Internet DRAFT - draft-thubert-v6ops-yada-yatt


v6ops                                                    P. Thubert, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                             Cisco Systems
Updates: 1122, 4291 (if approved)                          11 April 2022
Intended status: Informational                                          
Expires: 13 October 2022

          Yet Another Double Address and Translation Technique


   This document provides a stepwise migration between IPv4 and IPv6
   with baby steps from an IPv4-only stack/gateway/ISP to an IPv6-only
   version, that allows portions of the nodes and of the networks to
   remain IPv4, and reduces the need for dual stack and CG NATs between
   participating nodes.  A first mechanism named YADA to augment the
   capacity of the current IPv4 Internet by interconnecting IPv4 realms
   via a common footprint called the shaft.  YADA extends RFC 1122 with
   the support of an IP-in-IP format used to forward the packet between
   parallel IPv4 realms.  This document also provides a stateless
   address and IP header translation between YADA and IPv6 called YATT
   and extends RFC 4291 for the YATT format.  The YADA and YATT formats
   are interchangeable, and the stateless translation can take place as
   a bump in the stack at either end, or within the network at any
   router.  This enables an IPv6-only stack to dialog with an IPv4-only
   stack across a network that can be IPv6, IPv4, or mixed.  YATT
   requires that the IPv6 stack owns a prefix that derives from a YADA
   address and that the IPv4 stack in a different realm is capable of
   YADA, so it does not replace a generic 4 to 6 translation mechanism
   for any v6 to any v4.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 13 October 2022.

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Internet-Draft                  YADA-YATT                     April 2022

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction and Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  Glossary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  New Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   4.  Extending RFC 1122  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Extending RFC 2131  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   6.  Extending RFC 4291  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   7.  Extending RFC 8415  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   8.  YADA  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   9.  YADA Stateful NAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   10. YATT  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   11. YATT Stateful PAT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   12. The structure of the shaft  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   13. Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   14. Backwards Compatibility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   15. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   16. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   17. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   18. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     18.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     18.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

1.  Introduction and Motivation

   At the time of this writing, the transition to IPv6 started 20 years
   ago and large amounts of networks, hosts, and programs, are still
   IPv4-only.  The IPv4 and IPv6 camps are quite entrenched, and there's
   no indication that things will change any time soon.

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Internet-Draft                  YADA-YATT                     April 2022

   During that endless transition, stacks must implement both protocols
   (aka dual stack) and a mechanism to use either based on the
   responsiveness (Happy Eyeballs).  Service Providers must implement
   heavy weaponry called Carrier-Grade Network Address Translators (CG-
   NATs) to translate between protocols between legacy IPv4-only and
   IPv6-only stacks, and tunneling techniques such as DS-Lite [RFC7333]
   and 464XLAT [RFC6877] to traverse portions of the network that
   support only one of the IP versions.  This means both CAPEX to
   install dual stack infrastructures and NAT devices and OPEX to
   maintain them.  The current situation is often qualified as the worst
   of both worlds and any indications is that it's here to stay, till
   each side suffered enough and is ready for a compromise.

   This document prepares for that time where the players will
   effectively be ready for a compromise.  An acceptable compromise must
   provide both sides with way to remain as long as desired, while
   eliminating the need for dual stack and CG-NATs between participating
   nodes.  Certainly, an effort must be asked on each side to reduce the
   chasm, and that effort must come with enough benefits to effectively
   encourage a majority of interested parties to make the step.

   Yet Another Double Address (YADA) refers to effort that is asked from
   the IPv4 side to support a new IP-in-IP model.  YADA extends
   [INT-ARCHI] with the support of an IP-in-IP format used to forward
   the packet between parallel IPv4 realms.  The proposed benefit is a
   thousandfold increase of the IPv4-addressable domain by building
   parallel realms each potentially the size of the current Internet.
   Only the stacks that need to talk to a parallel realm need to evolve.
   Routing and forwarding can remain IPv4-only with the same operations
   as today, though new routers with YADA capabilities must be deployed
   to route between realms.

   Yet Another Translation Technique (YATT) refers to an effort to be
   made by the IPv6 side to support a new IPv6 Prefix with special
   properties, which impacts in particular source address selection
   (SAS).  YATT extends [IPv6-ADDRESSING] for the YATT format.  The
   proposed benefit is a prefix (say /32) per realm and a prefix (say
   /64) per host in the realm.  This address space may for instance
   become handy for load balancing between physical servers / VMs / pods
   that operate a service associated with the virtual server that owns
   the host prefix.

