Internet DRAFT - draft-wu-savnet-inter-domain-architecture


Internet Engineering Task Force                                    D. Li
Internet-Draft                                                     J. Wu
Intended status: Standards Track                     Tsinghua University
Expires: 5 September 2024                                       M. Huang
                                                                 L. Chen
                                                 Zhongguancun Laboratory
                                                                 N. Geng
                                                                  L. Liu
                                                 Zhongguancun Laboratory
                                                                  L. Qin
                                                     Tsinghua University
                                                            4 March 2024

      Inter-domain Source Address Validation (SAVNET) Architecture


   This document introduces an inter-domain SAVNET architecture for
   performing AS-level SAV and provides a comprehensive framework for
   guiding the design of inter-domain SAV mechanisms.  The proposed
   architecture empowers ASes to generate SAV rules by sharing SAV-
   specific information between themselves, which can be used to
   generate more accurate and trustworthy SAV rules in a timely manner
   compared to the general information.  During the incremental or
   partial deployment of SAV-specific information, it can utilize
   general information to generate SAV rules, if an AS's SAV-specific
   information is unavailable.  Rather than delving into protocol
   extensions or implementations, this document primarily concentrates
   on proposing SAV-specific and general information and guiding how to
   utilize them to generate SAV rules.  To this end, it also defines
   some architectural components and their relations.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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Internet-Draft      Inter-domain SAVNET Architecture          March 2024

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 5 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Design Goals  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Inter-domain SAVNET Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  SAV-related Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     5.1.  General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.1.1.  RPKI ROA objects and ASPA Objects . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.1.2.  Local Routing Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       5.1.3.  IRR Data  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.2.  SAV-specific Information  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.3.  Distinctions of Different SAV-related Information . . . .  13
   6.  SAV Information Base  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   7.  SAVNET Communication Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     7.1.  SAV-specific Information Communication Mechanism  . . . .  18
     7.2.  General Information Communication Mechanism . . . . . . .  20
     7.3.  Management Mechanism  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
   8.  Use Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  20
     8.1.  SAV at Customer Interfaces  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       8.1.1.  Limited Propagation of Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . .  21
       8.1.2.  Hidden Prefixes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
       8.1.3.  Reflection Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  24
       8.1.4.  Direct Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
     8.2.  SAV at Provider/Peer Interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27
       8.2.1.  Reflection Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  27

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       8.2.2.  Direct Attacks  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  28
   9.  Partial/Incremental Deployment Considerations . . . . . . . .  30
   10. Convergence Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   11. Manageability Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  32
   12. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  33
   13. Privacy Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
   14. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  34
   15. Scope and Assumptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  35
   16. Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
   17. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
     17.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  36
     17.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
   Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  38

1.  Introduction

   Attacks based on source IP address spoofing, such as reflective DDoS
   and flooding attacks, continue to present significant challenges to
   Internet security.  Mitigating these attacks in inter-domain networks
   requires effective source address validation (SAV).  While BCP84
   [RFC3704] [RFC8704] offers some SAV solutions, such as ACL-based
   ingress filtering and uRPF-based mechanisms, existing inter-domain
   SAV mechanisms have limitations in terms of validation accuracy and
   operational overhead in different scenarios [inter-domain-ps].

   There are various existing general information from different sources
   including RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects, RIB, FIB, and Internet
   Routing Registry (IRR) data, which can be used for inter-domain SAV.
   Generating SAV rules based on general information, however, cannot
   well satisfy the requirements for new inter-domain SAV mechanisms
   proposed in [inter-domain-ps].  As analyzed in Section 5, general
   information from RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects can be used to
   infer the prefixes and their permissible incoming directions yet
   cannot be updated in a timely manner to adapt to the prefix or route
   changes, and the local routing information, which represents the
   general information from RIB or FIB, cannot deal with the asymmetric
   routing scenarios and may lead to improper blocks or improper
   permits, while IRR data do not update in a timely manner either and
   are not always accurate.

   Consequently, to address these issues, the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture focuses on providing a comprehensive framework and
   guidelines for the design and implementation of new inter-domain SAV
   mechanisms.  Inter-domain SAVNET architecture proposes SAV-specific
   information and uses it to generate SAV rules.  SAV-specific
   information consists of prefixes and their corresponding legitimate
   incoming direction to enter an AS.  Inter-domain SAVNET architecture

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   can use it to generate more accurate SAV rules.  In order to gather
   the SAV-specific information, a SAV-specific information
   communication mechanism would be developed for origination,
   processing, propagation, and termination of the messages which carry
   the SAV-specific information, and it can be implemented by a new
   protocol or extending an existing protocol.  When the prefixes or
   routes change, it can update the SAV-specific information
   automatically in a timely manner.  Also, the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture will communicate the SAV-specific information over a
   secure connection between authenticated ASes.

   Moreover, during the incremental/partial deployment period of the
   SAV-specific information, the inter-domain SAVNET architecture can
   leverage the general information to generate SAV rules, if the SAV-
   specific information of an AS is unavailable.  Multiple information
   sources may exist concurrently, to determine the one used for
   generating SAV rules, the inter-domain SAVNET architecture assigns
   priorities to the SAV-specific information and different general
   information and generates SAV rules using the SAV-related information
   with the highest-priority.  SAV-specific information has the highest
   priority and the priorities of RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects,
   RIB, FIB, and IRR data decrease in turn.

   | AS 1 (P1) #
   +-----------+ \
                  \           Spoofed Packets
                +-+#+-------+ with Source Addresses in P1 +-----------+
                |    AS 2   #-----------------------------#   AS 4    |
                +-+#+-------+                             +-----------+
   +-----------+ /
   |   AS 3    #
   AS 4 sends spoofed packets with source addresses in P1 to AS 3
   through AS 2.
   If AS 1 and AS 2 deploy inter-domain SAV, the spoofed packets
   can be blocked at AS 2.

      Figure 1: An example for illustrating the incentive of deploying
                     inter-domain SAVNET architecture.

   The inter-domain SAVNET architecture provides the incentive to deploy
   inter-domain SAV for operators.  Figure 1 illustrates this using an
   example.  P1 is the source prefix of AS 1, and AS 4 sends spoofing
   packets with P1 as source addresses to AS 3 through AS 2.  Assume AS
   4 does not deploy intra-domain SAV, these spoofing packets cannot be
   blocked by AS 4.  Although AS 1 can deploy intra-domain SAV to block

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   incoming packets which spoof the addresses of AS 1, these spoofing
   traffic from AS 4 to AS 3 do not go through AS 1, so they cannot be
   blocked by AS 1.  Inter-domain SAVNET architecture can help in this
   scenario.  If AS 1 and AS 2 deploy inter-domain SAVNET architecture,
   AS 2 knows that the packets with P1 as source addresses should come
   from AS 1, and the spoofing packets can thus be blocked by AS 2 since
   they come from the incorrect direction.  Specifically, by proposing
   SAV-specific information and using it to generate SAV rules, the
   inter-domain SAVNET architecture gives more deployment incentive
   compared to existing inter-domain SAV mechanisms, which will be
   analyzed in Section 8.

   In addition, this document primarily proposes a high-level
   architecture for describing the communication flow of SAV-specific
   information and general information, guiding how to utilize the SAV-
   specific information and general information for generating SAV rules
   and deploy an inter-domain SAV mechanism between ASes.  This document
   does not specify protocol extensions or implementations.  Its purpose
   is to provide a conceptual framework and guidance for the design and
   development of inter-domain SAV mechanisms, allowing implementers to
   adapt and implement the architecture based on their specific
   requirements and network environments.

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

2.  Terminology

   SAV Rule:
      The rule that indicates the validity of a specific source IP
      address or source IP prefix.

   SAV Table:
      The table or data structure that implements the SAV rules and is
      used for performing source address validation on the data plane.

   SAV-specific Information:
      The information that is specialized for SAV rule generation,
      includes the source prefixes and their legitimate incoming
      directions to enter an AS, and is gathered by the communication
      between ASes with the SAV-specific information communication

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   SAV-specific Information Communication Mechanism:
      The mechanism that is used to communicate SAV-specific information
      between ASes and can be implemented by a new protocol or an
      extension to an existing protocol.

   Local Routing Information:
      The information that is stored in ASBR's local RIB or FIB and can
      be used to generate SAV rules in addition to the routing purpose.

   General Information:
      The information that is not specialized for SAV but can be
      utilized to generate SAV rules, and is initially utilized for
      other purposes.  Currently, the general information consists of
      the information from RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects, local
      routing information, and the one from IRR data.

   SAV-related Information:
      The information that can be used to generate SAV rules and
      includes SAV-specific information and general information.

   SAVNET Agent:
      The agent within a SAVNET-adopting AS that is responsible for
      gathering SAV-related information and utilizing it to generate SAV

   SAV Information Base:
      SAV information base is a table or data structure for storing SAV-
      related information collected from different SAV information
      sources and is a component within SAVNET agent.

