Internet DRAFT - draft-xie-v6ops-framework-multi-domain-ipv6only


v6ops Working Group                                               C. Xie
Internet-Draft                                                     C. Ma
Intended status: Informational                             China Telecom
Expires: December 23, 2022                                         X. Li
                                       CERNET Center/Tsinghua University
                                                               G. Mishra
                                                             Verizon Inc
                                                            M. Boucadair
                                                           June 21, 2022

              Framework of Multi-domain IPv6-only Network


   For the IPv6 transition, dual-stack deployments require both IPv4 and
   IPv6 transfer capabilities are deployed in parallel.  IPv6-only is
   considered as the ultimate stage where only IPv6 transfer
   capabilities are used while ensuring global reachability for both
   IPv6 and IPv4(IPv4aaS).  This document specifies requirements and
   propose a general framework when deploying IPv6-only in multi-domain

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 23, 2022.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2022 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft      Multi-domain IPv6-only Framework           June 2022

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
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   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Conventions used in this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  The concept of IPv6-only network  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   5.  The reason to consider multi-domain factor when implementing
       IPv6-only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   6.  Scenarios . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   7.  Requirements from service traffic . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   8.  Description of the framework  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     8.1.  Overview  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     8.2.  ADPT description  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       8.2.1.  Rule management layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
       8.2.2.  Routing processing layer  . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
       8.2.3.  Data forwarding layer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     8.3.  Mapping prefix allocation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   9.  Procedure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   10. Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   11. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   12. Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
   13. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     13.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  17
     13.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  18
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19

1.  Introduction

   IPv6 capabilities have been widely deployed during the past 10 years
   and IPv6 traffic is growing faster than IPv4.  Document
   [I-D.ietf-v6ops-ipv6-deployment] provides an overview of IPv6
   transition deployment status and how the transition to IPv6 is
   progressing among network operators and enterprises.

   Up to now, most IPv6 deployments rely on dual-stack
   approach[RFC4213].  However, dual-stack does have a few disadvantages
   in the long run, like the duplication of the network resources and
   states, as well as other limitations for network operation.  For this

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   reason, when IPv6 usage increases to a certain limit, it would be
   better to consider IPv6-only.  It is generally supposed that running
   an IPv6-only network would reduce operational expenditures and
   optimize operations as compared to an IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack
   environment.  In 2016, the IAB announced that it " expects that the
   IETF will stop requiring IPv4 compatibility in new or extended
   protocols.  Future IETF protocol work will then optimize for and
   depend on IPv6."[IAB-statement].  In order to extend the service in
   the case of IPv4 address depletion, operators need to provide IPv6
   services and keep the ability for users to access the global IPv4
   Internet.  Therefore, "IPv4 as a Service", i. e., IPv4aaS is a
   natural consideration for IPv6-only scheme.

   Several IPv4 service continuity mechanisms have been designed within
   IETF during the past twenty
   years[I-D.ietf-v6ops-transition-comparison].  When these schemes
   support the hosting of IPv4 service, different types of IPv4 and IPv6
   conversion technologies are required, e. g., 464XLAT[RFC6877] uses
   stateful NAT64 translation technology, MAP-E[RFC7597]and MAP-T
   [RFC7599] use stateless NAT64 translation.  DS-Lite[RFC6333] adopts
   AFTR-based 4over6 tunneling technology, while the backbone network
   adopts GRE tunneling or stateless translation technology, etc.  This
   document specifies the requirements for multi-domain IPv6-only
   network and propose a general framework from the perspective of
   operators.  The objective of this framework is to help large-scale
   operators implement the transition to IPv6-only and suppports cross-
   domain, end-to-end IPv4 service delivery over IPv6-only network.  It
   does not introduce any new IPv6 transition mechanisms.

2.  Conventions used in this document

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119] .

3.  Terminology

   The following terms are defined in this draft:

   o  Multi-domain IPv6-only network: An IPv6-only network which
      consists of multiple ASes belonging to and operated by the same

   o  Inter-domain IPv6-only network: An IPv6-only network which
      consists of multiple ASes belonging to and operated by different

   o  UE: User Equipment, e.g., mobile phone.

