Internet DRAFT - draft-wang-ippm-ipv6-flow-measurement


IPPM Working Group                                              H. Wang
Internet-Draft                                                   Y. Liu
Intended status: Standards Track                           China Mobile
Expires: July 9, 2024                                            C. Lin
                                                   New H3C Technologies
                                                                 X. Min
                                                        ZTE Corporation
                                                              G. Mirsky
                                                        January 9, 2024

                     Flow Measurement in IPv6 Network

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   This document describes how to deploy in-situ flow performance
   measurement based on Alternate-Marking method in IPv6 domain.

Table of Contents

   1. Introduction ................................................ 2
      1.1. Requirements Language .................................. 3
      1.2. Terminology ............................................ 3
   2. Flow Measurement in IPv6 Network ............................ 4
      2.1. Carrying Flow Measurement Indicators ................... 4
      2.2. Flow Measurement Indicators Definition ................. 4
   3. Definition of Flow Monitor Option ........................... 4
      3.1. Data Fields Format ..................................... 5
   4. Encapsulating Flow Monitor Option ........................... 6
      4.1. Flow Monitoring Identification ......................... 7
   5. Flow Measurement Operation .................................. 7
      5.1. Packet Loss Measurement ................................ 7
      5.2. Packet Delay Measurement ............................... 8
      5.3. Measurement Type ....................................... 8
      5.4. Two-way Flow Measurement ............................... 9
      5.5. Data Collection and Report ............................ 10
      5.6. Function Extension Consideration ...................... 10
         5.6.1. The Use of Ext FM Type Bitmap .................... 10
         5.6.2. Bitmap Extension ................................. 11
   6. IANA Considerations ........................................ 12
   7. Security Considerations .................................... 12
   8. References ................................................. 13
      8.1. Normative References .................................. 13
      8.2. Informative References ................................ 13
   9. Acknowledgments ............................................ 13
   Authors' Addresses .............................................14

  1. Introduction

   The Alternate-Marking method, as presented in [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-
   rfc8321bis], can be applied to perform packet loss, delay, and
   jitter measurements on live traffic. Likewise, [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-
   rfc8889bis] generalizes and expands this methodology to measure any
   kind of unicast flow whose packets can follow several different
   paths in the multipoint-to-multipoint network.

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   The Alternate-Marking method, as described in [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-
   rfc8321bis] and [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8889bis], allows the
   synchronization of the measurements in different points by dividing
   the packet flow into batches.  So it is possible to get coherent
   counters and show what is happening in every marking period for each
   monitored flow.  Based on this ability, the method could be used to
   perform packet loss, delay and jitter measurements on live traffic.

   Based on the Alternate-Marking method, this document discusses how
   to deploy in-situ flow performance measurement in IPv6 domain. The
   Flow Measurement Operation is described and the applications are
   proposed in Section 5.

   In combination with the scalability of the IPv6 packet header and
   other in-situ flow measurement functions that may be supported in
   the future, a specific data structure is defined to carry the
   marking bits and other information required for flow measurement.
   The structure is called Flow Monitor Option, and details are in
   Section 3.

   How to encapsulate the Flow Monitor Option in IPv6 traffic flow is
   discussed in Section 2.  A new type of IPv6 Extension Header Option
   is proposed, Flow Monitor Option is encapsulated in Hop-by-Hop
   options Header or Destination Options Header depending on the
   measurement type.

1.1. Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

1.2. Terminology

   The definitions of the basic terms are identical to those found in
   Alternate Marking [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis] and Multipoint
   Alternate-Marking [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8889bis].

   The important new terms that need to be explained are listed below:

   ACL: access-control list

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  2. Flow Measurement in IPv6 Network

2.1. Carrying Flow Measurement Indicators

   The flow measurement method described in this document needs to add
   monitoring information for performing measurement to the flow. In
   IPv6, the general way to carry packet's additional information is
   IPv6 Extension Header. Several IPv6 Extension Headers have been
   defined in [RFC8200]. It is necessary to determine suitable IPv6
   Extension Header to carry measuring data for deploying of
   performance measure in IPv6. In the domain where flow measurement is
   enabled, only the traffic to be measured carries the Flow
   Measurement Indicators structure.

