Internet DRAFT - draft-vaughn-tlstm-update


Internet Engineering Task Force                           K. Vaughn, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                              Trevilon LLC
Updates: 6353 (if approved)                                 27 June 2021
Intended status: Standards Track                                        
Expires: 29 December 2021

 Transport Layer Security Verion 1.3 (TLS 1.3) Transport Model for the
         Simple Network Management Protocol Version 3 (SNMPv3)


   This document updates the TLS Transport Model (TLSTM), as defined in
   [RFC6353], to support Transport Layer Security Version 1.3 (TLS)
   [RFC8446] and Datagram Transport Layer Security Version 1.3 (DTLS)
   [I-D.ietf-tls-dtls13], which are jointly known as "(D)TLS".  This
   document may be applicable to future versions of SNMP and (D)TLS.

   This document updates the SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB as defined in [RFC6353].

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 29 December 2021.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components

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   extracted from this document must include Simplified BSD License text
   as described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Conventions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Changes from RFC 6353 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.1.  TLSTM Fingerprint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  Security Level  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.3.  TLS Version . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.4.  SNMP Version  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.5.  Common Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   3.  Additional Rules for TLS 1.3  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.1.  Zero Round Trip Time Resumption (0-RTT) . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  TLS ciphersuites, extensions and protocol invariants  . .   6
   4.  MIB Module Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
     5.1.  MIB Module Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   7.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  39
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  40
   Appendix A.  Target and Notification Configuration Example  . . .  41
     A.1.  Configuring a Notification Originator . . . . . . . . . .  41
     A.2.  Configuring TLSTM to Utilize a Simple Derivation of
           tmSecurityName  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
     A.3.  Configuring TLSTM to Utilize Table-Driven Certificate
           Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  42
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  43

1.  Introduction

   This document updates the fingerprint algorithm defined by [RFC6353]
   to support the ciphersuites used by Transport Layer Security Version
   1.3 (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security Version 1.3 (DTLS),
   which are jointly known as "(D)TLS".  The update also incorporates
   other less critical updates.  Although the title and text of this
   document specifically reference SNMPv3 and (D)TLS 1.3, this document
   may be applicable to future versions of these protocols.

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1.1.  Conventions

   Within this document the terms "TLS", "DTLS", "(D)TLS", "SNMP", and
   "TLSTM" mean "TLS 1.3", "DTLS 1.3", "TLS 1.3 and/or DTLS 1.3",
   "SMNPv3", and "TLSTM 1.3", respectively.  These version numbers are
   only used when the text needs to emphasize version numbers, such as
   within the title.  When this document refers to any other version of
   these protocols, it always explicitly states the version intended.

   For consistency with SNMP-related specifications, this document
   favors terminology as defined in [STD62], rather than favoring
   terminology that is consistent with non-SNMP specifications.  This is
   consistent with the IESG decision to not require the SNMPv3
   terminology be modified to match the usage of other non-SNMP
   specifications when SNMPv3 was advanced to a Full Standard.
   "Authentication" in this document typically refers to the English
   meaning of "serving to prove the authenticity of" the message, not
   data source authentication or peer identity authentication.  The
   terms "manager" and "agent" are not used in this document because, in
   the RFC3411 architecture, all SNMP entities have the capability of
   acting as manager, agent, or both depending on the SNMP application
   types supported in the implementation.  Where distinction is
   necessary, the application names of command generator, command
   responder, notification originator, notification receiver, and proxy
   forwarder are used.  See "SNMP Applications" (RFC3411) for further

   Throughout this document, the terms "client" and "server" are used to
   refer to the two ends of the TLS transport connection.  The client
   actively opens the TLS connection, and the server passively listens
   for the incoming TLS connection.  An SNMP entity MAY act as a TLS
   client or server or both, depending on the SNMP applications

   While TLS frequently refers to a user, the terminology preferred in
   RFC3411 and in this memo is "principal".  A principal is the "who" on
   whose behalf services are provided or processing takes place.  A
   principal can be, among other things, an individual acting in a
   particular role; a set of individuals, with each acting in a
   particular role; an application or a set of applications, or a
   combination of these within an administrative domain.

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   Throughout this document, the term "session" is used to refer to a
   secure association between two TLS Transport Models that permits the
   transmission of one or more SNMP messages within the lifetime of the
   session.  The TLS protocol also has an internal notion of a session
   and although these two concepts of a session are related, when the
   term "session" is used this document is referring to the TLSTM's
   specific session and not directly to the TLS protocol's session.

   The User-Based Security Model (USM) (RFC3414) is a mandatory-to-
   implement Security Model in [STD62].  The USM derives the
   securityName and securityLevel from the SNMP message received, even
   when the message was received over a secure transport.  It is
   RECOMMENDED that deployments that support the TLSTM disable the USM,
   if it has been implemented.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in

2.  Changes from RFC 6353

   This document updates [RFC6353].  The changes from [RFC6353] are
   defined in the following clauses.

2.1.  TLSTM Fingerprint

   [RFC6353] defines a fingerprint algorithm that references the one-
   octet TLS 1.2 hash algorithm identifier.  TLS 1.3 replaced the one-
   octet hash algorithm identifier with a two-octet TLS 1.3 cipher suite
   identifier thereby breaking the algorithm defined in [RFC6353].  The
   update to the SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB, as defined in Section 4, deprecates
   the original fingerprint TEXTUAL-CONVENTION and replaces it with a

   The change also required an update to several objects within the
   tables defined within the SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB; further these objects are
   referernced by other (e.g., RowStatus) objects in a manner that
   requires deprecating and replacing the tables in their entirety.
   Thus, while the number of objects deprecated and replaced is
   significant the semantics of the changes are minor.

   References to the older objects within [RFC6353] are applicable to
   the replacement objects.  The newer objects are identified with names
   similar to those used in the original MIB but with a "13" inserted to
   reference TLS 1.3.

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2.2.  Security Level

   The RFC3411 architecture recognizes three levels of security:

   *  without authentication and without privacy (noAuthNoPriv)

   *  with authentication but without privacy (authNoPriv)

   *  with authentication and with privacy (authPriv)

   With (D)TLS 1.3, authentication and privacy are always provided.
   Hence, all exchanges conforming to the rules of this document will
   include authentication and privacy, regardless of the security level
   // This is consistent with what was prescribed in RFC6353, where a
   // TLS Transport Model is expected to provide for outgoing
   // connections with a security level at least that of the requested
   // security level.

2.3.  TLS Version

   [RFC6353] stated that TLSTM clients and servers MUST NOT request,
   offer, or use SSL 2.0.  This document extends this statement such
   that TLSTM clients and servers MUST NOT request, offer, or use SSL
   3.0, (D)TLSv 1.0, (D)TLS v1.1.  See Appendix D.5 of [RFC8446] for
   further details.  For backward compatibility issues with older TLS
   versions, see Appendix D of [RFC8446].

   An implementation that supports these older protocols is not
   considered conformant to the TLSTM while the older protocols are

2.4.  SNMP Version

   [RFC6353] stated that using a non-transport-aware Security Model with
   a secure Transport Model was not recommended.  This document tightens
   this statement such that TLSTM clients and servers MUST NOT request,
   offer, or use SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c message processing described in
   [RFC3584], or the User-based Security Model of SNMPv3.

   An implementation that supports these older protocols is not
   considered conformant to the TLSTM while the older protocols are

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2.5.  Common Name

   [RFC6353] stated that the use of a certificate's CommonName is
   deprecated and users were encouraged to use the subjectAltName.  This
   document tightens this statement such that TLSTM clients and servers
   MUST NOT use the CommonName.

3.  Additional Rules for TLS 1.3

   This document specifies additional rules and clarifications for the
   use of TLS 1.3.

3.1.  Zero Round Trip Time Resumption (0-RTT)

   TLS 1.3 implementations for SNMPv3 MUST NOT enable the 0-RTT mode of
   session resumption (either sending or accepting) and MUST NOT
   automatically resend 0-RTT data if it is rejected by the server.  The
   reason 0-RTT is disallowed is that there are no "safe" messages that
   if replayed will be guaranteed to cause no harm at a server side: all
   incoming notification or command responses are meant to be acted upon
   only once.  See Security considerations section for further details.