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   o  CPE: Customer Premise Edge device.

   o  IXP: Internet Exchange Point.

   o  WKP: Well-Known Prefix.

   o  NSP: Network-Specific Prefix.

   o  PE : Provider Edge device.

   o  IPv4-embedded IPv6 packet: IPv6 packet which is generated from
      IPv4 packet by algorithmically mapping of the source and
      destination IPv4 addresses to IPv6 addresses.

   o  Border gateway: A PE router which run eBGP routing protocol and
      peering with the BGP router of external AS.

   o  Conversion point: A function which provides conversion between
      IPv4 and IPv6 realms.

4.  The concept of IPv6-only network

   The definition of IPv6-only network is proposed against the
   definition IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack network.  Frankly speaking, the
   global industry has not given a unified definition of IPv6-only
   network so far.  We believe that IPv6-only network is a IPv6-centric
   network in which the data packets are routed and forwarded based on
   IPv6 protocol, and supports seamlessly interconnection with various
   external networks, including IPv4-only.

5.  The reason to consider multi-domain factor when implementing

   Intuitively speaking, transition to IPv6-only from dual-stack means
   some or all the IPv4 protocol instances of dual-stack network will be
   closed gradually, thereby IPv6 will become the main network-layer

   When IPv4 is closed at the network layer, the first question is how
   to make remaining IPv4 services running normally and users'
   experience does not deteriorate.  The deployment of IPv6-only should
   not be based on the premise of the extinction of all IPv4-only
   services in short time, it is very possible that some portion of the
   Internet service will consistently be IPv4-based.  In other words,
   IPv6-only network should carry not only IPv6-capable services, but
   also IPv4-only services.

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   [RFC5565]describes the IPv4-over-IPv6 scenario, where the network
   core is IPv6-only and the interconnected IPv4 networks are called
   IPv4 client networks.  The P Routers (Provider Routers) in the core
   only support IPv6, but the AFBRs support IPv4 on interfaces facing
   IPv4 client networks and IPv6 on interfaces facing the core.  The
   routing solution defined in [RFC5565] for this scenario is to run
   IBGP among AFBRs to exchange IPv4 routing information in the core,
   and the IPv4 packets are forwarded from one IPv4 client network to
   the other through a softwire using tunneling technology, such as
   MPLS, LSP, GRE, L2TPv3, etc.

   [RFC6992] describes a routing scenario where IPv4 packets are
   transported over an IPv6 network, based on [RFC7915] and [RFC6052],
   along with a separate OSPFv3 routing table for IPv4-embedded IPv6
   routes in the IPv6 network.

   Generally, the networks of large-scale operators comprise multiple
   ASes, different ASes may serve different scenarios, such as metro
   network, backbone network, 4G or 5G mobile core, data center network,
   and are often managed by different departments or institutions, using
   different routing and security policies.  When introducing the
   IPv6-only scheme without collaboration between ASes, different ASes
   adopt the IPv6 transition approach independently, the result is that
   multiple IPv6-only islands are connected by IPv4 links between
   domains.  As shown in figure 1, there will be more IPv4-IPv6 packet
   conversion gateways with different functions in the network.  Under
   this circumstance, IPv6 packets converted from IPv4 packets need to
   be transformed back to IPv4 packets at the egress of one AS, and then
   back to IPv6 in the next domain, and the number of conversion
   gateways will increase along with the increasing of the number of
   ASes.  Excessive IPv4-IPv6 conversion gateways lead to complexity of
   network and CAPEX increasing.  Therefore, there is an urgent need for
   multi-domain IPv6-only solutions to eliminate unnecessary conversion
   functions and improve data forwarding efficiency.

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         +---+  +---+                          +------+
         |UE/|--|PGW|                          | IPv4 |
         |CPE|  +---+                          |Server|
         +---+    |                            +------+
                  |                               |
           -----------                        -----------
          /Mobile Core\                      /           \
         |   Network   |                    |    IPv4     |
         | (IPv6-only) |                    |  Internet   |
          \           /                      \           /
           -----------                        -----------
               |                                  |
            +-----+                          +--------+
            |PLAT/|                          |IPv4 BGP|
            |NAT64|                          | Router |
            +-----+                          +--------+
              | IPv4 link                        |IPv4 link
              |            -----------           |
          +---------+     / Backbone  \     +---------+
          |Stateless|----|  Network     ----|Stateless|
          | NAT64   |     \(IPv6-only)/     | NAT64   |
          +---------+      -----------      +---------+
             XLAT-1                            XLAT-2
    Figure 1: IPv6-only Independent Deployment in Multi-domain Network

