Internet DRAFT - draft-vanrein-sipauth-sasl


Network Working Group                                        R. Van Rein
Internet-Draft                                           OpenFortress BV
Intended status: Informational                           14 October 2022
Expires: 17 April 2023

                      SASL Authentication for SIP


   Many protocols benefit from "pluggable" authentication choice as a
   result of SASL authentication.  In the Session Initiation Protocol,
   the independent branch of HTTP Authentication has been elected.
   Recent progress has been made in bringing SASL to HTTP, but SIP has
   its own special considerations and needs its own embedding to gain
   the flexibility of SASL.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 17 April 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Inheritance of HTTP-SASL as SIP-SASL  . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Additional Concerns for SIP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Authenticating From: and To: headers  . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Plaintext Sensitivity and Context Binding . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Mutual Authentication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.4.  Channel Binding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.5.  Security Layers: Encryption . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.6.  Security Layers: Key Derivation . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.  Realm Crossover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.1.  Internal Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   7.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   Appendix A.  Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

1.  Introduction

   SASL authentication has long been used in protocol design to gain
   flexible authentication without change to the protocol that carries
   this.  This powerful idea is still being introduced in new protocols.
   SIP has fallen behind by choosing the HTTP framework, which is not
   actively developed because much of HTTP authentication has shifted to
   the application layer.  A recent proposal was made to add SASL
   authentication to HTTP, and a variant of that is herein proposed for

   A few aspects about SASL are especially interesting.  Its support of
   Kerberos is useful in many organisations who exercise central
   identity management under a single-signon system.  Any protocol that
   cannot use Kerberos interferes with such operational policies.
   Recent SASL mechanisms of cryptographic interest are the SCRAM family
   and the OPAQUE mechanism.  Finally, work has been done to proxy SASL
   to a client's own Diameter backend to allow Realm Crossover.  All
   these would be of benefit to SIP usage profiles under the
   authentication profile specified herein.

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   SIP differs from HTTP and connection-bound protocols in a few
   important manners.  First, SIP messages are often forwarded along a
   path, and this is not done transparantly.  Second, any TLS protection
   is tied to a single hop along this path and cannot be used to protect
   the SASL mechanism from transmission in plaintext.  Third, SIP
   messages must be considered separate from their carrier connection
   but are tied together with identities, both for transactions and for
   dialogs.  This mix of properties necessitates a separate profile to
   use SASL under SIP.

2.  Inheritance of HTTP-SASL as SIP-SASL

   SASL authentication inherits most of its properties from HTTP
   authentication [Section 22 of [RFC3261]].  This includes the 401 and
   407 responses and the corresponding headers in both these responses
   and subsequent new requests that attempt to answer the authentication
   request.  It adopts the Digest authentication but abolishes Basic

   The general SIP grammar [Section 25 of [RFC3261]] welcomes other-
   challenge and other-response forms that fit a token as an auth-

   ; Challenge
   WWW-Authenticate    =  "WWW-Authenticate" HCOLON challenge
   Proxy-Authenticate  =  "Proxy-Authenticate" HCOLON challenge
   challenge           =  ("Digest" LWS digest-cln *(COMMA digest-cln))
                          / other-challenge

   ; Response
   Authorization       =  "Authorization" HCOLON credentials
   Proxy-Authorization =  "Proxy-Authorization" HCOLON credentials
   credentials         =  ("Digest" LWS digest-response)
                          / other-response

   ; non-Digest forms
   other-challenge     =  auth-scheme LWS auth-param
                          *(COMMA auth-param)
   other-response      =  auth-scheme LWS auth-param
                          *(COMMA auth-param)

   ; Shared elements
   auth-scheme         =  token
   auth-param          =  auth-param-name EQUAL
                          ( token / quoted-string )
   auth-param-name     =  token

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   The auth-scheme values are not formally linked to HTTP, but are
   presumably inhereted, along with their accompanying grammars.  We
   hereby explicitly import the specifications for HTTP-SASL [TODO:xref
   target="draft-vanrein-httpauth-sasl"] for use with SIP.  This
   specifically adds the auth-scheme token SASL and the auth-param-name
   tokens realm, mech, c2s, s2c, c2c and s2s.  When each of these MAY or
   MUST be used follows HTTP-SASL [Section 2.1 of TODO:xref

3.  Additional Concerns for SIP

   Most SASL protocols have a direct connection between client and
   server, and protect it with TLS.  This is not the case for SIP, may
   vividly route its messages.  It is also not like HTTP, in the sense
   that requests and responses may be even more detached when they are
   transmitted over UDP.

