Internet DRAFT - draft-wang-idr-vpn-prefix-orf


IDR Working Group                                                W. Wang
Internet-Draft                                                   A. Wang
Intended status: Experimental                              China Telecom
Expires: 20 July 2023                                            H. Wang
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                               G. Mishra
                                                            Verizon Inc.
                                                               S. Zhuang
                                                                 J. Dong
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                         16 January 2023

      VPN Prefix Outbound Route Filter (VPN Prefix ORF) for BGP-4


   This draft defines a new Outbound Route Filter (ORF) type, called the
   VPN Prefix ORF.  The described VPN Prefix ORF mechanism is applicable
   when the VPN routes from different VRFs are exchanged via one shared
   BGP session (e.g., routers in a single-domain connect via Route

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 20 July 2023.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft                   RD-ORF                     January 2023

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventions used in this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   4.  Operation process of VPN Prefix ORF mechanism on sender . . .   5
     4.1.  Intra-domain Scenarios and Solutions  . . . . . . . . . .   5
       4.1.1.  Scenario-1 and Solution (Unique RD, One RT) . . . . .   6
       4.1.2.  Scenario-2 and Solution (Unique RD, Multiple RTs) . .   7
       4.1.3.  Scenario-3 and Solution (Universal RD)  . . . . . . .   9
   5.  VPN Prefix ORF Encoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.1.  Source PE TLV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.2.  Route Target TLV  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   6.  Operation process of VPN Prefix ORF mechanism on receiver . .  14
   7.  Withdraw of VPN Prefix ORF entries  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   8.  Applicability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   9.  Implementation Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     9.1.  Implementation Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     9.2.  Experimental topology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     9.3.  Results of Experiments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   11. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   12. Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   13. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
   Appendix A.  Experimental topology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21

1.  Introduction

   [] analysis the scenarios and
   necessaries for VPN routes control in the shared BGP session.  This
   draft analyzes the existing solutions and their limitations for these
   scenarios, proposes the new VPN Prefix ORF solution to meet the
   requirements that described in section 8 of

   Now, there are several solutions can be used to alleviate these

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   *  Route Target Constraint (RTC) as defined in [RFC4684]

   *  Address Prefix ORF as defined in [RFC5292]

   *  CP-ORF mechanism as defined in [RFC7543]

   *  PE-CE edge peer Maximum Prefix

   *  Configure the Maximum Prefix for each VRF on edge nodes

   However, there are limitations to existing solutions:

   1) Route Target Constraint

   RTC can only filter the VPN routes from the uninterested VRFs, if the
   "offending routes" come from the interested VRF, RFC mechanism can't
   filter them.

   2) Address Prefix ORF

   Using Address Prefix ORF to filter VPN routes need to pre-
   configuration, but it is impossible to know which prefix may cause
   overflow in advance.

   3) CP-ORF Mechanism

   [RFC7543] defines the Covering Prefixes ORF (CP-ORF).  A BGP speaker
   sends a CP-ORF to a peer in order to pull routes that cover a
   specified host address.  A prefix covers a host address if it can be
   used to forward traffic towards that host address.

   CP-ORF is applicable in Virtual Hub-and-Spoke[RFC7024] VPN and also
   the BGP/MPLS Ethernet VPN (EVPN) [RFC7432]networks, but its main aim
   is also to get the wanted VPN prefixes and can't be used to filter
   the overwhelmed VPN prefixes dynamically.

   4) PE-CE edge peer Maximum Prefix

   The BGP Maximum-Prefix feature is used to control how many prefixes
   can be received from a neighbor.  By default, this feature allows a
   router to bring down a peer when the number of received prefixes from
   that peer exceeds the configured Maximum-Prefix limit.  This feature
   is commonly used for external BGP peers.  If it is applied to
   internal BGP peers, for example the VPN scenarios, all the VPN routes
   from different VRFs will share the common fate, which is not
   desirable for the fining control of the VPN Prefixes advertisement.

   5) Configure the Maximum Prefix for each VRF on edge nodes

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   When a VRF overflows, it stops the import of routes and log the extra
   VPN routes into its RIB.  However, PEs still need to parse the BGP
   updates.  These processes will cost CPU cycles and further burden the
   overflowed PE.

   This draft defines a new ORF-type, called the VPN Prefix ORF.  This
   mechanism is event-driven and does not need to be pre-configured.
   When a VRF of a router overflows, the router will find out the VPN
   prefix (RD, RT, source PE, etc.) of offending VPN routes in this VRF,
   and send a VPN Prefix ORF to its BGP peer that carries the relevant
   information.  If a BGP speaker receives a VPN Prefix ORF entry from
   its BGP peer, it will filter the VPN routes it tends to send
   according to the entry.