   There are two measurement types: End-to-End and Hop-by-Hop. The
   participating nodes in two types are different.

   The source node allocates Flow Measurement Indicators structure
   defined in Section 2.2 and encodes it in packet. For End-to-End
   measurement, just destination node processes the Flow Measurement
   Indicators structure. According to Section 4.1 of [RFC8200], IPv6
   Destination Options Header before the upper-layer header is
   appropriate for End-to-End measurement.

   For Hop-by-Hop measurement, all nodes on the delivery path are
   expected to examine and process the Flow Measurement Indicators.
   According to [RFC8200], the Flow Measurement Indicators can be
   carried as an option of Hop-by-Hop Options Header.

2.2. Flow Measurement Indicators Definition

   As description in Section 2.1, Flow Measurement Indicators is
   encoded in IPv6 Destination Options Header or IPv6 Hop-by-Hop
   Options Header. The Flow Measurement Indicators structure must be
   defined following IPv6 Option's principle.

   This document defines Flow Monitor Option for flow measurement.
   Using Flow Monitor Option to marking packets required by Alternate-
   Marking, and to carry flow identity and measure parameters.

  3. Definition of Flow Monitor Option

   Flow Monitor Option is defined to carry Flow Measurement Indicators,
   below is detailed description.

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3.1. Data Fields Format

   The following figure shows the data field's format for Flow Monitor
   Option.  This Flow Measurement Indicators structure can be
   encapsulated in the Hop-by-Hop Options Header and Destination
   Options Header.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
                                   | Option Type   |  Opt Data Len |
   |            FlowMonID                  |L|D| R |      HTI      |
   |         NodeMonID                     |F|     P     |  Rsv    |
   |         Ext FM Type           |          Reserved             |
                    Figure 1: Flow Monitor Option


   - Option Type:  8-bit identifier of the type of Flow Monitor Option.
   The encoding format references Section 4.2 of [RFC8200]. The value
   is to be assigned by IANA.

   - Opt Data Len: The length of the Option Data Fields of this option
   in bytes.

   - FlowMonID: 20 bits unsigned integer. The FlowMon identifier is
   used to identify one flow in the node. See Section 4.1 for details.

   - L: Loss Flag, a marking bit of packet loss measurement.

   - D: Delay Flag, a marking bit of packet delay measurement.

   - R: Reserved for future use, now initialized to zero for
   transmission and ignored on reception.

   - HTI: Header Type Indication. It indicates the type of the option
   header, has the following value:

      0: Reserved, indicate that the format of Flow Monitor Option is
   the same as [I-D.ietf-6man-ipv6-alt-mark].

      1~15: Private type.

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      16~255: Extensible type value. When the value is 16, the format
   of the option header is as shown in Figure 2.

   - NodeMonID: 20 bits unsigned integer. It is used to identify a node
   in the measurement domain, combined with the FlowMonID field to
   uniquely identify a monitored flow. Detail description sees Section

   - F: The marking bit of two-way flow measurement. If the field is
   set to 1, the end node generates reverse flow measurement
   configuration dynamically according to the current flow.

   - P: 6 bits, measurement period. It has the following values:

      000000: 1 second

      000001: 10 seconds

      000010: 30 seconds

      000011: 60 seconds

      000100: 300 seconds

      Others: Reserved

   - Ext FM Type: A 16 bits Bitmap for Extendable Flow Measurement
   type. The Bitmap can present 15 different measurement types. From
   bit 0 to 14, each bit presents a specific measurement type. The
   bit15 is reserved for extension Bitmap, 1 indicates carrying the
   extension Bitmap. The use case about Ext FM Type is described in
   Section 5.6.

