Internet DRAFT - draft-woodhouse-cert-best-practice


Network Working Group                                       D. Woodhouse
Internet-Draft                                       Amazon Web Services
Intended status: Best Current Practice              N. Mavrogiannopoulos
Expires: 26 January 2024                                       July 2023

    Recommendations for applications using X.509 client certificates


   X.509 certificates are widely used for client authentication in many
   protocols, especially in conjunction with Transport Layer Security
   ([RFC5246]) and Datagram Transport Layer Security ([RFC6347].  There
   exist a multitude of forms in which certificates and especially their
   corresponding private keys may be stored or referenced.

   Applications have historically been massively inconsistent in which
   subset of these forms have been supported, and what knowledge is
   demanded of the user.  This memo sets out best practice for
   applications in the interest of usability and consistency.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 2 January 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights

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   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

1.  Introduction

   These recommendations are intended to provide consistency and
   simplicity to users.  If a user has a client certificate in a file,
   or residing in a hardware or software token or a system certificate
   store, it should be possible to use that certificate from any
   application, using exactly the same identifier (e.g. its filename or
   PKCS#11 URI [RFC7512]) to reference it.

   No additional information should be required from the user other than
   perhaps a password; the user should certainly never be expected to
   know about which of the myriad possible formats the key or
   certificate are stored in.

2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].

   Unless explicitly indicated otherwise, the terms "application" and
   "applications" in this document refer to client applications making
   use of X.509 certificates for authentication and signatures.  Except
   where explicitly referenced in Section 6.3, tools which generate
   certificate and public key files are outside the scope of this
   document.  As noted in Section 11, the security considerations when
   generating or accepting a given certificate are markedly different to
   the considerations when presenting that same certificate as evidence
   of client identity.

   In particular, where this document requires that an application
   "support" a given type of key or storage format, that is limited
   strictly to reading and using the certificates and private keys.
   Support for creating and writing such objects is an orthogonal
   concern, and generally outside the scope of client applications.

3.  Key types

   Applications MUST NOT be limited to using only RSA keys.  An

   *  MUST support RSA keys of 1024, 2048, 3072 and 4096 bits

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   *  SHOULD support RSA keys of other arbitrary sizes, including non
      power-of-two sizes

   *  MAY support DSA keys of 1024 bits

   *  MUST support ECDSA keys based on SECP256R1, SECP384R1, SECP521R1

   *  SHOULD support EdDSA keys based on Ed25519 curve

   *  SHOULD support ECDSA or EdDSA keys based on other well-known

   Where opaque keys such as in hardware tokens are used, applications
   MUST support the use of private keys where the corresponding public
   key is not made available to software.  In particular, PKCS#11 tokens
   containing an EC private key and no corresponding public key object
   MUST be supported when PKCS#11 is supported.

   The use of DSA keys larger than 1024 bits is undefined in TLS and is
   thus not included in these recommendations, although applications MAY
   choose to support such keys.  See also Section 11 regarding the use
   of key sizes and types regarded to be obsolescent.

   Note that in this text we explicitly mention ECDSA keys to
   distinguish them from static ECDH keys, which have no significant
   deployment nor use in Internet protocols.  ECDSA keys are
   distinguished from static ECDH keys by having a certificate which
   allows signing (in contrast to keyAgreement for static ECDH keys).

4.  Identifier types

   There are a number of forms which a certificate identifier might
   take.  Applications MAY require that the user explicitly disambiguate
   between an inline data blob as discussed in Section 4.2, and an
   identifier which is merely a reference to the location of the object,
   such as a filename or other identifier addressed in the other
   subsections below.

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   Applications MUST NOT require that the user disambiguate between
   other types of identifiers.  For example, where PKCS#11 is supported
   an application MUST automatically infer that the reference it has
   been given is a PKCS#11 URI rather than a filename, without being
   explicitly directed to do so by a separate configuration directive.
   In the extremely unlikely case that ambiguity genuinely exists
   because a file has a name which starts with "pkcs11:" and is
   otherwise valid according to [RFC7512], the user can resolve the
   ambiguity by specifying an absolute path to the file in question, or
   even a relative path prefixed with "./" or the appropriate equivalent
   for the platform in question.

