Internet DRAFT - draft-urien-eap-smartcard-type


  Internet Draft                                               P.Urien 
  Document: draft-urien-eap-smartcard-type-03.txt                 ENST 
                                                     RAAK Technologies 
                                                            D. Flattin 
                                                 Oberthur Card Systems 
                                                              H. Ganem 
  Expires:                                                  April 2006 
                      EAP Smart Card Protocol (EAP-SC) 
Status of this Memo 
   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any 
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware 
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes 
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79. 
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
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   This Internet-Draft will expire on April, 2006. 
Copyright Notice 
   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005). All Rights Reserved. 

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                 EAP Smart Card Protocol (EAP-SC)          October 2005 
1 Abstract 
   The EAP Smart Card Protocol (EAP-SC) defines an EAP Method and 
   Multiplexing model for the support of Smart Card based 
   authentication methods. EAP-SC provides a uniform framework for 
   interfacing with Smart Cards within the EAP [RFC3748] context. EAP-
   SC provides for encapsulation of other EAP methods (such as [EAP-
   TLS], [EAP-SIM] and [EAP-AKA]). 
   Smart Cards are hardware security devices that are widely used in 
   data and voice networks to authenticate users and devices, and to 
   enforce security policies on the client platform. 
   EAP-SC enhances the security of authentication methods by enabling 
   the use of Smart Cards for the secure provisioning and storage of 
   keys and credentials, and the secure execution of security sensitive 
   functions. In addition, EAP-SC provides security requirements for 
   the support of Smart Card based Authentication Methods that ensure a 
   uniform level of security complementary to the underlying 
   authentication method. 

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Table of Contents 
   1  Abstract........................................................2 
   2  Terminology.....................................................4 
   3  Motivations.....................................................4 
   4  Architecture....................................................5 
      4.1  EAP Methods and Smart Cards................................5 
      4.2  The EAP-SC Supplicant Multiplexing Model...................6 
      4.3  The EAP-SC Authenticator multiplexing model................6 
      4.4  Smart Card Support.........................................7 
   5  Protocol Overview...............................................7 
      5.1  EAP-SC Packets.............................................7 
      5.2  EAP Packet Handling at the Peer Side.......................8 
          5.2.1 Incoming EAP Packet Handling at the Peer Side.........9 
          5.2.2 Outgoing EAP Packet Handling at the Peer Side.........9 
      5.3  EAP Packet Handling at the Authentication Server Side......9 
          5.3.1 Incoming EAP Packet Handling at the Authentication 
          Server Side.................................................9 
          5.3.2 Outgoing EAP Packet Handling at the Authentication 
          Server Side.................................................9 
   6  IANA considerations.............................................9 
   7  Security Considerations.........................................9 
      7.1  Threat Model..............................................10 
      7.2  Smart Card Security Capabilities and Requirements.........10 
          7.2.1 Smart Card Technology................................11 
          7.2.2 Tamper Resistant Storage and Execution...............11 
          7.2.3 Multi Factor Authentication..........................11 
          7.2.4 Random Number Generation.............................11 
          7.2.5 Cryptographic Capabilities...........................11 
          7.2.6 Secure Provisioning..................................12 
          7.2.7 Certification........................................12 
      7.3  Smart Cards and EAP Security Claims.......................12 
          7.3.1 Mutual Authentication................................12 
          7.3.2 Confidentiality......................................12 
          7.3.3 Key Derivation.......................................12 
          7.3.4 Man-in-the-Middle Attacks............................13 
          7.3.5 Dictionary Attacks...................................13 
          7.3.6 Cryptographic Binding................................13 
          7.3.7 Channel Binding......................................13 
          7.3.8 Protection Against Rogue Networks....................13 
          7.3.9 Authentication Method Security.......................13 
   8  Security Claims................................................13 
   9  References.....................................................14 
   10    Author's Addresses..........................................14 
   11    Intellectual Property Statement.............................16 
   12    Disclaimer of Validity......................................16 
   13    Copyright Statement.........................................16 
   14    Acknowledgment..............................................16 