6.  Scenarios

   This section describes scenarios where IPv4 packets are transported
   over a multi-domain IPv6-only network.  A typical model of multi-
   domain IPv6 network is depicted in figure 2.  Network 1, belonging to
   and operated by operator 1, runs IPv6 and is composed of multiple
   inter-connected ASes, i.e., AS1, AS2 and AS3.  In addition, network 1
   provides access to multiple types of users, including mobile, home
   broadband and enterprise customers, denoted by UE1, UE2 and UE3 in
   figure 2.  Routers that are outside the backbone but directly
   attached to it are known as "Customer Edge" (CE) routers.

   Network 1 is open, it is interworking with the external networks.
   Operator 2 is one of the neighbor operators of Operator 1, AS4 of
   operator 2 and AS3 of operator 1 are interconnected through BGP
   protocol.  AS4 is an IPv4-only network, which means that it does not
   run IPv6 protocol.In addition, cloud services are hosted in data
   centers and connected across multiple data centers, the edge, and
   public and private clouds.  The cloud data center must be able to
   communicate across these multiple sites, both on-premises and in the
   cloud.  IPv6-only network needs to provide connections for cloud data
   center.  Network 1 supports two connections modes of cloud data
   centers, the first one is between cloud data center and individual

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   users, for instance, the user of CPE1 accesses the service hosted in
   DC1, the second one is the connection between cloud data centers, for
   instance, communications between VMs hosted in DC1 and DC2

   The edge nodes of the Network 1 are often known as "Provider Edge"
   (PE) routers.  The term "ingress" (or "ingress PE") refers to the
   router at which a packet enters the network, and the term "egress"
   (or "egress PE") refers to the router at which it leaves the
   backbone.  Interior nodes are often known as "P routers".  The P
   routers in the core only support IPv6, but the PEs support IPv4 on
   interfaces facing IPv4 client networks and IPv6 on interfaces facing
   the core.Network 1 provides transportation services for packets that
   originate outside the network and whose destinations are outside the
   network.  These packets enter the IPv6 network at one of its "edge
   routers".  They are routed through the network to another edge
   router, after which they leave the network and continue on their way.

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                   -----          -----
                  /     \        /     \
                 |  DC1  |      |  DC2  |
                  \     /        \     /
                   -----          -----
           |         |  (Operator1) |         |
           |       +---+  Network +---+       |
           |       |PE3|          |PE4|       |     (Operator2)
           |       +---+          +---+       |       +--+
           |      /    \         /     \      |      /    \
    +----+ | +---+      +--+ +--+       +---+ | +---+      +
    |UE/ |---|PE1| AS1  |R1|-|R2|       |PE5|---|BR1|  AS4 |
    |CPE1| | +---+      +--+ +--+       +---+ | +---+      +
    +----+ |      \    /        |       |     |      \    /
           |       +--+         |       |     |       +--+
           |       |R5|         |       |     |
           |       +--+         | AS3   |     |
           |        |           |       |     |
           |       +--+         |       |     |
    +----+ |       |R6|         |       |     |     (Operator3)
    |UE/ | |       +--+         |       |     |       +--+
    |CPE2|\|      /    \        |       |     |      /    \
    +----+ \ +---+      +--+ +--+       +---+ | +---+      +
           |-|PE2| AS2  |R3|-|R4|       |PE6|---|BR2| AS5  |
    +----+ / +---+      +--+ +--+       +---+ | +---+      +
    |UE/ |/|      \    /         \     /      |      \    /
    |CPE3| |       ----           -----       |       +--+
    +----+ |                                  |
           Figure 2. Multi-domain IPv6 Network Model

   In order to illustrate the requirements of IPv6-only network, the
   following scenarios should be considered,

   Scenario 1: IPv6 user to IPv4 server, i.e., IPv6-only user accesses
   IPv4 services hosted in cloud data centers.

   Scenario 2: IPv4 user to IPv4 server, i.e., IPv4-only user accesses
   IPv4 services hosted in cloud data centers.

   Scenario 3: IPv6 user to IPv6 server, i.e., IPv6-only user accesses
   IPv6 services hosted in cloud data centers.