   The purpose of this mechanism is to control the outrage within the
   minimum range and avoid churn effects when a VRF on a device in the
   network overflows.

   VPN Prefix ORF is applicable when the VPN routes from different VRFs
   are exchanged via one shared BGP session.

2.  Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119] .

3.  Terminology

   The following terms are defined in this draft:

   *  RD: Route Distinguisher, defined in [RFC4364]

   *  ORF: Outbound Route Filter, defined in [RFC5291]

   *  AFI: Address Family Identifier, defined in [RFC4760]

   *  SAFI: Subsequent Address Family Identifier, defined in [RFC4760]

   *  EVPN: BGP/MPLS Ethernet VPN, defined in [RFC7432]

   *  RR: Router Reflector, provides a simple solution to the problem of
      IBGP full mesh connection in large-scale IBGP implementation.

   *  VRF: Virtual Routing Forwarding, a virtual routing table based on
      VPN instance.

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4.  Operation process of VPN Prefix ORF mechanism on sender

   The operation of VPN Prefix ORF mechanism on each device is
   independent, each of them makes a local judgement to determine
   whether it needs to send VPN Prefix ORF to its upstream peer.  The
   operators need to make sure the algorithms in different devices

   a) No quota value is set on PE

   On PE, each VRF has a prefix limit, when VPN routes exceed the prefix
   limit and there is no other VRFs on the offended PE need these VPN
   routes, PE should trigger VPN Prefix ORF mechanism and send
   corresponding VPN Prefix ORF message (VRF Prefix Limit, RD, RT).  The
   RD value of this message is set to 0, and the RT value is set to the
   value of RT-import of the PE.

   b) Quota value is set on PE

   On PE, each VRF has a prefix limit, and routes associated with each
   <RD, source PE> tuple has a pre-configurated quota.

   *  when routes associated with <RD, source PE> tuple pass the quota
      but the prefix limit of VRF is not exceeded, PE should send
      warnings to the operator, and the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism should
      not be triggered.

   *  when routes associated with <RD, source PE> tuple pass the quota
      and the prefix limit is exceeded and there is no other VRFs on
      offended PE need VPN routes with this <RD, source PE> tuple, they
      should be dropped via VPN Prefix ORF mechanism.

   When the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism is triggered, the device must send
   an alarm information to network operators.

4.1.  Intra-domain Scenarios and Solutions

   For intra-AS VPN deployment, there are three scenarios:

   *  RD is allocated per VPN per PE, each VRF only import one RT (see
      Section 4.1.1).

   *  RD is allocated per VPN per PE.  Multiple RTs are associated with
      such VPN routes, and are imported into different VRFs in other
      devices(see Section 4.1.2).

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   *  RD is allocated per VPN, each VRF imports one/multiple RTs(see
      Section 4.1.3).

   The following sections will describe solutions to the above scenarios
   in detail.

4.1.1.  Scenario-1 and Solution (Unique RD, One RT)

   In this scenario, RD is allocated per VPN per PE.  The offending VPN
   routes only carry one RT.  We assume the network topology is shown in
   Figure 1.

 |                                                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 |        +-------+                                       +-------+       |
 |        |  PE1  +----------------+    +-----------------+  PE4  |       |
 |        +-------+                |    |                 +-------+       |
 |     VPN1(RD11,RT1)              |    |              VPN2(RD12,RT2)     |
 |     VPN2(RD12,RT2)              |    |                                 |
 |                               +-+----+-+                               |
 |                               |   RR   |                               |
 |                               +-+----+-+                               |
 |                                 |    |                                 |
 |                                 |    |                                 |
 |        +-------+                |    |                 +-------+       |
 |        |  PE2  +----------------+    +-----------------+  PE3  |       |
 |        +-------+                                       +-------+       |
 |     VPN1(RD21,RT1)                                  VPN1(RD31,RT1)     |
 |     VPN2(RD22,RT2,RT1)                              VPN2(RD32,RT2)     |
 |                                                                        |
 |                                 AS 100                                 |
 |                                                                        |
                 Figure 1 Network Topology of Scenario-1

   When PE3 sends excessive VPN routes with RT1, while both PE1 and PE2
   import VPN routes with RT1, the process of offending VPN routes will
   influence performance of VRFs on PEs.  PEs and RR should have some
   mechanisms to identify and control the advertisement of offending VPN

   a) PE1

   If quota value is not set on PE1, and each VRF has a prefix limit on
   PE1.  When the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF is exceeded, due to there is
   no other VRFs on PE1 need the VPN routes with RT1, PE1 will send VPN
   Prefix ORF message to RR and send warning to operator.  The message

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   will carry the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, the RD value is set to 0 and
   the RT value is set to RT1.  RR will withdraw the offending VPN
   routes and control the number of VPN routes sending to PE1.