   Some things about SASL are actually simpler than HTTP, namely the
   standardised notions of identities.  There are dialog identities
   (Call-ID: value, From: tag and, once available, To: tag) and
   transaction identities (Via: branch) that are helpful to see
   connections between individual SIP messages.  They are not designed
   to be cryptographically secure, but as unique identifiers that may be
   used in nonces.

   Each party may approve of more flexibility than a literal match with
   the authenticated identity and the remote header value.  Group
   members may authenticate as a group, for example.  And users may be
   replaced by an alias.  More generally said, an access control
   mechanism may be used to decide on identity substitutions, possibly
   based on the relation between remote and local identity.

3.1.  Authenticating From: and To: headers

   The identities validated are the ones in From: and To: headers,
   respectively as client and server identities.  The precies parts of
   the SIP grammar [Section 25 of [RFC3261]] are the user or telephone-
   subscriber in the addr-info non-terminal in these headers.  The host
   (which often ends up being a domain) is used as the realm for SIP

   It is worth noting that the host/domain for From: and To: may differ,
   especially when SIP proxies connect over the Internet.  In such
   cases, the From: host/domain is used as the client realm and the To:
   host/domain is used as the server realm.  The implications for
   authentication access realms are discussed in Section 4.

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3.2.  Plaintext Sensitivity and Context Binding

   Some SASL mechanisms are unsuitable for transfer over a plaintext
   channel.  Such mechanisms SHOULD NOT be used with SIP, not even when
   protected by TLS, because the messages are often relayed; even when
   all legs on their path are encrypted channels, then the SASL tokens
   are revealed to all intermediate proxies.  This concern is also
   reflected in the original SIP authentication schemes, which inherit
   Digest from HTTP authentication, but not Basic.

   It is a concern that rogue proxies could insert a SASL mechanism of
   lower quality in the mech header while it passes through, so clients
   MUST be able to filter the list of mechanisms, for example with
   conservative builtin lists or through configuration settings by the

   The restriction to plaintext-ready SASL mechanisms does not mean that
   secure transports are no longer useful.  There are other values, such
   as privacy of SIP messages and the binding of these messages to the
   authentication exchange.  This is a useful hop-to-hop property.  It
   is worth nothing that TLS is not the only mechanism to establish
   these properties however; a SIP connection may encapsulate messages
   in a secure body to achieve the same effect.

3.3.  Mutual Authentication

   All SASL mechanisms offer client authentication, some offer mutual
   authentication and thereby also authenticate the server.  Examples of
   the latter include GSS-API for Kerberos5, GS2-KRB5, GS2-KRB5-PLUS,
   EXTERN based on a mutually authenticating TLS connection, the SCRAM-*
   family, SXOVER-PLUS with suitable access control, and OPAQUE.

   SIP clients are those parties that send a request; this is fixed per
   transaction, but roles may vary during a dialog.  When a request
   receives a 401 or 407 response to call for client authentication,
   then authentication always validates the client identity, but mutual
   authentication would validate the server in the same authentication

   Authentication never covers more than a SIP dialog, and may even be
   considered valid for a single transaction (which makes cryptographic
   sense of unencrypted tansports).  When a dialog is covered, mutual
   authentication may be considered to already authenticate the other

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3.4.  Channel Binding

   SASL mechanism names have a reserved -PLUS ending to indicate Channel
   Binding.  This facility is used to avoid passing of an authentication
   exchange from one channel onto another.  Protocols that employ a
   single TLS connection can derive a channel binding value from the
   master key.  For SIP, this might work as a hop-to-hop approach, but
   in general SIP needs end-to-end negotiation, at least for generally
   useful 401 response handling.

   Channel Binding has progressed from simple endpoint data such as
   addresses and ports to much stronger cryptographic derivates.  These
   have the benefit of providing sufficient entropy that cannot be
   changed by a rogue intermediate.  In SIP, both end points supply
   random tags and identifiers that involves entropy, and pass it in a
   textual form which is not size-constrained.  This allows any amount
   of entropy desired.

