry the ROVR field.  With this specification, the abstract 6LBR is
   distributed in all the Leaf nodes and synchronized with EVPN.  When a
   server successfully registers an address to a leaf, the 6LR on that
   leaf becomes 6LBR for that address.  It stores the full state for
   that address including the ROVR and the TID.  When the address
   registration moves to another leaf, an EDAR/EDAC flow between the 6LR
   in the new leaf and the 6LBR in the old leaf confirms that the ROVR
   in the NS(EARO) received at the new leaf is correct, in which case
   the 6LR in the new leaf becomes 6LBR.

   When the address is already registered to the local leaf, the EDAR/
   EDAC exchange is either local between a virtual router in the server
   and the leaf, or internal to the leaf between a collapsed 6LR and

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   6LBR.  Based on its local state, the 6LBR in the leaf checks whether
   the proposed address/route is new and legit, and can reject it

   It results that duplicate addresses and address impersonation attacks
   can be filtered at the level of IPv6 ND by the 6LBR before the
   information reaches EVPN.

4.3.  Unicast Address Lookup with the 6LBR

   A classical IPv6 ND stack in the server that treats the subnet prefix
   as on-link (more in section 4.6.2. of [RFC4861]), will resolve an
   unknown LLA mapping with a multicast NS(lookup) message addressed to
   the solicited node multicast address (SNMA) associated with the
   destination address being resolved.  The RECOMMENDED operation in
   that case is for the 6LBR that has a mapping state to forward the
   packet as a unicast MAC to the LLA that is stored for the IPv6
   address as expected by [RFC6085].  The actual owner of the address
   can then answer unicast with a NA message, setting the override (O)
   bit to 1, as shown in Figure 9.

              Local             Local                   Remote
              Server            Leaf                    Server
              +----+          +--------+                +----+
              |    |          |        |                |    |
               6LN             6LR/6LBR                  6LN
                |                 |                       |
                |    Ethernet     |                       |
                |                 |     [via EVPN    ]    |
                |    multicast    |     [Data Tunnels]    |
                |    NS(lookup)   |                       |
                |---------------->|                       |
                |                 |    forward unicast    |
                |                 |     NS(lookup)        |
                |                 |---------------------->|
                |                 |                       |
                |                 |         NA(O)         |
                |                 |<----------------------|
                |      NA(O)      |                       |
                |<----------------|                       |
                |                 |                       |

                  Figure 9: Forwarding legacy NS (Lookup)

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   Section 3.1. of [RFC8929] adds the capability to insert IPv6 ND
   options in the EDAR and EDAC messages.  This enables the 6LBR to
   store the link-layer address associated with the Registered Address
   and to serve as a mapping server.  [UNICAST-LOOKUP] leverages that
   state to define a new unicast address lookup operation, extending the
   EDAR and EDAC messages as the Address Mapping Request (AMR) and
   Confirmation (AMC) with a different Code Prefix [RFC8505].

   In that model, the router advertises the subnet prefix as not on-link
   by setting the L flag to 0 in the Prefix Information Option (PIO),
   more in section 4.6.2. of [RFC4861].  The expected behavior is that
   the host that communicates with a peer in the same subnet refrains
   from resolving the address mapping and passes the packets directly to
   the router.

   In the case where the router is a virtual 6LR running in the server,
   and the source and destination are in the same subnet served by EVPN,
   the router then resolves the address mapping on behalf of the host.
   To that effect, the router sends a unicast AMR message to the 6LBR.
   The message contains the SLLAO of the router to which the 6LBR will
   reply.  If the binding is found, the 6LBR replies with an AMC message
   that contains the TLLOA with the requested MAC address, as shown in
   Figure 10.

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                  Local                 Local             Remote
                  Server                 Leaf             Server
            +----------------+       +---------+          +----+
            |                |       |         |          |    |
             6LN          6LR         6LBR/EVPN            6LN
              |            |              |                 |
              |            |              |  [via EVPN    ] |
              | <vSwitch>  |  Ethernet    |  [Data Tunnels] |
              |            |              |                 |
              |            |              |                 |
              |  RA(PIO)   |              |                 |
              | not onlink |              |                 |
              |<-----------|              |                 |
              |            |              |                 |
              |  Packet    |              |                 |
              |----------->|              |                 |
              |            |              |                 |
              |            | AMR (SLLAO)  |                 |
              |            |------------->|                 |
              |            |              |                 |
              |            | AMC (TLLAO)  |                 |
              |            |<-------------|                 |
              |            |              |                 |
              |    NCE in STALE state     |                 |
              |            |                                |
              |            |            Packet              |
              |            |------------------------------->|
              |            |                                |
              |    NCE in DELAY state     |                 |
              |            |              |                 |

              Figure 10: Unicast Lookup from the virtual Host

   If it is not found, [UNICAST-LOOKUP] provides the capability to
   indicate immediately that the mapping is not known with a "not found"
   status in the AMC, as opposed to waiting for an NS(lookup) and
   retries to time out per [RFC4861].

   In a fully stateful subnet where all nodes register all their
   addresses with [RFC8505], this means that the looked up address is
   not present in the network; in that case the packet is dropped and an
   ICMP error type 1 "Destination Unreachable" code 3 "Address
   unreachable" [RFC4443] is returned as shown in Figure 11.

