Internet DRAFT - draft-vesely-fix-forwarding


Network Working Group                                          A. Vesely
Internet-Draft                                              10 July 2023
Intended status: Experimental                                           
Expires: 11 January 2024

                      Agreements To Fix Forwarding


   The widespread adoption of Domain-based Message Authentication,
   Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) causes problems to indirect mail
   flows.  This document proposes a protocol to establish forwarding
   agreements whereby a mailbox provider can whitelist indirect mail
   flows directed toward its users by maintaining per-user lists of

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 11 January 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terms Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Note About Rewriting the Bounce Address . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Underscored FixForwarding DNS Resource Record . . . . . . . .   5
   5.  Forwarding Agreement Web Form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  The Transistor Metaphor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.2.  Form Fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   6.  Agreement Management  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   7.  Messages to the Base  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   8.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   9.  Privacy Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   11. Acknowledgments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   12. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     12.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     12.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Appendix A.  No-Munging Method  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   Author's Address  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

   The ability to send messages to anyone without prior agreement is a
   feature at the base of the success of Internet mail.  It also exposes
   a way to abuse, though.  Domain-based email authentication can limit
   abusive behavior by enabling receivers to unambiguously attribute
   responsibility of messages, and thereby to develop domain reputation.
   However, indirect mail flows, such as mailing lists and aliases are
   seriously hindered by such authentication practices (see [RFC7960]).
   Although they constitute a minor part of the global mail traffic,
   such hindrance poses a problem, which is what the present protocol
   attempts to fix.

   Many mailing lists break DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) signatures
   ([RFC6376]) by adding a subject tag or a message footer.  External
   aliases break Sender Policy Framework (SPF) ([RFC7208]) if forwarders
   don't change the bounce address, or break its alignment with the
   From: header field if they do.  In both cases, they break Domain-
   based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC)
   ([RFC7489]) if there is no DKIM signature.

   Rewriting the very From: field, an operation known as From: munging,
   is a sender side solution to this problem, adopted by most mailing
   lists; see Section of [RFC7960] for a detailed description.
   Aliases, instead, can be avoided by having the target pull messages
   using a mail retrieval protocol rather than pushing them via SMTP.
   As an alternative, this document proposes a cooperative method that

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   hinges on the peculiarity that both of these forwarding methods
   require settings which produce well recognizable mail flows.  To
   present by example, let's consider the procedure whereby subscribes to the mailing list  The first three steps are a well
   known practice known as *confirmed opt-in* (COI).  The extra steps
   are introduced by this protocol:

   1.  Alice subscribes to the list, either by visiting web
       site or by sending a request to the list manager.

   2.  The mailing list manager (MLM) sends a confirm message with a
       unique token to be returned for confirmation, either via web or
       via mail.

   3.  Alice confirms the subscription.

   4.  The MLM looks up on the DNS to check
       if Alice's provider supports forwarding agreements (see Section 4
       for the TXT record format).  If found, the MLM applies for a
       permission to send mailing list messages that may fail DMARC
       checks (see Section 5 for the web form it has to fill).

   5.  Upon receiving the MLM application, sends a message
       to its user Alice, asking whether she agrees to receive that
       specific mail flow.

   6.  Alice confirms to her provider too.

   7. adds to the list of
       forwarders that Alice agreed upon.  Then, it confirms to the MLM
       that the agreement is set up.

   8.  The MLM modifies Alice's subscription options removing From:
       munging for messages sent to her.

   9. recognizes messages belonging to this mail flow by
       (1) authenticating and (2) checking the List-ID:
       header field.  As this matches Alice's list of exemptions, DMARC
       failures can be safely ignored.

   Steps 4 to 9 are discussed in detail in the following sections.  For
   software requirements, note that step 8 implies the ability to
   configure From: munging per subscriber; Appendix A proposes a method
   to achieve such effect.  Step 9 requires that the DMARC verifier be
   able to do per-user exemptions as described in Section 6

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2.  Terms Definitions

   The term *forwarder* is used to mean the entity that forwards
   messages, which is either a *mailing list* or an *alias*, as defined
   in Section 3.1 of [RFC5321]).

   A *receiving domain* is a domain which receives messages sent by a

   *Signers* and *verifiers* are defined by DKIM ([RFC6376]).  The use
   of the term *Mailing List Manager*, almost always abbreviated *MLM*
   follows [RFC6377].  A MLM is a kind of *Mediator* in [RFC5598]
   parlance.  It is usually composed of a Message Transfer Agent (MTA)
   with the usual suite of tools plus the mailing list specific

   *Message* is defined in [RFC5322].  It consists of a *header* made up
   of one or more *fields*, and a *body* possibly composed of various
   MIME *entities*, the latter being defined in [RFC2045] and

   We use *colon* (:) to indicate header field names, as in From:, To:
   and the like.