4.1.  File name

   Many applications support the use of certificates and private keys
   stored in files on the file system.  Such applications MUST support
   the use of files in any of the formats mandated in Section 5, in both
   PEM and DER containers.

   Applications MUST NOT require the user to provide any additional
   hints regarding the contents of the file, such as whether the
   contents are in PEM or DER format.  This MUST be determined by the
   application itself, automatically.

   Applications MAY accept absolute or relative filenames, and MAY also
   accept filenames in the form of a file:// URI.

   On a platform where the use of certificates and keys from files is
   commonplace, applications MUST support such.  Applications which do
   not support a system-wide certificate store as discussed in
   Section 4.3 and/or Section 4.5 MUST support the use of certificates
   and keys from files.

4.2.  Inline data blob

   In some cases, an application may accept certificate and private key
   data in the form of inline data embedded directly within its
   configuration.  In this case, applications MUST accept such data in
   any of the formats mandated in Section 5.

   As with files, applications MUST NOT require any additional hint to
   be provided regarding the format of the provided blob.

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4.3.  PKCS#11 objects

   On a platform which supports PKCS#11 [PKCS11] and has a system-wide
   configuration indicating which which PKCS#11 provider modules should
   be loaded, applications SHOULD load the PKCS#11 providers indicated
   by the system configuration.  Applications MAY also load additional
   providers according to their own configuration.

   Applications which support PKCS#11 MUST accept certificate and key
   identifiers in the form of a PKCS#11 URI [RFC7512].  Objects SHOULD
   then be located by an algorithm at least as capable as the one
   described in Section 8.

   Applications MUST allow a PIN to be provided in a "pin-value"
   attribute in such a URI, and SHOULD also allow a PIN to be provided
   via their normal mechanism for obtaining passwords for private keys
   when stored in files.

   Applications MAY accept legacy forms of identifier for PKCS#11
   objects, for backward compatibility if they did so before the
   existence of RFC7512.  They SHOULD NOT document these legacy
   identifiers as current practice, and SHOULD document the use of
   RFC7512 standard identifiers instead.

4.4.  Trusted Platform Module (TPM) stored keys

   Applications which run on a platform which contains a Trusted
   Platform Module (TPM) conforming to the v2.0 specification ([TPMv2])
   or newer SHOULD support using it for key operations.  Applications
   MAY support the older TPM v1.2 stack.

   Both versions of the TPM stack have support for non-volatile storage
   and "wrapping" of keys.  The latter requires storage outside the TPM
   and is discussed alongside other file formats in Section 5.4.

   If the older TPM v1.2 specification is supported, applications SHOULD
   support referencing a key in its non-volatile memory by use of a
   TPMKEY URI as defined in [I-D.mavrogiannopoulos-tpmuri].
   Applications MAY support the tpmkey-file option defined therein but
   it should be noted that the common tools do not create files in the
   ASN.1 format required therein so this support is of limited utility
   to the user.  A better file format for TPM v1.2 support is described
   in Section 5.4.

   For keys stored in the TPM v2.0 non-volatile memory, no URI form
   exists at the time of writing.  If such a standard or convention
   comes into existence, applications SHOULD support it.

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4.5.  System store

   Some operating systems have their own system store for certificates
   and keys which is not based on PKCS#11.  Applications SHOULD support
   the use of objects from such a system store, if it exists.  If a
   convention or standard exists for referencing objects therein,
   analogous to the one defined for PKCS#11 by [RFC7512], then
   applications SHOULD accept such identifier strings.

5.  File formats

   There exist a multitude of formats in which certificates and their
   corresponding private keys can be stored, and new formats come into
   existence with distressing regularity.

   Users have little control over the form in which certificates are
   provisioned to them by their organisation's infrastructure.  As a
   result, applications should be expected to deal with any of the
   formats listed below, as well as any newer forms which become common.

   The first difference that a user will typically encounter is that
   some objects are stored in base64 in text files (PEM) [RFC7468],
   while others are binary (DER).  Applications MUST NOT require that
   the user or the configuration specify which of these forms is used,
   and MUST infer it internally.

