Internet DRAFT - draft-toutain-lpwan-sid-allocation


lpwan Working Group                                          A. Minaburo
Internet-Draft                                                    Acklio
Intended status: Standards Track                              L. Toutain
Expires: 27 August 2023           Institut MINES TELECOM; IMT Atlantique
                                                        23 February 2023

                        SCHC Rule Access Control



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   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on 27 August 2023.

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   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  SCHC YANG Data Model  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     2.1.  Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   3.  Recommendation for SID values . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  SID for data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   5.  SID allocation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   6.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   Appendix A.  Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Appendix B.  IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

1.  Introduction

   RFC9363 defines a YANG Data Model for SCHC rules.
   [I-D.ietf-core-sid] specifies the process for SID allocation and
   management.  This document discuss of the SID allocation for RFC9363.

2.  SCHC YANG Data Model

   The version @2023-01-18 of the SCHC YANG Data Model published in the
   RFC 9363 contains 136 SIDs (92 for identities, 2 for features and 42
   for data).  [I-D.ietf-core-sid] indicates that the SID range for the
   YANG Data Model specified in RFC is between 1000 and 59 000 and that
   the maximum request pool SHOULD NOT exceed 1000.  The draft also
   gives some pre allocated values.

   Since SIDs will be used either to represent unique identity contained
   in the data model and also leaves (data) forming this data model, it
   could be wise to distinguish between identifiers and data.

   Data structures are delta encoded and included as a CBOR element, the
   size depends on the value.  Deltas between -24 and +23 are encoded on
   a single byte.  Deltas between -256 and +255 use 2 bytes and larger
   values corresponding to the RFC SID range will be encoded into 3
   bytes.  To optimize the CORECONF representation delta should be
   smaller as possible for the more frequent leaves.

   On the other hand identities are included in the CORECONF
   representation and for the RFC SID range the size is constant and
   equal to 3 bytes.

2.1.  Example

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   {5095: {1: [{4:
           [{1: 5015,
             5: 5018,
             6: 5068,
             7: 4,
             8: 1,
             9: 5083,
             13: [{1: 0, 2: h'06'}]},
            {1: 5015,
             5: 5018,
             6: 2000003,
             7: 8,
             8: 1,
             9: 5083,
             13: [{1: 0, 2: h'00'}]}]


   {"ietf-schc:schc": {"rule": [{"entry":
                [{"comp-decomp-action": "ietf-schc:cda-not-sent",
                  "direction-indicator": "ietf-schc:di-bidirectional",
                  "field-id": "ietf-schc:fid-ipv6-version",
                  "field-length": 4,
                  "field-position": 1,
                  "matching-operator": "ietf-schc:mo-equal",
                  "target-value": [{"index": 0, "value": "Bg=="}]},
                 {"comp-decomp-action": "ietf-schc:cda-not-sent",
                  "direction-indicator": "ietf-schc:di-bidirectional",
                  "field-id": "ietf-schc-oam:fid-icmpv6-type",
                  "field-length": 8,
                  "field-position": 1,
                  "matching-operator": "ietf-schc:mo-equal",
                  "target-value": [{"index": 0, "value": "gA=="}]} ]

                                  Figure 1

   The example in Figure 1 gives a CORECONF structure transposed the
   CBOR diagnostic notation and its equivalent in RESTCONF with JSON.
   For readability and compactness, this example is edited and do not
   encode a full rule as defined in RFC9363.

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   The default SID numbering produced by pyang is used, starting from
   5000 for SCHC Data Model defined in RFC9363 and 2000000 for an
   experimental module for OAM.

   We can see the delta encoding.  The first SID 5095 represents "ietf-
   schc:schc". "/ietf-schc:schc/rule" which is coded with a +1 since SID
   5096 has been assigned. "/ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry" is coded with a
   delta of 4.  Then a list of Field Description follows. +1 represents
   the leaf "ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/comp-decomp-action" and the value
   assigned to that key contains the SID of "ietf-schc:cda-not-sent"

   Note that the second element contains a "field-id" belonging to the
   "ietf-schc-oam" module and the associate SID is 2000003.

3.  Recommendation for SID values

   The SCHC YANG Data Model defined in RFC 9363 will probably be
   augmented, to include for instance access control data.  To keep a
   compact representation, delta values must be kept as small as
   possible.  The LPWAN working group should not use the automatic SID
   numbering and provide a more optimal allocation scheme for
   augmentation of the SCHC YANG Data Model.

   A first recommendation is to avoid merging data and identity in order
   to limit the delta encoding.  The distance between these two sections
   can be 255 SID to allow deltas on 2 bytes.

   The second recommendation is to leave some unused SID around SCHC
   rules to allow augmentation.

