Internet DRAFT - draft-wu-sfc-scheduling-implementation-report


SFC                                                                X. Wu
Internet-Draft                                                   C. Hong
Intended status: Informational                                     C. Li
Expires: 26 June 2023                      Zhejiang Gongshang University
                                                        23 December 2022

 Implementation Report for Service Function Chain Scheduling Algorithm


   This document provides the application examples of mapping and
   deployment algorithms to address the problems of large resource
   overhead and end-to-end latency in Service Function Chain(SFC) that
   cannot meet the requirements of latency-sensitive applications in
   terms of both latency optimization and resource optimization.In terms
   of delay-optimized mapping and deployment of SFC, the application
   example of granularity-variable SFC mapping algorithm based on
   microservice architecture reduces the number of instantiated
   microservice units and the number of end-to-end routing hops by
   merging redundant microservice units within the service function
   chain and reusing microservice units between the service function
   chains.In terms of resource-optimized mapping and deployment of SFC,
   the application example of SFC mapping algorithm based on improved
   gray wolf optimization algorithm optimizes the mapping of SFC through
   two strategies of reverse learning initialization and nonlinear
   convergence factor, and improves the efficiency of the mapping

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 26 June 2023.

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   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Example of SFC scheduling implementation algorithm  . . . . .   4
     3.1.  Mapping algorithm of granularity variable SFC based on
           microservice architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     3.2.  Improved Grey Wolf Optimization Service Function Chain
           Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

1.  Introduction

   In Network Function Virtualization (NFV) environment, user's service
   is done by Service Function Chain (SFC) composed by Virtual Network
   Function (VNF) in a certain order, so user's request can be called
   SFC Request ( SFC Request, SFCR).  Given a series of SFCRs, it
   requires instantiating and deploying the corresponding VNFs to
   complete these services.  The software features of VNFs allow more
   flexibility in the selection of deployment locations and resource
   allocation.  In addition, during the process of SFCR mapping, it is
   necessary to consider the sequential constraints of the VNFs that
   make up its SFCs to avoid additional bandwidth usage as much as
   possible.  Thus, in the process of SFC scheduling and VNF deployment,
   it is necessary to design an optimal solution to improve the resource
   utilization of the network, which is also known as the SFC scheduling
   and VNF deployment problem.

   The scheduling of service function chains and deployment of virtual
   network functions include three main parts: determination of the
   mapping scheme, deployment and management, among which the
   determination of the mapping scheme as a key step in the scheduling

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   will affect the costs associated with the subsequent processes.  How
   to reasonably deploy each virtual network function which constitutes
   the service function chain in the physical topology and reduce the
   overhead of physical resources is a major challenge for the current
   mapping scheme determination problem.  In addition, with the
   development of emerging technologies such as 5G, many latency-
   sensitive applications such as virtual reality, augmented reality,
   and autonomous driving have emerged, which put forward high
   requirements on the end-to-end latency of Service Function Chain, and
   how to reduce the end-to-end latency of Service Function Chain to a
   certain extent is another major optimization goal and challenge of
   the mapping problem.

2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL
   and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   RFC 2119 [RFC2119] RFC 8174 [RFC8174].

   This document uses the following terms from RFC 7665 [RFC7665] RFC
   8763 [RFC8763]:

   *  Network Function Virtualization (NFV)

   *  Virtualize Network Function (VNF)

   *  Service Function (SF)

   *  Service Function Chain (SFC)

   *  Service Function Chains (SFCs)

   *  Service Function Chain Request (SFCR)

   This document introduces the following terms:

   *  Grey Wolf Optimizer (GWO)

   *  Improved Grey Wolf Optimization (IMGWO):Improved standard gray
      wolf optimization algorithm using a reverse learning-based
      population initialization strategy and a convergence factor
      nonlinear optimization strategy.

   *  IMGWO-SFCM:This document proposes a service function chain mapping
      method based on the improved GWO algorithm for the service
      function chain mapping and deployment resource optimization

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   *  VG-SFCM:This document proposes a granular variable service
      function chain mapping algorithm based on microservice
      architecture for service function chain mapping and deployment
      latency optimization problems.

   *  AtomNF:It is defined as a fine-grained microservice unit that
      represents the smallest logical unit that operates on data after
      the virtual network function has been split in the service
      function chain.

3.  Example of SFC scheduling implementation algorithm

   Network resources in network topology are limited, and Network
   Function Virtualization (NFV) presents new challenges in terms of how
   to efficiently map and deploy Service Function Chain (SFC) based on
   user's Service Function Chain Request (SFCR) while saving operators'
   cost.  This document presents examples of Variable Granularity
   Service Function Chain Mapping(VG-SFCM) based on microservices
   architecture algorithm and Improved Grey Wolf Optimization Service
   Function Chain Mapping ( IMGWO-SFCM ) algorithm for both latency
   optimization and resource optimization respectively.