   TLS TM clients and servers MUST NOT request, offer or use the 0-RTT
   mode of TLS 1.3.  [RFC8446] removed the renegotiation supported in
   TLS 1.2 [RFC5246]; for session resumption, it introduced a zero-RTT
   (0-RTT) mode, saving a round-trip at connection setup at the cost of
   increased risk of replay attacks (it is possible for servers to guard
   against this attack by keeping track of all the messages received).
   [RFC8446] requires a profile be written for any application that
   wants to use 0-RTT, specifying which messages are "safe to use" on
   this mode.  The reason 0-RTT is disallowed here is that there are no
   "safe" SNMPv3 messages that if replayed will be sure to cause no harm
   at a server side: all incoming notification or command responses have
   consequences and are to be acted upon only once.

   Renegotiation of sessions is not supported as it is not supported by
   TLS 1.3.

3.2.  TLS ciphersuites, extensions and protocol invariants

   [RFC8446] section 9 requires that, in the absence of application
   profiles, certain cipher suites, TLS extensions, and TLS protocol
   invariants are mandatory to implement.  This document does not
   specify an application profile, hence all of the compliance
   requirements in [RFC8446] apply.

4.  MIB Module Definition

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     OBJECT-IDENTITY, mib-2, snmpDomains,
     Counter32, Unsigned32, Gauge32, NOTIFICATION-TYPE
       FROM SNMPv2-SMI                 -- RFC 2578 or any update thereof
     TEXTUAL-CONVENTION, TimeStamp, RowStatus, StorageType,
       FROM SNMPv2-TC                  -- RFC 2579 or any update thereof
       FROM SNMPv2-CONF                -- RFC 2580 or any update thereof
       FROM SNMP-FRAMEWORK-MIB         -- RFC 3411 or any update thereof
     snmpTargetParamsName, snmpTargetAddrName
       FROM SNMP-TARGET-MIB            -- RFC 3413 or any update thereof
     LAST-UPDATED "202106220000Z"

     ORGANIZATION "ISMS Working Group"
     CONTACT-INFO "Kenneth Vaughn
                   Trevilon LLC
                   6606 FM 1488 RD, STE 503
                   Magnolia, TX 77354
         The TLS Transport Model MIB
         Copyright (c) 2010-2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified
         as authors of the code.  All rights reserved.
         Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
         without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
         to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
         set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
         Relating to IETF Documents
        REVISION     "202106220000Z"
        DESCRIPTION  "This version of this MIB module is part of
                      RFC XXXX; see the RFC itself for full legal
                      notices.  This version updated the MIB to
                      support (D)TLS 1.3."

        REVISION     "201107190000Z"
        DESCRIPTION  "This version of this MIB module is part of
                      RFC 6353; see the RFC itself for full legal
                      notices.  The only change was to introduce
                      new wording to reflect require changes for
                      IDNA addresses in the SnmpTLSAddress TC."

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        REVISION     "201005070000Z"
        DESCRIPTION  "This version of this MIB module is part of
                      RFC 5953; see the RFC itself for full legal
     ::= { mib-2 198 }
   -- ************************************************
   -- subtrees of the SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB
   -- ************************************************
   snmpTlstmNotifications OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTlstmMIB 0 }
   snmpTlstmIdentities    OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTlstmMIB 1 }
   snmpTlstmObjects       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTlstmMIB 2 }
   snmpTlstmConformance   OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTlstmMIB 3 }
   -- ************************************************
   -- snmpTlstmObjects - Objects
   -- ************************************************
     STATUS      current
         "The SNMP over TLS via TCP transport domain.  The
         corresponding transport address is of type SnmpTLSAddress.
         The securityName prefix to be associated with the
         snmpTLSTCPDomain is 'tls'.  This prefix may be used by
         security models or other components to identify which secure
         transport infrastructure authenticated a securityName."
       "RFC 2579: Textual Conventions for SMIv2"
     ::= { snmpDomains 8 }
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The SNMP over DTLS via UDP transport domain.  The
         corresponding transport address is of type SnmpTLSAddress.
         The securityName prefix to be associated with the
         snmpDTLSUDPDomain is 'dtls'.  This prefix may be used by
         security models or other components to identify which secure
         transport infrastructure authenticated a securityName."
       "RFC 2579: Textual Conventions for SMIv2"
     ::= { snmpDomains 9 }
     DISPLAY-HINT "1a"
     STATUS       current
        "Represents an IPv4 address, an IPv6 address, or a
         US-ASCII-encoded hostname and port number.
         An IPv4 address must be in dotted decimal format followed by a
         colon ':' (US-ASCII character 0x3A) and a decimal port number
         in US-ASCII.

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         An IPv6 address must be a colon-separated format (as described
         in RFC 5952), surrounded by square brackets ('[', US-ASCII
         character 0x5B, and ']', US-ASCII character 0x5D), followed by
         a colon ':' (US-ASCII character 0x3A) and a decimal port number
         in US-ASCII.
         A hostname is always in US-ASCII (as per RFC 1123);
         internationalized hostnames are encoded as A-labels as
         specified in  RFC 5890.  The hostname is followed by a
         colon ':' (US-ASCII character 0x3A) and a decimal port number
         in US-ASCII.  The name SHOULD be fully qualified whenever
         Values of this textual convention may not be directly usable
         as transport-layer addressing information, and may require
         run-time resolution.  As such, applications that write them
         must be prepared for handling errors if such values are not
         supported, or cannot be resolved (if resolution occurs at the
         time of the management operation).
         The DESCRIPTION clause of TransportAddress objects that may
         have SnmpTLSAddress values must fully describe how (and
         when) such names are to be resolved to IP addresses and vice
         This textual convention SHOULD NOT be used directly in object
         definitions since it restricts addresses to a specific
         format.  However, if it is used, it MAY be used either on its
         own or in conjunction with TransportAddressType or
         TransportDomain as a pair.
         When this textual convention is used as a syntax of an index
         object, there may be issues with the limit of 128
         sub-identifiers specified in SMIv2 (STD 58).  It is
         RECOMMENDED that all MIB documents using this textual
         convention make explicit any limitations on index component
         lengths that management software must observe.  This may be
         done either by including SIZE constraints on the index
         components or by specifying applicable constraints in the
         conceptual row DESCRIPTION clause or in the surrounding
       "RFC 1123: Requirements for Internet Hosts - Application and
        RFC 5890: Internationalized Domain Names for Applications
                  (IDNA): Definitions and Document Framework
        RFC 5952: A Recommendation for IPv6 Address Text Representation
      SYNTAX       OCTET STRING (SIZE (1..255))
   SnmpTLSFingerprint ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     DISPLAY-HINT "1x:1x"
     STATUS       deprecated

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        "A fingerprint value that can be used to uniquely reference
        other data of potentially arbitrary length.
        An SnmpTLSFingerprint value is composed of a 1-octet hashing
        algorithm identifier followed by the fingerprint value.  The
        octet value encoded is taken from the IANA TLS HashAlgorithm
        Registry (RFC 5246).  The remaining octets are filled using the
        results of the hashing algorithm.
        This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION allows for a zero-length (blank)
        SnmpTLSFingerprint value for use in tables where the
        fingerprint value may be optional.  MIB definitions or
        implementations may refuse to accept a zero-length value as
        This textual convention was deprecated because TLS 1.3 uses a
        2-octet cipher suite identifier rather than a 1-octet hashing
        algorithm identifier."
     REFERENCE "RFC 5246: The Transport Layer
                Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2
   SnmpTLS13Fingerprint ::= TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
     DISPLAY-HINT "1x,1x"
     STATUS       current
        "A fingerprint value that can be used to uniquely reference
        other data of potentially arbitrary length.
        An SnmpTLS13Fingerprint value is composed of a 2-octet cipher
        suite identifier followed by the fingerprint value.  The
        octet value encoded is taken from the IANA TLS Cipher Suites
        Registry(RFC 8446).  The remaining octets are filled using the
        results of the hashing algorithm, up to the first 253 octets.
        This TEXTUAL-CONVENTION allows for a zero-length (blank)
        SnmpTLS13Fingerprint value for use in tables where the
        fingerprint value may be optional.  MIB definitions or
        implementations may refuse to accept a zero-length value as
     REFERENCE "RFC 8446: The Transport Layer
                Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3
   -- Identities for use in the snmpTlstmCertToTSNTable and
   -- snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Table
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities OBJECT IDENTIFIER
     ::= { snmpTlstmIdentities 1 }
   snmpTlstmCertSpecified OBJECT-IDENTITY
     STATUS        current
     DESCRIPTION  "Directly specifies the tmSecurityName to be used for

