Internet DRAFT - draft-wang-tcpm-low-latency-opt


TCP Maintenance Working Group                                    W. Wang
Internet-Draft                                               N. Cardwell
Intended status: Experimental                                   Y. Cheng
Expires: December 10, 2017                                    E. Dumazet
                                                             Google, Inc
                                                            June 8, 2017

                         TCP Low Latency Option


   This document specifies the TCP Low Latency option, which TCP
   connections can use during the connection establishment handshake to
   communicate extra parameters that can improve performance in low-
   latency environments.  With the first such parameter, a TCP data
   receiver can advertise a hint about the Maximum ACK Delay (MAD) it
   will schedule for its own delayed ACK mechanism.  This enables the
   TCP data sender to achieve lower latencies during loss recovery by
   using the Maximum ACK Delay advertised by the remote receiver to help
   compute retransmission timeouts that are potentially much lower than
   would otherwise be feasible.  The Low Latency option is extensible,
   and later versions of this draft will introduce other mechanisms,
   including TCP timestamps with a finer granularity than those
   supported by RFC 7323.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 10, 2017.

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Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2017 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

1.  Introduction

   TCP receivers typically implement a delayed ACK algorithm, as
   specified in [RFC1122] Sec; as summarized in [RFC5681] sec
   4.2, "an ACK SHOULD be generated for at least every second full-sized
   segment, and MUST be generated within 500 ms of the arrival of the
   first unacknowledged packet."  In practice, many widely-deployed
   implementations have tended to delay ACKs by up to roughly 200ms.
   This is probably a historical artifact inherited from the 200ms "fast
   timeout" mechanism in the BSD TCP implementation from the late 1980s

   As a result, to avoid spurious timeouts due to delayed ACKs, widely-
   deployed TCP sender implementations have adapted to this delayed ACK
   behavior by constraining retransmission timeout (RTO) values to be at
   least 200ms.

   Unfortunately, this 200ms value is 2000x the typical RTT of today's
   commodity datacenter networks (which are typically below 100
   microseconds).  So senders constraining RTOs to be at least 200ms are
   paying a latency penalty much higher than the RTT in such

   The TCP Low Latency option enables a TCP data receiver to advertise a
   hint about the Maximum ACK Delay (MAD) it will schedule for its own
   delayed ACK mechanism.  The receiver specifies the MAD value in the
   Low Latency option because the value that is feasible can be quite
   different for different receivers, based on the CPU's speed, CPU and
   network workloads, and OS-specific constraints on minimum supported
   timer granularity.

   This Low Latency option enables the TCP data sender to achieve lower
   latencies during loss recovery by using the Maximum ACK Delay

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   advertised by the remote receiver to help compute retransmission
   timeouts that are potentially much lower than would otherwise be

2.  Terminology

   The keywords "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

   In this document, "MAD" refers to the Maximum Ack Delay used by the
   data receiver to delay TCP acknowledgments, and "minRTO" refers to
   the Minimum Retransmit Timeout.

3.  Detailed Protocol

3.1.  TCP Low Latency Option

   The Low Latency option is only valid in SYN or SYN/ACK packets during
   the three way handshake.  It MUST be ignored in other cases.

   The format of the TCP Low Latency option is as follows:

   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2
   |      Kind     |    Length     |M u|        MAD        |       |
   |               |               |A n|       Value       |  Res  |
   |               |               |D i|     (10 bits)     |       |
   |               |               |  t|                   |       |
   |                                                               |
   ~                        ...  Reserved  ...                     ~
   |                                                               |
   Kind:       1 byte: value = IANA-assigned option number
   Length:     1 byte: value = 4 (or longer in later versions)
   MAD unit:   2 bits: indicates time unit for MAD value:
                       0: reserved
                       1: milliseconds
                       2: microseconds
                       3: nanoseconds
   MAD value:  10 bits: indicates MAD value set on the host:
                        1 ... 1023: MAD value in the given units
                        0: no MAD value is specified
   Reserved:   N>=4 bits: value = 0

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   In order to support future extensions, the option is variable-length.
   Bits beyond those defined so far in IETF standards should be
   considered "reserved".  TCP implementations MUST (a) set to zero any
   reserved bits they add for padding, and (b) ignore any reserved bits
   (whether they are set or not).

