Internet DRAFT - draft-wei-nvo3-security-framework


   NV03 Working Group                                    Y. Wei, Ed. 
   Internet Draft                                    ZTE Corporation 
   Intended status: Informational                       L. Fang, Ed. 
   Expires: January 16, 2013                           Cisco Systems 
                                                            S. Zhang 
                                                     ZTE Corporation 
                                                       July 16, 2012 
                          NVO3 Security Framework 
   This document provides a security framework for overlay based 
   network virtualization. It describes the security reference model, 
   the security threats and security requirements. 
Status of this Memo 
   This Internet-Draft is submitted to IETF in full conformance with 
   the provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.  
   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute 
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at 
   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six 
   months and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents 
   at any time. It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference 
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress". 
   This Internet-Draft will expire on January 16, 2013. 
Copyright Notice 
   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the 
   document authors.  All rights reserved. 
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   NVO3 Security Framework                                    
   Expires Jan. 2013 
   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal 
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents 
   ( in effect on the date of 
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents 
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with 
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   document must include Simplified BSD License text as described in 
   Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without 
   warranty as described in the Simplified BSD License. 
Table of Contents 
   1. Introduction .................................................2 
   2. Terminologies ................................................3 
   3. Security Reference Models ....................................5 
   3.1.  Scenario 1: Virtual Network and DC infrastructure belong to 
   the same DC operator ............................................5 
   4. Security Threats .............................................6 
   4.1.  Attacks on Control Plane ..................................7 
   4.2.  Attacks on the Data Plane .................................7 
   5. Security Requirements ........................................8 
   5.1.  Control Plane Security Requirements .......................8 
   5.2.  Data Plane Security Requirements ..........................8 
   6. Security Considerations ......................................8 
   7. IANA Considerations ..........................................9 
   8. Normative References .........................................9 
   9. Informative References .......................................9 
   10.  Author's Addresses ........................................10 
   Requirements Language 
   Although this document is not a protocol specification, the key 
   this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC 
1. Introduction 

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   NVO3 Security Framework                                    
   Expires Jan. 2013 
   Security is one of most important factors in the environment of 
   cloud computing and particularly to the Data Center Network 
   Virtualization where multi-tenancy support is one of the fundamental 
   Though security considerations are provided in several individual 
   documents, a general description of security for NVO3 is needed, 
   especially there are areas not covered in the current documents.  
   The motivation of this document is to provide a general and 
   consistent security framework for NVO3, and to provide a guidance 
   for the design of related protocol. 
   This document is organized as follows.  Section 3 describes the 
   security reference model in the context of NVO3, which defines which 
   component is trusted or not for a particular scenario.  Section 4 
   describes the security threats under the security model.  Section 5 
   addresses the security requirements in response to the security 
2. Terminologies 
   This document uses NVO3 specific terminology defined in [I-
   D.lasserre-nvo3-framework].  For reader's convenience, this 
   document repeats some of the definitions in addition to reference 
   NVE: Network Virtualization Edge. It is a network entity that sits 
   on the edge of the NVO3 network. It implements network 
   virtualization functions that allow for L2 and/or L3 tenant 
   separation and for hiding tenant addressing information (MAC and IP 
   addresses). An NVE could be implemented as part of a virtual switch 
   within a hypervisor, a physical switch or router, a Network Service 
   Appliance or even be embedded within an End Station. 
   VN: Virtual Network. This is a virtual L2 or L3 domain that belongs 
   a tenant. 
   VNI: Virtual Network Instance. This is one instance of a virtual 
   overlay network. Two Virtual Networks are isolated from one another 
   and may use overlapping addresses. 
   Virtual Network Context or VN Context: Field that is part of the 
   overlay encapsulation header which allows the encapsulated frame to 
   be delivered to the appropriate virtual network endpoint by the 
   egress NVE. The egress NVE uses this field to determine the 
   appropriate virtual network context in which to process the packet. 
   This field MAY be an explicit, unique (to the administrative 
   domain) virtual network identifier (VNID) or MAY express the 
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   NVO3 Security Framework                                    
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   necessary context information in other ways (e.g. a locally 
   significant identifier). 
