Internet DRAFT - draft-vinokurov-tigress-http


Transfer dIGital cREdentialS Securely                       D. Vinokurov
Internet-Draft                                             Y. Karandikar
Intended status: Standards Track                                M. Lerch
Expires: 14 July 2024                                       A. Pelletier
                                                               Apple Inc
                                                                  N. Sha
                                                            Alphabet Inc
                                                         11 January 2024

                 Transfer Digital Credentials Securely


   Digital Credentials allow users to access Homes, Cars or Hotels using
   their mobile devices.  Once a user has a Credential on a device,
   sharing it to others is a natural use case.  Process of sharing
   credentials should be secure, privacy preserving and have a seamless
   user experience.  To facilitate Credential sharing, a new transport
   is required.  This document defines that new transport to meet unique
   requirements of sharing a Credential.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at
   Status information for this document may be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the Transfer dIGital
   cREdentialS Securely Working Group mailing list
   (, which is archived at  Subscribe at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 14 July 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   2.  Conventions & Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.1.  General Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Sharing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.1.  Some Example Use Cases  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.2.  Credential Sharing Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.3.  Relay Server Design Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Relay Server Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.1.  Design Elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  API connection details  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.3.  Sharing Flow With API calls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  HTTP Headers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.1.  Mailbox-Request-ID  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.2.  Mailbox-Device-Claim  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.3.  Mailbox-Device-Attestation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   6.  HTTP access methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     6.1.  CreateMailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.1.1.  Endpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.1.2.  Request Parameters: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.1.3.  Consumes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14

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       6.1.4.  Produces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.1.5.  Request body  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
       6.1.6.  Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     6.2.  UpdateMailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
       6.2.1.  Endpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       6.2.2.  Request Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       6.2.3.  Consumes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       6.2.4.  Produces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       6.2.5.  Request body  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
       6.2.6.  Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
     6.3.  DeleteMailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       6.3.1.  Endpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       6.3.2.  Request Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
       6.3.3.  Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     6.4.  ReadDisplayInformationFromMailbox . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       6.4.1.  Endpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       6.4.2.  Request Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       6.4.3.  Produces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       6.4.4.  Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
     6.5.  ReadSecureContentFromMailbox  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
       6.5.1.  Endpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
       6.5.2.  Request Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
       6.5.3.  Produces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
       6.5.4.  Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     6.6.  RelinquishMailbox . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       6.6.1.  Endpoint  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       6.6.2.  Request Parameters  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       6.6.3.  Responses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
   7.  Provisioning Information Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     7.1.  Provisioning Information Format . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     7.2.  Provisioning Information Encryption . . . . . . . . . . .  26
     7.3.  Share URL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
       7.3.1.  Credential Vertical in Share URL  . . . . . . . . . .  28
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     8.1.  Relay Server defined in this document . . . . . . . . . .  29
       8.1.1.  Confidentiality & Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
       8.1.2.  Network attacks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
       8.1.3.  Privacy Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  29
     8.2.  Clients of Relay Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
       8.2.1.  Confidentiality & Integrity . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
       8.2.2.  Privacy Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  30
     8.3.  Overall System  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
       8.3.1.  Initiator shares with the wrong Recipient . . . . . .  31
       8.3.2.  Malicious Recipient forwards the share to 3rd party
               without redeeming it or the Recipient's device is
               compromised.  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
       8.3.3.  Invitation Channel Security . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   9.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32

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   10. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     10.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
     10.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   Appendix A.  Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   Appendix B.  Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34

1.  Introduction

   Mobile devices with ever increasing computational power and security
   capabilities are enabling various use cases.  One such category
   includes use of mobile devices to gain access to a property that a
   user owns or rents or is granted access to.  The cryptographic
   material and other data required to enable this use case is termed as
   Digital Credential.

   Based on type of property, various public or proprietary standards
   govern details of Digital Credentials.  These sets of standards and
   the bodies setting them are collectively termed as Verticals.  The
   details include policies, mechanism and practices to create, maintain
   and use Digital Credentials.  The process of getting a Digital
   Credential on a mobile device is termed as Provisioning.

   Once a user has a Digital Credential provisioned on their mobile
   device, sharing it to others is a natural use case.  Sharing a
   Credential should feel like a natural extension of regular
   communication methods (like instant messaging, sms, email).  The user
   experience of sharing a Credential should be intuitive, similar to
   sharing other digital assets like photos or documents.  The sharing
   process should be secure and privacy preserving.

   Credentials pose two unique requirements that differ from sharing
   other digital assets.  The Initiator and Recipient devices may need
   to communicate back and forth to transfer the necessary Provisioning
   Information.  The Provisioning Information exchange must be limited
   to Initiator device and the first Recipient device to claim the

   To achieve these goals, a new transport is necessary.  This document
   defines HTTP [RFC9110] based API to create such a transport, termed
   as Relay Server.  The document also defines data in JSON standard
   [RFC8259] to enable a uniform user experience for securely sharing
   Digital Credentials of various types.

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2.  Conventions & Definitions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2.1.  General Terms

   *  Digital Credential (or simply Credential) - Cryptographic material
      and other data used to authorize User with an access point.  The
      cryptographic material can also be used for mutual authentication
      between user device and access point.

   *  Digital Credential Vertical (or simply Vertical) - The public or
      proprietary standards that that define details of Digital
      Credentials for type of property accessed.  The details include
      policy, process and mechanism to create, maintain and use Digital
      Credentials in the given Vertical.

   *  Provisioning - A Vertical defined process of adding a new Digital
      Credential to the device.

   *  Provisioning Entity - An entity that facilitates creation, update
      and termination (Lifecycle Management) of the Credential.  Based
      on Vertical, the role of Provisioning Entity may be played by
      various actors in various stages of Credential lifecycle.

   *  Provisioning Information - data transferred from Initiator to
      Recipient that is both necessary and sufficient for the Recipient
      to Provision a Credential.

   *  Initiator - User and their device initiating a transfer of
      Provisioning Information to a Recipient.

   *  Recipient - User and their device that receives Provisioning
      Information and uses it to provision a new Credential.

   *  Relay Server - an intermediary server that provides a standardized
      and platform-independent way of transferring Provisioning
      Information between Initiator and Recipient, acting as a temporary
      store and forward service.  This is the new transport defined by
      this document.

   *  Secret - a symmetric encryption key shared between an Initiator
      and Recipient device.  It is used to encrypt Provisioning
      Information stored on the Relay server.