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.  Note About Rewriting the Bounce Address

   Traditionally, alias expansion re-injects messages in the mail system
   changing just the envelope recipient address.  That is, without
   rewriting the bounce address, a.k.a. envelope sender.  This is what
   SMTP [RFC5321] prescribes.  However, from an authentication
   perspective, this doesn't always work, because some MTAs reject SPF
   failures —those matching a -all directive (see [RFC7208])— during the
   early stages of the SMTP protocol; that is, before DKIM or ARC
   [RFC8617] can be verified.

   It is handy to leave the bounce address intact in order to have the
   message author notified in case of failed delivery, which increases
   email reliability.  However, nowadays MTAs try and minimize
   backscatter by avoiding to accept messages that can bounce.  On the
   other hand, transient failures, such as mailbox full, became less and
   less frequent.  If a delivery fails because the target mailbox was
   deleted, the forwarding setup has to be dismantled.  A broken alias

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   which unflaggingly generates bounces to any bounce address is akin to
   an open relay.  Albeit limited to non-delivery notifications, it can
   be exploited for spamming.  In order to avoid playing such role, a
   receiver can carefully verify the bounce address before accepting a
   message, so expect your target to behave accordingly.

   We recommend to replace the bounce address with the internal address
   of a human or a robot which can understand what to do.  Nevertheless,
   this protocol provides for a way to enter into an agreement which
   covers traditional alias expansion.  According to Appendix D of
   [RFC7208], domains consult a whitelist if they reject SPF "fail"
   messages before receiving the message data.  If the whitelist they
   consult is a public DNS-based whitelist (DNSWL, [RFC5782]) which
   includes the forwarder's IP address, then traditional alias expansion
   can work even in the face of strict SPF policies.

   To recap, an MTA can check SPF after the MAIL but before the DATA
   SMTP commands.  If the result is "fail", the MTA consults one or more
   DNSWLs.  If the sending IP address is whitelisted, then the MTA
   delays the decision to reject to a later stage, when the message
   content is received and DKIM or ARC verified.  Thus, an agreement
   providing for traditional alias expansion is possible if either one
   of the following two conditions holds:

   1.  The target MXes consult public DNSWLs and the forwarder is
       subscribed to at least one of them, or

   2.  the target MXes never reject before receiving and evaluating the
       message content.

   If and which of these conditions holds can be determined based on the
   dnswl= tag declaration, as described in Section 4.

4.  Underscored FixForwarding DNS Resource Record

   Domains participating in this protocol notify it to all interested
   parties by publishing an "underscored" resource record named
   _fixforwarding.  According to [RFC8552], this record is labeled as a
   subdomain of the domain it refers, which is the domain-part of the
   pertinent email addresses.

   The record contains the conditions that an applicant MUST meet before
   applying for an agreement as well as an URI to post requests to.
   Requests details are specified in Section 5.

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   The format of the _fixforwarding record follows the extensible "tag-
   value" syntax for DNS-based key records defined in DKIM [RFC6376].
   The folding white space terminal, FWS, is also defined there.  The
   following tags are defined here:

      Authentication method used to identify the forwarder's domain;
      OPTIONAL, by default the method is ARC ([RFC8617], but DKIM is
      allowed as an alternative.  A forwarder MUST implement the
      required method before applying.


      rec-auth-tag        = %s"auth" [FWS] "=" [FWS] rec-auth-tag-method
      rec-auth-tag-method = %s"arc" / %s"dkim"

      Either a comma-separated list of DNSWLs (see [RFC5782]) that the
      domain's MXes consult before rejecting SPF failures at the early
      stages of SMTP transactions, or the keyword "n.a.", for not
      applicable; OPTIONAL, by default an empty list.  See Section 3.
      An empty list, the default, means this option is not available;
      that is, forwarders MUST change the bounce address to an SPF valid
      one.  The "n.a." keyword means the opposite; that is, forwarders
      MAY leave the original bounce address intact.  One or more domains
      mean the conditional acceptance; that is, the DNS name that
      results by prepending the reverse IP address of the forwarder to
      one of those domains resolves to an A IP address when queried.


      rec-dnswl-tag      = %s"dnswl" [FWS] "=" [FWS] [rec-dnswl-tag-opt]
      rec-dnswl-tag-opt  = rec-dnswl-tag-list / rec-dnswl-tag-na
      rec-dnswl-tag-list = domain *("," domain)
      rec-dnswl-tag-na   = %s"n.a."

