Internet DRAFT - draft-thubert-rtgwg-arc


RTGWG                                                    P. Thubert, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                                     Cisco
Intended status: Standards Track                           P. Bellagamba
Expires: July 26, 2015                                     Cisco Systems
                                                        January 22, 2015

                      Available Routing Constructs


   This draft introduces the concept of ARC, a two-edged routing
   construct that forms its own fault isolation and recovery domain.
   The new paradigm can be leveraged to improve the network utilization
   and resiliency for unicast and multicast traffic in multiple
   environments, and is optimized to compute short reroute paths in case
   of breakages.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC
   2119 [RFC2119].

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on July 26, 2015.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft                     ARC                      January 2015

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  ARC Set representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Lowest ARC First  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.1.  Init  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.2.  Growing Trees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.3.  Being Safe  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.4.  Bending An ARC  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.5.  Orienting Links . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     4.6.  Looping or recursing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   5.  Forwarding Along An ARC Set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.1.  Control Plane Recovery  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     5.2.  Data Plane Recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       5.2.1.  Label Switched ARCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
       5.2.2.  Segment Routed ARCs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
     5.3.  Flooding  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   6.  ARC Signaling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     6.1.  Serial ARC Representation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     6.2.  Centralized vs. Distributed computation . . . . . . . . .  16
     6.3.  ARC Topology Injection  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     6.4.  ARC Operations, Administration, and Maintenance . . . . .  17
   7.  Other ARC Operations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.1.  Node-Local vs. ARC-Wide reaction  . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.2.  Load Balancing  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.3.  Shared Risk Link Group  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     7.4.  Olympic Rings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     7.5.  Routing Hierarchies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   8.  Manageability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   11. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

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1.  Introduction

   Traditional routing and forwarding uses the concept of path as the
   basic routing paradigm to get a packet from a source to a destination
   by following an ordered sequence of arrows between intermediate
   nodes.  In this serial design, a path is broken as soon as a single
   arrow is, and getting around a breakage can require path re-
   computation, network re-convergence, and incur delays to till service
   is restored.

   Multiple paths can be bound together for instance to form a Directed
   Acyclic Graph (DAG) to a destination, but that technique can be
   difficult to balance and cannot provide a full path redundancy even
   in the case of a biconnected graph.  For instance, if the node that
   is closest to the DAG destination has only one link to that
   destination, then it does not have a alternate path to get to that

   It is also possible to compute an alternate routing topology for fast
   rerouting to a given destination, in which case some signaling,
   tagging or labeling can be put in place to indicate whether a packet
   follows the normal path or was rerouted over an alternate topology.
   Once a packet is rerouted, it is bound to the alternate topology so
   only one breakage can be handled with loop-free guarantees in most
   practical situations.

   This draft introduces the concept of an Available Routing Construct
   (ARC) as a routing construct made of a bidirectional sequence of
   nodes and links with 2 outgoing edges, so that, upon a single
   breakage, each lively node in along ARC can still reach one of the
   outgoing edges.

   The routing graph to reach a certain destination is expressed as a
   cascade of ARCs, each ARC providing its own independent domain of
   fault isolation and recovery.  Unicast traffic may enter an ARC via
   any node but it may only leave the ARC through one of its two edges.
   One node along the ARC is designated as the Cursor.  In normal
   unicast operations, the traffic inside an ARC flows away from the
   Cursor towards an edge.  Upon a failure, packets may bounce on the
   breakage point and flow the other way along the ARC to take the other

   Aa a result an ARC is resilient to any single failure, and the
   recovery can be driven either from the data plane or the control
   plane.  A second failure occurring within a same ARC will isolate an
   ARC segment.  This can be further corrected from the control plane by
   reversing all the incoming Edges in a process that might recurse till

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   an exit is found.  When ARC reversal is applied, an ARC topology is
   resilient to some cases of Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) failures.

   Properties of the Maximally Redundant Tree (MRT) and ARC are compared
   in [I-D.thubert-rtgwg-arc-vs-mrt].  The study shows that the reroute
   path that ARC derives is generally shorter than the alternate path
   that MRT computes.  This property is largely due to the concept of
   cursor that delineates the shortest path on both sides of an ARC.
   Once a rerouted packet passes the cursor of the ARC in which it is
   rerouted, it should not cross a cursor again unless there is a second
   breakage later.  It results that the packet follows the shortest path
   for the rest of the way, staying on the right side of each downstream
   ARC, when MRT would be following all subsequent eyes in the same

   This draft presents the concept and provides an intuition of how ARCs
   can simplify the operation and improve the network utilization and
   resiliency for all sorts of traffic in multiple environments, but
   defers to further documents to elaborate on the algorithms and
   optimizations in the different application domains.  For instance,
   ARCs can also be used in datacenters for the purpose of fast-reroute,
   or within a service provider network to simplify load balancing
   operations or leverage optimally the ring topologies [RFC5921].