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                   this certificate.  The value of the tmSecurityName
                   to use is specified in the snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Data
                   column.  The snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Data column must
                   contain a non-zero length SnmpAdminString compliant
                   value or the mapping described in this row must be
                   considered a failure."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities 1 }
     STATUS        current
     DESCRIPTION  "Maps a subjectAltName's rfc822Name to a
                   tmSecurityName.  The local part of the rfc822Name is
                   passed unaltered but the host-part of the name must
                   be passed in lowercase.  This mapping results in a
                   1:1 correspondence between equivalent subjectAltName
                   rfc822Name values and tmSecurityName values except
                   that the host-part of the name MUST be passed in
                   Example rfc822Name Field:  FooBar@Example.COM
                   is mapped to tmSecurityName:"
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities 2 }
     STATUS        current
     DESCRIPTION  "Maps a subjectAltName's dNSName to a
                   tmSecurityName after first converting it to all
                   lowercase (RFC 5280 does not specify converting to
                   lowercase so this involves an extra step).  This
                   mapping results in a 1:1 correspondence between
                   subjectAltName dNSName values and the tmSecurityName
     REFERENCE "RFC 5280 - Internet X.509 Public Key Infrastructure
                   Certificate and Certificate Revocation
                   List (CRL) Profile."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities 3 }
   snmpTlstmCertSANIpAddress OBJECT-IDENTITY
     STATUS        current
     DESCRIPTION  "Maps a subjectAltName's iPAddress to a
                   tmSecurityName by transforming the binary encoded
                   address as follows:
                   1) for IPv4, the value is converted into a
                      decimal-dotted quad address (e.g., '').
                   2) for IPv6 addresses, the value is converted into a
                      32-character all lowercase hexadecimal string
                      without any colon separators.
                   This mapping results in a 1:1 correspondence between
                   subjectAltName iPAddress values and the
                   tmSecurityName values.
                   The resulting length of an encoded IPv6 address is
                   the maximum length supported by the View-Based

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                   Access Control Model (VACM).  Using both the
                   Transport Security Model's support for transport
                   prefixes (see the SNMP-TSM-MIB's
                   snmpTsmConfigurationUsePrefix object for details)
                   will result in securityName lengths that exceed what
                   VACM can handle."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities 4 }
     STATUS        current
     DESCRIPTION  "Maps any of the following fields using the
                   corresponding mapping algorithms:
                   | Type       | Algorithm                  |
                   | rfc822Name | snmpTlstmCertSANRFC822Name |
                   | dNSName    | snmpTlstmCertSANDNSName    |
                   | iPAddress  | snmpTlstmCertSANIpAddress  |
                   The first matching subjectAltName value found in the
                   certificate of the above types MUST be used when
                   deriving the tmSecurityName.  The mapping algorithm
                   specified in the 'Algorithm' column MUST be used to
                   derive the tmSecurityName.
                   This mapping results in a 1:1 correspondence between
                   subjectAltName values and tmSecurityName values.  The
                   three sub-mapping algorithms produced by this
                   combined algorithm cannot produce conflicting
                   results between themselves."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities 5 }
   snmpTlstmCertCommonName OBJECT-IDENTITY
     STATUS        deprecated
     DESCRIPTION  "Maps a certificate's CommonName to a tmSecurityName
                   after converting it to a UTF-8 encoding.  The usage
                   of CommonNames is deprecated and users are
                   encouraged to use subjectAltName mapping methods
                   instead.  This mapping results in a 1:1
                   correspondence between certificate CommonName values
                   and tmSecurityName values."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities 6 }

   -- The snmpTlstmSession Group
   snmpTlstmSession       OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTlstmObjects 1 }
   snmpTlstmSessionOpens  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
        "The number of times an openSession() request has been executed

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        as a (D)TLS client, regardless of whether it succeeded or
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 1 }
   snmpTlstmSessionClientCloses  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The number of times a closeSession() request has been
         executed as a (D)TLS client, regardless of whether it
         succeeded or failed."
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 2 }
   snmpTlstmSessionOpenErrors  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The number of times an openSession() request failed to open a
         session as a (D)TLS client, for any reason."
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 3 }
   snmpTlstmSessionAccepts  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
        "The number of times a (D)TLS server has accepted a new
        connection from a client and has received at least one SNMP
        message through it."
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 4 }

   snmpTlstmSessionServerCloses  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The number of times a closeSession() request has been
         executed as a (D)TLS server, regardless of whether it
         succeeded or failed."
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 5 }
   snmpTlstmSessionNoSessions  OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The number of times an outgoing message was dropped because
         the session associated with the passed tmStateReference was no
         longer (or was never) available."
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 6 }

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   snmpTlstmSessionInvalidClientCertificates OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The number of times an incoming session was not established
         on a (D)TLS server because the presented client certificate
         was invalid.  Reasons for invalidation include, but are not
         limited to, cryptographic validation failures or lack of a
         suitable mapping row in the snmpTlstmCertToTSNTable or the
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 7 }
   snmpTlstmSessionUnknownServerCertificate OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The number of times an outgoing session was not established
          on a (D)TLS client because the server certificate presented
          by an SNMP over (D)TLS server was invalid because no
          configured fingerprint or Certification Authority (CA) was
          acceptable to validate it.
          This may result because there was no entry in the
          snmpTlstmAddrTable (or snmpTlstmAddr13Table) or because no
          path could be found to a known CA."
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 8 }
   snmpTlstmSessionInvalidServerCertificates OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The number of times an outgoing session was not established
          on a (D)TLS client because the server certificate presented
          by an SNMP over (D)TLS server could not be validated even if
          the fingerprint or expected validation path was known.  That
          is, a cryptographic validation error occurred during
          certificate validation processing.
          Reasons for invalidation include, but are not
          limited to, cryptographic validation failures."
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 9 }
   snmpTlstmSessionInvalidCaches OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       Counter32
     MAX-ACCESS   read-only
     STATUS       current
         "The number of outgoing messages dropped because the
         tmStateReference referred to an invalid cache."
     ::= { snmpTlstmSession 10 }

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   -- Configuration Objects
   snmpTlstmConfig            OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {snmpTlstmObjects 2}
   -- Certificate mapping
   snmpTlstmCertificateMapping OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= {snmpTlstmConfig 1}
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNCount OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Gauge32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A count of the number of entries in the
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 1 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The value of sysUpTime.0 when the snmpTlstmCertToTSNTable was
         last modified through any means, or 0 if it has not been
         modified since the command responder was started."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 2 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      deprecated
         "This table is used by a (D)TLS server to map the (D)TLS
         client's presented X.509 certificate to a tmSecurityName.
         On an incoming (D)TLS/SNMP connection, the client's presented
         certificate must either be validated based on an established
         trust anchor, or it must directly match a fingerprint in this
         table.  This table does not provide any mechanisms for
         configuring the trust anchors; the transfer of any needed
         trusted certificates for path validation is expected to occur
         through an out-of-band transfer.
         Once the certificate has been found acceptable (either by path
         validation or directly matching a fingerprint in this table),
         this table is consulted to determine the appropriate
         tmSecurityName to identify with the remote connection.  This
         is done by considering each active row from this table in
         prioritized order according to its snmpTlstmCertToTSNID value.
         Each row's snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint value determines
         whether the row is a match for the incoming connection:
             1) If the row's snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint value
                identifies the presented certificate, then consider the
                row as a successful match.
             2) If the row's snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint value
                identifies a locally held copy of a trusted CA

