Internet DRAFT - draft-timbru-sidrops-rpki-publication-v2


Network Working Group                                     T. Bruijnzeels
Internet-Draft                                                NLnet Labs
Intended status: Standards Track                         24 October 2022
Expires: 27 April 2023

                  RPKI Publication Protocol Version 2


   The RPKI Publication Protocol first described in RFC 8181 has worked
   very well.  That said, as it turns out, there are a number of
   requirements emerging from operational experience which cannot be
   supported by the current protocol.  In particular, identity key roll
   overs, support for publication quota and stricter verification of
   content by the server.

   This document is an early write-up with the following goals: (1)
   support discussions about requirements for additional work and (2)
   explore a possible version 2 with solutions to meet those

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 27 April 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.

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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Requirements notation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Naming Conventions in this Document . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.3.  Server  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.4.  Reply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.5.  V1  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.6.  V2  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Protocol Version Negotiation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   5.  Protocol Message Specification  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     5.1.  eContent  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     5.2.  eContentType  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.3.  EE Certificate and Timing Parameters  . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.4.  Replay Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       5.4.1.  Publisher to Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       5.4.2.  Server to Publisher . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   6.  Protocol Exchanges  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     6.1.  General Replies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       6.1.1.  Rate Limit Reply  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       6.1.2.  Unknown Publisher Reply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
       6.1.3.  Bad Request Reply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
       6.1.4.  Server Error 5xx Responses  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       6.1.5.  General Server Error Reply  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
       6.1.6.  Ok Reply  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.2.  Repository Info Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       6.2.1.  Repository Info Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
       6.2.2.  Repository Info Reply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     6.3.  Status Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.3.1.  Status Query  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.3.2.  Status Reply  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.3.3.  NewBpkiTaCert . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
     6.4.  Publication Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
       6.4.1.  Publication Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       6.4.2.  Publication Ok Reply  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       6.4.3.  Publication Warning Reply . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       6.4.4.  Publication Error Reply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
     6.5.  Server Key Accepted Exchange  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       6.5.1.  Server Key Accepted Query . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       6.5.2.  Server Key Accepted Ok Reply  . . . . . . . . . . . .  20

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       6.5.3.  Server Key Accepted Error Reply . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     6.6.  Publisher Key Change Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       6.6.1.  Publisher Key Change Query  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       6.6.2.  Publisher Key Change Ok Reply . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       6.6.3.  Publisher Key Change Error Reply  . . . . . . . . . .  21
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   10. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   11. Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23

1.  Requirements notation

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2.  Introduction

   The RPKI Publication Protocol first described in RFC 8181 has worked
   very well.  At the time of this writing, there are at least four
   completely independent interoperable software implementations, and
   over 50 separate deployments.  At least one server deployment has
   well over 1000 remote publishers communicating to it using the RFC
   8181 protocol.

   That said, as it turns out, there are a number of requirements
   emerging from operational experience which cannot be supported by the
   current protocol.  In particular, identity key roll overs, support
   for publication quota and stricter verification of content by the

   This document is an early write-up with the following goals: (1)
   support discussions about requirements for additional work and (2)
   explore a possible version 2 with solutions to meet those

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   It should be noted that a key feature in the possible solution
   discussed in this document is the support for seamless version
   negotiations between publishers (RPKI Certification Authorities) and
   the RPKI Publication Server.  Any version 2 capable publisher will
   simply continue to use version 1 (RFC 8181) if the Publication Server
   is not capable to do version 2, and vice versa, version 2 capable
   servers will simply continue to use version 1 for version 2 non-
   capable publishers.  This is important because it allows for
   incremental deployment of this new version without the need for
   centralised coordination on upgrades.

3.  Naming Conventions in this Document

3.1.  Publisher

   An RPKI Certification Authority which implements the client side of
   the protocol defined in this document - i.e. it uses a 'server' to
   publish its RPKI content.

3.2.  Query

   A request sent by a Publisher.

3.3.  Server

   An RPKI Publication Server that implements the server side of the
   protocol defined in this document.

3.4.  Reply

   A reply returned by the Server in response to a Query sent by a

3.5.  V1

   The RPKI Publication Protocol as defined in [RFC8181].

3.6.  V2

   The RPKI Publication Protocol version 2 defined in this document.

