Internet DRAFT - draft-vitali-ietf-avt-mdc-lc


Network Working Group                                          A. Vitali
Internet Draft <draft-vitali-ietf-avt-mdc-lc-00.txt>  STMicroelectronics
Expires: January 2006                                        M.Fumagalli
                                         CEFRIEL - Politecnico di Milano
                                                               July 2005

       Standard-compatible Multiple-Description Coding (MDC) and
               Layered Coding (LC) of Audio/Video Streams

Status of this Memo

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that any
   applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is aware
   have been or will be disclosed, and any of which he or she becomes
   aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
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   Comments are solicited and should be addressed to the AVT WG mailing
   list at avt@ietf and/or the author(s).


   This document specifies an efficient way to ensure erasure resilient,
   scalable transmission of encoded multimedia sources via RTP using
   standard-compatible Multiple Description Coding (MDC) and Layered
   Coding (LC) together with interleaving, thus allowing a graceful
   degradation of the application quality with increasing packet loss
   rate and decreasing bandwidth/throughput on the network.

   This document describes what information needs to be communicated
   out-of-band to use a specific MDC/LC scheme and what information is

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   needed in RTP packets to identify what description/layer they carry.
   Definitions for SDP and MIME are provided.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction..................................................  3
       1.1.  Performance and efficiency of MDC/LC....................  3
       1.2.  Application scenarios...................................  4
       1.3.  Standard-compatible framework, compatibility issues.....  4
       1.4.  Complexity of MDC/LC, implementation issues.............  5
       1.5.  Interaction with other techniques (ARQ/FEC).............  6
       1.6.  Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC)......................  6
   2.  Conventions...................................................  7
   3.  MDC/LC identification parameters..............................  7
       3.1.  SDP media-level attributes..............................  7
       3.2.  MIME registration....................................... 11
   4.  Typical cases and examples.................................... 11
       4.1.  Polyphase Downsampling Multiple Description (PDMD)...... 11
       4.2.  Multiple Description by filter bank..................... 13
       4.3.  Frame-expanded Multiple Description..................... 15
       4.4.  Unbalanced Multiple Description (UMD)................... 17
       4.5.  Classical Layered Coding (LC)........................... 18
       4.6.  Haar-wavelet Layered Coding............................. 19
   5.  Packetization................................................. 20
       5.1.  Synchronization......................................... 20
       5.2.  Multiplexing, Interleaving.............................. 20
   6.  Security Considerations....................................... 20
   7.  Congestion Control and bandwidth management................... 21
   8.  IANA Considerations........................................... 21
   9.  Informative appendix: rationale for std-compatible MDC/LC..... 21
       9.1.  Rationale for video MDC................................. 21
       9.2.  MDC in the error-prediction or in the transform domain.. 22
       9.3.  MDC in the pixel domain................................. 22
   10. References.................................................... 23
       10.1. Normative references.................................... 23
       10.2. Informative references.................................. 23
   Authors' Addresses................................................ 24
   Full Copyright Statement.......................................... 24
   Intellectual Property Right....................................... 25
   Acknowledgements.................................................. 25

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1.  Introduction

   Multiple Description Coding (MDC) and Layered Coding (LC) are
   analogous.  Each description/layer can contribute to one or more
   characteristics of multimedia data: spatial/temporal resolution and
   quality (SNR).  Descriptions/layers can also contribute to frequency
   content in the transform domain.

   The difference between MDC and LC lies in the dependency among
   bitstreams.  The simplest case is when two bitstreams are created.
   In the case of LC they are referred to as "base layer" and
   "enhancement layer", the latter depends on the former and cannot be
   decoded independently.  On the other hand, in the case of MDC, each
   description can be individually decoded to get a base quality.  The
   more descriptions decoded, the larger the output quality.

   The base layer is clearly more important than enhancement layers.  On
   the other hand, descriptions can have the same importance (as for
   balanced MDC) or they can have different importance (as for
   unbalanced MDC).

1.1.  Performance and efficiency of MDC/LC

   MDC and LC are useful in case of varying bandwidth/throughput and in
   case of losses/erasures due to congestion (as for Internet) and
   uncorrectable errors (as for wireless channels).

   MDC greatly improves loss/erasure resilience because each bitstream
   can be decoded independently, making it unlikely to have the same
   portion of data corrupted in every description.  LC can improve error
   resilience when the protection level for a given layer can be adapted
   to its importance so that the base layer is more protected.

   MDC/LC eases the management of variable bandwidth/throughput by
   transmitting a suitable number of descriptions/layers.  It must be
   noted that, when neither LC nor MDC is used, an expensive transcoding
   process is needed to match the channel capacity.

   MDC/LC can also exploit path diversity.

   Coding efficiency is somewhat reduced depending on the amount of
   redundancy left among descriptions/layers.  However, any technique
   that introduce scalability or resilience does reduce coding

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1.2.  Application scenarios

   Foreseen applications are summarized in the following list:

   - Easy cell hand-over: different descriptions can be streamed from
     different base stations exploiting multi-paths on a cell boundary.

   - Adaptation to low resolution/memory/power: mobiles decode as many
     descriptions/layers as they can based on their display size,
     available memory, processor speed, and battery level.

   - Easy picture-in-picture: with the classical solution, a second
     full-decoding is needed plus downsizing; with MDC/LC, it is
     sufficient to decode one description or the base layer and paste it
     on the display.