4.  SID for data

   We propose to use a range of 300 values for the YANG Data Model
   defined in RFC9263, which introduce room for future augmentation of
   the Data Model, such as [I-D.toutain-lpwan-access-control] or
   [I-D.ietf-lpwan-schc-compound-ack].  This will break the automatic
   allocation process done by pyang and based on the nature of the SID
   and the alphabetical order.

   It is also worth noting that in the current SID allocation based on
   alphabetical order places rule-id-value and rule-id-length, rule-
   nature from the 33 to 35 position.  CBOR encoding will be on two
   bytes for each of the values.  Since these three values are present
   in all the rules, a smaller value will optimize the CORECONF

   The allocation algorithm is the following:

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   *  leaves between containers and list a maximal distance of 23 SIDS.
      Positive and negative deltas will be encoded on 1 byte.

   *  fill this gap with the more common values defined in the container
      or the list

   *  keep unused values for future augmentations.

   *  a guard of 255 after the last list will be kept unused before
      allocating identities.  This range allow a delta encoded on 2

   The LPWAN group will receive an range of SID values (we suppose
   starting at 5000).  The SIDs will be allocated following the previous

   Other RFCs modifying the SCHC YANG Data Model will include a YANG
   module.  The lpwan WG will decide of the SID allocation and produce a
   SID file with the mapping.

5.  SID allocation

   We propose the following allocation scheme for RFC9363:

   5000    - 5022 : RESERVED FOR /ietf-schc:schc

   5023    module ietf-schc
   5024    data /ietf-schc:schc

   5025    - 5046 : RESERVED FOR /ietf-schc:schc AND /ietf-schc:schc/rule

   5047    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule
   5048    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/rule-id-length
   5049    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/rule-id-value
   5050    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/rule-nature

   5051    - 5069 : RESERVED FOR /ietf-schc:schc/rule AND /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry

   5070    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry
   5071    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/comp-decomp-action
   5072    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/comp-decomp-action-value
   5073    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/comp-decomp-action-value/index
   5074    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/comp-decomp-action-value/value
   5075    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/direction-indicator
   5076    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/field-id
   5077    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/field-length
   5078    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/field-position
   5079    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/matching-operator

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   5080    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/matching-operator-value
   5081    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/matching-operator-value/index
   5082    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/matching-operator-value/value
   5083    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/target-value
   5084    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/target-value/index
   5085    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/entry/target-value/value

   5086    - 5094 : RESERVED

   5094    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/ack-behavior
   5095    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/direction
   5096    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/dtag-size
   5097    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/fcn-size
   5098    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/fragmentation-mode
   5099    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/inactivity-timer
   5100    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/inactivity-timer/ticks-duration
   5101    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/inactivity-timer/ticks-numbers
   5102    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/l2-word-size
   5103    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/max-ack-requests
   5104    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/max-interleaved-frames
   5105    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/maximum-packet-size
   5106    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/rcs-algorithm
   5107    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/retransmission-timer
   5108    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/retransmission-timer/ticks-duration
   5109    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/retransmission-timer/ticks-numbers

   5110    - 5115 : RESERVED FOR TIMER

   5116    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/tile-in-all-1
   5117    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/tile-size
   5118    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/w-size
   5119    data /ietf-schc:schc/rule/window-size

   5120    - 5299 : RESERVED FOR 2 BYTES DELTAS

   5300    identity ack-behavior-after-all-0
   5301    identity ack-behavior-after-all-1
   5302    identity ack-behavior-base-type
   5303    identity ack-behavior-by-layer2
   5304    identity all-1-data-base-type
   5305    identity all-1-data-no
   5306    identity all-1-data-sender-choice
   5307    identity all-1-data-yes
   5308    identity cda-appiid
   5309    identity cda-base-type
   5310    identity cda-compute
   5311    identity cda-deviid
   5312    identity cda-lsb