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                            Local                 Local
                            Server                 Leaf
                      +----------------+       +---------+
                      |                |       |         |
                       6LN          6LR         6LBR/EVPN
                        |            |              |
                        |            |              |
                        | <vSwitch>  |  Ethernet    |
                        |            |              |
                        |            |              |
                        |   RA(PIO   |              |
                        |not on-link)|              |
                        |<-----------|              |
                        |            |              |
                        |  Packet    |              |
                        |----------->|              |
                        |            |              |
                        |            | AMR (SLLAO)  |
                        |            |------------->|
                        |            |              |
                        |            | AMC(status=  |
                        |            | "Not Found") |
                        |            |<-------------|
                        |ICMPv6 Error|              |
                        | "Address   |              |
                        |Unreachable"|              |
                        |<-----------|              |
                        |         Drop Packet       |
                        |            |              |

                     Figure 11: Unicast Lookup failure

   Note that the figures above make no assumption on the pull vs. push
   model.  In the case of pull model, the 6LBR queries the EVPN support
   when it does not have the mapping information to satisfy a request.
   Figure 12 illustrates a successful pull model lookup flow, when the
   route type 2 for the mapping is already known on the EVPN side.

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            Server                       Leaf
      +----------------+          +----------------+
      |                |          |                |
       6LN          6LR            6LBR        EVPN
        |            |              |            |
        | <vSwitch>  |  Ethernet    | <call I/F> |
        |            |              |            |
        |            |              |            |
        |            |              |            | Receive EVPN
        |            |              |            | route type 2 for
        |            |              |            | remote address A'
        |            |              |            | [via BGP signaling]
        |            |              |            |<-----------------
        |            |              |     store a mapping state
        |            |              |            |
        |Packet for A'              |            |
        |----------->|              |            |
        |            |AMR(lookup A')|            |
        |            |------------->|            |
        |            |              |Query addr A'
        |            |              |----------->|
        |            |              |            |
        |            |              | return LLA |
        |            |              |<-----------|
        |            |              |            |
        |            |AMC(A''s TLLA)|            |
        |            |<-------------|            |
        |            |              |            |
        |            |            Packet for A'  |
        |            |            [via EVPN    ] |
        |            |            [Data Tunnels] |
        |            |----------------------------------->
        |            |              |            |

                           Figure 12: Pull model

   In the case of push model, the EVPN support synchronizes its state
   upon a route type 2 with the 6LBR, and the 6LBR maintains an abstract
   data structure for all information known to EVPN.  This way, the 6LBR
   already has the mapping information to satisfy any request for an
   existing mapping and it can answer right away.  Figure 13 illustrates
   a successful push model lookup flow, when the 6LBR is already in
   possession of the mapping.

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            Server                       Leaf
      +----------------+          +----------------+
      |                |          |                |
       6LN          6LR            6LBR        EVPN
        |            |              |            |
        | <vSwitch>  |  Ethernet    | <call I/F> |
        |            |              |            |
        |            |              |            |
        |            |              |            |
        |            |              |            | Receive EVPN
        |            |              |            | route type 2 for
        |            |              |            | remote address A'
        |            |              |            | [via BGP signaling]
        |            |              |            |<-----------------
        |            |              |     store a mapping state
        |            |              |            |
        |            |              |indicate LLA|
        |            |              |<-----------|
        |            |    store a mapping state  |
        |            |              |            |
        |Packet to A'|              |            |
        |----------->|              |            |
        |            |AMR(lookup A')|            |
        |            |------------->|            |
        |            |              |            |
        |            |AMC(A's TLLA) |            |
        |            |<-------------|            |
        |            |              |            |
        |            |            Packet to A'   |
        |            |            [via EVPN    ] |
        |            |            [Data Tunnels] |
        |            |----------------------------------->
        |            |              |            |

                           Figure 13: Push model

   In a mixed environment, a lookup failure (the mapping is not found
   though the address is present in the network) may be caused by a
   legacy node that was node discovered (aka a silent node).  In that
   case, it is an administrative decision for the 6LR to broadcast an
   NS(lookup) or to return an error as shown in Figure 11.

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5.  Requirements on the EVPN-Unaware Host

   This document describes how EVPN routing can be extended to reach a
   Host.  This section specifies the minimal EVPN-independent
   functionality that the Host needs to implement to obtain routing
   services for its addresses.

5.1.  Support of 6LoWPAN ND

   A host sees a prefix as not on-link (e.g., it learned that prefix in
   a PIO in a RA with the L flag not set) should not attempt to resolve
   an address within that prefix using a multicast NS(lookup).  Instead,
   it must pass its packets to a router, preferably one that advertises
   that prefix in a PIO; it must register the address that it uses as
   source to that router to enable source address validation using
   [RFC8505].  It is recommended that the Host also implements [RFC8928]
   to prove its ownership of its addresses.

   The Host is expected to request routing services from a router only
   if that router originates RA messages with a 6CIO that has the L, P,
   and E flags all set to 1 as discussed in Section 3.7, unless
   configured to do so.  To obtain routing services for one of its
   addresses, the host must register the address to a router that
   advertises the prefix, setting the "R" and "T" flags in the EARO to 1
   as discussed in Section 3.3.1 and Section 3.3.2, respectively.

   This document echoes the behavior specified in [RFC9010] whereby,
   when the R Flag set to 1 in a NS(EARO) is not echoed in the NA(EARO),
   the host must understand that the route injection failed, and if the
   R flag is reset later in an asynchronous NA(EARO), the host must
   understand that routing service has failed.

   The host may attach to multiple 6LRs and is expected to prefer those
   that provide routing services.  The abstract model for this is a P2MP
   interface that wraps together as many P2P IP Links the host has
   adjacencies to 6LRs over that interface.  The IPv6 address and the
   subnet are associated to that interface.  The interface may be
   virtual and it may bundle multiple physical Ethernet interfaces that
   connect to the individual 6LRs over point to point wires, possibly
   via a software switch.  It can also be associated to one physical
   interface to an external switch, either way the PI Links can be
   associated to sub-interface of the interface.