   SAV Information Base Manager:
      SAV information base manager maitains the SAV-related information
      in the SAV information base and uses it to generate SAV rule
      accordingly, and is a component within SAVNET agent.

   Improper Block:
      The validation results that the packets with legitimate source
      addresses are blocked improperly due to inaccurate SAV rules.

   Improper Permit:
      The validation results that the packets with spoofed source
      addresses are permitted improperly due to inaccurate SAV rules.

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3.  Design Goals

   The inter-domain SAVNET architecture aims to improve SAV accuracy and
   facilitate partial deployment with low operational overhead, while
   guaranteeing convergence and providing security guarantees to the
   communicated information, which corresponds to the requirements for
   new inter-domain SAV mechanisms proposed in the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture draft [inter-domain-ps].  The overall goal can be broken
   down into the following aspects:

   *  *G1*: The inter-domain SAVNET architecture should learn the real
      paths of source prefixes to any destination prefixes or
      permissible paths that can cover their real paths, and generate
      accurate SAV rules automatically based on the learned information
      to avoid improper blocks and reduce improper permits as much as

   *  *G2*: The inter-domain SAVNET architecture should provide
      sufficient protection for the source prefixes of ASes that deploy
      it, even if only a portion of the Internet does the deployment.

   *  *G3*: The inter-domain SAVNET architecture should adapt to dynamic
      networks and asymmetric routing scenarios automatically.

   *  *G4*: The inter-domain SAVNET architecture should promptly detect
      the network changes and launch the convergence process in a timely
      manner, while reducing improper blocks and improper permits during
      the convergence process.

   *  *G5*: The inter-domain SAVNET architecture should provide security
      guarantees for the communicated SAV-specific information.

   Other design goals, such as low operational overhead and easy
   implementation, are also very important and should be considered in
   specific protocols or protocol extensions.

4.  Inter-domain SAVNET Architecture Overview

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    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+       +--------------------+
    |RPKI Cache Server/IRR DB|       | AS X's Provider AS |
    +~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~+       +------------+/\+/\+-+
      ROA & ASPA |                 BGP /            |  |
   Obj./IRR Data |            Message /             |  |
                 |                   /              |  | BGP
   +-----------+\/+----------------+\/+-+           |  | Message
   |                AS X                |  BGP  +--------------+
   | +--------------------------------+ |<------|AS X's Lateral|
   | |          SAVNET Agent          | |Message|   Peer  AS   |
   | +--------------------------------+ |       +--------------+
           |  |                   |  |
       BGP |  | SAV-specific      |  |
   Message |  | Message           |  |
   +------------------+           |  |
   |AS X's Customer AS|           |  |
   +-------+/\+-------+           |  |
             \                    |  |
          BGP \  SAV-specific     |  | BGP
       Message \ Message          |  | Message
       |          AS X's Customer AS        |
       | +--------------------------------+ |
       | |         SAVNET Agent           | |
       | +--------------------------------+ |
   AS X and one of its customer ASes have deployed SAVNET agent
   and can exchange SAV-specific information with each other.

                Figure 2: Inter-domain SAVNET architecture.

   Figure 2 provides an overview of the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture, showcasing an AS topology and the flow of SAV-related
   information among ASes.  The topology captures the full spectrum of
   AS relationships in the Internet, displaying all peer ASes of AS X
   including customers, lateral peers, and providers and the existence
   of multiple physical links between ASes.  Arrows in the figure
   indicate the direction of the corresponding SAV-related information
   from its source to AS X, such as gathering RPKI ROA objects and ASPA
   objects from RPKI cache server.  The inter-domain SAVNET architecture
   conveys the SAV-related information through various mediums such as
   SAV-specific messages, BGP messages, RTR messages, and FTP messages.
   Based on the SAV-related information, AS X generates SAV rules.  It
   is also worth noting that the inter-domain SAVNET architecture
   discusses AS-level inter-domain SAV.

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   Figure 2 uses AS X as the representative to illustrate that what SAV-
   related information the SAVNET agent within AS X will collect and
   where the information is from.  AS X has deployed SAVNET agent and
   can generate SAV rules to perform inter-domain SAV by consolidating
   the SAV-related information.  It can obtain SAV-specific information
   from its customer AS which deploys SAVNET agent and local routing
   information originating from the BGP update messages of its neighbor
   ASes.  Also, AS X can obtain RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects from
   RPKI cache server and IRR data from IRR database.

   The inter-domain SAVNET architecture proposes SAV-specific
   information, which is more accurate and trustworthy than existing
   general information, and can update in a timely manner.  SAV-specific
   information consists of prefixes and their legitimate incoming
   directions.  The SAVNET agent communicates SAV-specific information
   between ASes via SAV-specific messages, when prefixes or routes
   change, it can launch SAV-specific messages timely to update SAV-
   specific information.  Additionally, when SAVNET agent receives SAV-
   specific messages, it will validate whether the SAV-specific
   connections for communicating SAV-specific messages are authentic
   connections from authenticated ASes.  Therefore, when SAV-specific
   information of an AS is available, SAVNET agent will use it to
   generate SAV rules.

   Furthermore, if the SAV-specific information is needed to communicate
   between ASes, a new SAV-specific information communication mechanism
   would be developed to exchange the SAV-specific messages between ASes
   which carry the SAV-specific information.  It should define the data
   structure or format for communicating the SAV-specific information
   and the operations and timing for originating, processing,
   propagating, and terminating the SAV-specific messages.  Also, it can
   be implemented by a new protocol or extending an existing protocol.

   The SAVNET agent should launch SAV-specific messages to adapt to the
   route changes in a timely manner.  The SAV-specific information
   communication mechanism should handle route changes carefully to
   avoid improper blocks.  The reasons for leading to improper blocks
   may include late detection of route changes, delayed message
   transmission, or packet losses.  During the convergence process of
   the SAV-specific information communication mechanism, the inter-
   domain SAVNET architecture can use the information from RPKI ROA
   objects and ASPA objects to generate SAV rules until the convergence
   process is finished, since these information includes topological
   information and is more stable, and can thus avoid improper blocks.
   However, the detailed design of the SAV-specific information
   communication mechanism for dealing with route changes is outside the
   scope of this document.

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   In the incremental/partial deployment stage of the inter-domain
   SAVNET architecture, when the SAV-specific information of some ASes
   is unavailable, SAVNET agent can leverage general information to
   generate SAV rules.  If all these general information is available,
   it is recommended to use RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects to
   generate SAV rules.  Since compared to the local routing information
   and IRR data, they can provide authoritative prefixes and topological
   information and have less improper blocks.  The systematic
   recommendations for the utilizations of SAV-related information and
   the corresponding rationale will be illustrated in Section 6.

   Regarding the security concerns, the inter-domain SAVNET architecture
   shares the similar security threats with BGP and can leverage
   existing BGP security mechanisms to enhance both session and content

   |                         Other ASes                        |
                                              | SAV-specific
                                              | Messages
   |                           AS X           |                |
   | +-------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |                      SAVNET Agent      |              | |
   | |                                       \/              | |
   | | +---------------------+  +--------------------------+ | |
   | | | General Information |  | SAV-specific Information | | |
   | | +---------------------+  +--------------------------+ | |
   | |            |                           |              | |
   | |           \/                          \/              | |
   | | +---------------------------------------------------+ | |
   | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ | | |
   | | | |              SAV Information Base             | | | |
   | | | +-----------------------------------------------+ | | |
   | | |            SAV Information Base Manager           | | |
   | | +---------------------------------------------------+ | |
   | |                          |SAV Rules                   | |
   | +-------------------------------------------------------+ |
   |                            |                              |
   |                           \/                              |
   | +-------------------------------------------------------+ |
   | |                      SAV Table                        | |
   | +-------------------------------------------------------+ |

       Figure 3: SAVNET agent and SAV table within AS X in Figure 2.