3.2.  Overview

   The communication, starting from the TCP connection handshake, looks
   like the following:

 TCP A (Active)                                  TCP B (Passive)
 ==============                                  ===============
 CLOSED                                          LISTEN
 #1 SYN-SENT       ----- <SYN,MAD=10ms>  ------> SYN-RCVD
                                                (Adjust RTO accordingly)
 #2 ESTABLISHED    <---- <SYN,ACK,MAD=5ms> ----- SYN-RCVD
   (Adjust RTO accordingly)
 #3 ESTABLISHED    -------<ACK>----------------> ESTABLISHED
 #4 Send()         --------<DATA-1>------------> -
                                                 | Delay Ack < 5ms
                   <-------<ACK-1>-------------  -
 #5                                              Recv()

 #6 Send()        ---------<DATA-2>-------------->
   RTO >= 5ms     |
                  ---------<DATA-2 retransmit>--->
 #7                                              Recv()

3.3.  Configuring maximum ACK delay

   An implementation that supports the maximum ACK delay parameter MUST
   provide a user API to configure the maximum ACK delay for a specific
   connection or all TCP connections.

   o  If the user does not specify a MAD value, then the implementation
      SHOULD NOT specify a MAD value in the Low Latency option.

   o  If the user specifies a MAD value outside the range of ACK delay
      values supported by the implementation, then the implementation
      SHOULD allow the request to succeed, but SHOULD silently constrain
      the MAD value to be within the valid range (between the minimum
      and maximum ACK delay for the implementation).  This is intended

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      to allow applications to portably request a MAD value without
      needing special logic to search for a valid value.

   o  If the specified connections are not in CLOSED or LISTEN states,
      the API SHOULD return an error and ignore the request to specify a
      MAD value.

   o  Otherwise the implementation SHOULD use the user-specified value
      as the maximum timeout for the delayed ACK and the MAD value in
      the Low Latency option of the specified TCP connections.

   The exact design and implementation of such an API is intentionally
   left to the implementation.  We discuss some examples in the

3.4.  Announcing the maximum ACK delay

   o  The maximum ACK delay is announced to the remote TCP endpoint by
      including a Low Latency option with a non-zero MAD value in the
      SYN or SYN/ACK packet.  A "MAD value" field of 0 in the Low
      Latency option indicates that the sender is not specifying a MAD

   o  If specified, then the MAD value in the Low Latency option MUST be
      set, as close as possible, to the implementation's actual delayed
      ACK timeout for the connection.  Note that the actual maximum
      delayed ACK timeout of the connection may be larger than the
      actual user specified value because of implementation constraints
      (e.g. timer granularity limitations).

   o  If the user has specified a MAD value for an active connection,
      then the active open side SHOULD include a Low Latency option with
      a MAD value in the SYN packet.

   o  If the user has specified a MAD value for a passive connection,
      and the passive side has received at least one SYN packet with a
      Low Latency option with a valid MAD value, then the passive open
      side SHOULD return its MAD value in the Low Latency option.

3.5.  Adjusting TCP retransmission timeouts

   If the MAD value advertised in a received Low Latency option is 0, or
   greater than the default maximum ACK delay of 200ms, then the option
   SHOULD be ignored and no further action is needed.

   Otherwise the (data) sender MAY use the maximum delayed ACK
   advertised by the receiver to adjust the sender's RTO calculation.
   Specifically, if the sender implements an RTO calculation based on

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   [RFC6298], it MAY replace the 1 second lower-bound specified in step
   2.4 in Section 2 with the value of the maximum ACK delay advertised
   in the Low Latency option, so that the calculation becomes:

   RTO <- SRTT + max(G, K*RTTVAR) + max(G, max_ACK_delay)

   instead of

   RTO <- max(SRTT + max(G, K*RTTVAR), 1 second) /* [RFC6298] */

   Here we use the notation of [RFC6298], including SRTT (smoothed
   round-trip time), RTTVAR (round-trip time variation), and G (clock

   Also, if the sender also implements [draft-ietf-tcpm-rack] then it
   SHOULD replace the maximum delayed ACK parameter (WCDelAckT) with the
   max_ACK_delay specified in the Low Latency option.