   If quota value is set on PE1, each VRF has a prefix limit, and each
   <RD, source PE> tuple imported into VRF has a quota.  When routes
   associated with <RD31, PE3> tuple pass the quota but the prefix limit
   of VPN1 VRF is not exceeded, PE1 sends a warning message to the
   operator, and the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism should not be triggered.
   After the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF is exceeded, due to there is no
   other VRFs on PE1 need the VPN routes with RT1, PE1 will generate a
   BGP ROUTE-REFRESH message contains a VPN Prefix ORF entry, and send
   to RR.  RR will withdraw and stop to advertise such offending VPN
   routes (RD31, the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, source PE is PE3, RT is
   RT1) to PE1.

   b) PE2

   If quota value is not set on PE2, when the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF
   is exceeded, PE2 cannot trigger VPN Prefix ORF mechanism directly,
   because VPN2 VRF needs the VPN routes with RT1.  Only when both VPN1
   VRF and VPN2 VRF are overflow, PE2 triggers the mechanism.  The VPN
   Prefix ORF message will carry the VRF Prefix Limit = min(prefix limit
   of VPN1 VRF, prefix limit of VPN2 VRF), the RD value is set to 0 and
   the RT value is set to RT1.  RR will withdraw the offending VPN
   routes and control the number of VPN routes sending to PE1.

   If quota value is set on PE2, both VPN1 VRF and VPN2 VRF import VPN
   routes with RT1.  If PE2 triggers VPN Prefix ORF mechanism when VPN1
   VRF overflows, VPN2 VRF cannot receive VPN routes with RT1 as well.
   PE2 should not trigger the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism to RR (RD31,
   min(prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, prefix limit of VPN2 VRF), source PE is
   PE3) until all the VRFs that import RT1 on it overflow.

4.1.2.  Scenario-2 and Solution (Unique RD, Multiple RTs)

   In this scenario, RD is allocated per VPN per PE.  Multiple RTs are
   associated with the offending VPN routes, and be imported into
   different VRFs in other devices.  We assume the network topology is
   shown in Figure 2.

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 |                                                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 |        +-------+                                       +-------+       |
 |        |  PE1  +----------------+    +-----------------+  PE4  |       |
 |        +-------+                |    |                 +-------+       |
 |     VPN1(RD11,RT1)              |    |              VPN2(RD42,RT2)     |
 |     VPN2(RD12,RT2)              |    |                                 |
 |                               +-+----+-+                               |
 |                               |   RR   |                               |
 |                               +-+----+-+                               |
 |                                 |    |                                 |
 |                                 |    |                                 |
 |        +-------+                |    |                 +-------+       |
 |        |  PE2  +----------------+    +-----------------+  PE3  |       |
 |        +-------+                                       +-------+       |
 |     VPN1(RD21,RT1)                                  VPN1(RD31,RT1,RT2) |
 |                                                     VPN2(RD32,RT2)     |
 |                                                                        |
 |                                 AS 100                                 |
 |                                                                        |
                Figure 2 Network Topology of Scenario-2

   When PE3 sends excessive VPN routes with RT1 and RT2, while both PE1
   and PE2 import VPN routes with RT1, and PE1 also imports VPN routes
   with RT2.

   a) PE1

   If quota value is not set on PE1, when the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF
   is exceeded, PE1 cannot trigger VPN Prefix ORF mechanism directly,
   because VPN2 VRF needs the VPN routes with RT1.  Only when both VPN1
   VRF and VPN2 VRF are overflow, PE1 will send VPN Prefix ORF message
   to RR and send warning to operator.  The message will carry the VRF
   Prefix Limit = min(prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, prefix limit of VPN2
   VRF), the RD value is set to 0 and the RT value is set to RT1, RT2.
   RR will withdraw the offending VPN routes and control the number of
   VPN routes sending to PE1.