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2 Terminology 
   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119. 
   EAP Smart Card 
   A Smart Card that supports an EAP authentication method on the smart 
   card, such as a smart card conforming to [SC-EAP] or [UICC-EAP]. 
   Smart Card EAP packet [SC EAP packet] 
   An RFC3748 compliant EAP method packet to be managed by an EAP Smart 
   EAP-SC Authentication Method 
   An Authentication Method implemented on a Smart Card within the 
   framework of EAP-SC, typically an EAP Authentication Method such as 
3 Motivations 
   Smart Cards are generally considered as the most secure computing 
   As an illustration NIST [NIST-PIV] recently issued a draft about the 
   Personal Identity Verification (PIV) integrated circuit card. 
   Smart Cards establish a security association between cardholder and 
   embedded application by means of authentication algorithms. The 
   verification of a biometric reading acquired from the individual 
   against a biometric template stored on the card is an example of 
   such an authentication protocol. 
   Smart cards can also be used for a secure implementation of EAP 
   methods or their critical sub parts (Private Keys,). One card MAY 
   holds implementations of several such methods corresponding to 
   distinct EAP types. 
   On the other hand, distinct implementations of the same EAP 
   protocol, resorting or not to the use of a smart card, MAY coexist 
   on the same computer. A mechanism is needed to select a particular 
   The main benefit of this draft is to define a unique "Umbrella EAP-
   Type" to be used for all implementations of EAP protocols involving 
   a smart card. This leads also to the definition of a multiplexing 
   Model enabling the selection and execution of specific EAP protocols 
   implemented within a single smart card. 
   Smartcards are standardized by multiple international committee, 
   like [ISO 7816] or [GSM 11.11] and several works are in progress in 

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   order to introduce components [SC-EAP], [WLAN-SIM] dedicated to 
   [IEEE 802.1x] supplicants. 
   As we mentioned it before, smartcard is linked to its bearer by 
   means of multiple mechanisms (PIN, biometric protocols); by nature 
   it’s used for human’s authentication, that MAY conflict with 
   identical EAP methods (EAP-TLS, ...) dealing with system (computer) 
   We believe that there is a need for defining an unique type for 
   smartcards that doesn’t conflict with any other method 
   implementations. As an illustration smartcard authentication 
   mechanisms (PIN, biometric...) could by managed as proposed in 
4 Architecture 
          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+              +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
          | Smart Card  |              | EAP method  | 
          |...Type=X....|              |    Type=X   | 
          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+              +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
                  !                            ! 
          +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
          | EAP method  | EAP method|  | EAP method  | EAP method| 
          |Type = EAP-SC| Type = Y  |  |Type = EAP-SC| Type = Y  | 
          |       V     |           |  |       ^     |           | 
          +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
          |       !                 |  |       !                 | 
          |  EAP  !  Peer Layer     |  |  EAP  !  Auth. Layer    | 
          |       !                 |  |       !                 | 
          +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
          |       !                 |  |       !                 | 
          |  EAP  ! Layer           |  |  EAP  !  Layer          | 
          |       !                 |  |       !                 | 
          +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
          |       !                 |  |       !                 | 
          | Lower !  Layer          |  | Lower !  Layer          | 
          |       !                 |  |       !                 | 
          +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+  +-+-+-+-!-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ 
                  !                            ! 
                  !   Peer                     ! Authentication Server 
           Figure 1: The Smart Card in the EAP Multiplexing Model 
4.1 EAP Methods and Smart Cards 
   According to [RFC3748], EAP methods implement the authentication 
   algorithms, handle fragmentation and receive and transmit EAP 
   messages via the EAP Peer and Authentication Server layers. 