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                certificate and that CA certificate was used to
                validate the path to the presented certificate, then
                consider the row as a successful match.
         Once a matching row has been found, the
         snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType value can be used to determine how
         the tmSecurityName to associate with the session should be
         determined.  See the snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType column's
         DESCRIPTION for details on determining the tmSecurityName
         value.  If it is impossible to determine a tmSecurityName from
         the row's data combined with the data presented in the
         certificate, then additional rows MUST be searched looking for
         another potential match.  If a resulting tmSecurityName mapped
         from a given row is not compatible with the needed
         requirements of a tmSecurityName (e.g., VACM imposes a
         32-octet-maximum length and the certificate derived
         securityName could be longer), then it must be considered an
         invalid match and additional rows MUST be searched looking for
         another potential match.
         If no matching and valid row can be found, the connection MUST
         be closed and SNMP messages MUST NOT be accepted over it.
         Missing values of snmpTlstmCertToTSNID are acceptable and
         implementations should continue to the next highest numbered
         row.  It is recommended that administrators skip index values
         to leave room for the insertion of future rows (for example,
         use values of 10 and 20 when creating initial rows).
         Users are encouraged to make use of certificates with
         subjectAltName fields that can be used as tmSecurityNames so
         that a single root CA certificate can allow all child
         certificate's subjectAltName to map directly to a
         tmSecurityName via a 1:1 transformation.  However, this table
         is flexible to allow for situations where existing deployed
         certificate infrastructures do not provide adequate
         subjectAltName values for use as tmSecurityNames.
         Direct mapping from each individual
         certificate fingerprint to a tmSecurityName is also possible
         but requires one entry in the table per tmSecurityName and
         requires more management operations to completely configure a
         This table and its associated objects were deprecated because
         the fingerprint format changed to support TLS 1.3. By
         deprecating (and creating an updated) table, rather than just
         the fingerprint object, an implementation is able to support
         both the original TLS and new TLS 1.3 tables while forcing some
         agents to only use TLS 1.3."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 3 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible

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     STATUS      deprecated
         "A row in the snmpTlstmCertToTSNTable that specifies a mapping
         for an incoming (D)TLS certificate to a tmSecurityName to use
         for a connection."
     INDEX   { snmpTlstmCertToTSNID }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNTable 1 }
   SnmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     snmpTlstmCertToTSNID           Unsigned32,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint  SnmpTLSFingerprint,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType      AutonomousType,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSNData         OCTET STRING,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSNStorageType  StorageType,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSNRowStatus    RowStatus
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A unique, prioritized index for the given entry.  Lower
         numbers indicate a higher priority."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry 1 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTLSFingerprint (SIZE(1..255))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A cryptographic hash of an X.509 certificate.  The results of
         a successful matching fingerprint to either the trusted CA in
         the certificate validation path or to the certificate itself
         is dictated by the snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType column.
         This object was deprecated because TLS 1.3 uses a 2-octet
         cipher suite identifier rather than a 1-octet hashing algorithm
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry 2 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      AutonomousType
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "Specifies the mapping type for deriving a tmSecurityName from
         a certificate.  Details for mapping of a particular type SHALL
         be specified in the DESCRIPTION clause of the OBJECT-IDENTITY
         that describes the mapping.  If a mapping succeeds it will
         return a tmSecurityName for use by the TLSTM model and
         processing stops.
         If the resulting mapped value is not compatible with the

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         needed requirements of a tmSecurityName (e.g., VACM imposes a
         32-octet-maximum length and the certificate derived
         securityName could be longer), then future rows MUST be
         searched for additional snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint matches
         to look for a mapping that succeeds.
         Suitable values for assigning to this object that are defined
         within the SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB can be found in the
         snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities portion of the MIB tree."
     DEFVAL { snmpTlstmCertSpecified }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry 3 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNData OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "Auxiliary data used as optional configuration information for
         a given mapping specified by the snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType
         column.  Only some mapping systems will make use of this
         column.  The value in this column MUST be ignored for any
         mapping type that does not require data present in this
     DEFVAL { "" }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry 4 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
     STATUS       deprecated
         "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
         having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to
         any columnar objects in the row."
     DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry 5 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSNRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The status of this conceptual row.  This object may be used
         to create or remove rows from this table.
         To create a row in this table, an administrator must set this
         object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5).
         Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately
         configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the
         snmpTlstmParamsRowStatus column is notReady(3).
         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made active until
         the corresponding snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint,
         snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType, and snmpTlstmCertToTSNData columns

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         have been set.
         The following objects may not be modified while the
         value of this object is active(1):
             - snmpTlstmCertToTSNFingerprint
             - snmpTlstmCertToTSNMapType
             - snmpTlstmCertToTSNData
         An attempt to set these objects while the value of
         snmpTlstmParamsRowStatus is active(1) will result in
         an inconsistentValue error."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSNEntry 6 }
   -- Maps tmSecurityNames to certificates for use by SNMP-TARGET-MIB
   snmpTlstmParamsCount OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Gauge32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A count of the number of entries in the snmpTlstmParamsTable."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 4 }
   snmpTlstmParamsTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The value of sysUpTime.0 when the snmpTlstmParamsTable
         was last modified through any means, or 0 if it has not been
         modified since the command responder was started."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 5 }
   snmpTlstmParamsTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpTlstmParamsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      deprecated
         "This table is used by a (D)TLS client when a (D)TLS
         connection is being set up using an entry in the
         SNMP-TARGET-MIB.  It extends the SNMP-TARGET-MIB's
         snmpTargetParamsTable with a fingerprint of a certificate to
         use when establishing such a (D)TLS connection."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 6 }
   snmpTlstmParamsEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTlstmParamsEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A conceptual row containing a fingerprint hash of a locally
         held certificate for a given snmpTargetParamsEntry.  The
         values in this row should be ignored if the connection that
         needs to be established, as indicated by the SNMP-TARGET-MIB
         infrastructure, is not a certificate and TLS based

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         connection.  The connection SHOULD NOT be established if the
         certificate fingerprint stored in this entry does not point to
         a valid locally held certificate or if it points to an
         unusable certificate (such as might happen when the
         certificate's expiration date has been reached)."
     INDEX    { IMPLIED snmpTargetParamsName }
     ::= { snmpTlstmParamsTable 1 }
   SnmpTlstmParamsEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     snmpTlstmParamsClientFingerprint SnmpTLSFingerprint,
     snmpTlstmParamsStorageType       StorageType,
     snmpTlstmParamsRowStatus         RowStatus
   snmpTlstmParamsClientFingerprint OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTLSFingerprint
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "This object stores the hash of the public portion of a
         locally held X.509 certificate.  The X.509 certificate, its
         public key, and the corresponding private key will be used
         when initiating a TLS connection as a TLS client."
     ::= { snmpTlstmParamsEntry 1 }
   snmpTlstmParamsStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
     STATUS       deprecated
         "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
         having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to
         any columnar objects in the row."
     DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
     ::= { snmpTlstmParamsEntry 2 }
   snmpTlstmParamsRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The status of this conceptual row.  This object may be used
         to create or remove rows from this table.
         To create a row in this table, an administrator must set this
         object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5).
         Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately
         configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the
         snmpTlstmParamsRowStatus column is notReady(3).
         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made active until
         the corresponding snmpTlstmParamsClientFingerprint column has
         been set.
         The snmpTlstmParamsClientFingerprint object may not be modified

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         while the value of this object is active(1).
         An attempt to set these objects while the value of
         snmpTlstmParamsRowStatus is active(1) will result in
         an inconsistentValue error."
     ::= { snmpTlstmParamsEntry 3 }
   mpTlstmAddrCount OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Gauge32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A count of the number of entries in the snmpTlstmAddrTable."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 7 }
   snmpTlstmAddrTableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The value of sysUpTime.0 when the snmpTlstmAddrTable
         was last modified through any means, or 0 if it has not been
         modified since the command responder was started."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 8 }
   snmpTlstmAddrTable OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpTlstmAddrEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      deprecated
         "This table is used by a TLS client when a TLS
         connection is being set up using an entry in the
         SNMP-TARGET-MIB.  It extends the SNMP-TARGET-MIB's
         snmpTargetAddrTable so that the client can verify that the
         correct server has been reached.  This verification can use
         either a certificate fingerprint, or an identity
         authenticated via certification path validation.
         If there is an active row in this table corresponding to the
         entry in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB that was used to establish the
         connection, and the row's snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint
         column has non-empty value, then the server's presented
         certificate is compared with the
         snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint value (and the
         snmpTlstmAddrServerIdentity column is ignored).  If the
         fingerprint matches, the verification has succeeded.  If the
         fingerprint does not match, then the connection MUST be
         If the server's presented certificate has passed
         certification path validation [RFC5280] to a configured
         trust anchor, and an active row exists with a zero-length
         snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint value, then the
         snmpTlstmAddrServerIdentity column contains the expected

