Internet DRAFT - draft-urien-cfrg-cose


  CFRG Working Group                                           P. Urien 
  Internet Draft                                      Telecom ParisTech 
  Intended status: Experimental                                         
                                                        February 7 2015 
  Expires: August 2015 
                            Cloud of Secure Elements(CoSE) 
   This document describes an architecture named "Cloud of Secure 
   Elements (CoSE)" whose goal is to strengthen the Internet trust. A 
   Secure element (SE) provides secure services thanks to various means 
   such as tamper resistant technologies or software virtualization 
   techniques. Secure elements are hosted in dedicated servers (i.e. 
   Trusted Secure Elements Servers, TSES); they provide secure storage 
   facilities or compute cryptographic procedures. Secure elements 
   resources are identified by dedicated URIs and should also support 
   HTTP interface. Users are equipped with "Access Credential" and 
   thanks to the Secure Transport Protocol (STP-TSES) remotely access 
   to Secure Element embedded resources. The RACS (Remote APDU Call 
   Secure) and its associated framework protocol is an early proof of 
   concept of the CoSE concept. 
Requirements Language 
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. 
Status of this Memo 
   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the 
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79. 
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF). Note that other groups may also distribute 
   working documents as Internet-Drafts. The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at 
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
   at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress." 
   This Internet-Draft will expire on August 2015. 

   Urien                      Expires August 2015            [Page 1] 

Copyright Notice 
   Copyright (c) 2015 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the 
   document authors. All rights reserved. 
   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal 
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents 
   ( in effect on the date of 
   publication of this document. Please review these documents 
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with 
   respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this 
   document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in 
   Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without 
   warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License. 

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                                  CoSE                  February 2015 
Table of Contents 
   Abstract........................................................... 1 
   Requirements Language.............................................. 1 
   Status of this Memo................................................ 1 
   Copyright Notice................................................... 2 
   1 Overview......................................................... 4 
   2. Architecture.................................................... 5 
      2.1 Trusted Secure Element Servers (TSES)....................... 5 
      2.2 Secure Transport Protocol (STP-TSES)........................ 6 
      2.3 Users and Administrators.................................... 6 
   3. Remote APDU Call Secure (RACS).................................. 7 
   4 Security Considerations.......................................... 7 
   5 IANA Considerations.............................................. 7 
   6 References....................................................... 8 
      6.1 Normative References........................................ 8 
      6.2 Informative References...................................... 8 
   7 Authors' Addresses............................................... 8 

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1 Overview 
   Internet technologies are more and more pervasive. Connected users 
   and devices produce and consume data that are exchanged over the 
   network and stored in data centers. The IETF has defined multiple 
   standards providing secure features such as authentication, privacy 
   or data integrity. 
   However the Internet suffers from a lack of trust. Recent facts were 
   reported by the press about pervasive surveillance over Internet 
   users; even if Internet protocols support privacy features, these 
   procedures require secret keys and strong cryptographic algorithms. 
   There is a trust issue towards all entities that provide 
   cryptographic facilities and secure storage of sensitive data. It 
   makes may wonder how trust these services are; in other words who 
   may access to secret values storage and use?. 
   In this document we discuss an architecture draft, named "Cloud of 
   Secure Elements (CoSe)", whose goal is to strengthen the Internet 
   Trust is a complex concept. A banknote is the root of trust for 
   commercial exchanges in a set of countries. Trust relies on 
   national, cultural, educative, social or professional beliefs. For 
   the most part, Internet trust relies on secure storage of passwords 
   both on users and servers sides. 
   The basic idea of the proposed architecture is to deploy Trusted 
   Secure Element Servers (TSES), whose trusted internal components 
   (the secure elements) could be used and managed by human or software 
   entities. This functional granularity is a key feature for the CoSE 
   TSES servers are managed by a plurality of entities and realized 
   security services for isolated users or numerous users. They could 
   be fitted for individual or worldwide needs. 
   TSES servers are accessed thanks to a Secure Transport Protocol 
   (STP-TSES), which always works with a strong mutual authentication, 
   which is used both for service and administration purposes, and 
   which is interoperable with all TSES. 
   Users or administrators are connected to TSES servers thanks to the 
   STP-TSES protocol. They need Access Credentials (AC) for mutual 
   authentication with TSES. Cryptographic procedures, long term 
   secrets, sensitive data are executed or stored in TSES. Users work 
   with multiple terminals with different level of trust and security. 
   These devices remotely access to critical data and procedures thanks 
   their Access Credentials; this feature implies native traceability 
   and easy revocation for lost or compromise terminals. 

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2. Architecture 
                                            Trusted Secure Elements 
          +------+---+                      Server    TSES 
          |      | S |                         +------------------+ 
          | User | T +------------------+      |                  | 
          |  AC  | P |                  |      |  +----+  +----+  | 
          +------+---+                  |  +---|  | SE |  | SE |  | 
                             Secure     +--| S |  +----+  +----+  | 
     Access Credential(AC)   Transport     | T |        SEP       | 
                             Protocol   +--| P |  +----+  +----+  | 
     +---------------+---+   STP-TSES   |  +---|  | SE |  | SE |  | 
     |      AC       | S |              |      |  +----+  +----+  | 
     | Administrator | T +--------------+      |                  | 
     |               | P |                     +------------------+ 
     +---------------+---+                   Secure Element Protocol 
   The Cloud of Secure Elements comprises the following components: 
   - A set of Trusted Secure Element Servers (TSES). 
   - Secure Transport Protocol (STP-TSES), working with all TSES. 
   - Users and administrators, implementing STP-TSES, and equipped with 
   Access Credentials (AC). 
2.1 Trusted Secure Element Servers (TSES) 
   A Trusted Security Server manages a set of trusted entities called 
   Secure Elements (SE). A secure element provides secure services 
   thanks to various means such as tamper resistant technologies or 
   software virtualization techniques. 
   The main hypothesis is that users trust the SEs hosted in the TSES. 
   Secure Elements realizes services such as secure storage or 
   cryptographic procedures. These services are remotely installed, 
   updated or deleted by management entities. 
   Therefore SEs work according to two functional planes,  
   - An administrative plane. 
   - A user plane. 
   According to the CoSE model, the SE MUST provide isolated and safe 
   computing environment, according to criteria (for example 
   certifications) that are trusted by the users. SEs entities are 
   accessed via physical or logical protocols referred as Secure 
   Element Protocol (SEP). 