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Internet-Draft                  YADA-YATT                     April 2022

   The YADA and YATT formats are interchangeable, which means that the
   translation is stateless and can take place as a bump-in-the-stack at
   either end or can be operated at line rate anywhere in the network by
   an upgraded hardware.  The routers that connect the shaft also
   perform a stateless operation that can be achieved at line rate by
   upgraded hardware.  This is how the chasm between IPv4 and IPv6 can
   be reduced, removing the need to deploy dual stack and CG-NATs
   between participating nodes.

   This document provides a stepwise migration between IPv4 and IPv6
   with baby steps from an IPv4-only stack/gateway/ISP to YADA to YATT
   to an IPv6-only version.  The migration strategy allows portions of
   the nodes and of the networks to remain IPv4.

   YATT requires that the IPv6 stack owns a prefix that derives from a
   YADA address associated to a realm, even if there's absolutely no
   IPv4 operation taking place in that realm.  The resulting
   connectivity without dual stack and CG-NAT is as follows:

   *  A legacy IPv4-only node can only talk within its realm.  It can
      talk to an IPv4 legacy node, a YADA IPv4-only node, and even a
      YATT IPv6-only node, e.g., leveraging a bump-in-the-stack in the
      YATT node if the access network is IPv4-only.

   *  In addition, a YADA IPv4-only node can talk across realms to a
      YADA IPv4-only node and to any YATT IPv6-only node, e.g.,
      leveraging a bump-in-the-stack in the YADA node if the network is

   *  In addition, a YATT IPv6-only node can talk to any other IPv6-only

   Connectivity between an IPv4-only node and an IPv6-only node, or
   between an IPv4-only node and a YADA node in different realm, still
   requires a CG-NATs as of today, e.g., using the YATT format for the
   IPv6 side in an unmodified CG-NAT.

2.  Terminology

2.1.  Glossary

   This document often uses the following acronyms:

   YADA:  Yet Another Double Address
   YATT:  Yet Another Translation Technique
   NAT:  Network address Translation
   IID:  Interface ID
   CG-NAT:  Carrier Grade NAT

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2.2.  New Terms

   This document often uses the following new terms:

   IPv4 realm:  A full IPv4 network like the current Internet.  YADA
      does not affect the traditional IPv4 operations within a realm.
   The shaft:  The shaft refers to a collection of IPv4 unicast and
      multicast prefixes that are assigned to Inter-realm communications
      and cannot be assigned to hosts or multicast groups within a
   Realm address:  An IPv4 address that derives from a shaft prefix.
   Uni-realm address:  A realm address that is unicast or anycast.  A
      realm may have more than one Uni-realm add ress.
   Multi-realm address:  A realm address that is multicast and denotes a
      collection of realms.
   YADA realm prefix:  A prefix assigned to the shaft and from which
      realm addresses can be derived.
   YADA NAT prefix:  A prefix assigned to the YADA bump-in-the-stack NAT
   Double-A or YADA address:  A YADA address is a tuple (realm address,
      IPv4 address) where the IPv4 address is only significant within
      the realm denoted by the realm address.
   YATT Space:  An IPv6 range that is assigned for YATT operation.
   YATT prefix:  An IPv6 prefix that is derived from a YADA address by
      appending the YATT space prefix, the (truncated) realm address and
      the IPv4 address.
   YATT-IID:  A 64-bit assigned constant that is used in YATT to
      statelessly form an IPv6 address from a YATT prefix.
   Multinternet:  A collection of IPv4 realms interconnected using a
      common shaft.

3.  Overview

   This document provides a stepwise migration between IPv4 and IPv6
   with baby steps from an IPv4-only stack/gateway/ISP to an IPv6-only
   version.  The baby steps reduce the gap between the only versions and
   the associated need for dual stack and CG-NATs.

   This first mechanism called YADA allows to grow the Internet beyond
   the current IPv4 [IPv4] realm that limits its capacity to form public
   addresses.  Depending on the assignments to be made, the model allows
   to reuse all IP addresses and all Autonomous System Number (ASN)
   currently available in the internet hundreds to millions of times.
   This is achieved by interconnecting IPv4 realms via a common
   footprint called the shaft.

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   In the analogy of a building, the ground floor would be the Internet,
   and each additional floor would be another IPv4 realm.  The same
   surface of floor is available in each level, analog to the full IPv4
   addressing that is available in each realm.  The same footprint is
   dedicated across the building levels for the elevator shaft.  The
   elevator shaft enables a third dimension that spans across the levels
   and allows to traverse from any level to any other level.  The
   elevator shaft cannot be used for living or office space.

