Internet DRAFT - draft-tiloca-lpwan-8824-update


LPWAN Working Group                                            M. Tiloca
Internet-Draft                                                   RISE AB
Updates: 8824 (if approved)                                   L. Toutain
Intended status: Standards Track                             I. Martinez
Expires: 14 September 2023                                IMT Atlantique
                                                           13 March 2023

 Clarifications and Updates on using Static Context Header Compression
         (SCHC) for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)


   This document clarifies, updates and extends the method specified in
   RFC 8824 for compressing Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)
   headers using the Static Context Header Compression and fragmentation
   (SCHC) framework.  In particular, it considers recently defined CoAP
   options and specifies how CoAP headers are compressed in the presence
   of intermediaries.  Therefore, this document updates RFC 8824.

Discussion Venues

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   Discussion of this document takes place on the IPv6 over Low Power
   Wide-Area Networks Working Group mailing list (,
   which is archived at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 14 September 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   2.  CoAP Options  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  CoAP Option Size1, Size2, Proxy-URI, and Proxy-Scheme
           Fields  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  CoAP Option Hop-Limit Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.3.  CoAP Option Echo Field  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.4.  CoAP Option Request-Tag Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.5.  CoAP Option EDHOC Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  SCHC Compression of CoAP Extensions . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.1.  Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  OSCORE  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Compression of the CoAP Payload Marker  . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.1.  Without End-to-End Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.2.  With End-to-End Security  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   5.  CoAP Header Compression with Proxies  . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.1.  Without End-to-End Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.2.  With End-to-End Security  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  Examples of CoAP Header Compression with Proxies  . . . . . .  13
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Appendix A.  YANG data model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

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1.  Introduction

   The Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP) [RFC7252] is a web-
   transfer protocol intended for applications based on the REST
   (Representational State Transfer) paradigm, and designed to be
   affordable also for resource-constrained devices.

   In order to enable the use of CoAP in LPWANs (Low-Power Wide-Area
   Networks) as well as to improve performance, [RFC8824] defines how to
   use the Static Context Header Compression and fragmentation (SCHC)
   framework [RFC8724] for compressing CoAP headers.

   This document clarifies, updates and extends the SCHC compression of
   CoAP headers defined in [RFC8824] at the application level, by:
   providing specific clarifications; updating specific details of the
   compression processing, based on recent developments related to the
   security protocol OSCORE [RFC8613] for end-to-end protection of CoAP
   messages; and extending the compression processing to take into
   account additional CoAP options and the presence of CoAP proxies.

   In particular, this document updates [RFC8824] as follows.

   *  It clarifies the SCHC compression for the CoAP options Size1,
      Size2, Proxy-URI and Proxy-Scheme (see Section 2.1).

   *  It defines the SCHC compression for the CoAP option Hop-Limit (see
      Section 2.2).

   *  It defines the SCHC compression for the recently defined CoAP
      options Echo (see Section 2.3), Request-Tag (see Section 2.4),
      EDHOC (see Section 2.5), as well as Q-Block1 and Q-Block2 (see
      Section 3.1).

   *  It updates the SCHC compression processing for the CoAP option
      OSCORE (see Section 3.2), in the light of recent developments
      related to the security protocol OSCORE as defined in
      [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-key-update] and

   *  It clarifies how the SCHC compression handles the CoAP payload
      marker (see Section 4).

   *  It defines the SCHC compression of CoAP headers in the presence of
      CoAP proxies (see Section 5).

   This document does not alter the core approach, design choices and
   features of the SCHC compression applied to CoAP headers.

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1.1.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   Readers are expected to be familiar with the terms and concepts
   related to the SCHC framework [RFC8724], the web-transfer protocol
   CoAP [RFC7252], the security protocol OSCORE [RFC8613] and the use of
   SCHC for CoAP [RFC8824].

2.  CoAP Options

   This section updates and extends Section 5 of [RFC8824], as to how
   SCHC compresses some specific CoAP options.  In particular,
   Section 2.1 updates Section 5.4 of [RFC8824].