   Where an object is encoded directly in the configuration of an
   application and the contents of that configuration are limited to
   textual content, the application MAY support only objects in PEM
   form, and not binary DER.  Such applications MUST still support the
   PEM representation of all formats listed below.

   Applications MUST accept all of the formats below without requiring
   any additional information from the user or the configuration.  Where
   an application has an existing "key format" or similar option which
   has historically been required to disambiguate between formats
   (either the formats below or between PEM and DER), application SHOULD
   NOT document this use of that legacy option as current practice, and
   SHOULD default to working it out automatically.  Application authors
   who cannot achieve this SHOULD consider taking up goat farming, and
   never touching a cryptographic application again in their life.

5.1.  PKCS#1 and other native ASN.1 encodings

   Applications MUST support unencrypted private keys:

   *  RSA keys in PKCS#1 form as defined by [RFC2437]

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   *  DSA keys in the ASN.1 form defined by OpenSSL and documented in
      Appendix B (if DSA keys are supported at all)

   *  ECDSA keys in the form defined by [RFC5915]

   *  EdDSA keys in the form defined by [RFC8410]

5.2.  PKCS#8

   Applications MUST support keys stored in PKCS#8 form as defined in
   [RFC5208] for all key types.  Applications MUST support unencypted
   PKCS#8 objects, as well as those which are encrypted in various forms
   as discussed in Section 6.1.

   Applications MAY support the updated version of PKCS#8 is defined in
   [RFC5958].  At the time of writing, there does not seem to be
   widespread use of keys in the new form, so such support is not

5.3.  PKCS#12

   Applications MUST support the use of certificates and keys from
   PKCS#12 objects ([RFC7292]), encrypted with any of the the methods
   mandated in Section 6.1.  Applications MUST support the use of at
   least SHA1 and SHA256 HMAC, and SHOULD support other HMAC algorithms
   which become common.

5.4.  Trusted Platform Module (TPM) wrapped keys

   As noted in Section 4.4, applications which run on a system with a
   v2.0 or newer TPM SHOULD support using it for key operations.

   Applications supporting TPM v2.0 MUST automatically detect files in
   the ASN.1 form defined in [I-D.Bottomley-tpm2-asn1], in DER form as
   well as the PEM format with the tag "-----BEGIN TSS2 PRIVATE

   Since the native form of the TPM v1.2 key blob is not simple to
   detect, applications MAY lack support for detecting the binary form.
   This is an exception to the general rule that all file types must be
   automatically detected without additional user input.

   The tpmkey-file option defined in [I-D.mavrogiannopoulos-tpmuri] is
   also of limited utility and need not be supported.

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   Rather, a common form of storage for "wrapped" keys with TPM v1.2 is
   to encode the binary TCPA_KEY structure in a single ASN.1 OCTET-
   STRING, and store the result in PEM format with the tag "-----BEGIN
   TSS KEY BLOB-----".  Applications supporting TPM v1.2 MUST
   automatically detect and support this format.

6.  Private keys

6.1.  Encryption

   Applications MUST support the encrypted PEM files in the form based
   on [RFC1423] which is commonly used by historical versions of
   OpenSSL, with at least the DES-EDE3-CBC, AES-128-CBC and AES-256-CBC

   For PKCS#12 [RFC7292] and PKCS#8 [RFC5208] formats, applications MUST
   support reading objects stored with the following encryption methods:

   *  PBES1 pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC [RFC2898]

   *  PBES1 pbeWithSHA1And3-KeyTripleDES-CBC [RFC7292]

   *  PBES2 AES-128-CBC (OID: 2.16.840. [RFC2898]

   *  PBES2 AES-256-CBC (OID: 2.16.840. [RFC2898]

   The weak methods included in the above list are unfortunately still
   commonplace, and thus clients need to keep supporting them as noted
   in Section 11.  However, applications MAY emit a warning to the user
   when weak (or no) encryption is used, and MAY require an additional
   configuration directive to enable the use of weakly-encrypted and
   unencrypted keys.