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                 EAP Smart Card Protocol (EAP-SC)          October 2005 
   When an EAP Method uses a Smart Card, a Smart Card Handler is 
   required to manage communication between the EAP Peer Layer and the 
   Smart Card, and to handle any required user interface and card 
   management functions. 
   Within the EAP multiplexing model, the overall EAP Method 
   functionality is split between the Smart Card Handler and the Smart 
   Card functions or applications. 
4.2 The EAP-SC Supplicant Multiplexing Model 
   The EAP-SC Multiplexing model addresses the fact that Smart Cards 
   can be removed and multiple Smart Cards can be used with a peer. In 
   addition, many types of Smart Card types may be supported, and each 
   Smart Card type may support one or multiple authentication methods 
   and credentials. For this reason, EAP-SC must query the Smart Card 
   and determine the type of card and application before initiating the 
   EAP transaction. 
   The EAP-SC model consists of three layers. 
          |            EAP-SC Handling method             | 
          | EAP-TLS       | EAP-SIM       | Other         | 
          | Smart Card    | Smart Card    | Smart Card    | 
          | Handler       | Handler       | Handler       | 
                  !               !               !  Smart Card 
                  !               !               !  Packets 
          | Smart Card A  | Smart Card B  | Smart Card C  | 
          |               |               |               | 
                    Figure 2: EAP-SC Multiplexing Model 
   The EAP-SC handling layer receives and sends EAP packets, selects a 
   Smart Card handler, and passes packets to the Smart Card handler.  
   The EAP Smart Card Handler layer handles the interface to the smart 
   card, as well as any EAP Method specific functions that are not 
   handled in the smart card.  
   The Smart Card executes security sensitive Authentication Method 
   functions in conjunction with the EAP Smart Card Handler. 
4.3 The EAP-SC Authenticator multiplexing model 
   On the authenticator side the EAP-SC method acts as a multiplexing 
   layer that delivers the following services 

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   - EAP requests issued by a particular method, whose type is X (see 
   figure 1), are encapsulated in EAP-SC packets, according to rules 
   detailed in section 5.1 
   - EAP responses, whose type is EAP-SC (see figure 1) are converted 
   to standard EAP messages whose type is X, according to rules defined 
   in section 5.1. Converted messages are then directed toward the 
   appropriate method. 
4.4 Smart Card Support 
   The EAP-SC method MUST be compatible with [SC-EAP] and [UICC-EAP] 
   type Smart Cards that implement [EAP-TLS]. The EAP-SC method MAY 
   support smart cards supporting [EAP-SIM], [WLAN-SIM], [EAP-AKA], 
   EAP-SC MUST NOT support any Smart Card based EAP Method that does 
   not meet the security requirements in section 7. 
5 Protocol Overview 
5.1 EAP-SC Packets 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     Code      |  Identifier   |            Length             | 
      | Type = EAP-SC | EAP-SC Payload 
                     Figure 3: Format of EAP-SC packet 
   A packet is sent to the EAP-SC Handler when its Type [RFC3748] is 
   equal to the EAP-SC value. 
   The EAP-SC payload is the same format as the Expanded Type described 
   in section 5.7 of [RFC 3748]. 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
                      |               Vendor-Id                       | 
      |                         Vendor-Type                           | 
      |             Vendor-Data          
                   Figure 4: EAP-SC Payload packet format 
   - Vendor-Id, three bytes set to zero, Reserved for Future Use 

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   - Vendor-Type, four bytes. The first three significant bytes are 
   null, the least significant byte (Vendor-Type[7,0]) represents the 
   EAP-Type to be processed by the Smart Card. 
   - Vendor-Data, represents the EAP method packet (without the Code, 
   Identifier and Length fields) to be processed by the EAP Smart Card 
   [SC-EAP] or [UICC-EAP]. 
   The complete EAP-SC packet structure with its transported EAP method 
   packet or Smart Card EAP packet is as follow. 
       0                   1                   2                   3 
       0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
      |     Code      |  Identifier   |Length=SC EAP packet Length + 8| 
      | Type = EAP-SC |               Vendor-Id = zero                | 
      |                              Vendor-Type = SC EAP packet Type | 
      |         Vendor-Data =                  
      | SC EAP packet | SC EAP packet Payload  
      | Type          |                        
                    Figure 5: EAP-SC EAP Packet encoding 
   - The Code field MUST be identical to the transported Smart Card EAP 
   packet Code. 
   - The Identifier MUST be identical to the transported Smart Card EAP 
   packed Identifier. 
   - The Length field MUST be equal to the transported Smart Card EAP 
   packet Length plus 8. 
   - The Type field MUST be set to EAP-SC Type. 
   - The Vendor-Id field MUST be set to zero. 
   - The Vendor-Type field MUST be set to zero for the 3 most 
   significant bytes and set to the transported Smart Card EAP packet 
   Type for the last significant byte. 
   - The Vendor-Data field MUST contains the transported Smart Card EAP 
   packed Type and Payload. 
5.2 EAP Packet Handling at the Peer Side 

