Internet DRAFT - draft-xie-alto-sdn-use-cases


Internet Engineering Task Force                                   H. Xie
Internet-Draft                                             Huawei & USTC
Intended status: Informational                                   T. Tsou
Expires: December 29, 2012                                  Huawei (USA)
                                                                D. Lopez
                                                          Telefonica I+D
                                                                  H. Yin
                                                            Huawei (USA)
                                                           June 27, 2012

           Use Cases for ALTO with Software Defined Networks


   The introduction of SDN fundamentally changes the way that the ALTO
   works.  This draft describes the Vertical Architecture and the
   Horizontal Architecture allowing coherent coexistence of application
   layer traffic optimization (ALTO) with software defined network
   (SDN).  Unique requirements for design and operations are identified
   and summarized, suggesting that the Vertical Architecture allows
   better division, management, flexibility, privacy control and long-
   term evolution of the network.  We also define the main interactions
   and information flows, and present a set of use cases to illustrate
   how we extend ALTO to support SDN, in the Vertical Architecture.

Status of this Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
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   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 29, 2012.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2012 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft           ALTO Use Cases For SDN                June 2012

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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  4
     1.1.  Terminology  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
   2.  An Overview of Software Defined Network  . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     2.1.  Software Defined Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  5
     2.2.  Division of Network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  6
     2.3.  SDN Domain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  8
   3.  Architectural Considerations for SDN and ALTO  . . . . . . . .  9
     3.1.  The Vertical Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  9
     3.2.  The Horizontal Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
     3.3.  Summary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
   4.  Interactions between SDN and ALTO  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     4.1.  ALTO Scopes  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
     4.2.  ALTO clients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
     4.3.  Interactions between SDN and ALTO  . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
       4.3.1.  Downward Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
       4.3.2.  Upward Interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
     4.4.  Interactions between Legacy ALTO Clients and ALTO
           Servers  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     4.5.  Summary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
   5.  Information Flows  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
     5.1.  Information Flow of SDN Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
     5.2.  Information Flow of Applications, SDN and ALTO . . . . . . 16
       5.2.1.  SDN-aware Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
       5.2.2.  SDN-unaware Applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
       5.2.3.  Legacy Applications  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
     5.3.  Summary  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
   6.  Use Case for Upward Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     6.1.  Unrestrictive Information Exporting  . . . . . . . . . . . 18
     6.2.  Restrictive Information Exporting  . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
     6.3.  Information Aggregation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
   7.  Use Case for Downward Flow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
     7.1.  SDN-Aware QoS Metrics  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
       7.1.1.  Use Case: On-Demand Bandwidth  . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
       7.1.2.  Delay  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     7.2.  Content Delivery Networks (CDN)  . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
     7.3.  Information-Centric Content Delivery Networks (IC-CDN) . . 24
   8.  Conclusions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
   9.  Contributors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
   10. Acknowlegements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
   11. Security Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
   12. IANA Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   13. Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
   Authors' Addresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

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1.  Introduction

   The concept of Software Defined Network (SDN) has emerged and become
   one of the fundamental, promising networking primitives that allow
   flexibility of control, separation of functional planes and
   continuous evolution in networks.

   One of the key features of SDN is the full separation of two
   functional planes: the control plane and the data-forwarding plane.
   SDN requires that networking devices support such separation,
   implementing the data plane mechanisms, while the control plane is
   provided by an external entity called the "controller".  The other
   key feature of SDN is the new interaction process between the
   separated control plane and data-forwarding plane.  This interaction
   is mandated to be performed specific open protocols, allowing for a
   free combination of networking devices and controllers, as well as
   supporting the controller to take decisions on information additional
   to the networking device status.

   There could be numerous benefits as a result of the above features in
   SDN, e.g., just to name a few, network virtualization, better
   flexible control and utilization of the network, networks customized
   for scenarios with specific requirements.  For instance, some SDN
   technologies have started to find their ways into Data Center
   Networks (DCNs).  Furthermore, in order to allow efficient and
   flexible implementation of the above separation and interactions, a
   significant portion of the SDN system could typically be implemented
   in software, as opposed to the hardware-based implementation adopted
   by most of today's networking devices.

   Due to the great potentials of SDN and the unique requirements of
   DCNs, Data Centers are likely to become a first place where SDN could
   be deployed.  We envision that SDN could be gradually adopted by
   enterprise networks and then by carrier networks due to its unique,
   attractive features.  When deploying SDN in large-scale distributed
   networks, we expect to see a collection of deployments limited in
   relatively small segments of a bigger network.  In other words, it is
   likely that the operator of a large-scale enterprise / carrier
   network prefers to divide the whole networks into multiple smaller
   segments and put each of there segments in an SDN domain.  These
   smaller network segments (therefore their corresponding SDN domains)
   are connected and jointly form the larger whole network.  Such a
   divide-and-conquer methodology not only allows gradual deployment and
   continuous evolution, but also enables flexible provisioning of the

   With the deployment of SDN, application layer traffic optimization
   (ALTO) faces new challenges including, but not limited to, privacy

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   preservation, granularity of information collection and exchange,
   join optimization, etc.  We shall elaborate these challenges and
   their impacts on the design of ALTO extensions for SDN in this draft.

1.1.  Terminology

   While the definition of software defined networks is still "nebulous"
   to some extent, we refer to as SDN the networks that implement the
   separation of the control and data-forwarding planes and software
   defined interactions between these two separated planes; such
   interactions are characterized by open interfaces which allow
   programming the network equipment's forwarding plane by external
   agents, e.g., SDN controllers.  However, how the two separated planes
   interact is not a focus of this draft; instead, the ALTO extension
   for SDN recommended in this draft is independent of how such
   interactions would be.