2.  Terminology

   The definition of the constituent parts of the "OAM" term is found in

   The draft uses the following terminology:

   ARC:  Available Routing Construct.  An ARC is a loopless ordered set
      of nodes and links whereby traffic may enter via any node in the
      ARC but may only leave the ARC through either one of the ARC

   Comb:  An ARC generalization: a Comb is a n-edged loopless set of
      nodes and links with n >= 2; traffic may enter via any node in the
      Comb but may only exit the Comb through one of its n edges.  A
      Comb comes with a walk operation that enables to attempt to exit
      via every edge and to discover when all have been tried.

   Cursor:  A virtual point along an ARC that can be located on a node
      or on a link between 2 nodes.  In normal operations, the traffic
      along the ARC flows away from its Cursor.  If the Cursor is a
      node, then traffic can be distributed on both sides.  The Cursor
      may be moved to change the way traffic is load balanced along an

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      ARC.  It may also be placed at the location of a failure to direct
      traffic away from that point.

   ARC Node:  A Node that belongs to an ARC.

   Edge ARC Node:  An ARC Node at an edge of its ARC.  An Edge ARC Node
      is a node via wich traffic can exit the ARC.

   Edge Link:  A directed link outgoing from an Edge ARC Node.  Traffic
      can only exit from an ARC via an Edge Link.  An Edge Link does not
      accept traffic into an ARC.

   Intermediate ARC Node:  A node that is not at an edge of an ARC.  A
      Intermediate ARC Node node that can receive traffic and forward
      traffic between its adjacent nodes.

   Intermediate Link:  A link between two Intermediate ARC Nodes.  An
      Intermediate Link is reversible, meaning that traffic is allowed
      in both directions though an individual packet is constrained in
      the way its direction is reversed.  For stable links such as wired
      links, the typical constraint is that the direction of a packet
      may be reversed at most once along a given ARC.

   Collapsed ARC:  An ARC that is formed of a single node.  This node is
      altogether the Cursor and both Edge Nodes.  This implies that the
      node has at least 2 outgoing links to 2 different Safe Nodes.

             / | \
            |  V  |
            V     V

      E: Edge ARC Node          -|  collapsed in a single node
      C: Cursor                 -|

                          Figure 1: Collapsed ARC

   Infrastructure ARC:  An ARC that is formed of more than one node,
      which also means that the Edge Nodes are different nodes.

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                 |    \  |                  |
                 |     \ |                  |      |
                 V       V                  V      |
             _->IAN<---->IAN<---->IAN<---->IAN<-_  |
           /                      + C            \ |
          /                                       \|
         V                                         V
        EAN                                       EAN
         |                                        /|\
         |                                       / | \
         |                                      |  V  |
         V                                      V     V

      IAN: Intermediate ARC Node  -|
      EAN: Edge ARC Node           |- All are Safe Nodes
      C: Cursor                   -|

                       Figure 2: Infrastructure ARC

   DAG:  Directed Acyclic Graph.

   ARC Set (or Cascade):  A DAG with ARCs as vertices.  In the DAG, an
      edge between ARC A and ARC B corresponds to a link from an Edge
      ARC Node in ARC A and an arbitrary ARC Node in ARC B.  Note that
      by definition, an ARC has at least 2 outgoing Edge Links, one per
      Edge Node, and maybe more if an Edge Node has multiple outgoing
      Edge Links.  All vertices in the DAG have 2 forwarding solutions,
      even the ARC closest to the destination.

   Omega:  the abstract destination (== root) of an ARC Set.  Omega is
      also referred as a complex destination in that it typically
      comprises more than one node and/or more than one link on a node.
      if Omega has a single node, then the plural interfaces on that
      node are considered as as many virtual node for the sake of the
      ARC computation algorithm.

   ARC Height:  An arbitrary distance from Omega that is associated to
      an ARC.  The Height of an ARC must be more than the Height of any
      of the ARCs it terminates into.  The order of ARC formation by a
      given algorithm can be used as a Height whereby an ARC is always
      strictly higher or lower than another.