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   Figure 3 displays the SAVNET agent and SAV table within AS X.  The
   SAVNET agent can obtain the SAV-specific information and general
   information from various SAV information sources including SAV-
   specific messages from other ASes, RPKI cache server, and RIB or FIB
   as long as they are available.  The SAV information base (SIB) within
   the SAVNET agent can store the SAV-specific information and general
   information and is maintained by the SIB manager.  And SIB manager
   generates SAV rules based on the SIB and fills out the SAV table on
   the data plane.  Moreover, the SIB can be managed by network
   operators using various methods such as YANG [RFC6020], Command-Line
   Interface (CLI), remote triggered black hole (RTBH) [RFC5635], and
   Flowspec [RFC8955].  The detailed collection methods of the SAV-
   related information depend on the deployment and implementation of
   the inter-domain SAV mechanisms and are out of scope for this

   In the data plane, the packets coming from other ASes will be
   validated by the SAV table and only the packets which are permitted
   by the SAV table will be forwarded to the next hop.  To achieve this,
   the router looks up each packet's source address in its local SAV
   table and gets one of three validity states: "Valid", "Invalid" or
   "Unknown".  "Valid" means that there is a source prefix in SAV table
   covering the source address of the packet and the valid incoming
   interfaces covering the actual incoming interface of the packet.
   According to the SAV principle, "Valid" packets will be forwarded.
   "Invalid" means there is a source prefix in SAV table covering the
   source address, but the incoming interface of the packet does not
   match any valid incoming interface so that such packets will be
   dropped.  "Unknown" means there is no source prefix in SAV table
   covering the source address.  The packet with "unknown" addresses can
   be dropped or permitted, which depends on the choice of operators.
   The structure and detailed usage of SAV table can refer to

5.  SAV-related Information

   SAV-related information represents the information that can be used
   for SAV and consists of RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects, local
   routing information, IRR data, and SAV-specific information.  In the
   inter-domain SAVNET architecture, RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects,
   local routing information, and IRR data are categorized into general
   information.  In the future, if a new information source is created
   and can be used for SAV, but is not originally and specially used for
   SAV, its information can be categorized into general information.  In
   other words, general information can also be considered as dual-use

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5.1.  General Information

   General information refers to the information that is not directly
   designed for SAV but can be utilized to generate SAV rules, and
   includes RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects, local routing
   information, and IRR data.

5.1.1.  RPKI ROA objects and ASPA Objects

   The RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects are originally designed for the
   routing security purpose.  RPKI ROA objects consists of {prefix,
   maximum length, origin AS} information and are originally used to
   mitigate the route origin hijacking, while RPKI ASPA objects consists
   of {ASN, Provider AS Set} information and are originally used to
   mitigate the route leaks.  Both the objects are verified and
   authoritative.  They are also stable and will not be updated

   Based on ASPA objects, the AS-level network topology can be
   constructed.  And according to the ROA objects and the constructed
   AS-level topology information, an AS can learn all the permissible
   paths of the prefixes from its customer cone.  Therefore, the
   prefixes and all its permissible incoming directions can be obtained.
   All the permissible incoming directions, however, do not only consist
   of the real incoming directions of the prefixes, but also the extra
   non-used incoming directions by the legitimate traffic, which would
   lead to improper permits.

   Additionally, according to a recent study [rpki-time-of-flight], the
   process of updating RPKI information typically requires several
   minutes to an hour.  This encompasses the addition or deletion of
   RPKI objects and the subsequent retrieval of updated information by

5.1.2.  Local Routing Information

   The local routing information is originally used to guide the packet
   forwarding on each router and can be stored in the local RIB or FIB.
   It can be parsed from the BGP update messages communicated between
   ASes.  Existing uRPF-based SAV mechanisms use the local routing
   information to generate SAV rules.  As analyzed in [inter-domain-ps],
   in the asymmetric routing scenarios, these mechanisms have accuracy
   problems and would lead to improper permits or improper blocks.

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5.1.3.  IRR Data

   The IRR data consist of ASes and their corresponding prefixes and can
   be used to augment the SAV table [RFC8704].  However, only using IRR
   data for SAV would limit the functioning scope of SAV, in inter-
   domain networks, it may only be able to prevent spoofing by a stub
   AS.  In addition, the IRR data are not always accurate.

5.2.  SAV-specific Information

   SAV-specific information is the information that is specifically
   designed for SAV and consists of prefixes and their legitimate
   incoming directions to enter ASes.  It can be contained in the SAV-
   specific messages which are communicated between ASes which deploy
   the inter-domain SAVNET architecture.  When parsing the SAV-specific
   messages and obtaining the SAV-specific information, ASes can learn
   the prefixes and their legitimate incoming direction to enter

   Moreover, in the inter-domain SAVNET architecture, a SAV-specific
   information communication mechanism is used to communicate SAV-
   specific information between ASes and distribute the updated
   information to the relative ASes automatically in a timely manner
   once the prefixes or routes change.

5.3.  Distinctions of Different SAV-related Information

   | SAV-related Information |  Accurate |Real-time |Trustworthiness|
   |                         |    SAV    | Update   |               |
   |           |RPKI ROA Obj.|           |    NO    |      YES      |
   |           | & ASPA Obj. |           |          |               |
   |           +-------------+  Improper +----------+---------------+
   |General    |Local Routing|   Block   |    YES   |       NO      |
   |Information| Information |     &     |          |               |
   |           +-------------+  Improper +----------+---------------+
   |           |  IRR Data   |   Permit  |    NO    |       NO      |
   |           |             |           |          |               |
   |                         |Functioning|          |               |
   |SAV-specific Information |    as     |    YES   |       YES     |
   |                         | Expected  |          |               |

      Figure 4: The comprehensive comparasions between different SAV-
                            related information.

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   Figure 4 shows the comprehensive comparasions between different SAV-
   related information when only using the corresponding information as
   the source to generate SAV rules and can help clarify their
   distinctions.  Compared against general information, SAV-specific
   information is more accurate and trustworthy, while it can update the
   SAV rules in a timely manner to adapt to the prefix or route changes.

6.  SAV Information Base

   |              SAV Information Sources              |Priorities|
   |              SAV-specific Information             |     1    |
   |                     | RPKI ROA Obj. and ASPA Obj. |     2    |
   |                     +-----------------------------+----------+
   |                     |             RIB             |     3    |
   | General Information +-----------------------------+----------+
   |                     |             FIB             |     4    |
   |                     +-----------------------------+----------+
   |                     |           IRR Data          |     5    |
   Priority ranking from 1 to 5 represents high to low priority.

        Figure 5: Priority ranking for the SAV information sources.

   The SIB is managed by the SIB manager, which can consolidate SAV-
   related information from different sources.  Figure 5 presents the
   priority ranking for the SAV-specific information and general
   information.  Priority ranking from 1 to 5 represents high to low
   priority.  Inter-domain SAVNET architecture uses SAV-related
   information from different sources based on their priorities.  Once
   the SAV-specific information for a prefix is available within the
   SIB, the inter-domain SAVNET generates SAV rules based on SAV-
   specific information; otherwise, the inter-domain SAVNET generates
   SAV rules based on general information.  The inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture assigns priorities to the information from different SAV
   information sources, and always generates the SAV rules using the
   information with the highest priority from all the available

   The priority ranking recommendation for different SAV information
   sources in Figure 5 is based on the accuracy, timeliness, trustness
   of the information from these sources.  These properties determine
   that whether the requirements for new inter-domain SAV mechanisms
   proposed in [inter-domain-ps] can be well satisfied.  SAV-specific
   information has higher priority than the general information, since
   it is specifically designed to carry more accurate SAV information,

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   and can be updated in a timely manner to adapt to the prefix or route
   changes.  The general information from RPKI ROA objects and ASPA
   objects, RIB, FIB, IRR data has different priorities, ranking 2, 3,
   4, and 5, respectively.  RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects have
   higher priority than the one from RIB, FIB, and IRR data, this is
   because they can provide authoritative prefixes and topology
   information, which can be used to generate more accurate SAV rules.
   Also, they are more stable and can be used to reduce the risk of
   improper blocks during the convergence process of the network.
   Although the information source for RIB and FIB is the same, the RIB
   consists of more backup path information than the FIB, which can
   reduce improper blocks.  IRR data have the lowest priority compared
   to others, since they are usually updated in a slower manner than the
   real network changes and not always correct.

                           |    AS 3(P3)    |
                              /        \  \
                    P3[AS 3] /          \  \ P3[AS 3]
                            /            \  \
                           / (C2P)        \  \
                  +----------------+       \  \
                  |    AS 4(P4)    |        \  \
                  ++/\+/\+/\+/\+/\++         \  \
     P6[AS 1, AS 2] /  /  |  |    \           \  \
          P2[AS 2] /  /   |  |     \           \  \
                  /  /    |  |      \           \  \
                 /  /     |  |       \ P5[AS 5]  \  \ P5[AS 5]
                /  /      |  |        \           \  \
               /  /(C2P)  |  |         \           \  \
   +----------------+     |  |          \           \  \
   |    AS 2(P2)    |     |  | P1[AS 1]  \           \  \
   +--------+/\+----+     |  | P6[AS 1]   \           \  \
     P6[AS 1] \           |  | NO_EXPORT   \           \  \
      P1[AS 1] \          |  |              \           \  \
      NO_EXPORT \         |  |               \           \  \
                 \ (C2P)  |  | (C2P/P2P) (C2P)\     (C2P) \  \
              +----------------+              +----------------+
              |  AS 1(P1, P6)  |              |    AS 5(P5)    |
              +----------------+              +----------------+
   Both AS 1 and AS 4 deploy the inter-domain SAVNET architecture
   and can exchange the SAV-specific information with each other,
   while other ASes do not deploy it.