   An SDN domain is a portion of a network infrastructure, consisting of
   numerous connected networking devices that are SDN capable (i.e., SDN
   capable devices implement the control/forwarding plane separation and
   the open interfaces allowing external agents to program the devices)
   and a domain controller which implements the SDN control plane
   functionalities for these devices.  An SDN domain can be as small as
   a sub-network of a dozen devices or as large as a medium/large data
   center network.

   A software defined network is a network that has one or multiple SDN
   domains.  Due to an SDN domain typically has limited coverage, an SDN
   may be comprised of networking devices under control of some SDN
   domains (i.e., SDN managed devices) and devices under no control of
   any SDN domain (i.e., normal devices).  Note that such normal devices
   could still be SDN capable and their control/forwarding planes are
   managed as in normal networks today.  This implies that a network
   with both normal devices and SDN capable devices (managed by SDN
   domains) needs both normal and SDN capable control/forwarding plane

2.  An Overview of Software Defined Network

   This section provides a high level and conceptual overview of
   software defined network in order to help illustrate its unique
   requirements for ALTO.

2.1.  Software Defined Network

   We refer to as an "SDN" a carrier's or an enterprise's network which
   deploys or implements software defined networking technologies.

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   Since SDN separates the control plane and data-forwarding plane, we
   refer to the entity that implements the control-plane functionalities
   as the "SDN controller".

   In order for a network to be classified as an SDN, it is unnecessary
   that all networking devices have to be SDN capable.  Some of devices
   in a network may be managed by an SDN controller while the remaining
   ones may not; such a network is still qualified as an SDN.

   Applications in software defined networks are either SDN-aware or
   unaware of SDN.

   o  If an application is SDN-aware, then the application may prefer
      direct communication with SDN controllers, which implies that
      there must exist mechanism(s) for SDN-aware applications to locate
      and communication with SDN controllers.  If the application
      prefers indirect communication with SDN controllers, then it
      follows the case of SDN-unaware applications (see below).
      Applications that are SDN-aware may be able to better utilize the
      SDN capable network due to its knowledge about SDN and its
      capability of proactive, direct interaction with SDN.

   o  If an application is SDN-unaware, then the application indirectly
      communicates with SDN controllers by sending application datagrams
      with specific formats, via which the application can specify its
      requirements for the network resources.  Legacy applications
      (applications for the current IP networks) are largely SDN-
      unaware, and such applications may not be able to utilize the SDN
      capable networks as efficiently as SDN-aware applications.

   Whether and how applications should/can be SDN-aware or SDN-unaware
   is beyond the scope of this draft.  However, the framework we
   described in this draft is applicable to both SDN-aware and SDN-
   unaware cases.

2.2.  Division of Network

   A network operator may decide to divide the network into multiple
   sub-networks, some of which are SDN capable and thus are managed by
   corresponding SDN controllers.

   There could be numerous reasons for such division of network.  Below
   we summarize a few of them:

   o  Scalability.

      The number of devices an SDN controller can feasibly manage is
      likely to be limited.  Therefore, in order to manage a many

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      devices that cannot be put under control of a single SDN
      controller, multiple controllers have to be deployed.  Hence, the
      network is divided into multiple sub-networks; if a sub-network
      has SDN capable devices, it should be managed by an SDN

   o  Manageability.

      At the network level, in order to reduce the complexity of
      management, a carrier may decide to divide the network into
      multiple sub-networks and put some of them under control of some
      SDN controllers (provided that the devices in such sub-networks
      are SDN capable); each of the sub-networks can be managed
      independently to some extent, thus reducing the overall complexity
      of managing the whole network.  Even at the sub-network level, a
      carrier may still decide to further divide the sub-network in
      order to further reduce complexity of management.  For instance, a
      sub-network under control of an SDN controller may span across a
      large geographical area or cover a large number of devices; in
      this case it is reasonable for the carrier to further divide it
      into two or even more sub-networks, such that the complexity of
      managing each individual sub-network plus the overall complexity
      of managing all divided sub-networks are reduced.

   o  Privacy.

      When a carrier divides its network into multiple sub-networks and
      put them under control of SDN, the carrier may choose to implement
      difference privacy policies in different sub-networks.  For
      example, a carrier may dedicate a part of its infrastructure to
      some certain customers, dividing the whole network and dedicate
      some of the sub-networks is a convenient and scalable way to
      manage the network resources for these customers.  Another example
      is that a sub-network in a carrier's network may be dedicated to
      some certain customers and such information as network topology
      may not be disclosed to any external entity.

   o  Deployment

      The deployment of network infrastructures, especially new network
      infrastructure and technologies, has to be incremental.  This
      means that at any time, a carrier's network may consist of a
      portion of legacy and a portion of non-legacy infrastructure.
      When deploying new infrastructure or technologies, it is highly
      preferable to limit the scope of new deployment and do it in an
      incremental way.  In such cases, it is very favorable to divide
      the network into multiple individually manageable sub-networks and
      choose some of them to deploy the new infrastructure /

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2.3.  SDN Domain

   With the introduction of SDN, we believe that it is inevitable for
   carriers to divide their networks for many reasons as illustrated in
   the preceding subsection.  Therefore, we believe that to better suit
   this need, it should be recommended that SDN domains are defined and
   applied in division of the networks.

   An SDN domain is a sub-network, resulted from division of a network
   which is determined by the network operator.  Each domain typically
   consists of numerous connected networking devices, each of which is
   SDN capable.  Each domain also has a domain controller which
   implements SDN control plane functionalities for the devices in this
   domain.  Another important task such a domain controller is
   responsible for includes fine-grain network information collection
   (for devices in this domain).  The collected information is necessary
   for the controller to make data-forwarding plane decisions.  Note
   that such a domain controller may be integrated as a part of a so-
   called "network operating system" (NOS).  An example of such a
   network operating system is illustrated in [1].