   The presence of these algorithms in the list is not in any way to be
   taken as approval for tools to continue creating objects in such
   forms.  Except for a brief discussion in Section 6.3. the creation of
   private keys is outside the scope of this document.

   It should also be noted that this list is very much of its time.  It
   reflects current common practice, but the latest methods on the list
   may also one day seem as outdated as the first.  Applications SHOULD
   add support for newer methods as and when they become common.

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6.2.  Separation of certificate and private key

   It is not uncommon for a certificate and its corresponding private
   key to be stored in separate files.  When loading certificates and
   keys, applications MUST support this by allowing the certificate and
   the private key to be specified separately.

   Applications MUST NOT require that the certificate and private key be
   in the same type of location — for example, both in files, or both in
   PKCS#11 objects.  In particular, it is often the case that
   cryptographic hardware tokens only support private keys and do not
   provide any certificate storage.  In that case, it is entirely normal
   for the certificate to be stored in a file while the key is accessed
   via PKCS#11.

   If the private key is not explicitly specified, then the application
   MUST attempt to find it based on the location of the certificate.
   For files, this would naturally mean looking in the same file.
   Applications MAY also make reasonable inferences, such as looking for
   a file with the extension ".key" if the certificate was in a file
   with the extension ".crt" and the key wasn't found therein.

   For PKCS#11, applications SHOULD search for a key using an algorithm
   at least as capable as the one described in Section 8.

6.3.  Writing private key files

   In the general case, writing private key files is outside the scope
   of this document.  These recommendations cover only the usage of
   certificate and private keys by client applications.  An exception to
   this general case occurs when a client application supports exporting
   a certificate and private key from a certificate store to a file.

   When doing so, applications MUST allow exporting in at least the
   PKCS#12 [RFC7292] format under the following encryption methods:

   *  PBES2 AES-128-CBC (OID: 2.16.840. [RFC2898]

   *  PBES2 AES-256-CBC (OID: 2.16.840. [RFC2898]

   Applications which export private keys in encrypted form MUST ensure
   that the password provided by the user is correctly converted to the
   required character set for the encryption.  See notes in Section 7
   regarding the ways in which this has historically been broken in some
   cases.  For this reason, applications SHOULD export to PKCS#12 in
   preference to any other formats.  If insufficiently-specified formats
   such as PKCS#8 are used for export, applications SHOULD convert the
   password to UTF-8 for the purpose of key derivation.

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   Applications which export private keys to PKCS#12 SHOULD use a single
   passphrase for every encrypted bag therein.

   Applications which support a v2.0 TPM and are able to export the key
   information MUST do so in the PEM format described in

7.  Passwords and character sets

   Applications MUST allow at least one passphrase or PIN to be provided
   for private keys, either in advance through a separate configuration
   item or by means of a callback at runtime which can display a prompt
   to the user.

   Applications SHOULD, where possible, allow for the possibility that a
   single object may require more than one passphrase, as is the case of
   PKCS#12 objects.

   Applications which support PKCS#11 SHOULD support the use of keys
   with the CKA_ALWAYS_AUTHENTICATE attribute set to CK_TRUE.  In this
   case the PIN will need to be provided to the PKCS#11 provider again
   for each cryptographic operation using the key.

   Applications SHOULD also allow for the possibility that a passphrase
   or PIN is required to access a certificate, separately from the
   passphrase or PIN required for the private key.

   Applications MUST be aware of the local character set in which the
   user provides the passphrase, and convert it as necessary.

   Password representations based on Unicode (BMPString for PKCS#12,
   UTF-8 for PKCS#5) SHOULD be normalized according to Unicode
   normalization form "NFC" [NFC].

7.1.  Passwords in PKCS#12

   PKCS#12 [RFC7292] explicitly specifies the character set to be used
   for the password in the key derivation, as a BMPString.  When
   decrypting PKCS#12 objects applications MUST correctly support
   conversion of passwords to BMPString for the purpose of key

   Applications SHOULD also attempt to work around the historical
   PKCS#12 bug in OpenSSL, which always assumed the input password was
   in the ISO8859-1 character set regardless of the actual character set
   used on the system.  This occurred because it attempted to convert to
   UTF-16 for the BMPString merely by alternating each byte from the
   input string with a zero byte to expand to 16 bits.

