Internet DRAFT - draft-vv-6man-nd-prefix-robustness


IPv6 Maintenance (6man) Working Group                      E. Vasilenko
Internet Draft                                               P. Volpato
Updates: 4861, 4862 (if approved)                   Huawei Technologies
Intended status: Standards Track                     Olorunloba Olopade
Expires: February 2023                                     Virgin Media
                                                        August 31, 2022

                    ND Prefix Robustness Improvements


   IPv6 prefixes could become invalid abruptly as a result of outages,
   network administrator actions, or particular product shortcomings.

   That could lead to connectivity problems for the hosts attached to
   the subtended network.

   This document has two targets: on one hand, to analyze the cases
   that may lead to network prefix invalidity; on the other to develop
   a root cause analysis for those cases and propose a solution.

   This may bring to extensions of the protocols used to convey prefix
   information and other options.

   This document updates RFC 4861 and RFC 4862.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents
   at any time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as
   reference material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on February 2021.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors. All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document. Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with
   respect to this document. Code Components extracted from this
   document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in
   Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without
   warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1. Terminology and pre-requisite..................................3
   2. Introduction...................................................4
   3. Problem Scenarios..............................................4
      3.1. Reference architectures...................................5
      3.2. Discussion on the scenarios...............................5
        3.2.1. Non-graceful reload due to unexpected events .........5
        3.2.2. Graceful reload without precautions ..................6
        3.2.3. Abrupt hardware replacement without the possibility
               for graceful prefix deprecation.......................7
        3.2.4. Non-graceful configuration change ....................8
        3.2.5. An uplink breaks connectivity without a relevant
               notification to the connected hosts...................8
   4. Root cause analysis...........................................10
      4.1. What to protect..........................................10
      4.2. Where to protect.........................................12
      4.3. When to protect: technology scenarios....................12
   5. Solutions.....................................................13
      5.1. Multi-homing multi-prefix (MHMP) environment.............14
      5.2. A provider is not reachable in MHMP environment..........16
      5.3. Administrator abruptly replaces PA prefix................17
      5.4. Planned router outage....................................18
      5.5. Prefix information lost because of abrupt router outage..19
      5.6. Prefix information lost after hardware replacement.......20
      5.7. Link layer address of the router should be changed.......20
      5.8. Dependency between solutions and extensions..............20
   6. Extensions of the existing standards..........................21

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      6.1. Default router choice by host............................21
      6.2. Prefixes become dynamic..................................21
      6.3. Do not forget to deprecate prefixes on renumbering.......23
      6.4. Do not forget to deprecate prefixes on shutdown..........23
      6.5. Store prefixes in non-volatile memory....................24
      6.6. Find lost information by "Synchronization"...............24
      6.7. Default router announcement rules........................26
      6.8. Faster detection of the stale default router.............27
      6.9. Clean orphaned prefixes after default router list change.28
   7. Interoperability analysis.....................................28
   8. Applicability analysis........................................29
   9. Security Considerations.......................................29
   10. IANA Considerations..........................................29
   11. References...................................................29
      11.1. Normative References....................................29
      11.2. Informative References..................................31
   12. Acknowledgments..............................................32

1. Terminology and pre-requisite

   [ND] and [SLAAC] are pre-requisite to understand this document.
   The terms are inherited from these standards.

   Additional terms:

  Home Gateway - a small consumer-grade router that provides network
           access between hosts on the local area network (LAN) and the
           Internet behind the wide area network (WAN)

  PA - Provider-Aggregatable addresses leased to the client or

  MHMP - Multi-Homing Multi-Prefix. An environment with hosts
           connected to different PA providers (multi-homing) through
           different address spaces announced from different providers

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

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2. Introduction

   It has been reported that some number of cases could lead to loss of
   information (primarily prefixes) by [ND]. Current [ND] protocol's
   default timers may lead to many days of outage for hosts. This is
   not acceptable.

   This document analyses all potential cases when an outage could
   happen and proposes solutions. Discussion is restricted to potential
   [ND] extensions only.

   MHMP environment has been considered. It has been discovered that
   [ND] problems could be isolated from the overall complex [MHMP]
   environment, and could be fixed separately.

   The document is organized to introduce, in section 3, the scenarios
   where the issue of prefix invalidity may happen and the cases of

   Section 4 provides a root cause analysis for the cases of invalidity
   and identifies the corner-cases which are subject of our discussion.

   Section 5 proposes a solution for the cases identified.

   Section 6 brings the discussion forward, proposing extensions to

3. Problem Scenarios

   [ND] distributes prefixes as Prefix Information Options (PIOs) in
   Router Advertisements (RA) messages from routers.

   Once a router assigns a prefix to a host, this prefix is assumed to
   be stable so that hosts can employ it to configure the IPv6
   addresses associated with their interfaces [SLAAC] or to forward
   packets to the network.

   Prefix changes may happen and are governed by the rules of [ND],

   Yet, cases exist where prefix instability may happen. An example is
   provided by the so-called "flash-renumbering" event: when flash-
   renumbering happens a network prefix in use suddenly becomes invalid
   because it is replaced by a new prefix.

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   The router causing or forced to cause the network renumbering may
   not be able to cope with the effects of this sudden change (for
   example, deprecating the previously assigned prefixes). Another
   possibility is that the subtended hosts do not have the means of
   overcoming the effects of renumbering.

   This section describes problems that were found in live networks.
   Most of the information in this section comes from [Flash-
   Renumbering], [SLAAC Robustness]. Their contributions are greatly

3.1. Reference architectures

   Home broadband networks, SOHO (Small Office Home Office) networks
   are the typical scenarios affected by renumbering. Some problems
   discussed below applicable on the more general basis.

   In typical case a router (e.g. Home Gateway, Customer Premise
   Equipment (CPE), Customer Edge (CE), etc.) is deployed to provide
   connectivity to a Service Provider network for the attached devices.
   A second router may be deployed for redundancy, especially for
   business scenarios.

   Two reference architecture can be considered:

   Architecture #1. Hosts are directly connected to the router. For
   example, a Home Gateway embeds the functions of L2 device (Ethernet
   switch, WiFi AP) and L3 device (router).

   Architecture #2. Hosts connect to an intermediate L2 device (e.g. a
   wired Ethernet switch or a Wi-Fi access point) that, in turn,
   connects to the router (or routers, if uplink redundancy is

3.2. Discussion on the scenarios

   The discussion provided here is introductory to both the root cause
   analysis provided in section 4. 4. and the solutions proposed in
   section 5.

3.2.1. Non-graceful reload due to unexpected events

   A router could be reloaded abruptly for many reasons: hardware or
   software bug, power outage, manual intervention. Theis last one is
   very probable for home broadband subscribers that tend to fix every
   problem with power recycle.