      Where domain is imported from [RFC5322].  Each domain of the list
      is a DNS zone that can be queried by prepending reversed IP
      addresses.  For best interoperability, it is RECOMMENDED to use
      organizations that admit free subscriptions.

      This is the URI to post web form requests to.  Web format is
      described in Section 5.  This is an HTTPS or HTTP URI.


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      rec-post-tag     = %s"post" [FWS] "=" [FWS] rec-post-tag-uri
      rec-post-tag-uri = https-URI / http-URI

      Where https-URI and http-URI are imported from [RFC9110].

5.  Forwarding Agreement Web Form

   Receiving domains participating in this protocol set up a web form
   whereby forwarders can apply for a permission to send messages that
   may fail DMARC checks.  Forwarders who wish to enter an agreement
   with the receiving domain fill the form supplying the values
   requested, chiefly email address contacts.  As there is a predefined
   set of fields, applicants can prepare a script which runs
   automatically when the availability of the form is detected by the
   _fixforwarding resource record, and the conditions therein are met.
   Yet, receiving domains SHOULD provide at the same post= URL an HTML
   form to be filled manually, so that it is possible to enter an
   agreement also without developing a special script.  When no value is
   posted the form displays the empty fields to be filled; when values
   are posted it displays the results.  Posted values can be encoded
   using either the application/x-www-form-urlencoded or the multipart/
   form-data media types (see [RFC7578]).

   Normal HTTP rules [RFC9110] apply.  In particular, receiving domains
   SHOULD check that the values posted are acceptable and return a 400
   HTTP status code otherwise.  Organizations that need to limit access
   to verified applicants MAY require an authorization, and return
   status code 401 if it is not present.  In that case, the HTML form
   page SHOULD explain or point to an explanation of how can generic
   operators obtain the necessary authorization.  If everything is fine,
   the HTTP server stores the values for later processing and returns
   status code 202.  The resulting agreement status will be sent to the
   base address of the applicant after checks are completed.  Keep in
   mind that this may take a human lapse of time.

5.1.  The Transistor Metaphor

   Three email addresses play a key role, the entry point where the
   messages to be forwarded arrive, the target address which is the
   subject of the agreement, and the base address where the state of the
   agreement is sent, including the results of the form submission.
   Following a transistor metaphor we name these fields *collector*,
   *emitter* and *base* respectively.

5.2.  Form Fields


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      The abuse-team or similar entity email address, where complaints
      about perceived forwarder's misbehavior can be sent.

      A globally unique string that identifies a request and the related
      agreement.  This has the syntax of a Message-ID field [RFC5322]
      and is RECOMMENDED that the right-hand side contain the same
      domain identifier used for signatures, if it is able to guarantee
      the uniqueness of the left-hand side within itself.  Angle
      brackets not to be included.

      The forwarder's email address where the receiving domain sends the
      agreement acceptance, rejection, renewal or cancellation.  This
      address SHOULD have the same domain used for signing.  These are
      machine-readable email messages that may contain a human-readable
      part.  It is possible to check the base address by an apposite
      message type.  The message format is described in Section 7.

      The mailing list post address, or the address that the alias is
      attached to.  This address SHOULD have the same domain used for

      The forwarder's domain to be authenticated by the receiver.  It is
      the domain indicated in the d= tag of DKIM-Signature: or ARC-Seal:
      and ARC-Message-Signature: header fields, according to the auth
      method (Section 4).  The domain MUST match the trailing part of
      the list-id.  It is suggested that the two identifiers match as
      much as practical.

      The user-confirmed email address that subscribed to the mailing
      list, or the target address of an alias.  This address MUST have
      the same domain where the _fixforwarding record was found.


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      List-ID:s are naturally present in mailing list, and identify the
      list that the user subscribed to.  For aliases, a list-id MUST be
      created, for example by concatenating an encoded representation of
      the collector and the signing domain.  This is the globally unique
      list-id identifier, which MUST be included in a List-Id: header
      field, in angle brackets as specified by [RFC2919], in every
      forwarded message.  This field is needed to unequivocally identify
      the mail flow.  The trailing part of the list-id MUST match the
      domain.  The List-Id: header field SHOULD be signed.  Failure to
      do so can be exploited to damage MLM reputation by replaying
      suitable messages.

