Internet DRAFT - draft-yang-i2nsf-trust-enhanced-i2nsf


I2NSF Working Group                                       P.Y. Yang, Ed.
Internet-Draft                                            M.C. Chen, Ed.
Intended status: Informational                              L.S. Su, Ed.
Expires: 4 June 2022                                        China Mobile
                                                           December 2021

                          Trust Enhanced I2NSF


   This document describes the architecture of Trust Enhanced I2NSF.  In
   this architecture, technologies like TPM [tpm12][tpm20] and [TCGRoT]
   will act as RoT (root of trust), integrity measurement and remote
   attestation will be used to enhance the trustworthiness of NSF.
   Relevant interfaces of Trust Enhanced I2NSF will also be illustrated
   in this document.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 4 June 2022.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

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Internet-Draft              Abbreviated Title              December 2021

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.1.  Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.2.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Scope and Motivation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.2.  Motivation  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  Information Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     4.1.  Architecture of Trust Enhanced I2NSF  . . . . . . . . . .   4
     4.2.  Root of Trust . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.3.  Verifier/Relying Party  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.4.  Reference Value Provider  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.5.  Endorser  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Data Model of Trust Enhanced I2NSF  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     5.1.  Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring interface . . . . . . . . .   7
       5.1.1.  Yang Tree Diagram of Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring
               Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
       5.1.2.  Yang Data Model of Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring
               Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     5.2.  Trust Enhanced Registration interface . . . . . . . . . .  19
       5.2.1.  Yang Tree Diagram of Trust Enhanced Registration
               interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  19
       5.2.2.  Yang Data Model of Trust Enhanced Registration
               interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  21
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  22
   7.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.1.  Normative Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  23
     8.2.  Informative Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  25

1.  Introduction

   NSF is always used in remote scenarios, in which it is hard to
   guarantee the deployment environment is security and the NSF is
   properly deployed.  If the deployment environment or the NSF is
   compromised, the behavior and the feedback of NSF cannot be trusted.

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   Trusted computing technology like TPM, TEE[TEE] could provide a root
   of trust based on hardware in deployment environment.  Trusted
   computing hardware usually retains a pair of root key, which could be
   used to sign signature for the measurement of development environment
   and the NSF image.  Then the signed result will be sent to the NSF
   manager to estimate if the NSF is well deployed.

   The RATs architecture[I-D.ietf-rats-architecture] has defined this
   remote attestation process which could be introduced to I2NSF.  Since
   the RATs architecture is a general architecture, specific interface
   and implementation still need to be determined in I2NSF.  This draft
   aims to create a unified trust enhanced I2NSF architecture to promote
   the security of NSF

2.  Terminology

2.1.  Terms

   RATs: Remote Attestation Procedure

   RoT: Root of Trust

   TPM: Trusted platform module

   TEE: Trust Execution Environment

2.2.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

3.  Scope and Motivation

3.1.  Scope

   The scope of this draft mainly focuses on the expanded interfaces of
   trust enhanced I2NSF.  The specific of how to implement measurement
   or how to make remote attestation evidence is out of scope.

3.2.  Motivation

   The architecture of I2NSF [RFC8329] aims to provide network security
   functions to network users.  Often, the users are in remote
   environment, and the platform to deploy these network security
   functions may not be trusted.  As a consequence, this will bring
   several severe threats to the NSF.  The first one is malfunction of
   NSF.  The inappropriate deployment of NSF or the defective platform

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   will affect the process of NSF directly.  The second threat is the
   leak of policy rules and core asset of security knowledge.  If there
   has malware in the remote environment, it will be hard to prevent the
   leakage.  The third threat is the potential spoofing attack to the
   NSF architecture.  Adversary could use the compromised NSF to
   feedback spoofing information or other attacking information to
   attack or penetrate the NSF architecture.

   The solution of these threats is also straight, which is using remote
   attestation to make sure the remote platform is trusted and the NSF
   is well deployed.  The RATs group in IETF defines architecture and
   some specifications of remote attestation procedure.  However brings
   the RATs in I2NSF still needs some work.  First, need to define the
   trsut enhanced architecture.  Second, need to refer the appropriate
   specifications defined in RATs to create trust enhanced NSF
   interfaces.  Third, need to cover the heterogeneous architecture of
   specific trust architecture like TPM and TEE.