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   As an example, consider a PKCS#12 file for which the password is
   intended to be the following two characters:



   For the purpose of this example, the user is operating in a legacy
   8-bit locale using the ISO8859-2 character set.  The above two
   characters are thus provided to the application as the bytes 0xC3

   The correct form of that password for PKCS#12 key derivation includes
   precisely those characters in UTF-16 big-endian form as required for
   a BMPString: the bytes 0x01 0x02 0x01 0x7B.  This is the correct
   version which any application supporting the use of files for
   certificates and keys MUST support.

   Historical versions of OpenSSL, as noted, would assume that the input
   bytes were in the ISO8859-1 character set.  So the input bytes 0xC3
   0xAF would therefore be interpreted as the two characters:


      U+00AF MACRON

   The BMPString used for key derivation in this case would include the
   bytes 0x00 0xC3 0x00 0xAF.

   An application in a non-ISO8859-1 locale can therefore attempt to
   decrypt such wrongly-created files by treating the input password as
   if it is a sequence of bytes in ISO8859-1 rather than the locale
   character set in which it really was provided.  The application can
   generate the BMPString by converting from ISO8859-1 to big-endian
   UTF-16, and attempt to decrypt the file by deriving the key using
   that rendition of the password.

   From OpenSSL 1.1, the bug has been updated to the 21st century
   without actually fixing it; OpenSSL merely assumes UTF-8 instead of
   ISO8859-1.  So using the above example, OpenSSL would interpret the
   (ISO8859-2) input bytes 0xC3 0xAF, by wilfully ignoring their
   character set, wrongly assuming that they are UTF-8 (in this case
   representing the single character U+00EF LATIN SMALL LETTER I WITH
   DIAERESIS"), and converting them to a BMPString containing the bytes
   0x00 0xEF.

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   Applications MAY work around this new bug in OpenSSL, by treating the
   input password as a UTF-8 byte stream.  Note that if the byte
   sequence of the input password doesn't happen to be valid UTF-8, as
   it was in the carefully-contrived example above, then OpenSSL 1.1
   will revert to its old behaviour of assuming ISO8859-1.  In no
   circumstances does OpenSSL convert a non-ASCII password correctly, in
   a locale which uses neither UTF-8 nor ISO8859-1.

7.2.  PKCS#5 password derivation

   Some storage formats such as PKCS#8 [RFC5208] make use of key
   derivation functions defined in PKCS#5 [RFC2898] for encryption.
   Lamentably, PKCS#5 does not mandate the use of a specific character
   set for interoperability.  It does, however, recommend "that
   applications follow some common text encoding rules.  ASCII and UTF-8
   are two possibilities."

   Strictly speaking, that's only one possibility, since (as it says)
   ASCII is a subset of UTF-8.  In these recommendations, therefore,
   client applications MUST render a non-ASCII password into UTF-8 for
   the purpose of key derivation to attempt to decrypt objects.

   Applications operating in non-UTF-8 locales SHOULD also attempt to
   decrypt such objects using a key derived from the password in the
   local character set.

7.3.  PKCS#11 PIN

   The PKCS#11 specification [PKCS11] specifies that the CK_UTF8CHAR
   type used for the PIN "holds UTF-8 encoded Unicode charaacters as
   specified in RFC2279".  Older versions of the PKCS#11 specification
   limited the PIN still further, to a subset of ASCII printable

   Thus, applications supplying a PIN to a PKCS#11 module MUST convert
   from the character set in which the PIN was provided, to UTF-8.

   When a login with the PIN encoded in UTF-8 fails, applications MUST
   NOT fall back to trying again with the local character set.  That
   behaviour is permitted for file formats, where an additional failed
   decryption attempt would be harmless.  In PKCS#11, this would be
   likely to result in tokens becoming locked due to excessive PIN
   failures.  It would be especially unwise given that using the PIN in
   the local character set is known to be in violation of the PKCS#11
   specification and should always fail.