   Any networking device, if under the control of certain SDN domains,
   should belong to only one SDN domain and should be under the control
   of the SDN domain's controller.  In other words, the intersection of
   two domains is always empty.

   Furthermore, SDN domains are connected (via the connectivity among
   underlying devices provided by the underlying network; such devices
   belong to different SDN domains) to form the whole network.  For a
   large-scale distributed networks owned by a national/multi-national
   carrier or enterprise, it is natural to adopt the "divide-and-
   conquer" strategy and divide the whole network into multiple SDN
   domains.  Even for small or medium networks, multiple SDN domains may
   be necessary in order to virtualize the network resources (e.g., set
   up multiple SDN domains for a large data center network to
   instantiate multiple virtual data centers for many content
   providers).  Note that how multiple SDN domains inside a carrier's/
   enterprise' network work together is beyond the scope of this draft
   and is handled by other working groups.

   Inside each SDN domain, its controller may define domain-specific
   policies on information importing from devices, aggregating, and
   exporting to external entities.  Such policies may not be made
   public; therefore, other domain controllers or ALTO may not know the
   existence of such policies for any given SDN domain.

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   The natural network division implemented by SDN domains impose
   significantly new and challenging requirement for shaping the
   interactions between SDN and ALTO, and therefore designing the
   protocols to enable such interactions.

3.  Architectural Considerations for SDN and ALTO

   We introduce two architectures that allow coherent co-existence of
   SDN and ALTO in this section:

   o  the Vertical Architecture (or the V Architecture for short) allows
      better division, management, flexibility, privacy control and
      long-term evolution of the network, and

   o  the Horizontal Architecture (or the H Architecture for short)
      simplifies the implementation of ALTO extensions for SDN.

   We next present each of these two architectures individually.

3.1.  The Vertical Architecture

   The Vertical Architecture is illustrated in the following figure.
   The network has one or multiple SDN domains and an ALTO server.  The
   interactions between the SDN controllers and the SDN capable devices
   fall in the scope of SDN and therefore is out of the scope of this
   draft; instead, the interactions between the SDN domains (more
   specifically, SDN controllers) and the ALTO server is what this draft
   focuses on.

   |                ALTO Server                   |
                 ^            |
   |             |            V                   |
   |     .-------------------------------.        |
   |     |          SDN Controller       |        |
   |     `-------------------------------'        |
   |                    |                         |
   |                    |                         |
   |     .-------------------------------.        |
   |     |       SDN Capable Devices     |        |
   |     `-------------------------------'        |
   |                                              |
   |                        An SDN Domain         |

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   The Vertical Architecture is a hierarchical architecture consisting
   of three tiers.  In the first tier, the only entity is the ALTO
   server.  In the second tier, the only entities are the SDN domain
   controllers.  In the third tier, the only entities are SDN domains
   (each domain consists of numerous networking devices).  In this
   architecture, all entities are owned by the same carrier.  However,
   some of the SDN domains (and the networking devices in them) may be
   dedicated to certain customers of the carrier (the carrier gives the
   customers privileges access).  This is subject to a collaboration
   agreement between them.

   The interactions between the SDN controllers and the ALTO server can
   be divided into two categories:

   o  Upward interactions (i.e., from SDN controllers to ALTO servers):
      each SDN controller collects network information from the devices
      managed by it and information from other SDN controllers), and
      report such information to the ALTO server, subject to the
      information aggregation and privacy policies defined for the
      corresponding individual SDN domain.  Such network information is
      referred to the inter-domain network information.  The network
      information could include key information such as domain-level
      network cost, bandwidth, domain-specific connectivity, etc.  The
      upward interactions could be implemented in either the push model
      or the pull model.  It is worth noting that network information
      collection has not been explored, and that network information
      collection could introduce significant overhead and complexity, in
      the current scope of ALTO.  However, automated network information
      collection is a key to the success of ALTO.  With the help of SDN
      and the Vertical Architecture, such automated network information
      collection becomes feasible and appealing.  Note that this does
      not exclude the possibility of network operators manually or
      automatically update the ALTO server with the network information
      (e.g., the network cost map).  It is also worth noting that an SDN
      controller may choose to report its domain-specific network
      information only (referred to as the intra-domain information),
      with or without privacy policies.  In this case, SDN controllers
      become an automated information collector for the ALTO server.

   o  Downward interactions (i.e., from ALTO servers to SDN
      controllers): each SDN controller is also an ALTO client and
      retrieves relevant network information from the ALTO server.  This
      is similar to the current scope of ALTO without the existence of
      SDN; however, the differences are that with the existence of SDN,
      the network information is generally specific to SDN and SDN
      domains; SDN controllers as ALTO clients could query the ALTO
      server for either inter-domain or intra-domain network information
      (provided that intra-domain information is reported and made

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   We refer to as the "upward flow" the information flow from the second
   tier (SDN controllers as ALTO clients) to the first tier (ALTO
   server), and refer to as the "downward flow" the information flow in
   the reverse direction, i.e., from the first tier (ALTO server) to the
   second tier (SDN controllers as ALTO clients).

3.2.  The Horizontal Architecture

   The Horizontal Architecture is illustrated in the following figure.
   Each SDN controller is integrated with an ALTO server.  The
   interactions between the SDN controllers and the ALTO server is
   represented by the horizontal line in the figure.  An example of this
   architecture can be found in [2].

 |   .--------------------------.       .--------------------------.   |
 |   |     SDN Controller       |<----|        ALTO Server         |   |
 |   `--------------------------'       `--------------------------'   |
     |       SDN Capable Devices     |

   In the Horizontal Architecture, the SDN controller can act as an ALTO
   client and query the network information of the networking devices
   from the ALTO server.  However, such network information may not meet
   the SDN controllers' granularity requirement (i.e., the information
   provided by the ALTO server may not be as fine-grained as needed by
   the SDN controllers).  In addition, there may exist redundant
   information collection, as SDN controllers are inevitably collecting
   various fine-grain information from the devices they manage; the
   information collection by the ALTO server, either mannully or
   automatically, is likely to be redundant.  Furthermore, when the
   carrier decides to divide its network into multiple SDN domains, it
   can be difficult, if not impossible at all, for the Horizontal
   Architecture to adapt to the network division.