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   Usually, it does not create additional problems for [ND] and [SLAAC]
   because the same PIO information would be advertised by the router
   in RA messages after each reload. In such cases, a Home Gateway
   would initialize its Ethernet and WiFI connections, clearing all
   stale information on directly connected hosts.

   It should not create problems for proper home network design where
   all CPEs are routers - see [HomeNet Architecture]. The delegated
   prefix would not be changed in the case of subtended CPE reload.
   Prefix change in the case of upstream CPE reload should be properly
   discontinued by subtended CPE. There is the need for a special
   protocol for prefix distribution that is out of the scope of this
   document - see [HNCP].

   For architecture #2 implemented in home environments, there is a
   corner case when Home Gateway's abrupt reload would not be visible
   to hosts connected to subtended "bridged" CPE. If it would coincide
   with the situation when a different prefix would be delegated from
   Carrier (at 37% probability according to [Residential practices]),
   it would lead to the situation that hosts would receive a new prefix
   without deprecation of the previous one. Hosts do not have any
   standard mechanism to choose only the new prefix for communication.
   That would lead to a connectivity problem.

   How long a non-preferred prefix would be kept in a stale state on
   the host is not important (default AdvValidLifetime is 30 days in
   section 6.2.1 of [ND]), because according to [Default Address]
   section 5 rule#3, it should have a lower priority to be chosen.
   [SLAAC] section 5.5.4 is another good reference highlighting that
   address should be avoided after it would reach the deprecated
   How long an address would stay in the preferred state is important.
   [ND] instructs hosts to prefer certain prefix for 7 days - see
   default AdvPreferredLifetime in section 6.2.1.
   It is not realistic for the subscriber to wait for 7 days.
   It practically means that the subscriber in this corner case would
   have a few options to fix the problem: (1) reload all hosts, or (2)
   reconnect the physical link of every host, or (3) reload subtended
   bridge, or (4) manually delete the prefix on the hosts to clear
   stale information.

3.2.2. Graceful reload without precautions

   Specifically this scenario may happen when developers don't apply
   precautions in case previous prefixes are not deprecated. It may
   happen in both architectures.

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   The router could be reloaded by graceful procedure (reboot or
   shutdown that would use "init 6" in Unix). It is still possible that
   software would not send RA with prefix Preferred Lifetime zero to
   inform hosts about prefix deprecation. This practice prevails
   because IPv4's centralized address assignments by DHCP does not need
   similar precautions.

   Again, like in the previous section, it would not create a problem
   in the majority of the cases for directly connected hosts
   (architecture #1) because link layer would be reinitialized too. The
   same corner case (architecture #2) would lead to the same result: a
   connectivity problem that could be resolved only by 4 types of
   manual intervention mentioned in the previous section.

3.2.3. Abrupt hardware replacement without the possibility for graceful
   prefix deprecation

   Such type of an outage is again may happen only for architecture #2.
   It would lead to up to 30 minutes (including time for hardware
   replacement) outage in all cases (to detect missing router) and up
   to 1 week additional outage if a different prefix would be announced
   after the hardware replacement.

   The hardware could fail or be replaced with an abrupt power
   disconnect. The latter is very probable for the home environment.
   Graceful notification of hosts may not happen.

   The new hardware may have a different link layer address and a
   different link local address as a result. The router would look like
   a new one on the link. Any communication with it could not be the
   reason to deprecate announcements made early by the router perceived
   as a different one.

   [ND] section 6.2.1 has recommended the AdvDefaultLifetime as
   3*MaxRtrAdvInterval. Hosts would send traffic to a non-existent
   router for up to 30 minutes.

   According to section 4.2 of [ND] "Router Lifetime" is related only
   to router default status. PIO announced early may be preferred up to
   7 days according to AdvPreferredLifetime in section 6.2.1 of [ND]
   even after the router default status is deprecated. The probability
   for such a situation is the same low as discussed in section 3.2.1.
   because a different prefix should be announced after hardware reload
   and a switch should be present between the host and the router. The
   same corner case would lead to the same result: a connectivity

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   problem that could be resolved only by 4 types of manual
   intervention mentioned in section 3.2.1. .

3.2.4. Non-graceful configuration change

   This situation may happen due to abrupt prefix change on the router
   (in both architectures) or VLAN change on the switch (it may happen
   in architecture #2).

   Router configuration could be changed manually, by automation tools,
   or by protocols (for example, prefix distribution).

   Additionally for architecture #2, L2 domain could be abruptly
   changed by configuration (for example, VLAN change from "quarantine"
   to "production" without any chance for the router to send a

   It could lead to the situation that prefix would change abruptly,
   without any notification to hosts about the necessity to deprecate
   the previous prefix. Hosts should be notified by prefix announcement
   with Preferred Lifetime set to zero.

   It should not happen for residential CPE because [CPE Requirements]
   section 4.3 requirement L-13 clearly instructs: "If the delegated
   prefix changes, i.e., the current prefix is replaced with a new
   prefix without any overlapping period of time, then the IPv6 CE
   router MUST immediately advertise the old prefix with a Preferred
   Lifetime of zero".

   But it is perfectly possible for other environments (except
   residential CPEs) because other routers are not required to do the
   same: [Node Requirements] does not clarify the exact router behavior
   in the case of abrupt prefix change. [SLAAC] does not have any
   recommendations either.

3.2.5.  An uplink breaks connectivity without a relevant notification
   to the connected hosts

   It may happen in both architectures #1 and #2.

   A router could lose uplink. The probability for such an event is
   much bigger for a mobile uplink (modem). It would invalidate the
   possibility to use a PA prefix advertised from this carrier even in
   the case that another carrier uplink is available on this or
   redundant router (connectivity to the Internet is not lost). Some
   mechanism is needed to inform hosts not to use address space from

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   the disconnected carrier because another carrier would filter it out
   by anti-spoofing security protection.

   The multi-homing multi-prefix PA environment has been properly
   explained in [MHMP]. The discussion of how traffic should be source-
   routed by routers in [MHMP] environment is not relevant to our [ND]
   discussion. Unfortunately, an improper address used as a source
   would cause a traffic drop as soon as traffic gets to the different

   [Default Address] section 5 (source address selection) rule 5 (for
   different interfaces on the host) and rule 5.5 (for the same
   interface) partially prepare hosts for such situation: "Prefer
   addresses in a prefix advertised by the next-hop. If SA or SA's
   prefix is assigned by the selected next-hop that will be used to
   send to D [...] then prefer SA". This algorithm has an assumption
   that the source address should be chosen after the next hop.