   The Host needs to register to all the 6LRs from which it desires
   routing services.  The multiple Address Registrations to several 6LRs
   should be performed in a rapid sequence, using the same EARO for the
   same Address.  Gaps between the Address Registrations will invalidate
   some of the routes till the Address Registration finally shows on

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   those routes.  The routers recognize the same (ROVR, TID) as the
   signal of a multihomed address and maintain all the routes.  In the
   case of EVPN, the Ethernet Segment must also be the same.  The flow
   for a successful multihomed registration is illustrated in Figure 17.

   [RFC8505] introduces error Status values in the NA(EARO) which can be
   received synchronously upon an NS(EARO) or asynchronously.  The Host
   needs to support both cases and refrain from using the address when
   the Status value indicates a rejection.

   This specification can be used to register Anycast and Multicast IPv6
   addresses as discussed in Section 3.5 and replace MLDv2.  To benefit
   from that capability, both the host and the 6LR MUST support the "A"
   and "M" flags that indicate Anycast and Multicast Addresses
   respectively.  Those flags are defined in
   [I-D.ietf-6lo-multicast-registration] for use in the EARO and in the
   EDAR and EDAC messages.

6.  Enhancements to EVPN

   This section addresses the necessary changes to EVPN formats and
   behavior to support address registration security per [RFC8928] and
   mobility per [RFC8505] while retaining interoperability with
   traditional nodes.  Basically the MAC Mobility Extended Community
   [RFC7432] and the ARP/ND Extended Community [RFC9047] are extended to
   advertise the sequencing and ownership validation information
   received in the EARO.  With 6LRs injecting not only MACs via packet
   sources and TLLAO options but also ROVR into MAC Mobility and ARP/ND
   Extended Community, their semantics must be extended.  Specifically
   following issues have to be addressed:

   *  The ROVR extends the semantics of the type-2 MAC advertisement via
      changes in ARP/ND and MAC Mobility Extended Community in the sense
      that the MAC must be aligned with the ROVR and under normal
      circumstances only the validity of ROVR guarantees that the type-2
      MAC can be allocated to the requester.  A MAC validated by ROVR
      should take precedence over MAC addresses allocated without using
      it given it presents a much more trustworthy topological
      information (it will be called ROVR MAC in further text).  EVPN
      nodes not supporting extensions introduced by this document will
      need to be led to believe that a ROVR MAC is to be preferred over
      any advertisement they see as long a ROVR MAC route is present.
      The primary key of NRLI is still the (IP, MAC, Ethernet Tag ID)
      tuple as defined in [RFC7432], Section 7.2 and 7.7.  This implies
      that the same MAC (and consequently ROVR MAC) can be assigned
      multiple IP addresses with differeent ROVRs and those represent
      independent NLRIs.

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   *  The TID field in the EARO is smaller than the mobility sequence
      number in [RFC7432].  To allow a ROVR MAC mobility to "win" over
      legacy MACs in every circumstance, signaling must be introduced
      that enables to distinguish a TID-generated sequence number from a
      legacy sequence number.

   *  [RFC8505] supports IP multihoming, but does not differentiate
      multihoming from anycast or MAC address rotation.  If an anycast
      IP address is registered with a different ROVR it will be rejected
      as duplicate.  If it is registered with a different TID, the older
      sequence will be withdrawn.  So the basic expectation with
      [RFC8505] is that the advertisement of an anycast address is
      coordinated, with the same keypair known to all parties, and the
      same value of the TID used by all nodes (and possibly never
      increasing), in other words, with no concept of mobility.

   *  [I-D.ietf-6lo-multicast-registration] adds new flags in the EARO
      to signal that an address is anycast or multicast, respectively.
      This specification injects that information in the ARP/ND extended
      community using matching flags as follows:

      -  This specification uses the "O" flag in the ARP/ND extended
         community to signal that the IP address is anycast, and
         requires the local 6LBR to ignore the duplication if the same
         IP address is registered locally, and then to inject the NLRI
         with the "O" flag set on the ARP/ND Extended Community as well.

      -  This specification adds the new "M" flag in the ARP/ND extended
         community to signal that the IP address is multicast, and
         requires the local 6LBR to ignore the duplication if the same
         IP address is registered locally, and then to inject the NLRI
         with the "M" flag set on the ARP/ND Extended Community as well.

   *  [RFC8928] needs the full ROVR to validate the address ownership,
      but the full ROVR can be too large to advertise through BGP.  When
      an IP address is advertised through EVPN, it is REQUIRED that the
      EVPN Next Hop represents the address of the 6LBR of the leaf where
      the address was registered as well.  This way, if the address is
      registered later on a second leaf, the 6LR in second leaf can
      leverage an out-of-band, i.e. via EVPN traffic carrying tunnels,
      EDAR/EDAC exchange with that 6LBR to validate that the ROVR in the
      registration is indeed the same.  When that is the case, it can
      continue with the registration procedure and if successful, become
      a 6LBR for that IP address, either as a mobility event or as a
      multihomed registration.

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   *  [RFC8928] expects nodes to autoconfigure the keypair that is used
      to form the ROVR, in which case the IPv6 address can be locally
      autoconfigured with no central coordination; in that case, the
      ROVR protects the address ownership and allows the fabric to
      enforce first-come first-serve and source address validation
      (SAVI).  But it is also possible to provision the ROVR in the 6LBR
      in advance and later configure the keypair in the node, e.g., in
      the case of a trusted server.  To enable that capability in EVPN,
      this specification adds a flag (U) to signal that the 6LBR that
      injects the address in EVPN does not provide reachability to the
      address.  When that flag is set, the value of the TID is ignored
      in the mobility computation, the mapping to the MAC address is
      ignored, and the route to the IP address is not injected in the
      RIB on ROVR nodes.  Non-ROVR nodes will consider the node a
      "honey-pot".  Once the address is registered by a 6LN in the
      network and the according validation with the node advertising the
      U-bit version of the route is performed, the owner will inject the
      route without the U-bit.  A node advertising the NLRI with U-bit
      in its ARP/ND Extended Community MUST withdraw the U-bit route
      once it sees a validated NLRI without the U-bit and it MAY
      reinject the route with the U-bit once all routes without the
      U-bit are withdrawn to protect the address again.