4.  Information Model

4.1.  Architecture of Trust Enhanced I2NSF

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        +--------------+                         +--------------+
        |              |                         |              |
        |   NSF User   |           +-------------+   Endorser   |
        |              |           |             |              |
        +------+-------+           |             +--------------+
               |                   |
               |                   |
        +------+-------+                         +--------------+
        |              |                         |              |
        |   Security   +-------------------------+  Developer's |
        |  Controller  |                         |  Mgnt System |
        +-+----------+-+                         +-+----------+-+
          | Verifier/|                             | Reference|
          | Relying  |                             |   Value  |
          | Party    |                             | Provider |
          +----+-----+                             +----------+
               |                   |                     |
        +------+-------+    +------+-------+      +------+-------+
        |              |    |              |      |              |
        |     NSF1     +    |     NSF2     |      |     NSFn     |
        |              |    |              |      |              |
        +--+--------+--+    +--+--------+--+      +--+--------+--+
           |   RoT  |          |   RoT  |            |   RoT  |
           |        |          |        |            |        |
           +--------+          +--------+            +--------+

               Figure 1: architecture of Trust Enhanced I2NSF

   As shown in figure one is the trust enhanced I2NSF architecture.  In
   this architecture, several new components are introduced to NSF.  The
   first component is RoT which is deployed in the hardware platform of
   NSF.  The second component is Verifier/Relying Party, which is
   deployed as part of Security Controller.  This component is in charge
   of verifying if the attestation value is complied with the reference
   value.  The third component is the Reference Value Provider, which
   will bring the reference value of NSF image and deployment
   environment to Security Controller.  The fourth component is
   Endorser, which will provie the endorsement of RoT.  And the verifier
   could use Endorser to verify the endorsement status of RoT.

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4.2.  Root of Trust

   Root of Trust is a hardware-based component that could provide
   information and certain function that cannot be stolen, tampered, or
   repudiation.  RoT MUST be deployed in the NSF hardware platform.  The
   NSF with RoT composes the rule of attester.

   The architecture of specific RoT is out of scope of this document.
   But in order to clarify RoT more clearly, the following segment uses
   TPM as an example to illustrate.  TPM keeps EK(Endorsement Key ) to
   identify its identity.  EK is an asymmetric key pair, which will
   never expose its secret key to public.  TPM also derives certain
   AIKs(Attestation Identity Key) from EK to avoid the exposure of TPM's
   real identity(EK).  Meanwhile, TPM contains a reference Hash value of
   the boot component of platform.  When launching a remote attestation
   procedure, the TPM will first measure the boot component of platform.
   Based on the trust policy the TPM will choose if trust the boot
   component and transfer the system control to the boot component.  The
   boot component then will measure the operating system kernel and
   compare it to the reference value, and so on.  During this trusted
   measurement process, the TPM will record the measurement Hash result
   in a series of registers called PCRs.  If a remote attestation
   procedure is initiated, the measurement Hash result will be signed by
   AIK.  In the end, remote attestation procedure will send this signed
   Hash result and measurement result to the verifier.  The specific
   procedure could refer
   to[I-D.ietf-rats-tpm-based-network-device-attest], which illustrates
   how integrity verification works inside a device.

4.3.  Verifier/Relying Party

   The Verifier/Relying Party is deployed in Security Controller.  In
   the original architecture of RATs, Verifier and Relying Party could
   be different components.  Verifier is in charge of verifying the
   remote attestation results from attester.  The Relying Party is in
   charge of appraising the verification result from Verifier.  This
   means that the Relying Party does not have to know the detail of
   remote attestation result and could only focus on the final
   verification result and make policies.  While in NSF, both the role
   of Verifier and Relying Party will be included in Security Controller
   to reduce the complexity.

4.4.  Reference Value Provider

   The Developer's Mgnt System is in charge of providing reference value
   of NSF and the deployment platform.  The reference value will be
   conveyed to Security Controller as the benchmark when verifying
   remote attestation value from attester.

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4.5.  Endorser

   The Endorser is in charge of providing endorsement to RoT, both EK
   and AIK are related to Endorser.  The communication between RoT and
   Endorser is out of scope of this document, but the Security
   Controller needs to communicate with Endorser to verify remote
   attestation message.

5.  Data Model of Trust Enhanced I2NSF

   Two interfaces are involved in trust enhanced I2NSF, Trust Enhanced
   NSF Monitoring Interface and Trust Enhanced Registration Interface.

5.1.  Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring interface

   The TENMI (Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring Interface) focuses on the
   remote attestation procedure between NSF and security controller.
   This interface will be an extended feature of NSF Monitoring
   Interface and will fully comply with NSF Monitoring
   Interface[I-D.ietf-i2nsf-nsf-monitoring-data-model].  Based on the
   information transmission type, the TENMI has three Yang types: system
   events, system logs and RPC.  The system event is responsible for the
   NSF event that will trigger the remote attestation of NSF.  And the
   event could be platform booting, measurement result change, NSF
   deploy, etc.  The system logs is responsible for the periodic remote
   attestation.  The third type is RPC in where the Verifier (Security
   Controller) will challenge the attester (NSF) for its trustworthiness

   At present, the RoT type now are split in two category, one is TPM-
   based and the other is general TEE-based like Trust Zone.  It can be
   expected that other trsuted computing architectures like Intel SGX
   [SGX] may also be involved in the near future.  And also the TPM-
   based RoT is split in TPM12 and TPM20 versions respectively.  When
   design this interface with TPM-based RoT, this document tries to
   refer to the existing document[I-D.ietf-rats-yang-tpm-charra] as much
   as possible to avoid unnecessary alignment work.  And about the
   general TEE-based RoT, this document refers to the EAT
   document[I-D.ietf-rats-eat] and uses string type to express
   JWT[RFC7519]or CWT [RFC8392].