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8.  Locating objects in PKCS#11

   The "PKCS#11 URI" defined by [RFC7512] is slightly misnamed because
   it does not define a unique identifier for a object; rather the
   attributes in the identifier string are a set of search criteria used
   to filter a set of objects.

   A recommended method of locating objects in PKCS#11 is presented
   here.  It is not mandatory to follow precisely this algorithm, but
   applications SHOULD use a method which will result in them finding
   any object which would have been found by this method.

8.1.  Locating PKCS#11 certificates

   For locating certificates, applications first iterate over the
   available tokens without logging in to them.  In each token which
   matches the provided PKCS#11 URI, a search is performed for matching
   certificate objects.  The first matching object is used as the

   If no match is found, and precisely one token was matched by the
   specified URI, then the application attempts to log in to that token
   using a PIN which is provided in a "pin-value" attribute of the URI,
   in a separate configuration option, or via a run-time callback if
   appropriate.  Another search is performed for matching objects, which
   this time will return even any certificate objects with the
   CKA_PRIVATE attribute.  Is it important to note that the login should
   only be attempted if there is precisely one token which matches the
   URI, and not if there are multiple possible tokens in which the
   object could reside.

8.2.  Locating PKCS#11 keys

   If a private key location in PKCS#11 is explicitly specified as
   separate from the certificate, as discussed in Section 6.2, then no
   inferences can be made about its location based on the location of
   the certificate.  Applications should follow the same procedure as in
   Section 8.1 to locate the key.

   If the key is not explicitly specified, however, and the certificate
   was located in PKCS#11, then some assumptions can be made to help
   find the key if it is not found by the above method.  In this case,
   the application should log in to the token in which the certificate
   was found, and perform a search using the original criteria specified
   in the provided PKCS#11 URI.  If the key is not found and the
   original search was by CKA_LABEL of the certificate, then repeat the
   search using the CKA_ID of the certificate that was actually found,
   but not requiring a CKA_LABEL match.

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9.  Validation and error handling

   Applications SHOULD validate that the certificate and private key
   they are requested to use are actually a matching pair, and report an
   error coherently to the user if not.

   Where the key is entirely visible to software, this can be a simple
   matter of comparing the public key parameters and many cryptographic
   libraries will do that automatically.  Where an opaque key from
   hardware or a software API such as PKCS#11 is used, libraries often
   bypass this check and an application SHOULD explicitly ensure that it
   is performed, perhaps by performing a signature operation using the
   private key and then validating it against the certificate if

   Where appropriate, applications SHOULD check whether a certificate
   has expired or will imminently expire, and provide a suitable warning
   or error to the user.

   If an application is unable to use the designated certificate and
   private key for any reason, a coherent error report SHOULD be
   presented to the user explaining the reason for the failure.

10.  Library support

   The blame for the appalling historical state of applications with
   regard to these recommendations can be laid firmly at the door of the
   common cryptographic libraries.  At the time of writing, most of them
   make it extremely hard for an application to follow these
   recommendations — when they should be making it hard for an
   application NOT to do so.

   It is hoped that cryptographic libraries will update their APIs to
   support the recommendations herein.

11.  Security Considerations

   Some might argue that these recommendations encourage the use of
   obsolescent algorithms and formats which do not conform to current
   cryptographic best practice.  This may be true; however it is not the
   responsibility of the client application to enforce common sense in
   this respect.

   If a user is in possession of a certificate for a 1024-bit DSA key,
   for example, then we should focus on the server which is accepting
   those certificates or the PKI infrastructure which is issuing them —
   not the client which is attempting to use them.  Client software
   tends to move more quickly and be updated more frequently than

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   servers, so algorithms may be considered deprecated by a client,
   while the server is still accepting them and an organisation's
   infrastruture is even still issuing certificates in that form.

   Likewise, it is common for private keys to be stored with weak
   encryption.  Even in OpenSSL 1.0.2, the default for PKCS#8 files is
   PBES1 and pbeWithMD5AndDES-CBC.  Again, it is not the place of the
   client application to enforce sanity.  Especially as there are valid
   reasons for accepting even unencrypted forms of private keys, so it
   makes little sense to then refuse to tolerate weakly-encrypted keys.

