Internet DRAFT - draft-tigress-sample-implementation


Tigress                                                     D. Vinokurov
Internet-Draft                                               A. Bulgakov
Intended status: Informational                              J. L. Giraud
Expires: 13 May 2023                                            C. Astiz
                                                            A. Pelletier
                                                               J. Hansen
                                                               Apple Inc
                                                         9 November 2022

Transfer Digital Credentials Securely: sample implementation and threat


   This document describes a sample implementation of Tigress internet
   draft [Tigress-00] and a threat model of this implementation.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at  Status
   information for this document may be found at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 13 May 2023.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventions and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   3.  Sample Implementation - Digital Car Key sharing example.  . .   3
   4.  Threat Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   7.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11

1.  Introduction

   This document provides a sample implementation and threat model for
   Tigress draft [Tigress-00].

2.  Conventions and Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   *  DCK - Digital Car Key

   *  AP - Application Processor

   *  TTL - Time To Live

   *  AAA - Apple Anonymous Attestation - a subtype of WebAuthn

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   *  PKI - public Key Infrastructure

   *  UUID - a unique identifier defined in [RFC4122]

   *  SMS - Short Message Service

   *  OS - Operating System

   *  URI - Uniform Resource Identifier

   *  URL - Universal Resource Locator

   *  RNG - Random Number Generator

3.  Sample Implementation - Digital Car Key sharing example.

   *  An Owner's device (Sender) starts sharing flow with selection of
      credential entitlements for the key shared - e.g. access
      entitlements (allow open the car, allow start the engine, allow to
      drive the car), time of sharing - e.g. from 09/01/2022 to
      09/03/2022, then generates a KeyCreationRequest (per
      [CCC-Digital-Key-30] ).

   *  The Owner's device generates a new symmetric encryption key
      (Secret) and builds an encrypted KeyCreationRequest.  Then it
      generates an attestation data, that follows a WebAuthn API
      [WebAuthn-2], specific to Apple - AAA, which covers the encrypted
      content.  Owner device makes a call to Relay server (Intermediary)
      - createMailbox, passing over the encrypted content, device
      attestation, mailbox configuration (mailbox time-to-live, access
      rights - Read/Write/Delete), preview (display information)
      details, its push notification token and a unique deviceClaim.

   *  Relay server verifies device attestation using WebAuthn
      verification rules specific to attestation data used, including
      verifying device PKI certificate in attestation blob.  Relay
      server creates a mailbox, using mailboxConfiguration received in
      the request and stores encrypted content in it.

   *  The mailbox has a time-to-live which defines when it is to expire
      and be deleted by the Relay server.  This time is limited by the
      value that can be considered both sufficient to complete the
      transfer and secure against brute force attacks on the encrypted
      content - e.g. 48 hours.

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   *  Relay server generates a unique mailboxIdentifier value, that is
      hard to predict - i.e. using UUID - and builds a full URL
      (shareURL) referencing the mailbox - e.g.
      bf63-0242ac130002", which it returns to the Owner device.

   *  Owner's device locally stores the shareURL and the Secret and
      sends the shareURL with optional vertical in URL parameter and
      mandatory secret in Fragment part (e.g.
      bf63-0242ac130002?v=c#hXlr6aRC7KgJpOLTNZaLsw==") to the Friend's
      device (Receiver) over SMS.

   *  Friend's device receives the shareURL in SMS, messaging
      application makes an automatic GET call to shareURL (excluding
      Fragment part - Secret) - and fetches a preview (Display
      Information) html page with OpenGraph tags in the head:

<html prefix="og:">
 <title>Shared Key</title>
 <meta content="Shared Key" property="og:title"/>
 <meta content="You've been invited to add a shared digital car key to your device." property="og:description"/>
 <meta content="" property="og:url"/>
 <meta content="" property="og:image"/>
 <meta content="200" property="og:image:width"/>
 <meta content="100" property="og:image:height"/>

             Figure 1: OpenGraph preview of a credential

   *  Messaging application shows a preview of the DCK on the Friend's
      device that Owner wants to share with them.  User accepts the
      shareURL by clicking on the preview in the messaging application.
      Messaging application redirects the user to wallet (credential
      manager application) using a deep link mechanism embedded into the

   *  Wallet receives the shareURL with the Secret in the Fragment.
      Friend's device checks if the Relay server is in allow-list of
      accepted Relay servers.

   *  Wallet reads secure content from the mailbox using shareURL
      (without the Fragment part) with ReadSecureContentFromMailbox
      method, passing a unique deviceClaim with the request.  Thus,
      relay server binds the mailbox (identified by mailboxIdentifier)
      with the Owner's device (with Owner's device deviceClaim at the

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      mailbox creation time) and the Friend's device (with Friend's
      device deviceClaim at the first time Friend's device calls
      ReadSecureContentFromMailbox for the mailbox).  Now only these 2
      devices are allowed to read and write secure content to this
      particular mailbox.  This secures the message exchange and
      prevents other devices from altering the exchange between Owner
      and Friend.

