Internet DRAFT - draft-vasilenko-v6ops-ipv6-oversized-analysis


IPv6 Operations (v6ops) Working Group                      E. Vasilenko
Internet Draft                                                  X. Xiao
Intended status: Informational                      Huawei Technologies
Expires: March 2022                                         D. Khaustov
                                                     September 17, 2021

                     IPv6 Oversized Packets Analysis


   The IETF has some initiatives relying on IPv6 Extension Headers
   added in transit: SRv6, iOAM. Additionally, some recent developments
   are overlays (SRv6, VxLAN, NVO3, L2TPv3, and LISP). It could create
   oversized packets that need to be dealt with. This document analyzes
   available standards for the resolution of oversized packet drops.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on February 2021.

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   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
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Table of Contents

   1. Terminology and pre-requisite..................................2
   2. Problem statement..............................................3
   3. Solutions......................................................5
      3.1. Provision links with big enough MTU.......................6
      3.2. Frugal usage of Extension Headers.........................7
      3.3. Fragmentation and reassembly at the tunnel ends...........9
      3.4. PMTUD by original packet source..........................12
      3.5. Packetization Layer MTU Discovery........................14
   4. Conclusion....................................................15
   5. Security Considerations.......................................15
   6. IANA Considerations...........................................15
   7. References....................................................16
      7.1. Normative References.....................................16
      7.2. Informative References...................................18
   8. Acknowledgments...............................................19

1. Terminology and pre-requisite

   We do assume good knowledge or frequent references to [PMTUD] and
   [IPv6 Tunneling]. Terminology is inherited from [PMTUD].

  Link MTU - the maximum transmission unit, i.e., maximum packet size
            in octets that can be conveyed over a link.

  Path MTU (PMTU) - the minimum link MTU of all links in a path
            between a source node and a destination node.

  Path MTU Discovery (PMTUD) - the process by which a node learns the
            PMTU of a path.

  EMTU_S - Effective MTU for sending; used by upper-layer protocols to
            limit the size of IP packets they queue for sending.

  EMTU_R - Effective MTU for receiving; the largest packet that can be
            reassembled at the receiver.

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  Packetization Layer - the layer of the network stack that segments
            data into packets.

  PLPMTUD - Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery, the method of
            detecting path MTU at packetization layer, which is an
            extension of classical PMTU Discovery.

  PTB (Packet Too Big) message - an ICMPv6 message reporting that an
            IPv6 packet is too large to forward through some link.

  MSS - the TCP Maximum Segment Size, the maximum payload size
            available to the TCP layer.  This is typically the Path MTU
            minus the size of the IP and TCP headers.

2. Problem statement

   IPv6 is strict regarding fragmentation - it must NOT be done in
   transit (section 4.5 of [IPv6]).

   IPv6 sees rapid developments in recent years. A lot of additional
   functionality has been added primarily by adding options to
   Extension Headers and/or using overlay encapsulation. All of the
   above expand the packet size. This could lead to oversized packets
   that would be dropped on some links.

   Massive parallelism in traffic delivery is the additional challenge
   developed in the last 10 years: ECMP on one hop could reach 16 (or
   even more), which creates the end-to-end possibility for 64k paths
   on just 5 hops (example from big production network). Different
   paths could have a different set of Extension Headers and different
   PMTU as a result. PMTU is effectively becoming dynamic: we could
   never know how many additional headers would be added at a
   particular time to the particular packet on the particular path.

   The old classical PMTUD problems are still with us: filtered ICMPv6
   messages, drops related to Extension Headers before next hop MTU has
   been evaluated (no Packet Too Big message sent).

   Standards have two important numbers that we would need for our

   o  [IPv6] chapter 5 requires that every link should have the MTU of
      1280 octets or greater (2^10+2^8 - it probably explains the
      choice of this size)

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   o  [IPv6] requests minimum EMTU_R (reassembly buffer) in 1500
      octets. An upper-layer protocol or application that depends on
      IPv6 fragmentation to send packets larger than the MTU of a path
      should not send packets larger than 1500 octets unless it has the
      assurance that the destination is capable of reassembling packets
      of that larger size

   The reassembly buffer is much above 1500B for the majority of
   desktop and server OSes. Windows 10 has "Reassemblylimit" almost
   64MB (you could look by "netsh interface ipv6 show global").
   Different flavors of Linux have "ipfrag_high_thresh" between 256KB
   and 4MB (you could look by
   "more /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ipfrag_high_thresh"). iOS has
   "maxReceiveIPv6BufferSize" 64Kb.
   The reassembly is not so good for embedded OSes. From the four
   primary OSes for IoT (Contiki, FreeRTOS, Mbed OS, MicroPython), only
   Mbed OS has the capability for 5 fragments by default, and it is
   possible to activate reassembly on Contiki. In all cases, the buffer
   is just a few packets of 1280B or 1500B. IoT devices may not be
   capable to reassemble the packet that the server in the cloud would
   send to it. Hence, ICMP PTB is still very important for some OSes.