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3.  Sharing Process

3.1.  Some Example Use Cases

   *  Amit owns a car that supports Digital Credentials.  Being a tech
      enthusiast, he has the Credential provisioned on his mobile
      device.  Amit can now use his mobile device to lock/unlock and
      operate his car.  One Monday he is out of town and realizes that
      his car needs to be moved for street cleaning.  He asks his
      neighbor Bob for help via their favorite instant messaging method.
      As Bob agrees, Amit shares the Digital Credential to Bob via the
      next instant message.  Bob accepts the Credential and uses his
      mobile device to unlock Amit's car and drive it to the other side
      of street.

   *  Alice booked a room at a hotel that supports Digital Credentials.
      Being a frequent traveller, she has the Digital Credential
      provisioned on her mobile device.  As her flight gets delayed, she
      realizes that her partner Bakari will reach the hotel first.  So
      she shares the Digital Credential with him over email.  Bakari
      sees the email after his flight lands and he accepts the shared
      Credential.  On his arrival to the hotel, Bakari is able to access
      common areas and their room using his mobile device.

3.2.  Credential Sharing Flow

   A simplified sharing flow is shown in the sequence diagram below.
   Initiator (User) sends an invitation to share a Credential over their
   preferred communication method.  Recipient (user) accepts the
   Credential share invitation.  Then the two devices go back and forth
   as necessary to transfer Provisioning Information without further
   interaction by user.  After the transfer is complete Recipient device
   gets the Credential Provisioned according to Vertical defined

            ┌─┐                                                                                                                                  ┌─┐
            ║"│                                                                                                                                  ║"│
            └┬┘                                                                                                                                  └┬┘
            ┌┼┐                                                                                                                                  ┌┼┐
             │                 ┌────────────────┐                             ┌────────────┐                  ┌────────────────┐                  │
            ┌┴┐                │Initiator Device│                             │Relay Server│                  │Recipient Device│                 ┌┴┐
      Initiator User           └───────┬────────┘                             └─────┬──────┘                  └───────┬────────┘           Recipient User
            │ Initiate Credential Share│                                            │                                 │                          │
            │ ─────────────────────────>                                            │                                 │                          │
            │                          │                                            │                                 │                          │
            │                          │ create a mailbox, establish Initiator claim│                                 │                          │
            │                          │ ───────────────────────────────────────────>                                 │                          │
            │                          │                                            │                                 │                          │

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            │                          │                        Invitation to accept Credential                       │                          │
            │                          │                         over IM, sms, email etc                              │                          │
            │                          │ ─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────>                          │
            │                          │                                            │                                 │                          │
            │                          │                                            │                                 │   accept the Credential  │
            │                          │                                            │                                 │ <─────────────────────────
            │                          │                                            │                                 │                          │
            │                          │                                            │    establish Recipient claim    │                          │
            │                          │                                            │ <────────────────────────────────                          │
            │                          │                                            │                                 │                          │
            │                          │                                            │                                 │                          │
            │        ╔═══════╤═════════╪════════════════════════════════════════════╪═════════════════════════════════╪══════════════════╗       │
            │        ║ LOOP  │  Transfer                                            │                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ╟───────┘         │                                            │                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │                                            │ request Provisioning Information│                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │                                            │ <────────────────────────────────                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │                                            │                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │               Forward request              │                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │ <───────────────────────────────────────────                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │                                            │                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │      Provisioning Information response     │                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │ ───────────────────────────────────────────>                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │                                            │                                 │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │                                            │         forward response        │                  ║       │
            │        ║                 │                                            │ ────────────────────────────────>                  ║       │
            │        ╚═════════════════╪════════════════════════════════════════════╪═════════════════════════════════╪══════════════════╝       │
            │                          │                                            │                                 │                          │
            │                          │                                            │                 ╔═══════════════╧════════════════╗         │
            │                          │                                            │                 ║Finish Credential Provisioning ░║         │
      Initiator User           ┌───────┴────────┐                             ┌─────┴──────┐          ╚════════════════════════════════╝   Recipient User
            ┌─┐                │Initiator Device│                             │Relay Server│                  │Recipient Device│                 ┌─┐
            ║"│                └────────────────┘                             └────────────┘                  └────────────────┘                 ║"│
            └┬┘                                                                                                                                  └┬┘
            ┌┼┐                                                                                                                                  ┌┼┐
             │                                                                                                                                    │
            ┌┴┐                                                                                                                                  ┌┴┐

3.3.  Relay Server Design Requirements

   Based on the sharing flow, we can see that Relay server is an
   important component of the credential Sharing flow.  Relay server
   design needs to adhere to following requirements :

   *  Relay server SHALL provide confidentiality and integrity to the
      transfer of Provisioning Information.

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   *  Transfer of Provisioning Information MAY require several round
      trips.  Relay server SHALL guarantee round trip communication
      between initiator device and first device to establish Recipient

   *  Relay Server SHALL support flow of information that MAY NOT always
      be in turn taking fashion.  Same party SHALL be allowed to send
      back to back messages.  E.g. a cancel message may be sent by same
      party that sent the previous message.

   *  User involvement in the process needs to be minimal for a seamless
      user experience.  A lay user is expected to be unaware of Relay
      Server (similar to any transport protocols like TCP/IP).  So Relay
      Server SHALL be able to function without user interaction.

   *  Initiator and Recipient MAY NOT be online at the same time.  So
      Relay Server SHALL be able to store and forward data.  It is
      RECOMMENDED to have notification mechanism for snappy user

   *  To protect user privacy, Relay server SHALL NOT require any
      identifying information of the 2 parties involved in the transfer.

   *  Relay Server SHALL allow encrypted data (that can not be
      deciphered by the Relay Server itself) to be stored and

   *  Relay Server MAY host multiple mailboxes at the same time, each
      bound to various pairs of Initiator and Recipient Devices.  Relay
      Server SHALL not be able to relate the devices across various

   *  User preferred communication methods need to be allowed for
      invitation delivery.  It's assumed that user is familiar with them
      and trusts them to be secure enough to deliver messages to
      intended recipient.  But security properties of the methods can
      not be taken for granted in the design of the Relay Server.
      Verticals can require second factor to authenticate Recipient if
      they deem it necessary.  Policies and mechanisms for this second
      factor are in the realm of the Verticals and outside the scope of
      this document.