   Unfortunately, the rules mentioned above in [Default Address]
   section 5 would work only if the default router would cease to be
   default after it loses route to its carrier. It would work only in
   simplified topology where all hosts connect by L2 to different CPEs,
   each leading to its separate carrier prefix. It could be called a
   "common-link environment for all hosts and routers". It is not
   possible in practice because hosts on the most popular link layer
   technology (WiFi) are rooted to only one CPE (with AP inside) - they
   would not switch automatically to different CPE where the Internet
   connectivity may be still available.

   [CPE Requirements] have G-3/4/5 specifically for this simplified
   multi-homing residential design. It recommends announcing Router
   Lifetime as zero on LAN if CPE does not have "default router from
   the uplink" - it would push the host to use another source address
   by the mentioned above source address selection algorithm.

   It is not explained in [CPE Requirements] what should happen with PA
   delegated prefix after the respective uplink is disconnected.
   Probably, this is because it was not needed to deprecate stale
   prefix for the above mentioned mechanism (based on default router
   withdrawal) to work.

   The local residential network could be left without any default
   router as a result of using the above mechanism - it is especially
   probable in the single CPE environment. Hence, [CPE Requirements]
   promotes [ULA] addresses for local connectivity. Default router
   functionality is returned specifically for [ULA] addresses by

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   requirement L-3: use "Route Information Option" from [Route
   Preferences]. It needs hosts' participation in routing through the
   RIO option.

   Unfortunately, this long chain of fixes explained above is strictly
   optimized for the environment "common-link for all hosts and
   routers". It is not the case for single WiFi inside any CPE or other

   Neither [ND] nor [SLAAC] instruct the router what to do when the PA
   delegated prefix is withdrawn abruptly.

   [Multi-Homing] section 3 has a good discussion about the proper
   relationship between default routers and prefixes advertised by
   respective routers in a stable situation. This would be discussed in
   more details in section 5.1. . [Multi-Homing] does not discuss what
   to do in the situation when the router is available, but some
   uplinks (with delegated prefixes) are lost.

   [MHMP] discusses the problem in deep detail with two tools proposed
   to regulate [ND] behavior: [Policy by DHCP] to change [Default
   Address] algorithm and [Route Preferences] to inform about
   appropriate exit points. There are more details later in section

4. Root cause analysis

   Let's further analyze to be sure that all corner cases are found.

   It is assumed in all discussions below that [RA-Guard] is
   implemented, and all messages are from routers under legitimate
   administrative control. Security issues are considered as resolved
   by [RA-Guard], and possibly with extensions in [RA-Guard+].

   DHCP is almost as vulnerable as SLAAC for cases found below. DHCP's
   typical lease time (hours) is shorter than SLAAC's prefix lifetime
   (days), but is too long for users to accept self-repairing time.
   Root cause analysis below applies to all possible environments:
   DHCP, SLAAC, and mixed.

4.1. What to protect

   [ND] Router Advertisements deliver configuration information to
   hosts. Such information could become inaccurate in two different
   periods of time:

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   a) "Recoverable". Time is needed for some process to finish and
      update information (example: router reload or uplink re-connect).

   b) "Non-recoverable". Time, dependent on some timer expiration
      (example: complete loss of prefix or default router).

   A careful look at the information distributed by RA would give us
   the understanding that the most problematic is the information that
   is already protected by deprecation timers: Prefix Information
   Option and Default Router. Section 3 discusses that the handling of
   this information is still susceptible to recoverable and non-
   recoverable periods of inaccuracy.

   For example, in the case of abrupt router reload described in
   sections 3.2.1. -3.2.3. , the recoverable part is the time spent by
   router and hosts to update their cache after the router reload. The
   non-recoverable part is related to the setting of the
   AdvPreferredLifetime timer which would probably force a user to
   solve the issue with manual intervention.

   The next problematic case is the abrupt change of source link-layer
   address. This problem is not discovered yet in production because it
   has a low probability. Indeed, a router with a different link-layer
   address would be treated as a new router, the old router would just
   disappear from the link. It would affect primarily default router
   information because all other information should be immediately re-
   advertised from the new link layer address. Section 6.2.8 of [ND]
   already discusses how to properly deprecate the default router
   status of the old link layer address, but no recommendation is given
   in [ND] for prefix deprecation in this situation. A corner case is
   possible that software would not treat the new virtual interface as
   identical concerning the prefix information that should be
   announced. Different prefixes may be announced. Some additional
   precautions are needed.

   Other information in RA (Hop Limit, MTU, DHCP flags, Reachable
   timer, and Retransmit timer) are not so sensitive because (1) it is
   typically static and (2) it does not affect connectivity for
   respective parameters change in the wide range.

   Flag "A" in PIO deserves special attention. It could be cleared
   abruptly (signaling that hosts should not use this prefix for
   [SLAAC] anymore). That should not create any problem, because the
   prefix is still available from a respected PA provider - traffic
   could be routed to the global Internet. Therefore, it is not vitally
   important for the host to immediately deprecate the address from

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   this prefix.
   A similar situation is with flag "M" in RA: DHCP address should be
   deprecated. It should not create a connectivity problem because
   prefixes could be routed to the global Internet.

4.2. Where to protect

   [ND] is the protocol for first-hop connection between host and
   router. It is designed for one link only. One link could have more
   than one router.

   It is assumed below that a more complex topology (many other
   routers) is shielded from this link by some other protocol that
   would deliver all necessary information to those routers.
   [HomeNet Architecture] discusses many types of information that
   should be distributed to every home router. Let's focus on delegated
   prefixes for our discussion.
   The number of uplinks on every router is not important, as long as
   proper information about prefixes is up to date on the router.

   Hence, all our topologies could be simplified into the following

   I. L2 device (switch, WiFi AP) and L3 device (router) are in the
      same device (sharing the fate for power, reboot) (refer to
      architecture #1 in section 3.1. ).

  II. Separate L2 device (probably a switch) and an arbitrary number of
      L3 devices (routers) are connected to the same IPv6 link (refer
      to architecture #2 in section 3.1. ).

4.3. When to protect: technology scenarios

   Let's reorder scenarios discussed in section 3. in the way that it
   would be better to map to the technology modifications and account
   for some corner cases found in root cause analysis:

  1. Proper prefix usage for Multi-Homing Multi-Prefix environment.
    Hosts should be capable of choosing in a coordinated way
    (1) a source address (from proper PA prefix) and (2) a next hop:

    A.1. In a normal situation: all providers and prefixes are

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    A.2. In a faulty situation: one provider is not reachable, but some
       hosts and links on the routed path to this provider may still be

    A.3. In the case when an administrator abruptly replaces delegated

  2. Proper prefix usage for the case of router outage that:

    A.4. Planned for this interface
       (reboot, shutdown, or ceasing to be a router)

    A.5. Abrupt (power outage, software or hardware bug)

    A.6. Abrupt (power outage, hardware fault) with hardware

  3. Proper prefix usage for the case of link layer address of the

  These cases are discussed from section 5.1. 5.1. to section 5.6.