   *  Friend's device decrypts secure content using Secret and extracts
      KeyCreationRequest (ref to [CCC-Digital-Key-30] specification).

   *  Friend's device generates a KeySigningRequest (ref to
      [CCC-Digital-Key-30] specification), encrypts it with Secret and
      uploads to the mailbox with UpdateMailbox call to Relay server,
      providing its unique deviceClaim and push notification token.

   *  Relay server sends a push notification to Owner's device via Push
      Notification Server.

   *  Owner device, having received a push notification message, reads
      secure content from the mailbox using shareURL with
      ReadSecureContentFromMailbox method, passing its unique
      deviceClaim with the request.  Owner's device decrypts secure
      content using Secret and extracts KeySigningRequest (ref to
      [CCC-Digital-Key-30] specification).

   *  Owner's device signs the Friend's device public key with Owner's
      private key and creates a KeyImportRequest (ref to
      [CCC-Digital-Key-30] specification).  Owner's device encrypts it
      with the Secret and uploads to the mailbox with UpdateMailbox call
      to Relay server, providing its unique deviceClaim.

   *  Relay server sends a push notification to Friend's device via Push
      Notification Server.

   *  Friend's device, having received a push notification message,
      reads secure content from the mailbox using shareURL with
      ReadSecureContentFromMailbox method, passing its unique
      deviceClaim with the request.  Friend device decrypts secure
      content using Secret and extracts KeyImportRequest (ref to
      [CCC-Digital-Key-30] specification).  Friend's device provisions
      the new credential to the wallet and deletes the mailbox with
      DeleteMailbox call to the Relay server.  As an additional security
      measure, Friend device asks for a verification code (PIN code)
      generated by Owner's device and communicated to Friend out-of-

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4.  Threat Model

   Threat model for the sample implementation is provided at the
   following URL: [threat_model]:
   sample-implementation/blob/main/threat_model.png "Threat model for
   Tigress sample implementation"

   |Item|Asset       |Threat         |Impact       |Mitigation           |Comment        |
   |1   |Owner's DCK |Kicking-off    |DCK becomes  |1) User auth (face/  |               |
   |    |            |arbitrary key  |shared with  |touch ID), 2) Secure |               |
   |    |            |sharing by     |arbitrary    |Intent               |               |
   |    |            |spoofing user  |user/        |                     |               |
   |    |            |identity       |adversary    |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |allowing them|                     |               |
   |    |            |               |access to the|                     |               |
   |    |            |               |Owner's car  |                     |               |
   |2   |Content on  |Content        |Exposure of  |1) Strong source of  |               |
   |    |Intermediary|recovery by    |encrypted    |randomness for salt, |               |
   |    |server      |brute forcing  |content and  |2) At least 128 bit  |               |
   |    |            |secret         |key          |key length, 3)       |               |
   |    |            |               |redemption   |Limitted TTL of the  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |mailbox              |               |
   |3   |Content on  |Content        |Ability to   |1) Physical          |               |
   |    |Intermediary|recovery by    |decrypt      |separation between   |               |
   |    |server      |intercepting   |content on   |content and secret,  |               |
   |    |            |secret         |Intermediary |e.g. secret sent as  |               |
   |    |            |               |server       |URI fragment to      |               |
   |    |            |               |             |recipient, 2)        |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Optional second      |               |
   |    |            |               |             |factor(e.g.  Device  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |PIN, Activation      |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Options - please     |               |
   |    |            |               |             |refer to CCC         |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Technical            |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Specification) can be|               |
   |    |            |               |             |proposed to the user |               |
   |    |            |               |             |via user notification|               |
   |    |            |               |             |based on security    |               |
   |    |            |               |             |options of selected  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |primary sharing      |               |
   |    |            |               |             |channel (used to     |               |
   |    |            |               |             |share URL with       |               |
   |    |            |               |             |secret)              |               |