4.  Relay Server Design

4.1.  Design Elements

   *  Mailbox - A place to store data on the Relay Server.  A reader can
      also read the data from mailbox.

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   *  MailboxIdentifier - a unique identifier for the given mailbox,
      generated by the Relay server at the time of mailbox creation.
      The value is a UUID [RFC4122].

   *  Device Claim - a unique token allowing the caller to read from /
      write data to the mailbox.  Initiator Device generates a Device
      Claim and presents it to the Relay Server at time of mailbox
      creation.  Relay server creates a mailbox, and binds it to
      Initiator's Device Claim.  Recipient Device generates a Device
      Claim and presents it to the Relay Server, at time of first read
      from mailbox.  Relay server binds the mailbox to the Recipient's
      Device Claim.  Thus, both Initiator and Recipient devices are
      bound to the mailbox (allowed to read from / write to it).  Only
      Initiator and Recipient devices that present valid Device Claims
      are allowed to send subsequent read/update/delete calls to the
      mailbox.  The value SHALL be a unique UUID [RFC4122].  Initiator
      and Recipient MUST use different values for Device Claim.
      Implementation SHOULD assign unique values for new mailboxes
      (avoid re-using values).

   *  Notification Token - a short or long-lived unique token stored by
      the Initiator or Recipient Device in a mailbox on the Relay
      server.  This allows Relay server to send a push notification to
      the Initiator or Recipient Device, informing them of updates in
      the mailbox.

4.2.  API connection details

   The Relay server API endpoint MUST be accessed over HTTP using an
   https URI [RFC2818] and SHOULD use the default https port.  This
   ensures confidentiality property of the transfer process.

   Request and response bodies SHALL be formatted as either JSON or HTML
   (based on the API endpoint).  The communication protocol used for all
   interfaces SHALL be HTTPs.

   All Strings SHOULD be UTF-8 encoded (Unicode Normalization Form C

   An API version SHOULD be included in the URI for all interfaces.  The
   version at the time of this document's latest update is v1.  The
   version SHALL be incremented by 1 for major API changes or backward
   incompatible iterations on existing APIs.

4.3.  Sharing Flow With API calls

   Sequence diagram below shows an example sharing flow with detailed
   API calls.

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   *  Initiator Device composes Provisioning Information and encrypts it
      with a Secret before storing it in a mailbox on Relay Server

   *  Initiator Device generates a unique token - an Initiator Device
      Claim - to be sent to Relay Server.  Initiator Device Claim allows
      the Initiator Device to read and write data to / from the mailbox,
      thus binding it to the mailbox.

   *  Initiator Device can also create an optional notification token
      for the mailbox with the Relay Server.  Relay Server can notify
      Initiator devices when other side has deposited data in mailbox
      that is ready to be read.  This improves user experience over
      polling mechanism that the devices would have to use otherwise.

   *  Initiator Device calls CreateMailbox API endpoint on a Relay
      server and provides Device Claim and optional Notification token.
      Relay server creates the mailbox and assigns a unique Mailbox
      Identifier generated using a good source of entropy (preferably
      hardware-based entropy).

   *  A mailbox has limited lifetime configured with mandatory
      "expiration" parameter in mailboxConfiguration.  When expired, the
      mailbox SHALL be deleted - refer to DeleteMailbox endpoint.  Relay
      server SHALL be responsible to periodically check for mailboxes
      that are past the expiration time and delete them.

   *  Relay server builds a unique URL link to a mailbox (for example,
      “”) and returns it
      to the Initiator Device.

   *  Initiator sends this link as invitation to Recipient Device over
      communication method preferred by users.

   *  Recipient Device, having obtained both the URL link and the
      Secret, is ready to read the mailbox upon user action.

   *  Recipient Device generates a unique token - a Recipient Device
      Claim - to be sent to Relay Server.  Recipient Device Claim allows
      the Recipient Device to read and write data to / from the mailbox,
      thus binding it to the mailbox.

   *  Recipient Device can also create an optional notification token
      for the mailbox with the Relay Server for snappy user experience.

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   *  Recipient Device calls ReadSecureContentFromMailbox API endpoint
      on the Relay Server and provides Device Claim and optional
      Notification token.  If this is the first Recipient claim, Relay
      server allows the read and binds the device to the mailbox.  Thus
      establishing a connection between Initiator and Recipient devices
      facilitated by Relay Server.

   *  Initiator Device or bound Recipient Device may delete the mailbox
      using the DeleteMailbox API call.

            ┌─┐                                                                                                                                             ┌─┐
            ║"│                                                                                                                                             ║"│
            └┬┘                                                                                                                                             └┬┘
            ┌┼┐                                                                                                                                             ┌┼┐
             │                                 ┌────────────────┐                           ┌────────────┐               ┌────────────────┐                  │
            ┌┴┐                                │Initiator Device│                           │Relay Server│               │Recipient Device│                 ┌┴┐
      Initiator User                           └───────┬────────┘                           └─────┬──────┘               └───────┬────────┘           Recipient User
            │ Share this Credential with Recipient User│                                          │                              │                          │
            │  over communication method m_1           │                                          │                              │                          │
            │ ─────────────────────────────────────────>                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                       ╔══════════════════╧═══════════════════╗                      │                              │                          │
            │                       ║Create and encrypt Provisioning      ░║                      │                              │                          │
            │                       ║Info message_1 encrypted with Secret  ║                      │                              │                          │
            │                       ╚══════════════════╤═══════════════════╝                      │                              │                          │
            │                                          │ CreateMailbox                            │                              │                          │
            │                                          │ (With DeviceClaim and Notification token)│                              │                          │
            │                                          │ ─────────────────────────────────────────>                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │            URL link to mailbox           │                              │                          │
            │                                          │ <─────────────────────────────────────────                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                 URL link and Secret      │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                  over preferred communication method m_1                │                          │
            │                                          │ ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────>                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │   Accept the Credential  │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │ <─────────────────────────
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ ReadSecureContentFromMailbox │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │  (With DeviceClaim)          │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ <─────────────────────────────                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │        encrypted info        │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ ─────────────────────────────>                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │  ╔═══════════════════════════╧══════════════════════════╧═╗
            │                                          │                                          │  ║Decrypt with Secret to get Provisioning Info message_1 ░║