5.1.1.  Yang Tree Diagram of Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring Interface

   The Yang tree of Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring Interface is shown

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module: ietf-i2nsf-nsf-trust-enhanced-monitoring
    +---x nsf-challenge-response-attestation
       +---w input
       |  +---w (RoT-type)?
       |     +--:(TPM12)
       |     |  +---w tpm12-rpc
       |     |     +---w pcr-index*          pcr
       |     |     +---w nonce-value         binary
       |     |     +---w certificate-name*   tpm:certificate-name-ref {tpm:tpms}?
       |     +--:(TPM20)
       |     |  +---w tpm20-pcr
       |     |     +---w nonce-value            binary
       |     |     +---w tpm20-pcr-selection* []
       |     |     |  +---w tpm20-hash-algo?   identityref
       |     |     |  +---w pcr-index*         pcr
       |     |     +---w certificate-name*      tpm:certificate-name-ref {tpm:tpms}?
       |     +--:(TEE-general)
       |        +---w nonce?              binary
       |        +---w certificate-name?   string
       +--ro output
          +--ro (RoT-type)?
             |  +--ro tpm12-log
             |     +--ro name?                    string
             |     +--ro up-time?                 uint32
             |     +--ro (attested_event_log_type)
             |        +--:(bios) {bios}?
             |        |  +--ro bios-event-logs
             |        |     +--ro bios-event-entry* [event-number]
             |        |        +--ro event-number    uint32
             |        |        +--ro event-type?     uint32
             |        |        +--ro pcr-index?      pcr
             |        |        +--ro digest-list* [hash-alog]
             |        |        |  +--ro hash-algo?   identityref
             |        |        |  +--ro digest*      binary
             |        |        +--ro event-size?     uint32
             |        |        +--ro event-data*     uint8
             |        +--:(ima) {ima}?
             |        |  +--ro ima-event-logs
             |        |     +--ro ima-event-entry* [event-number]
             |        |        +--ro event-number               uint64
             |        |        +--ro ima-template?              string
             |        |        +--ro filename-hint?             string
             |        |        +--ro filedata-hash?             binary
             |        |        +--ro filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
             |        |        +--ro template-hash-algorithm?   string
             |        |        +--ro template-hash?             binary

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             |        |        +--ro pcr-index?                 pcr
             |        |        +--ro signature?                 binary
             |        +--:(netequip_boot) {netequip_boot}?
             |           +--ro boot-event-logs
             |              +--ro boot-event-entry* [event-number]
             |                 +--ro event-number               uint64
             |                 +--ro ima-template?              string
             |                 +--ro filename-hint?             string
             |                 +--ro filedata-hash?             binary
             |                 +--ro filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
             |                 +--ro template-hash-algorithm?   string
             |                 +--ro template-hash?             binary
             |                 +--ro pcr-index?                 pcr
             |                 +--ro signature?                 binary
             |  +--ro tpm20-log
             |     +--ro name?                    string
             |     +--ro up-time?                 uint32
             |     +--ro (attested_event_log_type)
             |        +--:(bios) {bios}?
             |        |  +--ro bios-event-logs
             |        |     +--ro bios-event-entry* [event-number]
             |        |        +--ro event-number    uint32
             |        |        +--ro event-type?     uint32
             |        |        +--ro pcr-index?      pcr
             |        |        +--ro digest-list* [hash-alog]
             |        |        |  +--ro hash-algo?   identityref
             |        |        |  +--ro digest*      binary
             |        |        +--ro event-size?     uint32
             |        |        +--ro event-data*     uint8
             |        +--:(ima) {ima}?
             |        |  +--ro ima-event-logs
             |        |     +--ro ima-event-entry* [event-number]
             |        |        +--ro event-number               uint64
             |        |        +--ro ima-template?              string
             |        |        +--ro filename-hint?             string
             |        |        +--ro filedata-hash?             binary
             |        |        +--ro filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
             |        |        +--ro template-hash-algorithm?   string
             |        |        +--ro template-hash?             binary
             |        |        +--ro pcr-index?                 pcr
             |        |        +--ro signature?                 binary
             |        +--:(netequip_boot) {netequip_boot}?
             |           +--ro boot-event-logs
             |              +--ro boot-event-entry* [event-number]
             |                 +--ro event-number               uint64
             |                 +--ro ima-template?              string
             |                 +--ro filename-hint?             string