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         host name.  This expected host name is then compared against
         the server's certificate as follows:
           - Implementations MUST support matching the expected host
           name against a dNSName in the subjectAltName extension
           - The '*' (ASCII 0x2a) wildcard character is allowed in the
           dNSName of the subjectAltName extension, but only as the
           left-most (least significant) DNS label in that value.
           This wildcard matches any left-most DNS label in the
           server name.  That is, the subject * matches
           the server names and, but does
           not match or  Implementations
           MUST support wildcards in certificates as specified above,
           but MAY provide a configuration option to disable them.
           - If the locally configured name is an internationalized
           domain name, conforming implementations MUST convert it to
           the ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) format for performing
           comparisons, as specified in Section 7 of [RFC5280].
         If the expected host name fails these conditions then the
         connection MUST be closed.

         If there is no row in this table corresponding to the entry
         in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB and the server can be authorized by
         another, implementation-dependent means, then the connection
         MAY still proceed."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 9 }
   snmpTlstmAddrEntry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTlstmAddrEntry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A conceptual row containing a copy of a certificate's
         fingerprint for a given snmpTargetAddrEntry.  The values in
         this row should be ignored if the connection that needs to be
         established, as indicated by the SNMP-TARGET-MIB
         infrastructure, is not a TLS based connection.  If an
         snmpTlstmAddrEntry exists for a given snmpTargetAddrEntry, then
         the presented server certificate MUST match or the connection
         MUST NOT be established.  If a row in this table does not
         exist to match an snmpTargetAddrEntry row, then the connection
         SHOULD still proceed if some other certificate validation path
         algorithm (e.g., RFC 5280) can be used."
     INDEX    { IMPLIED snmpTargetAddrName }
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddrTable 1 }
   SnmpTlstmAddrEntry ::= SEQUENCE {
     snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint    SnmpTLSFingerprint,
     snmpTlstmAddrServerIdentity       SnmpAdminString,
     snmpTlstmAddrStorageType          StorageType,

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     snmpTlstmAddrRowStatus            RowStatus
   snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTLSFingerprint
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A cryptographic hash of a public X.509 certificate.  This
         object should store the hash of the public X.509 certificate
         that the remote server should present during the TLS
         connection setup.  The fingerprint of the presented
         certificate and this hash value MUST match exactly or the
         connection MUST NOT be established."
     DEFVAL { "" }
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddrEntry 1 }
   snmpTlstmAddrServerIdentity OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The reference identity to check against the identity
         presented by the remote system."
     DEFVAL { "" }
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddrEntry 2 }
   snmpTlstmAddrStorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
     STATUS       deprecated
         "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
         having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to
         any columnar objects in the row."
     DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddrEntry 3 }
   snmpTlstmAddrRowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The status of this conceptual row.  This object may be used
         to create or remove rows from this table.
         To create a row in this table, an administrator must set this
         object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5).
         Until instances of all corresponding columns are
         appropriately configured, the value of the
         corresponding instance of the snmpTlstmAddrRowStatus
         column is notReady(3).
         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made active until

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         the corresponding snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint column has
         been set.
         Rows MUST NOT be active if the snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint
         column is blank and the snmpTlstmAddrServerIdentity is set to
         '*' since this would insecurely accept any presented

         The snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint object may not be modified
         while the value of this object is active(1).
         An attempt to set these objects while the value of
         snmpTlstmAddrRowStatus is active(1) will result in
         an inconsistentValue error."
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddrEntry 4 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Count OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Gauge32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
         "A count of the number of entries in the
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 10 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13TableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
         "The value of sysUpTime.0 when the snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Table
         was last modified through any means, or 0 if it has not been
         modified since the command responder was started."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 11 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Table OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
         "This table is used by a TLS 1.3 server to map the TLS 1.3
         client's presented X.509 certificate to a tmSecurityName.
         On an incoming TLS/SNMP connection, the client's presented
         certificate must either be validated based on an established
         trust anchor, or it must directly match a fingerprint in this
         table.  This table does not provide any mechanisms for
         configuring the trust anchors; the transfer of any needed
         trusted certificates for path validation is expected to occur
         through an out-of-band transfer.
         Once the certificate has been found acceptable (either by path
         validation or directly matching a fingerprint in this table),
         this table is consulted to determine the appropriate
         tmSecurityName to identify with the remote connection.  This

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         is done by considering each active row from this table in
         prioritized order according to its snmpTlstmCertToTSN13ID
         value. Each row's snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint value
         determines whether the row is a match for the incoming
             1) If the row's snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint value
                identifies the presented certificate, then consider the
                row as a successful match.
             2) If the row's snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint value
                identifies a locally held copy of a trusted CA
                certificate and that CA certificate was used to
                validate the path to the presented certificate, then
                consider the row as a successful match.
         Once a matching row has been found, the
         snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType value can be used to determine how
         the tmSecurityName to associate with the session should be
         determined.  See the snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType column's
         DESCRIPTION for details on determining the tmSecurityName
         value.  If it is impossible to determine a tmSecurityName from
         the row's data combined with the data presented in the
         certificate, then additional rows MUST be searched looking for
         another potential match.  If a resulting tmSecurityName mapped
         from a given row is not compatible with the needed
         requirements of a tmSecurityName (e.g., VACM imposes a
         32-octet-maximum length and the certificate derived
         securityName could be longer), then it must be considered an
         invalid match and additional rows MUST be searched looking for
         another potential match.
         If no matching and valid row can be found, the connection MUST
         be closed and SNMP messages MUST NOT be accepted over it.
         Missing values of snmpTlstmCertToTSN13ID are acceptable and
         implementations should continue to the next highest numbered
         row.  It is recommended that administrators skip index values
         to leave room for the insertion of future rows (for example,
         use values of 10 and 20 when creating initial rows).
         Users are encouraged to make use of certificates with
         subjectAltName fields that can be used as tmSecurityNames so
         that a single root CA certificate can allow all child
         certificate's subjectAltName to map directly to a
         tmSecurityName via a 1:1 transformation.  However, this table
         is flexible to allow for situations where existing deployed
         certificate infrastructures do not provide adequate
         subjectAltName values for use as tmSecurityNames.
         Direct mapping from each individual certificate fingerprint to
         a tmSecurityName is possible but requires one entry in the
         table per tmSecurityName and requires more management
         operations to completely configure a device."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 12 }

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   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
         "A row in the snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Table that specifies a
         mapping for an incoming TLS certificate to a tmSecurityName
         to use for a connection."
     INDEX   { snmpTlstmCertToTSN13ID }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Table 1 }
   SnmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
     snmpTlstmCertToTSN13ID           Unsigned32,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint  SnmpTLS13Fingerprint,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType      AutonomousType,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Data         OCTET STRING,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSN13StorageType  StorageType,
     snmpTlstmCertToTSN13RowStatus    RowStatus
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13ID OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Unsigned32 (1..4294967295)
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
         "A unique, prioritized index for the given entry.  Lower
         numbers indicate a higher priority."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry 1 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTLS13Fingerprint (SIZE(2..255))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "A cryptographic hash of an X.509 certificate.  The results of
         a successful matching fingerprint to either the trusted CA in
         the certificate validation path or to the certificate itself
         is dictated by the snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType column."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry 2 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      AutonomousType
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "Specifies the mapping type for deriving a tmSecurityName from
         a certificate.  Details for mapping of a particular type SHALL
         be specified in the DESCRIPTION clause of the OBJECT-IDENTITY
         that describes the mapping.  If a mapping succeeds it will
         return a tmSecurityName for use by the TLSTM model and
         processing stops.
         If the resulting mapped value is not compatible with the