   Dialogs in SIP are identified with the Call-ID field value, the From:
   tag and, once set in a response, the To: tag.  This allows a good
   level of entropy to describe the identity of a dialog with input from
   both endpoints.  Transactions are identified by a Via: branch value,
   which may be added to the dialog identities because a transaction are
   always part of a dialog.

   The values are identities, and they are unrelated to transport
   endpoint coordinates.  As a result, they can be designed as non-
   repetitive strings and they serve as selectors for the active
   transactions.  This qualifies the SIP identity information as useful
   channel binding values.  It is vital that both sides can supply
   entropy, which is addressed by a first response.  As long as SASL is
   initiated with a 401 response this is taken care of.

   Channel binding can be used to incorporate more data into a
   authentication exchange, thereby validating the said data.  For SIP,
   that is likely the SDP attachment.  If the SDP information from both
   ends is to be integrated, then the first 401 must already add the SDP
   offer to bind.

   Based on the aforementioned information, the following forms of
   channel binding are based on varying lists of values:

   Channel Binding type | Values included in a hash
   sip-dialog           | Call-ID,From,To
   sip-dialog-body      | Call-ID,From,To,   ,reqbody,respbody
   sip-transaction      | Call-ID,From,To,Via
   sip-transaction-body | Call-ID,From,To,Via,reqbody,respbody

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   The channel binding value starts with the Channel Binding type, a
   colon (ASCII 0x3a) [Section 2.1 of [RFC5056]] followed by the binary
   value of the SHA-256 hash over the following character sequence:

   Call-ID  the contents of the callid terminal, followed by an ASCII

   From  the contents of the token terminal in the tag-param in the
         from-param, followed by an ASCII space,

   To    the contents of the token terminal in the tag-param in the to-
         param, followed by an ASCII space,

   Via (if included)  the token terminal in the via-branch of the first
         Via: header, followed by an ASCII space,

   reqbody (if included)  the media-type non-terminal in the Content-
         Type header, an ASCII space, the shortest possible 1*DIGIT
         value for the value of the Content-Length header, an ASCII
         space and the body from the original request in the transaction
         that is being authenticated,

   respbody (if included)  the media-type non-terminal in the Content-
         Type header, an ASCII space, the shortest possible 1*DIGIT
         value for the value of the Content-Length header, an ASCII
         space and the body from the response to the original request in
         the transaction that is being authenticated.

   The bodies are always specific to the authenticating transaction,
   even when Channel Binding covers a dialog.  This avoids confusion
   when re-authenticating for a re-INVITE.

   TODO: Are all these Channel Binding types practical? (1) The Via:
   branch differs at different parts of the path. (2) It is difficult to
   speak of a body when referencing a dialog, unless it is for the
   transaction that is authenticated; does this not mean that the body
   is tied to transaction authentication?

   Note that only certain parts of the SIP message content are included
   in the Channel Binding information.  This reflects the protocol
   support for changes along its path.  The body however, is only
   subjected to rewrites in special circumstances (SDP rewrites for
   traffic over IPv4) but will otherwise be sent as an opaque end-to-end
   object.  The use of a secure transport is the customary approach to
   protect the unbound information from being changed in transit.

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3.5.  Security Layers: Encryption

   SASL can negotiate security layers, which usually means that it can
   facilitate integrity and/or confidentiality bassed on the
   cryptographic material exchanged during authentication.  A common
   example is the GSS-API implementation of Kerberos5, which passes a
   session key encrypted with a Ticket-specific secret.  Subsequent
   GSS_Wrap and GSS_Unwrap calls, or GSS_GetMIC and GSS_VerifyMIC
   [RFC2743] map plaintext to wire messages and back.

   The use of cryptographic content in a SIP message is generally
   confined to the body.  When a suitable Media type is registered to
   convey the confidentialilty and/or integrity wrapper of the body,
   then an endpoint may choose to use this to transmit a more secure
   form of a body, or a full SIP message.  A typical example of this
   mechanism is the S/MIME content in a body with Content-type
   application/pkcs7-mime [Section 23 of [RFC3261].