                    Figure 6: An example of AS topology.

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   |Index|Prefix|Incoming Direction|Relation| SAV Information Source |
   |  0  |  P1  |       AS 2       |Customer|SAV-specific Information|
   |  1  |  P1  |       AS 1       |Customer|  General Information   |
   |  2  |  P2  |       AS 2       |Customer|  General Information   |
   |  3  |  P3  |       AS 3       |Provider|  General Information   |
   |  4  |  P5  |       AS 3       |Provider|  General Information   |
   |  5  |  P5  |       AS 5       |Customer|  General Information   |
   |  6  |  P6  |       AS 2       |Customer|  General Information   |
   |     |      |                  |        |SAV-specific Information|
   |  7  |  P6  |       AS 1       |Customer|  General Information   |

        Figure 7: An example for the SAV information base of AS 4 in
                                 Figure 6.

   We use the examples shown in Figure 6 and Figure 7 to introduce SIB
   and illustrate how to generate SAV rules based on the SIB.  Figure 7
   depicts an example of the SIB established in AS 4 displayed in
   Figure 6.  Each row of the SIB contains an index, prefix, incoming
   direction of the prefix, reltation between ASes, and the
   corresponding sources of the information.  The incoming direction
   consists of customer, provider, and peer.  For example, in Figure 7,
   the row with index 0 indicates the incoming direction of P1 is AS 2
   and the information source is SAV-specific information.  Note that
   the same SAV-related information may have multiple sources and the
   SIB records them all, such as the row indexed 6.  Moreover, SIB
   should be carefully implemented in the specific protocol or protocol
   extensions to avoid becoming a heavy burden of the router, and the
   similar optimization approaches used for the RIB may be applied.

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   Recall that inter-domain SAVNET architecture generates SAV rules
   based on the SAV-related information in the SIB and their priorities.
   In addition, in the case of an AS's interfaces facing provider or
   lateral peer ASes where loose SAV rules are applicable, the inter-
   domain SAVNET architecture recommends to use blocklist at such
   directions to only block the prefixes that are sure not to come at
   these directions, while in the case of an AS's interfaces facing
   customer ASes that necessitate stricter SAV rules, the inter-domain
   SAVNET architecture recommends to use allowlist to only permit the
   prefixes that are allowed to come at these directions.

   Based on the above rules, taking the SIB in Figure 7 as an example to
   illustrate how the inter-domain SAVNET generates rules, AS 4 can
   conduct SAV as follows: SAV at the interfaces facing AS 3 blocks P1,
   P2, and P6 according to the rows indexed 0, 2, and 6 in the SIB, SAV
   at the interfaces facing AS 2 permits P1, P2, and P6 according to the
   rows indexed 0, 2, and 6 in the SIB, SAV at the interfaces facing AS
   1 does not permit any prefixes according to the row indexed 0, 1, 6,
   and 7 in the SIB, and SAV at the interfaces facing AS 5 permits P5
   according to the row indexed 5 in the SIB.

7.  SAVNET Communication Mechanism

   +------+  SAV-specific Information
   |      |  Communication Mechanism  +-----------------------------+
   |      |<==========================|  SAVNET Agent in other ASes |
   |      |                           +-----------------------------+
   |      |                         +---------------------------------+
   |      |                         | +-----------------------------+ |
   |      |                         | | RPKI ROA Obj. and ASPA Obj. | |
   |      |                         | +-----------------------------+ |
   |      |                         | +-----------------------------+ |
   |      |  General Information    | |             RIB             | |
   |SAVNET| Communication Mechanism | +-----------------------------+ |
   |Agent |<------------------------| +-----------------------------+ |
   |      |                         | |             FIB             | |
   |      |                         | +-----------------------------+ |
   |      |                         | +-----------------------------+ |
   |      |                         | |         IRR Database        | |
   |      |                         | +-----------------------------+ |
   |      |                         +---------------------------------+
   |      |  Management Mechanism   +-----------------------------+
   |      |<------------------------|      Network Operators      |
   |      |                         +-----------------------------+

        Figure 8: SAVNET communication mechanism for gathering SAV-
        related information from different SAV information sources.

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   SAV-specific information relies on the communication between SAVNET
   agents and general information can be from RPKI ROA objects and ASPA
   objects, RIB, FIB, and IRR data.  Therefore, as illustrated in
   Figure 8, the SAVNET agent needs to receive the SAV-related
   information from these SAV information sources.  SAVNET agent also
   needs to accept the configurations from network operators for the
   management operations.  Gathering these types of information relies
   on the SAVNET communication mechanism, which includes SAV-specific
   information communication mechanism, general information
   communication mechanism, and management mechanism.

7.1.  SAV-specific Information Communication Mechanism

   +------------------+                        +------------------+
   |   AS 1 (P1, P6)  | SAV-specific Messages  |     AS X (P4)    |
   | +-------------+  | (P1, AS 2), (P6, AS 2) |  +-------------+ |
   | |    SAVNET   |--|------------------------|->|    SAVNET   | |
   | |    Agent    |<-|------------------------|--|    Agent    | |
   | +-------------+  |      (P4, AS X)        |  +-------------+ |
   +------------------+  SAV-specific Messages +------------------+

     Figure 9: An example for exchanging SAV-specific information with
     SAV-specific information communication mechanism between AS 1 and
                                   AS X.

   Figure 9 uses an example for exchanging SAV-specific information with
   SAV-specific messages between AS 1 and AS X.  The SAV-specific
   information can be expressed as <Prefix, Incoming Direction> pairs,
   e.g., (P1, AS 2), (P6, AS 2), and (P4, AS X) in Figure 9.

   The SAV-specific information can be exchanged between ASes via SAV-
   specific messages.  SAV-specific messages are used to propagate or
   originate the SAV-specific information between ASes by the SAVNET
   agent.  For an AS which initiates its own SAV-specific messages, the
   SAVNET agent within the AS can obtain incoming direction of its own
   prefixes to enter other ASes based on the local RIB and uses SAV-
   specific messages to carry the AS's prefixes to the corresponding
   ASes.  When other ASes receive the SAV-specific messages, they parse
   the messages to obtain source prefixes and their corresponding
   incoming directions to enter these ASes.

   Additionally, if SAV-specific information is communicated between
   ASes, a new SAV-specific information communication mechanism would
   need to be developed to communicate it and can be implemented by a
   new protocol or extending an existing protocol.  The SAV-specific
   information communication mechanism needs to define the data
   structure or format to communicate the SAV-specific messages and the
   operations and timing for originating, processing, propagating, and

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   terminating the messages.  If an extension to an existing protocol is
   used to exchange SAV-specific information, the corresponding existing
   protocol should not be affected.  The SAVNET agent is the entity to
   support the SAV-specific communication mechanism.  By parsing the
   SAV-specific messages, it obtains the prefixes and their incoming AS
   direction for maintaining the SIB.  It is important to note that the
   SAVNET agent within an AS has the capability to establish connections
   with multiple SAVNET agents within different ASes, relying on either
   manual configurations by operators or an automatic mechanism.  In
   addition, SAVNET agents should validate the authenticity of the
   connection for communicating the SAV-specific information to verify
   whether the SAV-specific information is provided over a secure
   connection with an authenticated AS.

   The need for a SAV-specific communication mechanism arises from the
   facts that the SAV-specific information needs to be obtained and
   communicated between ASes.  Different from the general information
   such as routing information from the RIB, there are no existing
   mechanism which can support the perception and communication of SAV-
   specific information between ASes.  Hence, a SAV-specific
   communication mechanism is needed to provide a medium and set of
   rules to establish communication between different ASes for the
   exchange of SAV-specific information.

   Furthermore, an AS needs to assemble its source prefixes into the
   SAV-specific messages.  In order to obtain all the source prefixes of
   an AS, the inter-domain SAVNET architecture can communicate with the
   intra-domain SAVNET architecture [intra-domain-arch] to obtain all
   the prefixes belonging to an AS.

   The preferred AS paths of an AS may change over time due to route
   changes or network failures.  The SAVNET agent should launch SAV-
   specific messages to adapt to the route changes in a timely manner.
   The SAV-specific information communication mechanism should handle
   route changes carefully to avoid improper blocks.  The reasons for
   leading to improper blocks may include late detection of route
   changes, delayed message transmission, or packet losses.  However,
   the detailed design of SAV-specific information communication
   mechanism for dealing with route changes is outside the scope of this

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7.2.  General Information Communication Mechanism

   The general information communication mechanism is used for
   communicating routing information between ASes, obtaining RPKI ROA
   objects and ASPA objects from RPKI cache servers, and obtaining the
   information about ASes and their prefixes from IRR databases.  The
   general communication mechanism can be implemented by using existing
   protocols for collecting the relative information, such as BGP, RTR
   [RFC8210], and FTP [RFC959].

