Internet DRAFT - draft-vanrein-tls-symmetry


Network Working Group                                        R. Van Rein
Intended status: Standards Track                          March 11, 2016
Expires: September 12, 2016

                 Symmetry for Transport Layer Security


   TLS connections can be run over various transports, and can in turn
   carry many application protocols.  All current transports and at
   least some application protocols are capable of running between
   symmetric end points, in what could be called peer-to-peer mode, but
   the use of TLS introduces a requirement to always assign a client and
   server role.  This specification defines a TLS Extension to remedy
   that stringency of TLS.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on September 12, 2016.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2016 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of

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   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  The role_preference TLS Extension . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Sending ClientHello with role_preference  . . . . . . . .   4
       3.1.1.  Variation with implicit role_preference . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Receiving ClientHello with role_preference  . . . . . . .   6
     3.3.  Not Receiving ClientHello with role_preference  . . . . .   7
     3.4.  Sending ServerHello . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.  Configuring TLS for Symmetric Behaviour . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  Efficiency Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  Privacy Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   9.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Appendix A.  Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11

1.  Introduction

   TLS secures many application protocols, some of which can be run
   symmetrically between peers, possibly after discovery through a
   mechanism such as mDNS.  The introduction of TLS as a security layer
   underneath application protocols enforces the assignment of
   asymmetric client and server roles, something that not all protocols
   were designed to negotiate.  Examples of application protocols that
   do not suggest client and server roles for end points include XMPP
   and SIP in peer-to-peer mode, or some uses of the symmetric MSRP
   protocol.  In addition, there are many non-standard protocols that
   have been designed to operate symmetrically from the ground up
   because they are meant for peer-to-peer operation.

   TLS and its DTLS variation can be carried over transports UDP, TCP
   and SCTP.  It is commonly understood that UDP can be initiated from
   both sides at the same time; and though less well-known, TCP and SCTP
   can also be setup between two active end points; in this situation
   both end points initiate the connection, and as a result of network
   communication delays these attempts cross midway.  And indeed, this
   is even a practically possible situation when one or both end points
   have a known address, for instance as a result of prior exchange of
   transparent addresses.  Furthermore, firewalls and other middle boxes
   tend to faithfully implement the TCP state diagrams [Figure 6 of
   [RFC0793]] that enable this connection setup between two active end
   points.  Lacking an obvious active and passive side for at least some

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   transport connections means that this is not always available as a
   tie-breaker to assign TLS client and TLS server rolese.

   The need to authenticate a remote peer may help to decide which side
   must play the role of client, and which is to be the server.  But in
   situations with mutual authentication using a more-or-less symmetric
   CipherSuite, this last reason for asymmetric client/server role
   separation may also be unsuitable.

   To remedy that, this specification introduces a TLS Extension that
   can be used to indicate that the client/server role assignment is
   open for negotiation as part of the TLS handshake.  It can also be
   used by a TLS server that wants to actively initiate a connection to
   a TLS client, and even by a TLS end point that wants to open a hole
   in its local firewall.

   The modified protocol flow lets both end points send a ClientHello
   containing the new TLS Extension, and based on a tie-breaker value in
   that extension each party reaches the same conclusion on which TLS
   end point continues as a client, and which continues as a server.
   The following figure demonstrates how the resulting TLS flow looks.

   ClientHello                  <------->          ClientHello
   +role_preference                           +role_preference

                                <--------      ServerHelloDone
   Finished                     -------->
                                <--------             Finished

   Application Data             <------->     Application Data

2.  The role_preference TLS Extension

   The role_preference extension carries a byte sequence of at least 1
   byte and at most 32 bytes in its extension_data field; each of the
   bytes must have a value of at least 33 and no more than 126; this
   makes the byte sequences suitable for treatment as case-sensitive
   ASCII strings; it should however be noted that these strings have no
   terminating NUL character.

   These role_preference values may be compared on a byte-by-byte basis
   to determine whether one is ordered before another.  The first byte
   value that differs determines which of the strings is ordered before

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   the other; and if one string equals the other but has additional
   bytes then the shorter is ordered before the longer one.  When one
   role_preference values is exactly the same as another, they are said
   to be ordered as equals.  When one role_preference value is neither
   ordered before, nor as an equal to another, then the one is said to
   be ordered after the other.