   VNID:  Virtual Network Identifier. In the case where the VN context 
   has global significance, this is the ID value that is carried in 
   each data packet in the overlay encapsulation that identifies the 
   Virtual Network the packet belongs to. 
   Underlay or Underlying Network: This is the network that provides 
   the connectivity between NVEs. The Underlying Network can be 
   completely unaware of the overlay packets. Addresses within the 
   Underlying Network are also referred to as "outer addresses" 
   because they exist in the outer encapsulation. The Underlying 
   Network can use a completely different protocol (and address 
   family) from that of the overlay. 
   Data Center (DC): A physical complex housing physical servers, 
   network switches and routers, Network Service Appliances and 
   networked storage. The purpose of a Data Center is to provide 
   application and/or compute and/or storage services. One such 
   service is virtualized data center services, also known as 
   Infrastructure as a Service. 
   Virtual Data Center or Virtual DC: A container for virtualized 
   compute, storage and network services. Managed by a single tenant, 
   a Virtual DC can contain multiple VNs and multiple Tenant End 
   Systems that are connected to one or more of these VNs. 
   VM: Virtual Machine. Several Virtual Machines can share the 
   resources of a single physical computer server using the services 
   of a Hypervisor (see below definition). 
   Hypervisor: Server virtualization software running on a physical 
   compute server that hosts Virtual Machines. The hypervisor provides 
   shared compute/memory/storage and network connectivity to the VMs 
   that it hosts. Hypervisors often embed a Virtual Switch (see 
   Virtual Switch: A function within a Hypervisor (typically 
   implemented in software) that provides similar services to a 
   physical Ethernet switch.  It switches Ethernet frames between VMs' 
   virtual NICs within the same physical server, or between a VM and a 
   physical NIC card connecting the server to a physical Ethernet 
   switch. It also enforces network isolation between VMs that should 
   not communicate with each other. 
   Tenant: A customer who consumes virtualized data center services 
   offered by a cloud service provider. A single tenant may consume 
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   NVO3 Security Framework                                    
   Expires Jan. 2013 
   one or more Virtual Data Centers hosted by the same cloud service 
   Tenant End System: It defines an end system of a particular tenant, 
   which can be for instance a virtual machine (VM), a non-virtualized 
   server, or a physical appliance. 
3. Security Reference Models 
   This section defines the security reference models for Overlay 
   based Network Virtualization. 
   The L3 overlay network provides virtual network to multi-tenants, 
   which is deployed on the underlying network.  The tenant end system 
   attaches to the L3 overlay network. 
   L3 overlay network provides isolation to each tenant, which 
   provides a level of security to its tenant.  L3 overlay network can 
   be regarded secure zone from the view of ONV3 operator.  Other 
   components outside of the ONV3 are considered as untrusted, which 
   may impose security risk to the NVO3 networks.  Each virtual 
   network should assume not trusting other virtual networks.  This 
   model is the basis to analyze the security of ONV3. 
   3.1. Scenario 1: Virtual Network and DC infrastructure 
   belong to the same DC operator 
                    |                                | 
                    |  /---------------------------\ | 
                    ++  Virtual Network L3 Overlay  ++  
                    |  \---------------------------/ |      
    +----------+ +--+------+  +-----------+  +-------+-+ +----------+ 
    |Tenant End| |   NV    |  | DC infra  |  |   NV    | |Tenant End|     
    | System   +-+  Edge   +--+ Underlay  +--+  Edge   +-+  System  |      
    |  (TES)   | | (NVE)   |  | Network   |  |  (NVE)  | |   (TES)  |   
    +----------+ +---------+  +-----------+  +---------+ +----------+ 
    |(Untrusted) | (Trusted)|  (Trusted)   | (Trusted) |(Untrusted) | 
         Figure 1. Trust Model for Scenario 1  
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   NVO3 Security Framework                                    
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   1) The diagram is a logical illustration. The TES and NVE may be 
      implemented in the same physical device, or separate devices. 