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5.2.1   Incoming EAP Packet Handling at the Peer Side 
   The EAP-SC layer rebuilds the transported EAP method packets to be 
   processed by the Smart Card. 
   The EAP-SC layer modifies the incoming EAP-SC packets by removing 
   the EAP-SC Type, the Vendor-Id and the Vendor-Type fields and by 
   subtracting the Length field by 8. Then the EAP message is forwarded 
   to the appropriate Smart Card Handler, such as [WLAN-SC]. 
5.2.2   Outgoing EAP Packet Handling at the Peer Side 
   The EAP-SC layer builds the EAP-SC EAP packet from the Smart Card 
   EAP packet to transport. 
   The EAP-SC layer modifies the Smart Card EAP packets by inserting 
   the EAP-SC Type, the Vendor-Id, the Vendor-Type fields and by 
   setting Vendor-Type field with the transported Smart Card EAP Type 
   and adding the Length value with 8. Then, packets are sent to the 
   Authentication Server. 
5.3 EAP Packet Handling at the Authentication Server Side 
5.3.1   Incoming EAP Packet Handling at the Authentication Server Side 
   The EAP-SC layer modifies the Incoming EAP-SC packets by removing 
   the EAP-SC Type, the Vendor-Id and the Vendor-Type fields and by 
   subtracting the Length field by 8. Then, the EAP packets MUST be 
   processed by the Authentication Server. 
5.3.2   Outgoing EAP Packet Handling at the Authentication Server Side 
   The EAP-SC layer modifies the Outgoing EAP-SC packets by inserting 
   the EAP-SC Type, the Vendor-Id, the Vendor-Type fields and by 
   setting Vendor-Type field with the transported EAP Type and adding 
   the Length value with 8. Then the authentication server MUST send 
   the packets to the Peer. 
6 IANA considerations 
   EAP-SC type is set to xx 
7 Security Considerations 
   The EAP-SC protocol by itself doesn’t modify the security claims of 
   a particular method, because it only provides a transparent 
   encapsulation in a single type. 

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   But EAP-SC greatly facilitates the use of smartcards in EAP 
   sessions, and avoid conflicts with classical software 
   They are two basic assumptions about smartcards, first they are very 
   difficult to clone, and second it is quite impossible to steal 
   secret embedded information, like cryptographic keys. 
   As a consequence a software clone of smartcard could not work, 
   because this should require to get secret credentials stored in the 
   tamper resistant device. 
7.1 Threat Model 
   An attacker may attack a typical EAP transaction by compromising the 
   peer. For example, an attacker may gain access to genuine keys and 
   credentials and share these with an unauthorized user. Or an 
   attacker may gain access and modify cryptographic processes as they 
   are executed on the peer platform. 
   Security policies must be established to secure against such peer 
   attacks. The EAP-SC type makes it possible to enforce security 
   policies by using smartcards. 
   This includes scenarios which require strong authentication of the 
   end user, where the end user platform is vulnerable to direct 
   attack, where the end user may be considered an enabling agent in 
   the attack, or where the enforcement of end user policies is subject 
   to legal requirements. Examples of such scenarios are: 
   - A service provider wanting to grant subscribers access to network 
   based value added services  
   - A hospital subject to medical privacy regulations that needs to 
   assure that only authorized personnel can access patient 
   - A government organization which needs to secure classified 
7.2 Smart Card Security Capabilities and Requirements 
   Smart cards are a highly effective means of enforcing security 
   policies. Smart cards are typically carried by one party (the end 
   user, such as an employee or customer) but are controlled by another 
   party (the issuer, such as an enterprise or service provider). 
   Applications running on the Smart Card are controlled by the issuer, 
   and serve to protect the interests of the issuer.  
   The following sub sections describe Smart Card security capabilities 
   and requirements for EAP-SC Authentication Methods relating to those 