   Buttressing ARC:  A split ARC that is merged into another ARC at one
      edge.  An ARC and one or more Buttressing ARCs form a Comb
      construct that is resilient to additional breakages.  A
      Buttressing ARC may be applied to an ARC or a Comb iff traffic

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      outgoing the Buttressing ARC Edge always reaches in an ARC that is
      lower than this ARC, or Omega.

                 |    \  |                  |
                 |     \ |                  |      |
                 V       V                  V      |
           /                      + C            \ |         \
          /                                       \|          \
         V                                         V           V
        EAN                                       EAN         EAN
         |                                        /|\          |
         |                                       / | \         |
         |                                      |  V  |        |
         V                                      V     V        V

                    Figure 3: Comb with Buttressing ARC

   Safe Node:  A node is Safe if there is no single point of failure -
      apart from the node itself - on its way to Omega.  From this
      definition, a node is Safe if it has at least two non-congruent
      paths to two different other Safe Nodes.  It results that a Safe
      node that is not Omega has at least two completely disjunct paths
      to Omega.  When an ARC has been successfully constructed, all its
      nodes become safe with respect to the Omega for which the ARC was
      constructed.  By extension for a collapsed path Omega is deemed to
      be Safe, that is any node that pertains in Omega is a Safe Node.

   ?-S:  A node N is deemed dependent on a node S or S-dependent
      (denoted as ?-S) if S is the last single point of failure along
      N's shortest path to Omega.

3.  ARC Set representations

   An ARC Set can be represented in a number of fashions:

   Graph View:

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                     |           |         |          |      |
                     |           |         |          |      |
                     V           V         V          V      V
               D1<==>D<==>D3    E1<==>E   F1<==>F<==>F2      G
               |           |     |    |    |         |      / \
               |           |     |    |    |         |     /   \
               V           V     V    V    V         V    V     V
               |                      |    |                    |
               |                      |    |                    |
               |                      V    V                    |
               +--------------------> Omega <-------------------+

                       Figure 4: Routing Graph View

      This representation is similar to a classical routing graph with
      the peculiarity that some Links are marked reversible.  An ARC is
      represented as a sequence of reversible links.  The node that
      holds the Cursor is also indicated somehow.

   ARC View:

                          |                 |
                          |              +====J====+
                          |              |         |
                   +====H====+           |     +=====K=====+
                   |         |           |     |           |
            +====D====+   +====E====+  +====F====+  +====G====+
            |         |   |         |  |         |  |         |
            +=========B=========+   |  |   +=========C=========+
            |                   |   |  |   |                   |
            |                 +======A=======+                 |
            |                 |              |                 |

                       Figure 5: ARC Representation

      This ARC representation abstracts a whole ARC as a single vertex.
      An ARC ends in one or more other ARCs, but it has to be noted that
      even if both edges of an ARC end in a same other ARC, it ends in

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      fact in 2 different nodes, or Omega.  This is turn can be
      represented as a DAG as described in Paragraph 3.

   Collapsed DAG view:

          +====+           +====+           +====+           +====+
          |  H |   <---    |  I |    --->   |  J |    --->   |  K |
             |     \__                         |        ___/    |
             |        \                        |       /        |
             V         _|                      V     |_         V
          +====+           +====+           +====+           +====+
          |  D |           |  E |           |  F |  <---     |  G |
             \  \         __/  \__         __/  \__        /  /
              \  \       /         \      /        \      /  /
               _| _|   |_           _|  |_          _|  |_ |_
                  +====+            +====+           +====+
                  |  B |    --->    |  A |   <---    |  C |
                     |                | |               |
                     V                V V               V

                             Figure 6: ARC DAG

      In the DAG representation, an ARC is abstracted as a vertex and
      links between ARCs are shown as directed edges.  This way, the
      reversible links are omitted and the graph is simplified.  It can
      be noted that even the vertex closest to Omega has 2 non-congruent
      forwarding solutions, that is Heir Links to Omega.

4.  Lowest ARC First

   The open Lowest ARC First(oLAF) algorithm is presented below in such
   a way as to help the reader figure how an ARC Set can be obtained but
   not in a computer-optimized fashion that is left to be determined.
   oLAF is based on Dijkstra's algorithm for Shortest Path First (SPF)
   computation, and is designed in such a fashion that the reverse SPF
   tree towards a destination is conserved and preferred for forwarding
   along the resulting ARC Set.