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             |                 +--ro filedata-hash?             binary
             |                 +--ro filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
             |                 +--ro template-hash-algorithm?   string
             |                 +--ro template-hash?             binary
             |                 +--ro pcr-index?                 pcr
             |                 +--ro signature?                 binary
                +--ro (token-type)?
                   |  +--ro eat-header-cwt?      string
                   |  +--ro eat-payload-cwt?     string
                   |  +--ro eat-signature-cwt?   string
                      +--ro eat-header-jwt?      string
                      +--ro eat-payload-jwt?     string
                      +--ro eat-signature-jwt?   string

    +---n i2nsf-trust-enhanced-event
    |  +--ro hardware-type                    string
    |  +--ro operating-system-type            string
    |  +--ro acquisition-method?              identityref
    |  +--ro emission-type?                   identityref
    |  +--ro dampening-type?                  identityref
    |  +--ro user                             string
    |  +--ro group*                           string
    |  +--ro ip-address                       inet:ip-address
    |  +--ro authentication?                  identityref
    |  +--ro message?                         string
    |  +--ro vendor-name?                     string
    |  +--ro nsf-name?                        union
    |  +--ro severity?                        severity
    |  +--ro (RoT-type)?
    |     +--:(TPM12)
    |     |  +--ro tpm12-nsf-rats {taa:tpm12}?
    |     |     +--ro certificate-name    certificate-name-ref
    |     |     +--ro up-time?            uint32
    |     |     +--ro TPM_QUOTE2?         binary
    |     +--:(TPM20)
    |     |  +--ro tpm20-nsf-rats {taa:tpm20}?
    |     |     +--ro certificate-name       certificate-name-ref
    |     |     +--ro TPMS_QUOTE_INFO        binary
    |     |     +--ro quote-signature?       binary
    |     |     +--ro up-time?               uint32
    |     |     +--ro unsigned-pcr-values* []
    |     |        +--ro tpm20-hash-algo?   identityref
    |     |        +--ro pcr-values* [pcr-index]
    |     |           +--ro pcr-index    pcr

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    |     |           +--ro pcr-value?   binary
    |     +--:(TEE-general)
    |        +--ro (token-type)?
    |           +--:(cwt)
    |           |  +--ro eat-header-cwt?      string
    |           |  +--ro eat-payload-cwt?     string
    |           |  +--ro eat-signature-cwt?   string
    |           +--:(jwt)
    |              +--ro eat-header-jwt?      string
    |              +--ro eat-payload-jwt?     string
    |              +--ro eat-signature-jwt?   string
    +---n i2nsf-trsut-enhanced-log
       +--ro message?                         string
       +--ro vendor-name?                     string
       +--ro nsf-name?                        union
       +--ro severity?                        severity
       +--ro (RoT-type)?
          |  +--ro tpm12-log
          |     +--ro name?                    string
          |     +--ro up-time?                 uint32
          |     +--ro (attested_event_log_type)
          |        +--:(bios) {bios}?
          |        |  +--ro bios-event-logs
          |        |     +--ro bios-event-entry* [event-number]
          |        |        +--ro event-number    uint32
          |        |        +--ro event-type?     uint32
          |        |        +--ro pcr-index?      pcr
          |        |        +--ro digest-list* [hash-alog]
          |        |        |  +--ro hash-algo?   identityref
          |        |        |  +--ro digest*      binary
          |        |        +--ro event-size?     uint32
          |        |        +--ro event-data*     uint8
          |        +--:(ima) {ima}?
          |        |  +--ro ima-event-logs
          |        |     +--ro ima-event-entry* [event-number]
          |        |        +--ro event-number               uint64
          |        |        +--ro ima-template?              string
          |        |        +--ro filename-hint?             string
          |        |        +--ro filedata-hash?             binary
          |        |        +--ro filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
          |        |        +--ro template-hash-algorithm?   string
          |        |        +--ro template-hash?             binary
          |        |        +--ro pcr-index?                 pcr
          |        |        +--ro signature?                 binary
          |        +--:(netequip_boot) {netequip_boot}?
          |           +--ro boot-event-logs
          |              +--ro boot-event-entry* [event-number]