   Scenario 4: DC-to-DC, i.e., IPv6-only provide communications between
   VMs hosted in cloud data centers, despite they are IPv4, IPv6 or
   IPv4/IPv6 dual-stack.

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   Scenario 5: Transit for neighbor networks, i.e., IPv6-only network
   serves as an interconnection between several segregated IPv4-only
   network, IPv4 packets are transported over the IPv6-only network
   between IPv4 networks.

   Scenario 6: IPv6-Only eBGP Edge peering in Internet Exchange Point
   (IXP)[I-D.ietf-bess-ipv6-only-pe-design], this serves to eliminate
   IPv4 provisioning at the Edge of IXP that are facing IPv4 address
   depletion at large peering points.

   Scenario 7: 5G Transport service, SD-WAN, network slicing, etc.

   It should be noted that the scenarios above are only a subset of the
   scenarios that multi-domain IPv6-only network will support in the

7.  Requirements from service traffic

   The native-IPv6 traffic can be transported by IPv6-only network
   naturally, therefore there are no additional requirements.

   In order to support IPv4 service delivery, the following requirements
   should be met by multi-domain IPv6-only network.

   Requirement 1: beneficial to wider IPv6 adoption

   It should largely reduce IPv4 public address consumption and
   accelerate the deployment of IPv6, rather than prolonging the
   lifecycle of IPv4 by introducing multiple layers of NAT44.

   Requirement 2: IPv4-as-a-Service

   IPv6 transition mechanisms should provide IPv4 service delivery and
   there should be no perceived degradation of customer experience when
   accessing the remaining IPv4 services.

   Requirement 3: end-to-end

   For any given IPv4 traffic flow, there should be no IPv4-IPv6
   conversion point in the middle of the IPv6 data path when traversing
   multi-domain IPv6 network, in other words, IPv4 packet should not
   appear in the middle of the IPv6 data path, the quantity of the
   conversion points should not exceed two.  In addition, IPv6-only
   network should support the following two types of IPv6 data path.

   -From UE to egress, the packets of IPv4 service can be translated
   into IPv6 packets within UE or CPE, and there should be no IPv4-IPv6
   conversion before they reach the egress of the network.

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   -From the ingress to egress, since the core of the network is
   IPv6-based, so all IPv4 packets which reaches the edge of the network
   should be transformed into IPv6 packets by the ingress and forwarded
   to the egress of the network.

   The end-to-end requirement also be valid for cloud-to-cloud

   Requirement 4: support of double translation and encapsulation

   The data-plane has two approaches for traversing the IPv6 provider
   network: 4-6-4 translation and 4over6 encapsulation, they both should
   be supported by IPv6-only network, the core nodes do not distinguish
   between translation-based IPv6 packet and encapsulation-based IPv6
   packet.  At the egress, the PE can recover IPv4 packet by reading the
   next-header field of the packet.  Moreover, translation mode and
   encapsulation mode should share the same IPv4-IPv6 address mapping
   algorithm.  Note that the double translation can reduce to single
   translation, while the encapsulation cannot.

   Requirement 5: controller independent

   In order to forward an IPv4 packet to the right egress point, IPv4
   reachability information must be exchanged in advance between the
   IPv4 networks over in IPv6-only network.  In general, BGP4+ is used
   to distribute external IPv4 routing information among PEs.  It does
   not rely on the deployment of any centralized controller.  Note that
   with this routing solution, the IPv4 and IPv6 header conversion
   performed in both directions by the PE is stateless.

   Requirement 6: user stateless at the border gateway

   Maintaining user status will need great volume of storage and
   computation power, so it is generally stored or managed at the edge
   of network and close to the user side.  It is unsuitable to store
   user-related status at the inter-connection point.  The border ASBR
   that is interworking with external networks should be unaware of the
   user-related information, it only needs to perform stateless
   translation or encapsulation/decapsulation.

   Requirement 7: high scalability

   It should achieve high scalability, simplicity and high availability,
   especially for large-scale operators.  When PE processes
   IPv4-features at the edge of the network, the quantity of the
   IPv4-related status should not increase linearly or exponentially
   along with the quantity of the user or traffic.  Considering this, it
   is better to adopt algorithm-based mapping approach to avoid

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   excessive status storage at the edge.  It would also avoid
   overloading of the IPv6 routing table.