7.3.  Management Mechanism

   The primary purpose of the management mechanism is to deliver manual
   configurations of network operators.  Examples of the management
   configurations include, but are not limited to:

   *  SAVNET configurations using YANG, CLI, RTBH, or Flowspec.

   *  SAVNET operation.

   *  Inter-domain SAVNET provisioning.

   Note that the configuration information can be delivered at any time
   and requires reliable delivery for the management mechanism
   implementation.  Additionally, the management mechanism can carry
   telemetry information, such as metrics pertaining to forwarding
   performance, the count of spoofing packets and discarded packets,
   provided that the inter-domain SAVNET has access to such data.  It
   can include information regarding the prefixes associated with the
   spoofing traffic, as observed until the most recent time.

8.  Use Cases

   This section utilizes the sample use cases to showcase that the
   inter-domain SAVNET architecture can improve the validation accuracy
   in the scenarios of limited propagation of prefixes, hidden prefixes,
   reflection attacks, and direct attacks, compared to existing SAV
   mechanisms, which are also utilized for the gap analysis of existing
   inter-domain SAV mechanisms in [inter-domain-ps].  In the following,
   these use cases are discussed for SAV at customer interfaces and SAV
   at provider/peer interfaces, respectively.

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8.1.  SAV at Customer Interfaces

   In order to prevent the source address spoofing, operators can enable
   ACL-based ingress filtering, source-based RTBH filtering, and/or
   uRPF-based mechanisms at customer interfaces, namely Strict uRPF, FP-
   uRPF, VRF uRPF, or EFP-uRPF [manrs] [nist].  However, as analyzed in
   [inter-domain-ps], uRPF-based mechanisms may lead to false positives
   in two inter-domain scenarios: limited propagation of prefixes and
   hidden prefixes, or may lead to false negatives in the scenarios of
   source address spoofing attacks within a customer cone, while ACL-
   based ingress filtering and source-based RTBH filtering need to
   update SAV rules in a timely manner and lead to high operational
   overhead.  The following showcases that the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture can avoid false positives and false negatives in these

8.1.1.  Limited Propagation of Prefixes

                           |    AS 3(P3)    |
                              /        \  \
                    P3[AS 3] /          \  \ P3[AS 3]
                            /            \  \
                           / (C2P)        \  \
                  +----------------+       \  \
                  |    AS 4(P4)    |        \  \
                  ++/\+/\+/\+/\+/\++         \  \
                    /  /  |  |    \           \  \
          P2[AS 2] /  /   |  |     \           \  \
                  /  /    |  |      \           \  \
                 /  /     |  |       \ P5[AS 5]  \  \ P5[AS 5]
                /  /      |  |        \           \  \
               /  /(C2P)  |  |         \           \  \
   +----------------+     |  |          \           \  \
   |    AS 2(P2)    |     |  | P1[AS 1]  \           \  \
   +--------+/\+----+     |  | P6[AS 1]   \           \  \
              \           |  | NO_EXPORT   \           \  \
      P1[AS 1] \          |  |              \           \  \
      NO_EXPORT \         |  |               \           \  \
                 \ (C2P)  |  | (C2P/P2P) (C2P)\     (C2P) \  \
              +----------------+              +----------------+
              |  AS 1(P1, P6)  |              |    AS 5(P5)    |
              +----------------+              +----------------+

      Figure 10: Limited propagation of prefixes caused by NO_EXPORT.

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   Figure 10 presents a scenario where the limited propagation of
   prefixes occurs due to the NO_EXPORT community attribute.  In this
   scenario, AS 1 is a customer of AS 2, AS 2 is a customer of AS 4, AS
   4 is a customer of AS 3, and AS 5 is a customer of both AS 3 and AS
   4.  The relationship between AS 1 and AS 4 can be either customer-to-
   provider (C2P) or peer-to-peer (P2P).  AS 1 advertises prefixes P1 to
   AS 2 and adds the NO_EXPORT community attribute to the BGP
   advertisement sent to AS 2, preventing AS 2 from further propagating
   the route for prefix P1 to AS 4.  Similarly, AS 1 adds the NO_EXPORT
   community attribute to the BGP advertisement sent to AS 4, resulting
   in AS 4 not propagating the route for prefix P6 to AS 3.
   Consequently, AS 4 only learns the route for prefix P1 from AS 1 in
   this scenario.  Suppose AS 1 and AS 4 have deployed inter-domain SAV
   while other ASes have not, and AS 4 has deployed EFP-uRPF at its
   customer interfaces.

   In this scenario, existing uRPF-based SAV mechanisms would block the
   traffic with P1 as source addresses improperly, and thus suffer from
   the problem of false positives [inter-domain-ps].  If the inter-
   domain SAVNET architecture is deployed, AS 1 can communicate the SAV-
   specific information to AS 4 and AS 4 will be aware that the traffic
   with P1 as source addresses can arrive at the interfaces facing AS 1
   and AS 2.  As a result, the false positive problem can be avoided.

8.1.2.  Hidden Prefixes

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                Anycast Server+-+    AS 3(P3)    |
                                   /        \  \
                         P3[AS 3] /          \  \ P3[AS 3]
                                 /            \  \
                                / (C2P)        \  \
                        +----------------+      \  \
                        |    AS 4(P4)    |       \  \
                        ++/\+/\+/\+/\+/\++        \  \
           P6[AS 1, AS 2] /  /  |  |   \           \  \
                P2[AS 2] /  /   |  |    \           \  \
                        /  /    |  |     \           \  \
                       /  /     |  |      \ P5[AS 5]  \  \ P5[AS 5]
                      /  /      |  |       \           \  \
                     /  /(C2P)  |  |        \           \  \
         +----------------+     |  |         \           \  \
   User+-+    AS 2(P2)    |     |  | P1[AS 1] \           \  \
         +--------+/\+----+     |  | P6[AS 1]  \           \  \
           P6[AS 1] \           |  | NO_EXPORT  \           \  \
            P1[AS 1] \          |  |             \           \  \
            NO_EXPORT \         |  |              \           \  \
                       \ (C2P)  |  | (C2P)   (C2P) \     (C2P) \  \
                    +----------------+            +----------------+
       Edge Server+-+  AS 1(P1, P6)  |            |    AS 5(P5)    |
                    +----------------+            +----------------+
   P3 is the anycast prefix and is only advertised by AS 3 through BGP.

             Figure 11: A Direct Server Return (DSR) scenario.

   Figure 11 illustrates a direct server return (DSR) scenario where the
   anycast IP prefix P3 is only advertised by AS 3 through BGP.  In this
   example, AS 3 is the provider of AS 4 and AS 5, AS 4 is the provider
   of AS 1, AS 2, and AS 5, and AS 2 is the provider of AS 1.  AS 1 and
   AS 4 have deployed inter-domain SAV, while other ASes have not.  When
   users in AS 2 send requests to the anycast destination IP, the
   forwarding path is AS 2->AS 4->AS 3.  The anycast servers in AS 3
   receive the requests and tunnel them to the edge servers in AS 1.
   Finally, the edge servers send the content to the users with source
   addresses in prefix P3.  The reverse forwarding path is AS 1->AS
   4->AS 2.

   In this scenario, existing uRPF-based mechanisms will improperly
   block the legitimate response packets from AS 1 at the customer
   interface of AS 4 facing AS 1 [inter-domain-ps].  In contrast, if the
   inter-domain SAVNET architecture is deployed, AS 1 can communicate
   the SAV-specific information to AS 4 and AS 4 will be aware that the
   traffic with P3 as source addresses can arrive at the interfaces

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   facing AS 1 and AS 3.  As a result, the legitimate response packets
   with P3 as source addresses from AS 1 can be allowed and the false
   positive problem can be avoided.

8.1.3.  Reflection Attacks

                                   |    AS 3(P3)    |
                                         /     \  \
                                        /       \  \
                                       /         \  \
                                      / (C2P)     \  \
                             +----------------+    \  \
                             |    AS 4(P4)    |     \  \
                             ++/\+/\+/\+/\+/\++      \  \
                P6[AS 1, AS 2] /  /  |  |    \        \  \
                     P2[AS 2] /  /   |  |     \        \  \
                             /  /    |  |      \        \  \
                            /  /     |  |       \P5[AS 5]\  \ P5[AS 5]
                           /  /      |  |        \        \  \
                          /  /(C2P)  |  |         \        \  \
              +----------------+     |  |          \        \  \
Attacker(P1')-+    AS 2(P2)    |     |  | P1[AS 1]  \        \  \
              +--------+/\+----+     |  | P6[AS 1]   \        \  \
                P6[AS 1] \           |  | NO_EXPORT   \        \  \
                 P1[AS 1] \          |  |              \        \  \
                 NO_EXPORT \         |  |               \        \  \
                            \ (C2P)  |  | (C2P) (C2P)    \  (C2P) \  \
                         +----------------+           +----------------+
                 Victim+-+  AS 1(P1, P6)  |   Server+-+    AS 5(P5)    |
                         +----------------+           +----------------+
P1' is the spoofed source prefix P1 by the attacker which is inside of
AS 2 or connected to AS 2 through other ASes.