   An easy way to remember these ordering rules is that an extension
   value "client" is ordered before extension value "server"; and this
   hints at the intention: if one role_preference value is ordered
   before another, then the party who sent the one value should take on
   the role of TLS client, whereas the party that sent the other value
   should take on the role of TLS server.  When two role_preference are
   ordered as equals then the surrounding TLS handshake fails, on
   grounds of not being able to establish a client/server role
   distinction, which should be reported through a handshake_failure

3.  Procedures

   This section defines procedures for sending ClientHello and
   processing the reception of one.

3.1.  Sending ClientHello with role_preference

   A ClientHello with the role_preference extension may be sent once by
   each of the peers, as the initiation of a TLS handshake.  The order
   in which the sides send this extension is arbitrary.  It is only
   possible to send a ClientHello with the role_preference as the first
   record in a TLS handshake, either on a fresh connection or during
   (secure) renegotiation.

   It is considered an error condition when both sides send a
   ClientHello but not both incorporate the role_preference extension.
   This situation MUST result in a handshake_error alert, and may be the
   cause for a new attempt over a new connection.  A more conservative
   approach would be for a TLS end point to wait for a ClientHello from
   the remote end point and see if the extension is present; this can
   work if the remote TLS end point is known to be able to act as a
   client.  Context, historic behaviour and the application protocol can
   all be helpful determine the most useful approach here.

   The normal practice, used when sending a ClientHello without caring
   about the role that one will fulfil, is to generate 32 bytes in the
   range from 33 to 126, and send those in the role_preference

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   The role_preference value comprising of a single byte valued 33 will
   never have a value ordered before it; this can be sent to require a
   client role.  The role_preference value comprising of 32 bytes, all
   valued 126, will never have a value ordered after it; this can be
   sent to require a server role.  When both sides send the same
   role_preference value, a handshake_error alert will be the result;
   this will normally be the result of using these role-insisting, non-
   random values in a conflicting manner.

   When a TLS end point is neutral about its role as a client or a
   server, it can send any value in between, and it should send a random
   value to achieve a high probabily of being compatible with any remote
   TLS end point.  The probability of running into a random value from
   the remote that happens to be the same will be negligable for long
   enough extension values.

   Other details in the ClientHello, such as a Server Name Indication
   and listed CipherSuites, SHALL be representative only of a potential
   client role; the TLS end point that ends up in the server role will
   send a ServerHello with new information and its initial ClientHello
   SHALL NOT be processed further.

3.1.1.  Variation with implicit role_preference

   There may be special circumstances in which both end points know of
   themselves and the remote party that both are able and willing to
   serve as a client and as a server.  This would include application
   protocols that are willfully programmed to be symmetric, and to use a
   Symmetric TLS layer.  The most notable use case for these are so-
   called peer-to-peer systems.

   Under such special circumstances, other defaults may apply, and even
   in absense of a role_preference extension the logic of this
   specification could be followed.  It is then possible to accept a
   ClientHello without a role_preference extension and treat it as one
   that had this extension.  It is even possible that one endpoint sends
   a role_preference extension, while the other leaves it implicit.  All
   this is left to such special applications, and not specified here,
   other than to mention that there might be more liberating
   considerations than the general situation described in this

   Under implicit role_preference, the value that would otherwise be
   carried in the role_preference TLS extension will in these cases be
   taken from the random information included in the ClientHello
   message.  Specifically, the first 32 bytes of the random_bytes field
   in the Random structure.  Note that this is the part following after

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   the gmt_unix_time field in the Random structure, but that it does not
   include the timestamp itself.

   In this implicit alternative to the role_preference TLS extension,
   there is no way to enforce the client or server role with a specific
   value, as that would deteriorate the quality of the random_bytes.
   Since the use case for implicit role_preference is for parties that
   are willing and able to perform both roles, this should not feel as a

   The implicit role_preference approach is relatively straightforward
   to wrap around any existing TLS implementation.  An end point may be
   setup as a client, its ClientHello passed from TLS stack out over the
   network connection to the remote peer, and the remote's ClientHello
   received but not directly forwarded.  Then, the role_preference bytes
   are extracted from both ClientHello's, and roles assigned.  If the
   local endpoint ends up in the client role, then the remote
   ClientHello is dropped and further TLS exchanges will be passed on
   between remote peer and local TLS stack without further intervention.
   Alternatively, if the local endpoint ends up in the server role, the
   local TLS client connection is torn down and replaced by a TLS server
   connection.  At that point the ClientHello from the remote peer will
   be forwarded to the local TLS stack, and further TLS exchanges will
   be passed on between remote peer and local TLS stack without further

3.2.  Receiving ClientHello with role_preference

   When a ClientHello with the role_preference extension is received and
   a ClientHello has not been sent yet, then a ClientHello with the
   role_preference should still be sent by supporting implementations.
   Only TLS implementations or configurations that do not support the
   role_preference extension would not send this ClientHello.