   There is no big difference for [ND] between ULA and GUA at the
   considered link because both could be disjoined at any routed hop
   upstream. It would need the same invalidation mechanisms on the
   link. ULA could be invalidated too for the case that ULA spans many
   sites in a big company. The residential network would probably have
   a separate ULA for every household that would decrease the
   probability of ULA prefixes invalidation. It is the responsibility
   of another protocol (for example, [HNCP]) to decide when ULA should
   be invalidated, if ever.

   [VRRP] introduces virtual MAC (00-00-5E-00-01-{VRID}) and IP that
   should be always attached to one interface. It is stated in many
   places of [VRRP] standard (for example, section 8.2.3) that "The
   Backup routers must be configured to send the same Router
   Advertisement options as the address owner". [VRRP] is developed in
   such a way that it is fully transparent for hosts.
   It was analyzed that proposed solutions and standards extensions do
   not affect [VRRP] operation, one could see comments later when it is
   applicable to [VRRP].

5. Solutions

   Let's look at the solutions for scenarios listed in section 4.3.

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5.1. Multi-homing multi-prefix (MHMP) environment

   Let's consider here host capability to choose a proper PA prefix and
   next hop router in a stable multi-homing multi-prefix (MHMP)

   The complex MHMP situation is properly discussed in [MHMP] section
   3.1 - it is critical to read it to understand the rest of this
   section. Our discussion is restricted to [ND] protocol only (one
   link) - it would cut the number of topologies discussed in section
   4.2. MHMP may need additional complex routing interactions that are
   out of the scope of this document.

   It is possible to introduce one additional classification to clearly
   separate what it is possible to implement now from what needs
   additional standardization efforts:

   1. Case "equal prefixes": Announced prefixes are fully equal by
      scope and value, all resources interested for hosts could be
      reachable through any announced PA prefix; additionally, traffic
      distribution between carriers could be round-robin (no any
      traffic engineering or policing).

   2. Case "non-equal prefixes": Announced prefixes are not equal
      because (1) some resources could be accessed only through a
      particular prefix (for example walled garden of one carrier) or
      (2) it is desirable to have some policy for traffic distribution
      between PA prefixes (cost of traffic, delay, packet loss, jitter,
      proportional load).

   There are two reminders before the discussion of the above cases:

   o  [ND] section 6.3.6 recommends next hop choice between default
      routers in a round-robin style. Traffic policy or even
      reachability of particular resources through a particular default
      router is not considered at the [ND] level.

   o  [Default Address] section 7 assumes that source and destination
      address selection should happen after the next hop (or interface)
      choice by [ND] or routing, source address is chosen after this.

   Case "equal prefixes" does not create any requirement on what prefix
   should be used for the source address. It is only needed that the
   source address would be chosen to be compatible with the next hop
   that should be in the direction of the respective carrier.
   No problem is possible for the topology with only one router on the

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   link. The router itself may need source routing to choose next hop
   properly but it is out of the scope of ND protocol and this
   Host on a multi-homing link would better be compliant to [Default
   Address] section 5 (source address selection) rule 5 (for different
   interfaces on the host) or rule 5.5 (for different next hops on the
   same interface). It would help to properly choose a source address
   compliant to the next hop chosen first. Moreover, if the source
   address would be chosen wrongly then it is still possible to reroute
   the packet later by source routing.
   Hence, it is possible to satisfy the "equal prefixes" case on the
   current level of standardization developed.

   Case "non-equal prefixes" is more complicated. It would be too late
   to try to solve this problem on a router, because the wrong source
   address may be already chosen by the host - it would not be possible
   to contact the appropriate resource in the "walled garden". Only NAT
   could be left as an option, but that is not a valid choice for IPv6.

   There are 2 methods to resolve the case of "non-equal prefixes":

  1. The same policies could be formatted differently and fed to the
     host by two mechanisms: 1) "Routing Information Options" of [Route
     Preferences] and 2) [Policy by DHCP] to modify policies in
     [Default Address] selection algorithm. Then current priority of
     mechanisms could be preserved the same: initially [ND] or routing
     would choose the next hop, then [Default Address] would choose a
     source address (and destination if multiple answers from DNS are
     available). It is the method that is assumed in [MHMP].
  2. Alternatively, policies could be supplied only by [Policy by DHCP]
     to [Default Address] selection algorithm. [Default Address]
     discusses potential capability in section 7 to reverse algorithm's
     order: source address may be chosen first, only then to choose
     next hop (default router).
     Source address selected from proper carrier is potentially the
     complete information needed for the host to choose the next hop,
     but not for the default round-robin distribution between available
     routers that specified in [ND]. [ND] extension is needed for this
     method for the host to prioritize default routers that have
     announced prefixes used for the source address of the considered
     It is this method that is assumed in [Multi-Homing] section 3.2.
     This document is different in that the same rules are formulated
     not as the general advice, but as the particular extension to [ND]
     - see section 6.1 of this document.

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   The second method has the advantage that there is no need to
   download RIO policies by [Route Preferences]. It would simplify the
   implementation of the MHMP environment.
   Only the second method is universal and extendable because some
   policies may not be translated as RIO of [Route Preferences].
   For example, dynamic policies (packet loss, delay, and jitter) could
   be measured on hosts. Hence, the decision about source address and
   next hop should be local.

5.2. A provider is not reachable in MHMP environment

   Let's assume the fault situation when one provider is not reachable
   in the [MHMP] environment. A prefix may be very dynamic for a few
   reasons. It could be received from some protocols (DHCP-PD, HNCP).
   The prefix could become invalid (at least for the global Internet
   connectivity) as a result of the abrupt link loss in the upstream
   direction to the carrier that distributed this prefix.

   Additionally, consider the more complicated case when some hosts on
   the upstream routed path to this provider may still be reachable
   using a particular prefix but Internet connectivity is broken later.