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          |                 +--ro event-number               uint64
          |                 +--ro ima-template?              string
          |                 +--ro filename-hint?             string
          |                 +--ro filedata-hash?             binary
          |                 +--ro filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
          |                 +--ro template-hash-algorithm?   string
          |                 +--ro template-hash?             binary
          |                 +--ro pcr-index?                 pcr
          |                 +--ro signature?                 binary
          |  +--ro tpm20-log
          |     +--ro name?                    string
          |     +--ro up-time?                 uint32
          |     +--ro (attested_event_log_type)
          |        +--:(bios) {bios}?
          |        |  +--ro bios-event-logs
          |        |     +--ro bios-event-entry* [event-number]
          |        |        +--ro event-number    uint32
          |        |        +--ro event-type?     uint32
          |        |        +--ro pcr-index?      pcr
          |        |        +--ro digest-list* [hash-alog]
          |        |        |  +--ro hash-algo?   identityref
          |        |        |  +--ro digest*      binary
          |        |        +--ro event-size?     uint32
          |        |        +--ro event-data*     uint8
          |        +--:(ima) {ima}?
          |        |  +--ro ima-event-logs
          |        |     +--ro ima-event-entry* [event-number]
          |        |        +--ro event-number               uint64
          |        |        +--ro ima-template?              string
          |        |        +--ro filename-hint?             string
          |        |        +--ro filedata-hash?             binary
          |        |        +--ro filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
          |        |        +--ro template-hash-algorithm?   string
          |        |        +--ro template-hash?             binary
          |        |        +--ro pcr-index?                 pcr
          |        |        +--ro signature?                 binary
          |        +--:(netequip_boot) {netequip_boot}?
          |           +--ro boot-event-logs
          |              +--ro boot-event-entry* [event-number]
          |                 +--ro event-number               uint64
          |                 +--ro ima-template?              string
          |                 +--ro filename-hint?             string
          |                 +--ro filedata-hash?             binary
          |                 +--ro filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
          |                 +--ro template-hash-algorithm?   string
          |                 +--ro template-hash?             binary
          |                 +--ro pcr-index?                 pcr

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          |                 +--ro signature?                 binary
             +--ro (token-type)?
                |  +--ro eat-header-cwt?      string
                |  +--ro eat-payload-cwt?     string
                |  +--ro eat-signature-cwt?   string
                   +--ro eat-header-jwt?      string
                   +--ro eat-payload-jwt?     string
                   +--ro eat-signature-jwt?   string

5.1.2.  Yang Data Model of Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring Interface

   The Yang Model of Trust Enhanced NSF Monitoring Interface is shown

module ietf-i2nsf-nsf-trust-enhanced-monitoring {
    yang-version 1.1;
    import ietf-i2nsf-nsf-monitoring{
        prefix nsfmi;
            "reference of nsf monitoring interface";
    import ietf-tcg-algs{
        prefix taa;
    import ietf-tpm-remote-attestation{
        prefix tpm;
        "IETF I2NSF (Interface to Network Security Functions) Working Group";
        "WG Web: <>
        WG List: <>

        Editor: Penglin Yang

        "This module is a YANG module for I2NSF NSF Trust Enhanced Monitoring.";

    identity RoT-type{

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            "RoT have different types, like TPM, TEE, SGX, etc.";
    identity certificate-name-ref{
                        "refer to tpm";
        identity TPM12{
                        "RoT type is TPM1.2";
        identity TPM20{
                        "RoT type is TPM2.0";
        identity TEE-general{
                        "RoT type is TEE general";
        identity cwt{
                        "cbor web token for remote attestation";
        identity jwt{
                        "json web token for remote attestation";

    grouping nsf-remote-attestation{
        choice RoT-type{
            case TPM12{
                                container tpm12-nsf-rats{
                        if-feature "taa:tpm12";
                      "since this message was triggered by event, so there is no input
                      from RPC. The pcr value is provided by device automatically, the
                      nonce value NEED to be replaced by the event time";
                        uses tpm:certificate-name-ref;
                                        uses tpm:tpm12-attestation;
            case TPM20{
                                container tpm20-nsf-rats{
                        if-feature "taa:tpm20";
                      "since this message was triggered by event, so there is no input
                      from RPC. The pcr value is provided by device automatically, the
                      nonce value NEED to be repalced by the event time";
                        uses tpm:certificate-name-ref;

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                                        uses tpm:tpm20-attestation;
            case TEE-general{
                    "if the RoT is not TPM, or not specify the detail format, then uses
                    EAT as the reference of the attestation result at present. The
                    information includes: token-id; time-stamp; nonce; hardware-version;
                    software-description-version; security-level-claim; secure-boot-claim;
                    including-keys; location-claim; uptime-claim; boot-seed-claim;
                    intended-use-claim; profile-claim; software-manifest-claim;
                //how describe cwt or jwt in Yang, string?
                                choice token-type{
                    case cwt{
                        leaf eat-header-cwt{
                            type string;
                        leaf eat-payload-cwt{
                            type string;
                        leaf eat-signature-cwt{
                            type string;
                    case jwt{
                        leaf eat-header-jwt{
                            type string;
                        leaf eat-payload-jwt{
                            type string;
                        leaf eat-signature-jwt{
                            type string;
    grouping TEE-general-log{
            "describe the TEE general log.";
        choice token-type{
                case cwt{
                leaf eat-header-cwt{
                        type string;