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            │                                          │                                          │  ╚═══════════════════════════╤══════════════════════════╤═╝
            │                                          │                                          │             ╔════════════════╧══════════════════╗       │
            │                                          │                                          │             ║Generate Provision Info message_2 ░║       │
            │                                          │                                          │             ║encrypted with Secret              ║       │
            │                                          │                                          │             ╚════════════════╤══════════════════╝       │
            │                                          │                                          │ UpdateMailbox(encrypted info)│                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ <─────────────────────────────                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │              OK              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ ─────────────────────────────>                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │             Push Notification            │                              │                          │
            │                                          │ <─────────────────────────────────────────                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │       ReadSecureContentFromMailbox       │                              │                          │
            │                                          │ ─────────────────────────────────────────>                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │              encrypted info              │                              │                          │
            │                                          │ <─────────────────────────────────────────                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                ╔═════════════════════════╧═══════════════════════════╗              │                              │                          │
            │                ║Decrypt with Secret to get Provision Info message_2 ░║              │                              │                          │
            │                ╚═════════════════════════╤═══════════════════════════╝              │                              │                          │
            │                       ╔══════════════════╧═══════════════════╗                      │                              │                          │
            │                       ║Update with Provision Info message_3 ░║                      │                              │                          │
            │                       ║encrypted with Secret                 ║                      │                              │                          │
            │                       ╚══════════════════╤═══════════════════╝                      │                              │                          │
            │                                          │       UpdateMailbox(encrypted info)      │                              │                          │
            │                                          │ ─────────────────────────────────────────>                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                    OK                    │                              │                          │
            │                                          │ <─────────────────────────────────────────                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │       Push Notification      │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ ─────────────────────────────>                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ ReadSecureContentFromMailbox │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ <─────────────────────────────                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │        encrypted info        │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ ─────────────────────────────>                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                 ╔════════╧══════════════════════════════╧══════════╗               │
            │                                          │                                 ║Decrypt with Secret for Provision Info message_3 ░║               │
            │                                          │                                 ╚════════╤══════════════════════════════╤══════════╝               │
            │                                          │                                          │         DeleteMailbox        │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ <─────────────────────────────                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │

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            │                                          │                                          │              OK              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │ ─────────────────────────────>                          │
            │                                          │                                          │                              │                          │
            │                                          │                                          │              ╔═══════════════╧════════════════╗         │
            │                                          │                                          │              ║Finish Credential Provisioning ░║         │
      Initiator User                           ┌───────┴────────┐                           ┌─────┴──────┐       ╚════════════════════════════════╝   Recipient User
            ┌─┐                                │Initiator Device│                           │Relay Server│               │Recipient Device│                 ┌─┐
            ║"│                                └────────────────┘                           └────────────┘               └────────────────┘                 ║"│
            └┬┘                                                                                                                                             └┬┘
            ┌┼┐                                                                                                                                             ┌┼┐
             │                                                                                                                                               │
            ┌┴┐                                                                                                                                             ┌┴┐

5.  HTTP Headers

5.1.  Mailbox-Request-ID

   All requests to and from Relay server will have an HTTP header
   "Mailbox-Request-ID".  The corresponding response to the API will
   have the same HTTP header, which SHALL echo the value in the request
   header.  This is used to identify the request associated to the
   response for a particular API request and response pair.  The value
   SHOULD be a UUID [RFC4122].  The request originator SHALL match the
   value of this header in the response with the one sent in the
   request.  If response is not received, caller may retry sending the
   request with the same value of "Mailbox-Request-ID".  Relay server
   SHOULD store the value of the last successfully processed "Mailbox-
   Request-ID" for each device based on the caller's Device Claim.  A
   key-value pair of "Device Claim" to "Mailbox-Request-ID" is suggested
   to store the last successfully processed request for each device.  In
   case of receiving a request with duplicated "Mailbox-Request-ID",
   Relay SHOULD respond to the caller with status code 201, ignoring the
   duplicate request body content.

5.2.  Mailbox-Device-Claim

   All requests to CreateMailbox, ReadSecureContentFromMailbox and
   UpdateMailbox endpoints MUST contain this header.  The value
   represents "Device Claim" (refer to Terminology)

5.3.  Mailbox-Device-Attestation

   Request to CreateMailbox MAY contain this header.  The value
   represents a Device Attestation (String, Optional) - optional remote
   OEM device proprietary attestation data

6.  HTTP access methods

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6.1.  CreateMailbox

   An application running on a remote device can invoke this API on
   Relay Server to create a mailbox and store secure data content to it
   (encrypted data specific to a provisioning partner).
   MailboxIdentifier is created by the Relay server as an UUID
   [RFC4122], using cryptographic entropy.  A URL to the created mailbox
   to be returned to the caller in the response.

6.1.1.  Endpoint

   POST /{version}/m

6.1.2.  Request Parameters:

   Path parameters

   *  version (String, Required) - the version of the API.  At the time
      of writing this document, “v1”.

   Header parameters

   *  Mailbox-Device-Attestation (String, Optional) - optional remote
      OEM device proprietary attestation data.

   *  Mailbox-Device-Claim (String, UUID, Required) - Device Claim
      (refer to Terminology).

   *  Mailbox-Request-ID (String, UUID, Required) - Unique request

6.1.3.  Consumes

   This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type
   request header: application/json

6.1.4.  Produces

   This API call produces the following media types via the Content-Type
   response header: application/json

6.1.5.  Request body

   Request body is a complex structure, including the following fields:

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   *  payload (Object, Required) - for the purposes of Tigress API, this
      is a data structure, describing Provisioning Information specific
      to Credential Provider.  It consists of the following 2 key-value

      1.  "type": "AEAD_AES_128_GCM" (refer to Encryption Format

      2.  "data": BASE64-encoded binary value of ciphertext.

   *  displayInformation (Object, Required) - for the purposes of the
      Tigress API, this is a data structure.  It allows an application
      running on a receiving device to build a visual representation of
      the credential to show to user.  The data structure contains the
      following fields:

      1.  title (String, Required) - the title of the credential (e.g.
          "Car Key")

      2.  description (String, Required) - a brief description of the
          credential (e.g. "a key to my personal car")

      3.  imageURL (String, Required) - a link to a picture representing
          the credential visually.