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7.2.1   Smart Card Technology 
   The Smart Card consists of a microprocessor and non-volatile memory 
   chipset enclosed in a physically tamper resistant module. This 
   module is then embedded in a plastic card, or the module may be 
   integrated into an alternative form factor, such as a USB device. 
7.2.2   Tamper Resistant Storage and Execution 
   Smart cards provide protective measures against physical and logical 
   attacks against the processor and non-volatile memory. This enables 
   the secure storage of end user cryptographic keys and user 
   credentials, and secures execution of security sensitive operations 
   such as encryption and digital signatures. 
   The EAP-SC Authentication Method MUST store all secret cryptographic 
   keys on the smart card in non-volatile memory. The EAP-SC 
   Authentication Method MUST execute in the smart card all 
   cryptographic functions that use stored secret cryptographic keys. 
   The EAP-SC Authentication Method MUST NOT export any secret 
   cryptographic keys from the smart card. 
7.2.3   Multi Factor Authentication 
   Smart cards generally require a Smart Card handler to authenticate 
   to the Smart Card in order to access data or application 
   functionality. This makes it possible to enforce multi factor user 
   authentication by combining something the user has (the smart card) 
   with something the user knows (such as PIN) or is (Biometric 
   The EAP Authentication Method MUST enforce the use of the user PIN 
   or Biometric before user credentials may be accessed or used.  
7.2.4   Random Number Generation 
   Smart Cards generally contain a hardware based true random number 
   generator independent of external or internal clocks and immune to 
   outside interferences. The quality of the hardware generator is 
   further enhanced by logical processing to ensure excellent 
   statistical properties; and these properties are checked regularly 
   The EAP Authentication Method MUST use the Smart Card Random Number 
   Generator anywhere Random Numbers are required. 
7.2.5   Cryptographic Capabilities 
   Smart cards provide certified, built-in implementation and optimised 
   execution of common cryptographic algorithms such as AES, DES, RSA, 
   and ECC... 
   The EAP Authentication Method MUST use the built-in Smart Card 
   cryptographic capabilities for the execution of any cryptographic 

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7.2.6   Secure Provisioning 
   Smart cards provide a secure method of provisioning credentials, 
   applications and trusted network information from the issuer or 
   service provider to the end user, and managing this information 
   after the card has been issued. Smart cards support automated 
   personalization (including card initialization, loading of card data 
   and printing) enabling issuance in very large numbers. 
   The EAP-SC Authentication method MUST implement support for pre-
   issuance personalization, as for example by supporting [GLOBAL 
   PLATFORM] or similar functionality. The EAP-SC Authentication method 
   SHOULD implement support for post-issuance card and application 
7.2.7   Certification 
   The processes for designing and manufacturing smart cards are 
   subject to rigorous security controls. This makes possible the 
   certification of Smart Card functionality and applications by 
   standardization organizations. 
   The EAP-SC Authentication method MUST be implemented on a Smart Card 
   platform that has been evaluated for security by a standards 
   organization program such as [FIPS] or [COMMON CRITERIA]. 
7.3 Smart Cards and EAP Security Claims 
   EAP-SC enhances the security of Authentication Methods by enabling 
   the enforcement of security policies on the End User platform. The 
   overall security of EAP-SC is dependent on the security of the 
   Authentication Method implemented on the Smart Card.  
   The following section discusses certain EAP Security Claims and how 
   they are enhanced by Smart Card security features.  
7.3.1   Mutual Authentication 
   Mutual authentication processes are generally based upon the use of 
   random numbers. Smart Cards enhance the security of these processes 
   by providing true random number generation. 
7.3.2   Confidentiality 
   Smart Cards improve the robustness of EAP messages encryption, by 
   providing tamper resistant storage for the encryption keys and 
   secure execution of the encryption algorithms. 
7.3.3   Key Derivation 
   Smart Cards improve the confidentiality of the key derivation 
   process by providing tamper resistant storage for the master keys 
   and secure execution of the key derivation algorithms. 