2.1.  CoAP Option Size1, Size2, Proxy-URI, and Proxy-Scheme Fields

   The SCHC Rule description MAY define sending some field values by
   describing an empty TV, with the MO set to "ignore" and the CDA set
   to "value-sent".  A Rule MAY also use a "match-mapping" MO when there
   are different options for the same FID.  Otherwise, the Rule sets the
   TV to the value, the MO to "equal", and the CDA to "not-sent".

2.2.  CoAP Option Hop-Limit Field

   The Hop-Limit field is an option defined in [RFC8768] that can be
   used to detect forwarding loops through a chain of CoAP proxies.  The
   first proxy in the chain that understands the option includes it in a
   received request with a proper value set, before forwarding the
   request.  Any following proxy that understands the option decrements
   the option value and forwards the request if the new value is
   different than zero, or returns a 5.08 (Hop Limit Reached) error
   response otherwise.

   When a packet uses the Hop-Limit option, SCHC compression MUST send
   its content in the Compression Residue.  The SCHC Rule describes an
   empty TV with the MO set to "ignore" and the CDA set to "value-sent".

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2.3.  CoAP Option Echo Field

   The Echo field is an option defined in [RFC9175] that a server can
   include in a response as a challenge to the client, and that the
   client echoes back to the server in one or more requests.  This
   enables the server to verify the freshness of a request and to
   cryptographically verify the aliveness of the client.  Also, it
   forces the client to demonstrate reachability at its claimed network

   When a packet uses the Echo option, SCHC compression MUST send its
   content in the Compression Residue.  The SCHC Rule describes an empty
   TV with the MO set to "ignore" and the CDA set to "value-sent".

2.4.  CoAP Option Request-Tag Field

   The Request-Tag field is an option defined in [RFC9175] that the
   client can set in request messages of block-wise operations, with
   value an ephemeral short-lived identifier of the specific block-wise
   operation in question.  This allows the server to match message
   fragments belonging to the same request operation and, if the server
   supports it, to reliably process simultaneous block-wise request
   operations on a single resource.  If requests are integrity
   protected, this also protects against interchange of fragments
   between different block-wise request operations.

   When a packet uses the Request-Tag option, SCHC compression MUST send
   its content in the Compression Residue.  The SCHC Rule describes an
   empty TV with the MO set to "ignore" and the CDA set to "value-sent".

2.5.  CoAP Option EDHOC Field

   The EDHOC field is an option defined in [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-edhoc]
   that a client can include in a request, in order to perform an
   optimized, shortened execution of the authenticated key establishment
   protocol EDHOC [I-D.ietf-lake-edhoc].  Such a request conveys both
   the final EDHOC message and actual application data, where the latter
   is protected with OSCORE [RFC8613] using a Security Context derived
   from the result of the current EDHOC execution.

   The option occurs at most once and is always empty.  The SCHC Rule
   MUST describe an empty TV, with the MO set to "equal" and the CDA set
   to "not-sent".

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3.  SCHC Compression of CoAP Extensions

   This section updates and extends Section 6 of [RFC8824], as to how
   SCHC compresses some specific CoAP options providing protocol
   extensions.  In particular, Section 3.1 updates Section 6.1 of
   [RFC8824], while Section 3.2 updates Section 6.4 of [RFC8824].

3.1.  Block

   When a packet uses a Block1 or Block2 option [RFC7959] or a Q-Block1
   or Q-Block2 option [RFC9177], SCHC compression MUST send its content
   in the Compression Residue.  The SCHC Rule describes an empty TV with
   the MO set to "ignore" and the CDA set to "value-sent".  The Block1,
   Block2, Q-Block1 and Q-Block2 options allow fragmentation at the CoAP
   level that is compatible with SCHC fragmentation.  Both fragmentation
   mechanisms are complementary, and the node may use them for the same
   packet as needed.

3.2.  OSCORE

   The security protocol OSCORE [RFC8613] provides end-to-end protection
   for CoAP messages.  Group OSCORE [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm]
   builds on OSCORE and defines end-to-end protection of CoAP messages
   in group communication [I-D.ietf-core-groupcomm-bis].  This section
   describes how SCHC Rules can be applied to compress messages
   protected with OSCORE or Group OSCORE.