3.1.  Mapping algorithm of granularity variable SFC based on
      microservice architecture

   There are many logical functions that are repeatedly performed
   between different individual VNFs within a single SFC, such as packet
   input and output, message classification, etc.  In the process of SFC
   mapping, considering the minimum granularity of the mapping and
   performing microservice splitting and merging can effectively remove
   these redundant logical functions and reduce the end-to-end delay and
   resource overhead incurred during deployment according to the mapping
   solution.  Considering the splitting and optimization of VNFs within
   SFCs, we propose a Variable Granularity Service Function Chain
   Mapping algorithm (VG-SFCM) based on microservice architecture.

   Firstly, the set of microservice units (AtomNFs) constituting the
   original SFC is obtained by fast splitting based on typical VNF, and
   then the redundant AtomNFs within a single SFC are merged by applying
   the merging strategy of redundant AtomNFs and drawn to form a new SFC
   service graph, then finally, the instantiation of AtomNFs is further
   reduced by the AtomNF reuse strategy among SFCs.

   The splitting of VNFs is mainly based on the set of VNFs and their
   corresponding logical functions, and the VNFs are split into several
   fine-grained AtomNFs, which cannot be fully automated at this stage
   due to the different functions provided by different VNFs, and still
   requires a lot of manual work to complete the logical analysis and

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   AtomNF definition.  In order to realize the fast splitting of SFC and
   reduce the resource overhead caused by the splitting, the fast
   splitting based on typical VNF prepares the logical analysis and
   splitting work in advance by logically analyzing the VNFs that appear
   more frequently and preparing the AtomNF image file corresponding to
   the high-frequency VNFs in advance and putting them into the
   repository.  When a SFCR arrives, it can quickly find and directly
   pull the relevant mirror according to the relevant VNF splitting
   scheme.  If there is a VNF in SFC that is not pre-split, we do not
   split it and treat it as a coarse-grained single unit.

   Different VNF may get several identical AtomNF after splitting, and
   repeated execution of the same AtomNF does not bring actual changes
   to the data flow instead it increases the resource overhead and end-
   to-end delay of the corresponding mapping nodes, so we can analyze
   and merge these multi-occurring AtomNF.  Referring to the
   classification rules of MicroNF, AtomNF is classified into six
   categories: endpoint, classification, modification, reconfiguration,
   flow control and static for merging.  In order to ensure that the new
   SFC after merging can provide the same services as before merging,
   while minimizing the end-to-end latency, the merging of AtomNF needs
   to comply with the following principles.

   *  The packets must undergo the same processing steps as the original
      SFC, but some of the redundant steps may be performed less

   *  Each AtomNF with multiple executions is subject to a merge
      likelihood analysis that seeks to compress the end-to-end length
      of the SFC as much as possible.

   *  The location of an AtomNF in the new SFC can be changed, but the
      change cannot cause the data flow to change compared to the
      original SFC.

   The reuse of VNF or AtomNF instances can currently be realized by
   multi-tenancy technology, which enables a single software instance to
   provide corresponding services for multiple tenants.  Compared with
   the traditional non-reusable mapping scheme, the node resource
   utilization can be effectively improved by providing services for
   SFCRs through one reusable AtomNF instance in SFC mapping process.
   In order to realize the reuse of subsequent requests, the first
   arriving SFCR need to determine the best mapping scheme through
   IMGWO-SFCM.  After the subsequent arriving SFCRs complete the initial
   scheduling and splitting and merging work, they judge the
   intersection of their AtomNF sets with the AtomNF sets of the
   previous SFCR, and the resulting intersection is the reusable
   AtomNFs, and then perform the reusability judgment of the relevant

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   microservice unit mapping nodes.After the screening of reusable
   AtomNFs is completed, the corresponding node is checked for resources
   to determine whether the remaining resources of the node can carry
   the remaining non-reusable AtomNFs of the SFC.  If it cannot, the
   relevant AtomNFs are deployed to the neighboring nodes with
   sufficient resources.  When there is no available resource in the
   neighboring nodes to meet the relevant demand, the mapping scheme is
   determined by IMGWO-SFCM for the SFC again.

   Using splitting, merging and multiplexing strategies for SFC, VG-SFCM
   reduces the instantiation of AtomNF, and effectively reduces ends-to-
   ends latency of SFC, which can also minimize the cost of network
   deployment to a certain extent.

3.2.  Improved Grey Wolf Optimization Service Function Chain Mapping

   For SFCR initiated by users at the application layer, the control
   layer needs to orchestrate it into SFC after receiving it.  The SFC
   deployed according to different mapping schemes consume different
   computing resources, memory resources and bandwidth resources, and
   also incur different node activation costs and deployment costs.

   The mapping and deployment of SFC needs to obey the following four
   basic principles.

   *  The end-to-end latency of SFC after deployment needs to be within
      the maximum acceptable latency of user requests.

   *  The computing resources provided by the physical node selected for
      SFC after deployment need to be greater than what is required by
      all VNFs deployed in that node.