   There is only one solution by [IPv6] architecture for the PMTU
   problem - decrease packet size on the original source. It is
   workable up to the minimum limit for IPv6 packets (1280B). The
   typical transit link had MTU not much bigger than 1500B for a long
   time, only the space for a few additional MPLS labels was reserved.
   220B left could be considered as guaranteed for additional
   functionality in Extension and Encapsulation headers. It could be
   enough for the next decade if we would make some precautions - see
   discussion below.

   [Huston-2016] and [Huston-2021] did an investigation on a different
   topic (fragmentation), but he has good statistics related to MTU
   drops up to 1500B that did show a 5% drop for MTU as small as 1455B.
   Additionally, [Huston-2016] has found the big drop spike (69% from
   all drops!) at 1480B, 20B less is presumable for IPv6 encapsulation
   into IPv4. [Huston-2021] has shown twice bigger fragmentation drop
   for bigger packets with the peak at 1408 octets, especially for
   Asia. As you can see - 1500B is not always available now, the reason
   is not well understood. Hence, we do not have 220B for additional
   headers in all situations. We could be reasonably optimistic that
   such a type of tunneling would disappear in the long term.
   Later, we would stick to an optimistic assumption that 220B is
   available in most situations. It is still possible to have the more
   pessimistic estimation (200B? 175B?) looking to Huston's data.

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   The hungriest protocol known is SRv6 that could add 40B of IPv6
   underlay tunnel header (called "outer IP header" in [SRH]), 16B of
   SRH header itself, and additionally up to 10 IPv6 addresses in the
   SID stack (potentially even more). It is already 216B - very close
   to 220B optimistic limit. It makes the introduction of any
   additional functionality quite challenging without rigorous
   expansion of all links to bigger MTU.

   Initial SRv6 implementations that trespassed safe limit in 220B are
   the reason for recent activities in MTU problem research. We see
   many recent efforts to improve Path MTU Discovery (which would be
   mentioned in the document) - let us find the rationale behind it.

3. Solutions

   Let's consider first the reassembly buffer problem as the simpler

   Minimal buffer for packet reassembly (1500B) is potentially possible
   to increase in new standard updates, but then would be the problem
   with the transition, because this limitation would be already
   programmed into billions of IoT hosts - it would need big time to be
   sure that we do not have old implementation anymore.

   There is no good solution for the problem of bloating headers above
   220B for hosts. We need to keep headers below the 220B limit for
   embedded OSes. Fortunately, we are far from this problem yet - very
   limited additional functionality is implemented directly on the
   hosts (like [PMTU by HbH] or APN6). This problem should be looked at
   again in some number of years, it may be that in the future we would
   have to increase default EMTU_R on all hosts to give the possibility
   for new functionality.

   Let's now return to our primary problem of not enough PMTU.

   There is a low probability that the Internet community would agree
   to decrease the minimal IPv6 packet size (1280B). Hence, the
   oversized problem could not be resolved in that direction.

   It is possible to partially alleviate the MTU problem in some
   network zones where all transit nodes have big enough MTU. Transit
   nodes should delete extension headers before packets would leave
   "high MTU network zone". The leakage of a big header to a host could
   overflow EMTU_R buffer. The majority of RFCs recommend carriers
   delete additional headers before forwarding traffic to the client -
   this practice should be strictly followed.

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   The SPRING working group is actively developing a compressed version
   of SRv6 that should leave space for other functionality, even on
   current transit routers that sometimes do not support much above

   All solutions for packet drop avoidance as a result of oversized
   packets could be classified into 4 classes. They are examined one by

3.1. Provision links with big enough MTU

   MTU supported by the host's links is typically 1500 Bytes.
   Backbone link's MTU could be up to 9000 Bytes on modern hardware.
   PMTUD is not needed in an ideal world.

   Reality is not that good:

   o  Some old devices still support just a few additional MPLS labels
      above 1500B on Ethernet. It was historically a problem to cross
      1536B because the IEEE specification for 802.3 assumes that a
      bigger number in the Length field means the Type of the payload.
   o  We could have middleboxes that would not support MTU much bigger
      than 1500B MTU for a long time.
   o  Ethernet is very mature now in relation to big MTU support, but
      that could be a challenge for other link-layer technologies (for
      example WiFi, satellite links, radio links, etc.).
   o  Packet Links could be rented from a third party - no possibility
      to change the MTU.
   o  Big MTU may negatively influence buffer size - see below.
   o  The majority of vendors set the default MTU to 1500B (with
      variations on what is counted inside MTU). It is time-consuming
      to change the MTU on the production network.
   o  Some hosts (especially for storage traffic in Data Centers) could
      use 2500B or 9000B MTU that challenges the possibility of having
      always bigger MTU in the backbone.