   - Better delivered quality: in a broadcast scenario, there is no need
     to protect heavily the stream for the farthest user with FEC
     techniques, lowering quality at the same gross rate (media+FEC);
     nearer users will experience a better quality by receiving more

   - Adaptation to varying bandwidth: the base station can simply drop
     descriptions/layers; more users can be easily served, and no
     transcoding process is needed.

   - Multi-standard support (simulcast without simulcast): descriptions
     can be encoded with different codecs (MPEG-2, H.263, H.264);
     there's no waste of capacity as descriptions carry different

   - Divide-et-impera approach for HDTV distribution: HDTV sequences can
     be split into SDTV descriptions; no custom high-bandwidth h/w is

   - Enhanced carousel: instead of repeating the same data over and over
     again, different descriptions are transmitted one after another;
     the decoder can store and combine them to get an higher quality.

   - "pay-per-quality" services: user can decide at which quality level
     to enjoy a service, from low-cost low-resolution (base layer or one
     description only) to higher cost high-resolution (by paying for
     enhancement layers / more descriptions).

1.3.  Standard-compatible framework, compatibility issues

   The implementation of the proposed MDC/LC scheme is completely
   independent of the underlying multimedia codec.  The creation of

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   descriptions/layers is performed in the data domain.  This is done in
   a pre-processing stage.  Descriptions/layers can then be coded
   independently.  At the decoder side, there is a post-processor stage
   in which decoded descriptions/layers are merged.

   Specific information needs to be communicated out-of-band via SDP or
   MIME to specify which MDC/LC scheme is in use.  Standard decoders
   will ignore this specific information.  However, such decoders will
   still be able to decode each successfully received description/layer.
   At the same time, decoders MDC/LC-aware will parse this information
   in order to properly decode and merge descriptions/layers.

   Balanced MDC can even be beneficial for standard decoders.
   Multiplexed descriptions can be marked so that standard decoders
   understand they are multiple copies of the same data.  Of course,
   decoded data will have a smaller resolution/quality.  As an example,
   when balanced descriptions are transmitted, standard decoders will
   understand that the same data is transmitted multiple times in a way
   similar, but not equal to, repetition codes.  Actually, there is no
   repetition but slightly different data packets are transmitted.
   Decoders can be instructed to decode only the first successfully
   received 'copy'.

1.4.  Complexity of MDC/LC, implementation issues

   Pre- and post-processing stages can be completely decoupled from the
   underlying multimedia codec.  However, it must be noticed that
   keeping MDC/LC decoupled from the underlying codec prevent MDC/LC to
   give its best.  To get maximum quality for the decoded MDC/LC and to
   do MDC/LC encoding with the least effort, joint or coordinated
   encoding could be used.  Also, to exploit MDC/LC redundancy and to
   maximize the error resilience, joint MDC/LC decoding is recommended.

   As an example, video encoders can share expensive encoding decisions
   (motion vectors) instead of computing them; also they can coordinate
   encoding decisions (quantization policies) to enhance quality or
   enhance resilience (interleaved multiframe prediction policies, intra
   refresh policies).  Decoders can share decoded data to ease error
   concealment; also they can share critical internal variables (anchor
   frame buffer) to stop error propagation due to prediction.

   It is worth mentioning that, if balanced descriptions are properly
   compressed and packetized, losses/erasures can be recovered before
   the decoding stage.  In this case, decoders are preceeded by a
   special processor in which lost packets are recovered by copying
   similar packets from other descriptions.  Similar packets are those
   that carry the same portion of data.

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1.5.  Interaction with other techniques (ARQ/FEC)

   Several techniques have been proposed to enhance error/loss
   resilience of multimedia streams sent through unreliable channels.
   Among these, there are techniques like forward error
   detection/correction codes (FEC) or automatic repetition requests

   ARQ is very effective but it requires a feedback channel and it can
   be used only in point-to-point communications, not for broadcast.  Of
   course, time must be allowed for retransmissions.  On the opposite,
   FEC does not require a feedback channel and it is suitable for

   FEC usually needs to be complex (plus it introduces a substantial
   coding and interleaving delay) in order to be effective and it has an
   all-or-nothing performance: if the correction capability is exceeded,
   almost nothing is delivered to the receiver. Capacity may be wasted
   if the worst case (worst channel conditions, farthest user) must be
   considered.  On the opposite, when the channel is better than
   expected and there are no losses, FEC redundancy is useless.  On the
   other hand, a particular MDC scheme (frame-expanded MDC) can yield a
   superior quality to the user in this case as redundant data may
   contribute to the reduction of quantization noise power.

   Both these techniques, ARQ and/or FEC, can be used together with

   It is suggested to adapt the protection level of a given description/
   layer to its importance, a technique commonly known as unequal error
   protection.  It is suggested to use unequal error protection even in
   the case of equally important descriptions (balanced MDC).  In fact,
   armoring only one description may be more effective than trying to
   protect all descriptions.  If this is done, there's one description
   which is heavily protected.  If the channel becomes really bad, this
   description is likely to survive losses.  Then the decoder will be
   able to guarantee a basic quality, thanks to this description.

1.6.  Joint Source-Channel Coding (JSCC)

   It is often useful to optimize the parameters of the source and
   channel encoders jointly (joint source-channel coding, JSCC).  In the
   case of multimedia communications, this means exploiting the error
   resilience that may be embedded in compressed multimedia bitstreams
   rather than using complex forward error detection/correction codes or
   complex communication protocols.