   Figure 1 shows the OSCORE option value encoding, which was originally
   defined in Section 6.1 of [RFC8613] and has been extended in
   The first byte of the OSCORE option value specifies the content of
   the OSCORE option using flags, as follows.

   *  As defined in Section 4.1 of [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-key-update],
      the eight least significant bit, when set, indicates that the
      OSCORE option includes a second byte of flags.  The seventh least
      significant bit is currently unassigned.

   *  As defined in Section 5 of [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm], the
      sixth least significant bit, when set, indicates that the message
      including the OSCORE option is protected with the group mode of
      Group OSCORE (see Section 8 of [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm]).
      When not set, the bit indicates that the message is protected
      either with OSCORE, or with the pairwise mode of Group OSCORE (see
      Section 9 of [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-groupcomm]), while the specific
      OSCORE Security Context used to protect the message determines
      which of the two cases applies.

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   *  As defined in Section 6.1 of [RFC8613], bit h, when set, indicates
      the presence of the kid context field in the option.  Also, bit k,
      when set, indicates the presence of a kid field.  Finally, the
      three least significant bits form the field n, which indicates the
      length of the piv (Partial Initialization Vector) field in bytes.
      When n = 0, no piv is present.

   Assuming the presence of a single flag byte, this is followed by the
   piv field, the kid context field, and the kid field, in that order.
   Also, if present, the kid context field's length (in bytes) is
   encoded in the first byte, denoted by "s".

       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 <--------- n bytes ------------->
      |0 0 0|h|k|  n  |        Partial IV (if any)      |
      |               |                                 |
      |<--   CoAP  -->|<------- CoAP OSCORE_piv ------> |

       <-- 1 byte --> <------ s bytes ----->
      |  s (if any)  | kid context (if any) | kid (if any)      ... |
      |                                     |                       |
      |<-------- CoAP OSCORE_kidctx ------->|<-- CoAP OSCORE_kid -->|

                          Figure 1: OSCORE Option

   Figure 2 shows the OSCORE option value encoding, with the second byte
   of flags also present.  As defined in Section 4.1 of
   [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-key-update], the least significant bit d of
   this byte, when set, indicates that two additional fields are
   included in the option, following the kid context field (if any).

   These two fields, namely x and nonce, are used when running the key
   update protocol KUDOS defined in [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-key-update],
   with x specifying the length of the nonce field in bytes as well as
   the specific behavior to adopt during the KUDOS execution.  In
   particular, the figure provides the breakdown of the x field, where
   its three least significant bits form the sub-field m, which
   specifies the size of nonce in bytes, minus 1.

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  0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7  8   9   10  11  12  13  14  15 <----- n bytes ----->
 |1|0|0|h|k|  n  | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | d | Partial IV (if any) |
 |                                               |                     |
 |<------------------- CoAP -------------------->|<- CoAP OSCORE_piv ->|

  <- 1 byte -> <----------- s bytes ------------> <------ 1 byte ----->
 | s (if any) |       kid context (if any)       |     x (if any)      |
 |                                               |                     |
 |<------------- CoAP OSCORE_kidctx ------------>|<-- CoAP OSCORE_x -->|
                                                 |                     |
                                                 |   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7   |
                                                 |  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  |
                                                 |  |0|0|b|p|   m   |  |
                                                 |  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  |

  <----- m + 1 bytes ----->
 |      nonce (if any)     |    kid (if any) ...   |
 |                         |                       |
 |<-- CoAP OSCORE_nonce -->|<-- CoAP OSCORE_kid -->|

            Figure 2: OSCORE Option during a KUDOS execution

   To better perform OSCORE SCHC compression, the Rule description needs
   to identify the OSCORE option and the fields it contains.
   Conceptually, it discerns up to six distinct pieces of information
   within the OSCORE option: the flag bits, the piv, the kid context,
   the x byte, the nonce, and the kid.  The SCHC Rule splits the OSCORE
   option into six Field Descriptors in order to compress them:

   *  CoAP OSCORE_flags

   *  CoAP OSCORE_piv

   *  CoAP OSCORE_kidctx

   *  CoAP OSCORE_x

   *  CoAP OSCORE_nonce

   *  CoAP OSCORE_kid

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   Figure 1 shows the OSCORE option format with the four fields
   OSCORE_flags, OSCORE_piv, OSCORE_kidctx and OSCORE_kid superimposed
   on it.  Also, Figure 2 shows the OSCORE option format with all the
   six fields superimposed on it, with reference to a message exchanged
   during an execution of the KUDOS key update protocol.

   In both cases, the CoAP OSCORE_kidctx field directly includes the
   size octet, s.  In the latter case, the following applies.

   *  For the x field, if both endpoints know the value, then the SCHC
      Rule will describe a TV to this value, with the MO set to "equal"
      and the CDA set to "not-sent".  This models the case where the two
      endpoints run KUDOS with a pre-agreed size of the nonce field, as
      well as with a pre-agreed combination of its modes of operations,
      as per the bits b and p of the m sub-field.

      Otherwise, if the value is changing over time, the SCHC Rule will
      set the MO to "ignore" and the CDA to "value-sent".  The Rule may
      also use a "match-mapping" MO to compress this field, in case the
      two endpoints pre-agree on a set of alternative ways to run KUDOS,
      with respect to the size of the nonce field and the combination of
      the KUDOS modes of operation to use.

   *  For the nonce field, the SCHC Rule describes an empty TV with the
      MO set to "ignore" and the CDA set to "value-sent".

      In addition, for the value of the nonce field, SCHC MUST NOT send
      it as variable-length data in the Compression Residue, to avoid
      ambiguity with the length of the nonce field encoded in the x
      field.  Therefore, SCHC MUST use the m sub-field of the x field to
      define the size of the Compression Residue.  SCHC designates a
      specific function, "osc.x.m", that the Rule MUST use to complete
      the Field Descriptor.  During the decompression, this function
      returns the length of the nonce field in bytes, as the value of
      the three least significant bits of the m sub-field of the x
      field, plus 1.

4.  Compression of the CoAP Payload Marker

   As originally intended in [RFC8824], the following applies with
   respect to the 0xFF payload marker.  A SCHC compression rule for CoAP
   includes all the expected CoAP options, therefore the payload marker
   does not have to be specified.

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4.1.  Without End-to-End Security

   If the CoAP message to compress with SCHC is not going to be
   protected with OSCORE and includes a payload, then the 0xFF payload
   marker MUST NOT be included in the compressed message, which is
   composed of the Compression RuleID, the Compression Residue (if any),
   and the CoAP payload.

   After having decompressed an incoming message, the recipient endpoint
   MUST prepend the 0xFF payload marker to the CoAP payload, if any was
   present after the consumed Compression Residue.

4.2.  With End-to-End Security

   If the CoAP message has to be protected with OSCORE, the same
   rationale described in Section 4.1 applies to both the Inner SCHC
   Compression and the Outer SCHC Compression defined in Section 7.2 of
   [RFC8824].  That is:

   *  After the Inner SCHC Compression of a CoAP message including a
      payload, the payload marker MUST NOT be included in the input to
      the AEAD Encryption, which is composed of the Inner Compression
      RuleID, the Inner Compression Residue (if any), and the CoAP

   *  The Outer SCHC Compression takes as input the OSCORE-protected
      message, which always includes a payload (i.e., the OSCORE
      Ciphertext) preceded by the payload marker.

   *  After the Outer SCHC Compression, the payload marker MUST NOT be
      included in the final compressed message, which is composed of the
      Outer Compression RuleID, the Outer Compression Residue (if any),
      and the OSCORE Ciphertext.

   After having completed the Outer SCHC Decompression of an incoming
   message, the recipient endpoint MUST prepend the 0xFF payload marker
   to the OSCORE Ciphertext.