   *  notificationToken (Object, Optional) - optional notification token
      used to notify an appropriate remote device that the mailbox data
      has been updated.  Data structure includes the following (if
      notificationToken is provided it should include both fields):

      1.  type (String, Required) - notification token name.  Used to
          define which Push Notification System to be used to notify
          appropriate remote device of a mailbox data update.  (E.g.
          "" for APNS)

      2.  tokenData (String, Required) - notification token data (data
          encoded based on specific device OEM notification service
          rules - e.g.  HEX-encoded or Base64-encoded) - application-
          specific - refer to appropriate Push Notification System

   *  mailboxConfiguration (Object, Optional) - optional mailbox
      configuration, defines access rights to the mailbox, mailbox
      expiration time.  Required at the time of the mailbox creation.
      OEM device may provide this data in the request, Relay server
      shall define a default configuration, if it is not provided in the
      incoming request.  Data structure includes the following:

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      1.  accessRights (String, Optional) - optional access rights to
          the mailbox for Initiator and Recipient devices.  Default
          access to the mailbox is Read and Delete.  Value is defined as
          a combination of the following values: "R" - for read access,
          "W" - for write access, "D" - for delete access.  Example"
          "RD" - allows to read from the mailbox and delete it.

      2.  expiration (String, Required) - Mailbox expiration time in
          "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" format (UTC time zone) [RFC3339].
          Mailbox has limited lifetime.  Once expired, it SHALL be
          deleted - refer to DeleteMailbox endpoint.  Relay server
          SHOULD periodically check for expired mailboxes and delete

      "notificationToken": {

                     Figure 1: Apple Push Token Example

       "displayInformation" : {
           "title" : "Hotel Pass",
           "description" : "Some Hotel Pass",
           "imageURL" : ""
       "payload" : {
           "type": "AEAD_AES_128_GCM",
           "data": "FDEC...987654321"
       "notificationToken" : {
           "type" : "",
           "tokenData" : “APNS...1234"
       "mailboxConfiguration" : {
           "accessRights" : "RWD",
           "expiration" : "2022-02-08T14:57:22Z"

                  Figure 2: Create Mailbox Request Example

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6.1.6.  Responses

   200 Status: “200” (OK)


   *  urlLink (String, Required) - a full URL link to the mailbox
      including fully qualified domain name and mailbox Identifier.
      Refer to "Share URL" section for details.

   *  isPushNotificationSupported (boolean, Required) - indicates
      whether push notification is supported or not.  The device uses
      this field to decide whether it should listen on the push topic or
      do long-polling.


                 Figure 3: Create Mailbox Response Example

   201 Status: “201” (Created) - response to a duplicated request
   (duplicated "Mailbox-Request-ID").  Relay server SHALL respond to
   duplicated requests with 201 without creating a new mailbox.
   "Mailbox-Request-ID" passed in the first CreateMailbox request's
   header SHOULD be stored by the Relay server and compared to the same
   value in the subsequent requests to identify duplicated requests.  If
   duplicate is found, Relay SHALL not create a new mailbox, but respond
   with 201 instead.  The value of "Mailbox-Request-ID" of the last
   successfully completed request SHOULD be stored based on the Device
   Claim passed by the caller.

   400 Bad Request - invalid request has been passed (can not parse or
   required fields missing).

   401 Unauthorized - calling device is not authorized to create a
   mailbox.  E.g. a device presented an invalid device claim or device

6.2.  UpdateMailbox

   An application running on a remote device can invoke this API on
   Relay Server to update secure data content in an existing mailbox
   (encrypted data specific to a Provisioning Partner).  The update
   effectively overwrites the secure payload previously stored in the

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6.2.1.  Endpoint

   PUT /{version}/m/{mailboxIdentifier}

6.2.2.  Request Parameters

   Path parameters:

   *  version (String, Required) - the version of the API.  At the time
      of writing this document, “v1”.

   *  mailboxIdentifier(String, Required) - MailboxIdentifier (refer to

   Header parameters:

   *  Mailbox-Device-Attestation (String, Optional) - optional remote
      OEM device proprietary attestation data.

   *  Mailbox-Device-Claim (String, UUID, Required) - Device Claim
      (refer to Terminology).

   *  Mailbox-Request-ID (String, UUID, Required) - Unique request

6.2.3.  Consumes

   This API call consumes the following media types via the Content-Type
   request header: application/json

6.2.4.  Produces

   This API call produces following media types via the Content-Type
   request header: application/json

6.2.5.  Request body

   Request body is a complex structure, including the following fields:

   *  payload (Object, Required) - for the purposes of Tigress API, this
      is a data structure, describing Provisioning Information specific
      to Credential Provider.  It consists of the following 2 key-value

      1.  "type": "AEAD_AES_128_GCM" (refer to Encryption Format

      2.  "data": BASE64-encoded binary value of ciphertext.

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   *  notificationToken (Object, Optional) - optional notification token
      used to notify an appropriate remote device that the mailbox data
      has been updated.  Data structure includes the following (if
      notificationToken is provided it should include both fields):

      1.  type (String, Required) - notification token name.  Used to
          define which Push Notification System to be used to notify
          appropriate remote device of a mailbox data update.  (E.g.
          "" for APNS)

      2.  tokenData (String, Required) - notification token data (data
          encoded based on specific device OEM notification service
          rules - e.g.  HEX-encoded or Base64-encoded) - application-
          specific - refer to appropriate Push Notification System

        "payload" : {
           "type": "AEAD_AES_128_GCM",
           "data": "FDEC...987654321"
           "type" : "",
           "tokenData" : “APNS...1234"

                  Figure 4: Update Mailbox Request Example

6.2.6.  Responses


   *  isPushNotificationSupported (boolean, Required) - indicates
      whether push notification is supported or not.  The device uses
      this field to decide whether it should listen on the push topic or
      do long-polling.


                 Figure 5: Update Mailbox Response Example

   200 Status: “200” (OK)

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   201 Status: “201” (Created) - response to a duplicate request
   (duplicate "Mailbox-Request-ID").  Relay server SHALL respond to
   duplicate requests with 201 without performing mailbox update.
   "Mailbox-Request-ID" passed in the first UpdateMailbox request's
   header SHALL be stored by the Relay server and compared to the same
   value in the subsequent requests to identify duplicate requests.  If
   duplicate is found, Relay SHALL not perform mailbox update, but
   respond with 201 instead.  The value of "Mailbox-Request-ID" of the
   last successfully completed request SHALL be stored based on the
   Device Claim passed by the caller.