             /                                                     /
            /          |------------|                    realm 1  /
           /          /.           /.                            /
          /          / . shaft    / .  (current IPv4 Internet)  /
         /          |------------|  .                          /
        /           .  .         .  .                         /
                    |  .         |  |
             /      |  .         |  |                              /
            /       |  |---------|--|                    realm 2  /
           /        | /.         | /.                            /
          /         |/ . shaft   |/ .                           /
         /          |------------|  .                          /
        /           .  .         .  .                         /
                    |  .         |  |
                    |  .         |  |
                    |            |  .
                    |            |  .
                    .            .  |
                    .            .  |
                    |  .         |  |
             /      |  .         |  |                              /
            /       |  |---------|--|                    realm N  /
           /        | /          | /                             /
          /         |/   shaft   |/                             /
         /          |------------|                             /
        /                                                     /

                            Figure 1: The shaft

   By analogy, YADA assigns IPv4 prefixes to a multinternet shaft; those
   prefixes are common across the realms that are interconnected by the
   shaft.  A single /24 IPv4 prefix assigned allows for > 250 times the
   capacity of the Internet as we know it at the time of this writing.

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Internet-Draft                  YADA-YATT                     April 2022

   Multiple prefixes can be assigned to the shaft for unicast and
   multicast communications, and each realm needs at least one unicast
   address in the shaft called its realm address.  A YADA address is
   formed by the tuple (realm address, IPv4 address) and is advertised
   in DNS as a new double-A record.

   YADA leverages IP-in-IP encapsulation to tunnel packets across the
   shaft while normal IPv4 operations happen within a realm.  YADA
   requires a change in the stack in the YADA endpoints that communicate
   with other realms to support the IP-in-IP YADA encapsulation.  YADA
   also provides a bump in the stack method for legacy applications.
   More in Section 9.

   A second mechanism called YATT translates the YADA format into flat
   IPv6 [IPv6].  While a YADA address pair can be seen as some foot
   print in one level, the YATT prefix encompasses that same foot print
   plus all the air above it.  For unicast addresses, YATT forms an IPv6
   prefix by collating an well-known assigned short prefix, the realm
   address (in the shaft), and the host IPv4 address (locally
   significant within the realm).  The resulting IPv6 prefix is
   automatically owned by the host that owns the IPv4 address in the
   realm.  YATT then forms an IPv6 address for that host by collating a
   well-known Interface ID, so there's a one-to-one relationship between
   the YADA and the IPv6 address derived from it.  More in Section 10.

   A key concept for this specification is that YADA (the IPv4
   formulation) and YATT (the IPv6 formulation) are alternative
   representations of the same abstract object (a double address), which
   can serve as an intermediate step across the IPv4-IPv6 chasm.  The
   IPv4 formulation (YADA) is a plain IP-in-IP with no new extension.
   The IPv6 formulation (YATT) uses a standard IPv6 header with a
   special encoding of the addresses.  The formulations are
   interchangeable; if a link supports both IP versions then the next
   hop is valid for both formulations, whichever of the 2 Address
   Families (AFs) was used to learn it; else any node can convert one
   formulation to the other to accomodate the IP version that is
   available on the next hop link.

4.  Extending RFC 1122

   YADA extends [INT-ARCHI] to add the capability for an IPv4 host to
   recognize an special IP-in-IP format as an inter-realm IPv4 packet
   and process it accordingly.  It also adds a new DNS double-A record
   format that denotes a YADA address.

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5.  Extending RFC 2131

   The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol [RFC2131] (DHCP) is extended
   to pass information to the host about its current realm.  When this
   information is present, the host is free to use YADA using that
   realms as source realm.

   If a host obtains a public address from DHCP, and for the duration of
   the lease, the host automatically owns the YATT prefix associated to
   a owned YADA address.  In this manner, DHCPv4 becomes an alternate
   method for delegating an IPv6 prefix from which the host may
   provision an IPv6 stack.

6.  Extending RFC 4291

   YATT extends the IPv6 Addressing Architecture [IPv6-ADDRESSING] to
   add the capability for a host to recognize an special IPv6 format as
   an YATT address embedding a YADA address and process it accordingly.
   This is achieved in particular by the allocation of a YATT space that
   is a short prefix for all YATT prefixes, and a YATT-IID.

7.  Extending RFC 8415

   The DHCPv6 prefix delegation mechanism in Dynamic Host Configuration
   Protocol for IPv6 [RFC8415] is extended to delegate YATT prefixes to
   the hosts by enforcing that a delegated YATT prefix is provided in
   the form defined by Section 6.