   Let's consider the last problem. Because Internet connectivity is
   lost for this prefix, it should be announced to hosts by zero
   Preferred Lifetime. [Route Preferences] gives the possibility to
   inform hosts that particular a prefix (RIO) is still available on-
   site but it would be an automation challenge to dynamically
   calculate and announce prefix. Additionally, [Route Preferences]
   should be supported by hosts.
   In general, it is not a good idea to involve [ND] in routing. Hence,
   it is better to support on-site connectivity by PI GUA or ULA that
   may not be invalidated. There are many reasons to promote [ULA] for
   internal site connectivity: (1) hosts may not have GUA address at
   all without initial connection to the provider, (2) PA addresses
   would be invalidated in 30 days of disconnect anyway, (3) it is not
   a good idea to use addresses from PA pool that is disconnected from
   global Internet - hosts may have a better option to get global
   reachability. ULA has better security (open transport ports that are
   not accessible from the Internet) which is an additional bonus.
   It is effectively the request to join current [CPE Requirements] and
   [HomeNet Architecture] requirements in sections 2.2, 2.4, 3.4.2 that
   subscriber's network should have local ULA addresses.

   Prefix deprecation should be done by RA with zero Lifetime for this
   prefix. It will put the prefix on hosts to the deprecated status
   that according to many standards ([ND], [SLAAC], and [Default

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   Address]) would prioritize other addresses. Global communication
   would be disrupted for this prefix anyway. Local communication for
   deprecated addresses would continue till normal resolution because
   the default Valid Lifetime is 30 days. Moreover, if it would happen
   that this delegated prefix was the only one in the local network (no
   [ULA] for the same reason), then new sessions would be opened on
   deprecated prefix because it is the only address available.
   If connectivity would be re-established and the same prefix would be
   delegated to the link - it would be announced again with proper
   preferred lifetime. If a different prefix could be delegated by the
   PA provider, then the old prefix would stay in deprecated status.
   It is an advantage for the host that would know about global
   reachability on this prefix (by deprecated status) because the host
   may use other means for communication at that time.

   Such dynamic treatment of prefixes may have the danger of [ND]
   messages flood if the link on the path to PA provider would be
   [HNCP] section 1.1 states: "it is desirable for ISPs to provide
   large enough valid and preferred lifetimes to avoid unnecessary HNCP
   state churn in homes".
   It makes sense to introduce dampening for the rate of prefix

   Such conceptual change in the treatment of prefixes would not affect
   current enterprise installations where prefixes are static.

   It is important to mention again that it is the responsibility of
   the respective protocol (that has delivered prefix to the considered
   router) to inform the router that prefix is not routed anymore to
   the respective carrier. It is easy to do it in the simplified
   topology when the only router could correlate uplink status with the
   DHCP-PD prefix delegated early. Some additional protocols like
   [HNCP] are needed for a more complex topology.

   There is nothing in [ND] or [SLAAC] that prevents us from treating
   prefixes as something more dynamic than "renumbering" to reflect the
   dynamic path status to the PA provider. Section 6.2.  proposes
   extensions to [CPE Requirements] and [SLAAC] that follow the logic
   of this section.

5.3. Administrator abruptly replaces PA prefix

   This is the case when the network administrator (maybe from another
   domain) replaces prefix much faster than 2 hours or the remaining
   preferred lifetime (as per section 5.5.3 of [SLAAC] on router

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   advertisement processing). The reason for abrupt replacement is
   probably not related to networking.
   Abrupt prefix change may be caused by improper configuration, for
   example, VLAN change at the switch.
   Standards recommend deprecating old prefixes but do not recommend
   for developers and system designers to additionally check abrupt
   configuration changes to mitigate human mistakes. IPv4 cannot
   mitigate such type of mistake, IPv6 has an advantage here.

   Section 6.3.  proposes a recommendation for the additional check to
   make sure that prefix would be deprecated.

   This problem could be exacerbated by the low reliability of
   multicast delivery in a wireless environment - the only packet sent
   (for example before VLAN change) could be lost. A long-term solution
   for this problem is proposed in section 6.6 that permits
   synchronizing host states with a new flag in router announcements.

   Precautions proposed in this section would not harm [VRRP]
   environment. But it is less valuable functionality for such an
   environment because administrators of critical resources would
   probably withdraw old prefixes in a much slower way with a long
   period of support for old and new prefixes.

5.4. Planned router outage

   A router could be planned to be put out of service for a link
   (reboot, shutdown, or ceasing to be a router).

   The primary Operating System for routers is LINUX. The following
   discussion is based on LINUX as an example - other developers can
   find an analogy for their operating system.

   Some LINUX shutdown commands are not graceful in principle (like
   Halt or Poweroff). It would need extraordinary efforts to send
   messages discussed in this section before the system would be
   stopped. It is better to restrict network administrators from such
   tools on routers.

   Other LINUX shutdown commands are safe (Reboot is safe for a long
   time, Shutdown and "Init 6" have been safe). It would execute
   shutdown scripts that would give the developer the chance to comply
   with requirements in this section.

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   It is up to the developer how reboot and shutdown should be mapped
   to particular OS commands in graphical user interface (GUI), command
   line interface (CLI), or automation interface (Netconf/YANG), and
   what particular actions should be taken. It SHOULD guarantee that
   section 6.2.5 of [ND] with updates in section 6.4 of this document
   properly inform hosts that the router is going out of service.

   The same procedure SHOULD be automatically activated for cases when
   an administrator tries manually (via CLI or GUI) or automatically
   (via Netcong/YANG/Other) to change Link Layer Address on this router
   interface or disable router functionality in [ND] for this link.

   Precaution of this section may not be applicable for [VRRP]
   environment because if it is expected that Backup router would take
   over responsibility then shutdown of the Master is not a reason for
   withdrawal of any information announced early in RAs.

5.5. Prefix information lost because of abrupt router outage

   PIO could be lost because of the abrupt reload - the router may not
   have a chance to warn hosts, but the router could receive a
   different prefix after reload. Reasons could be (1) power outage,
   (2) software bug, or (3) hardware problem.

   [HomeNet Architecture] section 3.4.3 (Delegated Prefixes) has
   already recommended usage of non-volatile memory:
   "Provisioning such persistent prefixes may imply the need for stable
   storage on routing devices and also a method for a home user to
   'reset' the stored prefix should a significant reconfiguration be
   required (though ideally the home user should not be involved at
   [SLAAC] section 5.7 has recommended storing acquired addresses on
   hosts in non-volatile memory too.
   This document joins these requests and propose adding similar
   requirements to [CPE Requirements] and [SLAAC] - see section 6.5.

   The best long-term solution is to inform the host by [ND] protocol
   that RA has all information in one announcement. Any missing
   information SHOULD be considered deprecated. It is possible to do it
   with the new flag in RA - see section 6.6.
   "Complete" flag would become useful only when implemented on both:
   host and router. It is proposed to rely on storage improvements in
   non-volatile memory till the "Complete" flag would be supported on
   many hosts.