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   |4   |Content on  |Access to      |1) Adversary |1) Mailboxes         |               |
   |    |Intermediary|content by     |can go to    |identified by version|               |
   |    |server      |multiple       |partner and  |4 UUID defined in    |               |
   |    |            |arbitrary      |redeem the   |[RFC4122](hard to    |               |
   |    |            |users/devices  |shared key,  |guess/bruteforce), 2)|               |
   |    |            |               |2) Adversary |Mailboxes 'tied' to  |               |
   |    |            |               |can send push|sender and recipient |               |
   |    |            |               |notifications|(trust on first use  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |via deviceClaim), 3) |               |
   |    |            |               |             |TTL limit for        |               |
   |    |            |               |             |mailboxes, 4)        |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Mailboxes deleted    |               |
   |    |            |               |             |after pass redemption|               |
   |5   |Content on  |Compromised    |1) Adversary |1) Separation between|               |
   |    |Intermediary|Intermediary   |can redeem   |content and secret,  |               |
   |    |server      |server         |the          |e.g. secret sent as  |               |
   |    |            |               |sharedKey, 2)|URI fragment to      |               |
   |    |            |               |Adversary can|recipient, 2) TTL    |               |
   |    |            |               |send push    |limit for mailboxes  |               |
   |    |            |               |notifications|                     |               |
   |6   |Content on  |Unauthenticated|1) Adversary |1) Mailboxes         |               |
   |    |Intermediary|access to      |can redeem   |identified by version|               |
   |    |server and  |mailbox on     |the          |4 UUID defined in    |               |
   |    |Push Tokens |Intermediary   |sharedKey, 2)|[RFC4122](hard to    |               |
   |    |            |server         |Adversary can|guess/bruteforce), 2)|               |
   |    |            |               |send push    |Mailboxes 'tied' to  |               |
   |    |            |               |notifications|sender and recipient |               |
   |    |            |               |             |(trust on first use  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |via deviceClaim), 3) |               |
   |    |            |               |             |TTL limit for        |               |
   |    |            |               |             |mailboxes, 4)        |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Mailboxes deleted    |               |
   |    |            |               |             |after pass redemption|               |
   |7   |Content on  |User stores    |Service      |1) Mailboxes have    |               |
   |    |Intermediary|non-credential |abuse,       |size limit, 2)       |               |
   |    |server      |information in |Adversary can|Mailboxes have TTL   |               |
   |    |            |mailbox (e.g.  |use          |                     |               |
   |    |            |"cat pictures")|Intermediary |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |server as    |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |cloud storage|                     |               |
   |8   |Device PIN  |Receiver device|Device PIN   |Activation Options as|               |
   |    |            |compromised    |can exposure |defined in           |               |
   |    |            |(redemption    |and          |[CCC-Digital-Key-30],|               |
   |    |            |before friend) |forwarding to|Section 11.2 Sharing |               |

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   |    |            |               |an advarsary |Principles,          |               |
   |    |            |               |             |subsection |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Activation Options   |               |
   |9   |Device PIN  |Weak PIN can be|Anyone with  |1) Use of strong RNG |[NIST-800-63B],|
   |    |            |easily guessed |share URL in |as a source to       |section|
   |    |            |               |their        |generate Device PIN, |Memorized      |
   |    |            |               |possession   |2) Long enough PIN   |Secret         |
   |    |            |               |can guess the|(e.g. 6 digits) as   |Authenticators |
   |    |            |               |PIN and      |per [NIST-800-63B]   |               |
   |    |            |               |redeem the   |recommendations, 3)  |               |
   |    |            |               |key          |Limit the number of  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |retries (e.g.  Device|               |
   |    |            |               |             |PIN retry counter +  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |limit) as per        |               |
   |    |            |               |             |[NIST-800-63B]       |               |
   |    |            |               |             |recommendations      |               |
   |10  |Device PIN  |Eavesdropping  |PIN exposure |In person, out of    |               |
   |    |            |on weak msg    |would allow  |band PIN transfer,   |               |
   |    |            |channels/app   |one with     |e.g. voice channel   |               |
   |    |            |               |possession of|                     |               |
   |    |            |               |share URL and|                     |               |
   |    |            |               |Secret to    |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |redeem key   |                     |               |
   |11  |Device PIN  |PIN recovery   |Adversary    |1) Time invariant    |               |
   |    |            |via timing     |with shared  |compare, 2) PIN retry|               |
   |    |            |attack         |URL in       |counter/limit        |               |
   |    |            |               |possession   |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |can recover  |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |PIN based on |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |the response |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |delay, in the|                     |               |
   |    |            |               |case where   |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |the PIN      |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |verification |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |is not       |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |invariant    |                     |               |
   |12  |Device PIN  |Device PIN     |Device PIN   |1) Use of strong RNG |[NIST-800-63B],|
   |    |retry       |brute force    |successful   |as a source to       |section|
   |    |counter/    |               |guess        |generate Device PIN, |Memorized      |
   |    |limit       |               |             |2) Long enough PIN   |Secret         |
   |    |            |               |             |(e.g. 6 digits) as   |Authenticators |
   |    |            |               |             |per [NIST-800-63B]   |               |
   |    |            |               |             |recommendations, 3)  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Limit the number of  |               |