      Free text describing the forwarding reasons or circumstances.
      This is intended to be presented to the user by the receiving
      domain when asking for confirmation.  It SHOULD NOT exceed 4K
      octets and SHOULD NOT contain HTTP or HTTPS URIs.

      An authorization token.  HTTP provides a number of authentication
      and authorization schemes, see Section 11 of [RFC9110] for an
      overview.  However, not all of them are supported by all browsers.
      This field is meant to provide a last resort possibility.

6.  Agreement Management

   Request processing involves interaction with the user, therefore the
   result can become available after some time.  Asking for user
   confirmation can also be an occasion to manage mailbox details such
   as what folder or label would the user like to associate with the
   mail flow.  Mailbox providers can also implement a web application
   that lists the status of all forwarding agreements.  It would be
   somewhat more reliable than the monthly subscription reminders, which
   some call a distributed in time database.

   It is beyond the scope of this document to stipulate for the
   relationship between MLM's COI message and receiving domain's
   confirmation.  A MLM can send the COI message before or after sending
   the form, or it can omit sending the COI message altogether, blindly
   trusting the receiving domain.

   The receiving domain MAY accept or reject the agreement.  If it
   accepts, it stores the form values that the forwarder supplied, so as
   to be able to manage the agreement.  The agreement-id is a good
   candidate for the filename or database key used to retrieve that
   data.  Keep in mind that there is an agreement for each <collector,
   list-id> pair.

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   To honor the agreement, a DMARC filter only needs two items of the
   agreement data, the emitter and the list-id.  For ARC, the filter
   checks the validity of the chain and the validity of the ARC-Message-
   Signature: whose d= domain matches the list-id (when oldest-pass is
   set, it must not be bigger than the instance, i= of the list-id
   signer).  For DKIM, a valid signature with d= matching the list-id
   assures of the message origin.  Next, the DMARC filter checks whether
   the pair <recipient, list-id> corresponds to an active agreement.  If
   the message is thus found to be part of an agreed upon mail flow, the
   DMARC filter MUST exempt it from undergoing the DMARC policy
   published by the message's From: domain.  If the receiving domain
   sends aggregate reports, the messages thus exempted SHALL be counted
   under the trusted_forwarder PolicyOverrideType.

   The receiving domain MAY extend the exemption to other recipients.
   Otherwise, if a message is destined to more recipients, each one must
   be the subject of a forwarding agreement.

   After setting up DMARC exemptions, the receiving domain sends an
   acceptance email to the base address of the forwarder.  From that
   moment, the forwarder can stop From: munging messages destined to the
   relevant subscriber.  The agreement can last indefinitely.  However,
   at any time, if the receiving domain suspects that the mail flow is
   not active any more, it MAY send a renewal notice to check.  The
   agreement MUST be honored until the receiving domain sends a
   cancellation.  See Section 7 for the format of these messages.

   The agreement SHOULD be canceled after the user unsubscribes from the
   mailing list or when the mailbox is torn down.  Conversely, a
   cancellation should imply removal, or at least questioning the
   forwarding itself, whether mailing list or alias.

7.  Messages to the Base

   There are five types of messages that can be sent by the receiving
   domain to the forwarder base address.  These messages define the
   state of the forwarding agreement.  Such state is determined at the
   incontestable discretion of the receiving domain.  The forwarder
   SHOULD reply to these messages as a means to acknowledge their
   reception.  If the forwarder doesn't have any reference about the
   agreement, it MAY either reject the message or give a negative reply
   to it.  Rejecting is handy if a forwarder implements a different base
   address for each agreement.  The receiving domain SHOULD re-send the
   message once or twice if a reply or a bounce is not received within a
   reasonable time (days).  After 4-5 days with no response, the
   agreement can be considered dead.

   The message types are as follows:

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   *base-check*  This message only acknowledges that the request was
      received.  It is OPTIONAL, as the HTTP return code suffices.  The
      real purpose of this message type is for the receiving domain to
      check that the base address exists and see the DKIM signature of
      the domain.