   We make the computation on behalf of Omega, that is an abstraction,
   but could represent the node or the set of nodes that we want to
   reach with an ARC Set.  If Omega is instantiated as an actual
   destination node, then that node may be a fine location for an ARC
   Computing Engine.

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4.1.  Init

   So we start with an proverbial Initial Set of Nodes that are
   interconnected by Links, and Omega that is the destination that we
   want to reach with an ARC Set.

   If there is no Heir, we're done.  If there is a single Heir then the
   graph is mono-connected, so we restart the computation taking that
   Heir off the Set of Nodes and making it Omega.

   Else, if Omega is a single Node, or if Omega is composed of multiple
   nodes but we are willing to accept that both ends of an ARC terminate
   in a same node in Omega, then we create virtual Omega nodes, a
   minimum of two and at most one per Heir, and we make them the new
   Omega.  Note: we need at least two destinations because both ends of
   an ARC cannot terminate in a same node.

   Now we can start building an ARC Set towards the resulting Omega.

   In this process, we create so-called Dependent Sets of nodes, each
   owned by a Safe Node S, DSet(S).  DSet(S) contains nodes that are not
   determined to be Safe at the current stage of the computation and for
   which S, the owner Safe Node, is the last single point of failure on
   the shortest path tree to Omega.  It results that a given node can be
   at most in one DSet, and that a Safe Node belongs to its own DSet.

   For each node S in Omega we create a DSet(S) in which we place S.

4.2.  Growing Trees

   And then the process goes like this:

   We select the node in the Set of Nodes that is closest to Omega using
   the cost towards Omega as if we were building a traditional reverse
   SPF tree and we place the selected node in the same Dependent Set as
   its parent in the reverse SPF tree.  Note that for a Heir, the parent
   might be a real node in Omega, or a virtual Omega node.

   If we kept it at that, we would be building subtrees that are hanging
   off a Safe Node and together would represent the reverse shortest
   path tree towards Omega, each subtree being grown separately inside
   DSet(S) where S is the (virtual) Safe node that is the root of the

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4.3.  Being Safe

   But once we have placed the selected node in a DSet, we consider its
   neighbors one by one.  If at least one of the neighbors is already in
   a different DSet than this node, we select the neighbor that provides
   the shortest alternate path to Omega for the selected node.

   Doing so, we have isolated two paths:

   o  one along its own shortest path that is contained within its own
      Dependent Set and that leads to the owner Safe Node of this set.

   o  and one via the selected neighbor, along its own shortest path
      within the selected neighbor's Dependent Set and that leads to the
      owner Safe Node of that other set.

   Because the two sets are different and have no intersection, these
   paths are non-congruent.  And because the two non-congruent paths
   lead to two different Safe Nodes, this node is Safe.

   It might happen that:

   o  the selected node's parent is already a Safe Node, in which case
      the selected node is the Edge AN on its shortest path side.

   o  It might also happen that the selected neighbor is already a Safe
      Node, in which case selected node is the Edge AN on its alternate

   If both conditions are met for a same AN, then that AN forms a
   collapsed ARC by itself.

4.4.  Bending An ARC

   Now we form an ARC as follows:

   o  A height is attributed to this ARC that must be strictly more than
      that of the ARCs it terminates into, if any.  The order in which
      the ARCs are built may be used in some cases.

   o  The ARC terminates in the two Safe Nodes that are the owners of
      the two DSets.  The normal behaviour is to make a Edge Link the
      link to the Safe Node.

   o  If the Safe Node at one end forms a collapsed ARC by itself, it
      may be absorbed in the ARC in order to build a multi-edged ARC.

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   o  If one of the two Safe Nodes pertains in a ARC or a Comb construct
      that is higher than the other end, then this ARC may be merged at
      the Safe Node with its original ARC, in order to form a Comb
      construct whereby this ARC is a Buttressing ARC of the Comb.  The
      resulting Comb conserves the height on the original ARC or Comb
      that it extends.

   o  The ARC is built by adjoining the two non-congruent paths that we
      isolated for the selected node.

   o  The selected node is the node farthest from Omega in the resulting
      ARC, so we make it the Cursor.

   o  The link between the selected node and the selected neighbor would
      not have been used in a classical reverse SPF tree.  Here, we have
      determined that this link is in fact critical to connect 2 zones
      of the network (the DSets) that can act as a back up for one
      another in case of the failure of their respective single points
      of failure (the Safe Nodes).

   o  Because the ARC can be used in both directions, each AN along the
      ARC has two non-congruent paths to the Safe Nodes that the ARC
      terminates into.  So it is a Safe Node.  We create individual
      DSets for each AN and we move the AN to its own DSet.