    Figure 12: A scenario of reflection attacks by source address
                   spoofing within a customer cone.

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   Figure 12 depicts the scenario of reflection attacks by source
   address spoofing within a customer cone.  The reflection attack by
   source address spoofing takes place within AS 4's customer cone,
   where the attacker spoofs the victim's IP address (P1) and sends
   requests to servers' IP address (P5) that are designed to respond to
   such requests.  As a result, the server sends overwhelming responses
   back to the victim, thereby exhausting its network resources.  The
   arrows in Figure 12 illustrate the commercial relationships between
   ASes.  AS 3 serves as the provider for AS 4 and AS 5, while AS 4 acts
   as the provider for AS 1, AS 2, and AS 5.  Additionally, AS 2 is the
   provider for AS 1.  Suppose AS 1 and AS 4 have deployed inter-domain
   SAV, while the other ASes have not.

   In this scenario, EFP-uRPF with algorithm A/B will improperly permit
   the spoofing attacks originating from AS 2 [inter-domain-ps].  If the
   inter-domain SAVNET architecture is deployed, AS 1 can communicate
   the SAV-specific information to AS 4 and AS 4 will be aware that the
   traffic with P1 as source addresses can only arrive at the interface
   facing AS 1.  Therefore, at the interface of AS 4 facing AS 2, the
   spoofing traffic can be blocked.

8.1.4.  Direct Attacks

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                                   |    AS 3(P3)    |
                                      |        \  \
                                      |         \  \
                                      |          \  \
                                      | (C2P)     \  \
                             +----------------+    \  \
                             |    AS 4(P4)    |     \  \
                             ++/\+/\+/\+/\+/\++      \  \
                P6[AS 1, AS 2] /  /  |  |   \         \  \
                     P2[AS 2] /  /   |  |    \         \  \
                             /  /    |  |     \         \  \
                            /  /     |  |      \P5[AS 5] \  \ P5[AS 5]
                           /  /      |  |       \         \  \
                          /  /(C2P)  |  |        \         \  \
              +----------------+     |  |         \         \  \
Attacker(P5')-+    AS 2(P2)    |     |  | P1[AS 1] \         \  \
              +--------+/\+----+     |  | P6[AS 1]  \         \  \
                P6[AS 1] \           |  | NO_EXPORT  \         \  \
                 P1[AS 1] \          |  |             \         \  \
                 NO_EXPORT \         |  |              \         \  \
                            \ (C2P)  |  | (C2P)   (C2P) \   (C2P) \  \
                         +----------------+           +----------------+
                 Victim+-+  AS 1(P1, P6)  |           |    AS 5(P5)    |
                         +----------------+           +----------------+
P1' is the spoofed source prefix P1 by the attacker which is inside of
AS 2 or connected to AS 2 through other ASes.

    Figure 13: A scenario of the direct attacks by source address
                   spoofing within a customer cone.

   Figure 13 portrays a scenario of direct attacks by source address
   spoofing within a customer cone and is used to analyze the gaps of
   uRPF-based mechanisms below.  The direct attack by source address
   spoofing takes place within AS 4's customer cone, where the attacker
   spoofs a source address (P5) and directly targets the victim's IP
   address (P1), overwhelming its network resources.  The arrows in
   Figure 13 illustrate the commercial relationships between ASes.  AS 3
   serves as the provider for AS 4 and AS 5, while AS 4 acts as the
   provider for AS 1, AS 2, and AS 5.  Additionally, AS 2 is the
   provider for AS 1.  Suppose AS 1 and AS 4 have deployed inter-domain
   SAV, while the other ASes have not.

   In this scenario, EFP-uRPF with algorithm A/B will improperly permit
   the spoofing attacks [inter-domain-ps].  If the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture is deployed, AS 5 can communicate the SAV-specific
   information to AS 4 and AS 4 will be aware that the traffic with P5

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   as source addresses can arrive at the interface facing AS 3 and AS 5.
   Therefore, at the interface of AS 4 facing AS 2, the spoofing traffic
   can be blocked.

8.2.  SAV at Provider/Peer Interfaces

   In order to prevent packets with spoofed source addresses from the
   provider/peer AS, ACL-based ingress filtering, Loose uRPF, and/or
   source-based RTBH filtering can be deployed [nist]. [inter-domain-ps]
   exposes the limitations of ACL-based ingress filtering, source-based
   RTBH filtering, and Loose uRPF for SAV at provider/peer interfaces in
   scenarios of source address spoofing attacks from provider/peer AS.
   The source address spoofing attacks from provider/peer AS include
   reflection attacks from provider/peer AS and direct attacks from
   provider/peer AS.  The following showcases that the inter-domain
   SAVNET architecture can avoid false negatives in these scenarios.

8.2.1.  Reflection Attacks

                  Attacker(P1')+-+    AS 3(P3)    |
                                    /        \  \
                                   /          \  \
                                  /            \  \
                                 / (C2P/P2P)    \  \
                         +----------------+      \  \
                         |    AS 4(P4)    |       \  \
                         ++/\+/\+/\+/\+/\++        \  \
            P6[AS 1, AS 2] /  /  |  |    \          \  \
                 P2[AS 2] /  /   |  |     \          \  \
                         /  /    |  |      \          \  \
                        /  /     |  |       \ P5[AS 5] \  \ P5[AS 5]
                       /  /      |  |        \          \  \
                      /  /(C2P)  |  |         \          \  \
          +----------------+     |  |          \          \  \
  Server+-+    AS 2(P2)    |     |  | P1[AS 1]  \          \  \
          +--------+/\+----+     |  | P6[AS 1]   \          \  \
            P6[AS 1] \           |  | NO_EXPORT   \          \  \
             P1[AS 1] \          |  |              \          \  \
             NO_EXPORT \         |  |               \          \  \
                        \ (C2P)  |  | (C2P)    (C2P) \    (C2P) \  \
                     +----------------+             +----------------+
             Victim+-+  AS 1(P1, P6)  |             |    AS 5(P5)    |
                     +----------------+             +----------------+
  P1' is the spoofed source prefix P1 by the attacker which is inside of
  AS 3 or connected to AS 3 through other ASes.

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      Figure 14: A scenario of reflection attacks by source address
                     spoofing from provider/peer AS.

   Figure 14 depicts the scenario of reflection attacks by source
   address spoofing from provider/peer AS.  In this case, the attacker
   spoofs the victim's IP address (P1) and sends requests to servers' IP
   address (P2) that respond to such requests.  The servers then send
   overwhelming responses back to the victim, exhausting its network
   resources.  The arrows in Figure 14 represent the commercial
   relationships between ASes.  AS 3 acts as the provider or lateral
   peer of AS 4 and the provider for AS 5, while AS 4 serves as the
   provider for AS 1, AS 2, and AS 5.  Additionally, AS 2 is the
   provider for AS 1.  Suppose AS 1 and AS 4 have deployed inter-domain
   SAV, while the other ASes have not.

   Both ACL-based ingress filtering and source-based RTBH filtering will
   induce additional operational overhead, and Loose uRPF may improperly
   permit spoofed packets [inter-domain-ps].  If the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture is deployed, AS 1 can communicate the SAV-specific
   information to AS 4 and AS 4 will be aware that the traffic with P1
   as source addresses can arrive at the interface facing AS 1 and AS 2.
   Therefore, at the interface of AS 4 facing AS 3, the spoofing traffic
   can be blocked.

8.2.2.  Direct Attacks

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           Attacker(P2')+-+    AS 3(P3)    |
                             /        \  \
                            /          \  \
                           /            \  \
                          / (C2P/P2P)    \  \
                 +----------------+       \  \
                 |    AS 4(P4)    |        \  \
                 ++/\+/\+/\+/\+/\++         \  \
    P6[AS 1, AS 2] /  /  |  |    \           \  \
         P2[AS 2] /  /   |  |     \           \  \
                 /  /    |  |      \           \  \
                /  /     |  |       \ P5[AS 5]  \  \ P5[AS 5]
               /  /      |  |        \           \  \
              /  /(C2P)  |  |         \           \  \
  +----------------+     |  |          \           \  \
  |    AS 2(P2)    |     |  | P1[AS 1]  \           \  \
  +--------+/\+----+     |  | P6[AS 1]   \           \  \
    P6[AS 1] \           |  | NO_EXPORT   \           \  \
     P1[AS 1] \          |  |              \           \  \
     NO_EXPORT \         |  |               \           \  \
                \ (C2P)  |  | (C2P)    (C2P) \     (C2P) \  \
             +----------------+              +----------------+
     Victim+-+  AS 1(P1, P6)  |              |    AS 5(P5)    |
             +----------------+              +----------------+
  P2' is the spoofed source prefix P2 by the attacker which is inside of
  AS 3 or connected to AS 3 through other ASes.