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5.6. Prefix information lost after hardware replacement

   Hardware fault or power outage may follow by hardware replacement.

   Prefix storage in non-volatile memory and a "complete" flag would
   not protect in such a situation. The new router would not have the
   old prefix information and the "complete" flag would be sourced from
   a different LLA.

   Initially, it would be good to speed up the detection of hardware
   replacement to delete the stale hardware from the default router
   list of hosts. It is proposed to request all routers availability by
   RS all-routers multicast address after new router detection on the
   link- see section 6.8. It would permit to detect that old hardware
   is not active in 13 seconds (see section 6.3.7 of [ND] for timers
   MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY). 13 seconds is considered a short enough
   outage compare to hardware replacement and reload.

   Then it is proposed to detect stale prefixes at the event of the
   respective router deletion from the default router list. If the
   particular prefix is not announced anymore by any active router on
   the default router list then the prefix (and all associated
   addresses) should be deprecated - see section 6.9.

5.7. Link layer address of the router should be changed

   Sections 6.3 and 6.4  provide an additional check also in the case
   of a link layer address change. Hence, additionally resolve LLA
   change case.

5.8. Dependency between solutions and extensions

   It could be useful to map, for quick reference, the dependency
   between the solutions listed in this section and standard's
   extensions as presented in section 6.

   Solution discussed in      Corresponding extension

      5.1.           ->             6.1.

      5.2.           ->             6.2. & 6.7.

      5.3.           ->             6.3. & 6.6.

      5.4.           ->             6.4.

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      5.5.           ->             6.5. & 6.6.

      5.6.           ->             6.8. & 6.9.

      5.7.           ->             6.3. & 6.4.

6. Extensions of the existing standards

   The solution requires a number of standard extensions. They are
   split into separate sections for better understanding. It is better
   to read references from section 5. before reading this section, see
   section 5.8.  for cross-reference.

6.1. Default router choice by host

   * Section 6.3.6 (Default Router Selection) of [ND], add an initial
   policy to default router selection:

  0) For the cases when a particular implementation of ND does know
     the source address at the time of default router selection
     (it means that source address was chosen first),
     then default routers that advertise the prefix for respective
     source address SHOULD be preferred over routers that do not
     advertise respective prefix.

6.2. Prefixes become dynamic

   * This document joins the request to [CPE Requirements] that has
   been proposed in section 11 (General Requirements for HNCP Nodes) of

   The requirement L-13 to deprecate prefixes is applied to all
   delegated prefixes in the network from which assignments have been
   made on the respective interface.  Furthermore, the Prefix
   Information Options indicating deprecation MUST be included in
   Router Advertisements for the remainder of the prefixes' respective
   valid lifetime, but MAY be omitted after at least 2 hours have

   * Add section 4.2 into [SLAAC]:

   4.2 Dynamic Link Renumbering

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   Prefix delegation (primarily by DHCP-PD) is adopted by the industry
   as the primary mechanism of PA address delegation in the fixed and
   mobile broadband environments, including cases of small business and
   branches of the big enterprises.
   The delegated prefix is tied to dynamic link that has a considerable
   probability to be disconnected, especially in a mobile environment.
   The delegated prefix is losing the value if the remote site is
   disconnected from prefix provider - this fact should be propagated
   to all nodes on the disconnected site, including hosts. Information
   Options indicating deprecation (multicast RA with zero Preferred
   Lifetime) MUST be sent at least one time. It SHOULD be included in
   Router Advertisements for the remainder of the prefixes' respective
   valid lifetime but MAY be omitted after 2 hours of deprecation

   There is a high probability that connectivity to the provider would
   be restored very soon then the prefix could be announced again to
   all nodes on the site.

   There is the probability that in a small period of time the same
   problem would disconnect the site again (especially for mobile
   uplink). Such oscillation between available and not available
   provider could happen frequently that would flood the remote site
   with [ND] updates.
   Dampening mechanism MAY be implemented to suppress oscillation:
   if the time between a particular prefix announcement and previous
   deprecation was less than DampeningCheck then delay the next prefix
   announcement for DampeningDelay and check the need for the prefix
   announcement after DampeningDelay seconds.
   It is recommended for protocol designers to implement a dampening
   mechanism for protocols (like [HNCP]) that would be used to
   distribute prefix delegation inside the site to relieve the majority
   of site routers and the protocol itself from the processing of
   oscillating messages.

   * Section 5.1 (Node Configuration Variables) of [SLAAC], add timers:

  DampeningCheck - the time between prefix announcement and previous
           deprecation is checked against this value to decide about
           dampening need. The timer should use 16bit unsigned integer
           measured in seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.

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  DampeningDelay - the delay (penalty) for the next attempt to
           announce the same prefix again. The timer should use 16bit
           unsigned integer measured in seconds. The default value is
           10 seconds.

   These timers should be configurable like all other timers in [SLAAC]
   section 5.1.

6.3. Do not forget to deprecate prefixes on renumbering

   * Section 4.1 (Site renumbering) of [SLAAC], add at the end:

   A network administrator SHOULD avoid the situations when renumbering
   is done abruptly (with the time of transition that is less than the
   preferred time for the respective prefix). Situations could happen
   when it is not possible to archive the above-mentioned goal: (1) the
   prefix could be withdrawn by the administrator of another domain,
   (2) there could be the urgent need to change the prefix for reasons
   not related to networking, (3) prefix could be invalidated after
   some network event (example: loss of uplink that was used to receive
   this prefix), (4) L2 connection (VLAN or VPN) could be changed
   abruptly by mistake or due to not a proper design.
   Prefix deprecation MUST be signaled at least one time by multicast
   RA with Preferred Lifetime set to zero for respective PIO. It SHOULD
   be included in RA for the remainder of the prefixes' respective
   valid lifetime but MAY be omitted after 2 hours of deprecation

   It is recommended for developers to check and enforce this rule in
   router's software: if an administrator, automated system, or other
   protocol would try to delete a particular prefix from the link and
   if that prefix has the preferred lifetime bigger than zero, then the
   software MUST automatically generate deprecation announcements
   according to the rules explained above.

   System designer SHOULD make sure that in the case of abrupt change
   of logical connectivity at L2 (VLAN, VPN) new default router SHOULD
   deprecate stale prefixes inherited from the previous default router.

6.4. Do not forget to deprecate prefixes on shutdown

   * Section 6.2.5 of [ND] starts from the definition of ceasing cases
   for the router on [ND] link. One additional reason SHOULD be added
   to the end of the list:

         - Link layer address of the interface should be changed.