   As an example, in MPEG-x/H.26x video encoders, it is possible to

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   increase error resilience through one or more of the following
   techniques: more frequent intra pictures to reset the motion
   prediction loop; suitable intra macroblock update policy; more slices
   per picture to reset differential motion vector and DC coefficient
   coding; Flexible Macroblock Order (FMO) or Asynchronous Slice Order
   (ASO) or concealment motion vectors or interleaved multiframe
   prediction policies to ease error concealment; reversible variable
   length coding (RVLC, with MPEG-4) or an error resilient entropy
   coding scheme (EREC) ormore sync markers; etc.

   MDC can be seen as another way of enhancing error resilience without
   using complex channel coding schemes.  Channel coding can then be
   reduced, compensating for the reduced coding efficiency due to
   redundancy left among descriptions.  This can be seen as a form of
   joint source channel coding.

2.  Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in BCP 14, RFC 2119 [3].

3.  MDC/LC identification parameters

   Specific information needs to be communicated out-of-band to use an
   MDC/LC scheme.  There are two sets of parameters.  The first set of
   parameters is related to the pre-processor: it describes the creation
   of each description/layer so that smart receivers MDC/LC-aware can
   compute how to merge them depending on the loss pattern.  The second
   set of parameters is related to the post-processor: it describes the
   merge of descriptions/layers for basic receivers MDC/LC-aware that
   can not compute how to merge them.  Smart receivers MDC/LC-aware can
   compute a second set for the merge given the first set.

   One of these sets MUST be sent via Session Description Protocol (SDP)
   using media-level attributes ("a=").  Both sets MAY be sent at the
   same time.  A mapping of the parameters into MIME optional parameters
   is also provided.  Equivalent parameters could be defined elsewhere
   for use with control protocols that do not use MIME or SDP.

   Standard receivers not MDC/LC-aware MUST ignore these sets.
   Receivers MDC/LC-aware MAY ignore these sets.

3.1.  SDP media-level attributes

   Media-level unregistered attributes ("X-attribute:value") are
   defined.  Their formatting in SDP is defined using the Augmented BNF
   (ABNF) grammar for syntax specifications (RFC 2234).  Note: this

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   draft is not yet perfectly consistent with RFC 2234.

   - "a=X-mdclc-tag:" payload-type mdclc-tag

     All descriptions/layers used in MDC/LC MUST be identified by a
     media identification tag.

     Tag "S" MUST NOT be used: it is reserved to indicate the original
     multimedia data which is the default starting point for
     descriptions/layers generation.

     "_Q" MUST NOT be used as part of the tag: it is a suffix reserved
     to indicate decoded (and quantized) descriptions/layers.  When
     lossless co/decoding is used (no quantization), the "_Q" suffix
     SHOULD NOT be used.  "T_" MUST NOT be used ad part of the tag: it
     is a prefix reserved to indicate temporary descriptions/layers for
     computations in pre- and post-processor.

     "D" SHOULD be included as part of the tag to indicate that it is an
     independent description.  "L" SHOULD be included as part of the tag
     to indicate that it is a dependent layer.  Numbers MAY be used.
     Lower numbers SHOULD be used to indicate more important
     descriptions/layers.  "_" SHOULD be used as separator to improve

     The following suffixes are reserved video data components and they
     MUST NOT be used as part of the tag: ".Y" (luma), ".Cb" (first
     chroma), ".Cr" (second chroma), ".R" (red), ".G" (green), ".B"
     (blu).  The following suffixes are reserved audio channels they
     MUST NOT be used as part of the tag: ".L" (left), ".R" (right),
     ".C" (center), ".RL" (rear left) or ".SL" (surround left), ".RR"
     (rear right) or ".SR" (Surround right), ".S" (surround, rear
     center), ".LFE" (low frequency effects).  When they are used, they
     MUST be the last suffix.  Alternatively, numbers can be used
     instead of labels for video components or audio channels.  When
     they are not used as part of the tag, the same computations MUST be
     applied on all components or channels that are present.

   - "a=X-mdclc-group:" group-tag +(space mdclc-tag)

     Groups of descriptions/layers in MDC/LC are identified by a group
     tag followed by zero or more media identification tags.  The media
     name in the "m=" line of SDP MUST be the same for all
     descriptions/layers in the group.

   - "a=X-mdclc-pre:" *(tag"="expression";")

     The creation of the indicated description/layer is specified as a

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     list of one or more expression that are computed in the pre-
     processor.  The tag for the starting point is "S", it indicates the
     original data.

     Valid expression MAY use every tagged description/layer.  Decoded
     descriptions/layers MAY be used, they are indicated by appending
     "_Q" to the tag.  Temporary descriptions/layers MAY be used, they
     SHOULD be indicated by prepending "T_" to the tag.  If an invalid
     expression is listed, the line MUST be entirely ignored.

   - "a=X-mdclc-post:" group-tag *(tag"="expression";")

     The merge of descriptions/layers in the indicated group is
     specified as a list of one or more expression that are computed in
     the post-processor.  The tag for the ending point is "E", it
     indicates the reconstructed original data.

     The ending point MUST be initialized to zero, which is equivalent
     to the following expression at the beginning: "E=0;".

     Valid expression MAY use every tagged description/layer.  Only
     decoded descriptions/layers are available at the receiver,
     therefore "_Q" SHOULD be added to every tag.  Temporary
     descriptions/layers MAY be used, they SHOULD be indicated by
     prepending "T_" to the tag.  If an invalid action is listed, the
     line MUST be ignored.