   If quota value is set on PE1, when routes associated with <RD31, PE3>
   tuple pass the quota but the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF is not
   exceeded, PE1 sends a warning to the operator.  When the prefix limit
   of VPN1 VRF is exceeded, if the VPN2 VRF does not reach its limit at
   the same time, PE1 should still not send out the trigger message,
   because if it does so, the VPN2 VRF can't receive the VPN routes too
   (RR will filter all the VPN prefixes that contain RT1).  PE1 just
   discard the offending VPN routes locally.  PE1 should only generate a

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   BGP ROUTE-REFRESH message contains a VPN Prefix ORF entry(RD31,
   min(prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, prefix limit of VPN2 VRF), comes from
   PE3) when both the VRFs that import such prefixes are overflow.

   b) PE2

   If quota value is not set on PE2, when the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF
   is exceeded, due to there is no other VRFs on PE2 need the VPN routes
   with RT1, PE2 will send VPN Prefix ORF message to RR and send warning
   to operator.  The message will carry the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF,
   the RD value is set to 0 and the RT value is set to RT1.  RR will
   withdraw the offending VPN routes and control the number of VPN
   routes sending to PE2.

   If quota value is set on PE2, due to there is only one VRF imports
   VPN routes with RT1.  If it overflows, it will trigger VPN Prefix ORF
   (RD31, the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, comes from PE3) mechanisms.  RR
   will withdraw and stop to advertise such offending VPN routes to PE2.

4.1.3.  Scenario-3 and Solution (Universal RD)

   In this scenario, RD is allocated per VPN.  One/Multiple RTs are
   associated with the offending VPN routes, and be imported into
   different VRFs in other devices.  We assume the network topology is
   shown in Figure 3.

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 |                                                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 |        +-------+                                       +-------+       |
 |        |  PE1  +----------------+    +-----------------+  PE4  |       |
 |        +-------+                |    |                 +-------+       |
 |     VPN1(RD1,RT1)               |    |              VPN2(RD12,RT2)     |
 |     VPN2(RD12,RT2)              |    |                                 |
 |                               +-+----+-+                               |
 |                               |   RR   |                               |
 |                               +-+----+-+                               |
 |                                 |    |                                 |
 |                                 |    |                                 |
 |        +-------+                |    |                 +-------+       |
 |        |  PE2  +----------------+    +-----------------+  PE3  |       |
 |        +-------+                                       +-------+       |
 |     VPN1(RD1,RT1)                                   VPN1(RD1,RT1,RT2)  |
 |                                                     VPN2(RD32,RT2)     |
 |                                                                        |
 |                                 AS 100                                 |
 |                                                                        |
                  Figure 3 Network Topology of Scenario-3

   When PE3 sends excessive VPN routes with RD1 and attached RT1 and
   RT2, while both PE1 and PE2 import VPN routes with RT1, the process
   of offending VPN routes will influence performance of VRFs on PEs.

   a) PE1

   If quota value is not set on PE1, when the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF
   is exceeded, PE1 cannot trigger VPN Prefix ORF mechanism directly,
   because VPN2 VRF needs the VPN routes with RT2.  Only when both VPN1
   VRF and VPN2 VRF are overflow, PE1 will send VPN Prefix ORF message
   to RR and send warning to operator.  The message will carry the VRF
   Prefix Limit = min(prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, prefix limit of VPN2
   VRF), the RD value is set to 0 and the RT value is set to RT1, RT2.
   RR will withdraw the offending VPN routes and control the number of
   VPN routes sending to PE1.

   If quota value is set on PE1, when routes associated with <RD1, PE3>
   tuple pass the quota but the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF is not
   exceeded, PE1 sends a warning to the operator.  When the prefix limit
   of VPN1 VRF is exceeded, if the VPN2 VRF does not reach its limit at
   the same time, PE1 should still not send out the trigger message,
   because if it does so, the VPN2 VRF can't receive the VPN routes too
   (RR will filter all the VPN prefixes that contain RT1).  PE1 just
   discard the offending VPN routes locally.  PE1 should only generate a

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   BGP ROUTE-REFRESH message contains a VPN Prefix ORF entry(RD1,
   min(prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, prefix limit of VPN2 VRF), comes from
   PE3) when both the VRFs that import such prefixes are overflow.

   b) PE2

   If quota value is not set on PE2, when the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF
   is exceeded, due to there is no other VRFs on PE2 need the VPN routes
   with RT1, PE2 will send VPN Prefix ORF message to RR and send warning
   to operator.  The message will carry the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF,
   the RD value is set to 0 and the RT value is set to RT1.  RR will
   withdraw the offending VPN routes and control the number of VPN
   routes sending to PE2.