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         needed requirements of a tmSecurityName (e.g., VACM imposes a
         32-octet-maximum length and the certificate derived
         securityName could be longer), then future rows MUST be
         searched for additional snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint matches
         to look for a mapping that succeeds.
         Suitable values for assigning to this object that are defined
         within the SNMP-TLS-TM-MIB can be found in the
         snmpTlstmCertToTSNMIdentities portion of the MIB tree."
     DEFVAL { snmpTlstmCertSpecified }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry 3 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Data OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      OCTET STRING (SIZE(0..1024))
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "Auxiliary data used as optional configuration information for
         a given mapping specified by the snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType
         column.  Only some mapping systems will make use of this
         column.  The value in this column MUST be ignored for any
         mapping type that does not require data present in this
     DEFVAL { "" }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry 4 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13StorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
     STATUS       current
         "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
         having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to
         any columnar objects in the row."
     DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry 5 }
   snmpTlstmCertToTSN13RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "The status of this conceptual row.  This object may be used
         to create or remove rows from this table.
         To create a row in this table, an administrator must set this
         object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5).
         Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately
         configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the
         snmpTlstmParams13RowStatus column is notReady(3).
         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made active until
         the corresponding snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint,
         snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType, and snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Data

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         columns have been set.
         The following objects may not be modified while the
         value of this object is active(1):
             - snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint
             - snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType
             - snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Data
         An attempt to set these objects while the value of
         snmpTlstmParams13RowStatus is active(1) will result in
         an inconsistentValue error."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Entry 6 }
   snmpTlstmParams13Count OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Gauge32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
         "A count of the number of entries in the
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 13 }
   snmpTlstmParams13TableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
         "The value of sysUpTime.0 when the snmpTlstmParams13Table
         was last modified through any means, or 0 if it has not been
         modified since the command responder was started."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 14 }
   snmpTlstmParams13Table OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpTlstmParams13Entry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
         "This table is used by a TLS client when a TLS
         connection is being set up using an entry in the
         SNMP-TARGET-MIB.  It extends the SNMP-TARGET-MIB's
         snmpTargetParams13Table with a fingerprint of a certificate to
         use when establishing such a TLS connection."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 15 }
   snmpTlstmParams13Entry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTlstmParams13Entry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
         "A conceptual row containing a fingerprint hash of a locally
         held certificate for a given snmpTargetParamsEntry.  The
         values in this row should be ignored if the connection that
         needs to be established, as indicated by the SNMP-TARGET-MIB
         infrastructure, is not a certificate and TLS based

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         connection.  The connection SHOULD NOT be established if the
         certificate fingerprint stored in this entry does not point to
         a valid locally held certificate or if it points to an
         unusable certificate (such as might happen when the
         certificate's expiration date has been reached)."
     INDEX    { IMPLIED snmpTargetParamsName }
     ::= { snmpTlstmParams13Table 1 }
   SnmpTlstmParams13Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
     snmpTlstmParams13ClientFingerprint SnmpTLS13Fingerprint,
     snmpTlstmParams13StorageType       StorageType,
     snmpTlstmParams13RowStatus         RowStatus
   snmpTlstmParams13ClientFingerprint OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTLS13Fingerprint
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "This object stores the hash of the public portion of a
         locally held X.509 certificate.  The X.509 certificate, its
         public key, and the corresponding private key will be used
         when initiating a TLS connection as a TLS client."
     ::= { snmpTlstmParams13Entry 1 }
   snmpTlstmParams13StorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
     STATUS       current
         "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
         having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to
         any columnar objects in the row."
     DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
     ::= { snmpTlstmParams13Entry 2 }
   snmpTlstmParams13RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "The status of this conceptual row.  This object may be used
         to create or remove rows from this table.
         To create a row in this table, an administrator must set this
         object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5).
         Until instances of all corresponding columns are appropriately
         configured, the value of the corresponding instance of the
         snmpTlstmParams13RowStatus column is notReady(3).
         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made active until
         the corresponding snmpTlstmParams13ClientFingerprint column has
         been set.
         The snmpTlstmParams13ClientFingerprint object may not be

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         modified while the value of this object is active(1).
         An attempt to set these objects while the value of
         snmpTlstmParams13RowStatus is active(1) will result in
         an inconsistentValue error."
     ::= { snmpTlstmParams13Entry 3 }
   snmpTlstmAddr13Count OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      Gauge32
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
         "A count of the number of entries in the snmpTlstmAddr13Table."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 16 }
   snmpTlstmAddr13TableLastChanged OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      TimeStamp
     MAX-ACCESS  read-only
     STATUS      current
         "The value of sysUpTime.0 when the snmpTlstmAddr13Table
         was last modified through any means, or 0 if it has not been
         modified since the command responder was started."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 17 }
   snmpTlstmAddr13Table OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SEQUENCE OF SnmpTlstmAddr13Entry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
         "This table is used by a TLS client when a TLS
         connection is being set up using an entry in the
         SNMP-TARGET-MIB.  It extends the SNMP-TARGET-MIB's
         snmpTargetAddrTable so that the client can verify that the
         correct server has been reached.  This verification can use
         either a certificate fingerprint, or an identity
         authenticated via certification path validation.
         If there is an active row in this table corresponding to the
         entry in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB that was used to establish the
         connection, and the row's snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint
         column has non-empty value, then the server's presented
         certificate is compared with the
         snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint value (and the
         snmpTlstmAddr13ServerIdentity column is ignored).  If the
         fingerprint matches, the verification has succeeded.  If the
         fingerprint does not match, then the connection MUST be
         If the server's presented certificate has passed
         certification path validation [RFC5280] to a configured
         trust anchor, and an active row exists with a zero-length
         snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint value, then the
         snmpTlstmAddr13ServerIdentity column contains the expected

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         host name.  This expected host name is then compared against
         the server's certificate as follows:
           - Implementations MUST support matching the expected host
           name against a dNSName in the subjectAltName extension
           - The '*' (ASCII 0x2a) wildcard character is allowed in the
           dNSName of the subjectAltName extension, but only as the
           left-most (least significant) DNS label in that value.
           This wildcard matches any left-most DNS label in the
           server name.  That is, the subject * matches
           the server names and, but does
           not match or  Implementations
           MUST support wildcards in certificates as specified above,
           but MAY provide a configuration option to disable them.
           - If the locally configured name is an internationalized
           domain name, conforming implementations MUST convert it to
           the ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) format for performing
           comparisons, as specified in Section 7 of [RFC5280].
         If the expected host name fails these conditions then the
         connection MUST be closed.

         If there is no row in this table corresponding to the entry
         in the SNMP-TARGET-MIB and the server can be authorized by
         another, implementation-dependent means, then the connection
         MAY still proceed."
     ::= { snmpTlstmCertificateMapping 18 }
   snmpTlstmAddr13Entry OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTlstmAddr13Entry
     MAX-ACCESS  not-accessible
     STATUS      current
         "A conceptual row containing a copy of a certificate's
         fingerprint for a given snmpTargetAddrEntry.  The values in
         this row should be ignored if the connection that needs to be
         established, as indicated by the SNMP-TARGET-MIB
         infrastructure, is not a TLS based connection.  If an
         snmpTlstmAddr13Entry exists for a given snmpTargetAddrEntry,
         then the presented server certificate MUST match or the
         connection MUST NOT be established.  If a row in this table
         does not exist to match an snmpTargetAddrEntry row, then the
         connection SHOULD still proceed if some other certificate
         validation path algorithm (e.g., RFC 5280) can be used."
     INDEX    { IMPLIED snmpTargetAddrName }
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddr13Table 1 }
   SnmpTlstmAddr13Entry ::= SEQUENCE {
     snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint    SnmpTLS13Fingerprint,
     snmpTlstmAddr13ServerIdentity       SnmpAdminString,
     snmpTlstmAddr13StorageType          StorageType,