   Requirement 8: SRv6 applicable

   SRv6 can be supported by inserting SRH in translated IPv6 packet, so
   the network programming can be realized for IPv4 traffic flow.

   Requirement 9: incremental deployment

   It should deploy in an incremental fashion and the overall transition
   process should be stable and operational.

   Requirement 10: no security compromise

   The technologies proposed must not introduce additional security

8.  Description of the framework

8.1.  Overview

   Multi-domain IPv6-only network should support the transmission of
   IPv4 service data, after transforming IPv4 packets into IPv6 ones in
   the UE/CPE or at the edge of the network.  Take the latter case as an
   example, when IPv4 packets need to traverse lPv6-only network, the
   ingress PE, i.e., PE1, will convert IPv4 packets into lPv6 packets by
   translation or encapsulation and send them into IPv6 network.  After
   intra-domain and cross-domain transmission, the IPv6 packet reaches
   the egress PE, i.e., PE2, it can be restored to an IPv4 packet.
   During this process, a specific kind of IPv4-IPv6 prefix mapping
   struct, namely mapping rule, is adopted to generate corresponding
   IPv6 source and destination addresses from its IPv4 source and
   destination address, and vice versa.

   -The IPv6 source address is derived by appending the IPv4 source
   address to the Pref6(ingress PE).

   -The IPv6 destination address is derived by appending the IPv4
   destination address to the Pref6(egress PE) in the mapping rule.

   Since this is prefix-level mapping, there is no need to maintain
   user-related status at the PE devices.  In addition, there is no need
   to concern oneself with translation tables, as the IPv4 and IPv6
   counterparts are algorithmically related.

   Furthermore, this multi-domain model can naturally be extended to
   inter-domain IPv6-only networks operated by different operators.

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8.2.  ADPT description

   This section illustrates the framework of multi-domain IPv6 network
   from the perspective of ADPT in PE devices.  ADPT is the entity which
   accommodates the conversion of IPv4 packets into IPv6 ones for IPv4
   service delivery over IPv6-only network.  ADPT comprises the
   following components, as shown in figure 3.

   +----- + +--------------------------------------------+
   |      | | PE1           /------------\               | +-------+
   |      | |              | ADPT         |              | |PE2    |
   |      | |+-------+     |      +-----+ |              | | +---+ |
   |      | ||IPv4   | I3  |      |     | |     I1       | | |   | |
   |      +-++routing+--+--+------+ RM  +-+-----+--------+-|-+RM | |
   |      | ||engine |     |  +---+     | |              | | |   | |
   |      | |+-------+     |  |   +--+--+ |              | | +---+ |
   |      | |    |         |  +I7    +I2  |              | |_______|
   |      | |    |         |  |   +--+--+ |  +-------+   |
   |      | |    |         |+-++  |     | |I4|IPv6   |   |  +------+
   |R1    | |    |         ||MD|  | RP  +-+-++routing+---+--+      |
   |IPv4  | |    |         |+-++  |     | |  |engine |   |  |      |
   |Router| |    |         |  |   +-----+ |  +---+---+   |  |R2    |
   |      | |    |         |  +I8         |      |       |  |IPv6  |
   |      | |+----------+  |  |   +-----+ |  +---+------+|  |Router|
   |      | ||IPv4      |I5|  +---+     | |I6|IPv6      ||  |      |
   |      +-++packet    +-++------+ DF  +-+-++packet    ++--+      |
   |      | ||forwarding|  |      |     | |  |forwarding||  |      |
   |      | |+----------+  |      +-----+ |  +----------+|  +------+
   |      | |              |______________|              |
   +------+ +--------------------------------------------+
           Figure 3. Framework of Multi-domain IPv6-only Network

8.2.1.  Rule management layer

   The routing of IPv4 data in the form of IPv6 packet will follow
   topology of IPv6 network.  With this framework, each PE will be
   identified by at least one IPv6 mapping prefix, denoted by Pref6(PE),
   it will also have one or more associated IPv4 prefixes which are
   extracted from local IPv4 routing table or address pool.  The mapping
   relationship between IPv4 address prefix and IPv6 mapping prefix is
   called mapping rule.  The mapping rule is used to convert the IPv4
   destination address of a given IPv4 packet into IPv6 address by
   stateless mapping when its egress is the given PE.  The rule
   management layer i.e., RM, deals with the management of mapping
   relationship between IPv4 address prefix and IPv6 address prefix of
   PEs, as shown in figure 3.  The mapping rule announced by a given PE
   will have at least the following data structure.