   Cost-optimized equipment architecture (especially used for switches,
   but applicable for many routers as well) may not split packets in
   the buffer memory. So small packet would occupy a bigger buffer
   space reserved for the packet with maximum MTU. This limitation
   effectively decreases the potential number of packets that could be
   buffered. Most of the host packets are still limited to 1500B size.
   MTU 9000B would just lead to wasting buffer memory with an
   efficiency of 1/6. The average packet size is twice smaller, hence
   in the worst-case buffer efficiency could be up to 1/12. Buffer
   memory is about 30% of the router cost. It is not acceptable to

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   increase buffer memory cost 12 times. Hence, in many cases, it does
   not make sense to increase MTU to the maximum supported by the
   switch or router. One should always check with the vendor the impact
   of using a big MTU on buffering for the particular product. MTU
   should be increased to the number that is bigger than the maximum
   MTU expected from hosts + the size of all possible network overhead
   + underlay IPv6 header (if present).
   9000B MTU makes sense in DC, cross-DC environment, or for platforms
   that fragment packets for smaller sells in the memory.

   [MTU issues in Tunneling] section 3.3 discusses the opposite
   solution: decrease MTU on links to hosts to be sure that a host
   would always generate small enough MTU for the backbone. This
   solution was possible for small tunnel overhead, but now we are
   talking about the situation when 220B margin is not enough.

   [L3VPN] and [EVPN] do attach an additional label and could create
   oversized packets. Still, the MPLS header cannot point to the
   original MPLS router that has an attached service label.
   Additionally, a VPN IP packet could use private address space or no
   IP address at all (for EVPN). It blocks the possibility to properly
   organize the PMTUD process. Hence, [L3VPN] and [EVPN] have been
   developed under the assumption that all MTUs on the path would be
   expanded for at least 8 bytes that are needed for services over the
   MPLS data plane.
   We have recent [Generic Delivery Functions] that may permit
   fragmentation for MPLS services, but it is a personal draft yet.

   [Pseudowire Fragmentation] is the rear case when fragmentation is
   available over MPLS for one type of service.

   [VxLAN] section 4.3 also uses the approach: "it is RECOMMENDED that
   the MTUs across the physical network infrastructure be set to a
   value that accommodates the larger frame size due to the

   Packet drop statistics and big activity in IETF prove that the PMTUD
   problem persists.

   "Raise MTU on transit" is the best solution, if it is available.

3.2. Frugal usage of Extension Headers

   Some new functionality (especially source routing with a big SID
   stack) could decrease headers size without a big loss of
   functionality (for example, use loose node appointment in SID

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   stack). Some functionality (like iFIT or iOAM) could be completely
   omitted in the situation that would lead to packet drop. It is
   effectively "the tradeoff of functionality to PMTU control".

   The important point here is that the transit node attaching an
   additional header should be aware of all MTUs along the assumed
   packet path to predict how big MTU is still acceptable.

   [PMTUD] is readily available for tunneling interfaces - tunnel
   source should be aware of PMTU of the tunnel (by PTB feedback
   messages). But we have cases when it is not enough:

   o  SDN controller (or management system in general) could assist in
      provisioning of extension headers (including SFC, iOAM, BIER) and
      encapsulation headers (SRv6, VxLAN) - should be the way to report
      MTUs to Controller.
   o  ICMPv6 PTB would be directed to the transit control plane only in
      the case of problems inside the tunnel. PTB messages from outside
      of the tunnel would be directed to the source node. It is
      difficult to snoop PTB on transit nodes.

   Hence, we see many initiatives to collect and manage MTU by many
   popular protocols for routing and traffic engineering: [PMTU by
   ISIS], [PMTU by BGP-LS], [PMTU by PCEP], [PMTU by SR-Policy].

   Moreover, these protocol extensions would become even more useful in
   the future when it would not be possible to squeeze all extension
   headers into 220B anymore. Frugal attachment of new headers on
   transit nodes would increase the need for awareness of PMTU - it
   should stimulate MTU collection by all other popular protocols
   (OSPF, normal BGP on peering borders).

   This approach has a fundamental problem: full knowledge about all
   MTUs in the domain could not help to estimate the real path for a
   packet, because of massive ECMP used by many networks (at least by
   all Carriers). Non-routing protocols do not have a proper engine to
   estimate traffic paths and predict PMTU as well. And even more, if
   L2 ECMP is used or some links are rented from another carrier it
   will again be impossible to predict the exact path and the PMTU.