6.1.  Updated ARP/ND Extended Community

   The ARP/ND Extended Community defined in [RFC9047] is a transitive
   EVPN Extended Community (Type field value of 0x06) with a Sub-Type of
   0x08.  It is advertised along with EVPN MAC/IP Advertisement routes
   that carry an IPv4 or IPv6 address.  This the ARP/ND Extended
   Community to transport fields from the EARO is natural since the EARO
   is an extension to IPv6 ND.

   EVPN signaling is not used to carry the full ROVR since without
   challenge per [RFC8928] they do not represent any difference over
   using the IP/MAC combination.  A Hash of the ROVR is still passed in
   the ARP/ND Extended Community to immediately detect a duplication,
   with 2 different values of the hash for the same address.  The full
   ROVR is verified upon a movement or a multi-homed advertisement using
   an EDAR/EDAC exchange with the 6LBR that advertised the address

   Additionally, backwards compatibility could not be preserved given
   comparing routes based on ROVR would present a change in primary key
   of NLRIs which non-ROVR routers do not implement.  An indication from
   a ROVR node that a MAC has been validated by proof of ownership is
   enough to convey the necessary information.

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   ROVR nodes MUST set the "H" flag in the ARP/ND Extended Community to
   indicate that the advertisement carries a TID and a ROVR Hash in case
   the host followed the according procedures.

   ROVR nodes MUST set the "V" flag if the address assignment passed
   proof of ownership per [RFC8928].  Such "validated" ROVR MAC
   addresses will be preferred by ROVR nodes over non-validated ROVR

   In case a ROVR node configures the address as "sticky" (since the
   sticky bit semantics have been changed to the point a ROVR cannot
   tell whether address is really sticky unless advertised as such by
   non-ROVR node) a new "X" flag called "super sticky" is introduced.

      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
     | Type=0x06     | Sub-Type=0x08 |    Flags (2 octet)            |
     |      TID      |                 ROVR Hash                     |

        Flags field:
      0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
     |U|M|V|H|I| |O|R|   Reserved    |

                Figure 14: Updated ARP/ND Extended Community

   The "I","O", and "R" flags are defined in [RFC9047].  The following
   new fields are defined:

   U:  1-bit flag.  "Unreachable", indicating that the IP address is not
      reachable via that EVPN next hop, but is advertised for the
      purpose of protecting the value of the ROVR until a first 6LBR
      that can reach the address becomes available.

   M:  1-bit flag.  "Multicast", indicating that the IP address
      duplication should be ignored.  When this bit is set, TID should
      be ignored in comparison of EVPN advertisements, i.e. all ROVR
      MACs at same level of validation MUST be considered having same

   V:  1-bit flag.  "ROVR Validated" indicates that the MAC passed proof
      of ownership per [RFC8928].  Presence of this bit implies the "R"
      bit being set regardless of its value.

   H:  1-bit flag.  "ROVR Capable" indicates that the advertisement is

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      originated after processing signaling from host meeting the
      requirements in Section 5, and that the advertised MAC address is
      a ROVR MAC.  This also indicates that the TID and ROVR Hash fields
      are populated based on information from the most recent EARO
      [RFC8505] from the host.

   TID:  8-bits structure.  The TID [RFC8505] from the Registering Node.

   ROVR Hash:  16-bits hash of ROVR [RFC8505] from the Registering Node.
      The Hash is built by XOR'ing ROVR bytes in network order into the
      least significant byte and rotating the two bytes result after
      every byte by one bit to the left.

6.2.  Updated Mobility Extended Community

   This specification extends the MAC Mobility Extended Community to
   transport the TID instead of increasing the normal sequence number.
   The TID is placed in the high bits of the sequence number field to
   "override" any normal MAC advertisement (further considerations will
   be provided in Section 6.3).  this allows to design a solution that,
   while backwards compatible, allows to introduce ROVR MAC as "more
   trusted" entities.  Figure 15 presents the according extensions that
   will however necessitate some further explanation.

   To introduce a "precedence" of ROVR MACs over normal EVPN MACs ROVR
   MACs are advertised to look like "sticky" MACs for non-ROVR nodes.
   As defined in the glossary, for simplicity reasons such nodes will be
   called non-ROVR nodes vs. ROVR nodes.  The "sticky" bit will force
   non-ROVR nodes to disregard the sequence number and accept any IP/MAC
   route provided.

     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    | Type=0x06     | Sub-Type=0x00 | Flags = 0 |X|S|  Reserved = 0 |
    |T| Flags = 0   |       TID     |     Reserved = 0              |

   Figure 15: Updating the MAC Mobility Extended Community for ROVR MACs

   This specification updates the Sequence Number field defined in
   [RFC7432].  The field is split in 3 parts, one 8-bit flags field, the
   TID, and a reserver 2-byte field.  The unspecified flags and the
   reserved fields MUST be set to 0 by the sender and ignored by the

   The "S" flag is defined in [RFC7432].  The following new fields are

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   X:  1-bit flag.  "Super Sticky" indicates that the ROVR MAC is sticky
      and should follow procedures of sticky per [RFC7432].