   400 Bad Request - invalid request has been passed (can not parse or
   required fields missing).

   401 Unauthorized - calling device is not authorized to update the
   mailbox.  E.g. a device presented the incorrect Device Claim.

   404 Not Found - mailbox with provided mailboxIdentifier not found.

6.3.  DeleteMailbox

   An application running on a remote device can invoke this API on
   Relay Server to close the existing mailbox after it served its
   purpose.  Recipient or Initiator Device needs to present a Device
   Claim in order to close the mailbox.

6.3.1.  Endpoint

   DELETE /{version}/m/{mailboxIdentifier}

6.3.2.  Request Parameters

   Path parameters:

   *  version (String, Required) - the version of the API.  At the time
      of writing this document, “v1”.

   *  mailboxIdentifier(String, Required) - MailboxIdentifier (refer to

   Header parameters:

   *  Mailbox-Device-Claim (String, UUID, Required) - Device Claim
      (refer to Terminology).

   *  Mailbox-Request-ID (String, UUID, Required) - Unique request

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6.3.3.  Responses

   200 Status: “200” (OK)

   401 Unauthorized - calling device is not authorized to delete a
   mailbox.  E.g. a device presented the incorrect Device Claim.

   404 Not Found - mailbox with provided mailboxIdentifier not found.
   Relay server may respond with 404 if the Mailbox Identifier passed by
   the caller is invalid or mailbox has already been deleted (as a
   result of duplicate DeleteMailbox request).

6.4.  ReadDisplayInformationFromMailbox

   An application running on a remote device can invoke this API on
   Relay Server to retrieve public display information content from a
   mailbox.  Display Information shall be returned in OpenGraph format
   (please refer to for details).  OpenGraph-formatted
   display information is required to display a preview of credential in
   a messaging application, e.g. iMessage or WhatsApp.

6.4.1.  Endpoint

   GET /{version}/m/{mailboxIdentifier}

6.4.2.  Request Parameters

   Path parameters:

   *  version (String, Required)- the version of the API.  At the time
      of writing this document, “v1”.

   *  mailboxIdentifier(String, Required) - MailboxIdentifier (refer to

6.4.3.  Produces

   This API call produces the following media types via the Content-Type
   response header: text/html

6.4.4.  Responses

   200 Status: “200” (OK)

   ResponseBody :

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   *  displayInformation (Object, Required) - visual representation of
      digital credential in OpenGraph format (please refer to for details).

    "<html prefix="og:">
     <title>Hotel Pass</title>
     <meta property="og:title" content="Hotel Pass" />
     <meta property="og:type" content="image/jpeg" />
     <meta property="og:description" content="Some Hotel Pass" />
     <meta property="og:url" content="share://" />
     <meta property="og:image" content="" />
     <meta property="og:image:width" content="612" />
     <meta property="og:image:height" content="408" /></head>

         Figure 6: Read Display Information Response Example

   404 Not Found - mailbox with provided mailboxIdentifier not found.

6.5.  ReadSecureContentFromMailbox

   An application running on a remote device can invoke this API on
   Relay Server to retrieve secure payload content from a mailbox
   (encrypted data specific to a Provisioning Information Provider).

6.5.1.  Endpoint

   POST /{version}/m/{mailboxIdentifier}

6.5.2.  Request Parameters

   Path parameters:

   *  version (String, Required) - the version of the API.  At the time
      of writing this document, “v1”.

   *  mailboxIdentifier(String, Required) - MailboxIdentifier (refer to

   Header parameters:

   *  Mailbox-Device-Claim (String, UUID, Required) - Device Claim
      (refer to Terminology).

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6.5.3.  Produces

   This API call produces the following media types via the Content-Type
   response header: application/json

6.5.4.  Responses

   200 Status: “200” (OK)

   ResponseBody :

   *  payload (String, Required) - for the purposes of Tigress API, this
      is a JSON metadata blob, describing Provisioning Information
      specific to Credential Provider.

   *  displayInformation (Object, Required) - for the purposes of the
      Tigress API, this is a JSON data blob.  It allows an application
      running on a receiving device to build a visual representation of
      the credential to show to user.  Specific to Credential Provider.

   *  expiration (String, Required) - the date that the mailbox will
      expire.  The mailbox expiration time is set during mailbox
      creation.  Expiration time should be a complete [RFC3339] date
      string in "YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ" format (UTC time zone), and can
      be used to allow receiving clients to show when a share will

       “displayInformation" : {
           "title" : "Hotel Pass",
           "description" : "Some Hotel Pass",
           "imageURL" : ""
       "payload" : {
           "type": "AEAD_AES_128_GCM",
           "data": "FDEC...987654321"
       "expiration": "2021-11-03T20:32:34Z"

               Figure 7: Read Secure Content Response Example

   401 Unauthorized - calling device is not authorized to read the
   secure content of the mailbox.  E.g. a device presented the incorrect
   Device Claim.

   404 Not Found - mailbox with provided mailboxIdentifier not found.

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6.6.  RelinquishMailbox

   An application running on a remote device can invoke this API on
   Relay Server to relinquish their ownership of the mailbox.  Recipient
   Device needs to present the currently established Recipient Device
   Claim in order to relinquish their ownership of the mailbox.  Once
   relinquished, the mailbox can be bound to a different Recipient
   Device that presents its Device Claim in a
   ReadSecureContentFromMailbox call.

6.6.1.  Endpoint

   PATCH /{version}/m/{mailboxIdentifier}

6.6.2.  Request Parameters

   Path parameters:

   *  version (String, Required) - the version of the API.  At the time
      of writing this document, “v1”.

   *  mailboxIdentifier(String, Required) - MailboxIdentifier (refer to

   Header parameters:

   *  Mailbox-Device-Claim (String, UUID, Required) - Device Claim
      (refer to Terminology).

   *  Mailbox-Request-ID (String, UUID, Required) - Unique request

6.6.3.  Responses

   200 Status: “200” (OK)

   201 Status: “201” (Created) - response to a duplicate request
   (duplicate "Mailbox-Request-ID").  Relay server SHALL respond to
   duplicate requests with 201 without performing mailbox relinquish.
   "Mailbox-Request-ID" passed in the first RelinquishMailbox request's
   header SHALL be stored by the Relay server and compared to the same
   value in the subsequent requests to identify duplicate requests.  If
   duplicate is found, Relay SHALL not perform mailbox relinquish, but
   respond with 201 instead.  The value of "Mailbox-Request-ID" of the
   last successfully completed request SHALL be stored based on the
   Device Claim passed by the caller.