4.  Protocol Version Negotiation

   Publishers and servers can negotiate whether to use V1 or V2 without
   requiring either party to implement V2.  This is important because it
   allows for incremental deployment of V2 without the need for
   centralised coordination.

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   For this reason all V2 capable Publishers and Servers SHOULD also
   support V1.  An exception can be made if the Publisher and Server
   have prior knowledge that both support V2, in which case this
   protocol version negotiation is not applicable.

   Given that Publishers contact the Server in V1 over an HTTP based
   client- server protocol, we can leverage HTTP "Accept" and "Content-
   Type" headers to support version negotiation.

   The Publisher MUST use V1 queries as long as the Server is not known
   to be V2 capable.  The publisher SHOULD initiate version negotiation
   whenever it sends any V1 query by including the following additional
   HTTP header:

   Accept: application/rpki-publication, application/rpki-publication-v2

   If the Server is not V2 capable then it can ignore this header and
   respond with the normal applicable V1 reply which will include a
   Content-Type header with the value "application/rpki-publication".

   If the server supports V2 then it MUST respond with a V2 "Repository
   Info Reply" and use a Content-Type header with the value
   "application/rpki-publication-v2", instead of performing any action
   that would normally be done in response to the V1 query.  The
   Publisher MUST then proceed to use V2 for subsequent queries using
   the (possibly new) service URI in that reply.

   In case a server receives a V2 request, and for some reason it no
   longer supports V2, then it may be expected according to [RFC8181]
   that a V1 <report_error/> is returned and the content type
   "application/rpki-publication" is used in the response.

   If the Publisher gets the V1 content type "application/rpki-
   publication" in response to any V2 request that it sent, then it MUST
   fall back to using using the V1 protocol.  But, it MAY continue to
   initiate protocol version negotiation as described above in future

5.  Protocol Message Specification

   The publication protocol uses a simple request/response interaction
   over HTTPS.  We will refer to requests sent by the publisher as
   'queries', and we will refer to responses returned by the server as

   All queries and replies MUST use the Content-Type header.  The value
   of this header MUST be:

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   Queries and replies are RPKI Publication Protocol Version 2 Messages,
   which are signed Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS) messages.  The
   CMS encapsulation is similar to the definition in V1 (section 2 of
   [RFC8181]), and almost identical to that used in Section 3.1 of
   [RFC6492], with the following notable differences.

5.1.  eContent

   A key difference with the eContent specification from
   Section of [RFC6492] is that we will use DER encoded
   content here, rather than the XML message content that is used in
   [RFC6492] and [RFC8181].

   Note that one of the reasons for preferring DER over XML is that it
   will allow for more concise messages.  For example V1 uses base64
   encoded (DER) objects wrapped in XML for publication queries.  This
   is rather wasteful.

   Another reason is that we may benefit from formal ASN.1 notations,
   rather than XML schema definitions.  While ASN.1 may not be very
   widely known in general, implementing Publishers and Servers are
   already required to understand and deal with ASN.1 and DER in many
   other parts of this protocol, and the RPKI standards in general, so
   using it here does not seem to place a huge additional burden.

   On the other hand, it is understood that the threshold to implement
   may be lower if XML is used as it will require fewer changes in
   existing code.  So, this idea is not cast in stone.

   eContent ::= SEQUENCE {
     nonce           UUID,
     MessageType     MessageType,

     -- constrained to a UUID

   MessageType ::= PrintableString (SIZE (1..32))

   MessageContent ::= OCTET STRING
     -- constrained to DER encoded message type
     -- specific content - specified in the relevant
     -- sections of this document.

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   Note that each query and response type defined in this document will
   specify its own MessageType value and MessageContent definition.

5.2.  eContentType

   Because we no longer use XML based eContent, we will also use a new
   eContentType OID, rather the value defined in Section of

   The eContentType for the RPKI Publication Protocol Version 2 Message
   object is defined as "To be determined", and has numerical value of
   "To be determined".  TODO: Request OID from IANA.

5.3.  EE Certificate and Timing Parameters

   Single use EE certificates MUST be used in the CMS wrapper.  Each EE
   certificate MUST use a new unique key-pair.  As specified in
   [RFC6492] either the signing-time attribute, or binary-signing-time
   attribute, or both attributes MUST be present.  Their values MUST
   represent the actual time of signing the CMS.