   If quota value is set on PE2, due to there is only one VRF imports
   VPN routes with RT1.  If it overflows, it will trigger VPN Prefix ORF
   (RD1, the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF, comes from PE3) mechanisms.  RR
   will withdraw and stop to advertise such offending VPN routes to PE2.

   When PE2 overflows and PE1 does not overflow.  PE2 triggers the VPN
   Prefix ORF message (RD1, comes from PE3).  Using Source PE and RD, RR
   will only withdraw and stop to advertise VPN routes with RD1 come
   from PE3 to PE2.  The communication between PE2 and PE1 for VPN1 will
   not be influenced.

5.  VPN Prefix ORF Encoding

   In this section, we defined a new ORF type called VPN Prefix Outbound
   Route Filter (VPN Prefix ORF).  The ORF entries are carried in the
   BGP ROUTE-REFRESH message as defined in [RFC5291].  A BGP ROUTE-
   REFRESH message can carry one or more ORF entries.  The ROUTE-REFRESH
   message which carries ORF entries contains the following fields:

   *  AFI (2 octets)

   *  SAFI (1 octet)

   *  When-to-refresh (1 octet): the value is IMMEDIATE or DEFER

   *  ORF Type (1 octet)

   *  Length of ORF entries (2 octets)

   A VPN Prefix ORF entry contains a common part and type-specific part.
   The common part is encoded as follows:

   *  Action (2 bits): the value is ADD, REMOVE or REMOVE-ALL

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   *  Match (1 bit): the value is PERMIT or DENY

   *  Offending VPN routes process method (1bit): if the value is set to
      0, it means the sender of VPN Prefix ORF message refuse to receive
      new offending VPN routes; if the value is set to 1, it means all
      offending VPN routes on the sender of VPN Prefix ORF message
      should be withdrawn.  The default value is 0.

   *  Reserved (4 bits)

   VPN Prefix ORF also contains type-specific part.  The encoding of the
   type-specific part is shown in Figure 4.

             |                                         |
             |            Sequence (4 octets)          |
             |                                         |
             |                                         |
             |             Length (2 octets)           |
             |                                         |
             |                                         |
             |        VRF Prefix Limit (2 octets)      |
             |                                         |
             |                                         |
             |      Route Distinguisher (8 octets)     |
             |                                         |
             |                                         |
             |        Optional TLVs (variable)         |
             |                                         |

               Figure 4: VPN Prefix ORF type-specific encoding

   *  Sequence: identifying the order in which RD-ORF is generated.

   *  Length: identifying the length of this VPN Prefix ORF entry.

   *  VRF Prefix Limit: carrying the prefix limt of the overflowed VRF.

   *  Route Distinguisher: distinguish the different user routes.  The
      VPN Prefix ORF filters the VPN routes it tends to send based on
      Route Distinguisher.  If RD is equal to 0, it means any VPN

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   *  Optional TLVs: carry the potential additional information to give
      the extensibility of the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism.

   Note that if the Action component of an ORF entry specifies REMOVE-
   ALL, the ORF entry does not include the type-specific part.

   When the BGP ROUTE-REFRESH message carries VPN Prefix ORF entries, it
   must be set as follows:

   *  The ORF-Type MUST be set to VPN Prefix ORF.

   *  The AFI MUST be set to IPv4, IPv6, or Layer 2 VPN (L2VPN).

   *  If the AFI is set to IPv4 or IPv6, the SAFI MUST be set to MPLS-
      labeled VPN address.

   *  If the AFI is set to L2VPN, the SAFI MUST be set to BGP EVPN.

   *  The Match field should be set to PERMIT when VRF Prefix Limit =
      0xFFFF and RD=0; otherwise, the Match field should be set to DENY.

5.1.  Source PE TLV

   Source PE TLV is defined to identify the source of the VPN routes.
   Using source PE and RD to filter VPN routes together can achieve more
   refined route control.  The source PE TLV contains the following

   *  In single-domain or Option C cross-domain scenario, NEXT_HOP
      attribute is unchanged during routing transmission, so it can be
      used as source address.

         Type = 1, Length = 4 octets, value = NEXT_HOP.

         Type = 2, Length = 16 octets, value = NEXT_HOP.