   The second problem of this approach could be classified as "chicken
   and egg". We already have a much better solution for MTU drop -
   increase MTU (see the previous section). We are looking for other
   solutions only because upgrading equipment (to better MTU) is not
   possible for some reason. But new protocols introduction would also
   demand equipment upgrade and thus making frugal headers less

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   valuable. However, an upgrade for the control plane should be
   cheaper than an upgrade for the data plane, if the vendor would
   support such an approach.

   Hence, the solution discussed in this section has only limited

3.3. Fragmentation and reassembly at the tunnel ends

   The tunnel source behaves like a host with respect to the tunnel
   header. It is possible to properly adjust PMTU for the tunnel by
   [PMTUD], so it is potentially possible to fragment all packets
   bigger than PMTU.

   [IP Encapsulation] is the earliest standard for IP-in-IP
   encapsulation. Section 5.1 discusses that it is possible to fragment
   IP packets before tunnel encapsulation, so there is no need to
   reassemble packets on the other tunnel end - reassembly could happen
   on the destination host. It does not have additional cost
   implications on tunnel ends. This approach did work for IPv4 in the
   case of the "don't fragment" bit cleared. It fully contradicts IPv6
   architecture that does not permit to fragment packets on transit -
   no standard has risked proposing such a solution for IPv6.

   Some standards do propose IPv6 fragmentation (primarily for packets
   1280B and below), but fragmentation is recommended after
   encapsulation. It would lead to packet reassembly on the other
   tunnel end to hide (from destination host) the fact of transit
   fragmentation. It does minimize IPv6 architecture disruption.

   Many standards discussed below ([MPLS Encapsulation], [L2TPv3],
   [VxLAN], [NVO3]) forgot to mention that packets 1280 and below
   should be fragmented. This inaccuracy did not create any problem in
   production networks because we typically have 220B for all headers -
   it is big enough for many tunnels nested into each other. The
   situation could change in the next years because of Extension
   Headers expansion by different functions. It could create pressure
   to return to many mature standards and clarify the situation: what
   to do when the 1280B packet could not go through the tunnel.

   The Fragmentation has a few issues that make it not popular:

   o  Fragmentation could double buffer requirements (we assume split
      only in 2 fragments). We could ignore small additional buffer
      requirements for packets that may be lost and need to wait some
      time before reassembly, the Internet is not productive anyway

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      after a few percentages of packet drops. The buffer memory is
      about 30% of the router cost. A 30% cost increase would not be
      accepted by the majority of owners. Albeit, some middleboxes
      already have enough buffer memory that could be reused for packet
   o  In general, IPv6 architecture does not approve fragmentation in
      transit in all standards (except the recent draft [IP Tunnels] -
      see below). [PMTUD] section 5.1: "packetization layers are
      encouraged to avoid sending messages that will require
      We would discuss in this section some situations when tunnel
      fragmentation is inevitable.
   o  [Fragile Fragmentation] has a good collection of all problems
      related to fragmentation (additionally to the above: breaks ECMP,
      stateful processing, policy routing, and has many security attack
      vectors). [Fragile Fragmentation] strongly recommends avoiding
      fragmentation, but not deprecate yet.

   The primary RFC for tunneling is [IPv6 Tunneling] - it is the oldest
   standard that was later reused by many other standards (including
   the latest SRH). It permits fragmentation only for the case when the
   original packet is already minimal (1280B or less) - see section
   7.1. It mandates dropping the packet and signaling ICMPv6 PTB to the
   source (request to decrease the PMTU size at the source) for all
   other cases.

   [MPLS Encapsulation] Section 5.1 has the name: "Preventing
   Fragmentation and Reassembly". It does stress again: "IPv6
   intermediate nodes do not perform fragmentation in any event".

   [L2TPv3] section 4.1.4 has a similar comment: "Note that IPv6 does
   not support "in-flight" fragmentation of data packets".

   [VxLAN] section 4.3 is strict: "VTEPs MUST NOT fragment VXLAN

   [NVO3] section 4.4.4 is strict too: "It is strongly RECOMMENDED that
   Path MTU Discovery ([PMTUD]) be used to prevent or minimize

   [IPv6 GRE] section 3.3 does recommend fragmentation only for packets
   that are less than 1280B.