   After a ClientHello with role_preference is both sent and received,
   their values can be ordered.  When the extension value sent is
   ordered before the extension value received, the local side will
   continue as a TLS client and the ClientHello sent continues as the
   ClientHello record for the TLS handshake, whereas the ClientHello
   received is strikken from the TLS handshake.  When the extension
   value sent is ordered after the extension value received, the local
   side will continue as a TLS server and the received ClientHello
   continues as the ClientHello record for the TLS Handshake, whereas
   the ClientHello sent is strikken from the TLS handshake.  When the
   extension values sent and received are ordered as equals, a
   handshake_error alert is locally processed as though it had been
   received over the TLS connection.

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   When a ClientHello mesage is strikken from the TLS handshake, the
   following can be said:

   o  All the information contained in the strikken ClientHello message
      is forgotten.

   o  The random material in the strikken ClientHello message is
      therefore also dropped; the same random material may however be
      used in the ServerHello, since that is sent by the same party and
      because it impacts further security mechanisms in the same manner.

   o  The strikken ClientHello message has no security impact; even the
      selection of the role is not a security matter, since that is
      already customarily done outside the protected scope of TLS.  As a
      result, the strikken ClientHello message is not taken into account
      when constructing the handshake_messages for the Finished message
      [Section 7.4.9 of [RFC5246]] or other messages.  In other words,
      the handshake_messages are formed from the traditional sequence
      ClientHello, ServerHello, ...

3.3.  Not Receiving ClientHello with role_preference

   When a ClientHello with the role_preference extension has been sent,
   but the remote TLS end point respondes with a ClientHello without
   role_preference extension, then a handshake_error alert MUST be
   raised, as the handshake procedure was not properly adapted to this

   When a ClientHello with the role_preference extension has been sent,
   but the remote TLS end point responds with a ServerHello, it is clear
   that no ClientHello is to be expected.  The conclusion is then that
   the remote TLS end point does not implement the role_preference
   extension.  In this case, the handshake continues as it would have
   without the role_preference extension; the TLS end point that sent
   the ClientHello continues as a client and the TLS end point that
   responded with a ServerHello continues as a server.

   As an exception to the last paragraph, there is the situation where
   the role_preference was set to require a server role.  In this case,
   a ServerHello response from the remote TLS end point SHOULD be
   considered an error, and will raise the handshake_error alert.  Note
   that this is actually a new use case, where a server sends a
   ClientHello and expects the other side to initiate a client
   connection on its initiative; this is not part of the usual TLS flow,
   so it does not dismantle any of the normal TLS usage patterns.

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3.4.  Sending ServerHello

   When one of the TLS end points has been selected to fulfil the server
   role, it will send the usual ServerHello.  ServerHello messages MUST
   NOT include the role_preference extension, as this has already been
   acknowledged in the ClientHello response preceding the ServerHello.

   In fact, the ServerHello and all follow-up messages conform to the
   existing TLS procedures.  Only when renegotiating TLS with a new
   handshake will the possibility of change of roles come up again.

4.  Configuring TLS for Symmetric Behaviour

   The role_preference extension MUST NOT be sent by default by a
   general TLS implementation.  Only when it is implemented with the
   possibility of symmetric peers in mind, or when it is explicitly
   configured to permit this mode of operation, SHOULD the
   role_preference extension be sent.

   Most current applications of TLS are aware of client and server
   roles, and will specify their authentication and encryption
   requirements in those terms.  For example, it is often assumed that a
   client does not offer authentication, but that a server will
   authenticate to the client.  The client thereby becomes the
   responsible party to detect man-in-the-middle attacks, because the
   server cannot distinguish an honest client from a rogue one.  Note
   that this protocol flow is asymmetric, and as a result so is its

   When welcoming both client and server roles, the TLS implementation
   conceals the actual client and server role assignment, and the
   application using it will be considered as a symmetric peer.  This
   has an impact on the configuration, which must now speak in terms of
   local and remote configuration, instead of in terms of client and
   server configuration.  Not all CipherSuites are equally suited for
   this mode of operation, but use cases that require mutual
   authentication are reasonably well-supported, and are also the most
   likely for symmetric peer-to-peer applications of TLS.