   2) The physical end system may in reality include virtual 
      switching/routing instances and multiple VMs (TESs) belong to 
      different tenants. 
   3) The trusted or untrusted notions in the diagram is from a Virtual 
      Overlay Network point of view, not the underlay network. 
   4) Each VN treats other VNs as untrusted. 
   Scenario 2: Virtual Network and DC infrastructure belong to 
   different DC operators 
                    |                                | 
                    |  /---------------------------\ | 
                    ++  Virtual Network L3 Overlay  ++  
                    |  \---------------------------/ |      
    +----------+ +--+------+  +-----------+  +-------+-+ +----------+ 
    |Tenant End| |   NV    |  | DC infra  |  |   NV    | |Tenant End|     
    | System   +-+  Edge   +--+ Underlay  +--+  Edge   +-+  System  |      
    |  (TES)   | | (NVE)   |  | Network   |  |  (NVE)  | |   (TES)  |   
    +----------+ +---------+  +-----------+  +---------+ +----------+ 
    |(Untrusted) | (Trusted)|  (Untrusted) | (Trusted) |(Untrusted) | 
          Figure 2. Trust Model for Scenario 2 
   The same notes listed under scenario 1 also apply here. 
4. Security Threats 
   This section describes the various security threats that may 
   endanger overlay based network virtualization.  For example, an 
   attack on ONV3 may result in some unexpected effects: 
      o  Interrupt the connectivity of tenant's virtual network. 
      o  Inject some unwanted traffic into virtual network. 
      o  Eavesdrop sensitive information from tenant. 
      o  Degrade provider's service level. 

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   NVO3 Security Framework                                    
   Expires Jan. 2013 
   Security threats may be malicious or casual.  For example, some of 
   them may come from the following sources: 
      o  A tenant who rents one or more virtual networks may want to 
   acquire some information from other tenants co-existed in the same 
   data center. 
      o  Some persons who manipulate the activation, migration or 
         deactivation of tenant's virtual machine. 
      o  Some persons who physically access to underlying network. 
   4.1. Attacks on Control Plane 
      1.  Attack association between VM and VN: one of the 
   functionalities of ONV3 is to provide virtual network to multi-
   tenants. ONV3 associates a virtual machine's NIC with corresponding 
   virtual network, and maintain that association as the VM is 
   activated, migrated or deactivated.  The signaling information 
   between endpoint and access switch may be spoofed or altered.  Thus 
   the association between VM and VN may be invalid if the signaling 
   is not properly protected. 
      2.  Attack the mapping of a virtual network: The mapping between 
   the inner and outer addresses may be affected through altering the 
   mapping table. 
      3.  Inject traffic: The comprised underlying network may inject 
   traffic into virtual network. 
      4.  Attack live migration: An attacker may cause guest VMs to be 
   live migrated to the attacker's machine and gain full control over 
   guest VMs. 
      5.  Denial of Service attacks against endpoint by false resource 
   advertising: for live migration initiated automatically to 
   distribute load across a number of servers, an attacker may falsely 
   advertise available resources via the control plane.  By pretending 
   to have a large number of spare CPU cycles, that attacker may be 
   able to influence the control plane to migrate a VM to a 
   compromised endpoint. 
   4.2. Attacks on the Data Plane 
      1.  Unauthorized snooping of data traffic: This is attack 
   results in leakage of sensitive information, attacker can sniffer 
   information from the user packets and extract their content. 
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      2.  Modification of data traffic: An attacker may modify, insert 
   or delete data packets and impersonate them as legitimate ones. 
      3.  Man-in-the-Middle attack on live migration of VM: When a 
   virtual machine is migrated from one endpoint to another, the VM 
   may be intercepted and modified in the middle of the migration. 
5. Security Requirements  
   This section describes security requirements for control plane and 
   data plane of NVO3. 
   5.1. Control Plane Security Requirements 
        1. The network infrastructure shall support mechanisms for 
           authentication and integrity protection of the control 
           plane. (1)When a protocol is used for the service auto-
           provisioning/discovery, the information from endpoint shall 
           not be spoofed or altered. (2)When a protocol is used to 
           distribute address advertisement and tunneling information, 
           the protocol shall provide integrity protection. (3)The 
           protocol for tunnel management shall provide integrity and 
           authentication protection. 