  4. Encapsulating Flow Monitor Option

   When flow measurement is enabled, source node allocates Flow Monitor
   Option for monitored flows, fills measurement parameters, sets
   marking bits, and adds an extension header for packet encapsulating
   the Flow Monitor Option.

   For Hop-by-Hop measurement, the Flow Monitor Option is encapsulated
   in the Hop-by-Hop Options Header.

   For End-to-End measurement, the Flow Monitor Option is encapsulated
   in the Destination Options Header before the upper-layer header.

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4.1. Flow Monitoring Identification

   The Flow Monitoring Identification is required for some general

   First, it helps to reduce the per node configuration. Otherwise,
   each node needs to configure an access-control list (ACL) for each
   of the monitored flows. Moreover, using a Flow Monitoring
   Identification allows a flexible granularity for the flow

   Second, it simplifies the counters handling. Hardware processing of
   flow tuples (and ACL matching) is challenging and often incurs into
   performance issues, especially in tunnel interfaces.

   Third, it eases the data export encapsulation and correlation for
   the collectors.

   The NodeMon identifier (NodeMonID) field is filled with the source
   node's identifier. The NodeMonID as configuration is set on the
   source node by the central controller. The controller ensures
   NodeMonID is unique within the measurement domain.

   The FlowMon identifier (FlowMonID) field is used to uniquely
   identify a monitored flow within a specified source node.  The
   FlowMonID can be uniformly assigned by the central controller, also
   can be algorithmically generated by the source node based on the
   flow information.

   Using the combination of FlowMonID and NodeMonID, a monitored flow
   can be uniquely identified within the measurement domain. The
   FlowMonID field and NodeMonID field are set at the source node.

  5. Flow Measurement Operation

   [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis] describes a method to perform
   packet loss, delay and jitter measurements on live traffic. This
   section describes how the method can be applied in IPv6 network.

5.1. Packet Loss Measurement

   The L marking bit in the Flow Monitor Option is used to color the
   flows that need packet loss measurement. By setting the L marking
   bit to 1 or 0 according to the measurement period filled in P field
   in the source node, the monitored flows can be split into
   consecutive blocks. The intermediate and end nodes read the L
   marking bit and identify the packet blocks. By counting the number
   of packets in each block and comparing the values measured by

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   different nodes along the path, it is possible to measure packet
   loss occurred in any single block between any two points.

5.2. Packet Delay Measurement

   The same principle used to measure packet loss also can be applied
   to one-way delay measurement. Packet delay measurement references
   Double-Marking Method described in [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis]
   using the L marking bit and D marking bit in Flow Monitor Option.

   The L marking bit is used to mark the alternate flow. By marking the
   L marking bit to 1 or 0, the monitored flows can be split into
   consecutive blocks. And, within this colored flow identified by the
   L marking bit, a second marked D marking bit is used to select the
   packets for measuring delay.  The D marking bit creates a new set of
   marked packets that are fully identified over the network, so that a
   network node can store the timestamps of these packets; these
   timestamps can be compared with the timestamps of the same packets
   on a second node to compute packet delay values for each packet.

   Likewise to packet delay measurement, the on-path jitter can be
   measured by measuring multiple blocks.

5.3. Measurement Type

   For different measurement requirements, there are End-to-End
   measurement type and Hop-by-Hop measurement type.

   With the End-to-End measurement type, it can measure the forwarding
   performance between source node and end node when the traffic passes
   through the measurement domain. The performance of each intermediate
   node or link is not cared about. Therefore, when using the End-to-
   End measurement type, only the source node and end node need to
   collect performance data and report data to controller.

   With the Hop-by-Hop measurement type, each node along the path which
   has enabled performance measurement SHOULD collect performance data
   and report data to the controller when the traffic passes through
   the measurement domain.

   Compared to the End-to-End measurement type, the Hop-by-Hop
   measurement type can more accurately locate the network packet loss
   and delay in position.