8.  YADA

   YADA assigns IPv4 prefixes to a multinternet shaft; those prefixes
   must be the same across all the realms that are interconnected by the
   shaft.  Multiple prefixes can be assigned to the shaft for unicast
   and multicast communications, and each realm needs at least one
   unicast address in the shaft called its realm address.  A YADA
   address is formed by the tuple (realm address, IPv4 address) and is
   advertised in DNS as a new double-A record.  Because the YADA
   prefixes are assigned for YADA, a packet that has either source or
   destination IPV4 address derived from a shaft prefix is a YADA

   YADA leverages IP-in-IP encapsulation to tunnel packets across the
   shaft for inter-realm communications, while the IPv4 operations
   within a realm are unaffected.  The YADA address is found by using
   both inner and outer header and combining that information.  The pair
   of IP headers is seen by a YADA stack as a single larger header
   though a non-YADA forwarder only needs the outer header and plain
   IPv4 operations on the outer IPv4 header to forward.

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   YADA requires a change in the stack in the YADA endpoints that
   communicate with other realms to support the YADA encapsulation.  A
   stack that resolve a DNS name with a double-A record indicating a
   different realm generates an IP-in-IP packet to signal both the
   source and destination realms and the source and destination IPv4
   addresses within the respective realms.

   Inside the source realm, the outer IPv4 header indicates the node's
   IPv4 address as source, to remain topologically correct, and the
   local realm address as source in the inner header, as shown in
   Figure 2

   <----------------------------- 20 bytes ---------------------------->
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   |    IPv4 header fields       |  Source node    | destination realm |
   |     (outer)                 |  IPv4 Address   |   IPv4 Address    |
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   |    IPv4 header fields       |  Source realm   | destination node  |
   |      (inner)                |  IPv4 Address   |   IPv4 Address    |
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   .                          Options                                  .
   +------------ ... --------------------------------------------------+
   |                                                                   |
   .                           Data                                    .
   |                                                                   |

                 Figure 2: YADA format in the source realm

   YADA also requires a change for the routers that serve the shaft.
   Those routers play a special role for packets that are delivered from
   the shaft to the destination realm, and for ICMP errors across
   realms.  All other IPv4 nodes in the realm continue to operate
   routing and forwarding as before.

   Routers serving the shaft advertise the shaft prefix(es) in their
   respective realms, and their realm addresses within the shaft, as
   host routes for unicast and anycast addresses.

   Inside the source realm, the IPv4 destination in the outer header is
   an address is the shaft and it is attracted by a router that serves
   the shaft in the source realm.  The packet source in the outer header
   is the address of the source node in the local realm, so the packet
   does not defeat BCP 38 rules in the ISP network, as shown in
   Figure 3.

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                       |            |
               /       |            |                               /
              /    |   |        |   |                              /
             /     |   |--------|---|        Source Node          /
            /      |  /         |  /                             /
           /       | /.      <--|----  outer(src=src-addr       /
          /        |/ .         |/  .         dst=dst-realm)   /
         /         |------------|   .   inner(src=src-realm   /
        /          .  .         .   .         dst=dst-addr)  /
       /           .  .         .   .                       /
      /            .  .         .   .                      /
                   |            |   |
                   |            |
                   |            |

                    Figure 3: Packets Entering the shaft

   When the packet reaches the shaft, the router that serves the shaft
   in this realm checks that packet source in the inner header is an
   address of this realm, and if so, it swaps the inner and outer source
   IPv4 address, and forwards the packet down the shaft. this way, the
   the packet remains topologically correct inside the shaft, as shown
   in Figure 4.

   <----------------------------- 20 bytes ---------------------------->
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   |    IPv4 header fields       |  Source realm   | destination realm |
   |     (outer)                 |  IPv4 Address   |   IPv4 Address    |
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   |    IPv4 header fields       |  Source node    | destination node  |
   |      (inner)                |  IPv4 Address   |   IPv4 Address    |
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   .                          Options                                  .
   +------------ ... --------------------------------------------------+
   |                                                                   |
   .                           Data                                    .
   |                                                                   |

                   Figure 4: YADA format inside the shaft

   Based on longest match, the router forwards the packet inside the
   shaft following the host route to a router that serves the
   destination realm, as shown in Figure 5.