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   401 Unauthorized - calling device is not authorized to relinquish a
   mailbox.  E.g. a device presented the incorrect Device Claim, or the
   device is not bound to the mailbox.

   404 Not Found - mailbox with provided mailboxIdentifier not found.
   Relay server may respond with 404 if the Mailbox Identifier passed by
   the caller is invalid.

7.  Provisioning Information Structure

   The Provisioning Information is the data transferred via the Relay
   Server between the Initiator Device and Recipient Device.  Each use
   case defines its own specialized Provisioning Information format, but
   all formats must at least adhere to the following structure.  Formats
   are free to define new top level keys, so clients shouldn't be
   surprised if a message of an unexpected format has specialized top
   level keys.

    | Key     | Type       | Required | Description                  |
    | format  | String     | Yes      | The Provisioning Information |
    |         |            |          | format that the message      |
    |         |            |          | follows.  This is used by    |
    |         |            |          | the Initiator Device and     |
    |         |            |          | Recipient Device to know how |
    |         |            |          | to parse the message.        |
    | content | Dictionary | Yes      | A dictionary of content to   |
    |         |            |          | be used for the credential   |
    |         |            |          | transfer.  See each format's |
    |         |            |          | specification for exact      |
    |         |            |          | fields.                      |

                                 Table 1

7.1.  Provisioning Information Format

   Each Provisioning Information format must have the message structure
   defined in an external specification.

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   |Format Type                             |Spec Link           |Description   |
   |digitalwallet.carkey.ccc                |[CCC-Digital-Key-30]|A digital     |
   |                                        |                    |wallet        |
   |                                        |                    |Provisioning  |
   |                                        |                    |Information   |
   |                                        |                    |for sharing a |
   |                                        |                    |car key that  |
   |                                        |                    |follows the   |
   |                                        |                    |Car           |
   |                                        |                    |Connectivity  |
   |                                        |                    |Consortium    |
   |                                        |                    |specification.|
   |digitalwallet.generic.authorizationToken|[ISO-18013-5]       |A digital     |
   |                                        |                    |wallet        |
   |                                        |                    |Provisioning  |
   |                                        |                    |Information   |
   |                                        |                    |for sharing a |
   |                                        |                    |generic pass  |
   |                                        |                    |that relies   |
   |                                        |                    |solely on an  |
   |                                        |                    |authorization |
   |                                        |                    |token.        |

                                  Table 2

      "format" : "digitalwallet.carkey.ccc",
      "content": {
         // Format specific fields

                 Figure 8: Provisioning Information format

7.2.  Provisioning Information Encryption

   Provisioning Information will be stored on the Relay Server
   encrypted.  The Secret used to encrypt the Provisioning Information
   should be given to the Recipient Device via a "Share URL" (a URL link
   to a mailbox).  The encrypted payload should be a data structure
   having the following key-value pairs:

   *  "type" (String, Required) - the encryption algorithm and mode

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   *  "data" (String, Required) - Base64 encoded binary value of the
      encrypted Provisioning Information, aka the ciphertext.

   Please refer to [RFC5116] for the details of the encryption

   The following algorithms and modes are mandatory to implement:

   *  "AEAD_AES_128_GCM": AES symmetric encryption algorithm with key
      length 128 bits, in GCM mode with no padding.  Initialization
      Vector (IV) has the length of 96 bits randomly generated and tag
      length of 128 bits.

   *  "AEAD_AES_256_GCM": AES symmetric encryption algorithm with key
      length 256 bits, in GCM mode with no padding.  Initialization
      Vector (IV) has the length of 96 bits randomly generated and tag
      length of 128 bits.

       "type" : "AEAD_AES_128_GCM",
       "data" : "IV  ciphertext  tag"

                  Figure 9: Secure Payload Format example

7.3.  Share URL

   A "Share URL" is the url a Initiator Device sends to the Recipient
   Device allowing it to retrieve the Provisioning Information stored on
   the Relay Server.  A Share URL is made up of the following fields:


                     Figure 10: Share URL example

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          | Field              | Location           | Required |
          | RelayServerHost    | URL Host           | Yes      |
          | ApiVersion         | URI Path Parameter | Yes      |
          | MailboxIdentifier  | URI Path Parameter | Yes      |
          | CredentialVertical | Query Parameter    | No       |
          | Secret             | Fragment           | No       |

                                 Table 3

7.3.1.  Credential Vertical in Share URL

   When a user interacts with a share URL on a Recipient Device it can
   be helpful to know what Credential Vertical this share is for.  This
   is particularly important if the Recipient Device has multiple
   applications that can handle a share URL.  For example, a Recipient
   Device might want to handle a general access share in their wallet
   app, but handle car key shares in a specific car application.

   To properly route a share URL, the Initiator can include the
   Credential Vertical in the share URL as a query parameter.  The
   Credential Vertical can't be included in the encrypted payload
   because the Recipient Device might need to open the right application
   before retrieving the secure payload.  The Credential Vertical query
   parameter uses the "v" key and supports the below types.  If no
   Credential Vertical is provided it will be assumed that this is a
   general access share URL.

                     | Vertical       | Value       |
                     | General Access | a or _None_ |
                     | Home Key       | h           |
                     | Car Key        | c           |

                                 Table 4

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                 Figure 11: Car Key Share URL example

   The Credential Vertical query parameter can be added to the share URL
   by the Initiator Device when constructing the full share URL that is
   going to be sent to the Recipient Device.

8.  Security Considerations

8.1.  Relay Server defined in this document

8.1.1.  Confidentiality & Integrity

   *  Relay Server SHALL only allow TLS connections to thwart
      eavesdropping or disruption of communication between Relay Server
      and Initiator/Recipient.

   *  Relay Server SHALL use Device Claim to bind Initiator and exactly
      one Recipient device to a mailbox.  The binding prevents
      eavesdropping or disruption of communication between Initiator and
      Recipient via mailbox.

8.1.2.  Network attacks

   *  An attacker may attempt to guess the MailboxIdentifier to
      eavesdrop or disrupt communication.  Using version 4 UUID
      [RFC4122] for MailboxIdentifier SHOULD contain 122-bits of
      cryptographic entropy.  That makes brute-force guessing attacks
      impractical.  Also Relay Server generating MailboxIdentifiers
      removes any chance of collision.