3.3.  Summary

   The ALTO server covers a carrier's network as a whole; however, if
   the carrier divide the network into multiple SDN domains, each SDN
   domain covers only a segment of the network.  Additionally, the ALTO
   server has only relatively coarse-grained information, while SDN
   domain controllers could easily collect more fine-grained

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   information.  More importantly, different SDN domains may implement
   different information aggregation and privacy policies (e.g., when
   such domains are dedicated to certain customers of the carrier).

   These observations suggest that the Vertical Architecture is
   advantageous over the Horizontal Architecture.  With the Vertical
   Architecture, SDN and ALTO are explicitly separated and as a result
   the logic is cleaner and this allows them to evolve independently.
   Furthermore, the Vertical Architecture makes automated information
   collect possible for ALTO, which could make ALTO deployment and
   management easier and more attractive.  Therefore, in the remainder
   of this draft, we mainly focus on the Vertical Architecture.  We will
   describe the interactions and the information flows in further
   details for the Vertical Architecture.

4.  Interactions between SDN and ALTO

   We now describe the interactions between SDN and ALTO in details.  We
   first compare the ALTO scopes without and with the existence of SDN,
   and then describe the various interactions existing in the Vertical

4.1.  ALTO Scopes

   The existence of SDN differentiates two scopes of ALTO, namely, the
   current scope of ALTO without SDN (referred to as the SDN-unfriendly
   Scope) and the new scope of ALTO with coherent coexistence of SDN
   (referred to as the SDN-friendly Scope):

   o  the SDN-unfriendly Scope: in the current scope of ALTO, there
      exist interactions between ALTO clients and ALTO servers.  Such
      interactions are one-way interaction, meaning that ALTO
      information flows in one direction, i.e., from the server to the
      clients.  More specifically, ALTO clients submit ALTO requests to
      (and subsequently receive ALTO responses from) an ALTO server.
      Additionally, ALTO clients in the current scope of ALTO are
      network applications who would like to consume the network
      resources.  ALTO clients are typically managed by network
      applications rather than by network carriers.  However, ALTO
      servers are owned and managed by network carriers.

   o  With the introduction of SDN, the interactions between ALTO
      clients and ALTO servers become more complex.  A more careful
      examination as well as important ALTO extensions are necessary to
      make ALTO work in the context of SDN.  It is important to note
      that if the network does not implement network division (i.e.,
      does not implement SDN domains), the interactions are "compressed"

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      into a compact set of interactions; specifically, both the SDN
      controller (recall that there exists only one single controller
      for the whole network) and the ALTO server could be integrated in
      many equally efficient fashions.  For instance, ALTO server could
      be put underneath the controller, i.e., ALTO server provides
      information to the controller, as suggested by [2].  However, if
      the network implements division via SDN domains (i.e., there
      exists multiple SDN domains), we essentially "unfold" the
      compressed interaction space and need more complex structures that
      allow efficient design and implementation, due to the facts that
      we listed in the preceding sections.  Furthermore, the design
      originally for the compressed space could be instantiated for the
      unfolded space but could not be as efficient.

   We next focus on the SDN-friendly Scope and highlight the complex
   structures and the important differences.

4.2.  ALTO clients

   With the existence of SDN and SDN controllers, ALTO clients could be
   not only legacy network applications (or proxies for these network
   applications), but also SDN controllers.

   In SDN, SDN controllers have similar needs as the legacy ALTO clients
   which communicate with ALTO servers, because ALTO clients would like
   to better understand the network and thus improve the application

   There are multiple reasons for this similarity.  The most important
   reason is that each SDN controller is only responsible for managing a
   sub-network in a carrier's network; therefore, it may not understand
   well other sub-networks in the same carrier network.  However, in
   order to allocate the network resources to satisfy application
   requirements (note that the end points of such applications may well
   span across multiple SDN domains), an SDN controller may have to
   involve other SDN controllers because the network paths needed may
   traverse multiple SDN domains.  Thus, obtaining global information
   from the ALTO server is a significantly more efficient and more
   preferable than otherwise from SDN interconnection protocols; plus,
   such protocols do not exist yet today.

   Although SDN controllers have similar needs as legacy ALTO
   applications do, the fundamental properties of SDN controllers as
   ALTO clients are significantly different.  One of the differences is
   the ownership and management, as most SDN controllers require
   additional (and more likely complex) access privileges.
   Specifically, SDN controllers are typically owned by the network
   carriers who also own their ALTO servers, while legacy ALTO clients

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   are network applications typically not owned by network carriers
   (there are cases where owned collaboratively amongst operators).

   In terms of management, the entity managing SDN controller is the
   same as that managing the ALTO server.  We emphasize that when an SDN
   domain is dedicated to some customers of a network carrier, the use
   of the SDN domain is owned by these customers and so is the
   management.  In this case, the SDN controllers as ALTO clients are
   slightly more like legacy ALTO clients.  However, there still exist
   fundamental differences which we will illustrate later.

4.3.  Interactions between SDN and ALTO

   Another difference is the interactions between SDN controllers as
   ALTO clients and ALTO servers.  Legacy ALTO clients retrieve
   information from ALTO servers.  However, SDN controllers may also
   need to push information to ALTO servers.  In a carrier's network,
   SDN controllers and the ALTO server are owned by the same carrier.
   Interactions between them could be significantly more complex.