   *  The bandwidth of the link through which the data flow between the
      physical nodes selected by SFC needs to meet the bandwidth
      requirements of SFC.

   *  The direction of the data flow needs to strictly follow the order
      of SFC constructed for user requests.

   First, we search the first K paths between the source and destination
   nodes by the loop-free KSP search algorithm and search the possible
   mapping schemes according to the first K shortest paths and the
   number of VNFs to be deployed in the SFC.  Subsequently, the matching
   of individual gray wolves with the mapping scheme is completed by
   mapping scheme coding.  Then, we initialize the gray wolf population
   according to the backward learning strategy of Improved Gray Wolf
   Optimization algorithm (IMGWO), select the dominant gray wolf
   individuals according to the optimization function, i.e., the fitness

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   function, and then enhance the global search and local search ability
   of the algorithm in the early stage by the nonlinear convergence
   strategy of the convergence factor.  Finally, we determine the final
   mapping scheme by iteration.

   The standard gray wolf optimization algorithm suffers from slow late
   convergence and easily falls into local optimum, so an improved gray
   wolf optimization algorithm (IMGWO) is proposed by improving the
   standard gray wolf optimization algorithm through the group
   initialization strategy based on reverse learning and the convergence
   factor nonlinear optimization strategy.  The gray wolf optimization
   group initialization based on the backward learning strategy first
   randomly generates the initial wolf group and generates the reverse
   wolf group based on the initial wolf group.  Subsequently, the top
   three individuals with the highest fitness in the two groups are
   determined according to the fitness function.  Meanwhile, in order to
   improve the global search ability and local search ability of the
   standard GWO algorithm and avoid falling into local optimal
   solutions, the nonlinear optimization strategy is applied to the
   convergence factor a.

   The group initialization strategy based on backward learning and the
   convergence factor nonlinear optimization strategy make IMGWO
   algorithm a good balance of global search and local search ability,
   which can accelerate the overall convergence speed of the algorithm.

   The IMGWO algorithm can be divided into seven steps as follows.

   1.  Set the initialization size of gray wolf population, the maximum
       number of iterations, initialization and other parameters.

   2.  Generate the initial group based on the results of random
       initialization using reverse learning.

   3.  Calculate the fitness value of each individual gray wolf in the
       group, select the top three dominant wolves according to the
       fitness value, and record their positions.

   4.  Update the value of convergence factor according to the
       convergence factor nonlinear optimization strategy and update the
       values of each parameter.

   5.  Update the individual positions of gray wolves.

   6.  Calculate the group fitness value after updating the individual
       positions of gray wolves and update the dominant wolves and their

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   7.  Judge whether the constraint of the algorithm is reached, or the
       maximum number of iterations is reached, if it is met, the
       algorithm ends and the optimal solution is output; if it is not
       met, return and re-execute steps 3 to 6.

   The steps of the implementation of IMGWO-SFCM algorithm are as

   1.  First, the physical node resources, computing resources and
       bandwidth resources required for SFC are calculated based on the
       network topology and SFC service diagram, and whether a single-
       node deployment can be performed based on the corresponding
       resource status.  If the node has sufficient resources for SFC
       deployment, it further determines whether the end-to-end delay
       after deployment can meet the lowest delay requirement of users.
       For the case where multiple nodes meet the lowest latency
       requirement for individual deployment, the physical nodes are
       mapped according to the principle of minimizing the end-to-end
       delay of SFC.

   2.  After finishing the judgment of single-node mapping possibility,
       the algorithm starts to perform the steps related to the
       determination of multi-node mapping scheme.  Firstly, according
       to the source and destination nodes of SFC, it applies the
       qualified loop-free KSP algorithm to perform the screening of the
       first K shortest paths, and then it performs further search of
       possible mapping schemes through the single-link mapping scheme,
       which enables the initialization range of gray wolf group to be
       determined.  Finally, the best mapping scheme is output through
       the IMGWO related process.

4.  Acknowledgements

   Thanks to Hong Chen and Zhang Junnan for the first draft.

5.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997,

   [RFC7665]  Halpern, J., Ed. and C. Pignataro, Ed., "Service Function
              Chaining (SFC) Architecture", RFC 7665,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7665, October 2015,

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   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8763]  Rahman, A., Trossen, D., Kutscher, D., and R. Ravindran,
              "Deployment Considerations for Information-Centric
              Networking (ICN)", RFC 8763, DOI 10.17487/RFC8763, April
              2020, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Xiaochun Wu
   Zhejiang Gongshang University
   18 Xuezheng Str., Xiasha University Town
   Phone: +86 13067732553

   Chen Hong
   Zhejiang Gongshang University
   18 Xuezheng Str., Xiasha University Town
   Phone: +86 19157703315

   Chuanhuang Li
   Zhejiang Gongshang University
   18 Xuezheng Str., Xiasha University Town
   Phone: +86 571 28877723

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