4.5.  Orienting Links

   For each ARC Node along the ARC:

   o  any link (there can be zero for a collapsed ARC, one for an Edge
      AN or two of them for a Intermediate AN) between this AN and a
      next AN along this ARC is made an Intermediate Link, that is,
      reversible.  The normal direction, away from the Cursor, preserves
      the shortest path.

   o  If this AN is an Edge AN for this ARC, than all links off this
      node that terminate in a Safe Node are made Edge Links, that is,
      outgoing but not reversible.

   o  All the other links left undetermined.

   The nodes left in the Dependent Sets but the owner Safe Node are
   still not Safe.  They are moved back to the original Set of Nodes to
   enable forming additional ARCs which might depend on this ARC in the
   ARC Set.

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4.6.  Looping or recursing

   We are done processing the particular node we had picked in the
   original Set of Nodes.  If the Set of Nodes as it stands now is not
   empty, we continue from Section 4.2.

   If the Set of Nodes went empty, we are done with this pass and we
   consider the Dependent Sets that we have put together.  In a
   biconnected graph, there should be one set per node and one node per
   set, denoting that every node is a Safe Node.

   If some portion of the graph is mono-connected, then each mono-
   connected portion forms the Dependent Set of the Safe Node that is
   its single point of failure.  In order to be maximally redundant, we
   need to form the ARCs again, within the Dependent Set.

   To do so, we remove the Safe Node from the Dependent set and make it
   Omega.  We make the resulting DSet our Set of Nodes and run the
   algorithm again.

   This may recurse a number of times if the graph has mono-connected
   zones within others.

5.  Forwarding Along An ARC Set

   Under normal conditions, the traffic flows away from the Cursor of
   the current ARC and cascades into the next ARC on that side of the
   Cursor, with the Height of the current ARC decreasing monotonically
   from ARC to ARC till Omega is reached.

   The same goes for a generic Comb construct.  When Buttressing ARCs
   are applied on a main ARC or other Buttressing ARCs, the final
   construct assumes the shape of a tree.  The tree may be walked in
   different manners but the shortest path requires to start going down
   the current ARC or Buttressing ARC to its Edge.

   In case of Label forwarding, the same recursive technique is applied
   and a multiple ARC label path is constructed.  Each ARC has is own
   set of label path per Omega, each ARC Set label path being merged
   into the lower ARC label set, thus at the interconnection point.  At
   minimum, ARC label path should be built from the Cursor toward each
   edge, but this would require label path recompilation upon Cursor
   move, the proposed approach is then to build for the normal flow to
   an Omega one pair of label path from edge to edge.

   As this label construct maps the ARC topology with local significant
   label, the Label Distribution Protocol (LDP) could be reused to
   announce label association to neighbors on the ARC.

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   Upon a breakage inside an ARC, until a corrective action takes place,
   some traffic will be lost.  The corrective action might be either
   operated at the control plane or the data plane, if immediate action
   and near-zero packet loss is required.

5.1.  Control Plane Recovery

   Upon a first breakage in an ARC, the Cursor is moved to the breakage
   point, either a node or a link, so that traffic flows away from the
   Cursor again.

   Upon a second breakage within a same ARC, a segment of the ARC is now
   isolated.  Both breakage points become sinks till an additional
   corrective action, such as modifying the ARC Set, takes place.  All
   incoming links in the isolated segment are blocked , causing the
   traffic to exit at the other end of the incoming ARCs.

   Blocking an Edge Link in the incoming ARC may create an isolated
   segment in the incoming ARC as well if it is a second breakage there
   too, or if both edges of the incoming ARC terminate in the broken
   segment.  In that case the process recurses and the broken zone can
   be determined as the collection of the isolated segments.

   If a segment of an ARC is getting isolated by a dual failure but that
   ARC segment has incoming Edges then the ARC can be reversed.  This
   reversal is done by reversing of all the incoming Edges, which become
   outgoing.  The segment that was isolated now benefits from multiple
   exits in a loop free fashion.  This process might in turn isolate a
   segment of an ARC that was incoming and the process recurses and some
   links flap.  If a real exit exits the process will stabilize, but a
   count to infinity must be put in place to avoid a permanent flapping
   when a whole ARC Subset is physically isolated.  One may consider
   that this process is in fact the classical link reversal technique,
   as applied to the DAG of ARCs.