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7.3.4   Man-in-the-Middle Attacks 
   Smart Cards improve security against Trojan Horse attacks by 
   providing a logically tamper resistant environment for the full 
   implementation of EAP methods and secure execution of the encryption 
7.3.5   Dictionary Attacks 
   Smart Cards access is commonly protected via pin codes with a 
   limited number of retries; permanent blocking of the device is 
   enforced when the number of retries is exceeded. This mechanism 
   provides enhanced protection against dictionary attacks aiming at 
   discovering passwords. 
7.3.6   Cryptographic Binding 
   Smart Cards provides tamper resistant storage for cryptographic keys 
   and secure execution of the tunnel creation algorithms thus 
   enhancing the cryptographic binding process. 
7.3.7   Channel Binding 
   Smart Cards can be used as a secure out of band distribution method 
   for channel parameters and therefore enhance the channel binding 
7.3.8   Protection Against Rogue Networks 
   Smart Cards facilitate the provisioning and secure storage of 
   information about trusted parties, such as the root certificates of 
   trusted networks. This protects the end user against rogue networks 
   and enables the enforcement of network roaming policies. 
7.3.9   Authentication Method Security  
   The overall security of EAP-SC is dependent on the encapsulated EAP-
   SC Authentication Method. Weaknesses in the underlying method, such 
   as weaknesses in integrity protection, replay protection or key 
   strength, are detrimental to the overall security. 
8 Security Claims 
   Integrity Protection:  no 
   Replay Protection:     no 
   Confidentiality:       yes (section 7.3.2) 
   Key Derivation:        yes (section 7.3.3) 
   Key Strength:          no 
   Dictionary Attacks:    yes (section 7.3.4) 
   Fast Reconnect:        no 

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   Cryptographic Binding: yes (section 7.3.6) 
   Session Independence:  no 
   Fragmentation:         no 
   Channel Binding:       yes (section 7.3.7) 
9 References 
   [RFC 3748], Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), B. Aboba, L. 
   Blunk, J. Vollbrecht, J. Carlson, H. Levkowetz, June 2004. 
   [SC-EAP], draft-urien-eap-smartcard-09.txt, P.Urien, A.J. Farrugia, 
   M.Groot, G.Pujolle, J. Abellan, October 2005 
   [UICC-EAP] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, ETSI TS 
   102.310  Extensible Authentication Protocol support in the UICC 
   [WLAN-SIM]  WLAN-SIM specification V1.0, WLAN Smart Card Consortium, 
   October 20, 2003 
   [WLAN-SC] Wlan Smart Card Handler Specification, WLAN Smart Card 
   Consortium, - in progress  - 
   [EAP-SIM] Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for GSM 
   Subscriber Identity, IETF, April 4, 2004 
   [GLOBAL PLATFORM] GlobalPlatform Card Specification v2.1.1, 
   GlobalPlatform, March 2003 
   [FIPS] FIPS 140-1 and FIPS 140-2 Cryptographic Modules Validation 
   List, National Institute of Standards 
   [COMMON CRITERIA] Common Criteria Project 
   [EAP-SIM-Handler] EAP-SIM Handler specification V1.1, WLAN Smart 
   Card Consortium, August 1, 2004. 
   [EAP-AKA] Extensible Authentication Protocol Method for UMTS 
   Authentication and Key Agreement, IETF, April 5, 2004 
   [NIST-PIV] NIST Special Publication 800-73 Draft, January 25, 2005 
10 Author's Addresses 
   Pascal Urien 
   ENST               Email: 
   Wouter Habraken 
   RAAK Technologies  Email: 

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                 EAP Smart Card Protocol (EAP-SC)          October 2005 
   David Flattin 
   Oberthur Card Systems        Email: 
   Herve Ganem 
   Axalto            Email: 

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11 Intellectual Property Statement  
   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any 
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed 
   to pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described 
   in this document or the extent to which any license under such 
   rights might or might not be available; nor does it represent that 
   it has made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  
   Information on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC 
   documents can be found in BCP 78 and BCP 79. 
   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any 
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an 
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use 
   of such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this 
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository 
   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any 
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary 
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement 
   this standard. Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-  
12 Disclaimer of Validity  
   This document and the information contained herein are provided on 
13 Copyright Statement  
   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2004). This document is subject 
   to the rights, licenses and restrictions contained in BCP 78, and 
   except as set forth therein, the authors retain all their rights. 
14 Acknowledgment  
   Thanks to Bertrand Ducastel, president of the WLAN consortium 
   (, for his valuable comments. 

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