4.3.1.  Downward Interaction

   The downward interaction is the information flow from ALTO servers to
   ALTO clients (i.e., SDN controllers).  SDN controllers request
   information from ALTO servers, similar to legacy ALTO clients.
   However, the requested information is significantly different.  The
   fundamental difference is a result of SDN and SDN domain division,
   which do not exist in legacy network application scenarios.  For
   instance, an SDN controller for a specific SDN domain may be
   interested in obtaining internal information of other SDN domains
   (provided that other domains allow to do so), or obtaining domain-
   level information such as inter-SDN-domain connectivity.  None of
   these is applicable to legacy ALTO client scenarios.  As a result,
   ALTO server and its protocol should be extended to support such

4.3.2.  Upward Interaction

   The upward interaction is the information flow from ALTO clients
   (i.e., SDN controllers) to ALTO servers.  SDN controllers open up the
   possibilities of conveniently collecting network information and
   exporting such information to ALTO servers.  SDN controllers are at
   the best position to collect network information.  More importantly,
   it is an evitable requirement that SDN controllers collect the
   information of the networking devices in its domain.

   In some scenarios, it is a requirement that information flow from
   ALTO clients to ALTO servers.  For instance, an SDN domain could be

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   dedicated to some of a carrier's certain customers; the usage of such
   a domain gives privileged client access.  However, such a domain is
   an integral sub-network of the carrier's network.  In such a case,
   the ALTO server for the carrier's network is not able to collect
   necessary information in a scalable, manageable way.  Even if we
   assume that the ALTO server can automatically pull necessary
   information directly from networking devices, the dedicated domain
   may disallow the ALTO server to do so, because customers who own and
   manage this domain may enforce stringent privacy policies and
   disallow exporting information externally.  The SDN controller is the
   best entity that can facility the automation of information
   collection while at the same time enforce the specific privacy

4.4.  Interactions between Legacy ALTO Clients and ALTO Servers

   With the existence of SDN, the way that legacy network applications
   (i.e., as legacy ALTO clients) interact with ALTO servers is also

   In legacy ALTO client/server scenarios, ALTO clients obtain cost maps
   from ALTO servers, with the implicit assumption that ALTO servers
   understand how the underlying network routes packets, which allows
   ALTO servers to define or compute a cost metric associated with a
   given route.

   However, with the introduction of SDN, such assumption may no longer
   hold, as SDN controllers may dynamically negotiate and determine a
   route between two end points (which may belong to two different SDN
   domains), especially when applications have specific requirements for
   network resources (e.g.bandwidth, delay, etc).  Thus, in order for
   applications to best utilize the network resources, the way that
   legacy ALTO clients communicate with ALTO servers should be adapted
   to SDN.

4.5.  Summary

   In the context of SDN, due to the specific and unique properties of
   SDN domains, SDN controllers as ALTO clients are significantly
   different from legacy ALTO clients, posing new requirements for the
   interactions between ALTO clients and ALTO servers.

5.  Information Flows

   We now further describe the two different information flows through
   two sets of use cases, one for the information flow from ALTO servers
   to ALTO clients, the other for the information flow from SDN

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   controllers to ALTO servers.

5.1.  Information Flow of SDN Controller

   A network may consist of multiple SDN domains.  Note that due to
   operational or deployment concerns, there may exist networking
   devices that do not belong to any SDN domain.  In each SDN domain,
   the SDN controller is responsible for the following tasks (only ALTO
   related tasks are included below):

   o  Collect fine-grain information from the networking devices it
      manages.  Such information could include, but not limited to, SDN
      domain topology, link capacity, available bandwidth on each link,
      links connected to external devices belonging to other SDN

   o  Implement pre-defined domain-specific policies.  Such policies
      could include, but not limited to, how resources should be
      allocated, how the collected information should combined and

   o  Optionally aggregate the collected information for external view
      purposes per its policies.

   o  Obtain cost maps at the granularity of SDN domains or obtain
      internal cost maps for specific domains (if available), consult
      for cross-domain data-forwarding plane recommendations from ALTO.

   o  Make (ALTO recommended) data/forwarding plane decisions based on
      the cost maps obtained from ALTO.

5.2.  Information Flow of Applications, SDN and ALTO

   We now give three examples to describe a complete work flow, which
   connects all key elements in an SDN.

5.2.1.  SDN-aware Applications

   o  An application's end point sends a request for network resources
      to the SDN controller it belongs to (i.e., the SDN controller for
      the SDN domain where this application's end point belongs to).
      The request should include the destination end point or the set of
      destination end points, and a set of requirements on network
      resources (e.g., bandwidth)

   o  The SDN controller obtains an SDN-specific cost map from the ALTO
      server (this step may occur independent of remaining steps)

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   o  The SDN controller uses the cost map and negotiate one or many
      path(s) with other SDN controllers (since the path may span across
      multiple SDN domains, thus all SDN controllers of the involved
      domains should participate in setting up the paths)

   o  The SDN controller responds to the requesting application's end

   o  If the requested path(s) are successfully set up, the
      application's end point starts to communicate with the destination
      end points.

5.2.2.  SDN-unaware Applications

   SDN-unaware applications do not directly communicate with SDN
   controllers.  Instead, they follow special packet formatting rules to
   encode the SDN-specific requests, and the SDN capable networking
   devices pick up these requests and forward them the SDN controllers.

   The remaining work flow is similar to the work flow of SDN-aware
   applications, except that SDN controllers do not respond to the
   requesting applications.  Thus, when the requests cannot be
   satisfied, SDN-unaware applications may suffer from packet losses,
   due to networking devices process these applications' packets in a
   best effort fashion.