   T:  1-bit flag.  "TID Present", MUST be set to 1 when this
      specification is used.  This ensures that the TID always wins vs.
      the sequence counter defined in [RFC7432]

   TID:  The TID copied from the most recent EARO [RFC8505] from the
      Registering Node.

6.3.  Extended ROVR MAC Procedures

   In case a non-ROVR node advertises a sticky MAC by setting the "S"
   bit and a ROVR node sees an ROVR address registration for the same
   MAC it MUST follow procedures per [RFC7432].

   In case a non-ROVR node advertises a sequence number larger than the
   one generated by TID on a ROVR node, the ROVR node SHOULD advertise a
   Sequence Number consisting of all bits being set to force a "roll-
   over" on all nodes and then fall back to advertising the TID
   generated sequence number again.  In case a non-ROVR node persists in
   increasing the sequence number after that it is indication of
   violation of [RFC7432] on its part.

   A ROVR node advertising a ROVR MAC that has not been validated and
   receiving same type-2 route that has been validated MUST immediately
   withdraw its advertisement.

   A ROVR node advertising a ROVR MAC and receiving an equivalent ROVR
   MAC from other node with a higher TID MUST immediately withdraw its
   advertisement.  This will allow the non-ROVR nodes to correctly
   interpret the sequence as MAC move despite ignoring the sequence
   number due to presence of "S" bit.

   A ROVR node that receives a ROVR MAC with "super sticky" indication
   and seeing the MAC locally MUST follow analogous procedures to

   Multi-homing a MAC on mix of ROVR and non-ROVR nodes will lead to
   operational notifications since per [RFC7432] the non-ROVR node will
   interpret the situation as a sticky MAC that has shown up on its
   local interface unless an implementation is somewhat clever and
   understands that the presence of the same ESI on all the routes
   indicates that this situation does not represent a sticky MAC being

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7.  Protocol Operations

   Following section illustrates several situations and resulting
   signaling in EVPN from the point of view of a ROVR node.

   Figure 16 illustrates the registration flow of a new address
   protected by [RFC8928].  The ROVR in the EARO is a Crypto-ID that
   derives from a public address through hashing with some other terms.
   The router challenges the host with a status of 5 (validation

   The host performs the NS again, passing the parameters that enable to
   build the Crypto-ID in a Crypto-ID Parameters Option (CIPO), and
   signing that set of parameters together with a pair of Nonce values,
   one from each side, in a resulting Neighbor Discovery Protocol
   Signature Option (NDPDO).  The 6LR first verifies that the Crypto-ID
   can be rebuilt based on the public key, then verifies that the
   signature in the NDPSO was effectively performed with the associated
   public key.  When that is the case, the registration flow can
   continue, else the registration is rejected with a status of 10
   (Validation Failed) in the NA(EARO).

   With this specification, the 6LBR communicates internally with the
   collocated EVPN router to inject the route in EVPN.  Since the
   [RFC8928] validation was performed, the V flag is set.  Once this is
   done, the local 6LBR installs a local state associated to the NCE and
   becomes owner of the registration, whereas the remote leaves
   optionally install a remote state for the address with the indication
   of the 6LBR that owns the registration.  The local 6LBR MUST be
   signalled as EVPN Next Hop for the route.

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       Local            Local              Route           Remote
       Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
      +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
      |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
         6LN           6LBR/EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
          |                |                 |                |
          |    Ethernet    |      [via BGP signaling]         |
          |                |                 |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |  NS(EARO(      |                 |                |
          |       R set))  |                 |                |
          |--------------->|                 |                |
          |   ROVR in EARO is cryptographic  |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |     NA(EARO(   |                 |                |
          |   R not set,   |                 |                |
          |   status = 5), |                 |                |
          |        Nonce1) |                 |                |
          |<---------------|                 |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |   NS(EARO(     |                 |                |
          |        R set), |                 |                |
          |      CIPO,     |                 |                |
          |      Nonce2,   |                 |                |
          |      NDPSO)    |                 |                |
          |--------------->|                 |                |
          |        Proof verified            |                |
          |     no state for that address    |                |
          |      install local state         |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |                |  ROVR MAC Route A'               |
          |                |---------------->|                |
          |        route injected            |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |     NA(EARO(   |                 |                |
          |   R set,       |                 |                |
          |   status = 0)) |                 |                |
          |<---------------|                 |                |
          |                |                 | ROVR MAC Route A'
          |                |                 |--------------->|
          |                |                 |    install remote state
          |                |                 |                |

                        Figure 16: Host Registration

   Figure 17 presents the same flow but for a multihomed address; here
   and in the following flows, the proof of ownership section is not
   shown, but its use is RECOMMENDED.  The interesting piece is that

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   when the node registers to the second 6LBR, that second 6LBR find
   that there is a first 6LBR that already own the registration.  Using
   and EDAR / EDAC flow, the second 6LBR validates that the ROVR and TID
   are identical, in which case it accepts the registration and becomes
   another 6LBR owner of the registration.  The result is that the 2
   6LBRs are synchronized and any of the 2 can now be used, e.g., if the
   address is registered a third time.