   The EE certificate SHOULD use a 'notBefore' time that is set to 5
   minutes before the signing time, and a 'notAfter' time that is set to
   5 minutes after the signing time.  The reason for this is there may
   be a small amount of clock skew between a publisher and server, and
   because the protocol messages are generated moments before they are
   sent, small time differences could lead to rejection of all messages.
   Note that this protocol uses additional measures to protect against

5.4.  Replay Protection

5.4.1.  Publisher to Server

   The publisher MUST generate a new unique UUID that will be used as
   the nonce value for any query that it sends to the server.  The
   server MUST keep track of received nonce values for all received
   queries for which the EE certificate is not yet expired, and the
   server MUST reject any query that is found to re-use any such
   existing nonce.

5.4.2.  Server to Publisher

   The server MUST use the nonce value from the applicable query
   whenever it generates a reply for that query.  The publisher MUST
   verify that the nonce is any reply matches the query that they sent,
   and MUST reject the reply if this is not the case.

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6.  Protocol Exchanges

   All protocol exchanges are initiated by the Publisher.  In a typical
   exchange the Publisher sends a specific type of Query and then gets a
   matching Reply from the Server in response.

6.1.  General Replies

   There are a number of generic replies that the server could return in
   response to a query:

6.1.1.  Rate Limit Reply

   The server MAY enforce a rate limit on publisher connections.  If the
   server does this, then it SHOULD enforce rate limits on a per
   publisher basis in order to avoid that a bad actor publisher can
   impact other publishers.  Furthermore, if a rate limit is used then
   it MUST be included in the Status Reply to publishers.

   One of the main motivations for rate limiting publisher connections
   is to protect the server from resource exhaustion because of
   publisher query parsing and validation, and generating and signing

   For this reason the rate limit response will use a plain "429 Too
   Many Requests" response (section 4 of [RFC6585]) in case the rate
   limit threshold is set.  If a rate limit response is sent then the
   query MUST NOT be processed by the server.

   When a publisher encounters a rate limit response, then it MUST NOT
   try to contact the server again for at least the last known rate
   limit period received in a status reply, or 5 minutes if no such
   limit is known to the publisher.

6.1.2.  Unknown Publisher Reply

   The server SHOULD return a '404 Not Found' response ([RFC9110]) if a
   publisher is not known.

   Note that all publishers SHOULD each get a unique unguessable service
   URI in their initial [RFC8183] response so that the server can
   efficiently determine that a publisher is unknown.  Strictly speaking
   it is possible to guess which publisher sent a message by looking at
   the Authority Key Identifier of the embedded EE certificate in a
   query message CMS wrapper, but doing so would be extremely
   inefficient and leave the server vulnerable to denial of service

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6.1.3.  Bad Request Reply

   This type of Reply is used in case of general issues with the request
   that was sent, rather than the content of the query in the request

   The server SHOULD return a '400 Bad Request' response ([RFC9110]) in
   case the protocol message could not be parsed or validated.  The
   message body MAY contain a clear text hint as a courtesy to the
   publisher.  The message MUST NOT be longer 128 characters, SHOULD use
   visible 7-bit ASCII characters, and SHOULD be written in english.

   Theoretically, we could have the server return detailed and signed
   error replies.  However, this (signing) would cause load on the
   server and could be abused as an attack vector, and on top of that
   detailed errors could aid malicious attackers.

   The following fairly minimal message bodies are RECOMMENDED for error

     | message           | explanation                               |
     | "invalid syntax"  | Message could not be parsed               |
     | "replay detected" | Message may be valid, but was seen before |
     | "key unknown"     | Message EE AKI does not match key for     |
     |                   | publisher                                 |
     | "not yet valid"   | Message EE not-before is after now        |
     | "expired"         | Message EE not-after is before now        |
     | "message invalid" | Message validation failed for some other  |
     |                   | reason                                    |

                                  Table 1

   Publishers SHOULD log any Bad Request Response in a way that would be
   visible to the operators of the publisher, because in many cases
   manual intervention will be required to resolve the issue.

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   If the error is caused by "message key unknown" then this is
   indicative of an issue where the publisher and server are out-of-sync
   with regards to the BPKI TA key pair used by the publisher.  In this
   case the operator of the publisher should try to re-exchanges
   [RFC8183] XML with the server.