5.2.3.  Legacy Applications

   Legacy applications can be greatly simplified, as it is unnecessary
   and is not helpful for them to directly communicate with ALTO servers
   any more:

   o  An end point of a legacy application sends a packet to a known

   o  A SDN capable networking device picks up the packet; however, if
      the path for the two end points has not been set up yet, the SDN
      controller will be consulted

   o  The SDN controller obtains a cost map from the ALTO server (this
      step may occur independent of remaining steps).

   o  The SDN controller negotiate with other SDN controllers to set up
      a best-effort path for the requesting end point.

   o  The forwarding rules for this path are pushed to all networking
      devices that are on the chosen path

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   o  Communications between the two end points continue; the forwarding
      rules may expire if the communication is tore down

   In this case, legacy applications are relieved from the complexity of
   dealing with the ALTO server using the ALTO protocol.  ALTO-related
   intelligence, which fundamentally belongs to the network
   intelligence, is implemented in the network, rather than partly
   outside the network.

5.3.  Summary

   It is worth noting that this architecture is fundamentally different
   from common ALTO use cases such as ALTO in CDN or data center (DC).
   The differences lie in that in the latter cases the components in
   question (e.g., CDN or DC) are largely consumers of ALTO services,
   while in the former case SDN domains are not only making decisions
   that may affect ALTO and generating/aggregating information that ALTO
   needs, but also the consumers of ALTO services.  Furthermore, in the
   former case, SDN domains are an integral part of the underlying
   network infrastructure where their decisions could be treated as
   constraints for ALTO; however, in the latter cases, the components in
   question (e.g., CDN or DC) are apparently not necessarily integral
   parts of the underlying network and their decisions could be treated
   as recommended outcomes suggested by ALTO.

6.  Use Case for Upward Flow

   The upward flow delivers SDN domains' network information by SDN
   controllers to the ALTO server.  Each SDN controller is responsible
   for collecting, aggregating, and submitting its own domain's network
   information to the ALTO server.  Due to the possibility of some SDN
   domain being dedicated to certain customers, we illustrate the upward
   flow in two use cases.

6.1.  Unrestrictive Information Exporting

   SDN domain controllers have to collect various network information
   from the networking devices they manage no matter if ALTO exists or
   not.  The reason is that an SDN controller may have to make decisions
   for allocating resources within its domain, and making such decisions
   need various network information.  Since such information is readily
   collected and available, an SDN controller could submit such
   information as is (or after simple processing) to the ALTO
   server.Take the available link bandwidth as an example (available
   link bandwidth could be used as a measure of "distance").  An SDN
   controller could periodically collect the available bandwidth on all
   links in its domain and submit it to the ALTO server.  However, such

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   information should be annotated with the domain information (e.g.,
   domain ID).  By submitting such information, later other SDN
   controllers may request for this domain's available link bandwidth

6.2.  Restrictive Information Exporting

   An SDN domain belonging to a carrier may be dedicated to certain
   customers of that carrier.  In this case, the dedicated users of an
   SDN domain manage not only how resources should be allocated but also
   what information should be exported.

   A carrier may dedicate a set of small data centers (on multiple
   sites) to its certain customer.  These data centers are put under a
   single SDN domain.  The customer can manage the dedicated multi-site,
   small data centers via the SDN controller.  Periodically the SDN
   controller collects network information from all data centers.

   However, different than the former unrestrictive case, the customer
   may have stringent privacy policies and therefore decide to aggregate
   the collected information before submitting to the ALTO server.

   For instance, the customer may aggregate the information for a data
   center network in the same site such that the data center network is
   shrunk into a single node; by doing so, the multi-site data center
   network is aggregated into a multi-node network topology, each node
   in the topology actually corresponds to a small data center in
   reality.  The aggregated network topology could be annotated with
   available link bandwidth information or other information that is
   collected and allowed to be exported.

   The customer's information aggregation policy defines how the
   information should be pre-processed before exporting to the ALTO
   server.  The main purpose of aggregation is to protect privacy.  As a
   result of information aggregation, the exported network information
   could be a logical topology (annotated with various network
   information, e.g., distance or cost) which is totally different from
   the physical topology.

6.3.  Information Aggregation

   Without SDN, ALTO defines cost maps for an aggregated view of the
   network topology, where the granularity of aggregation is determined
   by the network carrier and could be either coarse-grain or fine-

   However, with the introduction of SDN, such information aggregation
   could be greatly simplified and should be policed based on the

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   policies defined for each SDN domain.  For instance, ALTO only needs
   to collect information from a pre-defined set of SDN domain
   controllers, where the controllers determines at what granularity
   they would like to aggregate the information and export them.  In
   addition, such aggregation is governed by the domain-specific
   policies, which defines not only the granularity of aggregation but
   also to whom such aggregated information may be exposed.

   More specifically, an illustrative use case is as follows.  SDN
   controllers collect fine-grain information and aggregate it
   periodically per their policies.  ALTO is configured to obtain the
   aggregated information from a set of SDN domain controllers and
   obtain possibly raw information from networking devices (or the
   network operation center).  ALTO then constructs a complete view of
   the overall network (an aggregated view of the network).  SDN
   controllers obtain cost maps from ALTO and apply such maps when
   making data/forwarding plane decisions.

   Another illustrative use case is as follows.  SDN controllers may
   choose to export fine-grain information to ALTO.  After it obtains
   the cost maps from ALTO, it could leverage the cost maps with greater
   details about their own domains and make informed decisions.
   However, SDN controllers should not overload ALTO by exporting too
   much fine-grain information.

7.  Use Case for Downward Flow

   We illustrate the use of downward flow through several use cases as

   Note that when the originating SDN domain's controller make decisions
   for choosing path(s) and set up the path(s), each involved SDN domain
   controller should map the overall decision to scoped decisions
   specifically for their responsible domains.