     All descriptions/layers listed in the indicated group MUST be
     received in order for the merge to take place.  If there is more
     than one group for which all descriptions/layers have been
     received, the first group listed SHOULD be used.

   Valid expression are standard mathematical expressions: they are made
   of operands (tagged descriptions/layers) together with their
   operators, parenthesis MAY be used to prioritize computations.
   Operands are numbers or tags.  The set of valid operators for the
   pre- and post-processor is listed below.  Also, there is a set of
   available functions for up/downsampling, filtering, conversion.
   Labels are case insensitive.

   Computations are done with the precision of the operands.  Typically
   for video each pixel is represented with 1 byte per component
   (YCbCr).  Typically for audio each sample is represented with 2
   bytes.  Precision can be changed by using specific conversion

   - Arithmetic operators.
       Plus                               +

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       Unary plus                         +
       Minus                              -
       Unary minus                        -
       Multiply                           *

   - Relational operators.
       Equal                             ==
       Not equal                         ~= or !=
       Less than                          <
       Greater than                       >
       Less than or equal                <=
       Greater than or equal             >=

   - Logical operators.
       Short-circuit logical AND         &&
       Short-circuit logical OR          ||
       Bit-wise logical AND               &
       Bit-wise logical OR                |
       Logical NOT                        ~ or !
       Logical EXCLUSIVE OR               ^

   - up(F,P,A,tag): up-sampling of indicated description/layer by zero
     insertion along axis A.  For every incoming sample, F output
     samples are created; F-1 zeros have to be inserted, valid factors
     are greater than or equal to one.  The phase P indicates the output
     position of the incoming sample, valid phases goes from 0 to F-1.
     The axis A is indicated by a letter: X (horizontal), Y (vertical)
     or Z (temporal); more than one letter can be specified at the same

   - dn(F,P,A,tag): down-sampling of indicated description/layer by
     sample deletion along axis A.  For every F incoming samples, one
     output sample is selected; F-1 samples have to be deleted, valid
     factors are greater than or equal to one.  The phase P indicates
     the position of the incoming sample that survives the downsampling,
     valid phases goes from 0 to F-1.  The axis A is indicated by a
     letter: X (horizontal), Y (vertical) or Z (temporal); more than one
     letter can be specified at the same time.

   - fir("["coefficients"]",tag[,IC]): finite impulse response (FIR)
     filter for indicated description/layer.  Coefficients are listed
     from left to right, they MAY be separated by commas; from first row
     to last row, rows MUST be separated by semicolon; from first plane
     to last plane, planes MUST be separated by dots.  Unlisted
     coefficients MUST be set to 0.

     There MUST be an odd number of coefficients per row, an odd number
     of rows, an odd number of planes.  The coefficients of the filter

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     are centered around the output sample.

     Initial conditions are specified by IC: 0=unavailable samples are
     set to zero, 1=unavailable samples are copies of the first nearest
     available sample, 2=unavailable samples are taken by mirroring
     nearest available samples.  The default is IC=0.

   To be added: conversion functions as long(), int(), etc; clipping
   function.  To be discussed: allow for the definition of new
   functions? C-like operators as "? :".

3.2.  MIME registration

Equivalent MIME parameters are defined.

4.  Typical cases and examples

   Several typical cases are discussed in this section for the case of
   video data.  To be done: audio data.

   Multiple description (MDC) schemes.  Basic polyphase downsampling MDC
   schemes (PDMD) with two balanced descriptions (2MD) and four balanced
   descriptions (4MD).  Slightly unbalanced alias-free PDMD by filter
   bank.  Frame expanded MDC with three descriptions (3MD) and five
   descriptions (5MD).  Unbalanced MDC (UMD) where a low resolution
   redundant description is added.

   Layered coding (LC) schemes.  Classical layered coding (LC) with two
   layers (2LC) and three layers (3LC).  1D and 2D Haar wavelet layered

4.1.  Polyphase Downsampling Multiple Description (PDMD)

   Two balanced descriptions can be generated by separating odd/even
   lines.  The short name of this scheme is 2MD.  The erasure resilience
   is low, but the overhead is also low.

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 D1
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D1= dn(2,0,Y, S);
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 D2
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D2= dn(2,1,Y, S);

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 2*1/2.

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   The behaviour of the basic receiver MDC/LC-aware SHOULD be specified
   for every loss pattern.  In the case of 2MD, there are four loss
   patterns indicated as lpN, four merge scenarios are specified.  When
   all descriptions are available, they are merged as they are.  When
   only one description is available, missing lines are computed by
   averaging neighboring lines.  When no description is received, pixel
   are set to gray (128).  Smart receivers MDC/LC-aware MAY ignore this
   and implement a more effective concealment (e.g. copy-previous or
   motion-compensated copy).

     a=X-mdclc-group: lp0 D1 D2
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp0 E= up(2,0,Y,D1) + up(2,1,Y,D2);
     a=X-mdclc-group: lp1 D1
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp1 E= fir([0.5;1;0.5], up(2,0,Y,D1));
     a=X-mdclc-group: lp2 D2
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp2 E= fir([0.5;1;0.5], up(2,1,Y,D2));
     a=X-mdclc-group: lp3
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp3 E= 128;

   Two balanced descriptions can also be generated by separating
   odd/even frames.