   Other errors are most likely caused by clock skew, or a bug on either
   the publisher or server side.  Because the issue could be on the
   server side and be fixed there, the publisher SHOULD keep retrying to
   contact the server albeit with the same timing constrains as
   mentioned in relation to Rate Limit Responses.

6.1.4.  Server Error 5xx Responses

   The server SHOULD NOT return any 5xx type HTTP error responses.
   However, this kind of response can occur as a result of an
   unrecoverable error at the server.

   Publishers SHOULD treat any 5xx responses they encounter as though
   they were Rate Limit Responses, but it is RECOMMENDED that they are
   logged in order to help debugging should they persist.

6.1.5.  General Server Error Reply

   Note that exchanges define their own typed error replies where
   applicable.  That said, the server SHOULD return a General Server
   Error Reply in case it encountered some unexpected error that it
   could recover from.

   Publisher MUST treat this type of reply similar to a 5xx response.  MessageType

   The MessageType for this query is: "general-server-error"  MessageContent

   This response MAY include a human readable, preferably english, error
   message directed at operators.  Note that the publisher software can
   only log this information, but it cannot take any specific action
   based on the content.

   MessageContent ::= PrintableString(SIZE (0..127))

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6.1.6.  Ok Reply

   The Ok Reply is used in some exchanges where the server wants to
   inform the publisher that their query was successfully processed, but
   there is no additional information to include in the response.  MessageType

   The MessageType for this query is: "ok-reply"  MessageContent

   There is no content to include for this reply.

6.2.  Repository Info Exchange

   The reply of this exchange is used in protocol version negotiation
   and serves to inform the Publisher about the possibly new service URI
   that it should use for V2, as well as further applicable constrains.

   The Publisher MAY initiate a new repository info exchange later, but
   the response SHOULD NOT change over time, with the possible exception
   of the value of "SupportedTypes". (perhaps that means that does not
   belong here)

   Publisher ---- Repository Info Query ----->  Server
             <--- Repository Info Reply ------

6.2.1.  Repository Info Query

   The MessageType for this query is "repository-info-query", and the
   MessageContent is omitted.

6.2.2.  Repository Info Reply

   The MessageType for this reply is "repository-info-reply", and the
   MessageContent is as follows:

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   MessageContent ::= SEQUENCE {
       ServiceUri     [0] ServiceUri,
       RsyncModuleUri [1] RsyncModuleUri,
       BasePath       [2] BasePath,
       RrdpNotifyUri  [3] RrdpNotifyUri OPTIONAL,
       SupportedTypes [4] SupportedTypes OPTIONAL,

   HttpsUri ::= IA5String
     -- Constrained to an HTTPS URI

   BasePath ::= IA5String,
     -- relative base path for the publisher

   RsyncModuleUri  ::= IA5String
     -- Constrained to an rsync URI
     -- MUST end with a slash and refer to the base
     -- directory of the publication server's
     -- rsync module.

   RrdpNotifyUri ::= IA5String
     -- Constrained to an HTTP(s) URI
     -- MUST refer to the RRDP Notification URI [RFC8182]
     -- for this publication server.

   SupportedTypes ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF RpkiObjectType

   RpkiObjectType ::= PrintableString (SIZE (4))
     -- Constrained to a '.' character followed
     -- by a three letter extension specified in
     -- the IANA "RPKI Repository Name Scheme" registry  ServiceUri

   Contains the unique service URI for this publisher.  If this is a new
   URI, then it MUST be on the same host (avoid key theft and MiTM
   redirecting publishers).

   V2 will require unique URIs so that we do not need to send publisher
   handles in each query but can do it as a path parameter.  It also
   allows more efficient processing for unknown publishers and per
   publisher rate limits to be enforced more intuitively and without the
   need for object parsing which could be a DoS vector otherwise.

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Internet-Draft           Publication Protocol V2            October 2022  RsyncBaseUri

   This is an rsync URI [RFC5781] pointing to the base rsync module used
   by the publication server.  BasePath

   This is the relative base path under the rsync module where the
   querying publisher is allowed to publish their objects.  The BasePath
   MUST NOT be empty if the server supports multiple publishers.