   This specification introduces a media type message/gssapi, to capture
   bodies with one wire-format message as may be prepared with GSS-API
   calls like GSS_Wrap() or GSS_GetMIC() [RFC2743]].  SASL mechanisms
   that could use this media type include GSS-API, GS2-KRB5,

   When a proxy or server offers a SASL mechanism that derives a
   security layer, then the authenticating proxy or client MAY transmit
   SIP messages with a matching body media type after the authentication
   succeeds.  When a proxy or client chooses to authenticate with a SASL
   mechanism that derives a security layer, then the proxy or server MAY
   transmit SIP messages with a matching body media type after the
   authentication succeeds.

3.6.  Security Layers: Key Derivation

   Security layers negotiated with SASL can take various forms.
   Particularly interesting for SIP could be key derivation, because it
   initiates independently operated sessions which often benefit from
   keys to improve security.  A general mechanism that works well for
   key derivation is to present a string label and an optional salt to
   extract distinct key material.

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   SIP applications in want for such a facility would define such a
   string label and salt computation, and choose whether to prefer or
   even require SASL mechanisms that allow key derivation.  When an
   application and SASL mechanism meet, then key derivation can be used,
   further processing the outcome as per the definitions of the
   application.  Such mechanisms are not enforced for SIP-SASL in a
   general sense, because that could lead to incompatibility issues, but
   applications or application profiles with suitable negotiation
   parameters may build upon key derivation facilities.

   Applications and application profiles MAY choose to extract key
   material from SASL mechanisms that were not originally designed with
   such facilities, but that happen to have a more extensive
   implementation.  SASL mechanism negotiation would then restrict the
   mechanisms offered and accepted if applications depend on such
   extended forms of key derivation.

   When elected, the general pattern starts with HKDF-Extract(salt,IKM)
   [Section 2.2 of [RFC5869]] with salt set to the hash input for sip-
   dialog Channel Binding and IKM set to a shared secret; in password-
   based mechanisms this is the password and in decryption challenges it
   is the encrypted material.  Following this, the general pattern uses
   KHDF-Expand(PRK,info,L) [Section 2.3 of [RFC5869]] where the info
   consists of the string label, and, if the application defines a salt
   for this string label, an additional NUL byte (0x00) and the salt
   bytes.  The HMAC algorithm underneath HDKF-Extract and HDKF-Expand
   will be based on a hash used in the SASL mechanism if it uses one;
   otherwise it will be SHA256.

4.  Realm Crossover

   The term Realm Crossover refers to techniques [TODO:xref
   target="draft-vanrein-internetwide-realm-crossover"] that allow
   existing protocols to benefit from identity providers under
   operational control of a user's domain.  These techniques minimise
   the dependency on third parties while maximising the control of
   domains and their users over their online identity.  Identities
   generally take a form which, in the the case of SIP,
   can simply be prefixed with sip: or sips: scheme.

   Techniques for which Realm Crossover can be achieved are:

   SASL  This uses the SXOVER-PLUS mechanism as a secure wrapper for
         another SASL mechanism, and relaying it to a Diameter backend,
         which in can relay the SASL content to the client's realm,
         where a Diameter server offers identity assurance.  The
         Diameter cross-link assures a based on TLS and
         DNSSEC/DANE, the client's server assures a userid based on the

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         client's SASL content, so that a can be
         formed on the relying Diameter node, and fed back locally to
         the relying service.

   Kerberos5  This already facilitates Realm Crossover, but it is
         customarily founded on static keys.  The KXOVER protocol allows
         Key Distribution Centers to exchange a dynamic key that can be
         used for a few weeks to crossover between their realms.  KXOVER
         founds its security on TLS and DNSSEC/DANE.

   PKIX  Current work is in progress on Client DANE.  This may be used
         to publish a Root CA for a domain's client identities.  After
         obtaining this with DNSSEC assurance from the client domain, a
         client certificates can be validated by any other party.

   It is common for SIP messages to be internally routed from one
   endpoint to the public proxy for its realm, then crossover to the
   proxy of another realm which internally routes it to another
   endpoint.  The realm-crossing link is a sensitive place in terms of
   privacy, and may benefit from encrypting the SIP message.  The 407
   mechanism might be used to validate the From: and To: identities for
   the crossover, while encrypting the SDP content involved in the

   Such proxy-to-proxy encryption may be used to connect SIP proxies for
   prolonged periods, independently of the SIP messages that pass as SIP
   messages contained in secured bodies.  This can be setup with proxy
   hostnames in From: and To: headers, and be used when SRV records
   indicate those hostnames.  The setup would be with INVITE with SASL
   authentication, and the dialog is used until one party sends BYE or a
   transmission results in a 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist; the
   latter may be seen as a suggestion to send another INVITE to the
   responding proxy.