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   There are two classes of SEP: 
   - Protocols (SEP-BER) based on well-known binary encoding rules 
   (BER), for example ISO7816 commands [ISO7816] exchanged with secure 
   ISO7816 microcontrollers. 
   - Protocols (SEP-API) based on the transport of application 
   programming Interface (API), for example the PKCS#11 [PKCS#11] API 
   usually referred as "cryptoki" widely used for the interface of 
   hardware secure module (HSM). 
2.2 Secure Transport Protocol (STP-TSES) 
   The Secure Transport Protocol (STP-TSES) drives the data exchange 
   between users and TSES servers. It MUST enforce a strong mutual 
   authentication between these entities, and also support identity 
   protection features on the client side. 
   The STP-TSES creates a secure session with the TSES server. 
   The STP-TSES mainly provides two services: 
   - The inventory of SEs hosted in TSES servers 
   - The transport of SEP messages, and their routing towards the 
   targeted Secure Element. 
   Each SE is identified by a secure element identifier (SEID). 
   STP-TSES services SHOULD be compatible with the [REST] 
   (Representational State Transfer) architecture. 
   Secure elements resources SHOULD be identified by dedicated URIs 
   (Uniform Resource Identifier). 
   An HTTP interface SHOULD be also supported. 
2.3 Users and Administrators 
   Users and administrators drive the data exchanges with TSES via the 
   STP-TSES protocol. There are equipped with Access Credentials (AC) 
   needed for mutual authentication with the TSES. 
   A secure tunnel is opened with the TSES. Thanks to their ACs 
   attributes, users and administrators privileges, dealing with the 
   two functional planes (user and administrative), are established by 
   the TSES. 
   Because Secure Elements handle cryptographic facilities, a second 
   secure channel MAY be opened between users (or administrators) and 

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3. Remote APDU Call Secure (RACS) 
   RACS stands for "Remote APDU Call Secure" [RACS]. It is an early 
   proof of concept of the Cloud of Secure Elements. 
   The RACS framework enables secure remote access of data and 
   cryptographic procedures hosted in the CoSE. These elements are 
   identified by URIs and also support an HTTP interface. 
   In the RACS context, a Secure Element (SE) is a tamper resistant 
   microcontroller equipped with host interfaces such as ISO7816, SPI 
   (Serial Peripheral Interface) or I2C (Inter Integrated Circuit). 
   The typical area size of these electronic chips is about 25mm2. They 
   comprise CPU (8, 16, 32 bits), ROM (a few hundred KB), nonvolatile 
   memory (EEPROM, FLASH, a few hundred KB) and RAM (a few ten KB). 
   Security is enforced by multiple hardware and logical 
   These Secure Elements are hosted in servers, whose commercial 
   appliances are usually referred as SIM-Servers. 
   The RACS protocol, is transported over the TLS protocol [TLS 1.0] 
   [TLS 1.1] [TLS 1.2], and works with a mandatory mutual 
   authentication. Both server and client are equipped with 
   certificates and associated private keys. RACS is used for the 
   transport of SEP messages; it also supports features for the SEs 
   The SE protocol is based on the ISO7816 protocol, which defines the 
   binary encoding rules for request and response packets exchanged 
   with SE, refereed as APDUs (Application Protocol Data Unit). 
   The administration is compliant with a set of Global Platform [GP] 
   standards, which controls the lifecycle of SE embedded software, 
   i.e. application downloading, activation and deletion. 
4 Security Considerations 
   To be done. 
5 IANA Considerations 
   To be done. 

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                                  CoSE                  February 2015 
6 References 
6.1 Normative References 
   [TLS 1.0] Dierks, T., C. Allen, "The TLS Protocol Version 1.0", RFC 
   2246, January 1999 
   [TLS 1.1] Dierks, T., Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security 
   (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1", RFC 4346, April 2006 
   [TLS 1.2] Dierks, T., Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security 
   (TLS) Protocol Version 1.1", draft-ietf-tls-rfc4346-bis-10.txt, 
   March 2008 
   [ISO7816] ISO 7816, "Cards Identification - Integrated Circuit Cards 
   with Contacts", The International Organization for Standardization 
6.2 Informative References 
   [PKCS#11] PKCS#11, "Cryptographic Token Interface Standard", RSA 
   [REST] Fielding, R., "Architectural Styles and the Design of 
   Network-based Software Architectures", 2000, 
   [GP] Global Platform Standards, 
   [RACS] Remote APDU Call Secure (RACS), draft-urien-core-racs-00.txt 
7 Authors' Addresses 
   Pascal Urien 
   Telecom ParisTech 
   23 avenue d'Italie 
   75013 Paris               Phone: NA 
   France                    Email: 

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