   Four balanced descriptions can be generated by separating odd/even
   lines and taking every other pixel.  The short name of this scheme is
   4MD.  The erasure resilience is high, but the overhead is also high.

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98 99 100
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 D1
     a=X-mdclc-pre:  D1= dn(2,0,XY, S);
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 D2
     a=X-mdclc-pre:  D1= dn(2,1,X, dn(2,0,Y, S));
     a=rtpmap:99 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:99 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 99 D3
     a=X-mdclc-pre:  D3= dn(2,1,X, dn(2,0,Y, S));
     a=rtpmap:100 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:100 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag:100 D4
     a=X-mdclc-pre:  D4= dn(2,1,XY, S);

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 4*1/4.

   In the case of 4MD there are sixteen loss patterns.  It is clear the
   advantage of having a smart receiver MDC/LC aware: merge scenarios

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   need not be specified explicitly.  The concealment of missing data
   may be driven by actual received data rather than being independently
   fixed once and for all (e.g. edge-driven interpolation).

4.2.  Multiple Description by filter bank

   Downsampling may cause aliasing in a given description if there are
   high frequencies in the original data.  The aliasing is canceled
   during the merge process.  The aliasing may also be avoided if
   original data is lowpass filtered prior downsampling.  Original data
   may be reconstructed (except for quantization noise) if filters are
   properly designed.

   Two balanced descriptions can be generated by different mild lowpass
   filters.  Each odd line (A) is combined with the following even line
   (B) with different weights.

     D1 = +0.75 A +0.25 B
     D2 = +0.25 A +0.75 B

   Corresponding SDP attributes are:

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 D1
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D1= dn(2,0,Y, fir([0 0.75;0.25], S));
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 D2
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D2= dn(2,0,Y, fir([0 0.25;0.75], S));

   Note that in this example the phase of downsampling is not changed.
   Instead coefficients of FIRs are changed.

   If descriptions are quantized, their quantization noise affects the
   reconstructed lines.  Pairs of odd (A) and even lines (B) can be
   reconstructed as follows:

     A = +1.5 D1 -0.5 D2
     B = -0.5 D1 +1.5 D2

   The generation of descriptions can be seen as a filter bank whose
   output is downsampled.  Conversely, the merge of descriptions can be
   seen as a filter bank whose input is upsampled.  Corresponding SDP
   attributes are:

     a=X-mdclc-group: lp0 D1 D2

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     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp0 E= fir([0;-0.5;+1.5], up(2,0,Y, D1)) +
   fir([0;+1.5;-0.5], up(2,0,Y, D2));

   Reconstruction can also be done in this trivial way:

     a=X-mdclc-group: lp0 D1 D2
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp0 E= up(2,0,Y,1.5*D1) + up(2,0,Y,-0.5*D2) +
   up(2,1,Y,-0.5*D1) + up(2,1,Y,+1.5*D2);

   Four slightly unbalanced descriptions can be generated by different
   lowpass filters.  In the following example, the first description is
   not filtered and it may be aliased; the second description is lowpass
   filtered horizontally and it is free of horizontal alias; the third
   description is lowpass filtered vertically and it is free of vertical
   alias; the fourth description is lowpass filtered both horizontally
   and vertically and it is completely alias free.

   Pixels can be labeled in the following way:

     A  B  A' ..
     C  D  C'
     A" B" A"'

   The invertible equation system is:

     D1 = 1/1  A
     D2 = 1/4  A  + 1/2 B  + 1/4  A'
     D3 = 1/4  A  + 1/2 C  + 1/4  A"
     D4 = 1/16 A  + 1/8 B  + 1/16 A'  ...
          1/8  C  + 1/4 D  + 1/8  C'  ...
          1/16 A" + 1/8 B" + 1/16 A"'

   Corresponding SDP attributes are:

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98 99 100
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 D1
     a=X-mdclc-pre:  D1= dn(2,0,XY, S);
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 D2
     a=X-mdclc-pre:  D2= dn(2,0,XY, fir([1,2,1]/4, S));
     a=rtpmap:99 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:99 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 99 D3
     a=X-mdclc-pre:  D3= dn(2,0,XY, fir([1;2;1]/4, S));

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     a=rtpmap:100 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:100 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag:100 D4
     a=X-mdclc-pre:  D4= dn(2,0,XY, fir([1,2,1; 2,4,2; 1,2,1]/16, S));

   Note that the gain of FIR filters is 1.  The gain is computed as the
   sum of the absolute values of coefficients.  If the gain is 1, the
   range of data (max value - min value) is not changed.  However, an
   offset may be required to have the same range of original data (typ.
   0-255).  It is better to have the same range because clipping due to
   over/underflows is avoided.

   Received multiplexed description can be labeled in the following way:

     D1  D2  D1'  ..
     D3  D4  D3'
     D1" D2" D1"'

   The inverse system is:

     A = +1   D1
     B = -1/2 D1  +2 D2  -1/2 D1'
     C = -1/2 D1  +2 D3  -1/2 D1"
     D = +1/4 D1  -1 D2  +1/4 D1'  ...
         -1   D3  +4 D4  -1   D3'  ...
         +1/4 D1" -1 D2" +1/4 D1"'

   Corresponding SDP attributes for reconstruction are:

     a=X-mdclc-group: lp0 D1 D2 D3 D4
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp0 E= fir([1/4,-1/2,1/4; -1/2,+1,-1/2;
   1/4,-1/2,1/4], up(2,0,XY, D1)) + fir([-1,0,0; 2,0,0; -1,0,0],
   up(2,0,XY,D2)) + fir([-1,2,-1; 0,0,0; 0,0,0], up(2,0,XY,D3)) +
   fir([4,0,0; 0,0,0; 0,0,0], up(2,0,XY,D4));

4.3.  Frame-expanded Multiple Description

   Frame expansion is a way to expand the original data so that some
   controlled redundancy is added.  In literature, frames expansion has
   been used with quantized filter banks.  Here frames expansion is used
   with downsampled filter banks.