   The longer messages caused by security wrapping combined with MTU
   considerations arguably make it better to use a transport with more
   control than UDP.  When domains connect via their externally visible
   proxies, SCTP should be a reasonable default.

4.1.  Internal Security

   The mechanism of passing SIP messages in secure bodies need not be
   limited to Realm Crossover; it may also be used for internal
   security, such as for a device registration with its domain proxy.
   To combat MTU considerations it may be useful to forego UDP, but
   clients may be restricted to TCP and, given the low traffic rate and
   the higher administrative overhead of SCTP, this would be a good
   choice for individual registrations.  For SIP trunks, the use of SCTP

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   may still be a feasible option.

   TODO: Is this a good idea though?  How would it relate to the
   REGISTER usage pattern?  It does add proper security in a part of the
   infrastructure that usually is only mildly secure.

5.  Security Considerations

   TODO: Some points made in the foregoing: plaintext sensitivity,
   binding of authentication to context, mutual-or-not, encrypting
   wrappers for SIP messages.

6.  IANA Considerations

   IANA is requested to register the following values in the Media Types

   Name:      GSS-API
   Template:  message/gssapi
   Reference: <this spec>

   IANA is requested to register the following types of channel binding
   in the Channel-Binding Types registry:

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Subject:                       Registration of channel binding sip-dialog
Channel-binding unique prefix: sip-dialog
Channel-binding type:          unique
Channel type:                  SIP
Published specification:       <this spec>
Channel binding is secret:     no
Description:                   Call-ID, From: tag, To: tag
Intended usage:                COMMON
Person and email:              <author of this spec>
Owner/Change controller:       IESG

Subject:                       Registration of channel binding sip-dialog-sdp
Channel-binding unique prefix: sip-transaction
Channel-binding type:          unique
Channel type:                  SIP
Published specification:       <this spec>
Channel binding is secret:     no
Description:                   Call-ID, From: tag, To: tag, Via: branch
Intended usage:                COMMON
Person and email:              <author of this spec>
Owner/Change controller:       IESG

Subject:                       Registration of channel binding sip-transaction
Channel-binding unique prefix: sip-dialog-sdp
Channel-binding type:          unique
Channel type:                  SIP
Published specification:       <this spec>
Channel binding is secret:     no
Description:                   Call-ID, From: tag, To: tag, request SDP, [response SDP]
Intended usage:                COMMON
Person and email:              <author of this spec>
Owner/Change controller:       IESG

Subject:                       Registration of channel binding sip-transaction-sdp
Channel-binding unique prefix: sip-transaction-sdp
Channel-binding type:          unique
Channel type:                  SIP
Published specification:       <this spec>
Channel binding is secret:     no
Description:                   Call-ID, From: tag, To: tag, Via: branch, request SDP, [response SDP]
Intended usage:                COMMON
Person and email:              <author of this spec>
Owner/Change controller:       IESG

   Since there is no separate registry for SIP authentication schemes,
   no work on this is requested from IANA.

7.  Normative References

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              van Rein, R., "InternetWide Identities with Realm
              Crossover", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              vanrein-internetwide-realm-crossover-01, 6 October 2022,

              Rein, R. V., "HTTP Authentication with SASL", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-vanrein-httpauth-sasl-07,
              14 October 2022,

   [RFC2743]  Linn, J., "Generic Security Service Application Program
              Interface Version 2, Update 1", RFC 2743,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2743, January 2000,

   [RFC3261]  Rosenberg, J., Schulzrinne, H., Camarillo, G., Johnston,
              A., Peterson, J., Sparks, R., Handley, M., and E.
              Schooler, "SIP: Session Initiation Protocol", RFC 3261,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3261, June 2002,

   [RFC5056]  Williams, N., "On the Use of Channel Bindings to Secure
              Channels", RFC 5056, DOI 10.17487/RFC5056, November 2007,

   [RFC5869]  Krawczyk, H. and P. Eronen, "HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand
              Key Derivation Function (HKDF)", RFC 5869,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5869, May 2010,

Appendix A.  Acknowledgements

   Thanks to NLNet for funding this work.

Author's Address

   Rick van Rein
   OpenFortress BV
   Haarlebrink 5

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