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   IPv4 address prefix: Pref6(PE)

   In each PE, there is a mapping rule database, i.e., MD, to store all
   the mapping rule records it receives from other PEs.  Rule management
   layer provides management services to mapping rule database through
   interface I7.

   The interface with the ADPT of other PE is I1, which is used for the
   exchanging of mapping rule with each other.

   The interface with routing processing layer is I2, which is used for
   the transmission of mapping rule through routing processing layer.
   PE1 can extract the IPv4 address prefixes from its IPv4 BGP routing
   instance through interface I3, and generate the mapping rules of the
   device in combination with its own pref6.  When the mapping rules are
   ready, they will be sent to Routing processing layer through
   interface I2.  Correspondingly, PE1 will receive the mapping rules of
   other PEs through interface I2 and stores them in the local mapping
   rule database.

   For some IPv4 address prefixes which are not announced explicitly by
   any egress PEs to the ingress PE, there will be no corresponding
   mapping rule in the rule database.  To solve this problem, the
   default egress PE is defined in the network, which announces the
   default IPv6 mapping rule with the default mapping prefix to other
   PEs.  The format of the mapping rule for default IPv4 address is as
   follows, Pref6(PE)

8.2.2.  Routing processing layer

   Routing processing layer, i.e., RP, is in charge of the exchanging of
   mapping rule with other PEs and its related routing information at
   the routing layer.  The exchanging of the mapping rule should precede
   to the process of IPv4 data transmission, otherwise, the data
   originated from IPv4 network will be dropped due to the absence of
   the IPv6 mapping prefix corresponding to its destination address.

   When receiving the sending request of mapping rule from rule
   management layer through interface I2, Routing processing layer will
   convert the mapping rule into data structure that is suitable for the
   transmission in the IPv6 routing system and send it to the IPv6
   routing engine through interface I4.  In opposite direction, when
   receiving the routing information from IPv6 routing engine through
   interface I4, Routing processing layer will extract mapping rule from
   the routing information and send it to the Rule management layer.

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   To support the transmission of mapping rules at the routing layer,
   BGP4+ protocol needs to be extended.  However, this has been out of
   the scope of the draft and will be discussed in other drafts.  In
   addition, Routing process layer is responsible for announcing the
   IPv6 route corresponding to each IPv6 mapping prefix throughout the
   multi-domain IPv6-only network.

8.2.3.  Data forwarding layer

   Data forwarding layer i.e., DF, provides data forwarding function to
   IPv6 packets, including native IPv6 packets and IPv4-embedded IPv6
   packets. multi-domain IPv6-only network needs to support both
   translation and encapsulation technologies for IPv4 data delivery:

   1.  Translation

   Translation refers to the conversion of IPv4 packets into IPv6
   packets or reverse conversion.  When receiving IPv4 packet through
   interface I5 from IPv4 packet forwarding module, the data forwarding
   layer will look up the mapping rule database through the interface
   I8, if the mapping rule corresponding to the IPv4 destination address
   is found, the destination address of IPv6 header required for
   translation is generated by appending the IPv4 address to the Pref6
   in the mapping rule.  Otherwise, the default IPv6 mapping prefix is
   used to create the destination IPv6 address.

   2.  Encapsultion

   Encapsulation means that PE encapsulates IPv4 packets in IPv6 packets
   without changing the original IPv4 packets, and then transmits them
   in multi-domain IPv6-only network.  Same to the translation method,
   the source address and destination address of the IPv6 header
   required for encapsulation are generated according to the
   corresponding mapping rule found in the mapping rule database.  If
   the mapping prefix corresponding to the destination IPv4 address is
   not found, the default IPv6 mapping prefix is used.

   For a IPv4-embedded IPv6 packet, the pref6 part of the destination
   address can identify the egress in the network, so the routing of the
   IPv6 datagram can be implemented based on the pref6 information of
   the address.

8.3.  Mapping prefix allocation

   In order to support rule based IPv4-IPv6 address mapping, a specific
   IPv6 address range will be planned to represent IPv4 address space by
   stateless mapping as with [RFC7915].  With this framework, there are
   two options to allocate IPv6 mapping prefix:

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   1) WKP: A specific WKP can be allocated from the global IPv6 address
   prefix, e.g., 64:ff9b:: /96.