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                       |            |
               /       |            |                               /
              /    |   |        |   |                              /
             /     |   |--------|---|        Source Node          /
            /      |  /         |  /.                            /
           /       | /.     +-  | / .   outer(src=src-realm     /
          /        |/ .     |   |/  .         dst=dst-realm)   /
         /         |------------|   .   inner(src=src-addr    /
        /          .  .     |   .   .         dst=dst-addr)  /
       /           .  .     |   .   .                       /
      /            .  .     |   .   .                      /
                   |        |   |   |
                   |        |   |
                   |        |   |  Sources swapped at shaft ingress

                    Figure 5: Packets Entering the shaft

   That router swaps the destination address in the inner and outer
   headers and forwards within its realm to the final destination, as
   shown in Figure 6.

   <----------------------------- 20 bytes ---------------------------->
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   |    IPv4 header fields       |  Source realm   | destination node  |
   |     (outer)                 |  IPv4 Address   |   IPv4 Address    |
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   |    IPv4 header fields       |  Source node    | destination realm |
   |      (inner)                |  IPv4 Address   |   IPv4 Address    |
   +------------ ... ------------+-----------------+-------------------+
   .                          Options                                  .
   +------------ ... --------------------------------------------------+
   |                                                                   |
   .                           Data                                    .
   |                                                                   |

               Figure 6: YADA format in the destination realm

   In normal conditions, the stack of the destination node recognizes
   the YADA format and replies accordingly.

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                       |            |
                       |            |
               /   |   |        |   |                               /
              /    |   |    |   |   |                              /
             /     |   |----|---|---|     Destination Node        /
            /      |  /     |   |  /.                            /
           /       | /.     +---|----> outer(src=src-realm      /
          /        |/ .         |/  .        dst=dst-addr)     /
         /         |------------|   .  inner(src=src-addr     /
        /          .  .         .   .        dst=realm-addr) /
       /           .  .         .   .                       /
      /            .  .         .   .                      /

                          destinations swapped at shaft egress

                    Figure 7: Packets Outgoing the shaft

   In case of an error down the shaft or in the destination realm, if an
   ICMP message is generated by a node that is not YADA-aware, the
   message reaches the router that serves the shaft in the source realm.
   If the inner header is present in the ICMP payload, then the Router
   extracts it and forwards to the packet source.  If the destination
   stack does not support YADA and decapsulates, the message reaches the
   router that serves the destination realm which logs and drops.  based
   on the log, the node may be updated, or the DNS records may be fixed
   to avoid pointing on a node that does not support YADA.

   YADA was initially published as USPTO 7,356,031, filed in February

9.  YADA Stateful NAT

   Inside a realm, a YADA stack falls back to classical IPv4 operations
   and will natively connects to any legacy IPv4 peers.  To reach YADA
   nodes in alternate realms, YADA also provides a stateful NAT
   operation that performs an IPv4-to-YADA translation below the legacy
   stack.  The translation reuses some prefix space allocated for either
   [RFC1918] or [RFC6598] for a local NAT pool that is used to present a
   single address to the legacy stack.

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   The YADA formulation couples a realm address with a public IPv4
   address.  A host that owns a public address may perform the YADA
   stateful NAT operation as a bump-in-the-stack below the legacy stack.
   In a private network, the operation is preferably done in the private
   gateway, outside the existing private-public NAT so it operates on
   the resulting public address, to keep the classical NAT operation as

    |             |
    |             |                  +-------------+
    +-------------+                  |   address   |
    |   IPv4      |                  |   pool      |
    |   stack     |                  +-------------+
    +-------------+    +------------------------+
    |             |    | bump in stack stateful |
    |             |    | IPv4 -> YADA  NAT      |
    +-----+-------+    +--------------------+---+
          |                ^                |
          v                |                v
    +---------------+------+--------+ +-------------------------------+
    | src=this_node | dst=from_pool | | src=this_node | dst=dst-realm |
    +---------------+---------------+ +---------------+---------------+
    |                               | |src=this_realm |dst=destination|
    |                               | +---------------+---------------+
    |                               | |                               |
    |       IP PAYLOAD              | |                               |
    |                               | |                               |
    |                               | |        IP PAYLOAD             |
    |                               | |                               |
    +-------------------------------+ |                               |
                                      |                               |

                        Figure 8: YADA Stateful NAT

   The stateful NAT intercepts the DNS lookups.  If the response
   contains an A record, then the address is reachable in the local
   realm and the NAT ignores that destination, letting the legacy
   operations take place transparently.

   When the response yields a double-A record with a foreign realm, the
   stateful NAT allocates an IPv4 address from the local NAT pool and
   adds it in an A record to the DNS response.  A local NAT state is
   built, indexed by the double-A outside and the allocated single-A

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   When the legacy stack pushes a packet to that particular address, the
   stateful NAT translates to the YADA format, using the information in
   the double-A record for the destination, and the local realm as
   source realm.