   After having completed the Inner SCHC Decompression of an incoming
   message, the recipient endpoint MUST prepend the 0xFF payload marker
   to the CoAP payload, if any was present after the consumed
   Compression Residue.

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5.  CoAP Header Compression with Proxies

   Building on [RFC8824], this section clarifies how SCHC Compression/
   Decompression is performed when CoAP proxies are deployed.  The
   following refers to the origin client and origin server as
   application endpoints.

5.1.  Without End-to-End Security

   In case OSCORE is not used end-to-end between client and server, the
   SCHC processing occurs hop-by-hop, by relying on SCHC Rules that are
   consistently shared between two adjacent hops.

   In particular, SCHC is used as defined below.

   *  The sender application endpoint compresses the CoAP message, by
      using the SCHC Rules that it shares with the next hop towards the
      recipient application endpoint.  The resulting, compressed message
      is sent to the next hop towards the recipient application

   *  Each proxy decompresses the incoming compressed message, by using
      the SCHC Rules that it shares with the (previous hop towards the)
      sender application endpoint.

      Then, the proxy compresses the CoAP message to be forwarded, by
      using the SCHC Rules that it shares with the (next hop towards
      the) recipient application endpoint.

      The resulting, compressed message is sent to the (next hop towards
      the) recipient application endpoint.

   *  The recipient application endpoint decompresses the incoming
      compressed message, by using the SCHC Rules that it shares with
      the previous hop towards the sender application endpoint.

5.2.  With End-to-End Security

   In case OSCORE is used end-to-end between client and server (see
   Section 7.2 of [RFC8824]), the following applies.

   The SCHC processing occurs end-to-end as to the Inner SCHC
   Compression/Decompression, by relying on Inner SCHC Rules that are
   consistently shared between the two application endpoints acting as
   OSCORE endpoints and sharing the used OSCORE Security Context.

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   Instead, the SCHC processing occurs hop-by-hop as to the Outer SCHC
   Compression/Decompression, by relying on Outer SCHC Rules that are
   consistently shared between two adjacent hops.

   In particular, SCHC is used as defined below.

   *  The sender application endpoint performs the Inner SCHC
      Compression on the original CoAP message, by using the Inner SCHC
      Rules that it shares with the recipient application endpoint.

      Following the AEAD Encryption of the compressed input obtained
      from the previous step, the sender application endpoint performs
      the Outer SCHC Compression on the resulting OSCORE-protected
      message, by using the Outer SCHC Rules that it shares with the
      next hop towards the recipient application endpoint.

      The resulting, compressed message is sent to the next hop towards
      the recipient application endpoint.

   *  Each proxy performs the Outer SCHC Decompression on the incoming
      compressed message, by using the SCHC Rules that it shares with
      the (previous hop towards the) sender application endpoint.

      Then, the proxy performs the Outer SCHC Compression of the OSCORE-
      protected message to be forwarded, by using the SCHC Rules that it
      shares with the (next hop towards the) recipient application

      The resulting, compressed message is sent to the (next hop towards
      the) recipient application endpoint.

   *  The recipient application endpoint performs the Outer SCHC
      Decompression on the incoming compressed message, by using the
      Outer SCHC Rules that it shares with the previous hop towards the
      sender application endpoint.

      Then, the recipient application endpoint performs the AEAD
      Decryption of the OSCORE-protected message obtained from the
      previous step.

      Finally, the recipient application endpoint performs the Inner
      SCHC Decompression on the compressed input obtained from the
      previous step, by using the Inner SCHC rules that it shares with
      the sender application endpoint.  The result is the original CoAP
      message produced by the sender application endpoint.

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6.  Examples of CoAP Header Compression with Proxies


7.  Security Considerations

   The security considerations discussed in [RFC8724] and [RFC8824]
   continue to apply.  When SCHC is used in the presence of CoAP
   proxies, the security considerations discussed in Section 11.2 of
   [RFC7252] continue to apply.  When SCHC is used with OSCORE, the
   security considerations discussed in [RFC8613] continue to apply.