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     snmpTlstmAddr13RowStatus            RowStatus
   snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpTLS13Fingerprint
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "A cryptographic hash of a public X.509 certificate.  This
         object should store the hash of the public X.509 certificate
         that the remote server should present during the TLS
         connection setup.  The fingerprint of the presented
         certificate and this hash value MUST match exactly or the
         connection MUST NOT be established."
     DEFVAL { "" }
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddr13Entry 1 }
   snmpTlstmAddr13ServerIdentity OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      SnmpAdminString
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "The reference identity to check against the identity
         presented by the remote system."
     DEFVAL { "" }
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddr13Entry 2 }
   snmpTlstmAddr13StorageType OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX       StorageType
     MAX-ACCESS   read-create
     STATUS       current
         "The storage type for this conceptual row.  Conceptual rows
         having the value 'permanent' need not allow write-access to
         any columnar objects in the row."
     DEFVAL      { nonVolatile }
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddr13Entry 3 }
   snmpTlstmAddr13RowStatus OBJECT-TYPE
     SYNTAX      RowStatus
     MAX-ACCESS  read-create
     STATUS      current
         "The status of this conceptual row.  This object may be used
         to create or remove rows from this table.
         To create a row in this table, an administrator must set this
         object to either createAndGo(4) or createAndWait(5).
         Until instances of all corresponding columns are
         appropriately configured, the value of the
         corresponding instance of the snmpTlstmAddr13RowStatus
         column is notReady(3).
         In particular, a newly created row cannot be made active until

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         the corresponding snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint column has
         been set.
         Rows MUST NOT be active if the snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint
         column is blank and the snmpTlstmAddr13ServerIdentity is set to
         '*' since this would insecurely accept any presented
         The snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint object may not be modified
         while the value of this object is active(1).
         An attempt to set these objects while the value of
         snmpTlstmAddr13RowStatus is active(1) will result in
         an inconsistentValue error."
     ::= { snmpTlstmAddr13Entry 4 }
   -- ************************************************
   --  snmpTlstmNotifications - Notifications Information
   -- ************************************************
   snmpTlstmServerCertificateUnknown NOTIFICATION-TYPE
     OBJECTS { snmpTlstmSessionUnknownServerCertificate }
     STATUS  current
         "Notification that the server certificate presented by an SNMP
          over (D)TLS server was invalid because no configured
          fingerprint or CA was acceptable to validate it.  This may be
          because there was no entry in the snmpTlstmAddrTable (or
          snmpTlstmAddr13Table) or
          because no path could be found to known Certification
          To avoid notification loops, this notification MUST NOT be
          sent to servers that themselves have triggered the
     ::= { snmpTlstmNotifications 1 }
   snmpTlstmServerInvalidCertificate NOTIFICATION-TYPE
     OBJECTS { snmpTlstmAddrServerFingerprint,
     STATUS  deprecated
         "Notification that the server certificate presented by an SNMP
          over (D)TLS server could not be validated even if the
          fingerprint or expected validation path was known.  That is, a
          cryptographic validation error occurred during certificate
          validation processing.
          To avoid notification loops, this notification MUST NOT be
          sent to servers that themselves have triggered the
     ::= { snmpTlstmNotifications 2 }
   snmpTlstmServerInvalidCertificate13 NOTIFICATION-TYPE
     OBJECTS { snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint,
     STATUS  current

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         "Notification that the server certificate presented by an SNMP
          over TLS server could not be validated even if the
          fingerprint or expected validation path was known.  That is, a
          cryptographic validation error occurred during certificate
          validation processing.
          To avoid notification loops, this notification MUST NOT be
          sent to servers that themselves have triggered the
     ::= { snmpTlstmNotifications 3 }
   -- ************************************************
   -- snmpTlstmCompliances - Conformance Information
   -- ************************************************
   snmpTlstmCompliances OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTlstmConformance 1 }
   snmpTlstmGroups OBJECT IDENTIFIER ::= { snmpTlstmConformance 2 }
   -- ************************************************
   -- Compliance statements
   -- ************************************************
   snmpTlstmCompliance MODULE-COMPLIANCE
     STATUS      deprecated
         "The compliance statement for SNMP engines that support the
         MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTlstmStatsGroup,
                            snmpTlstmNotificationGroup }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCompliances 1 }
   snmpTlstmCompliance13 MODULE-COMPLIANCE
     STATUS      current
         "The compliance statement for SNMP engines that support the
         MANDATORY-GROUPS { snmpTlstmStatsGroup,
                            snmpTlstmNotification13Group }
     ::= { snmpTlstmCompliances 2 }
   -- ************************************************
   -- Units of conformance
   -- ************************************************
   snmpTlstmStatsGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {

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     STATUS      current
         "A collection of objects for maintaining
         statistical information of an SNMP engine that
         implements the SNMP TLS Transport Model."
     ::= { snmpTlstmGroups 1 }
   snmpTlstmIncomingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A collection of objects for maintaining
         incoming connection certificate mappings to
         tmSecurityNames of an SNMP engine that implements the
         SNMP TLS Transport Model."
     ::= { snmpTlstmGroups 2 }
   snmpTlstmOutgoingGroup OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      deprecated
         "A collection of objects for maintaining

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         outgoing connection certificates to use when opening
         connections as a result of SNMP-TARGET-MIB settings."
     ::= { snmpTlstmGroups 3 }
   snmpTlstmNotificationGroup NOTIFICATION-GROUP
     STATUS deprecated
     ::= { snmpTlstmGroups 4 }
   snmpTlstmIncoming13Group OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      current
         "A collection of objects for maintaining
         incoming connection certificate mappings to
         tmSecurityNames of an SNMP engine that implements the
         SNMP TLS 1.3 Transport Model."
     ::= { snmpTlstmGroups 5 }
   snmpTlstmOutgoing13Group OBJECT-GROUP
     OBJECTS {
     STATUS      current
         "A collection of objects for maintaining
         outgoing connection certificates to use when opening
         TLS 1.3 connections as a result of SNMP-TARGET-MIB settings."

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     ::= { snmpTlstmGroups 6 }
   snmpTlstmNotification13Group NOTIFICATION-GROUP
     STATUS current
         "Notifications for the SNMP TLS 1.3 Transport Model"
     ::= { snmpTlstmGroups 7 }

5.  Security Considerations

   This document updates a transport model that permits SNMP to utilize
   TLS security services.  The security threats and how the TLS
   transport model mitigates these threats are covered throughout this
   document and in [RFC6353].  Security considerations for TLS are
   described in Section 10 and Appendix E of TLS 1.3 [RFC8446].

5.1.  MIB Module Security

   There are a number of management objects defined in this MIB module
   with a MAX-ACCESS clause of read-write and/or read-create.  Such
   objects might be considered sensitive or vulnerable in some network
   environments.  The support for SET operations in a non-secure
   environment without proper protection can have a negative effect on
   network operations.  These are the tables and objects and their

   *  The snmpTlstmParams13Table can be used to change the outgoing
      X.509 certificate used to establish a TLS connection.
      Modifications to objects in this table need to be adequately
      authenticated since modifying the values in this table will have
      profound impacts to the security of outbound connections from the
      device.  Since knowledge of authorization rules and certificate
      usage mechanisms might be considered sensitive, protection from
      disclosure of the SNMP traffic via encryption is automatically
      acheived via TLS 1.3.

   *  The snmpTlstmAddr13Table can be used to change the expectations of
      the certificates presented by a remote TLS server.  Modifications
      to objects in this table need to be adequately authenticated since
      modifying the values in this table will have profound impacts to
      the security of outbound connections from the device.  Since
      knowledge of authorization rules and certificate usage mechanisms
      might be considered sensitive, protection from disclosure of the
      SNMP traffic via encryption is automatically acheived via TLS 1.3.

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   *  The snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Table is used to specify the mapping of
      incoming X.509 certificates to tmSecurityNames, which eventually
      get mapped to an SNMPv3 securityName.  Modifications to objects in
      this table need to be adequately authenticated since modifying the
      values in this table will have profound impacts to the security of
      incoming connections to the device.  Since knowledge of
      authorization rules and certificate usage mechanisms might be
      considered sensitive, protection from disclosure of the SNMP
      traffic via encryption is automatically acheived via TLS 1.3.
      When this table contains a significant number of rows it might
      affect the system performance when accepting new TLS connections.