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                leaf eat-payload-cwt{
                        type string;
                leaf eat-signature-cwt{
                        type string;
            case jwt{
                leaf eat-header-jwt{
                        type string;
                leaf eat-payload-jwt{
                        type string;
                leaf eat-signature-jwt{
                        type string;

    grouping remote-attestation-log{
            "describe different kind of log";
        choice RoT-type{
            case TPM12{
                    "log recorded under the rule of TPM12";
                                container tpm12-log{
                                        uses tpm:tpm-name;
                                        uses tpm:node-uptime;
                                        uses tpm:event-logs;
            case TPM20{
                    "log recorded under the rule of TPM20";
                container tpm20-log{
                                        uses tpm:tpm-name;
                                        uses tpm:node-uptime;
                                        uses tpm:event-logs;
            case TEE-general{
                    "log recorded under the rule of EAT";
                uses TEE-general-log;

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    notification i2nsf-trust-enhanced-event{
            "Notification for I2NSF trust enhanced Event.";

        leaf hardware-type{
            mandatory true;
            type string;
        leaf operating-system-type{
            mandatory true;
            type string;
        uses nsfmi:characteristics;
        uses nsfmi:i2nsf-system-event-type-content;
        uses nsfmi:common-monitoring-data;
        uses nsftemi:nsf-remote-attestation;

    notification i2nsf-trsut-enhanced-log{
            "This notification is for integrity measurement log,
                                                which does not have to be responsed immediately";
        uses nsfmi:common-monitoring-data;
        uses remote-attestation-log;

    rpc nsf-challenge-response-attestation{
            "this is the unified rpc for trust enhanced nsf";
            choice RoT-type{
                case TPM12{
                    container tpm12-rpc{
                                                uses tpm:tpm12-pcr-selection;
                        uses tpm:nonce;
                        leaf-list certificate-name {
                                if-feature "tpm:tpms";
                                type tpm:certificate-name-ref;
                                must "/tpm:rats-support-structures/tpm:tpms"
                                + "/tpm:tpm[tpm:firmware-version='taa:tpm12']"
                                + "/tpm:certificates/"
                                + "/tpm:certificate[name=current()]" {
                                error-message "Not an available TPM1.2 AIK certificate.";

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                                        "When populated, the RPC will only get a Quote for the
                                    TPMs associated with these certificate(s).";
                case TPM20{
                                        container tpm20-pcr{
                        uses tpm:nonce;
                        uses tpm:tpm20-pcr-selection;
                        leaf-list certificate-name {
                                if-feature "tpm:tpms";
                                type tpm:certificate-name-ref;
                                must "/tpm:rats-support-structures/tpm:tpms"
                                + "/tpm:tpm[tpm:firmware-version='taa:tpm20']"
                                + "/tpm:certificates/"
                                + "/tpm:certificate[name=current()]" {
                                error-message "Not an available TPM2.0 AIK certificate.";
                                "When populated, the RPC will only get a Quote for the
                                TPMs associated with the certificates.";
                case TEE-general{
                        "there is no standard to reference";
                    leaf nonce{
                        type binary;
                    leaf certificate-name{
                        type string;
            uses remote-attestation-log;

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5.2.  Trust Enhanced Registration interface

   The reference value of a NSF needs to be conveyed by trust enhanced
   registration interface.  The interface works between Security
   Controller and Developer's Management System.  (One trivial thing
   needs to point out is that when refer to event-logs in ietf-tpm-
   remote-attestation in data node, the list of "digest-list" needs to
   define a key value.  This condition determines future alignment with
   [I-D.ietf-rats-yang-tpm-charra]. )