   The other way around, if a packet arrives in the YADA formulation
   from a different realm, the stateful NAT allocates an address from
   the pool, and NATs to classical IPv4 using that address as source.

   As an optimization, a NAT in a private gateway may learn which nodes
   inside support YADA and bypass the YADA stateful NAT operation
   completely for those nodes.

   As long at the bump-in-the-stack (or the gateway) generates YADA
   packets, the packets can be translated statelessly to YATT as a last
   bump-in-the-stack operation before transmission to be pushed on an
   IPv6-only link.

   The YATT and YADA formulations refer to the same object.  A node that
   is configured with a YATT address is de facto owner of the embedded
   IPv4 address within the embedded IPv4 realm, and that address can be
   used to install a legacy IPv4 stack even if the attachement link is
   pure IPv6.  As long at the stack generates YADA packets, the packets
   can be translated statelessly to YATT as a next bump-in-the-stack
   operation before transmission and placed on the IPv6-only network.

10.  YATT

   A second mechanism called YATT translates the YADA format into flat

    |YATT |     Realm     |     IPv4     |         Well-Known          |
    |Space|    Address    |    Address   |              IID            |
    +-----+- -------------+--------------+-----------------------------+
          <- YADA
           prefix ->
    <--------   YATT prefix ---------->

                           Figure 9: YATT format

   For unicast addresses, YATT forms an IPv6 prefix by collating an
   well-known assigned short prefix called the YATT space, the realm
   address, and the host IPv4 address (locally significant within the
   realm).  The resulting IPv6 prefix is automatically owned by the host
   that owns the IPv4 address in the realm.

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   Depending on assignment, the leftmost piece realm prefix may be
   truncated if it is well-known, to allow the YATT space and the realm
   address to fit in a 32-bit DWORD.  This way, the YATT prefix can be a
   full /64 prefix that is entirely owned by the host that owns the
   associated YADA address.

   YATT then forms an IPv6 address for that host by collating a well-
   known Interface ID, so there's a one-to-one relationship.

   The formats can not be strictly provided till the YATT space and YADA
   prefix are assigned.  But say that the YATT Space is F000::/6 and the
   YADA prefix is  In that case the values perfectly
   overlap and the YATT format becomes as follows:

   | Realm Address  |    IPv4 Host   |            Well-Known           |
   | in | Public Address |               IID               |
   +-----+- --------+----+-----------+---------------------------------+
   <--- 32 bits ---><--- 32 bits ---><------------ 64 bits ------------>
   <------   YATT IPv6 prefix ------->

                  Figure 10: YATT format using

   In that case, the NAT operation is a plain insertion.  Depending on
   the assignment, it might be that the Realm address must be placed in
   full after YATT space.  In that case, the length of the YATT prefix
   will be more than 64 bits.

   Also, since is currently unassigned, using it for the
   shaft would allow literally to reuse every ASN and every IPv4 address
   currently available in the Internet in each and every other realm and
   reallocate them in any fashion desirable in that realm.

   If the network supports IPv6 to the shaft, it makes sense for the
   YADA host or the bump-in-the-stack to generate the packets in the
   YATT form natively.  The shaft router must then attract the shaft
   YADA realm prefix in both IPv4 and YATT forms.

   If the network is IPv4 only, the packets are still generated using
   IP-in-IP, and the YATT NAT operation may happen at the router that
   delivers the packet in the destination realm, if it is v6-only, or in
   the destination host, if its stack is v6-only.

   YATT was initially published as USPTO 7,764,686, filed in December

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11.  YATT Stateful PAT

   The YATT and YADA formulations refer to the same object.  A node that
   is the owner of a public address in a realm is de facto owner of the
   matching YATT prefix, and is de facto assigned the IPv6 address
   derived with the YATT-IID.  The other way around, a node that is
   delegated a YATT prefix is de facto owner of the embedded IPv4
   address within the embedded IPv4 realm.

   In an IPv4-only environment, a YATT stack may obtain a YADA address
   pair from DHCPv4 (see Section 5), derive a YATT prefix, and use it to
   configure the local IPv6 stack.  As long at the stack generates YATT
   packets, the packets can be translated statelessly to YADA as a last
   bump-in-the-stack operation before transmission.  In that model,
   lower-layer protocols such as ARP and DHCP must be supported, but the
   IP stack can be IPv6-only.