   Some of the readable objects in this MIB module (i.e., objects with a
   MAX-ACCESS other than not-accessible) might be considered sensitive
   or vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus important to
   control even GET and/or NOTIFY access to these objects and encrypt
   the values of these objects when sending them over the network via
   SNMP.  These are the tables and objects and their sensitivity/

   *  This MIB contains a collection of counters that monitor the TLS
      connections being established with a device.  Since knowledge of
      connection and certificate usage mechanisms might be considered
      sensitive, protection from disclosure of the SNMP traffic via
      encryption is automatically acheived via TLS 1.3.

   SNMP versions prior to SNMPv3 did not include adequate security.
   Even if the network itself is secure (for example, by using IPsec),
   even then, there is no control as to who on the secure network is
   allowed to access and GET/SET (read/change/create/delete) the objects
   in this MIB module.

   As defined in Section 2.4, TLSTM clients and servers MUST NOT
   request, offer, or use SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c message processing described
   in [RFC3584], or the User-based Security Model of SNMPv3.  Instead,
   it is RECOMMENDED to deploy SNMPv3 and to enable cryptographic
   security.  It is then a customer/operator responsibility to ensure
   that the SNMP entity giving access to an instance of this MIB module
   is properly configured to give access to the objects only to those
   principals (users) that have legitimate rights to indeed GET or SET
   (change/create/delete) them.

6.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions beyond those performed as a part of

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7.  Acknowledgements

   Acknowledgements This document is based on [RFC6353].  This document
   was reviewed by the following people who helped provide useful
   comments: Michaela Vanderveen.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

              Rescorla, E., Tschofenig, H., and N. Modadugu, "The
              Datagram Transport Layer Security (DTLS) Protocol Version
              1.3", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-tls-
              dtls13-43, 30 April 2021,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3584]  Frye, R., Levi, D., Routhier, S., and B. Wijnen,
              "Coexistence between Version 1, Version 2, and Version 3
              of the Internet-standard Network Management Framework",
              BCP 74, RFC 3584, DOI 10.17487/RFC3584, August 2003,

   [RFC5280]  Cooper, D., Santesson, S., Farrell, S., Boeyen, S.,
              Housley, R., and W. Polk, "Internet X.509 Public Key
              Infrastructure Certificate and Certificate Revocation List
              (CRL) Profile", RFC 5280, DOI 10.17487/RFC5280, May 2008,

   [RFC5591]  Harrington, D. and W. Hardaker, "Transport Security Model
              for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              STD 78, RFC 5591, DOI 10.17487/RFC5591, June 2009,

   [RFC6353]  Hardaker, W., "Transport Layer Security (TLS) Transport
              Model for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              STD 78, RFC 6353, DOI 10.17487/RFC6353, July 2011,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

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   [STD62]    Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen, "An
              Architecture for Describing Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMP) Management Frameworks", STD 62, RFC 3411,
              December 2002.

              Case, J., Harrington, D., Presuhn, R., and B. Wijnen,
              "Message Processing and Dispatching for the Simple Network
              Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3412, December

              Levi, D., Meyer, P., and B. Stewart, "Simple Network
              Management Protocol (SNMP) Applications", STD 62,
              RFC 3413, December 2002.

              Blumenthal, U. and B. Wijnen, "User-based Security Model
              (USM) for version 3 of the Simple Network Management
              Protocol (SNMPv3)", STD 62, RFC 3414, December 2002.

              Wijnen, B., Presuhn, R., and K. McCloghrie, "View-based
              Access Control Model (VACM) for the Simple Network
              Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3415, December

              Presuhn, R., Ed., "Version 2 of the Protocol Operations
              for the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)",
              STD 62, RFC 3416, December 2002.

              Presuhn, R., Ed., "Transport Mappings for the Simple
              Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62, RFC 3417,
              December 2002.

              Presuhn, R., Ed., "Management Information Base (MIB) for
              the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)", STD 62,
              RFC 3418, December 2002.

8.2.  Informative References

   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5246, August 2008,

   [STD58]    McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Structure of Management Information
              Version 2 (SMIv2)", STD 58, RFC 2578, April 1999.

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              McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Textual Conventions for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2579, April 1999.

              McCloghrie, K., Ed., Perkins, D., Ed., and J.
              Schoenwaelder, Ed., "Conformance Statements for SMIv2",
              STD 58, RFC 2580, April 1999.

Appendix A.  Target and Notification Configuration Example

   The following sections describe example configuration for the SNMP-

A.1.  Configuring a Notification Originator

   The following row adds the "Joe Cool" user to the "administrators"

       vacmSecurityModel              = 4 (TSM)
       vacmSecurityName               = "Joe Cool"
       vacmGroupName                  = "administrators"
       vacmSecurityToGroupStorageType = 3 (nonVolatile)
       vacmSecurityToGroupStatus      = 4 (createAndGo)

   The following row configures the snmpTlstmAddr13Table to use
   certificate path validation and to require the remote notification
   receiver to present a certificate for the ""

       snmpTargetAddrName               =  "toNRAddr"
       snmpTlstmAddr13ServerFingerprint =  ""
       snmpTlstmAddr13ServerIdentity    =  ""
       snmpTlstmAddr13StorageType       =  3         (nonVolatile)
       snmpTlstmAddr13RowStatus         =  4         (createAndGo)

   The following row configures the snmpTargetAddrTable to send
   notifications using TLS/TCP to the snmptls-trap port at

       snmpTargetAddrName              = "toNRAddr"
       snmpTargetAddrTDomain           = snmpTLSTCPDomain
       snmpTargetAddrTAddress          = ""
       snmpTargetAddrTimeout           = 1500
       snmpTargetAddrRetryCount        = 3
       snmpTargetAddrTagList           = "toNRTag"
       snmpTargetAddrParams            = "toNR"     (MUST match below)
       snmpTargetAddrStorageType       = 3          (nonVolatile)
       snmpTargetAddrRowStatus         = 4          (createAndGo)

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   The following row configures the snmpTargetParamsTable to send the
   notifications to "Joe Cool", using authPriv SNMPv3 notifications
   through the TransportSecurityModel [[RFC5591]]:

       snmpTargetParamsName            = "toNR"     (MUST match above)
       snmpTargetParamsMPModel         = 3 (SNMPv3)
       snmpTargetParamsSecurityModel   = 4 (TransportSecurityModel)
       snmpTargetParamsSecurityName    = "Joe Cool"
       snmpTargetParamsSecurityLevel   = 3          (authPriv)
       snmpTargetParamsStorageType     = 3          (nonVolatile)
       snmpTargetParamsRowStatus       = 4          (createAndGo)

A.2.  Configuring TLSTM to Utilize a Simple Derivation of tmSecurityName

   The following row configures the snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Table to map a
   validated client certificate, referenced by the client's public X.509
   hash fingerprint, to a tmSecurityName using the subjectAltName
   component of the certificate.

       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13ID          = 1
                                       (chosen by ordering preference)
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint = HASH (appropriate fingerprint)
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType     = snmpTlstmCertSANAny
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Data        = ""  (not used)
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13StorageType = 3   (nonVolatile)
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13RowStatus   = 4   (createAndGo)

   This type of configuration should only be used when the naming
   conventions of the (possibly multiple) Certification Authorities are
   well understood, so two different principals cannot inadvertently be
   identified by the same derived tmSecurityName.

A.3.  Configuring TLSTM to Utilize Table-Driven Certificate Mapping

   The following row configures the snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Table to map a
   validated client certificate, referenced by the client's public X.509
   hash fingerprint, to the directly specified tmSecurityName of "Joe

       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13ID           = 2
                                        (chosen by ordering preference)
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13Fingerprint = HASH (appropriate fingerprint)
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13MapType      = snmpTlstmCertSpecified
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13SecurityName = "Joe Cool"
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13StorageType  = 3  (nonVolatile)
       snmpTlstmCertToTSN13RowStatus    = 4  (createAndGo)

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Author's Address

   Kenneth Vaughn (editor)
   Trevilon LLC
   6606 FM 1488 RD
   Suite 148-503
   Magnolia, TX 77354
   United States of America

   Phone: +1 571 331 5670

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