5.2.1.  Yang Tree Diagram of Trust Enhanced Registration interface

   module: ietf-i2nsf-nsf-trust-enhanced-registration-interface
     +--rw reference-value-register
        +--rw nsf-name                         string
        +--rw hardware-type                    string
        +--rw operating-system-type            string
        +--rw (RoT-type)?
           |  +--rw tpm12-ref
           |     +--rw (attested_event_log_type)
           |        +--:(bios) {bios}?
           |        |  +--rw bios-event-logs
           |        |     +--rw bios-event-entry* [event-number]
           |        |        +--rw event-number    uint32
           |        |        +--rw event-type?     uint32
           |        |        +--rw pcr-index?      pcr
           |        |        +--rw digest-list* [hash-alog]
           |        |        |  +--rw hash-algo?   identityref
           |        |        |  +--rw digest*      binary
           |        |        +--rw event-size?     uint32
           |        |        +--rw event-data*     uint8
           |        +--:(ima) {ima}?
           |        |  +--rw ima-event-logs
           |        |     +--rw ima-event-entry* [event-number]
           |        |        +--rw event-number               uint64
           |        |        +--rw ima-template?              string
           |        |        +--rw filename-hint?             string
           |        |        +--rw filedata-hash?             binary
           |        |        +--rw filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
           |        |        +--rw template-hash-algorithm?   string
           |        |        +--rw template-hash?             binary
           |        |        +--rw pcr-index?                 pcr
           |        |        +--rw signature?                 binary
           |        +--:(netequip_boot) {netequip_boot}?
           |           +--rw boot-event-logs
           |              +--rw boot-event-entry* [event-number]
           |                 +--rw event-number               uint64

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           |                 +--rw ima-template?              string
           |                 +--rw filename-hint?             string
           |                 +--rw filedata-hash?             binary
           |                 +--rw filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
           |                 +--rw template-hash-algorithm?   string
           |                 +--rw template-hash?             binary
           |                 +--rw pcr-index?                 pcr
           |                 +--rw signature?                 binary
           |  +--rw tpm20-ref
           |     +--rw (attested_event_log_type)
           |        +--:(bios) {bios}?
           |        |  +--rw bios-event-logs
           |        |     +--rw bios-event-entry* [event-number]
           |        |        +--rw event-number    uint32
           |        |        +--rw event-type?     uint32
           |        |        +--rw pcr-index?      pcr
           |        |        +--rw digest-list* [hash-alog]
           |        |        |  +--rw hash-algo?   identityref
           |        |        |  +--rw digest*      binary
           |        |        +--rw event-size?     uint32
           |        |        +--rw event-data*     uint8
           |        +--:(ima) {ima}?
           |        |  +--rw ima-event-logs
           |        |     +--rw ima-event-entry* [event-number]
           |        |        +--rw event-number               uint64
           |        |        +--rw ima-template?              string
           |        |        +--rw filename-hint?             string
           |        |        +--rw filedata-hash?             binary
           |        |        +--rw filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
           |        |        +--rw template-hash-algorithm?   string
           |        |        +--rw template-hash?             binary
           |        |        +--rw pcr-index?                 pcr
           |        |        +--rw signature?                 binary
           |        +--:(netequip_boot) {netequip_boot}?
           |           +--rw boot-event-logs
           |              +--rw boot-event-entry* [event-number]
           |                 +--rw event-number               uint64
           |                 +--rw ima-template?              string
           |                 +--rw filename-hint?             string
           |                 +--rw filedata-hash?             binary
           |                 +--rw filedata-hash-algorithm?   string
           |                 +--rw template-hash-algorithm?   string
           |                 +--rw template-hash?             binary
           |                 +--rw pcr-index?                 pcr
           |                 +--rw signature?                 binary
              +--rw (token-type)?

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                 |  +--rw eat-header-cwt?      string
                 |  +--rw eat-payload-cwt?     string
                 |  +--rw eat-signature-cwt?   string
                    +--rw eat-header-jwt?      string
                    +--rw eat-payload-jwt?     string
                    +--rw eat-signature-jwt?   string

5.2.2.  Yang Data Model of Trust Enhanced Registration interface

   The Yang Model of Trust Enhanced Registration Interface is shown

module ietf-i2nsf-nsf-trust-enhanced-registration-interface {
    yang-version 1.1;

    import ietf-tpm-remote-attestation{
        prefix tpm;
    import ietf-i2nsf-nsf-trust-enhanced-monitoring{
                prefix nsftemi;
        "IETF I2NSF (Interface to Network Security Functions) Working Group";
        "WG Web: <>
        WG List: <>

        Editor: Penglin Yang

        "This module is a YANG module for I2NSF NSF Trust Enhanced Registration Interface.";

    container reference-value-register{
            "the reference value is for nsf";
        leaf nsf-name{
            type string;
            mandatory true;
                "The name of nsf";

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        leaf hardware-type{
            mandatory true;
            type string;
        leaf operating-system-type{
            mandatory true;
            type string;
        choice RoT-type{
            case TPM12{
                container tpm12-ref{
                    uses tpm:event-logs;
            case TPM20{
                container tpm20-ref{
                    uses tpm:event-logs;
            case TEE-generic{
                uses nsftemi:TEE-general-log;

6.  IANA Considerations

   This document requests IANA to register the following URI in the
   "IETF XML Registry" RFC 3688 [RFC3688]:

      URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-i2nsf-trust-enhanced-
      monitoring-interface Registrant Contact: The IESG.