12.  IANA Considerations


13.  References

13.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC2898]  Kaliski, B., "PKCS #5: Password-Based Cryptography
              Specification Version 2.0", RFC 2898,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2898, September 2000,

   [RFC2437]  Kaliski, B. and J. Staddon, "PKCS #1: RSA Cryptography
              Specifications Version 2.0", RFC 2437,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2437, October 1998,

   [RFC5208]  Kaliski, B., "Public-Key Cryptography Standards (PKCS) #8:
              Private-Key Information Syntax Specification Version 1.2",
              RFC 5208, DOI 10.17487/RFC5208, May 2008,

   [RFC5958]  Turner, S., "Asymmetric Key Packages", RFC 5958,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5958, August 2010,

   [RFC5915]  Turner, S. and D. Brown, "Elliptic Curve Private Key
              Structure", RFC 5915, DOI 10.17487/RFC5915, June 2010,

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   [RFC7292]  Moriarty, K., Ed., Nystrom, M., Parkinson, S., Rusch, A.,
              and M. Scott, "PKCS #12: Personal Information Exchange
              Syntax v1.1", RFC 7292, DOI 10.17487/RFC7292, July 2014,

   [RFC7468]  Josefsson, S. and S. Leonard, "Textual Encodings of PKIX,
              PKCS, and CMS Structures", RFC 7468, DOI 10.17487/RFC7468,
              April 2015, <>.

   [RFC7512]  Pechanec, J. and D. Moffat, "The PKCS #11 URI Scheme",
              RFC 7512, DOI 10.17487/RFC7512, April 2015,

   [RFC8410]  Josefsson, S. and J. Schaad, "Algorithm Identifiers for
              Ed25519, Ed448, X25519, and X448 for Use in the Internet
              X.509 Public Key Infrastructure", RFC 8410,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8410, August 2018,

              Latze, C. and N. Mavrogiannopoulos, "The TPMKEY URI
              Scheme", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              mavrogiannopoulos-tpmuri-01, 25 January 2013,

              Bottomley, J., "ASN.1 Specification for TPM 2.0 Key
              Files", April 2023, <

   [TPMv2]    Trusted Computing Group, "TPM 2.0 Library Specification",
              March 2013, <

   [NFC]      Davis, M. and K. Whistler, "Unicode Standard Annex #15:
              Unicode Normalization Forms", February 2016,

13.2.  Informative References

   [PKCS11]   OASIS PKCS#11 Technical Committee, "PKCS #11 Cryptographic
              Token Interface Base Specification Version 2.40", May
              2016, <

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   [RFC1423]  Balenson, D., "Privacy Enhancement for Internet Electronic
              Mail: Part III: Algorithms, Modes, and Identifiers",
              RFC 1423, DOI 10.17487/RFC1423, February 1993,

   [RFC5246]  Dierks, T. and E. Rescorla, "The Transport Layer Security
              (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2", RFC 5246,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5246, August 2008,

   [RFC6347]  Rescorla, E. and N. Modadugu, "Datagram Transport Layer
              Security Version 1.2", RFC 6347, DOI 10.17487/RFC6347,
              January 2012, <>.

Appendix A.  Acknowledgements

Appendix B.  DSA Private key description

   The following figure describes the ASN.1 description of DSA private
   keys generated by the openssl application.  Today the DER encoding of
   this format is a widely accepted standard format for storing DSA
   private keys.  The stored format may be either a raw DER encoding, or
   a PEM encoding with the header "BEGIN DSA PRIVATE KEY".


   DSAPrivateKey ::= SEQUENCE {
       version  INTEGER, -- should be zero
       p        INTEGER,
       q        INTEGER,
       g        INTEGER,
       pub      INTEGER, -- public
       priv     INTEGER, -- private

Authors' Addresses

   David Woodhouse
   Amazon Web Services
   United Kingdom

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   Nikos Mavrogiannopoulos
   Czech Republic

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