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   |    |            |               |             |retries (e.g.  Device|               |
   |    |            |               |             |PIN retry counter +  |               |
   |    |            |               |             |limit) as per        |               |
   |    |            |               |             |[NIST-800-63B]       |               |
   |    |            |               |             |recommendations      |               |
   |13  |Sharing     |Messaging      |Share        |1) Send invitation   |               |
   |    |Invitation  |channel        |invitation   |and Device PIN via   |               |
   |    |            |eavesdropping  |forwarding   |different channels,  |               |
   |    |            |               |and DCK      |e.g.  Device PIN can |               |
   |    |            |               |redemtion by |be shared out of band|               |
   |    |            |               |malicious    |(over voice), 2) Use |               |
   |    |            |               |party        |of E2E encrypted msg |               |
   |    |            |               |             |apps/chhannel        |               |
   |14  |Sharing     |Voluntary/     |DCK          |Use of messaging apps|               |
   |    |Invitation  |Involuntary    |redemption   |with anti-forwarding |               |
   |    |            |forwarding by  |before Friend|mechanisms(e.g. hide |               |
   |    |            |Friend         |             |link, copy/past      |               |
   |    |            |               |             |prevention)          |               |
   |15  |Sharing     |Friend device  |Share        |Activation Options as|               |
   |    |Invitation  |compromise     |invitation   |defined in           |               |
   |    |            |allow malware  |forwarding   |[CCC-Digital-Key-30],|               |
   |    |            |to forward     |and key      |Section 11.2 Sharing |               |
   |    |            |invitation to  |redemption by|Principles,          |               |
   |    |            |an adversary   |malicious    |subsection |               |
   |    |            |               |party        |Activation Options   |               |
   |16  |Sharing     |User mistakenly|DCK          |1) Send invitation   |               |
   |    |Invitation  |shares with the|redemption by|and Device PIN via   |               |
   |    |            |wrong person   |adversary/not|different channels,  |               |
   |    |            |               |intended user|e.g.  Device PIN can |               |
   |    |            |               |             |be shared out of band|               |
   |    |            |               |             |(over voice), 2) DCK |               |
   |    |            |               |             |revocation           |               |
   |17  |Sharing     |Owner device   |Share        |Activation Options as|               |
   |    |Invitation  |compromise     |invitation   |defined in           |               |
   |    |            |allow malware  |forwarding   |[CCC-Digital-Key-30],|               |
   |    |            |to forward     |and key      |Section 11.2 Sharing |               |
   |    |            |invitation to  |redemption by|Principles,          |               |
   |    |            |an adversary   |malicious    |subsection |               |
   |    |            |               |party        |Activation Options   |               |
   |18  |Sharing     |Friend device  |DCK          |1) Binding to        |               |
   |    |Invitation  |OEM account    |provisioning |deviceClaim, 2)      |               |
   |    |            |take over      |on           |Device PIN shared out|               |

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   |    |            |               |adversary's  |of band, 3)          |               |
   |    |            |               |device       |Activation Options as|               |
   |    |            |               |             |defined in           |               |
   |    |            |               |             |[CCC-Digital-Key-30],|               |
   |    |            |               |             |Section 11.2 Sharing |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Principles,          |               |
   |    |            |               |             |subsection |               |
   |    |            |               |             |Activation Options   |               |
   |19  |User's      |Phishing       |1) Preview   |1) Properly vet Java |               |
   |    |credentials,|attacks        |page URL     |Script that is       |               |
   |    |payment card|leveraging     |fragement    |embedded in the      |               |
   |    |details, etc|malicious Java |contains     |preview page, 2)     |               |
   |    |            |Script in      |encryption   |Define strong content|               |
   |    |            |preview page   |key - meaning|security policy      |               |
   |    |            |               |malicious JS |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |could use key|                     |               |
   |    |            |               |to decrypt   |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |contents, 2) |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |Malicious    |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |Java Script  |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |can phish for|                     |               |
   |    |            |               |user         |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |credentials, |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |payment card |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |information, |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |or other     |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |sensitive    |                     |               |
   |    |            |               |data         |                     |               |

                                  Table 1

5.  Security Considerations

   TODO Security

6.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

7.  Normative References

              Car Connectivity Consortium, "Digital Key Release 3", July
              2022, <

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              NIST, "NIST Special Publication 800-63B, Digital Identity
              Guidelines", November 2022,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4122]  Leach, P., Mealling, M., and R. Salz, "A Universally
              Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace", RFC 4122,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4122, July 2005,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

              Vinokurov, D., Byington, M., Lerch, M., Pelletier, A., and
              N. Sha, "Transfer Digital Credentials Securely", November

              W3, "Web Authentication - An API for accessing Public Key
              Credentials - Level 2", April 2021,


   TODO acknowledge.

Authors' Addresses

   Dmitry Vinokurov
   Apple Inc

   Alexey Bulgakov
   Apple Inc

   Jean-Luc Giraud
   Apple Inc

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   Casey Astiz
   Apple Inc

   Alex Pelletier
   Apple Inc

   Jake Hansen
   Apple Inc

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