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   5313    identity cda-mapping-sent
   5314    identity cda-not-sent
   5315    identity cda-value-sent
   5316    identity di-base-type
   5317    identity di-bidirectional
   5318    identity di-down
   5319    identity di-up
   5320    identity fid-base-type
   5321    identity fid-coap-base-type
   5322    identity fid-coap-code
   5323    identity fid-coap-code-class
   5324    identity fid-coap-code-detail
   5325    identity fid-coap-mid
   5326    identity fid-coap-option
   5327    identity fid-coap-option-accept
   5328    identity fid-coap-option-block1
   5329    identity fid-coap-option-block2
   5330    identity fid-coap-option-content-format
   5331    identity fid-coap-option-etag
   5332    identity fid-coap-option-if-match
   5333    identity fid-coap-option-if-none-match
   5334    identity fid-coap-option-location-path
   5335    identity fid-coap-option-location-query
   5336    identity fid-coap-option-max-age
   5337    identity fid-coap-option-no-response
   5338    identity fid-coap-option-observe
   5339    identity fid-coap-option-oscore-flags
   5340    identity fid-coap-option-oscore-kid
   5341    identity fid-coap-option-oscore-kidctx
   5342    identity fid-coap-option-oscore-piv
   5343    identity fid-coap-option-proxy-scheme
   5344    identity fid-coap-option-proxy-uri
   5345    identity fid-coap-option-size1
   5346    identity fid-coap-option-size2
   5347    identity fid-coap-option-uri-host
   5348    identity fid-coap-option-uri-path
   5349    identity fid-coap-option-uri-port
   5350    identity fid-coap-option-uri-query
   5351    identity fid-coap-tkl
   5352    identity fid-coap-token
   5353    identity fid-coap-type
   5354    identity fid-coap-version
   5355    identity fid-ipv6-appiid
   5356    identity fid-ipv6-appprefix
   5357    identity fid-ipv6-base-type
   5358    identity fid-ipv6-deviid
   5359    identity fid-ipv6-devprefix
   5360    identity fid-ipv6-flowlabel

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   5361    identity fid-ipv6-hoplimit
   5362    identity fid-ipv6-nextheader
   5363    identity fid-ipv6-payload-length
   5364    identity fid-ipv6-trafficclass
   5365    identity fid-ipv6-trafficclass-ds
   5366    identity fid-ipv6-trafficclass-ecn
   5367    identity fid-ipv6-version
   5368    identity fid-oscore-base-type
   5369    identity fid-udp-app-port
   5370    identity fid-udp-base-type
   5371    identity fid-udp-checksum
   5372    identity fid-udp-dev-port
   5373    identity fid-udp-length
   5374    identity fl-base-type
   5375    identity fl-token-length
   5376    identity fl-variable
   5377    identity fragmentation-mode-ack-always
   5378    identity fragmentation-mode-ack-on-error
   5379    identity fragmentation-mode-base-type
   5380    identity fragmentation-mode-no-ack
   5381    identity mo-base-type
   5382    identity mo-equal
   5383    identity mo-ignore
   5384    identity mo-match-mapping
   5385    identity mo-msb
   5386    identity nature-base-type
   5387    identity nature-compression
   5388    identity nature-fragmentation
   5389    identity nature-no-compression
   5390    identity rcs-algorithm-base-type
   5391    identity rcs-crc32
   5392    feature compression
   5393    feature fragmentation

   5394    - 5500 : RESERVED FOR IDENTITY

   For instance [I-D.toutain-lpwan-access-control] augments the model
   with "ac-modify-set-of-rules" at the top level, "ac-modify-
   compression-rule" for each compression rule, "ac-modify-field" in
   each Field Description of a compression rule and finally "ac-modify-
   timers" in fragmentation rules.  Delta representation will be on 1

   The following SIDs could be assigned:

   *  5022: ac-modify-set-of-rules

   *  5051: ac-modify-compression-rule

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   *  5069: ac-modify-field

   *  5068: ac-modify-timers

   [I-D.ietf-lpwan-schc-compound-ack] augments the model for
   fragmentation, with 3 identity and two leaves.  identities can get a
   SID 5394 to 5396 and the two SIDs for the leaves can be 5120 and
   5122.  There delta representations will be coded on 2 bytes.

6.  Normative References

              Veillette, M., Pelov, A., Petrov, I., Bormann, C., and M.
              Richardson, "YANG Schema Item iDentifier (YANG SID)", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-core-sid-19, 26
              July 2022, <

              Zúñiga, J. C., Gomez, C., Aguilar, S., Toutain, L.,
              Cespedes, S., and D. S. W. L. Torre, "SCHC Compound ACK",
              Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lpwan-schc-
              compound-ack-12, 21 February 2023,

              Minaburo, A. and L. Toutain, "Data Model for Static
              Context Header Compression (SCHC)", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-lpwan-schc-yang-data-model-21,
              9 October 2022, <

              Minaburo, A., Toutain, L., and I. Martinez, "SCHC Rule
              Access Control", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              toutain-lpwan-access-control-01, 20 February 2023,

   [RFC8341]  Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network Configuration
              Access Control Model", STD 91, RFC 8341,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8341, March 2018,

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   [RFC8824]  Minaburo, A., Toutain, L., and R. Andreasen, "Static
              Context Header Compression (SCHC) for the Constrained
              Application Protocol (CoAP)", RFC 8824,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8824, June 2021,

Appendix A.  Security Considerations


Appendix B.  IANA Considerations


Authors' Addresses

   Ana Minaburo
   1137A avenue des Champs Blancs
   35510 Cesson-Sevigne Cedex

   Laurent Toutain
   Institut MINES TELECOM; IMT Atlantique
   2 rue de la Chataigneraie
   CS 17607
   35576 Cesson-Sevigne Cedex

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