7.1.  SDN-Aware QoS Metrics

   We use two use cases to describe SDN-aware QoS.  When aggregating QoS
   information, SDN controllers or the information aggregation policies
   should understand the semantics of each QoS metrics.  For instance,
   some metrics (e.g., delay) are additive, while some others are
   multiplicative (e.g., packet loss rate).  The information aggregation
   policy should be flexible enough to specify such details.

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7.1.1.  Use Case: On-Demand Bandwidth

   An SDN capable application / source end-point may request for a
   certain amount of end-to-end bandwidth to a destination end-point on
   the fly.  The two end points in question should be in the same
   administrative domain, but they are not in the same SDN domain.  The
   path(s) set up for such a request span across multiple SDN domains.

   The SDN controller of the source domain (i.e., the SDN domain where
   the source end-point is located), referred to as the source SDN
   controller, should first obtain the cost maps from the ALTO server.
   Such cost maps are SDN-domain-specific, namely, the costs are defined
   for pairs of SDN domains, rather than for pairs of end points as in
   the legacy ALTO case.

   The source SDN domain controller should then determine path(s) for
   the two end points based on the cost maps and associated information
   obtained from ALTO.  More specifically, the controller should:

   o  Compute a lowest-cost path at the SDN domain level using the
      obtained SDN-domain-specific cost map.

   o  Contact the controllers of those SDN domains on the selected path,
      probing for the available bandwidth that could be dedicated to the
      requested session.

   o  Check if all of the selected path have sufficient combined
      bandwidth that matches the required bandwidth

   o  if the combined bandwidth of all selected paths cannot match the
      requirement, then go back to step 1 and select another lowest-cost
      path (different than the already selected ones)

      *  if no path can be selected and the combined bandwidth does not
         match the requirement, the request cannot be satisfied.

   o  if the combined bandwidth of all selected paths match the
      requirement, then set up all selected paths by signaling all
      involved SDN domain controllers.  Note that the signaling protocol
      and how to set up paths are beyond the scope of this document.

   Data backup and migration among data centers, which typically require
   bulk data transfers, is an example of on-demand bandwidth use case.
   Data centers may be managed by one or multiple SDN domains; thus bulk
   data transfer could be thought of as bulk data transfer among
   multiple SDN domains.

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7.1.2.  Delay

   Similar to the preceding use case, applications may request for paths
   satisfying some certain QoS metrics, e.g., VoIP applications may ask
   for paths with delay being lower than certain thresholds.  This
   requires that ALTO cost maps embed such information, and that SDN
   controller should export such information to ALTO.

7.2.  Content Delivery Networks (CDN)

   Content Delivery Network (CDN) has been widely deployed to help
   dissemination of content at the Internet scale.  Network carries are
   also deploying CDNs inside their own networks to improve the user
   experiences of their customers.  With the introduction of SDN, not
   only legacy CDN but also a new SDN-based CDN can be seamlessly
   implemented and integrated with the current network infrastructure.

   Here is an example of the flow of SDN-enabled CDN.  Suppose that
   there are a set of CDN servers deployed in a carrier's network and
   they are willing to be managed by SDN.  An equivalent class for each
   of the CDN server is defined by either the CDN carrier or the network
   carrier (these two carriers can be the same).  An equivalent class is
   a set of IP addresses, one for a CDN server, where if one can be used
   to fulfill requests for a specific content, then any server in this
   class can also be used to serve the same requests.  In the extreme
   case, there is only one equivalent class for all CDN servers.

   Then the pre-defined equivalent classes are pushed to the SDN
   controllers, which leverage such information to select CDN servers
   and set up paths for any end point to any such servers.

   o  A network client (e.g., an HTTP-based Web client) obtains the IP
      address, referred to as A, of one of the CDN servers in the
      carrier's network (e.g., by DNS queries)

   o  The client sends a first packet destined for A (for HTTP requests,
      this packet is a TCP SYN packet)

   o  An SDN capable networking device picks up the packet

   o  If there are forwarding rules already set up for the communication
      between the requesting client and the destination A, then follow
      the rules to forward the request packet

   o  Otherwise, forward the request packet to the SDN controller of
      this domain

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   o  Once receiving a forwarded packet from a networking device, the
      SDN controller takes the following actions:

      *  Retrieves the equivalent class for the given destination A

      *  Obtains a cost map from the ALTO server (this step could take
         place asynchronously)

      *  Ranks all CDN servers in the equivalent class according to the
         cost map obtained from the ALTO server

      *  Selects the best CDN server, referred to as B, based on the
         above ranking

      *  Negotiates and sets up a best-effort path to the selected CDN
         server with other controllers

      *  Sets up forwarding rules for the path, and rewriting rules for
         replacing the IP address of A with the IP address of B (so that
         the client is actually communicating with B, although it may
         think that it is communicating with A; however, which server it
         communicates is not important)

   o  The request packet is forwarded to the chosen CDN server B,
      subject to the forwarding rules and rewriting rules

   o  The client communicates with the CDN server B

   o  The path and associated forwarding/rewriting rules are expired whe
      n the communication is torn down (this step is irrelevant to the
      ALTO extension for SDN, therefore, it is out of scope)

   However, the above use case has two limitations.  First, it violates
   the TCP semantics; namely, the client intends to and believes that it
   is communicating with server A, but actually it is communicating with
   server B. Second, it has to rely on the capability of devices being
   able to rewrite forwarding rules (e.g., use one IP address to replace
   another one in a packet).

   If the above two limitations become concerns, e.g., either TCP
   semantics should not be violated or rewriting is not available or
   both, the above SDN-enabled CDN use case can be implemented in
   similar way, with the help of a redirection server.