         Local            Local          Local
         Server           Leaf 1         Leaf 2           Reflector
       +-------+       +---------+    +---------+       +---------+
       |       |       |         |    |         |       |         |
          6LN           6LBR/EVPN      6LBR/EVPN             |
           |                |              |                 |
           |    Ethernet    |              |                 |
           |                |              |       [via BGP signaling]
           |                |              |                 |
           |   NS(EARO)     |              |                 |
           |--------------->|              |                 |
           |      install local state      |                 |
           |                |                                |
           |                |------ROVR MAC Route A'   ----->|
           |   NA(EARO)     |              |                 |
           |<---------------|              |                 |
           |                |              |<----------------|
           |                |    install remote state        |
           |                |              |                 |
           | NS(same address, ES and EARO) |                 |
           |------------------------------>|                 |
           |                |              |                 |
           |                |        Same ES and ROVR Hash   |
           |                |   EDAR       |                 |
           |                |<-------------|                 |
           |                |              |                 |
           |       ROVR match, TID OK      |                 |
           |                |              |                 |
           |                |EDAC(status=0)|                 |
           |                |------------->|                 |
           |                |    install local state         |
           |                |              |                 |
           |                |       ROVR MAC Route A'        |
           |                |              |---------------->|
           |                |<-------------------------------|
           |        install remote state   |                 |
           |                |              |                 |
           |     NA(EARO(status = 0))      |                 |
           |<------------------------------|                 |
           |                |              |                 |

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                           Figure 17: Multihoming

   The registration is associated with a lifetime, and it must be
   renewed with an incremented TID.  The new TID is propagated in EVPN
   as illustrated in Figure 18.

       Local            Local              Route           Remote
       Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
      +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
      |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
         6LN           6LBR/EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
          |                |                 |                |
          |    Ethernet    |      [via BGP signaling]        |
          |                |                 |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |  NS(EARO(      |                 |                |
          |    TID+1))     |                 |                |
          |--------------->|                 |                |
          |   renew lifetime locally         |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |                |  ROVR MAC Route A'(TID+1)        |
          |                |---------------->|                |
          |   NA(EARO      |                 |--------------->|
          |   status = 0)) |                 |     update remote state
          |<---------------|                 |                |
          |                |                 |                |
          |                |                 |                |

                    Figure 18: Host Registration Renewal

   Figure 19 illustrates the case where a second host registers the same
   address, creating a potential address duplication situation.  in most
   cases, the ROVR hash will be different, and the local 6LBR can reject
   the registration is a status of 1 (duplicate) right away.

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      Local            Local              Route           Remote
      Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
     +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
     |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
        6LN           6LBR/EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
         |                |                 |                |
         |    Ethernet    |                 |                |
         |                |        [via BGP signaling]      |
         |                |                 |                |
         |                |                 |         Local state for A'
         |                |                 |                |
         |                |          ROVR MAC Route A'       |
         |                |              ROVR Hash G         |
         |                |                 |<---------------|
         |                |<----------------|                |
         |      Create remote state for A'  |                |
         |                |                 |                |
         |   NS(EARO)     |                 |                |
         |--------------->|                 |                |
         |         compute ROVR Hash F      |                |
         |                |                 |                |
         |   NA(EARO(     |                 |                |
         |   status = 1)) |                 |                |
         |<---------------|                 |                |
         |                |                 |                |
         |                |                 |                |

                       Figure 19: Duplicate Addresses

   Figure 20 illustrates the case of an address duplication situation
   where by chance, the ROVR hashes are the same.  In that case, the
   local 6LR checks with the 6LBR that owns the registration using an
   EDAR/EDAC message exchange.  As opposed to the ROVR hash, the full
   ROVRs do not collide and the registration is also rejected.

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        Local            Local              Route           Remote
        Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
       +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
       |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
          6LN           6LBR EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
           |              |   |               |               |   |
           |    Ethernet  |   |               |               |   |
           |              |   |        [via BGP signaling]    |   |
           |              |   |               |               |   |
           |              |   |               |     Local state for A'
           |              |   |               |               |   |
           |              |   |        ROVR MAC Route A'      |   |
           |              |   |            ROVR Hash G        |   |
           |              |   |               |<--------------|   |
           |              |   |<--------------|               |   |
           |      Create remote state for A'  |               |   |
           |              |   |                               |   |
           |              |                                       |
           |              |       [[out of band signaling]]       |
           |   NS(EARO)   |                                       |
           |------------->|                                       |
           |         compute ROVR Hash G                          |
           |              |                                       |
           |              |      EDAR to EVPN Next Hop            |
           |              |-------------------------------------->|
           |              |                                       |
           |              |               EDAC (status = 1)       |
           |              |<--------------------------------------|
           |              |                                       |
           |  NA(EARO(    |                                       |
           |  status = 1))|                                       |
           |<-------------|                                       |
           |              |                                       |

            Figure 20: Duplicate Addresses, ROVR Hash Collision

   Figure 21 shows a rare case where the registration has already moved
   elsewhere with an incremented TID when the local registration is
   received after being delayed in the network.  In that case, the
   registration is rejected with a status of 3 (moved).

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        Local            Local              Route           Remote
        Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
       +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
       |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
          6LN           6LBR/EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
           |                |                 |                |
           |    Ethernet    |                 |                |
           |                |        [via BGP signaling]       |
           |                |                 |                |
           |                |          ROVR MAC Route A'       |
           |                |         ESI X', Hash F, TID Z    |
           |                |                 |<---------------|
           |                |<----------------|                |
           |         create remote start A'   |                |
           |       ESI X', ROVR Hash F, TID Z |                |
           |                |                 |                |
           |   NS(EARO(     |                 |                |
           |     TID=Z-1))  |                 |                |
           |--------------->|                 |                |
           |           computes as            |                |
           |           ROVR Hash F            |                |
           |           ESI X'', TID Z-1       |                |
           |   NA(EARO)     |                 |                |
           |   status = 3)) |                 |                |
           |<---------------|                 |                |
           |                |                 |                |

                      Figure 21: Address Already Moved

   Address move differs from multi-homing by the ESI being different as
   visualized by Figure 22.  In case of different ESI BGP signalling
   happens immediately, in case of multi-homing we can reasonably expect
   for the signalling to catch up on the other leg with a new, higher
   TID.  However, since ESI matches TID doesn't matter strictly speaking
   and the new remote state can be installed as is.  However, if 6LN is
   not refreshing it registration we can expect elapsed lifetime to
   create scenario Figure 25 over time.