   The most recent draft for all types of tunnels is [IP Tunnels]. It
   is already referenced by many IETF documents. It is complicated to
   cover all use cases (any IP over any IP in any situation), but the

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   net result is: much bigger part of the traffic proposed to be
   fragmented into the tunnel. Section 3.3: "The path between ingress
   and egress interfaces has a path MTU, but the endpoints can exchange
   messages as large as can be reassembled at the destination (egress
   interface), i.e., the EMTU_R of the egress interface".
   A short explanation of proposed functionality: original host would
   try to transmit biggest flows (by volume) on maximum PMTU, that
   tunnel source would not try to correct by PTB messages up to 1500B.
   Hence, the tunnel source would not have any option except to
   fragment. The principal problem here is the absence of PTB messages
   for the packet size between PMTU and statically appointed EMTU_R.
   Let's see how it has been formulated in more detail.
   [IP Tunnels] introduces a new variable "Tunnel MTU" that should not
   change as a result of PMTUD. The procedure to change "Tunnel MTU" is
   out of the draft discussion - it is pushed to specifications of
   particular tunnels in the last paragraph of section 4.2.2. Moreover,
   it is even assumed that PLPMTUD could be used on the router for
   "Tunnel MTU" discovery because this parameter is considered as an
   above network layer (like transport layer on the host). Separate
   section 4.2.3 is dedicated to the explanation that the newly
   introduced "Tunnel MTU" cannot be adjusted dynamically. There is a
   recommendation for the default "Tunnel MTU": typical host EMTU_R
   (1500B) minus tunnel outer headers overhead. The good question could
   be: if it is so difficult to manage "Tunnel MTU" dynamically, then
   why this variable was introduced?
   The MTU of the tunnel is renamed into MAP (maximum atomic packet),
   MAP should be corrected by PMTUD feedback from inside the tunnel.
   Section 4.2.2 states that everything up to "Tunnel MTU" should be
   accepted to the tunnel, one long packet (with inner and outer
   headers) should be created. Then it should be split into fragments
   below MAP size.
   Initially, "tunnel MTU" and MAP could be manually synchronized by
   the administrator (with the difference in tunnel overhead). But any
   additional overhead on the tunnel path (nested tunnel, smallest
   Extension Header) would result in PMTUD that decreases MAP, but
   would not change "Tunnel MTU". It would turn on fragmentation for
   all bulk traffic. This situation is quite probable now (see [Huston-
   2020] on MTUs available on the Internet) and it would be even more
   probable in the future when many additional extension headers would
   be used. Hence, the requirement in section 5.3.1 "do NOT try to
   deprecate fragmentation" is indeed important.
   Section 3.6 has the same approach as all other standards to the
   question of when fragmentation should happen: "this document assumes
   that only outer fragmentation is viable because it is the only
   approach that works for both IPv4 datagrams with DF=1 and IPv6".
   a considerable increase in fragmentation is proposed for the reasons

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   of academic purity: the router part of the router should behave as a
   router, the host part of the router should behave as a host without
   any deviations.
   Additional fragmentations would create all of the problems discussed
   in [Fragile Fragmentation] and substantially increase the cost of
   tunnel endpoints. There is a high probability that draft [IP
   Tunnels] would be rejected by the market for cost reasons.

   Additionally, we should point that statistics for fragmented packet
   drop on the Internet is still high enough (7%) - see [Huston-2021].

   Fragmentation is the least probable solution for oversized packet

3.4. PMTUD by original packet source

   [PMTUD] is mandatory in IPv6 architecture, because IPv6 does not
   have fragmentation in transit. We could see recommendations in many
   RFCs not to block ICMPv6 PTB completely (it could be rate-limited -
   see [ICMPv6] section 2.4). [DPLPMTUD] section 1.1 has a very good
   collection of reasons why PTB message may not be delivered to the
   source - it is used as justification to augment PMTUD by [DPLPMTUD].

   We should not see this problem for all non-tunneling protocols in
   the majority of environments. ICMPv6 PTB should be delivered to
   packet source, packet source would dynamically decrease PMTU to
   adapt to new realities. PMTU could change dynamically because some
   transit nodes could introduce additional extension header ad-hoc or
   ECMP could switch flow to a different path.

   [IPv6 Tunneling] mandates to relay ICMPv6 PTB by tunnel ends for
   ICMPv6 messages received from the inside tunnel. [IPv6 Tunneling]
   does not use "relay" terminology, but section 8 explains in detail
   how to reconstruct and retransmit ICMP messages to the original
   packet source (delete all tunnel-related information).
   [MTU issues in Tunneling] section 3.2 discusses the same approach.
   [L2TPv3] section 4.1.4 refers to the [IPv6 Tunneling]. We could
   assume it as the request for PTB messages relay too.
   [SRH] section 5.4 confirms full adherence to ICMPv6 PTB relay
   approach: "For IP packets encapsulated in an outer IPv6 header, ICMP
   error handling is as defined in [IPv6 Tunneling]".