   *  In Option B cross-domain scenario, NEXT_HOP attribute will be
      changed by ASBRs and cannot identify the source PE.  A new
      Extended Community: Source PE Extended Community is needed to
      preserve the source PE identification.  Its value should be set by
      the RR (similar with the BGP ORIGINATOR_ID attributes) or the
      router that peers with the source PE (non-RR scenario), as the BGP
      Router ID of the corresponding BGP session.  Once set and attached
      with the BGP update message, its value should not be changed along
      the advertisement path.

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         Type = 3, Length = 6 octets, value = the value field of Source
         PE Extended Community.

   In principle, when the device can extract Source PE Extended
   Community from the received BGP UPDATE message, the value of Source
   PE TLV should be set to Source PE Extended Community; Otherwise, the
   value should be set to NEXT_HOP.

5.2.  Route Target TLV

   Route Target TLV is defined to identify the RT of the offending VPN
   routes.  RT and RD can be used together to filter VPN routes when the
   source VRF contains multiple RTs, and the VPN routes with different
   RTs may be assigned to different VRFs on the receiver.  The encoding
   of Route Target TLV is as follow:

      Type = 4, Length = 8*n (n is the number of RTs that the offending
      VPN routes attached) octets, value = the RT of the offending VPN
      routes.  If multiple RTs are included, there must be an exact

6.  Operation process of VPN Prefix ORF mechanism on receiver

   The receiver of VPN Prefix ORF entries may be a RR or PE.  As it
   receives the VPN Prefix ORF entries, it will check <AFI/SAFI, ORF-
   Type, Sequence, Route Distinguisher> to find if it already existed in
   its ORF-Policy table.  If not, the receiver will add the VPN Prefix
   ORF entries into its ORF-Policy table; otherwise, the receiver will
   discard it.

   Before the receiver send a VPN route, it should check its ORF-Policy
   table with <RD, Source PE> tuple of the VPN route.  The Route
   Distinguisher information can be extracted directly from the BGP
   UPDATE message.  The source PE information should be compared against
   the Source PE Extended Community if it is contained in BGP UPDATE
   message, or else the NEXT_HOP.

   If there is not a related VPN Prefix ORF entry in ORF-Policy table,
   the receiver will send this VPN route; otherwise, the receiver will
   perform the following operations:

   *  If the "Offending VPN routes process method" bit is 0:

      -  If the RD value of this entry is 0, the receiver should
         withdraw the extra VPN routes according to the value of VRF
         Prefix Limit in the entry and RT, and stop sending the
         corresponding VPN routes to the sender.

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      -  If the RD value of this entry is not 0, the receiver withdraw
         the extra VPN routes according to the value of VRF Prefix
         Limit, RD, RT and information in optional TLVs in the entry,
         and stop sending the corresponding VPN routes to the sender.

   *  If the "Offending VPN routes process method" bit is 1:

      -  If the RD value of this entry is 0, the receiver should
         withdraw all the VPN routes identified by RT, and stop sending
         the corresponding VPN routes to the sender.

      -  If the RD value of this entry is not 0, the receiver should
         withdraw all the VPN routes identified by RD, RT and
         information in optional TLVs in the entry, and stop sending the
         corresponding VPN routes to the sender.

7.  Withdraw of VPN Prefix ORF entries

   When the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism is triggered, the alarm information
   will be generated and sent to the network operators.  Operators
   should manually configure the network to resume normal operation.
   Due to devices can record the VPN Prefix ORF entries sent by each
   VRF, operators can find the entries needs to be withdrawn, and
   trigger the withdraw process as described in [RFC5291] manually.
   After returning to normal, the device sends withdraw ORF entries to
   its peer who have previously received ORF entries.

8.  Applicability

   We take the scenario in Section 4.1.1 as an example to illustrate how
   to determine each field when the sender generates a VPN Prefix ORF
   entry.  We assume it is an IPv4 network.  After PE1-PE4 and RR
   advertising the Outbound Route Filtering Capability, each of PE1-PE4
   should send a VPN Prefix ORF entry that means "PERMIT-ALL" as

   *  AFI is equal to IPv4

   *  SAFI is equal to MPLS-labeled VPN address

   *  When-to-refresh is equal to IMMEDIATE

   *  ORF Type is equal to VPN Prefix ORF

   *  Length of ORF entries is equal to 24

   *  Action is equal to ADD

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   *  Match is equal to PERMIT

   *  Offending VPN routes process method is equal to 0

   *  Sequence is equal to 0xFFFFFFFF

   *  Length is equal to 10

   *  VRF Prefix Limit is equal to 0xFFFF

   *  Route Distinguisher is equal to 0

   When the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism is triggered on PE1, PE1 will
   generate a VPN Prefix ORF contains the following information:

   *  AFI is equal to IPv4

   *  SAFI is equal to MPLS-labeled VPN address

   *  When-to-refresh is equal to IMMEDIATE

   *  ORF Type is equal to VPN Prefix ORF

   *  Length of ORF entries is equal to 40

   *  Action is equal to ADD

   *  Match is equal to DENY

   *  Offending VPN routes process method is equal to 0

   *  Sequence is equal to 1

   *  Length is equal to 26

   *  VRF Prefix Limit is equal to the prefix limit of VPN1 VRF

   *  Route Distinguisher is equal to RD31

   *  Optional TLV:

      -  Type is equal to 1 (Source PE TLV)

      -  Length is equal to 4

      -  value is equal to PE3's IPv4 address

      -  Type is equal to 4 (Route Target TLV)

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      -  Length is equal to 8

      -  value is equal to RT1

9.  Implementation Considerations

   This draft is experimental in order to determine if the proposed
   mechanism could block the offending routes as expected or not, and
   whether it would arise other potential network failures.  The first
   section below describes implementation considerations for the
   mechanism.  The second section below provides a short summary of the
   experimental topology and the results.

9.1.  Implementation Considerations

   Before originating an VPN Prefix ORF message, the device should
   compare the list of RDs carried by VPN routes signaled for filtering
   and the RDs imported by not affected VRF(s).  Once they have
   intersection, the VPN Prefix ORF message MUST NOT be originated.

   In deployment, the quota value can be set with different granularity,
   such as <PE>, <RD, Source AS>, etc.  If the quota value is set to
   (VRF prefix limit/the number of PEs), whenever a new PE access to the
   network, the quota value should be changed.

   To avoid the frequently change of the quota value, the value can be
   set according to the following formula:

   Quota=MIN[(Margins coefficient)*<PE,CE limit>*<Number of PEs within
   the VPN, includes the possibility expansion in futures>, VRF Prefixes

   It should be noted that the above formula is only an example, the
   operators can use different formulas based on actual needs in
   management plane.

9.2.  Experimental topology

   The experiments will text whether the VPN Prefix ORF blocks the
   offending routes in the following scenarios:

   *  Intra-domain as a standalone mechanism,

   *  Inter-domain as a standalone mechanisms,

   *  Adding the VPN Prefix ORF to existing mechanisms for intra-domain

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   *  Adding the VPN Prefix ORF to existing mechanisms for intra-domain

9.3.  Results of Experiments


10.  Security Considerations

   A BGP speaker will maintain the VPN Prefix ORF entries in an ORF-
   Policy table, this behavior consumes its memory and compute
   resources.  To avoid the excessive consumption of resources,
   [RFC5291] specifies that a BGP speaker can only accept ORF entries
   transmitted by its interested peers.

11.  IANA Considerations

   This document defines a new Outbound Route Filter type - VPN Prefix
   Outbound Route Filter (VPN Prefix ORF).  The code point is from the
   "BGP Outbound Route Filtering (ORF) Types".  It is recommended to set
   the code point of VPN Prefix ORF to 66.

   This document also define a VPN Prefix ORF TLV type under "Border
   Gateway Protocol (BGP) Parameters", four TLV types are defined:

    | Registry                  | Type |       Meaning             |
    |IPv4 Source PE TLV         | 1    |IPv4 address for source PE.|
    |IPv6 Source PE TLV         | 2    |IPv6 address for source PE.|
    |Source PE Extended         | 3    |Source PE Extended         |
    |Community TLV              |      |Community                  |
    |Route Target TLV           | 4    |Route Target of the        |
    |                           |      |offending VPN routes       |

   This document also requests a new Transitive Extended Community Type.
   The new Transitive Extended Community Type name shall be "Source PE
   Extended Community".

           Under "Transitive Extended Community:"
           Registry: "Source PE Extended Community"
           Registration Procedure(s): First Come, First Served
            0x0c               Source PE Extended Community

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12.  Acknowledgement

   Thanks Robert Raszuk, Jim Uttaro, Jakob Heitz, Jeff Tantsura, Rajiv
   Asati, John E Drake, Gert Doering, Shuanglong Chen, Enke Chen,
   Srihari Sangli and Igor Malyushkin for their valuable comments on
   this draft.