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   * Section 6.2.5 (Ceasing To Be an Advertising Interface) and
   Section 6.2.8 (Link Local Address Change) of [ND] already discusses
   requirements of proper ceasing to be [ND] router advertising
   interface. It has requirements to announce zero for a default router
   lifetime. It is proposed to add at the end of both sections:

   A router MUST also announce in above-mentioned announcements all
   previously advertised prefixes with zero Preferred LifeTime. Valid
   LifeTime should not be decreased from originally intended - current
   hosts sessions should have the possibility to be rerouted to the
   redundant router (if available).

6.5. Store prefixes in non-volatile memory

   Add the same text:
   * [CPE Requirements], new requirement G-6 at the end of section 4.1,
   * [SLAAC], at the end of section 5.7:

   The IPv6 router SHOULD keep in non-volatile memory all prefixes
   advertised on all links, including prefixes received by dynamic
   protocols with the reference to the respective protocol (DHCP-PD,
   HNCP, others).
   A router could experience a non-graceful reload.
   If another protocol would delegate any prefixes for router links
   then the router SHOULD immediately start announcing them in the
   normal way.
   Additionally, the router should wait until the end of convergence
   for the respective prefix-delegation protocol. The way for how to
   decide that convergence is finished is the responsibility of the
   respective protocol design. It could be a simple timer after uplink
   would go to "up" or successful exchange by some protocol (like DHCP-
   If another protocol would not delegate prefix recorded in non-
   volatile memory after assumed convergence is achieved, then the old
   prefix MUST be announced on the link at least one time by multicast
   RA with the zero Preferred Lifetime. It SHOULD be included in RA for
   the remainder of the prefixes' respective valid lifetime but MAY be
   omitted after 2 hours of deprecation announcements.

6.6. Find lost information by "Synchronization"

   * Section 4.2 (RA format) of [ND], introduce new flag:

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     0                   1                   2                   3
     0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
    |     Type      |     Code      |          Checksum             |
    | Cur Hop Limit |M|O| Reserved|C|       Router Lifetime         |
    |                         Reachable Time                        |
    |                          Retrans Timer                        |
    |   Options ...

  O        1-bit "Complete configuration" flag.  When set, it
           indicates that all configuration information has been put
           inside this RA. The last reserved bit has been chosen to
           preserve the compatibility with [Route Preferences] that
           already propose to use the first reserved bit.

   * Section 6.2.3 (RA content) of [ND], introduce new flag:

   - In the C flag: set if it was possible to put all configuration
   information into this RA.

   * Section 6.2.3 (RA content) of [ND], add at the end:

   It is recommended that all configuration information SHOULD be
   included in one RA (if MTU permits) for multicast and unicast
   distribution. If successful, then the "Complete" flag SHOULD be set
   to signal the possibility of synchronization with hosts.

   * Section 6.3.4 (RA processing) of [ND], add at the beginning:

   After: "the receipt of a Router Advertisement MUST NOT invalidate
   all information received in a previous advertisement or from another

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   Add: "Except for the case when RA received with "Complete" flag set,
   then any information from the same router (same Link Local Address)
   missing in this RA SHOULD be deprecated. Information protected by
   timers SHOULD be put into the deprecated state. Other information
   SHOULD be returned to the original state: in compliance to
   information from other routers or to default configuration if other
   routers do not announce respected information."

   * Section 6.3.4 (RA processing) of [ND], add to the list of PIO
   processing options:

   - If the prefix is missing in RA with the "Complete" flag set, then
   respective addresses should be put immediately into deprecated state
   up to the original valid lifetime.

   [ND] section 9 mentions: "In order to ensure that future extensions
   properly coexist with current implementations, all nodes MUST
   silently ignore any options they do not recognize in received ND
   packets and continue processing the packet."

   There is a possibility for the gradual introduction of the
   "Complete" flag:

   o  If the host is upgraded to the new functionality first, then the
      router would send this bit zero (according to the basic [ND])
      that would not activate new functionality on the host.

   o  If the router is upgraded to the new functionality first, then
      the host would not pay attention to the flag for Reserved bits.

6.7.  Default router announcement rules

   * This document joins [HNCP] section 11 (General Requirements for
   HNCP Nodes) request to [CPE Requirements]:

   The generic requirements G-4 and G-5 are relaxed such that any known
   default router on any interface is sufficient for a router to
   announce itself as the default router; similarly, only the loss of
   all such default routers results in self-invalidation.

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6.8. Faster detection of the stale default router

   * Section 6.3.7 (sending Router Solicitations) of [ND].

   The text: "When an interface becomes enabled, a host may be
   unwilling to wait for the next unsolicited Router Advertisement to
   locate default routers or learn prefixes. To obtain Router
   Advertisements quickly, a host SHOULD transmit up to
   MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS Router Solicitation messages, each separated
   by at least RTR_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL seconds. Router Solicitations
   may be sent after any of the following events:"

   Should be replaced by the text: "

   Interface enablement or new router arrival could be the signal of
   router replacement, a host may be unwilling to wait for the next
   unsolicited Router Advertisement to locate and invalidate default
   routers or learn prefixes. To obtain Router Advertisements quickly,
   a host SHOULD transmit up to MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS Router
   Solicitation messages, each separated by at least
   RTR_SOLICITATION_INTERVAL seconds. Router Solicitations may be sent
   after any of the following events:

   - the new router is discovered from RA

   - . . . <list of other reasons from [ND] section 6.3.7>

   * Section 6.3.7 (sending Router Solicitations) of [ND].

   After the text: "If a host sends MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS
   solicitations, and receives no Router Advertisements after having
   waited MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY seconds after sending the last
   solicitation, the host concludes that there are no routers on the
   link for the purpose of [ADDRCONF]."

   Add new text: "If a host sends MAX_RTR_SOLICITATIONS solicitations,
   and receives no Router Advertisements from the router already
   present on the default router list after having waited
   MAX_RTR_SOLICITATION_DELAY seconds, the host concludes that the
   router SHOULD be deprecated from the default router list."

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6.9. Clean orphaned prefixes after default router list change

   * Section 6.3.6 (Timing out Prefixes and Default Routers) of [ND]

   "Whenever the Lifetime of an entry in the Default Router List
   expires, that entry is discarded.  When removing a router from the
   Default Router list, the node MUST update the Destination Cache in
   such a way that all entries using the router perform next-hop
   determination again rather than continue sending traffic to the
   (deleted) router."

   Add at the end:

   "All prefixes announced by deprecated default router SHOULD be
   checked on the announcement from other default routers. If any
   prefix is not anymore announced from any router - it SHOULD be

7. Interoperability analysis

   The primary motivation for the proposed changes originated from
   residential broadband requirements. [ND] extensions proposed in this
   document should not affect other environments (enterprise WAN,
   Campus). Moreover, some precautions proposed could block mistakes
   originated by humans in some corner cases in all environments.