5.2.  Data Plane Recovery

   Upon a breakage inside an ARC, it is possible in the data plane to
   reverse the direction of -to turn- a given packet once along the ARC
   so the packets exits over the other Edge Link.  But in order to avoid
   loops, it is undesirable to reverse the direction of a given packet a
   second time.

   Note that once a given packet leaves an ARC to enter the next, it is
   free to bounce again in the next ARC.  In other Words, the domain
   that is impacted by a turn is limited to the current ARC itself; the
   ARC forms the event horizon wherein the notion that a turn happened
   may cause a loop.

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   So a local strategy must be put in place inside an ARC to allow a
   given packet to bounce once upon a breakage, and get dropped upon a
   second breakage.

   In the case of IP packet forwarding, a packet can be tagged when it
   bounces inside an ARC, or when it passes the Cursor, for instance by
   reserving a TOS bit for that purpose.  When the packet bounces, the
   bit is set and when the packet leaves the ARC, the bit is reset and
   may be used again in the next ARC.  In the generic case of a Comb, a
   strategy must be put in place to walk the structure and drop a packet
   that tries all the Edges.  it attempts to pass the Cursor twice in a
   same direction, meaning that more than a full walk was already

5.2.1.  Label Switched ARCs

   In the case of MultiProtocol Label Switching (MPLS) forwarding, the
   same result can be achieved with Label Switched ARCs (LSARCs), that
   are composed of either 3 or 4 Labels Switched Paths (LSPs) along the

   3-Labels method:  In this case we lay a primary LSP from the cursor
      to the Edge in each direction, and a backup LSP Edge to Edge in
      each direction.  So a node along the way has three labels, one
      primary and two backup, one in each direction.  Should the primary
      path fail, the packet can be placed along the backup LSP in the
      other direction.  We'll note that this method constraints the
      location of the Cursor.  Should the Cursor move, The primary LSPs
      have to be recomputed, at a minimum between the old and the new
      location of the Cursor where the direction is reversed.

   4-Labels method:  In this case we have a primary and a backup LSPs in
      each direction all of them Edge to Edge, 4 labels total.  The
      labels are independent of the location of the Cursor, so the
      Cursor can be moved from a node to the next in control plane with
      no impact on labels.  This method consumes an additional label but
      is more amenable to load balancing techniques and allows each node
      that inject a packet inside an ARC to make its own decision of the
      exit edge for a given packet or flow.

5.2.2.  Segment Routed ARCs

   In the case of an infrastructure that is capable of Segment Routing
   (SR) [I-D.ietf-spring-segment-routing], the tag in the packet is in
   essence a Routing Header (RH) via the cursor.  The RH forces routing
   to the destination all the way back up the broken ARC and then down
   on the other end. via the cursor of a broken ARC.

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   Upon a breakage, the node detecting the failure reroutes the packet
   towards the other edge, which means going backwards up to the cursor,
   and following normal routing from there.

   The Routing Header may indicate, as consumed, an entry that points on
   the broken edge, if that is necessary for the cursor to figure out
   which is the broken edge so as to route towards the other edge.

5.3.  Flooding

   ARCs probably apply to both unicast and multicast traffic, as
   illustrated by [I-D.thubert-rtgwg-arc-bicast].  In particular, ARCs
   enable a redundant flooding of a packet.  The flooded packet is
   injected at all edges ending in Omega, and from there swims upriver
   along the reverse ARC direction.  The packet is then forwarded from
   the incoming edge of the ARC to the other edge where it is absorbed.
   On the way along the ARC, the packet is copied into all the ARCs that
   terminate in this ARC where the process recommences.

   Since a packet is finally injected from both edges of any ARC, it
   should get to all nodes in an ARC even if there is one breakage in
   that ARC. in normal conditions, at least two copies of the packet
   circulate in an ARC, one in each direction, and a mechanism should be
   put in place to make sure that only one copy is injected in an
   incoming edge.

6.  ARC Signaling

6.1.  Serial ARC Representation

   A single ARC can be serialized as the sets of endpoints at both edges
   and the ordered list of nodes in the ARC between the edges.  Since
   the endpoints are effectively nodes in downstream ARCs, the set of
   all serialized ARCs provides a full description of the topology.