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      Local            Local              Route           Remote
      Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
     +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
     |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
        6LN           6LBR/EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
         |                |                 |                |
         |    Ethernet    |                 |                |
         |                |        [via BGP signaling]       |
         |   NS(EARO)     |                 |                |
         |--------------->|                 |                |
         |        Create local state        |                |
         |                |        ROVR MAC Route A'         |
         |                |     ESI X', ROVR Hash F, TID Z   |
         |                |---------------->|                |
         |                |                 |--------------->|
         |                |                 |     Create remote state

   Same ES (multihomed):
         |                |                 |                |<--
         |                |                 | New local state A' created
         |                |                 |                |
         |                |          ROVR MAC Route A'       |
         |                |         ESI X', Hash F, TID Z+1  |
         |                |                 |<---------------|
         |                |<----------------|                |
         |        Create remote state       |                |
         |       Keep local expect renew    |                |
         |                |                 |                |

   Different ES (movement):
         |                |                 |                |<--
         |                |                 | New local state A' created
         |                |                 |                |
         |                |          ROVR MAC Route A'       |
         |                |    ESI X'', ROVR Hash F, TID Z+1 |
         |                |                 |<---------------|
         |                |<----------------|                |
         |        Create remote state       |                |
         |                |                 |                |
         |   NA(EARO(     |                 |                |
         |   status = 4)) |                 |                |
         |<---------------|                 |                |
         |                | Withdraw ROVR MAC Route A'       |
         |                |---------------->|                |
         |                |                 |--------------->|
         |     remove local state           |                |
         |                |                 |                |

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                          Figure 22: Address Move

   The host that registered the address may cancel the registration at
   any time, e.g., if the address is removed fmor its own interface.
   This is done by registering with a lifetime if 0 as shown in
   Figure 23.  The Leaf may respond with a status of 0 to indicate
   success, but a status of 4 (removed) is preferred for this situation.

        Local            Local              Route           Remote
        Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
       +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
       |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
          6LN           6LBR/EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
           |                |                 |                |
           |    Ethernet    |                 |                |
           |                |        [via BGP signaling]       |
           |                |                 |                |
           | NS(EARO,       |                 |                |
           |    lifetime=0) |                 |                |
           |--------------->|                 |                |
           |                |                 |                |
           |                | Withdraw ROVR MAC Route A'       |
           |                |---------------->|                |
           |                |                 |--------------->|
           |   NA(EARO(     |                 |                |
           |   status = 4)) |                 |                |
           |<---------------|                 |                |
           |                |                 |                |
           |     remove local state           |                |
           |                |                 |                |

                         Figure 23: Address Removal

   The host that registered the address may withdraw the route but
   maintain the NCE, e.g., in the case where it is multihomed but does
   not want to use one interface for the traffic back as this time.
   This is done by registering with the R flag set to 0 as shown in
   Figure 24.

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         Local            Local              Route           Remote
        Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
       +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
       |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
          6LN           6LBR/EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
           |                |                 |                |
           |    Ethernet    |                 |                |
           |                |        [via BGP signaling]       |
           |                |                 |                |
           | NS(EARO,       |                 |                |
           |    R reset)    |                 |                |
           |--------------->|                 |                |
           |                |                 |                |
           |                | Withdraw ROVR MAC Route A'       |
           |                |---------------->|                |
           |                |                 |--------------->|
           |   NA(EARO(     |                 |                |
           |   R reset,     |                 |                |
           |   status = 0)) |                 |                |
           |<---------------|                 |                |
           |                |                 |                |
           |     retain only NCE              |                |
           |                |                 |                |

                      Figure 24: Route Type 2 Removal

   When the lifetime elapses, the 6LBR requires the collocated EVPN
   router to withdraw the route.

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Internet-Draft               EVPN Secure MAC              September 2023

         Local            Local              Route           Remote
        Server           Leaf             Reflector         Leaf
       +-------+       +---------+        +-------+        +---------+
       |       |       |         |        |       |        |         |
          6LN           6LBR/EVPN            BGP            EVPN/6LBR
           |                |                 |                |
           |    Ethernet    |                 |                |
           |                |        [via BGP signaling]       |
           |                |                 |                |
           |     lifetime Expired             |                |
           |                |                 |                |
           |                | Withdraw ROVR MAC Route A'       |
           |                |---------------->|                |
           |                |                 |--------------->|
           |   NA(EARO(     |                 |                |
           |   status = 4)) |                 |                |
           |<---------------|                 |                |
           |                |                 |                |
           |     remove local state           |                |
           |                |                 |                |

                         Figure 25: Lifetime Elapse

8.  Security Considerations


9.  IANA Considerations

9.1.  MAC Mobility Extended Community Flags

   This document creates the "MAC Mobility Extended Community Flags"
   registry based on one flag initially defined in [RFC9047] and more
   flags defined in Section 6.2 as shown in Table 1:

             | Flag Position | Name             | Reference |
             | 0..5          | Unassigned       | N/A       |
             | 6 (Suggested) | Super-sticky (X) | THIS RFC  |
             | 7             | Sticky (S)       | RFC 7432  |

              Table 1: MAC Mobility Extended Community Flags

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9.2.  ARP/ND Extended Community Flags

   This document modifies the "ARP/ND Extended Community Flags" registry
   initially created in Section 5 of [RFC9047] .  Section 6.1 suggests
   to assign new entries in the Registry as indicated in Table 2:

            | Flag Position | Name               | Reference |
            | 0 (Suggested) | Unreachable(U)     | THIS RFC  |
            | 1 (Suggested) | Multicast (M)      | THIS RFC  |
            | 2 (Suggested) | ROVR Validated (V) | THIS RFC  |
            | 3 (Suggested) | ROVR Capable (H)   | THIS RFC  |

               Table 2: New ARP/ND Extended Community Flags

10.  Acknowledgments

   The authors wish to thank you for reading that far.  We acknowledge
   and express gratitude to Wen Lin, Stephane Litkowski, Eric Levy-
   Abegnoli, Lukas Krattiger, Jerome Tollet, and Ali Sajassi, for their
   help and support.