   The BasePath MUST be a unix style relative directory path.  It MUST
   use the following ABNF syntax [RFC5234]:

   BasePath =  empty / sub-dir

   empty    = ""
   sub-dir  = dir *(dir)

   dir      = *(DIGIT / ALPHA / "-" / "_" ) "/"

   Note that publishers will specify relative object paths under their
   base path during the publication exchange defined below to ensure
   that _all_ objects are always constrained to the publishers space.
   This eliminates the possibility of Publishers trying to update any
   object outside of their own "jail".  In V1 the full path was used for
   objects, and the Server would response with a "permission_failure"
   error code in case a Publisher tried to use an URI it was not
   authorised to use.

   The publisher can derive public URIs for their objects, e.g. for use
   in SIA and AIA fields of certificates and objects they sign, by
   concatenating the following:

   URI = Rsync Base Uri / Base Path / Relative Object Path  RrdpNotifyUri

   If the publication server supports the RRDP [RFC8182], then it MUST
   include the public HTTPS URI [RFC8820] for the RRDP notification file
   here.  SupportedTypes

   If the server enforces RPKI object type restrictions, then it MUST
   include the full list of supported object types.  Object types are
   defined by the extension registered in the IANA "RPKI Repository Name
   Scheme" registry.  E.g. the object type for ROA is ".roa".

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6.3.  Status Exchange

   The status exchange is used to query the server for the current
   objects and quota state for this publisher.  Furthermore, the server
   can communicate a planned key rollover of its identity key in this

   Publishers SHOULD initiate a status exchange before initiating any
   publication exchange.

   Publisher ---------- Status Query --------->  Server
             <--------- Status Reply ----------

6.3.1.  Status Query

   The MessageType for this query is: "status-query", the MessageContent
   is omitted.

6.3.2.  Status Reply

   The MessageType for this query is: "status-reply".  The
   MessageContent is as follows:

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   MessageContent ::= SEQUENCE {
     CurrentFiles     CurrentFiles,
     QuotaNumberInfo  [0] QuotaNumberInfo OPTIONAL
     QuotaSizeInfo    [1] QuotaSizeInfo OPTIONAL
     NewBpkiTaCert    [2] NewBpkiTaCert OPTIONAL

   CurrentFiles ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..MAX)) OF CurrentFile

   CurrentFile  ::= SEQUENCE {
     RelativePath     IA5String,
     Hash             BitString

   QuotaNumberInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
     used    Integer,
     warn    Integer,
     limit   Integer

   QuotaSizeInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
     used    Integer,
     warn    Integer,
     limit   Integer

   NewBpkiTaCert ::= OCTET STRING
     -- constrained to a DER encoded self-signed
     -- BPKI TA certificate  CurrentFiles

   Contains the full list of current published files.  Files are
   described by their relative path under the publisher's base path and
   use the SHA-256 hash.  QuotaNumberInfo

   Optional element that MUST be included if the server enforces any
   quota based on the number of files published by a publisher.  It is
   RECOMMENDED that servers enforce such quota.  If they do, they SHOULD
   choose a number for the warn level that is significantly lower than
   the limit.

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Internet-Draft           Publication Protocol V2            October 2022  QuotaNumberSize

   Optional element that MUST be included if the server enforces any
   quota based on the combined size of files published by a publisher.
   Numbers are in kB, rounded up in case of 'used'.  It is RECOMMENDED
   that servers enforce this type of quota.  If they do, they SHOULD
   choose a number for the warn level that is significantly lower than
   the limit.

6.3.3.  NewBpkiTaCert

   Servers may wish to perform a key roll of their BPKI TA certificate
   (see [RFC8183]).  To achieve this the server can generate a new
   keypair and self-signed BPKI TA certificate - which can be used for
   publishers in future [RFC8183] out-of-band setup exchanges.

   However, it would be extremely impractical to require that all
   existing publishers re-do such an exchange.  Furthermore, the server
   has no active way to reach out to publishers because all exchanges
   are initiated by the publishers.

   By including the optional NewBpkiTaCert element in a status reply the
   Server MAY communicate to Publishers that they intend to migrate to a
   new identity key.

   If a publisher sees a new BPKI TA certificate included this way, then
   they SHOULD perform a "Server Key Accept Exchange" (see elsewhere in
   doc) at their earliest convenience.  The server MUST NOT include this
   element to publishers which have accepted the new key.

   Note that if a publisher wishes to perform a key roll of their own
   BPKI TA certificate, they need to initiate a "Publisher Key Change
   Exchange" (section ..).

6.4.  Publication Exchange

   The publishers initiates a publication exchange in order to request
   adding, updating, or withdrawing objects under its designated
   publication point at the server.