6.2.  Centralized vs. Distributed computation

   An ARC set can be computed with a slightly altered Shortest Path
   First algorithm, as further explained in Section 4.  It results that
   any node, or all nodes participating to a Link State protocol, may
   learn the topology and compute an ARC Set. If all nodes compute the
   topology on their own and asynchronously, micro-loops will follow
   till the network converges.

   It makes more sense to limit the computation of an ARC Set to
   specific nodes, typically a Path Computation Element (PCE), a Network
   Management Entity (NME), or nodes in Omega.  This is typically what
   happens in a Software Define Networking (SDN) environment.

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6.3.  ARC Topology Injection

   Regardless of the central entity that computes the ARC set, the new
   or updated ARC Set is serialized in a control message and flooded
   over itself from Omega as described in Section 5.3.

   The new ARC Set can be used as soon as it is received, in the
   direction from which it is received, since a path along nodes in that
   direction exists already, through the nodes that forwarded the
   control messages.  The full ARC redundancy is only available when a
   control message has been received along an ARC in both directions.
   In that model, there is no micro-loop.

6.4.  ARC Operations, Administration, and Maintenance

   Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM) frames are used
   within an ARC and flow periodically or asynchronously from an edge to
   the other.  Such frame may carry indications such as a breakage or a
   congestion, and may be used to control the load balancing, or link
   reversal operations.

7.  Other ARC Operations

7.1.  Node-Local vs. ARC-Wide reaction

   ARCs enable forwarding plane reactions to breakages.  In the simple
   case of a single breakage in an ARC, the reaction can be immediate to
   the discovery of the breakage and consists in rerouting the packet
   towards the other edge across the cursor, as explained in
   Section 5.2.

   More complex situations require the coordination of all the nodes
   along an ARC.  For instance, load balancing requires the knowledge of
   the congestion level at multiple points along the ARC, whereas the
   solution to the Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) problem discussed in
   Section 7.3 requires all incoming edges in an isolated ARC segment to
   be blocked before they can be returned.  For such ARC-Wide
   coordinated reactions, OAM frames are necessary to enable forwarding
   plane rapid reactions.

7.2.  Load Balancing

   In normal conditions, only the Cursor may distribute its traffic
   between the two Edge Nodes.  If an Edge Node is still congested after
   the Cursor forwards all its traffic towards the other Edge Node, then
   the Cursor can be moved towards the congested Edge in order to derive
   even more traffic towards the other Edge.  If both Edges are
   congested, then a back-pressure can be applied on the incoming ARCs

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   so that they move their own traffic towards their own alternate Edge.
   The process may recurse.

   It is expected that control frames similar to those defined for MPLS
   Fault Management Operations, Administration, and Maintenance (OAM)
   [RFC6291] will echo from Edge Node to Edge Node provide information
   such as liveliness and load.  In order to establish a control loop
   between the Edge Nodes and the Cursor, the OAM frame would carry at
   least a logical information whether:

      The Edge Node is capable of forwarding data down to the next ARC

      the load may be increased (e.g. rate below threshold including

      the load should be decreased (e.g. congestion observed as
      increased latency or buffer bloat)

   If the load should be decreased towards of congested Edge Node and
   the load may be increased towards the other then the Cursor may
   adjust its balancing of the load, or move Cursor ownership towards
   the congested Edge if it is already redirecting all the traffic
   towards the non-congested Edge.

   If the Cursor is balancing traffic away from the default position due
   to a past congestion notification and the Edge that was congested now
   reports that the load may be increased, then the reverse operation
   can happen and the Cursor may balance the load back to the original
   position taking the reverse steps as above.

   If the OAM can not be forwarded due to a link or a node failure, then
   the last node towards the broken Edge becomes Cursor and echoes the
   OAM frames advertising that it is an Edge node that is blocked, not
   capable of forwarding data down to the next ARC.

   If both Edges are experiencing a congestion then the condition should
   be reported to the Edge Nodes of all incoming ARCs.  Same goes when
   both Edges are blocked.

7.3.  Shared Risk Link Group

   Essentially, the Shared Risk Link Group (SRLG) problem is that a
   physical breakage may end up breaking more than one apparently
   unrelated IP links.  such a breakage may end up breaking an ARC in
   more than one place, effectively creating isolated segments.