11.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3810]  Vida, R., Ed. and L. Costa, Ed., "Multicast Listener
              Discovery Version 2 (MLDv2) for IPv6", RFC 3810,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3810, June 2004,

   [RFC4443]  Conta, A., Deering, S., and M. Gupta, Ed., "Internet
              Control Message Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet
              Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) Specification", STD 89,
              RFC 4443, DOI 10.17487/RFC4443, March 2006,

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Internet-Draft               EVPN Secure MAC              September 2023

   [RFC4861]  Narten, T., Nordmark, E., Simpson, W., and H. Soliman,
              "Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 4861,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4861, September 2007,

   [RFC4862]  Thomson, S., Narten, T., and T. Jinmei, "IPv6 Stateless
              Address Autoconfiguration", RFC 4862,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4862, September 2007,

   [RFC6775]  Shelby, Z., Ed., Chakrabarti, S., Nordmark, E., and C.
              Bormann, "Neighbor Discovery Optimization for IPv6 over
              Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks (6LoWPANs)",
              RFC 6775, DOI 10.17487/RFC6775, November 2012,

   [RFC6085]  Gundavelli, S., Townsley, M., Troan, O., and W. Dec,
              "Address Mapping of IPv6 Multicast Packets on Ethernet",
              RFC 6085, DOI 10.17487/RFC6085, January 2011,

   [RFC7400]  Bormann, C., "6LoWPAN-GHC: Generic Header Compression for
              IPv6 over Low-Power Wireless Personal Area Networks
              (6LoWPANs)", RFC 7400, DOI 10.17487/RFC7400, November
              2014, <>.

   [RFC7432]  Sajassi, A., Ed., Aggarwal, R., Bitar, N., Isaac, A.,
              Uttaro, J., Drake, J., and W. Henderickx, "BGP MPLS-Based
              Ethernet VPN", RFC 7432, DOI 10.17487/RFC7432, February
              2015, <>.

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8505]  Thubert, P., Ed., Nordmark, E., Chakrabarti, S., and C.
              Perkins, "Registration Extensions for IPv6 over Low-Power
              Wireless Personal Area Network (6LoWPAN) Neighbor
              Discovery", RFC 8505, DOI 10.17487/RFC8505, November 2018,

   [RFC8365]  Sajassi, A., Ed., Drake, J., Ed., Bitar, N., Shekhar, R.,
              Uttaro, J., and W. Henderickx, "A Network Virtualization
              Overlay Solution Using Ethernet VPN (EVPN)", RFC 8365,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8365, March 2018,

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Internet-Draft               EVPN Secure MAC              September 2023

   [RFC8928]  Thubert, P., Ed., Sarikaya, B., Sethi, M., and R. Struik,
              "Address-Protected Neighbor Discovery for Low-Power and
              Lossy Networks", RFC 8928, DOI 10.17487/RFC8928, November
              2020, <>.

   [RFC9047]  Rabadan, J., Ed., Sathappan, S., Nagaraj, K., and W. Lin,
              "Propagation of ARP/ND Flags in an Ethernet Virtual
              Private Network (EVPN)", RFC 9047, DOI 10.17487/RFC9047,
              June 2021, <>.

              Thubert, P. and E. Levy-Abegnoli, "IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
              Unicast Lookup", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              thubert-6lo-unicast-lookup-02, 8 November 2021,

              Thubert, P., "IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Multicast and
              Anycast Address Listener Subscription", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-6lo-multicast-registration-15,
              30 May 2023, <

              Thubert, P., "IPv6 Neighbor Discovery Prefix
              Registration", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-6lo-prefix-registration-01, 14 August 2023,

12.  Informative References

   [BCP38]    Ferguson, P. and D. Senie, "Network Ingress Filtering:
              Defeating Denial of Service Attacks which employ IP Source
              Address Spoofing", BCP 38, RFC 2827, DOI 10.17487/RFC2827,
              May 2000, <>.

   [RFC6550]  Winter, T., Ed., Thubert, P., Ed., Brandt, A., Hui, J.,
              Kelsey, R., Levis, P., Pister, K., Struik, R., Vasseur,
              JP., and R. Alexander, "RPL: IPv6 Routing Protocol for
              Low-Power and Lossy Networks", RFC 6550,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6550, March 2012,

   [RFC8929]  Thubert, P., Ed., Perkins, C.E., and E. Levy-Abegnoli,
              "IPv6 Backbone Router", RFC 8929, DOI 10.17487/RFC8929,
              November 2020, <>.

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Internet-Draft               EVPN Secure MAC              September 2023

   [RFC9010]  Thubert, P., Ed. and M. Richardson, "Routing for RPL
              (Routing Protocol for Low-Power and Lossy Networks)
              Leaves", RFC 9010, DOI 10.17487/RFC9010, April 2021,

   [RIFT]     Przygienda, T., Sharma, A., Thubert, P., Rijsman, B.,
              Afanasiev, D., and J. Head, "RIFT: Routing in Fat Trees",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-rift-rift-18,
              10 July 2023, <

              IANA, "Address Registration Option Status Values",

Authors' Addresses

   Pascal Thubert (editor)
   06330 Roquefort-les-Pins

   Tony Przygienda
   Juniper Networks, Inc

   Jeff Tantsura

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