Internet DRAFT - draft-yao-tsvwg-cco-requirement-and-analysis


Transport Area Working Group                                      K. Yao
Internet-Draft                                                     S. Xu
Intended status: Informational                              China Mobile
Expires: 8 August 2024                                             Y. Li
                                                                H. Huang
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                                 W. Wang
                                           New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd
                                                             D. KUTSCHER
                                                         5 February 2024

    Collective Communication Optimizations: Requirement and Analysis


   Gernerative AI applications depend on large scale parallel computing
   clusters for model training and inference.  Existing implementations
   of collective communication in parallel computing is built on top of
   RDMA, the most adoptable AI transport protocol.  However, One-to-
   Many, Many-to-One, and Many-to-Many collective operations all depend
   on point-to-point transport semantics of RDMA, which inevitably
   introduces more bandwidth occupancy and transmission overhead.
   Emerging approaches for collective communication optimization focus
   on network-assisted collective acceleration and can work compatibly
   with RDMA.  This document analyzes different technical schemes for
   network-assisted collective acceleration based on RDMA, and presents
   the gap between these work and current IETF standards, notably iWARP.
   Requirements for designing new standards are proposed accordingly.

Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119 [RFC2119].

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
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Internet-Draft   Collective Communication Optimizations:   February 2024

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 8 August 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   2.  Definition of Terms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Existing Work and Analysis  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     3.1.  Classification and Analysis of Two Modes for NACA . . . .   4
       3.1.1.  NACA Based on Server-to-server RDMA Connection  . . .   4
       3.1.2.  NACA Based on Server-to-switch RDMA Connection  . . .   5
     3.2.  Gap Analysis of Existing Solutions  . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.2.1.  Infiniband SHARP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
       3.2.2.  RoCEv2 Solutions  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
       3.2.3.  iWARP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.  Requirements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     4.1.  NACA Function Design and Header Definition  . . . . . . .   9
     4.2.  Bridge RDMA Transport Semantics . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.3.  RDMA Transport Related Issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
     4.4.  Joint Design of NACA Task Assignment and Routing
           Policies  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.5.  Security and Traffic Isolation  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
     4.6.  Fault Tolerance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  11
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   6.  Operational Considerations  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
   8.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     8.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     8.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13

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1.  Introduction

   With the development of distributed applications, especially High
   Performance Computing (HPC) and Artificial Intelligence (AI), the
   scale of parallel computing clusters is constantly expanding, and the
   pressure brought by collective communication to the network is also
   increasing.  Existing implementations of collective communication are
   based on RDMA(Remote Direct Memory Access), however, the most obvious
   problem is that the point-to-point transmission semantic of RDMA is
   not well aligned with logical communication patterns defined in
   collective communication, which incurs more bandwidth occupancy,more
   memory copies at endpoints and more data movements, thus lowering the
   overall parallel computing efficiency.  Detailed use cases and
   problems are proposed in

   Emerging collective communication optimization technical schemes
   focus on network assisted collective acceleration, which can greatly
   alleviate network pressure, improve transmission efficiency, and
   shorten flow completion time (FCT).  Some of these approaches can
   also work compatibly with RDMA, which raises new standardization
   design space for extended RDMA-based protocols for collective
   communication optimization.  In following sections, this document
   analyzes different technical schemes for network-assisted collective
   acceleration based on RDMA, and presents the gap between these work
   and current IETF standards.  Requirements for designing new standards
   are proposed accordingly.

2.  Definition of Terms

   *Collective communication: A set of communication patterns that
   application processes follow to communicate with each other in a
   parallel computing cluster.  These patterns include One-to-Many,
   Many-to-one, or Many-to-Many delivery mode.

   *Network Assisted Collective Acceleration(NACA): Using network
   devices, like switches, to offload and perform collective operations,
   so as to improve the overall collective communication efficiency.

3.  Existing Work and Analysis

   NACA offloads collective operations to switch to implement.  For
   example, Allreduce is done in switch for aggregation.  Broadcast is
   offloaded to switch for data copy, and Scatter leverages switch for
   data tailoring.  Detailed collective operations are listed in
   [I-D.yao-tsvwg-cco-problem-statement-and-usecases].  NACA can be
   built on RDMA so as to optimize collective communication.  RDMA
   allows endpoints to directly read and write memory data from other

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   endpoints at high speed without requiring kernel processing and CPU
   resources.  Memory zero copy and kernel bypass have gradually made
   RDMA the mainstream communication technology for HPC and AI
   applications in data centers.  This draft mainly focuses on the
   analysis of two different communication modes for RDMA-based network-
   assisted collective acceleration.

3.1.  Classification and Analysis of Two Modes for NACA

   When using network devices to offload collective operations, RDMA
   communication modes can be divided into server-to-sever mode and
   server-to-switch mode.

3.1.1.  NACA Based on Server-to-server RDMA Connection

   The server-to-server RDMA connection mode means not to change the
   logic of the existing applications. and switches that participate in
   collective communication cannot be seen by applications.  The
   destination of RDMA connection is set to be another server endpoint,
   but switches can participate in the collective operations during the
   data transmission.  In this communication mode, native transport
   protocols can cause false positives.  For example, when the switch
   help perform data aggregation during Allreduce, in each round, there
   will be only one aggregated packet sent from the switch to the
   destination server.  Packets from multiple senders are dropped after
   the aggregation.  And at the destination side, it will be judged as
   packet loss and trigger packet retransmission
   [I-D.yao-tsvwg-cco-problem-statement-and-usecases].  Some
   modification on reliability mechanisms of native RDMA transport
   should be improved.