   Using the MAD value in the RTO calculation helps senders reduce the
   RTO significantly while still avoiding spurious retransmissions due
   to delayed acks.  With this new algorithm, the RTO can be drastically
   shortened in most environments where the receiver advertises a MAD.
   In particular, in data center environments the RTO can often be
   reduced from more than one second to single-digit milliseconds.
   Using the MAD to reduce the RTO can improve performance and thus
   mitigate TCP incast issues.  More details are provided in the
   following Related work section.

4.  Related work

   Several research papers have shown that reducing the minimum
   retransmission timeout (minRTO) significantly improves the
   performance of TCP in the datacenter, by mitigating the effect of TCP
   timeouts.  As a result, this can mitigate TCP incast issues.

   o  In "Attaining the Promise and Avoiding the Pitfalls of TCP in the
      Datacenter" [JS15], the authors show that reducing minRTO from
      200ms to 5ms greatly reduced the impact of TCP incast issues.

   o  In "Understanding TCP incast throughput collapse in datacenter
      networks" [CG09], the authors show significant improvement in
      goodput when reducing minRTO.

   o  In "Measurement and Analysis of TCP Throughput Collapse in
      Cluster-based Storage Systems" [PK07], the authors show that
      reducing minRTO from 200 milliseconds to 200 microseconds improved
      goodput by an order of magnitude in some data center scenarios
      they evaluated.

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   o  In "Safe and Effective Fine-grained TCP Retransmissions for
      Datacenter Communication" [VP09], the authors point out that the
      imbalance between the TCP minRTO and datacenter latencies can
      result in poor performance for applications sensitive to
      millisecond-scale delays in query response times.  In simulations
      of datacenter scenarios they show that goodput drops when
      increasing minRTO above 1ms.  Moreover, in some data center
      scenarios the default minRTO of 200ms results in nearly 2 orders
      of magnitude lower throughput compared to a minRTO of 1ms.

   o  In Google data centers a TCP option mechanism equivalent to the
      Low Latency option's MAD parameter has been used since 2005, and
      the TCP minRTO has been set to 5ms by default since 2013 [CC16].

5.  Middlebox Considerations

   The new Low Latency option might expose some middlebox issues:

   o  Middleboxes could drop SYNs with a Low Latency option in the case
      where it treats the Low Latency option as an unknown option.
      However, this happens fairly rarely according to "Is it still
      possible to extend TCP?"  [HN11], table 3.

   o  In case middleboxes alter the content in the Low Latency option,
      the receiver SHOULD do a sanity check on the MAD value included in
      the Low Latency option to verify it is less than or equal to the
      default maximum ACK delay of 200ms.  As explained earlier, it is
      not practical for users to set MAD value greater than default.  So
      it is safe to consider a MAD value greater than default as a
      result of a bad user configuration or a malfunctioning middlebox
      and ignore the Low Latency option completely in such cases.

6.  Security Considerations


7.  IANA Considerations

   As no official option number has been issued for the new Low Latency
   option by IANA yet, experimental option 254 per [RFC6994] with magic
   number 0xF990 (16 bits) is used for now.

   The option format with experimental ID is as follows:

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   0                   1                   2                   3
   0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1
   |      Kind     |    Length     |   RFC 6994 Experiment ID      |
   |M u|        MAD        |       |
   |A n|       Value       |  Res  |        ...
   |D i|     (10 bits)     |       |
   |  t|                   |       |
   Kind:       1 byte: value = 254
   Length:     1 byte: value = 6 (or longer in later versions)
   Experiment ID: 2 bytes: value = 0xF990
   MAD unit:      2 bits: indicates time unit for MAD value:
                          0: reserved
                          1: milliseconds
                          2: microseconds
                          3: nanoseconds
   MAD value:      10 bits: indicates MAD value set on the host:
                            1 ... 1023: MAD value in the given units
                            0: no MAD value is specified
   Reserved:       N>=4 bits: value = 0

   We will migrate to using the official option number for the Low
   Latency option after IANA has assigned one.

8.  Appendix

8.1.  Example user API in Linux to configure maximum ACK delay

8.1.1.  Per-route MAD configuration API

   A new configuration option called "mad" will be added to the "ip"
   command line tool in the iproute2 package.  Users can use this to
   configure a per-route MAD value like the following:

   ip route add dev eth0 scope link src mad 5ms

   This configures all connections destined to to have a MAD
   value of 5ms.  When implementing this new MAD option field, the "ip"
   command line tool will verify that the provided MAD parameter is less
   than or equal to the default MAD value of 200ms.  If the MAD is
   invalid then the ip route command will ignore the command and report
   an error to user.