13.  Normative References

              Sajassi, A., Salam, S., Thoria, S., Drake, J., and J.
              Rabadan, "Integrated Routing and Bridging in Ethernet VPN
              (EVPN)", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              bess-evpn-inter-subnet-forwarding-15, 26 July 2021,

              Wang, A., Wang, W., Mishra, G. S., Wang, H., Zhuang, S.,
              and J. Dong, "Analysis of VPN Routes Control in Shared BGP
              Session", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-wang-
              idr-vpn-routes-control-analysis-04, 6 September 2021,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S. and RFC Publisher, "Key words for use in RFCs
              to Indicate Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC4360]  Sangli, S., Tappan, D., and Y. Rekhter, "BGP Extended
              Communities Attribute", RFC 4360, DOI 10.17487/RFC4360,
              February 2006, <>.

   [RFC4364]  Rosen, E., Rekhter, Y., and RFC Publisher, "BGP/MPLS IP
              Virtual Private Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4364,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4364, February 2006,

   [RFC4684]  Marques, P., Bonica, R., Fang, L., Martini, L., Raszuk,
              R., Patel, K., and J. Guichard, "Constrained Route
              Distribution for Border Gateway Protocol/MultiProtocol
              Label Switching (BGP/MPLS) Internet Protocol (IP) Virtual
              Private Networks (VPNs)", RFC 4684, DOI 10.17487/RFC4684,
              November 2006, <>.

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   [RFC4760]  Bates, T., Chandra, R., Katz, D., and Y. Rekhter,
              "Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4", RFC 4760,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4760, January 2007,

   [RFC5291]  Chen, E. and Y. Rekhter, "Outbound Route Filtering
              Capability for BGP-4", RFC 5291, DOI 10.17487/RFC5291,
              August 2008, <>.

   [RFC5292]  Chen, E. and S. Sangli, "Address-Prefix-Based Outbound
              Route Filter for BGP-4", RFC 5292, DOI 10.17487/RFC5292,
              August 2008, <>.

   [RFC7432]  Sajassi, A., Ed., Aggarwal, R., Bitar, N., Isaac, A.,
              Uttaro, J., Drake, J., Henderickx, W., and RFC Publisher,
              "BGP MPLS-Based Ethernet VPN", RFC 7432,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7432, February 2015,

   [RFC7543]  Jeng, H., Jalil, L., Bonica, R., Patel, K., and L. Yong,
              "Covering Prefixes Outbound Route Filter for BGP-4",
              RFC 7543, DOI 10.17487/RFC7543, May 2015,

Appendix A.  Experimental topology

   The experimental topology is shown in Figure 5.

   +--------------------------+             +--------------------------+
   |                          |             |                          |
   |                          |             |                          |
   |   +---------+            |             |            +---------+   |
   |   |   PE1   |            |             |            |   PE3   |   |
   |   +---------+            |             |            +---------+   |
   |              \           |             |           /              |
   |                \+---------+    EBGP   +---------+/                |
   |                 |         |           |         |                 |
   |                 |  ASBR1  |-----------|  ASBR2  |                 |
   |                 |         |           |         |                 |
   |                 +---------+           +---------+                 |
   |                /         |             |         \                |
   |   +---------+/           |             |           \+---------+   |
   |   |   PE2   |            |             |            |   PE4   |   |
   |   +---------+            |             |            +---------+   |
   |                          |             |                          |
   |           AS1            |             |           AS2            |
   +--------------------------+             +--------------------------+
                    Figure 5 The experimental topology

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   This topology can be used to verify as follows:

   *  whether the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism could block the offending
      routes in intra-domain scenario.

   *  whether the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism could block the offending
      routes in inter-domain scenario.

   *  whether the VPN Prefix ORF mechanism conflicts with the existing
      mechanism and cause failure.

   *  whether the quota value leads to flapping.

   *  TBD

Authors' Addresses

   Wei Wang
   China Telecom
   Beiqijia Town, Changping District
   Beijing, 102209

   Aijun Wang
   China Telecom
   Beiqijia Town, Changping District
   Beijing, 102209

   Haibo Wang
   Huawei Technologies
   Huawei Building, No.156 Beiqing Rd.
   Beijing, 100095

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Internet-Draft                   RD-ORF                     January 2023

   Gyan S. Mishra
   Verizon Inc.
   13101 Columbia Pike
   Silver Spring,  MD 20904
   United States of America
   Phone: 301 502-1347

   Shunwan Zhuang
   Huawei Technologies
   Huawei Building, No.156 Beiqing Rd.
   Beijing, 100095

   Jie Dong
   Huawei Technologies
   Huawei Building, No.156 Beiqing Rd.
   Beijing, 100095

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