   In this example: 2 descriptions can be generated by separating odd
   and even lines as for 2MD; the 3rd description is simply the average
   of odd and even lines.  The short name of this scheme is 3MD.  It is
   clear that perfect reconstruction (except for quantization noise) is
   achieved if any 2 descriptions out of 3 are correctly received.  The

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   3MD system can be seen as equivalent to a FEC code with rate 2/3: one
   single erasure can be recovered.

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98 99
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 D1
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D1= dn(2,0,Y,S)
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 D2
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D2= dn(2,1,Y,S)
     a=rtpmap:99 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:99 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 99 D3
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D3= dn(2,0,Y, fir([0.5;0.5], S));

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 3*1/2.

   It must be appreciated that if there is quantization noise, its power
   on the reconstruction is reduced when all three descriptions are
   received.  Unlike FEC, in case of better than expected channel, there
   is an improvement in received quality.

   The filter bank made by two all-pass and one lowpass filter can be
   seen as an encoding matrix, where two data (an odd line A and the
   following even line B) are encoded into three descriptions (D1, D2
   and D3):

     D1 = +1.0 A
     D2 =        +1.0 B
     D3 = +0.5 A +0.5 B

   Every 2x2 submatrix is invertible.  Hence when two descriptions are
   received, the original data is reconstructed except for quantization
   noise using the corresponding inverse matrix.  When all three
   description the pseudo-inverse matrix can be used:

     A = +0.833 D1 -0.166 D2 +0.333 D3
     B = -0.166 D1 +0.833 D2 +0.333 D3

   The range of the quantization noise from D1/D2/D3 to A/B can be found
   by summing the coefficient along the corresponding row.  The power of
   the quantization noise can be found by summing squared coefficients.

   The redundancy can be controlled easily by quantizing more heavily
   the third downsampled description.  This can be signalled via the
   "fmtp" attribute in SDP.  When all three descriptions are received,

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   the smart receiver MDC/LC-aware MAY decide not to use it, as it has a
   lower quality.

   Another example: 4 descriptions can be generated by separating odd
   and even lines and taking every other pixel as for 4MD; the 5th
   descriptions can be generated by averaging separated pixels (i.e.
   averaging descriptions).  The short name of this scheme is 5MD.

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 5*1/4.

4.4.  Unbalanced Multiple Description (UMD)

   In this example one descriptions corresponds to the original, the
   other description is simply a downsampled version having 1/4th the
   size of the original.  The second description is more important and
   should be more protected than the first.  It is to be used in case of
   losses to enhance the concealment.

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 D1
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D1= S;
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 D2
     a=X-mdclc-pre: D2= dn(2,0,XY, S);

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 1+1/4.

   The redundancy can be controlled easily by quantizing more heavily
   the second downsampled description.  The protection level of the
   second description can be increased by simply increasing the intra
   refresh rate.  This is useful because the second description is used
   only for the concealment of the first.

   When both descriptions are received, the second is discarded.  When
   only the second description is received, it is upsampled by a linear
   interpolation filter.

     a=X-mdclc-group: lp01 D1
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp01 E= D1;
     a=X-mdclc-group: lp2 D2
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp2 E= fir([0.0625,0.125,0.0625; 0.125,0.25,0.125;
   0.0625,0.125,0.0625], up(2,0,XY, D2));
     a=X-mdclc-group: lp3
     a=X-mdclc-post:  lp3 E= 128;

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4.5.  Classical Layered Coding (LC)

   Two layers are created as follows: the original data is downsampled
   to 1/4th the original and encoded.  This is the base layer.  The base
   layer is decoded, upsampled and subtracted from the original data,
   generating what can be seen as a prediction error to be encoded.
   This is the enhancement layer.

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 L1
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L1= dn(2,0,XY, L1)
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 L2
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L2= S - fir([0.0625,0.125,0.0625; 0.125,0.25,0.125;
   0.0625,0.125,0.0625], up(2,0,XY, L1_Q));

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 1+1/4.

   Three layers are created as follows: the original data is downsampled
   to 1/16th the original and encoded.  This is the base layer.  The
   base layer is decoded, upsampled and subtracted from the original
   downsampled to 1/4th.  This is the first enhancement layer.  The
   first enhancement layer is decoded, upsampled and subtracted from the
   original.  This is the second enhancement layer.

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98 99
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 L1
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L1= dn(4,0,XY, S)
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 L2
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L2= dn(2,0,XY, S) - fir([0.0625,0.125,0.0625;
   0.125,0.25,0.125; .0625,0.125,0.0625], up=(2,0,XY, L1_Q));
     a=rtpmap:99 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:99 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 99 L3
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L3= dn(1,0,XY, S) - fir([0.0625,0.125,0.0625;
   0.125,0.25,0.125; 0.0625,0.125,0.0625], up=(2,0,XY, L2_Q));

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 1+1/4+1/16.