   The server reply can be an empty ok reply, a warning reply which
   indicates that publication was successful but the publisher should be
   aware of certain things (like quota warnings), or an error reply
   which indicates that publication was rejected.

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   Publisher ---- Publication Query ---------->  Server

             <-- Publication Ok Reply ---------
   one of:   <-- Publication Warning Reply ----
             <-- Publication Error Reply ------

6.4.1.  Publication Query

   The MessageType for this query is: "publication-query".  The
   MessageContent is as follows:

   MessageContent ::= SEQUENCE {
     Additions   SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..MAX)) OF AddedFile
     Updates     SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..MAX)) OF UpdatedFile
     Withdrawals SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..MAX)) OF WithdrawnFile

   AddedFile  ::= SEQUENCE {
     RelativePath     RelativePath,
     Content          OctetString

   UpdatedFile  ::= SEQUENCE {
     RelativePath     RelativePath,
     Content          OctetString,
     OldFileHash      Hash

   WithdrawnFile ::= SEQUENCE {
     RelativePath     RelativePath,
     OldFileHash      Hash

   RelativePath ::= IA5String

   Hash ::= BIT STRING

6.4.2.  Publication Ok Reply

   The MessageType for this reply is: "publication-ok-reply", and the
   MessageContent is omitted.

6.4.3.  Publication Warning Reply

   The MessageType for this reply is: "publication-warning-reply", the
   MessageContent is as follows:

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   MessageContent ::= SEQUENCE {
     QuotaNumberWarning [0] QuotaNumberInfo OPTIONAL
     QuotaSizeWarning   [1] QuotaSizeInfo OPTIONAL

   QuotaNumberInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
     used    Integer,
     warn    Integer,
     limit   Integer

   QuotaSizeInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
     used    Integer,
     warn    Integer,
     limit   Integer

   A publication warning reply MUST contain at least one of the possible
   warnings.  If there is nothing to warn about then either a
   "Publication Ok Replay" or "Publication Error Reply" would be

   Publisher software SHOULD log any publication warning reply it
   receives in a way that is visible to operators so that they could
   enter in a dialogue with their server operator.

   Publisher software MAY try to reduce the number and size of objects
   by aggregating ROAs for the same origin ASN.  Normally it is
   recommended that separate ROA objects are made for each ROA prefix
   and origin ASN because otherwise the loss of one prefix on a covering
   certificate would invalidate the complete ROA object.  But, in case
   of quota issues this risk aversion may not outweigh the potential
   benefit of space saving through aggregation.

6.4.4.  Publication Error Reply  MessageType

   The MessageType for this reply is: "publication-error-reply"  MessageContent

   Format to be determined.

   Publication rejected.  Some possible reasons from V1: adding
   duplicate object, trying update/withdraw object for unknown relative
   path - or hash mismatch.

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   Some new reasons we may wish to support: unsupported object type
   included, object could not be parsed, publication point inconsistent
   (w.r.t. manifest).

   We will need more discussion on which errors we wish to flag, how to
   communicate relevant constraints at setup / protocol negotiation
   time, and how to report run time errors here.  Some errors may be
   general, others may be specific to objects.

   Dependent on the errors we define, we may need specific instructions
   to Publishers about how to deal with them.  For example, if an object
   type is not supported by the Server, then the Publisher may still
   wish to publish other object types and inform their user - who may
   then wish to migrate to another publication server.

6.5.  Server Key Accepted Exchange

   This exchange SHOULD be initiated by the publisher at its earliest
   convenience after learning (Status Exchange) that a new key exists.
   It will confirm to the server that it can now use the new key instead
   of the previous key to sign replies.

   The typical reply is an ok reply signed with the new key.  Or an
   error reply.

6.5.1.  Server Key Accepted Query  MessageType

   The MessageType for this reply is: "server-key-accept"  MessageContent

   The Publisher repeats the new BPKI TA Certificate that it believes
   the Server intends to migrate towards:

   MessageContent ::= SEQUENCE {
     NewBpkiTaCert NewBpkiTaCert
     -- Use a SEQUENCE for extensibility?

   NewBpkiTaCert ::= OCTET STRING
      -- constrained to a DER encoded self-signed
      -- BPKI TA certificate

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6.5.2.  Server Key Accepted Ok Reply

   The MessageType for this reply is: "server-key-accept-ok".  There is
   no content, but the response is signed using the now accepted key.