   The basic approach to solve that problem is the classical link
   reversal technique.  Since ARCs form a DAG as illustrated in

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   Figure 6, it is possible to return all the incoming edges in an
   isolated ARC segment so that traffic that circulates inside the
   segment is actually fed back in incoming ARCs.  The incoming ARCs are
   considered broken on that edge so all the traffic is fed into the
   other edge.  If this causes the incoming ARC to be doubly broken, the
   process recurses. in that incoming ARC.  Over a number of iterations,
   if there is an exit, it will be found and the traffic will be
   funneled that way.  If there is none, after a certain number of
   iterations, the process counts to infinity and stops.

   If the iterations are performed too quickly, the process may cause
   micro-loops.  OAM frames circulating within the broken segment can
   solve that issue.  On the way in, the OAM frame should block all
   incoming ARCs, which effectively causes the edges to appear broken in
   incoming ARCs.  On the way back, the OAM frame returns the incoming
   edges to be used the other way.

7.4.  Olympic Rings

   By Olympic Ring problem we mean how to optimally reuse the multiple
   path opportunities that interconnecting 2 rings enable.  ARCs can
   simply be deployed inside a ring A to reach a connected ring B by
   installing an ARC between adjacent interconnections on the rings.  If
   the rings only connect at one point, there is a single ARC going all
   the way around the ring, with the cursor at the far side.  If there
   are more than one interconnection, then you always end up with as
   many ARCs as there are interconnections.

   A packet being forwarded inside a ring picks the side of the ring
   that is away from the cursor, taking effectively the shortest path to
   the next ring.  If a hop is broken, then the packet is returned to
   the other edge of the ARC, which is the adjacent interconnection
   between the ARCs.

   Note: There is no need in that model to artificially disable one hop
   in the ring and re-enable it in case of breakage.

7.5.  Routing Hierarchies

   The ARC methods may be used to build and/or leverage routing
   hierarchies, allowing high availability at multiple hierarchical
   levels.  In one hand, the view of an ARC Set can be simplified by
   abstracting an ARC as a node in a DAG.  The view of the routing
   topology is thus simplified, as illustrated in Figure 6.

   In the case of connected rings,abstracting a full ring as a node,
   ARCs can be applied to a graph of rings, providing another level of
   redundancy and an abstract end-to-end path computation, ring to ring

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   to ring.  ARCs may be used to make that computation resilient as

8.  Manageability

   This specification describes a generic model.  Protocols and
   management will come later

9.  IANA Considerations

   This specification does not require IANA action.

10.  Security Considerations

   This specification is not found to introduce new security threat.

11.  Acknowledgments

   The authors wishes to thank Dirk Anteunis, Stewart Bryant, IJsbrand
   Wijnands, George Swallow, Eric Osborne, Clarence Filsfils and Eric
   Levy-Abegnoli for their participation and continuous support to the
   work presented here.

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

12.2.  Informative References

              Filsfils, C., Previdi, S., Bashandy, A., Decraene, B.,
              Litkowski, S., Horneffer, M., Shakir, R., Tantsura, J.,
              and E. Crabbe, "Segment Routing Architecture", draft-ietf-
              spring-segment-routing-00 (work in progress), December

              Thubert, P. and I. Wijnands, "Applying Available Routing
              Constructs to bicasting", draft-thubert-rtgwg-arc-
              bicast-01 (work in progress), October 2013.

              Thubert, P., Enyedi, G., and S. Ramasubramanian,
              "Available Routing Constructs", draft-thubert-rtgwg-arc-
              vs-mrt-01 (work in progress), January 2014.

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   [RFC5921]  Bocci, M., Bryant, S., Frost, D., Levrau, L., and L.
              Berger, "A Framework for MPLS in Transport Networks", RFC
              5921, July 2010.

   [RFC6291]  Andersson, L., van Helvoort, H., Bonica, R., Romascanu,
              D., and S. Mansfield, "Guidelines for the Use of the "OAM"
              Acronym in the IETF", BCP 161, RFC 6291, June 2011.

Authors' Addresses

   Pascal Thubert (editor)
   Cisco Systems, Inc
   Building D
   45 Allee des Ormes - BP1200
   MOUGINS - Sophia Antipolis  06254

   Phone: +33 497 23 26 34

   Patrice Bellagamba
   Cisco Systems
   214 Avenue des fleurs
   Saint-Raphael  83700

   Phone: +33.6.1998.4346

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