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4.6.  Haar-wavelet Layered Coding

   Classical layered encoding suffers from overhead.  Wavelet coding
   does not as enhancement data is downsampled critically.

   Two layers are created using the 1D vertical Haar wavelet.  The base
   layer is the average of odd and even lines.  The enhancement layer is
   the difference between odd and even lines.

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 L1
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L1= dn(2,0,Y, fir([+0.5;+0.5], S));
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 L2
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L2= dn(2,0,Y, fir([+0.5;-0.5], S));

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 2*1/2.

   Four layers are created using the 2D Haar wavelet.  The base layer is
   the average of odd and even lines and columns.  The other three
   enhancement layers are the horizontal, vertical and diagonal
   difference with respect to the base layer.

     m=video 49170 RTP/AVP 97 98 99 100
     a=rtpmap:97 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:97 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 97 L1
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L1= dn(2,0,XY, fir([+0.25 +0.25;+0.25 +0.25], S));
     a=rtpmap:98 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:98 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 98 L2
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L2= dn(2,0,XY, fir([+0.25 -0.25;+0.25 -0.25], S));
     a=rtpmap:99 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:99 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag: 99 L3
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L3= dn(2,0,XY, fir([+0.25 +0.25;-0.25 -0.25], S));
     a=rtpmap:100 H264/90000
     a=fmtp:100 ...
     a=X-mdclc-tag:100 L4
     a=X-mdclc-pre: L4= dn(2,0,XY, fir([+0.25 -0.25;-0.25 +0.25], S));

   Note that the quantity of data to be encoded is 4*1/4.

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5.  Packetization

5.1.  Synchronization

   The post-processor need to merge the same portion of the data in
   order to produce the correct result.  Syncronization of
   descriptions/layers is therefore critical and can be accomplished in
   one of the following ways.

   Timestamp syncronization.  Data to be merged can be sent in packets
   having the same timestamp.  This is possible if the sampling clock is
   the same.

   Sequence Number syncronization.  Data to be merged can be sent in
   packets having the same sequence number.  This is possible if each
   packet contain the same portion of the data.  This means that packets
   may have variable length.

   Payload syncronization.  Data to be merged can be identified looking
   at the payload.

5.2.  Multiplexing, interleaving

   Descriptions should be offseted as much as possible when streams are
   multiplexed.  In this way a burst of losses does not cause the loss
   of the same portion of data in all descriptions at the same time.

     +--------------------------------------> time
     |                    D2_Nth_frame...

   If interleaving is used, the same criterion is to be used:
   descriptions are spaced as much as possible.  In this way a burst of
   losses does not cause the loss of the same portion of data in all
   descriptions at the same time.

     +--------------------------------------> time
     |                             |
     |<-----interleaver depth----->|

6.  Security Considerations

   Using one of proposed SDP parameters, an entity that managed to
   modify the session descriptions exchanged between the partecipants to
   establish a multimedia session could impede partecipants the correct
   decoding/merge process.

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RFC PROPOSED           standard-compatible MDC/LC               May 2005

   The attacker can modify datagrams, particularly the RTP header which
   is used for syncronization, to impede the correct decoding/merge

   The attacker can insert pathological expression into the SDP "X-
   mdclc-pre:" or "X-mdclc-post:" that are complex to decode and that
   cause the post-processor in the receiver to be overloaded.

   Integrity mechanism provided by protocols used to exchange session
   descriptions and media encryption can be used to prevent this attack.

7.  Congestion control and bandwidth management

   Congestion control for RTP SHALL be used in accordance with RFC 3550
   [4], and with any applicable RTP profile; e.g., RFC 3551 [16].

   An additional requirement if best-effort service is being used is:
   users of this payload format MUST monitor packet loss to ensure that
   the packet loss rate is within acceptable parameters.  Packet loss is
   considered acceptable if a TCP flow across the same network path, and
   experiencing the same network conditions, would achieve an average
   throughput, measured on a reasonable timescale, that is not less than
   the RTP flow is achieving.  This condition can be satisfied by
   implementing congestion control mechanisms to adapt the transmission
   rate (or the number of descriptions/layers subscribed), or by
   arranging for a receiver to leave the session if the loss rate is
   unacceptably high.

8.  IANA Consideration

   This document defines several unregistered SDP attributes.

   IANA has not registered MIME types.

9.  Informative appendix: rationale for std-compatible MDC/LC

   In the following paragraph the rationale for video MDC is presented.
   Neither video LC nor audio MDC/LC are covered.

9.1.  Rationale for video MDC

   There are many techniques to create multiple descriptions: MDC
   quantization, correlating transforms and filters, quantized frames or
   redundant bases, FEC combined with layered coding, spatial or
   temporal polyphase downsampling.

   Many of these schemes can be adapted to existing video codecs which
   are based on prediction, transform, quantization and entropy coding:

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   it is possible to create descriptions in the pixel domain, in the
   error-prediction domain or in the transform domain.

9.2.  MDC in the error-prediction or in the transform domain

   Working in the error-prediction domain or in the transform domain
   yields very efficient but complex schemes.  If not all descriptions
   are received correctly, the prediction drifts because the frame
   memory in the decoder will not be the same as the one used in the
   encoder.  To solve this problem, prediction may be removed, but this
   greatly reduce the video compression capability of the codec.  A
   solution is to send a drift compensation term together with each
   description, but if there are more than two descriptions, the number
   of drift compensation terms increases dramatically, again reducing
   efficiency.  Because of this, we restricted our attention to schemes
   that work in the pixel domain.