   *  It is possible to hosting malicious or untrusted scripts by relay
      server preview page (ReadDisplayInformationFromMailbox).  That can
      be mitigated by not hosting a third party JavaScripts on a preview
      page.  Another approach is with a policy and tools to maintain the
      trust of such scripts (e.g. force client to verify the script
      against a good known hash of it).

   *  Relay server SHALL periodically check and delete expired mailboxes
      ( refer to expiration parameter in the CreateMailbox request).
      This prevents un-authorized data leaks in future in addition to
      general cleanup.

8.1.3.  Privacy Considerations

   *  Relay Server SHALL not look into data exchanged over mailbox.
      This is achieved by encrypting that data and making sure the
      Secret doesn't land on Relay Server.

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   *  At no time Relay server SHALL store or track the identities of
      Initiator and Recipient.  This is achieved by letting clients pick
      Device Claims and Notification Tokens.

   *  Relay Server SHALL NOT be able to identify different mailboxes
      that same device is interacting with.  This is achieved by letting
      clients pick Device Claims and Notification Tokens.

8.2.  Clients of Relay Server

8.2.1.  Confidentiality & Integrity

   *  Clients SHALL encrypt contents of the mailbox to protect it from
      getting revealed to the Relay Server.

   *  Clients SHALL check cryptographic checksum of the content to
      verify integrity of data.  It's in the realm of Verticals to
      define the details and out of scope of this document.

   *  It is recommended that URL and secret are send separately.  But if
      the Initiator sends both URL and the Secret as a single URL,
      Secret MUST be appended as URI fragment [RFC3986].  Recipient
      Device, upon receipt of such URL, MUST remove the Fragment
      (Secret) before calling the Relay server API.  This ensures that
      Relay Server never ends up with the Secret to decode data.


           Figure 12: Example of URL with Secret as URI Fragment

8.2.2.  Privacy Considerations

   *  Notification Token SHALL NOT not contain identifying information.
      It SHOULD also be different for every new share to prevent the
      Relay server from correlating different shares.

   *  Notification token SHOULD only inform the corresponding device
      that there is an update available on the corresponding mailbox.
      Each device SHOULD keep track of all mailboxes associated with it
      and make read calls to appropriate mailboxes.

   *  The value of Mailbox-Device-Attestation header parameter SHALL not
      contain identifying information.  It SHOULD also be different for
      every new share to prevent the Relay server from correlating
      different shares.

   *  Display Information is not encrypted, therefore, it SHOULD not
      contain any identifying information.

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8.3.  Overall System

   The overall system security considerations are in the realm of
   Verticals.  They are mentioned here for getting a better picture.
   But these are not in scope of this document as Relay Server is a
   piece of the overall System.

8.3.1.  Initiator shares with the wrong Recipient

   *  Verticals allow Initiator to cancel in-flight shares and delete
      completed shares.

8.3.2.  Malicious Recipient forwards the share to 3rd party without
        redeeming it or the Recipient's device is compromised.

   *  No mitigation, the Initiator SHOULD only share with receivers they

8.3.3.  Invitation Channel Security

   *  For better user experience, the sharing flow SHOULD allow user
      preferred channels.  Users are familiar with these channels and
      use them frequently for communication.  Users typically consider
      these channels as secure enough and trust them to deliver messages
      to intended recipient.  Some of these channels are end to end
      encrypted and hence very secure and some are not.  So depending on
      channel used it's possible that the invitation is leaked to
      determined attackers.

   *  Verticals can deploy various mitigations for this scenario.

      -  Verticals SHALL ensure that the Provisioning Information of a
         share can only be redeemed exactly once.  Relay Server helps in
         this by guaranteeing that only one Recipient device gets the
         Provisioning Information.

      -  Verticals can use second factor to authenticate the Recipient.
         Verticals can use PIN codes, presence of Initiator Credential
         or other mechanisms as second factor.  The second factor
         introduces friction to the smooth user experience during the
         Provisioning process or at time of use of Credential.  Details
         of the second factor and policies around use of the second
         factor are out of scope of this document.

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9.  IANA Considerations

   This document registers new headers, "Mailbox-Request-ID", "Mailbox-
   Device-Claim" and "Mailbox-Device-Attestation" in the "Permanent
   Message Header Field Names" <

      | Header Field Name          | Protocol | Status |   Reference   |
      | Mailbox-Request-ID         |   http   |  std   | This document |
      | Mailbox-Device-Claim       |   http   |  std   | This document |
      | Mailbox-Device-Attestation |   http   |  std   | This document |

                    Figure 13: Registered HTTP Header

10.  References

10.1.  Normative References

              Car Connectivity Consortium, "Digital Key Release 3", July
              2022, <

              Cards and security devices for personal identification,
              "Personal identification — ISO-compliant driving license —
              Part 5: Mobile driving license (mDL) application",
              September 2021, <>.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3339]  Klyne, G. and C. Newman, "Date and Time on the Internet:
              Timestamps", RFC 3339, DOI 10.17487/RFC3339, July 2002,

   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
              RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, January 2005,

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   [RFC4122]  Leach, P., Mealling, M., and R. Salz, "A Universally
              Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace", RFC 4122,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4122, July 2005,

   [RFC5116]  McGrew, D., "An Interface and Algorithms for Authenticated
              Encryption", RFC 5116, DOI 10.17487/RFC5116, January 2008,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

10.2.  Informative References

   [RFC2818]  Rescorla, E., "HTTP Over TLS", RFC 2818,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2818, May 2000,

Appendix A.  Contributors

   The following people provided substantive contributions to this

   *  Casey Astiz

   *  Adam Bar-Niv

   *  Alexey Bulgakov

   *  Matt Byington

   *  Ben Chester

   *  Igor Gariev

   *  Manuel Gerster

   *  Jean-Luc Giraud

   *  Tommy Pauly

   *  Crystal Qin

Appendix B.  Acknowledgments

   TODO acknowledge.

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Authors' Addresses

   Dmitry Vinokurov
   Apple Inc

   Yogesh Karandikar
   Apple Inc

   Matthias Lerch
   Apple Inc

   Alex Pelletier
   Apple Inc

   Nick Sha
   Alphabet Inc

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