   Pros: Service providers do not need to allocate IPv6 address prefixes
   specially used for mapping IPv4 addresses from their own IPv6 address

   Cons: After the IPv4 address is converted into IPv6 address with WKP,
   the IPv4 part of the IPv6 address is used for the routing of the
   origin of the data packet.  In this way, many fine routes with prefix
   length greater than 96 will be introduced into the global IPv6
   network.  In most networks, fine routing with long prefix length
   greater than 96 is not supported.

   2) NSP: Operator allocates a specific prefix from their existing IPv6
   address resources for IPv4 addresses mapping.

   Pros: The specific prefix allocated by operators can be considered as
   an overall prefix, and each PE can obtain IPv6 mapping prefixes
   allocated from the overall prefix.  Within the multi-domain network,
   the length of address prefix can be easily tailored to meet the
   requirements of IPv6 network for routing length, and the routing of
   the packets can be based on the information of IPv6 prefix part of
   IPv6 address.  Outside the multi-domain network, because the IPv6
   mapping prefix has been included in the original IPv6 address prefix,
   it will not introduce any new routing items and affect the global
   IPv6 routing system.

   Cons: Not found yet.

   As mentioned earlier, each PE will be identified by at least one IPv6
   mapping prefix, which is used as the basic routing information to
   forward IPv4-embedded IPv6 packet to the right egress PE.  For a
   given operator, the selection of the length of IPv6 mapping prefix
   should be given specific consideration.  Firstly, the length of the
   IPv6 mapping prefix should be smaller than the maximum length of the
   routing prefix that the IPv6-only network specifies, so the PE can
   successfully announce to its peers via BGP protocol.  Secondly, the
   length of all the IPv6 mapping prefixes should be the same, to avoid
   unnecessary processing cost and complexity induced by the length

9.  Procedure

   This section gives a brief overview of the procedures of the IPv4
   service delivery over IPv6-only network.  The end-to-end IPv4 data
   delivery by IPv6-only network includes the following two cases.

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   1.  IPv4 delivery from ingress PE to egress PE

   When an ingress PE receives an IPv4 packet from a client-facing
   interface destined to a remote IPv4 network, it looks up in its
   mapping rule database to find the mapping rule which best matches the
   packet's destination IP address.  The IPv6 mapping prefix in the
   mapping rule will help to find another PE, the egress PE.  Since this
   is a multi-domain IPv6-only network, the ingress and egress may
   belong to different ASes, as shown in figure 4, the ingress PE1 is in
   AS 1 and egress PE3 is in AS 3.  The ingress PE must convert the IPv4
   destination address into IPv6 destination address using the IPv6
   mapping prefix of PE3 and forward it to the egress PE.  The egress PE
   then derives the IPv4 source and destination addresses from the
   IPv4-embedded IPv6 addresses respectively and restore the original
   IPv4 packet [RFC6052].  Afterwards, the IPv4 packet will be further
   forwarded according to the IPv4 routing table maintained on the
   egress.  The IPv6 data-path can be shown as below.

                        IPv6 Data Path
                   |                          |    (Operator2)
                   |   ----           -----   |       ----
                   |  /    \         /     \  |      /    \
        +----+   +---+      +--+ +--+       +---+   |      |
        |UE/ |---|PE1| AS1  |R1|-|R2|  AS3  |PE3|---| AS4  |
        |CPE1|   +---+      +--+ +--+       +---+   |      |
        +----+        \    /         \     /         \    /
                       ----           -----           ----

       Figure 4. IPv6 Data Path from Ingress PE to Egress PE

   2.  IPv4 delivery from UE/CPE to egress PE

   Another case is that IPv4 packets may have been transformed into IPv6
   packet in UE/CPE, as done by CLAT of 464XLAT[RFC6877], before they
   reach the edge of the network.

   In this case, when receiving an IPv6 packet from a client facing
   interface, the ingress PE looks up the packet's destination IPv6
   address and forward the packet to the egress PE, i.e., PE3.  The
   egress PE then restore the original IPv4 packet, and forwards it
   further by looking up its IPv4 destination address.  The IPv6 data-
   path can be shown in figure 5.  Different from 464XLAT PLAT which
   needs to maintain session state to perform the stateful translation
   between IPv6 and IPv4 addresses, the egress PE in this framework to
   the external IPv4 network is user stateless.