   During renegotiation of the handshake, the roles of client and server
   may be swapped.  This process is asynchronous to the application-
   level protocol, and MUST NOT be permitted by default, unless it is
   explicitly configured from code that is aware of the application
   protocol's assumptions.

   TLS implementations that can end up being either a client or a server
   SHOULD permit separate configuration of the various parameters that
   are negotiated during the ClientHello, ServerHello handshake.  They

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   should permit separate CipherSuite lists for the two roles, for
   instance, and their use of Server Name Indications and other
   extensions may also differ between the two roles.

5.  Efficiency Considerations

   The TLS changes specified here introduce one more message to the TLS
   handshake.  When this message is generated asynchronously, there is
   no need for an extra roundtrip, as both sides simply start sending it
   as soon as the connection comes up.  Whether this is safe depends in
   part on the application protocol; symmetric peer-to-peer protocols
   will often be able to assume support for the extension.

   When the extension is negotiated by a side that defaults to the
   client role, then a side that defaults to the server role would await
   it and be required to send the additional ClientHello in its response
   to indicate support for the role_preference extension.  If this
   response lets the sides take on their default roles, then no extra
   roundtrip is required because the additional ClientHello can be sent
   together with the ServerHello that immediately follows it.  If the
   response switches sides, then half a roundtrip is added, as the sides
   switch their roles.  The added flexbility of making this switch may
   be considered sufficiently valuable to invest this half roundtrip

   The generated random values for the role_preference extension need
   not be cryptographically secure values; they merely exist as a tie-
   breaker in the client/role appointment.  This can be achieved with a
   lower quality random number generator, which can be implemented more
   efficiently than a secure random number generator.

6.  Privacy Considerations

   The ClientHello sent by the server provides additional information,
   such as the CipherSuites acceptable to the server when it ends up in
   client mode, and extension information such as a Server Name

7.  Security Considerations

   This specification introduces more dynamicity to TLS, and that is
   automatically a concern.  The additional flexibility is not advised
   as a default mode of operation for general TLS implementations, to
   avoid interfering with the assumptions made by current applications
   about strict client/server behaviour of TLS.

   Applications that are aware of their potential to be either a TLS
   client or a TLS server should be mindful, and select separate

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   configuration settings for each role.  It may be helpful to permit
   configuration to take place in terms of requirements of
   authenticating the remote end.  And, just as any TLS configuration
   should take the possibility of NULL CipherSuites into account, it
   should also be aware of the impact of the various CipherSuites on the
   two roles to be played.

   In a symmetric peer-to-peer application, it makes some sense to
   consider both the client and server role, and setup for both.  This
   work is otherwise done separately on each end, but symmetric peer-to-
   peer protocols tend to connect in both directions and therefore
   already require both configurations to be defined.  This has not
   changed; what has changed is that the application is not necessarily
   aware of which applies.

   Having said that, most TLS implementations will not conceal the
   chosen role completely, because many application protocols need to
   know about it.

   A concern that TLS end points must be aware of when permitting
   changes of role, is that there may sometimes be a reason to
   renegotiate the handshake, in which case the client has a decisive
   role, whereas the server can only ask the client.  Whether this could
   be problematic is an application-level decision to be taken into
   account before enabling Symmetric TLS through the role_preference

   It is also worth noting that the renegotiation provides an
   opportunity for change of the assignment of client and server roles.
   This may happen in a manner that is asynchronous to the application-
   layer protocol.  This may or may not be a desired effect, which is
   why it is recommended as an explicit option to configure, defaulting
   towards the conservative option of not permitting a change of the

8.  IANA Considerations

   This specification defines a TLS extension, to be registered by IANA
   in the TLS Extensions Registry, ExtensionType Values subregistry.
   The Extension Name to be used is role_preference.

9.  Normative References

   [RFC0793]  Postel, J., "Transmission Control Protocol", STD 7,
              RFC 793, DOI 10.17487/RFC0793, September 1981,

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   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5246, August 2008,

Appendix A.  Acknowledgements

   This work was conducted under an SIDNfonds grant for the "p2p
   toolkit" project.

Author's Address

   Rick van Rein
   Haarlebrink 5
   Enschede, Overijssel  7544 WP
   The Netherlands


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