   [VxLAN] section 4.3 proposes to use PMTUD: "Path MTU discovery MAY
   be used to address this requirement as well".
   [NVO3] section 4.4.4 assumes PMTUD too: "It is strongly RECOMMENDED
   that Path MTU Discovery ([PMTUD]) be used to prevent or minimize

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   [IPSec] section 8.2.1 requests that PMTU should be maintained for
   the tunnel and signaled to the original packet source as soon as any
   new packet would arrive.
   [IPv6 GRE] section 3.3 clearly instructs developers to drop the
   oversized packets and send PTB for packets bigger than tunnel MTU.
   The method of PMTU detection is fully IPv6 compliant: "the GMTU is
   equal to the PMTU associated with the path between the GRE ingress
   and the GRE egress, minus the GRE overhead".
   [MPLS Encapsulation] section 5.1 specifies the same approach: tunnel
   head-end should use [PMTUD] to understand tunnel MTU, then "the
   packet will have to be discarded, but the tunnel head should send
   the IP source of the discarded packet the proper ICMP error

   [VxLAN], [NVO3], [IPSec], [IPv6 GRE], and [MPLS Encapsulation] do
   not request for tunnel endpoint to relay PTB messages. PMTUD should
   be used to set proper MTU for the tunnel, then subsequent packets
   could trigger PTB messages to the packet source. It would create an
   additional round trip delay compared to the original [IPv6
   Tunneling] relay approach for the first PTB message. This small
   deficiency could be partially explained by the desire of many
   standards to be universal for IPv6 as well as IPv4. As a reminder,
   IPv4 may not have enough information in the ICMP message to properly
   reconstruct a relay message (64bits of source packet by RFC 792).

   [IP Tunnels] is the only draft that contradicts [IPv6 Tunneling]
   (and every other protocol based on top) - it does clearly prohibit
   relay PTB messages. It states in section 3.3: "When such messages
   (PTB) arrive at the ingress interface ("ingress interface" is the
   tunnel interface in this draft), they may affect the properties of
   that interface (e.g., its MTU), but they should never directly cause
   new ICMPs in the outer network". This idea is generalized in section
   5.1 as "ICMP messages MUST NOT be generated by the tunnel (as a
   link)". The motivation assumed in the draft is to fully mimic host
   behavior on the router virtual (tunnel) interface, because the host
   would not retranslate PTB messages.

   We see that "Flow Label" is gaining popularity. [IPv6 Tunneling] and
   [ICMPv6] do not have strong recommendations for "Flow Label" - it
   was not an important topic at that time. The only small improvement
   that makes sense to do for [IPv6 Tunneling] is to recommend coping
   "Flow Label" from source packet to tunnel packet and from source
   packet to ICMPv6 PTB message. It would permit to properly load
   balance PTB messages to the same path as original traffic - see the
   problem [ICMPv6 PTB in ECMP] about hash-based load balancing between

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   many hosts. Copy "Flow Label" to PTB message would not contradict
   neither IPv6 architecture nor any RFC - it is not mandatory to
   develop a special standard update for it.

   [MTU issues in Tunneling] section 3.2 has a concern that in the case
   of Lawful Intercept additional encapsulation could produce PTB
   messages that would show the fact to the monitored host. It is not a
   very realistic concern, because PMTU could change for many other
   reasons (especially with the proliferation of new protocols). If it
   is still a concern, then it makes sense to use another solution for
   this case: bigger MTU (better) or even fragmentation.

   [MTU issues in Tunneling] section 3.2 raises the question about the
   applicability of "MSS Clamping". The transit node could snoop the
   transport layer and change MSS exchanged between nodes. This "hack"
   is not recommended because it breaks the layered model of IETF or

   [PMTUD] is the only mechanism that is universal for all cases and
   fully compliant with IPv6 architecture. Vendors just need to use it,
   despite some challenges to relay PTB messages on tunnel ends.
   Moreover, it makes sense to standardize the relay of PTB messages on
   tunnel ends - it would improve PMTUD time on original traffic
   sources for round trip time.
   [IPv6] RFC: "It is strongly recommended that IPv6 nodes implement
   Path MTU Discovery [PMTUD]".

3.5. Packetization Layer MTU Discovery

   [PLPMTUD] and [DPLPMTUD] have been greatly developed in recent
   years. Packetization Layer (UDP/TCP) (1) has much more visibility
   (could see the size of transport layer buffers); (2) could operate
   under the absence of ICMPv6 PTB (too much filtering); (3) could be
   very granular (per-flow). It does have its use cases.