        Figure 15: A scenario of direct attacks by source address
                     spoofing from provider/peer AS.

   Figure 15 showcases a scenario of direct attack by source address
   spoofing from provider/peer AS.  In this case, the attacker spoofs
   another source address (P2) and directly targets the victim's IP
   address (P1), overwhelming its network resources.  The arrows in
   Figure 15 represent the commercial relationships between ASes.  AS 3
   acts as the provider or lateral peer of AS 4 and the provider for AS
   5, while AS 4 serves as the provider for AS 1, AS 2, and AS 5.
   Additionally, AS 2 is the provider for AS 1.  Suppose AS 1 and AS 4
   have deployed inter-domain SAV, while the other ASes have not.

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   Also, in this scenario, both ACL-based ingress filtering and source-
   based RTBH filtering will induce additional operational overhead, and
   Loose uRPF may improperly permit spoofed packets [inter-domain-ps].
   If the inter-domain SAVNET architecture is deployed, AS 2 can
   communicate the SAV-specific information to AS 4 and AS 4 will be
   aware that the traffic with P2 as source addresses can only arrive at
   the interface facing AS 2.  Therefore, at the interface of AS 4
   facing AS 3, the spoofing traffic can be blocked.

9.  Partial/Incremental Deployment Considerations

   The inter-domain SAVNET architecture MUST ensure support for partial/
   incremental deployment as it is not feasible to deploy it
   simultaneously in all ASes.  The partial/incremental deployment of
   the inter-domain SAVNET architecture consists of different aspects,
   which include the partial/incremental deployment of the architecture
   and the partial/incremental deployment of the information sources.

   Within the architecture, the general information like the prefixes
   and topological information from RPKI ROA Objects and ASPA Objects
   and the routing information from the RIB can be obtained locally when
   the corresponding sources are available.  Even when both SAV-specific
   Information and the information from RPKI ROA Objects and ASPA
   Objects are not available, the routing information from the RIB can
   be used to generate SAV rules.

   Furthermore, it is not mandatory for all ASes to deploy SAVNET agents
   for SAV-specific Information.  Instead, a SAVNET agent should be able
   to effortlessly establish a logical neighboring relationship with
   another AS that has deployed a SAVNET agent.  The connections for
   communicating SAV-specific Information can be achieved by manual
   configurations set by operators or an automatic neighbor discovery
   mechanism.  This flexibility enables the architecture to accommodate
   varying degrees of deployment, promoting interoperability and
   collaboration among participating ASes.  During the partial/
   incremental deployment of SAVNET agent, the SAV-specific Information
   for the ASes which do not deploy SAVNET agent can not be obtained.
   To protect the prefixes of these ASes, inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture can use the SAV-related information from the general
   information in the SIB to generate SAV rules.  At least, the routing
   information from the RIB can be always available in the SIB.

   As more ASes adopt the inter-domain SAVNET architecture, the
   "deployed area" expands, thereby increasing the collective defense
   capability against source address spoofing.  Furthermore, if multiple
   "deployed areas" can be logically interconnected across "non-deployed
   areas", these interconnected "deployed areas" can form a logical
   alliance, providing enhanced protection against address spoofing.

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   Especially, along with more ASes deploy SAVNET agent and support the
   communication of SAV-specific information, the generated SAV rules of
   the inter-domain SAVNET architecture to protect these ASes will
   become more accurate, as well as enhancing the protection capability
   against source address spoofing for the inter-domain SAVNET

   In addition, releasing the SAV functions of the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture incrementally is one potential way to reduce the
   deployment risks and can be considered in its deployment by network

   *  First, the inter-domain SAVNET can only do the measurement in the
      data plane and do not take any other actions.  Based on the
      measurement data, the operators can evaluate the effect of the
      inter-domain SAVNET on the legitimate traffic, including
      validation accuracy and forwarding performance, as well as the
      operational overhead.

   *  Second, the inter-domain SAVNET can open the function to limit the
      rate of the traffic that is justified as spoofing traffic.  The
      operators can further evaluate the effect of the inter-domain
      SAVNET on the legitimate traffic and spoofing traffic, such as
      limiting the rate of all the spoofing traffic without hurting the
      legitimate traffic.

   *  Third, when the validation accuracy, forwarding performance, and
      operational overhead have been verified on a large scale by the
      live network, the inter-domain SAVNET can open the function to
      directly block the spoofing traffic that is justified by the SAV
      table in the data plane.

10.  Convergence Considerations

   Convergence issues SHOULD be carefully considered in inter-domain SAV
   mechanisms due to the dynamic nature of the Internet.  Internet
   routes undergo continuous changes, and SAV rules MUST proactively
   adapt to these changes, such as prefix and topology changes, in order
   to prevent false positives and reduce false negatives.  To
   effectively track these changes, the SIM should promptly collect SAV-
   related information from various SAV information sources and
   consolidate them in a timely manner.

   In particular, it is essential for the SAVNET agents to proactively
   communicate the changes of the SAV-specific Information between ASes
   and adapt to route changes promptly.  However, during the routing
   convergence process, the traffic paths of the source prefixes can
   undergo rapid changes within a short period.  The changes of the SAV-

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   specific Information may not be communicated in time between ASes to
   update SAV rules, false positives or false negatives may happen.
   Such inaccurate validation is caused by the delays in communicating
   SAV-specific Information between ASes, which occur due to the factors
   like packet losses, unpredictable network latencies, or message
   processing latencies.  The design of the SAV-specific communication
   mechanism should consider these issues to reduce the inaccurate

   Besides, for the inter-domain SAVNET architecture, the potential ways
   to deal with the inaccurate validation issues during the convergence
   of the SAV-specific communication mechanism is to consider using the
   information from RPKI ROA objects and ASPA objects to generate SAV
   rules until the convergence process of the SAV-specific communication
   mechanism is finished, since these information is more stable and can
   help avoid false positives, and thus avoiding the impact to the
   legitimate traffic.

11.  Manageability Considerations

   It is crucial to consider the operations and management aspects of
   SAV information sources, the SAV-specific communication mechanism,
   SIB, SIM, and SAV table in the inter-domain SAVNET architecture.  The
   following guidelines should be followed for their effective

   First, management interoperability should be supported across devices
   from different vendors or different releases of the same product,
   based on a unified data model such as YANG [RFC6020].  This is
   essential because the Internet comprises devices from various vendors
   and different product releases that coexist simultaneously.

   Second, scalable operation and management methods such as NETCONF
   [RFC6241] and syslog protocol [RFC5424] should be supported.  This is
   important as an AS may have hundreds or thousands of border routers
   that require efficient operation and management.

   Third, management operations, including default initial
   configuration, alarm and exception reporting, logging, performance
   monitoring and reporting for the control plane and data plane, as
   well as debugging, should be designed and implemented in the
   protocols or protocol extensions.  These operations can be performed
   either locally or remotely, based on the operational requirements.

   By adhering to these rules, the management of SAV information sources
   and related components can be effectively carried out, ensuring
   interoperability, scalability, and efficient operations and
   management of the inter-domain SAVNET architecture.

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12.  Security Considerations

   In the inter-domain SAVNET architecture, the SAVNET agent plays a
   crucial role in generating and disseminating SAV-specific messages
   across different ASes.  To safeguard against the potential risks
   posed by a malicious AS generating incorrect or forged SAV-specific
   messages, it is important for the SAVNET agents to employ security
   authentication measures for each received SAV-specific Message.  The
   majour security threats faced by inter-domain SAVNET can be
   categorized into two aspects: session security and content security.
   Session security pertains to verifying the identities of both parties
   involved in a session and ensuring the integrity of the session
   content.  Content security, on the other hand, focuses on verifying
   the authenticity and reliability of the session content, thereby
   enabling the identification of forged SAV-specific Messages.

   The threats to session security include:

   *  Session identity impersonation: This occurs when a malicious
      router deceitfully poses as a legitimate peer router to establish
      a session with the targeted router.  By impersonating another
      router, the malicious entity can gain unauthorized access and
      potentially manipulate or disrupt the communication between the
      legitimate routers.

   *  Session integrity destruction: In this scenario, a malicious
      intermediate router situated between two peering routers
      intentionally tampers with or destroys the content of the relayed
      SAV-specific Message.  By interfering with the integrity of the
      session content, the attacker can disrupt the reliable
      transmission of information, potentially leading to
      miscommunication or inaccurate SAV-related data being propagated.

   The threats to content security include:

   *  Message alteration: A malicious router has the ability to
      manipulate or forge any portion of a SAV-specific message.  For
      example, the attacker may employ techniques such as using a
      spoofed Autonomous System Number (ASN) or modifying the AS Path
      information within the message.  By tampering with the content,
      the attacker can potentially introduce inaccuracies or deceive the
      receiving ASes, compromising the integrity and reliability of the
      SAV-related information.