   In that case, the node shows as a YADA node, and may talk to a legacy
   IPv4 stack in a remote realm if the legacy that supports the YADA
   stateful translation.  This combination of stateful PAT after the
   IPv6 stack and stateful NAT after the IPv4 stack allow the 2 stacks
   to communicate in the YADA/YATT formulations, and traverse IPv4-only
   and IPv6-only links using the appropriate formulation.

   The YATT node may use the YATT prefix to autoconfigure addresses, or
   it may offer it on an IPv6 stub (tethered) network for address
   autoconfiguration by attached nodes, protecting the addresses that it
   keeps for itself using in the DAD procedure.  Addresses that are not
   derived from the YATT-IID will be reachable from IPv6 nodes over an
   IPv6 network, but not from YADA node, and not over IPv4-only links.

   To reach YADA nodes and traverse IPv4, the YATT node may leverage a
   stateful Port Address Translation (PAT) to transform the original IID
   in the YATT-IID outside.  The stateful PAT operation can happen as a
   bump-in-the-stack before the YATT-to-YADA stateless translation.

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    |             |
    |             |                  +----------+
    +-------------+                  |   port   |
    |   IPv6      |                  |   pool   |
    |   stack     |                  +----------+
    +-------------+    +------------------------+
    |             |    | bump in stack stateful |
    |             |    | IPv6 -> YATT  PAT      |
    +-----+-------+    +--------------------+---+
          |                ^                |
          v                |                v
    +----------------------+--------+ +-------------------------------+
    | src_prefix (YATT) ; IID = any | | src_prefix  ;  IID = YATT-IID |
    +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+
    |   dst (other YATT address)    | |          dst                  |
    +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+
    +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+
    | srcport = Selected   ;  dport | | srcport = Translated ;  dport |
    +-------------------------------+ +-------------------------------+
    |                               | |                               |
    |                               | |                               |
    |                               | |                               |
    |       IP PAYLOAD              | |       IP PAYLOAD              |
    |                               | |                               |
    |                               | |                               |
    |                               | |                               |
    +-------------------------------+ +---------------+---------------+

                        Figure 11: YATT Stateful PAT

12.  The structure of the shaft

   A 10 miles view of the shaft could be as follows: it is implemented
   in one IXP, spans all realms, and each realm has one address in the
   shaft, with one router serving that realm.  The address of the realm
   is encoded in a loopback in the router, and advertised through an IGP
   inside the shaft, while BGP is used inside the realms but not inside
   the shaft.  The shaft has a single large prefix that is advertised in
   each realm by the router that serves the shaft, and that is
   disaggregated into host routes inside the shaft.

   None of the above is expected to remain true for long.  As YADA and
   YATT get deployed, the shaft will be implemented in different sites
   over the world.  A realm may be multihomed to be reached from a
   different physical instance of the shaft, meaning that the shaft is

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   composed of either more prefixes or the shaft prefix is
   disaggregated.  Multiple routers will serve the same realm with high
   availability and load balancing taking place inside the shaft to
   maintain connectivity.  A private shaft may be deployed to
   interconnect a subset of the realms, in which case the shaft would
   use a specific prefix that would not be advertised outside the
   concerned realms.

13.  Applicability

   YADA And YATT enable communication between YADA-enabled IPv4 nodes
   across realms, and with IPv6 nodes that own a YADA address from which
   a YATT address can be derived.  Communication from a legacy IPv4
   application/stack that is not YADA-enabled, or to an IPv6 address
   that is not a YATT address, is not provided.

   Since the YATT translation is stateless, the header translation can
   happen anywhere in the network, e.g., as a bump in the stack at
   either end, or within the network, e.g., at the routers that serve
   the realms on the shaft.  The shaft itself is expected to be dual
   stack to forward packets in their native form, either v4 or v6.

   For a legacy IPv4 node to communicate with YADA-enabled IPv4 node in
   another realm, a NAT operation similar to NAT46 [NAT-DEPLOY], but
   between IPv4 and YADA addresses, is required.  The same would be
   required to allow an IPv4-only YADA node to communicate with an IPv6
   node a non-YATT address.

   In summary:

   *  this specification does not allow any IPv4 legacy node to talk to
      any pure IPv6 node, and recognizes that this Graal may actually be
      a non-goal.