   *acceptance*  The receiving domain accepts the agreement.  From the
      time this message is received onward, messages can avoid From:
      munging or, if allowed by the receiving domain, bounce address

   *rejection*  The receiving domain, presumably after user disavowal,
      denies the agreement.  Failed authentications can then be rejected
      or quarantined.  The forwarding itself should be questioned.  A
      new agreement SHOULD NOT be requested again unless further
      interactions occur, such as the user unsubscribing and re-

   *renewal*  The receiving domain needs a confirmation that this
      forwarding mechanism is still on.  The forwarder should check that
      the mechanism implied by the agreement is still active before
      replying.  Failure to reply can result in the agreement

   *cancellation*  The agreement is canceled.  For mailing lists, the
      user should have already unsubscribed.  The alias should be

   These messages are plain text messages with no attachments and no
   MIME multipart entities.  The agreement-id and the message type are
   repeated in the Subject: and in the beginning of the body.  The rest
   of the body MAY contain any text.


   msg-subject       = msg-tag WSP agreement-id ":" [WSP] msg-type
   msg-tag           = "[FixForwarding]"
   msg-body          = agreement-id-line msg-type-line msg-rest
   agreement-id-line = [CRLF] "agreement-id" ":" [WSP] agreement-id CRLF
   msg-type-line     = [CRLF] "deal" ":" [WSP] msg-type CRLF
   msg-rest          = *OCTET
   msg-type          = %s"base-check" / %s"acceptance" / %s"rejection" /
                       %s"renewal" / %s"cancellation"
   agreement-id      = id-left "@" id-right
   subject           = "Subject" ":" msg-subject CRLF
   message           = fields CRLF msg-body

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   Where WSP, CRLF and OCTET are imported from [RFC5234]; subject, id-
   left, id-right and fields from [RFC5322].

   Replies SHALL also be text/plain, retaining the Subject: and body of
   the original message, possibly prefixed as is customary for Internet
   mail, for example by prefixing the subject with "Re:" and body text
   lines with "> ".  Replies MUST properly set In-Reply-To: and
   References: fields.  The receiving domain can use those to match
   replies with the original message.  For negative replies which are
   not bounces, the first word in the body, and possibly the Subject:
   prefix, MUST be "NO".


   negative-reply  = fields CRLF %s"NO" CRLF msg-body

   Both messages and replies MUST be duly authenticated by DKIM and

   Negative replies are sent when the forwarder has no knowledge of the
   agreement-id.  That means the agreement was previously canceled,
   never properly archived and in any case it is not active.  After a
   negative reply, the receiving domain can cancel the agreement without
   further notice.

   Replies which are not negative replies are positive acknowledgments
   of the deal.  Replies to cancellation and rejection have the same
   effect whether positive or negative, and both sides can remove any
   reference to the agreement afterwards.

8.  IANA Considerations

   Per [RFC8552], please add the following entry to the "Underscored and
   Globally Scoped DNS Node Names" registry:

      | RR Type | _NODE NAME        | Reference   |
      | TXT     | _fixforwarding    | [This.I-D]  |

                                  Figure 1

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9.  Privacy Considerations

   Forwarding agreements expose users' mailing list participation and
   forwarded identities to their mailbox provider admins.  That is
   unavoidable.  It has to be noted, though, that such knowledge can
   hardly be kept secret from people who have access to all their mail.
   Users need to trust their mailbox provider, and this protocol is not
   the only reason why they have to.  Still, in situations where the
   forwarder wants to hide its forwarding from the receiving domain, it
   SHOULD NOT request a forwarding agreement.  Instead, rewriting bounce
   address and From: header fields, besides bettering deliverability,
   may also help hiding the true origin of messages.

10.  Security Considerations

   Maintaining per-user DMARC exemptions excludes gaming, especially for
   domains that provide mailboxes to anonymous users.  Domains that
   restrict mailboxes to internal users can balance their knowing of the
   user involved in an agreement request and the reputation of the
   applicant to decide whether to trust the forwarder for all users
   rather than just for the one at hand.  The forwarder doesn't know
   about this decision, albeit it may guess it by the speed
   characterizing the acceptance of further agreements.  This kind of
   decision slightly simplifies DMARC filter settings, but not
   agreements management.

   Forwarders SHOULD verify DMARC and apply author domain policies
   whenever possible.  Especially mailing lists, unless they collect
   posts from other mailing lists in turn, should reject messages from
   domains who publish p=reject if authentication fails.  Receiving
   domains MUST NOT reject messages belonging to an accepted agreement
   for DMARC policy reasons.  DMARC Filtering MUST be applied by the
   forwarder.  Failure to do so SHOULD be reported to the forwarders
   abuse address.