   Albeit, PLPMTUD/DPLPMTUD have their restrictions as they: (1) are
   not universal for all transport protocols; (2) need more resources
   from the host; (3) are challenging to share PMTU information between
   applications; (4) need much more round trip times to find suitable
   PMTU; (5) do not work well on congested paths (difficult to
   understand the reason for packet loss).

   Hence, PLPMTUD is not a replacement for PMTUD - both are needed. As
   a reminder from [PLPMTUD]: "Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery
   (PLPMTUD) is most efficient when used in conjunction with the ICMP-
   based Path MTU Discovery".

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   PLPMTUD could play as a replacement for PMTUD in the worst-case
   scenario (ICMP is filtered). It would lead to the original host PMTU
   decrease too. PLPMTUD could be considered as a redundancy mechanism
   for PMTUD.

   Strictly speaking, [PMTU by HbH] is a network layer mechanism, not a
   packetization layer. It is mentioned in this section because its
   usage is very similar to PLPMTUD, [PMTU by HbH] could be considered
   to some degree as the extension to PLPMTUD. It is not expected to
   principally change the conclusions of this document.

4. Conclusion

   It is better not to have a problem with oversized packets in the
   first place. One should upgrade all links to a bigger MTU, if

   The host could have MTU as big as transit node. It would be never
   possible to deprecate PMTUD. It is important to follow the
   recommendations of [PMTUD] and [IPv6 Tunneling] for ICMPv6 PTB
   message delivery to the original traffic source. Tunnel sources
   should perform the relay function to make sure that the original
   traffic source would get the PTB message faster.

   The temporary 220B limit for all headers pushes us to the frugal
   implementation of new extension headers. This limit would be
   alleviated after all backbone links would be upgraded to a much
   bigger MTU than 1500B. Additional protocols to collect MTU
   information could help in the transition period to attach additional
   headers frugally. It is true for all new protocols: SRv6, SFC, BIER,
   iOAM, APN6.

   [PLPMTUD] and [DPLPMTUD] are not the replacement for [PMTUD], but
   could help in some scenarios.

   Fragmentation is not at all a solution for oversized packet drops.

5. Security Considerations

   [PMTUD], [PLPMTUD], [DPLPMTUD], and [Fragile Fragmentation] have
   some attack vectors discussed. This document does not introduce
   additional security vulnerabilities.

6. IANA Considerations

   This document has no request to IANA.

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7. References

7.1. Normative References

   [IPv6] S. Deering, R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6 (IPv6)
             Specification", RFC 8200, DOI 10.17487/RFC8200, July 2017,

   [ICMPv6] A. Conta, S. Deering, M. Gupta, "Internet Control Message
             Protocol (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6
             (IPv6) Specification", RFC 4443, DOI 10.17487/RFC4443,
             March 2006, <>.

   [PMTUD] J. McCann, S. Deering, J. Mogul, R. Hinden, "Path MTU
             Discovery for IP version 6", RFC 8201, DOI
             10.17487/RFC8201, July 2017, <https://www.rfc-

   [IPv6 Tunneling] A. Conta, S. Deering, "Generic Packet Tunneling in
             IPv6 Specification", RFC 2473, DOI 10.17487/RFC2473,
             December 1998, <>.

   [ICMPv6 PTB in ECMP] M. Byerly, M. Hite, J. Jaeggli, "Close
             Encounters of the ICMP Type 2 Kind", RFC 7690, DOI
             10.17487/RFC7690, January 2016, <https://www.rfc-

   [MTU issues in Tunneling] P. Savola, "MTU and Fragmentation Issues
             with In-the-Network Tunneling", RFC 4459, DOI
             10.17487/RFC4459, April 2006, <https://www.rfc-

   [IP Tunnels] J. Touch, M. Townsley, "IP Tunnels in the Internet
             Architecture", draft-ietf-intarea-tunnels-10 (work in
             progress), September 2019.

   [IP Encapsulation] C. Perkins, "IP Encapsulation within IP", RFC
             2003, DOI 10.17487/RFC2003, October 1996,

   [IPSec] S. Kent, K. Seo, "Security Architecture for the Internet
             Protocol", RFC 4301, DOI 10.17487/RFC4301, December 2005,

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   [IPv6 GRE] C. Pignataro, R. Bonica, S. Krishnan, "IPv6 Support for
             Generic Routing Encapsulation (GRE)", RFC 7676, DOI
             10.17487/RFC7676, October 2015, <https://www.rfc-

   [MPLS Encapsulation] T. Worster, Y. Rekhter, E. Rosen,
             "Encapsulating MPLS in IP or Generic Routing Encapsulation
             (GRE)", RFC 4023, DOI 10.17487/RFC4023, March 2005,