   *  Message injection: A malicious router injects a seemingly
      "legitimate" SAV-specific message into the communication stream
      and directs it to the corresponding next-hop AS.  This type of
      attack can be likened to a replay attack, where the attacker

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      attempts to retransmit previously captured or fabricated messages
      to manipulate the behavior or decisions of the receiving ASes.
      The injected message may contain malicious instructions or false
      information, leading to incorrect SAV rule generation or improper

   *  Path deviation: A malicious router intentionally diverts a SAV-
      specific Message to an incorrect next-hop AS, contrary to the
      expected path defined by the AS Path.  By deviating from the
      intended routing path, the attacker can disrupt the proper
      dissemination of SAV-related information and introduce
      inconsistencies or conflicts in the validation process.  This can
      undermine the effectiveness and accuracy of source address
      validation within the inter-domain SAVNET architecture.

   Overall, inter-domain SAVNET shares similar security threats with BGP
   and can leverage existing BGP security mechanisms to enhance both
   session and content security.  Session security can be enhanced by
   employing session authentication mechanisms used in BGP.  Similarly,
   content security can benefit from the deployment of existing BGP
   security mechanisms like RPKI, BGPsec, and ASPA.  While these
   mechanisms can address content security threats, their widespread
   deployment is crucial.  Until then, it is necessary to develop an
   independent security mechanism specifically designed for inter-domain
   SAVNET.  One potential approach is for each origin AS to calculate a
   digital signature for each AS path and include these digital
   signatures within the SAV-specific messages.  Upon receiving a SAV-
   specific Message, the SAVNET agent can verify the digital signature
   to ascertain the message's authenticity.  Furthermore, it is worth
   noting that the information channel of the inter-domain SAVNET
   architecture may need to operate over a network link that is
   currently under a source address spoofing attack.  As a result, it
   may experience severe packet loss and high latency due to the ongoing
   attack, and the implementation of the information channel should
   ensure uninterrupted communication.  Detailed security designs and
   considerations will be addressed in a separate draft, ensuring the
   robust security of inter-domain SAVNET.

13.  Privacy Considerations


14.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA requirements.

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15.  Scope and Assumptions

   In this architecture, the choice of protocols used for communication
   between the SIM and different SAV information sources is not limited.
   The inter-domain SAVNET architecture presents considerations on how
   to consolidate SAV-related information from various sources to
   generate SAV rules and perform SAV using the SAV table in the
   dataplane.  The detailed design and implementation for SAV rule
   generation and SAV execution depend on the specific inter-domain SAV
   mechanisms employed.

   This document does not cover administrative or business agreements
   that may be established between the involved inter-domain SAVNET
   parties.  These considerations are beyond the scope of this document.
   However, it is assumed that authentication and authorization
   mechanisms can be implemented to ensure that only authorized ASes can
   communicate SAV-related information.

   This document makes the following assumptions:

   *  All ASes where the inter-domain SAVNET is deployed are assumed to
      provide the necessary connectivity between SAVNET agent and any
      intermediate network elements.  However, the architecture does not
      impose any specific limitations on the form or nature of this

   *  Congestion and resource exhaustion can occur at various points in
      the inter-domain networks.  Hence, in general, network conditions
      should be assumed to be hostile.  The inter-domain SAVNET
      architecture must be capable of functioning reliably under all
      circumstances, including scenarios where the paths for delivering
      SAV-related information are severely impaired.  It is crucial to
      design the inter-domain SAVNET system with a high level of
      resilience, particularly under extremely hostile network
      conditions.  The architecture should ensure uninterrupted
      communication between inter-domain SAVNET agents, even when data-
      plane traffic saturates the link.

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   *  The inter-domain SAVNET architecture does not impose rigid
      requirements for the SAV information sources that can be used to
      generate SAV rules.  Similarly, it does not dictate strict rules
      on how to utilize the SAV-related information from diverse sources
      or perform SAV in the dataplane.  Network operators have the
      flexibility to choose their approaches to generate SAV rules and
      perform SAV based on their specific requirements and preferences.
      Operators can either follow the recommendations outlined in the
      inter-domain SAVNET architecture or manually specify the rules for
      governing the use of SAV-related information, the generation of
      SAV rules, and the execution of SAV in the dataplane.

   *  The inter-domain SAVNET architecture does not impose restrictions
      on the selection of the local AS with which AS to communicate SAV-
      specific Information.  The ASes have the flexibility to establish
      connections for SAV-specific communication based on the manual
      configurations set by operators or other automatic mechanisms.

   *  The inter-domain SAVNET architecture provides the flexibility to
      accommodate Quality-of-Service (QoS) policy agreements between
      SAVNET-enabled ASes or local QoS prioritization measures, but it
      does not make assumptions about their presence.  These agreements
      or prioritization efforts are aimed at ensuring the reliable
      delivery of SAV-specific Information between SAVNET agents.  It is
      important to note that QoS is considered as an operational
      consideration rather than a functional component of the inter-
      domain SAVNET architecture.

   *  The SAVNET communication mechanisms are loosely coupled and are
      used for communicating or gathering SAV-related information, and
      how the inter-domain SAVNET synchronizes the management and
      operation configurations is out of scope of this document.

16.  Contributors

   Igor Lubashev
   Akamai Technologies
   145 Broadway
   Cambridge, MA, 02142
   United States of America

   Many thanks to Igor Lubashev for the significantly helpful revision

17.  References

17.1.  Normative References

Li, et al.              Expires 5 September 2024               [Page 36]
Internet-Draft      Inter-domain SAVNET Architecture          March 2024

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC3704]  Baker, F. and P. Savola, "Ingress Filtering for Multihomed
              Networks", BCP 84, RFC 3704, DOI 10.17487/RFC3704, March
              2004, <>.

   [RFC8704]  Sriram, K., Montgomery, D., and J. Haas, "Enhanced
              Feasible-Path Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding", BCP 84,
              RFC 8704, DOI 10.17487/RFC8704, February 2020,

   [RFC6020]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "YANG - A Data Modeling Language for
              the Network Configuration Protocol (NETCONF)", RFC 6020,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6020, October 2010,

   [RFC6241]  Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed.,
              and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol
              (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011,

   [RFC5424]  Gerhards, R., "The Syslog Protocol", RFC 5424,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5424, March 2009,

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

17.2.  Informative References

              "Source Address Validation in Inter-domain Networks Gap
              Analysis, Problem Statement, and Requirements", 2023,

              "Intra-domain Source Address Validation (SAVNET)
              Architecture", 2024, <

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Internet-Draft      Inter-domain SAVNET Architecture          March 2024

   [RFC5635]  Kumari, W. and D. McPherson, "Remote Triggered Black Hole
              Filtering with Unicast Reverse Path Forwarding (uRPF)",
              RFC 5635, DOI 10.17487/RFC5635, August 2009,

   [RFC8955]  Loibl, C., Hares, S., Raszuk, R., McPherson, D., and M.
              Bacher, "Dissemination of Flow Specification Rules",
              RFC 8955, DOI 10.17487/RFC8955, December 2020,

   [RFC8210]  Bush, R. and R. Austein, "The Resource Public Key
              Infrastructure (RPKI) to Router Protocol, Version 1",
              RFC 8210, DOI 10.17487/RFC8210, September 2017,

   [RFC959]   Postel, J. and J. Reynolds, "File Transfer Protocol",
              STD 9, RFC 959, DOI 10.17487/RFC0959, October 1985,

   [manrs]    MANRS, "MANRS Implementation Guide", 2023,

   [nist]     NIST, "Resilient Interdomain Traffic Exchange: BGP
              Security and DDos Mitigation", 2019,

              ISOC, "RPKI Time-of-Flight&#58; Tracking Delays in the
              Management, Control, and Data Planes", n.d.,

              "General Source Address Validation Capabilities", 2023,


   Many thanks to Alvaro Retana, Kotikalapudi Sriram, RĂ¼diger Volk,
   Xueyan Song, Ben Maddison, Jared Mauch, Joel Halpern, Aijun Wang,
   Jeffrey Haas, Xiangqing Chang, Changwang Lin, Mingxing Liu, Zhen Tan,
   Yuanyuan Zhang, Yangyang Wang, Antoin Verschuren etc. for their
   valuable comments on this document.

Authors' Addresses

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Internet-Draft      Inter-domain SAVNET Architecture          March 2024

   Dan Li
   Tsinghua University

   Jianping Wu
   Tsinghua University

   Mingqing Huang

   Li Chen
   Zhongguancun Laboratory

   Nan Geng

   Libin Liu
   Zhongguancun Laboratory

   Lancheng Qin
   Tsinghua University

Li, et al.              Expires 5 September 2024               [Page 39]