        2. NVEs shall assure the information in the mapping table is 
           coming from a trusted source. 
        3. The virtual network should prevent malformed traffic 
           injection from underlying network, other virtual network, or 
   5.2. Data Plane Security Requirements 
        1. The mapping function from the tenant to overlay shall be 
           protected. NVEs should verify VNID is not spoofed. 
        2. The data plane should protect VM's state against snooping 
           and tampering. 
        3. IPsec can be used to provide authentication, integrity and 
           confidentiality protection.  IPsec can be used to protect 
           the data plane. 
6. Security Considerations 

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   NVO3 Security Framework                                    
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   This document discusses general security threats and requirements 
   for NVO3. Individual document may raise specific issues based on the 
   particular content and should address them in the individual 
7. IANA Considerations 
   This document contains no new IANA considerations. 
8. Normative References 
9. Informative References 
   [Editors' note: All Network Virtualization with Layer 3 (NVO3) 
   Internet drafts or related ID(s) referenced in the following list 
   are currently work in progress individual drafts in their early 
   development stage, status and text are subject to change, more 
   reference may be added along with the development of the NVO3 WG.] 
   [RFC 2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate                    
   Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. 
   [RFC4111] Fang, L., Fang, L., Ed., "Security Framework for 
   Provider-Provisioned Virtual Private Networks (PPVPNs)", RFC 4111, 
   July 2005.  
   [RFC5920]  Fang, L., "Security Framework for MPLS and GMPLS 
   Networks", RFC 5920, July 2010. 
   [opsec-efforts] Lonvick, C., and Spak, D., "Security Best Practices 
   Efforts and Documents", IETF draft-ietf-opsec-efforts-18.txt, April 
   [VM-Migration] Oberheide, Jon., Cooke, Evan., and Farnam. Jahanian, 
   "Empirical Exploitation of Live Virtual Machine Migration", Feb 
   [I-D.narten-nvo3-overlay-problem-statement] Narten, T., Sridhavan, 
   M., Dutt, D., Black, D., and L. Kreeger, "Problem Statement: 
   Overlays for Network Virtualization", draft-narten-nvo3-overlay-
   problem-statement-02 (work in progress), June 2012. 
   [I-D.fang-vpn4dc-problem-statement] Napierala M., Fang L., Cai, 
   Dennis, "IP-VPN Data Center Problem Statement and Requirements", 
   draft-fang-vpn4dc-problem-statement-01.txt, June 2012. 

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   NVO3 Security Framework                                    
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   [I-D.lasserre-nvo3-framework] Lasserre, M., Balus, F., Morin, T., 
   Bitar, N., and Y.Rekhter, "Framework for DC Network 
   Virtualization", draft-lasserre-nvo3-framework-03 (work in 
   progress), July 2012. 
   [I-D.kreeger-nvo3-overlay-cp] Black, D., Dutt, D., Kreeger, L., 
   Sridhavan, M., and T. Narten, "Network Virtualization Overlay 
   Control Protocol Requirements", draft-kreeger-nvo3-overlay-cp-00 
   (work in progress), January 2012. 
   [I-D.bitar-lasserre-nvo3-dp-reqs] Bitar, N., Lasserre, M., and F. 
   Balus, "NVO3 Data Plane Requirements", draft-bitar-lasserre-nvo3-
   dp-reqs-00 (work in progress), May 2012. 
10.     Author's Addresses 
   Yinxing Wei (Editor) 
   ZTE Corporation 
   No 68, Zijinghua Road 
   Nanjing, Jiangsu  210012 
   Phone: +86 25 52872328 
   Luyuan Fang (Editor) 
   Cisco Systems, Inc. 
   111 Wood Ave. South 
   Iselin, NJ 08830 
   Shiwei Zhang 
   ZTE Corporation 
   No 68, Zijinghua Road 
   Nanjing, Jiangsu  210012 
   Phone: +86 25 52870100 

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