   Below we describe the steps that are different:

   o  A redirection server (or server farm), referred to as R, is set up
      for redirecting client requests

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   o  Each SDN controller sets up path(s) to the given redirection
      server R

   o  Note that the redirection server could be an integral component of
      an SDN controller (either collocated or integrated), in which
      path(s) are not necessary

   o  Once receiving a forwarded packet from a networking device, the
      SDN controller takes the following actions:

      *  Retrieves the equivalent class for the given destination A

      *  Obtains a cost map from the ALTO server (this step could take
         place asynchronously)

      *  Ranks all CDN servers in the equivalent class according to the
         cost map obtained from the ALTO server

      *  Selects the best CDN server, referred to as B, based on the
         above ranking

      *  Sends the information of the chosen CDN server, i.e., its IP
         address B, to the redirection server R

      *  Negotiates and sets up a best-effort path to the redirection
         server R (if R is not integrated with the SDN controller)

      *  Sets up forwarding rules for the path to R

      *  Negotiates and sets up a best-effort path to the CDN server B

      *  Sets up forwarding rules for the path to B

   o  The client communicates with the redirection server R

   o  R sends an HTTP redirection packet to the client, redirecting
      future requests to the CDN server B (which is notified by the SDN

   o  The client communicates with the chosen CDN server B (note that
      the path to B has been already set up)

7.3.  Information-Centric Content Delivery Networks (IC-CDN)

   Information-Centric Networking (ICN) is a "host-to-information"
   communication model, different from the legacy "host-to-host" model
   implemented by the Internet.  Content Delivery Network (CDN) is more
   of a "host-to-information" model (i.e., CDNs can be treated as a

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   special instance of ICN), but implemented in the "host-to-host"
   model, due to the fact that the current semantics provided by the
   Internet only support the "host-to-host" model.

   With the introduction of SDN, CDNs can be converted into an
   information-centric networking implementation:

   o  A CDN client sends a request for a specific content

   o  The request packet is formatted per the CDN in SDN specification
      (beyond the scope of this draft), containing

      *  the requested content name in the packet

      *  destination (a specific anycast IP address) which is reserved
         for legacy applications to invoke SDN capabilities

      *  (optional) QoS requirements (e.g., prefer fast/local servers
         vs. slow/remote servers, demands are elastic or not)

   o  An SDN capable networking device picks up the request packet

   o  If there are forwarding rules set up for this content request
      already, then follow the rules to forward the request packet, and
      terminate this.

   o  Otherwise, forward the request packet to the SDN controller for
      this domain.

   o  The SDN controller communicates with the CDN's name directory to
      look up possible CDN servers that can satisfy the request

   o  The SDN controller obtains a cost map from the ALTO server

   o  The SDN controller applies the cost map to select the best CDN
      server per the QoS requirements if specified in the request

   o  The SDN controller negotiate the path to the selected CDN server
      with other controllers

   o  The SDN controllers that along the chosen path set up the path,
      and push the forwarding rule(s) for this chosen path to all
      networking devices that are involved

   o  The request packet is forwarded to the chosen CDN server

   o  Data packets flow back to the CDN client

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   In this use case, the CDN clients could be modified to send the
   "information-centric" request.  However, in a realistic
   implementation, neither the CDN clients nor the CDN servers have to
   be significantly modified (e.g., CDN redirection could be leveraged
   to implement the above work flow).

8.  Conclusions

   In this draft, we identify the fundamental differences between legacy
   ALTO client/server and ALTO client/server with the existence of SDN.
   The introduction of SDN fundamentally changes the way that the ALTO
   works.  We present the Vertical Architecture and the Horizontal
   Architecture to allow coherent coexistence of SDN and ALTO.  We
   believe that the Vertical Architecture allows better division,
   management, flexibility, privacy control and long-term evolution of
   the network.  Therefore we mainly focus on the Vertical Architecture
   in this draft.  We also define the main interactions and information
   flows, and present a set of use cases to illustrate how we extend
   ALTO to support SDN, in the Vertical Architecture.

9.  Contributors

   The authors would like to thank Vijay K. Gurbani for his many
   detailed reviews and helpful assistance on this draft.

   Vijay K. Gurbani
   Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent
   1960 Lucent Lane, Rm. 9C-533
   Naperville, IL 60566

   Email: vkg AT (,

10.  Acknowlegements

   The authors would like to thank Aditi Vira for editing the draft.

11.  Security Considerations


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12.  IANA Considerations

   This document makes no specific request of IANA.

   Note to RFC Editor: this section may be removed on publication as an

13.  Informative References

   [1]  Koponen, T., Casado, M., Gude, N., Stribling, J., Poutievski,
        L., Zhu, M., Ramanathan, R., Iwata, Y., Inoue, H., Hama, T., and
        S. Shenker, "Onix: A Distributed Control Platform for Large-
        scale Production Networks", Proceedings of the 9th USENIX
        Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI
        10), Vancouver, Canada, pp. 351-364", October 2010.

   [2]  Gurbani, V., Scharf, M., Lakshman, T., and V. Hilt, "Abstracting
        network state in Software Defined Networks (SDN) for rendezvous
        services, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC)
        Workshop on Software Defined Networks (SDN)", June 2012.

Authors' Addresses

   Haiyong Xie
   Huawei & USTC
   2330 Central Expy
   Santa Clara, CA  95050


   Tina Tsou
   Huawei (USA)
   2330 Central Expy
   Santa Clara, CA  95050


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Internet-Draft           ALTO Use Cases For SDN                June 2012

   Diego R. Lopez
   Telefonica I+D
   Don Ramon de la Cruz, 84
   Madrid,   28006


   Hongtao Yin
   Huawei (USA)
   2330 Central Expy
   Santa Clara, CA  95050


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