9.3.  MDC in the pixel domain

   Working in the pixel domain has the advantage that MDC can be
   completely decoupled from the underlying video codec: descriptions
   can be created in a pre-processing stage before compression;
   successfully received descriptions can be merged in a post-processing
   stage after decompression.  Spatial and temporal descriptions can be
   created by using Polyphase Downsampling (PDMD), programmable lowpass
   filters controls redundancy; SNR descriptions can be created by means
   of MDC quantizers (either scalar or vector), the structure of
   quantizers controls redundancy.

   Replicated headers/syntax and replicated motion vectors among
   bitstreams greatly impede coding efficiency in SNR MDC.  Replicated
   headers/syntax also hinder temporal MDC, and motion compensation is
   less effective because of the increased temporal distance between
   frames.  Spatial MDC is hindered by headers/syntax as well but unlike
   with temporal MDC, motion compensation is affected to a smaller
   extent, particularly when 8x8 blocks are split into smaller blocks,
   as in the latest H.264 codec.

   According to our experience, spatial PDMD is preferable over temporal
   PDMD: at very low bitrates, when temporal PDMD is used, there is an
   annoying flashing in the decoded sequence due to independent
   compression of descriptions; instead, when spatial PDMD is used,
   there is a kind of  dithering due to the same reason.  Dithering is
   not annoying, it can be easily detected and eliminated, and it can
   even improve the perceived quality.

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10.    References

10.1.   Normative References

   [1] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement
       Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

   [2] Crocker & Overell, "Augmented BNF for Syntax Specifications:
       ABNF", RFC 2234, November 1997.

   [3] Handley, M. and V. Jacobson, "SDP: Session Description Protocol",
       RFC 2327, April 1998.

   [4] Camarillo et al., "Grouping of Media Lines in the Session
       Description Protocol (SDP)", RFC 3388, December 2002.

   [5] Rosenberg, J. and H. Schulzrinne, "An Offer/Answer Model with
       Session Description Protocol (SDP)", RFC 3264, June 2002.

   [6] Schulzrinne, H., Casner, S., Frederick, R., and V. Jacobson,
       "RTP: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications", STD 64,
       RFC 3550, July 2003.

10.2.  Informative References

   [7] John G. Apostolopoulos "Video Streaming: Concepts, Algorithms and
       Systems" HP Laboratories, report HPL-2002-260, September 2002.

   [8] Vivek K. Goyal "Multiple Description Coding: Compression Meets
       the Network" IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, September 2001.

   [9] Jelena Kovacevic, Vivek K. Goyal, "Multiple Descriptions -
       Source-Channel Coding Methods for Communications", Bell Labs,
       Innovation for Lucent Technologies, 1998.

   [10] R. Singh, A. Ortega, L. Perret, and W. Jiang, "Comparison of
       Multiple Description Coding and Layered Coding based on Network
       Simulations," in Proc. SPIE Image Video Proc., San Jose, CA, Jan.
       2000, pp. 929-939.

   [11] A. Vitali, F. Rovati, R. Rinaldo, R. Bernardini, and M. Durigon,
       "Video Streaming over Lossy/Variable Bandwidth Networks by means
       of Multiple Description," in Proceedings of MMSP 2004, Siena,
       Italy, pp. 498--501, IEEE, September 2004.

   [12] R. Bernardini, R. Rinaldo, A. Tonello, and A. Vitali, "Frame
       based Multiple Description for Multimedia Transmission over
       Wireless Networks," in Proceedings of WPMC 2004, Abano Terme,

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RFC PROPOSED           standard-compatible MDC/LC               May 2005

       Italy, July 2004.

   [13] R. Bernardini, M. Durigon, R. Rinaldo, L. Celetto, and A.
       Vitali, "Polyphase Spatial Subsampling Multiple Description
       Coding of Video Streams with H264," in Proceedings of ICIP 2004,
       Singapore, pp. 3213-3216, October 2004.

   [14] N. Franchi, M. Fumagalli, R. Lancini, S. Tubaro, "Multiple
       Description Video Coding for Scalable and Robust Transmission
       over IP" IEEE Transactions on CSVT, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 321-334,
       March 2005.

   [15] R. Bernardini, L. Celetto, R. Rinaldo, A. Vitali, P. Zontone,
       "Bit Allocation and Quantizer Optimization in Multiple
       Description Coding with Oversampled Filterbanks" paper 1930, IEEE
       International Conference on Image Processing, Genova, Italy,
       September 2005.

Author's  Address:

   Andrea L. Vitali
   via C. Olivetti 2
   20041 Agrate Brianza (MI)

   Phone: +39-039-603-7244

   Marco Fumagalli
   Cefriel - Politecnico di Milano
   via R. Fucini, 2
   20133 Milano

   Phone: +39-02-2395-4208

Full Copyright Statement

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2005).

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors
   retain all their rights.

A. Vitali                    Standards Track                   [Page 24]

RFC PROPOSED           standard-compatible MDC/LC               May 2005

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an

Intellectual Property Right

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at

   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at ietf-


   We wish to thank Nicola Franchi of CEFRIEL - Politecnico di Milano
   (ICT Center of Excellence For Research, Innovation, Education and
   industrial Labs partnership) for their help in defining this
   standard-compatible framework.

   We also wish to thank Roberto Rinaldo and Riccardo Bernardini of
   DIEGM - Universita` degli Studi di Udine for their work in the field.

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