   The Publisher MAY now forget the (now) old server key and MUST expect
   the new (now current) key to be used in future replies signed by the

   The Server SHOULD no longer inform this Publisher about the new key
   in in new Status Reply responses.  If this was the last Publisher to
   accept the new key, the Server MAY now delete its old key pair.

6.5.3.  Server Key Accepted Error Reply

   It is not expected that an error is returned.  However, it could be
   that the Publisher was confused an sent a Server Key Accepted Query
   for a key that the Server does not wish to migrate to.  Or the server
   changed its mind in between last informing the the Publisher in a
   Status Reply and now.  In any event.. the server MUST return an error
   in this case, an the Publisher MUST continue to expect the current
   server key to be used for signing replies.

   The MessageType for this reply is: "server-key-accepted-error".
   There is no content.

6.6.  Publisher Key Change Exchange

6.6.1.  Publisher Key Change Query  MessageType

   The MessageType for this query is: "client-key-change"  MessageContent

   The publisher sends its new key to the server by means of a (validly
   self-signed) BPKI TA certificate.

   MessageContent ::= SEQUENCE {
     NewBpkiTaCert NewBpkiTaCert
       -- Use a SEQUENCE for extensibility?

   NewBpkiTaCert ::= OCTET STRING
      -- constrained to a DER encoded self-signed
      -- BPKI TA certificate

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6.6.2.  Publisher Key Change Ok Reply

   The MessageType for this reply is: "client-key-change-ok".  There is
   no content.

   The Publisher MUST now use the new key in future exchanges, at least
   until the new key itself is changed of course.  The Server MAY now
   forget the previous key for the Publisher and MUST now expect this
   new key to be used.

6.6.3.  Publisher Key Change Error Reply

   The MessageType for this reply is: "client-key-change-error".  There
   is no content.

   The server SHOULD return this error only in case it finds that the
   new BPKI TA Certificate is not validly signed.  I.e. there was no
   proof of possession of the private key.

   This is unlikely to happen and it would point at a serious issue with
   either the Publisher or the Server software, or both..

   Both the Publisher and Server should alert their operators in the
   applicable ways that can (log, report status error etc).  The
   Publisher SHOULD continue to use its previous key, it MUST NOT start
   to use its intended new key until this issue is resolved - presumably
   after operator and/or developer actions.

7.  IANA Considerations

   OID needs to be requested.

8.  Security Considerations


9.  Acknowledgements

   To be determined.  As it stands this document represents early ideas
   about a possible direction for a next version of the publication
   protocol.  There have been some informal discussions with various

   It's not certain yet how we will proceed.  Perhaps this will become a
   working group document, perhaps it will only serve discussion and
   another document or documents follow.  So.. to be determined.

10.  Normative References

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   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,

   [RFC6492]  Huston, G., Loomans, R., Ellacott, B., and R. Austein, "A
              Protocol for Provisioning Resource Certificates",
              RFC 6492, DOI 10.17487/RFC6492, February 2012,

   [RFC6585]  Nottingham, M. and R. Fielding, "Additional HTTP Status
              Codes", RFC 6585, DOI 10.17487/RFC6585, April 2012,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8181]  Weiler, S., Sonalker, A., and R. Austein, "A Publication
              Protocol for the Resource Public Key Infrastructure
              (RPKI)", RFC 8181, DOI 10.17487/RFC8181, July 2017,

   [RFC8182]  Bruijnzeels, T., Muravskiy, O., Weber, B., and R. Austein,
              "The RPKI Repository Delta Protocol (RRDP)", RFC 8182,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8182, July 2017,

   [RFC8183]  Austein, R., "An Out-of-Band Setup Protocol for Resource
              Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) Production Services",
              RFC 8183, DOI 10.17487/RFC8183, July 2017,

   [RFC8820]  Nottingham, M., "URI Design and Ownership", BCP 190,
              RFC 8820, DOI 10.17487/RFC8820, June 2020,

   [RFC9110]  Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,

11.  Informative References

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   [RFC5781]  Weiler, S., Ward, D., and R. Housley, "The rsync URI
              Scheme", RFC 5781, DOI 10.17487/RFC5781, February 2010,

Author's Address

   Tim Bruijnzeels
   NLnet Labs

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