   The measurement type is determined by the position of Flow Monitor
   Option in the IPv6 Extension Header. The Flow Monitor Option can be
   encapsulated in Hop-by-Hop Options Header or Destination Options
   Header. When it is encapsulated in the Hop-by-Hop Options Header,

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   each node along the path will deal with it. That is Hop-by-Hop
   measurement. When the Flow Monitor Option is encapsulated in the
   Destination Options Header, it means End-to-End measurement.

5.4. Two-way Flow Measurement

   As described in [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis] the source node
   needs to virtually split traffic flows into consecutive blocks
   according to some methods, such as configuring an access-control
   list (ACL) for each of the monitored flows. But, if we want to
   measure bidirectional forwarding performance of monitored flows on
   the specified path, we need to configure ACLs associated monitored
   flows on the source node and end node at the same time. This will
   increase the configuration and maintenance workload. And this work
   is more complex, such as source IP addresses in the source node
   configuration need to be transformed as destination IP addresses in
   the end node, and other characteristics are similar.

   Therefore, this document provides a two-way flow measurement method.
   It generates reverse flow measurement configuration dynamically in
   the end node according to the forward flow.

   Two-way flow performance measurement is implemented as follows:

   1. The source node configures ACLs for monitored flows that need
   bidirectional flow measurement.

   2. When the source node receives the corresponding monitored flow,
   it encapsulates Flow Monitor Option into the IPv6 Extension Header,
   and sets the F field to 1.

   3. When the end node receives the monitored flow which F field has
   been set to 1, it analysis the information of positive monitored
   flow, changes the source and destination information, dynamically
   generates ACLs with the characteristics of reverse monitored flows,
   and distributes configuration on end node.

   4. At the same time, the end node assigns FlowMonID for reverse
   monitored flows, and reports the new reserve FlowMonID, the
   NodeMonID of the end node and the reverse flow information to

   5. When the end node receives the reserve monitored flow, the end
   node encapsulates Flow Monitor Option into IPv6 Extension Header,
   sets F field to 0, uses the FlowMonID and NodeMonID of end node, and
   fills other fields of Flow Monitor option according to the end
   node's configuration.

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   6. All nodes along the reserve path enabled performance measurement
   collect performance data, report to controller according Flow
   Monitor option in the packet header.

5.5. Data Collection and Report

   Each node which participates in performance measurement collects
   performance data, records packet counts, received timestamps, sent
   timestamps, FlowMonID, NodeMonID and other related information
   specified by Flow Measure Type bitmap, and reports to the
   controller. For the source node, it needs to report characteristic
   information of monitored flow additionally.

   The network nodes report to controller by Telemetry technique. The
   period of report can be the measurement period filled in the P field
   of Flow Monitor Option, can also be specified in the Telemetry
   subscription, or is designated by local configuration. This document
   does not limit the specific method.

5.6. Function Extension Consideration

5.6.1. The Use of Ext FM Type Bitmap

   At present, the performance measurement is commonly attention to
   network packet loss, delay and jitter. However, with the expanding
   of network applications, other network performance parameters begin
   to be concerned, such as out-of-order rate. When network failure,
   controller wants to be able to obtain more abundant information, and
   in order to locate fault point quickly requires all nodes along the
   path to report current queue depth, input and output interface name,
   and so on.

   By defining bits of Ext FM Type field in the Flow Monitor Option and
   carrying additional information in the monitored flows, the
   measurement function can be extended in the future.

   For example, when the measurement period is small, in order to
   measure the out of order rate more accurately, the ingress node can
   specify the sequence number for the monitoring packet and carry it
   in the flow monitor option. Assume that bit0 of Ext FM Type is
   defined as an out-of-order measurement mark. When the source node
   receives monitored flow, it sets bit0 to indicate to count out-of-
   order packets. At the same time, it fills in additional information
   after Ext FM Type bitmap with ordinal Sequence parameters. After
   extension, the Flow Monitor Option package format is as follows:

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    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            FlowMonID                  |L|D| R |   HTI         |
   |            NodeMonID                  |F|     P     |   Rsv   |
   |1|                             |   Bit0 Data(Sequence Num)     |
   .                                                               .
   .                      Bit0 Data(Other information)             .
   .                                                               .
         Figure 2: Use Bit0 For Out-of-order Measurement

   Using the same method, the other bits of Ext FM Type field can be
   extended. Additional information is optional, whether it is carried
   is decided by the specified extension function.