   *  With YADA the current IPv4 Internet operations within a realm are
      not mostly unaffected, though additional provisionning is needed
      for routing and security purposes

   *  YADA extends the IPv4-reachable world by creating (millions of)
      parallel realms

   *  The stack on IPv4 hosts that require inter-realm communication
      must be upgraded at least with a bump, though the function may be
      deported to the private gateway

   *  A new functionality is needed in specific routers at the ingress
      of the realms and at the border to a single-version domain for NAT

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   *  A YADA node can talk (using IPv4) to a YATT node (using IPv6) with
      a stateless translation.  The translation can happen anywhere in
      the network or in the stack.

14.  Backwards Compatibility

   YADA operation does not affect the intra-realm communication.  The
   only affected stacks are the endpoints that communicate between
   realms leveraging YADA.

15.  Security Considerations

   YADA introduces an IP-in-IP format that might be used to obfuscate an
   IP address impersonation performed in the inner header.  A proper
   implemetation of BCP 38 should thus include the capability to
   recognize a YADA format and allow the source IP address in the inner
   header to be set to the local realm.

   Before the router that serves the realm swaps the source address to
   place a YADA packet in the shaft, it MUST ensure that the realm
   address in the inner header matches this realm.  Otherwise it MUST
   drop the packet and MAY generate and ICMP Error message back to the
   source, indicating the offset of the source IP address of the inner

16.  IANA Considerations

   This document requires the creation of a registry for IPv4 YADA realm
   prefixes, and the assignment of at least one YADA realm prefix.

   This document requires the creation of a registry for IPv4 YADA NAT
   prefixes, and the assignment of at least one YADA NAT prefix.

   This document requires the creation of a new record in the Resource
   Record (RR) TYPEs subregistry of the Domain Name System (DNS)
   Parameters.  The new record would be of type AA meaning a YADA

17.  Acknowledgments

   The author wishes to recognize the pioneer work done by Brian
   carpenter in the space of IPv4 augmentation with

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   The author wishes to thank Greg Skinner as the first reviewer/
   contributor to this work.  Also Dave Bell, to remind that even if
   routing is not touched much inside an IPv4 realm vs. the current art,
   there might still be work for the ISP, e.g., update the BCP 38 rules
   in the BNGs.

18.  References

18.1.  Normative References

   [IPv4]     Postel, J., "Internet Protocol", STD 5, RFC 791,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC0791, September 1981,

              Braden, R., Ed., "Requirements for Internet Hosts -
              Communication Layers", STD 3, RFC 1122,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC1122, October 1989,

   [RFC2131]  Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol",
              RFC 2131, DOI 10.17487/RFC2131, March 1997,

              Hinden, R. and S. Deering, "IP Version 6 Addressing
              Architecture", RFC 4291, DOI 10.17487/RFC4291, February
              2006, <>.

   [IPv6]     Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
              (IPv6) Specification", STD 86, RFC 8200,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8200, July 2017,

   [RFC8415]  Mrugalski, T., Siodelski, M., Volz, B., Yourtchenko, A.,
              Richardson, M., Jiang, S., Lemon, T., and T. Winters,
              "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)",
              RFC 8415, DOI 10.17487/RFC8415, November 2018,

18.2.  Informative References

   [RFC1918]  Rekhter, Y., Moskowitz, B., Karrenberg, D., de Groot, G.
              J., and E. Lear, "Address Allocation for Private
              Internets", BCP 5, RFC 1918, DOI 10.17487/RFC1918,
              February 1996, <>.

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   [RFC6598]  Weil, J., Kuarsingh, V., Donley, C., Liljenstolpe, C., and
              M. Azinger, "IANA-Reserved IPv4 Prefix for Shared Address
              Space", BCP 153, RFC 6598, DOI 10.17487/RFC6598, April
              2012, <>.

   [RFC6877]  Mawatari, M., Kawashima, M., and C. Byrne, "464XLAT:
              Combination of Stateful and Stateless Translation",
              RFC 6877, DOI 10.17487/RFC6877, April 2013,

   [RFC7333]  Chan, H., Ed., Liu, D., Seite, P., Yokota, H., and J.
              Korhonen, "Requirements for Distributed Mobility
              Management", RFC 7333, DOI 10.17487/RFC7333, August 2014,

              Palet Martinez, J., "Additional Deployment Guidelines for
              NAT64/464XLAT in Operator and Enterprise Networks",
              RFC 8683, DOI 10.17487/RFC8683, November 2019,

              Carpenter, B. E., "Address Extension by IP Option Usage
              (AEIOU)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              carpenter-aeiou-00, 21 March 1994,

Author's Address

   Pascal Thubert (editor)
   Cisco Systems, Inc
   Building D
   45 Allee des Ormes - BP1200
   06254 Mougins - Sophia Antipolis
   Phone: +33 497 23 26 34

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