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                     IPv6 Data Path
          |                                   |    (Operator2)
          |            ----           -----   |       ----
          |           /    \         /     \  |      /    \
        +----+   +---+      +--+ +--+       +---+   |      |
        |UE/ |---|PE1| AS1  |R1|-|R2|  AS3  |PE3|---| AS4  |
        |CPE1|   +---+      +--+ +--+       +---+   |      |
        +----+        \    /         \     /         \    /
                       ----           -----           ----

        Figure 5. IPv6 Data Path from UE/CPE to Egress PE

10.  Security Considerations


11.  IANA Considerations

   There are no other special IANA considerations.

12.  Acknowledgement

   This is under development by a large group of people.  Those who have
   posted to the list during the discussion.

13.  References

13.1.  Normative References

              Mishra, G., Mishra, M., Tantsura, J., Madhavi, S., Yang,
              Q., Simpson, A., and S. Chen, "IPv6-Only PE Design for
              IPv4-NLRI with IPv6-NH", draft-ietf-bess-ipv6-only-pe-
              design-02 (work in progress), March 2022.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5565]  Wu, J., Cui, Y., Metz, C., and E. Rosen, "Softwire Mesh
              Framework", RFC 5565, DOI 10.17487/RFC5565, June 2009,

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   [RFC6052]  Bao, C., Huitema, C., Bagnulo, M., Boucadair, M., and X.
              Li, "IPv6 Addressing of IPv4/IPv6 Translators", RFC 6052,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6052, October 2010,

   [RFC6877]  Mawatari, M., Kawashima, M., and C. Byrne, "464XLAT:
              Combination of Stateful and Stateless Translation",
              RFC 6877, DOI 10.17487/RFC6877, April 2013,

   [RFC7915]  Bao, C., Li, X., Baker, F., Anderson, T., and F. Gont,
              "IP/ICMP Translation Algorithm", RFC 7915,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7915, June 2016,

13.2.  Informative References

              Fioccola, G., Volpato, P., Elkins, N., Martinez, J. P.,
              Mishra, G. S., and C. Xie, "IPv6 Deployment Status",
              draft-ietf-v6ops-ipv6-deployment-06 (work in progress),
              June 2022.

              Lencse, G., Martinez, J. P., Howard, L., Patterson, R.,
              and I. Farrer, "Pros and Cons of IPv6 Transition
              Technologies for IPv4aaS", draft-ietf-v6ops-transition-
              comparison-04 (work in progress), May 2022.

              "IAB statement",

   [RFC4213]  Nordmark, E. and R. Gilligan, "Basic Transition Mechanisms
              for IPv6 Hosts and Routers", RFC 4213,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4213, October 2005,

   [RFC6333]  Durand, A., Droms, R., Woodyatt, J., and Y. Lee, "Dual-
              Stack Lite Broadband Deployments Following IPv4
              Exhaustion", RFC 6333, DOI 10.17487/RFC6333, August 2011,

   [RFC6992]  Cheng, D., Boucadair, M., and A. Retana, "Routing for
              IPv4-Embedded IPv6 Packets", RFC 6992,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6992, July 2013,

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   [RFC7597]  Troan, O., Ed., Dec, W., Li, X., Bao, C., Matsushima, S.,
              Murakami, T., and T. Taylor, Ed., "Mapping of Address and
              Port with Encapsulation (MAP-E)", RFC 7597,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7597, July 2015,

   [RFC7599]  Li, X., Bao, C., Dec, W., Ed., Troan, O., Matsushima, S.,
              and T. Murakami, "Mapping of Address and Port using
              Translation (MAP-T)", RFC 7599, DOI 10.17487/RFC7599, July
              2015, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Chongfeng Xie
   China Telecom
   Beiqijia Town, Changping District
   Beijing, Beijing  102209


   Chenhao Ma
   China Telecom
   Beiqijia Town, Changping District
   Beijing, Beijing  102209


   Xing Li
   CERNET Center/Tsinghua University
   Shuangqing Road No.30, Haidian District
   Beijing, Beijing  100084


   Gyan Mishra
   Verizon Inc


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   Mohamed Boucadair


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