   [L2TPv3] J. Lau, M. Townsley, I. Goyret, "Layer Two Tunneling
             Protocol - Version 3 (L2TPv3)", RFC 3931, DOI
             10.17487/RFC3931, March 2005, <https://www.rfc-

   [VxLAN] M. Mahalingam, D. Dutt, K. Duda, P. Agarwal, L. Kreeger, T.
             Sridhar, M. Bursell, C. Wright, "Virtual eXtensible Local
             Area Network (VXLAN): A Framework for Overlaying
             Virtualized Layer 2 Networks over Layer 3 Networks", RFC
             7348, DOI 10.17487/RFC7348, August 2014, <https://www.rfc-

   [NVO3] J. Gross, I. Ganga, T. Sridhar, "Geneve: Generic Network
             Virtualization Encapsulation", RFC 8926, DOI
             10.17487/RFC8926, November 2020, <https://www.rfc-

   [L3VPN] E. Rosen, Y. Rekhter, "BGP/MPLS IP Virtual Private Networks
             (VPNs)", RFC 4364, DOI 10.17487/RFC4364, February 2006,

   [EVPN] A. Sajassi, R. Aggarwal, N. Bitar, A. Isaac, J. Uttaro, J.
             Drake, W. Henderickx, "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN", RFC
             7432, DOI 10.17487/RFC7432, February 2015,

   [Huston-2016] Huston, G., "Fragmenting IPv6", Blog Post, 2016,

   [Huston-2021] Huston, G., "IPv6 Fragmention Loss", Article, 2021,

   [Fragile Fragmentation] R. Bonica, F. Baker, G. Huston, R. Hinden,
             O. Troan, F. Gont, "IP Fragmentation Considered Fragile",
             RFC 8900, DOI 10.17487/RFC8900, September 2020,

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7.2. Informative References

   [PLPMTUD] M. Mathis, J. Heffner, "Packetization Layer Path MTU
             Discovery", RFC 4821, DOI 10.17487/RFC4821, March 2007,

   [DPLPMTUD] G. Fairhurst, T. Jones, M. Tuexen, I. Ruengeler, T.
             Voelker, "Packetization Layer Path MTU Discovery for
             Datagram Transports", RFC 8899, DOI 10.17487/RFC8899,
             March 2020, <>.

   [SRH] C. Filsfils, D. Dukes, S. Previdi, J. Leddy, S. Matsushima, D.
             Voyer, "IPv6 Segment Routing Header (SRH)", RFC 8754, DOI
             10.17487/RFC8754, March 2020, <https://www.rfc-

   [PMTU by HbH] R. Hinden, G. Fairhurst, "IPv6 Minimum Path MTU Hop-
             by-Hop Option", draft-hinden-6man-mtu-option-02 (work in
             progress), July 2019.

   [PMTU by ISIS] Z. Hu, Y. Zhu, Z. Li, L. Dai, "IS-IS Extensions for
             Path MTU", draft-hu-lsr-isis-path-mtu-00 (work in
             progress), June 2018.

   [PMTU by PCEP] S. Peng, C. Li, L. Han, "Support for Path MTU (PMTU)
             in the Path Computation Element (PCE)communication
             Protocol (PCEP)", draft-li-pce-pcep-pmtu-03 (work in
             progress), October 2020.

   [PMTU by BGP-LS] Y. Zhu, Z. Hu, G. Yan, J. Yao, "BGP-LS Extensions
             for Advertising Path MTU", draft-zhu-idr-bgp-ls-path-mtu-
             05 (work in progress), November 2020.

   [PMTU by SR-Policy] C. Li, Y. Zhu, A. Sawaf, Z. Li, "Segment Routing
             Path MTU in BGP", draft-li-idr-sr-policy-path-mtu-03 (work
             in progress), November 2019.

   [Generic Delivery Functions] Z. Zhang, R. Bonica, K. Kompella,
             "Generic Delivery Functions", draft-zzhang-intarea-
             generic-delivery-functions-01 (work in progress), April

   [Pseudowire Fragmentation] A. Malis, M. Townsley, "Pseudowire
             Emulation Edge-to-Edge (PWE3) Fragmentation and
             Reassembly", RFC 4623, DOI 10.17487/RFC4623, August 2006,

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8. Acknowledgments

   Thanks to v6ops working group for problem discussion

Authors' Addresses

   Eduard Vasilenko
   Huawei Technologies
   17/4 Krylatskaya st, Moscow, Russia 121614


   Xiao Xipeng
   Huawei Technologies
   205 Hansaallee, 40549 Dusseldorf, Germany


   Dmitriy Khaustov
   13/2 Nikoloyamskaya st, Moscow, Russia 109240


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