   This document mostly intersects with Homenet working group documents
   [HomeNet Architecture], [HNCP], and [MHMP]. It was shown that it is
   possible to isolate [ND] in the context of Homenet to solve specific
   [ND] problems without any potential impact to the Homenet
   development and directions.

   [CPE Requirements] have the assumption of managing simplified
   topologies by manipulating routing information injection into [ND].
   It has been shown in [MHMP] and in this document that it is better
   to signal reachability information to [ND] (reachability information
   to ND sounds strange) by the deprecation of delegated prefixes. This
   document joins [MHMP] request to change the approach.

   [Route Preferences] have been avoided as the mechanism for
   environments with PA address space because source address is
   selected first. Then next hop choice can be simplified - see section
   5.1 for more details.
   [Route Preferences] could still be applicable for PI (Provider-

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   Independent) address environments because only next hops need to be
   chosen properly.

8. Applicability analysis

   Two standard extensions require changes to hosts. Hence, it would
   take a long time to be implemented in live networks. But workaround
   exists for the solution to work before it would happen:

   o  Absence of implementation for RA information synchronization by C
      flag on some hosts is not critical because router could use non-
      volatile memory for prefix storage.

   o  Not being capable of excluding a router from the default router
      list (for the situation when it does not advertise respective
      prefix) is not critical, because it is needed only for the very
      advanced MHMP environment with traffic distribution by the policy
      between different PA providers.
      It is for the far future anyway.

9. Security Considerations

   This document does not introduce new vulnerabilities.

10. IANA Considerations

   This document has no any request to IANA.

11. References

11.1. Normative References

   [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI
             10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <https://www.rfc-

   [RFC8174] Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
             2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
             May 2017, <>.

   [ND] Narten, T., Nordmark, E., Simpson, W., and H. Soliman,
             "Neighbor Discovery for IP version 6 (IPv6)", RFC 4861,
             DOI 10.17487/RFC4861, September 2007, <https://www.rfc-

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   [SLAAC] Thomson, S., Narten, T., and T. Jinmei, "IPv6 Stateless
             Address Autoconfiguration", RFC 4862, DOI
             10.17487/RFC4862, September 2007, <https://www.rfc-

   [Route Preferences] R. Draves, D. Thaler, "Default Router
             Preferences and More-Specific Routes", RFC 4191, DOI
             10.17487/RFC4191, November 2005, <https://www.rfc-

   [Multi-Homing] F. Baker, B. Carpenter, "First-Hop Router Selection
             by Hosts in a Multi-Prefix Network", RFC 8028, DOI
             10.17487/RFC8028, November 2016, <https://www.rfc-

   [NUD improvement] E. Nordmark, I. Gashinsky, "Neighbor
             Unreachability Detection Is Too Impatient", RFC 7048, DOI
             10.17487/RFC7048, July 2010, <https://www.rfc-

   [Default Address] D. Thaler, R. Draves, A. Matsumoto, T. Chown,
             "Default Address Selection for Internet Protocol Version 6
             (IPv6)", RFC 6724, DOI 10.17487/RFC6724, September 2012,

   [Node Requirements] T. Chown, J. Loughney, T. Winters, "IPv6 Node
             Requirements", RFC 8504, DOI 10.17487/RFC8504, January
             2019, <>.

   [CPE Requirements] Singh, H., Beebee W., Donley, C., and B. Stark,
             "Basic Requirements for IPv6 Customer Edge Routers", RFC
             7084, DOI 10.17487/RFC7084, November 2013,

   [HomeNet Architecture] T. Chown, J. Arkko, A. Brandt, O. Troan, J.
             Weil, "IPv6 Home Networking Architecture Principles", RFC
             7368, DOI 10.17487/RFC7368, October 2014,

   [HNCP] M. Stenberg, S. Barth, P. Pfister, "Home Networking Control
             Protocol", RFC 7788, DOI 10.17487/RFC7788, April 2016,

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   [Policy by DHCP] A. Matsumoto, T. Fujisaki, T. Chown, "Distributing
             Address Selection Policy Using DHCPv6", RFC 7078 DOI
             10.17487/RFC7078, January 2014, <https://www.rfc-

   [Residential practices] Palet, J., "IPv6 Deployment Survey
             Residential/Household Services) How IPv6 is being
             deployed?", UK NOF 39, January 2018,

   [SLAAC Robustness] F. Gont, J. Zorz, R. Patterson, "Improving the
             Robustness of Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC)
             to Flash Renumbering Events", draft-ietf-6man-slaac-renum-
             02 (work in progress), January 2021

   [VRRP] S. Nadas, "Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) Version
             3 for IPv4 and IPv6", RFC 5798 DOI 10.17487/RFC5798, March
             2010, <>.

11.2. Informative References

   [RFC8200] S. Deering, R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version 6
             (IPv6) Specification", RFC 8200, DOI 10.17487/RFC8200,
             July 2017, <>.

   [Flash-Renumbering] F. Gont, J. Zorz, R. Patterson, "Reaction of
             Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (SLAAC) to Flash-
             Renumbering Events", RFC 8978, March 2021.

   [RA-Guard] E. Levy-Abegnoli, G. Van de Velde, C. Popoviciu, J.
             Mohacsi, "IPv6 Router Advertisement Guard", RFC 6105, DOI
             10.17487/RFC6105, February 2011, <https://www.rfc-

   [RA-Guard+] F. Gont, "Implementation Advice for IPv6 Router
             Advertisement Guard (RA-Guard)", RFC 7113, DOI
             10.17487/RFC7113, February 2014, <https://www.rfc-

   [MHMP] O. Troan, D. Miles, S. Matsushima, T. Okimoto, D. Wing, "IPv6
             Multihoming without Network Address Translation", RFC
             7157, DOI 10.17487/RFC7157, March 2014, <https://www.rfc-

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   [ULA] R. Hinden, B. Haberman, "Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses",
             RFC 4193, DOI 10.17487/RFC4193, October 2005,

12. Acknowledgments

   Thanks to 6man working group for problem discussion.

Authors' Addresses

   Olorunloba Olopade
   Virgin Media
   270 & 280 Bartley Way, Bartley Wood Business Park, Hook,
   Hampshire RG27 9UP

   Eduard Vasilenko
   Huawei Technologies
   17/4 Krylatskaya st, Moscow, Russia 121614

   Paolo Volpato
   Huawei Technologies
   Via Lorenteggio 240, 20147 Milan, Italy

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