   The security considerations in [RFC8824] specifically discuss how the
   use of SCHC for CoAP when OSCORE is also used may result in (more
   frequently) triggering key-renewal operations for the two endpoints.
   This can be due to an earlier exhaustion of the OSCORE Sender
   Sequence Number space, or to the installation of new compression
   Rules on one of the endpoints.

   In either case, the two endpoints can run the key update protocol
   KUDOS defined in [I-D.ietf-core-oscore-key-update], as the
   recommended method to update their shared OSCORE Security Context.

8.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no actions for IANA.

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

              Palombini, F., Tiloca, M., Höglund, R., Hristozov, S., and
              G. Selander, "Profiling EDHOC for CoAP and OSCORE", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-core-oscore-edhoc-
              06, 23 November 2022,

              Tiloca, M., Selander, G., Palombini, F., Mattsson, J. P.,
              and J. Park, "Group OSCORE - Secure Group Communication
              for CoAP", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              core-oscore-groupcomm-17, 20 December 2022,

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Internet-Draft       Updates on using SCHC for CoAP           March 2023

              Höglund, R. and M. Tiloca, "Key Update for OSCORE
              (KUDOS)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              core-oscore-key-update-03, 24 October 2022,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC7252]  Shelby, Z., Hartke, K., and C. Bormann, "The Constrained
              Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC 7252,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7252, June 2014,

   [RFC7959]  Bormann, C. and Z. Shelby, Ed., "Block-Wise Transfers in
              the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC 7959,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7959, August 2016,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8613]  Selander, G., Mattsson, J., Palombini, F., and L. Seitz,
              "Object Security for Constrained RESTful Environments
              (OSCORE)", RFC 8613, DOI 10.17487/RFC8613, July 2019,

   [RFC8724]  Minaburo, A., Toutain, L., Gomez, C., Barthel, D., and JC.
              Zuniga, "SCHC: Generic Framework for Static Context Header
              Compression and Fragmentation", RFC 8724,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8724, April 2020,

   [RFC8768]  Boucadair, M., Reddy.K, T., and J. Shallow, "Constrained
              Application Protocol (CoAP) Hop-Limit Option", RFC 8768,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8768, March 2020,

   [RFC8824]  Minaburo, A., Toutain, L., and R. Andreasen, "Static
              Context Header Compression (SCHC) for the Constrained
              Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC 8824,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8824, June 2021,

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   [RFC9175]  Amsüss, C., Preuß Mattsson, J., and G. Selander,
              "Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP): Echo, Request-
              Tag, and Token Processing", RFC 9175,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9175, February 2022,

   [RFC9177]  Boucadair, M. and J. Shallow, "Constrained Application
              Protocol (CoAP) Block-Wise Transfer Options Supporting
              Robust Transmission", RFC 9177, DOI 10.17487/RFC9177,
              March 2022, <>.

9.2.  Informative References

              Dijk, E., Wang, C., and M. Tiloca, "Group Communication
              for the Constrained Application Protocol (CoAP)", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-core-groupcomm-bis-
              08, 11 January 2023,

              Selander, G., Mattsson, J. P., and F. Palombini,
              "Ephemeral Diffie-Hellman Over COSE (EDHOC)", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lake-edhoc-19, 3
              February 2023, <

Appendix A.  YANG data model



   The authors sincerely thank Göran Selander for his comments and

   The work on this document has been partly supported by the H2020
   projects SIFIS-Home (Grant agreement 952652) and ARCADIAN-IoT (Grant
   agreement 101020259).

Authors' Addresses

   Marco Tiloca
   Isafjordsgatan 22
   SE-16440 Kista

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Internet-Draft       Updates on using SCHC for CoAP           March 2023


   Laurent Toutain
   IMT Atlantique
   CS 17607, 2 rue de la Chataigneraie
   35576 Cesson-Sevigne Cedex

   Ivan Martinez
   IMT Atlantique
   CS 17607, 2 rue de la Chataigneraie
   35576 Cesson-Sevigne Cedex

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