   Forwarders MUST also apply content filtering.  They MUST reject or
   drop messages that the local content analysis filter determines to be
   undesirable.  MLMs that provide for moderation can treat dubious
   messages that way.  Alias forwarding may need to set the bar low
   enough to avoid false positives, since it cannot resort to spam
   folders or similar quarantine measures.  The receiving domain MAY
   reject or quarantine messages whose content doesn't meet its
   policies, under its responsibility.  While mailing lists exercise
   some control on the quality of messages, aliases are completely
   transparent.  When bad messages belong to a forwarding agreement,
   their quality is not to be ascribed the forwarder's reputation but
   the author domain's.

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11.  Acknowledgments

   The author whishes to thank Murray S.  Kucherawy for reviewing the
   draft and Stephen J.  Turnbull for devising the method in Appendix A.

12.  References

12.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2045]  Freed, N. and N. Borenstein, "Multipurpose Internet Mail
              Extensions (MIME) Part One: Format of Internet Message
              Bodies", RFC 2045, DOI 10.17487/RFC2045, November 1996,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2919]  Chandhok, R. and G. Wenger, "List-Id: A Structured Field
              and Namespace for the Identification of Mailing Lists",
              RFC 2919, DOI 10.17487/RFC2919, March 2001,

   [RFC5234]  Crocker, D., Ed. and P. Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax
              Specifications: ABNF", STD 68, RFC 5234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5234, January 2008,

   [RFC5321]  Klensin, J., "Simple Mail Transfer Protocol", RFC 5321,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5321, October 2008,

   [RFC5322]  Resnick, P., Ed., "Internet Message Format", RFC 5322,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5322, October 2008,

   [RFC5782]  Levine, J., "DNS Blacklists and Whitelists", RFC 5782,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5782, February 2010,

   [RFC6376]  Crocker, D., Ed., Hansen, T., Ed., and M. Kucherawy, Ed.,
              "DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) Signatures", STD 76,
              RFC 6376, DOI 10.17487/RFC6376, September 2011,

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Internet-Draft               Fix Forwarding                    July 2023

   [RFC7489]  Kucherawy, M., Ed. and E. Zwicky, Ed., "Domain-based
              Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
              (DMARC)", RFC 7489, DOI 10.17487/RFC7489, March 2015,

   [RFC7578]  Masinter, L., "Returning Values from Forms: multipart/
              form-data", RFC 7578, DOI 10.17487/RFC7578, July 2015,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8552]  Crocker, D., "Scoped Interpretation of DNS Resource
              Records through "Underscored" Naming of Attribute Leaves",
              BCP 222, RFC 8552, DOI 10.17487/RFC8552, March 2019,

   [RFC8617]  Andersen, K., Long, B., Ed., Blank, S., Ed., and M.
              Kucherawy, Ed., "The Authenticated Received Chain (ARC)
              Protocol", RFC 8617, DOI 10.17487/RFC8617, July 2019,

   [RFC9110]  Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP Semantics", STD 97, RFC 9110,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9110, June 2022,

12.2.  Informative References

   [RFC5598]  Crocker, D., "Internet Mail Architecture", RFC 5598,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5598, July 2009,

   [RFC6377]  Kucherawy, M., "DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM) and
              Mailing Lists", BCP 167, RFC 6377, DOI 10.17487/RFC6377,
              September 2011, <>.

   [RFC7208]  Kitterman, S., "Sender Policy Framework (SPF) for
              Authorizing Use of Domains in Email, Version 1", RFC 7208,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7208, April 2014,

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   [RFC7960]  Martin, F., Ed., Lear, E., Ed., Draegen, T., Ed., Zwicky,
              E., Ed., and K. Andersen, Ed., "Interoperability Issues
              between Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting,
              and Conformance (DMARC) and Indirect Email Flows",
              RFC 7960, DOI 10.17487/RFC7960, September 2016,

Appendix A.  No-Munging Method

   This protocol assumes that From: munging can be enabled or disabled
   on a per-user basis.  Many MLMs provide instead an option to enable
   or disable it on a per-list basis.  Here's a way to overcome this

   Have an umbrella list with two sibling sub-lists, one configured with
   From: munging, the other one without.  Both sub-lists refuse all
   posts, and advertise the umbrella list as the destination for posts.

   The umbrella list accepts posts according to site and list policy.
   It has the sibling sub-lists as its only subscribers, and won't
   accept more.

   The sibling sub-list that does From: munging accepts subscribers
   under the site and list policy.  When forwarding agreements are
   accepted, the relevant subscribers are moved to the other sub-list.

Author's Address

   Alessandro Vesely
   via L. Anelli 13
   20122 Milano MI

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