5.6.2. Bitmap Extension

   The Ext FM Type field has 16 bit, so 16 measurement functions can be
   extended. For general applications, the bitmap is enough. In order
   to reduce the effect on forwarding performance, it is also not
   recommended too much measurement processes at the same time.

   However, considering functionality to be expanded in the future,
   bit15 is reserved, used to break the bitmap limit of 16. If bit15 is
   set to 1, it indicates carrying the extension bitmap. By default,
   bit15 is zero. For the performance of the data plane, it is also not
   recommended to define optional additional data too long.

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            FlowMonID                  |L|D| R |   HTI         |
   |            NodeMonID                  |F|     P     |   Rsv   |
   |     Ext FM Type(Bitmap)     |1|                               |
   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               +
   .                                                               .
   .          Additional Data of FM Bitmap (Optional)              .
   .                                                               .

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   |      Extension Bitmap         |                               |
   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               +
   .                                                               .
   .        Additional Data of Extension Bitmap (Optional)         .
   .                                                               .
                Figure 3: Extension Bitmap Format

   Based on the previous out-of-order measurement example, for example,
   after the bits of Ext FM Type have been exhausted, use bit2 of
   Extension Bitmap to expand FM type. Flow Monitor Option package
   format is as shown below:

    0                   1                   2                   3
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |            FlowMonID                  |L|D| R |   HTI         |
   |            NodeMonID                  |F|     P     |   Rsv   |
   |1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|   Bit0 Data (Sequence Num)    |
   .                                                               .
   .                      Bit0 Data(Other information)             .
   .                                                               .
   |0|0|1|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|                               |
   +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                               +
   .                                                               .
   .             Extension Bit2 Data (Optional)                    .
   .                                                               .
                Figure 4: Extension Bit2 Example

  6. IANA Considerations

   The Flow Monitor Option Type should be assigned in IANA.

  7. Security Considerations

   The potential security threats of Alternate-Marking method have been
   described in detail in Section 10 of [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-

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   rfc8321bis]. The performance measurement method described in this
   document does not introduce additional new security issues.

8. References

8.1. Normative References

   [I-D.ietf-6man-ipv6-alt-mark] Fioccola, G., Zhou, T., Cociglio, M.,
             Qin, F., and R. Pang, "IPv6 Application of the Alternate
             Marking Method", draft-ietf-6man-ipv6-alt-mark-16 (work in
             progress), July 2022.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, DOI
             10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997, <https://www.rfc-

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
             2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
             May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8200] Deering, S. and R. Hinden, "Internet Protocol, Version
             6(IPv6) Specification", STD 86, RFC 8200, DOI
             10.17487/RFC8200, July 2017, <https://www.rfc-

   [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis] Fioccola, G., Ed., Cociglio, M.,
             Mirsky, G., Mizrahi, T., Zhou, T., "Alternate-Marking
             Method", draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8321bis-03 (work in progress),
             July 2022.

   [I-D.draft-ietf-ippm-rfc8889bis] Fioccola, G., Ed., Cociglio, M.,
             Sapio, A., and Sisto, R., Zhou, T., " Multipoint
             Alternate-Marking Clustered Method",  draft-ietf-ippm-
             rfc8889bis-03(work in progress), July 2022.

8.2. Informative References


  9. Acknowledgments

   The authors would like to thank the following for their valuable
   contributions of this document:


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Authors' Addresses

   Haojie Wang
   China Mobile


   Yisong Liu
   China Mobile


   Changwang Lin
   New H3C Technologies


   Xiao Min
   ZTE Corporation

   Greg Mirsky

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