   Newly-created TCP sockets have the default 200ms MAD value.  When a
   TCP connection is opened, it SHOULD consult the ip routing table to
   check if there is any configured MAD value for the route.  If so, the

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   implementation copies the route's MAD value to the connection's MAD

   This per-route configuration will mostly be used by network
   administrators when configuring routes on the host.

8.1.2.  MAD Socket option API

   Socket options provide per-connection configuration parameters.  To
   allow per-connection configuration of the MAD value in the Low
   Latency option, a new TCP socket option called TCP_MAD will be added
   to the TCP implementation.  This will allow applications to request a
   MAD value on a finer granularity than the per-route configuration,
   depending on the application's requirements.

   The API will look like the following example:

   int mad_val = 5 * 1000 * 1000; // in ns unit: 5ms

   err = setsockopt(fd, SOL_TCP, TCP_MAD, &mad_val, sizeof(mad_val));

   The socket option implementation will sanitize the MAD value provided
   by the user.  Per the specification above, in the "Configuring
   maximum ACK delay" section, if the user specifies a MAD value outside
   the range of ACK delay values supported by the implementation, then
   the implementation will allow the request to succeed, but will
   silently constrain the MAD value to be within the valid range
   (between the minimum and maximum ACK delay for the implementation).
   This is intended to allow applications to portably request a MAD
   value without needing special logic to search for a valid value.

   Once the implementation has sanitized the provided MAD value, it will
   record the value in the socket as the socket's own MAD value.

   Note: the MAD value set by the socket option SHOULD always override
   the per-route MAD value if there is one.

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

              Cheng, Y., Cardwell, N., and N. Dukkipati, "RACK: a time-
              based fast loss detection algorithm for TCP", draft-ietf-
              tcpm-rack-02 (work in progress), March 2017.

   [RFC5681]  Allman, M., Paxson, V., and E. Blanton, "TCP Congestion
              Control", RFC 5681, September 2009.

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   [RFC6298]  Paxson, V., "Computing TCP's Retransmission Timer",
              RFC 6298, June 2011.

   [RFC6994]  Touch, J., "Shared Use of Experimental TCP Options",
              RFC 6994, August 2013.

9.2.  Informative References

   [CC16]     Cardwell, N., Cheng, Y., and E. Dumazet, "TCP Options for
              Low Latency: Maximum ACK Delay and Microsecond
              Timestamps", IETF 97 , November 2016.

   [CG09]     Chen, Y., Griffith, R., Liu, J., and R. Katz,
              "Understanding TCP incast throughput collapse in
              datacenter networks", WREN 09 , August 2009.

   [HN11]     Honda, M., Nishida, Y., Raiciu, C., Greenhalgh, A.,
              Handley, M., and H. Tokuda, "Is it Still Possible to
              Extend TCP?", IMC 11 , November 2011.

   [JS15]     Judd, G. and M. Stanley, "Attaining the Promise and
              Avoiding the Pitfalls of TCP in the Datacenter", NSDI 15 ,
              May 2015.

   [PK07]     Phanishayee, A., Krevat, E., Vasudevan, V., Andersen, D.,
              Ganger, G., Gibson, G., and S. Seshan, "Measurement and
              Analysis of TCP Throughput Collapse in Cluster-based
              Storage Systems", September 2007.

   [VP09]     Vasudevan, V., Phanishayee, A., Shah, H., Krevat, E.,
              Andersen, D., Ganger, G., Gibson, G., and B. Mueller,
              "Safe and Effective Fine-grained TCP Retransmissions for
              Datacenter Communication", SIGCOMM 09 , August 2009.

   [WS95]     Wright, G. and W. Stevens, "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 2:
              The Implementation", 1995.

Authors' Addresses

   Wei Wang
   Google, Inc
   1600 Amphitheater Parkway
   Mountain View, California  94043


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   Neal Cardwell
   Google, Inc
   76 Ninth Avenue
   New York, NY  10011


   Yuchung Cheng
   Google, Inc
   1600 Amphitheater Parkway
   Mountain View, California  94043


   Eric Dumazet
   Google, Inc
   1600 Amphitheater Parkway
   Mountain View, California  94043


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