      XML: N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace.

      URI: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-i2nsf-trust-enhanced-
      registration-interface Registrant Contact: The IESG.

      XML: N/A; the requested URI is an XML namespace.

   This document requests IANA to register the following YANG module in
   the "YANG Module Names" registry RFC 7950 [RFC7950] RFC 8525

      Name: ietf-i2nsf-trsut-enhanced-monitoring-interface

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      Namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-i2nsf-trust-enhanced-

      Prefix: nsftemi

      Reference: RFC XXXX

      Name: ietf-i2nsf-trsut-enhanced-registration-interface

      Namespace: urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-i2nsf-trust-enhanced-

      Prefix: nsfteri

      Reference: RFC XXXX

7.  Security Considerations

   This document introduces the basic architecture of trust enhanced
   I2NSF and designs related interfaces.  Different RoT architectures
   have different trust ability, and the Security Controller will
   determine if it will trust these remote attestation results by policy
   rules.  These policy rules are out of scope of this document.  The
   trust enhanced interfaces need to be protected by secure channel when
   transmission occurs.  Meanwhile, the remote attestation results in
   trust enhanced interfaces are protected by their own mechanisms like
   TPM signature or token.

8.  References

8.1.  Normative Reference

              Jeong, J. (., Lingga, P., Hares, S., Xia, L. (., and H.
              Birkholz, "I2NSF NSF Monitoring Interface YANG Data
              Model", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-
              i2nsf-nsf-monitoring-data-model-12, 17 November 2021,

              Birkholz, H., Thaler, D., Richardson, M., Smith, N., and
              W. Pan, "Remote Attestation Procedures Architecture", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-rats-architecture-
              13, 8 November 2021, <

Yang, et al.               Expires 4 June 2022                 [Page 23]
Internet-Draft              Abbreviated Title              December 2021

              Lundblade, L., Mandyam, G., and J. O'Donoghue, "The Entity
              Attestation Token (EAT)", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-ietf-rats-eat-11, 24 October 2021,

              Fedorkow, G., Voit, E., and J. Fitzgerald-McKay, "TPM-
              based Network Device Remote Integrity Verification", Work
              in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-rats-tpm-based-
              network-device-attest-09, 18 November 2021,

              Birkholz, H., Eckel, M., Bhandari, S., Voit, E., Sulzen,
              B., (Frank), L. X., Laffey, T., and G. C. Fedorkow, "A
              YANG Data Model for Challenge-Response-based Remote
              Attestation Procedures using TPMs", Work in Progress,
              Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-rats-yang-tpm-charra-11, 26
              August 2021, <

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3688]  Mealling, M., "The IETF XML Registry", BCP 81, RFC 3688,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC3688, January 2004,

   [RFC7519]  Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web Token
              (JWT)", RFC 7519, DOI 10.17487/RFC7519, May 2015,

   [RFC7950]  Bjorklund, M., Ed., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language",
              RFC 7950, DOI 10.17487/RFC7950, August 2016,

   [RFC8329]  Lopez, D., Lopez, E., Dunbar, L., Strassner, J., and R.
              Kumar, "Framework for Interface to Network Security
              Functions", RFC 8329, DOI 10.17487/RFC8329, February 2018,

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Internet-Draft              Abbreviated Title              December 2021

   [RFC8392]  Jones, M., Wahlstroem, E., Erdtman, S., and H. Tschofenig,
              "CBOR Web Token (CWT)", RFC 8392, DOI 10.17487/RFC8392,
              May 2018, <>.

   [RFC8525]  Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., Schoenwaelder, J., Watsen, K.,
              and R. Wilton, "YANG Library", RFC 8525,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8525, March 2019,

8.2.  Informative Reference

   [SGX]      Intel, "Overview of Intel Software Guard Extension", June

   [TCGRoT]   Trust Computing Group, "DRAFT: TCG Roots of Trust
              Specification", October 2018,

   [TEE]      Global Platform Technology, "Global Platform Technology
              TEE System Architecture Version 1.2", December 2018,

   [tpm12]    Trusted Computing Group, "TPM Main Specification Level 2
              Version 1.2, Revision 116", March 2011,

   [tpm20]    Trusted Computing Group, "Trusted Platform Module Library
              Specification, Family "2.0", Level 00, Revision 01.59",
              November 2019,

Authors' Addresses

   Penglin Yang (editor)
   China Mobile
   32 Xuanwumen West Street, Xicheng District


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Internet-Draft              Abbreviated Title              December 2021

   Meilin Chen (editor)
   China Mobile
   32 Xuanwumen West Street, Xicheng District


   Li Su (editor)
   China Mobile
   32 Xuanwumen West Street, Xicheng District


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