+------------+           +----------------------+            +------------+
|            <-----------------------------------------------> receiver 1 |
|            |           |                      |            +------------+
|            |           |        switch        |
|   sender   |           | forwarding and NACA  |
|            |           |                      |            +------------+
|            <-----------------------------------------------> receiver 2 |
|            |           |   RDMA connection    |            +------------+
|            |           |                      |
|            |           |                      |
|            |           |                      |            +------------+
|            <-----------------------------------------------> receiver 3 |
+------------+           +----------------------+            +------------+

       Figure 1: NACA Based on Server-to-server RDMA Connection

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3.1.2.  NACA Based on Server-to-switch RDMA Connection

   The server-to-switch mode means that switches act as RDMA endpoints,
   and RDMA connection is built between the sender, i.e.  server, and
   the destination, i.e. switch.  In this case, hop-by-hop RDMA
   connections are built for end-to-end data transmission.  It is
   necessary to define what RDMA functions should be offloaded to
   switches, since offloading all RDMA functions to the network would
   bring heavy burdens to switches not only on memory and buffer space,
   but also on protocol complexity.

                                               RDMA connection
                      +------------------------+             +------------+
                      |                        <-------------> receiver 1 |
                      |                        |             +------------+
               RDMA   |                        |
            Connection|                        |
+----------+          |         switch         |             +------------+
|  sender  <---------->  forwarding and NACA   <-------------> receiver 1 |
+----------+          |                        |             +------------+
                      |                        |
                      |                        |
                      |                        |             +------------+
                      |                        <-------------> receiver 1 |
                      +------------------------+             +------------+

       Figure 2: NACA Based on Server-to-switch RDMA Connection

3.2.  Gap Analysis of Existing Solutions

3.2.1.  Infiniband SHARP

   Scalable Hierachical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol(SHARP)
   [SHARP]SHARP breaks the end-to-end transport rule by implementing
   Target Channel Adapter(TCA) in switches.  The TCA supports both
   Reliable Connection (RC) transport to enable reliable delivery of
   data through the aggregation tree as well as Unreliable Datagram (UD)
   transport to enable Multicast distribution of the aggregation result.
   SHARP has been realized in Infiniband commodity switches, but as is
   stated, SHARP is based on Infiniband architecture.  Currently it
   cannot work interoperably with the other network architectures, thus
   limiting its applicability.

   Figure 3 shows the SHARP protocol, it has two primary phases,
   Aggregation Request and Aggregation Response.  SHARP header is
   designed over IBA header, followed by aggregation operations and
   other data description information.

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 |   IBA   |  SHARP  | Tuple | User | Operation | Target | SHARP  | CRC|
 | Header  |  Header | Header| Data |  Header   | Header | Payload|    |

            Aggregation Request Pkt

 |   IBA   |  SHARP  | Tuple | User | SHARP  | CRC|
 | Header  |  Header | Header| Data | Payload|    |

            Aggregation Response Pkt

                        Figure 3: SHARP Protocol

3.2.2.  RoCEv2 Solutions

   RDMA over Converged Ethernet version 2(RoCEv2) is an RDMA scheme
   based on the UDP protocol over Ethernet.  Its core design uses
   InfiniBand's transport layer, where data is transmitted in sequence
   and retransmitted using go-back-n.  Therefore, a lossless and ordered
   network is required to achieve ideal performance.  The network has
   introduced Priority Flow Control (PFC) and IP based Explicit
   Congestion Notification (ECN) to ensure lossless transmission.
   Technical schemes of NACA based on RoCEv2 have been analyzed in both
   academia and industry, but compared with Infiniband SHARP, there is
   currently no commercial solutions, which means there are a lot of
   standardization space in this area.

   Take [NetReduce] and [Cepheus] as two examples for server-to-server
   communication mode of RoCEv2-based NACA.

   [NetReduce] is designed to offload Allreduce to switches.  For ring-
   Allreduce, workers establish RDMA connections with front and rear
   workers, using RDMA write to send parameters, and RDMA read to
   receive aggregation results.  The switch is a man-in-the-middle who
   receives data and aggregates it locally, then returns the results to
   workers in RDMA read way.  This approach has little impact on
   applications.  And it improves the performance since it reduces
   aggregation rounds compared to traditional ring-Allreduce method.
   However, mechanisms such as transport reliability and flow control
   are designed based on an server-to-server communication model, so
   they need to be redesigned or adapted accordingly.

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   Figure 5 shows the three phases of NetReduce protocol.  First packet,
   middle packet and the last packet.  NetReduce header is built over
   RoCEv2.  NetReduce has similar function as SHARP, but it is designed
   for aggregation used in ring-Allreduce, so it contains ring
   information, message information, and rank information.

   |                       Switch                            |
   |                  man-in-the-middle                      |
   |                                                         |
   |  +---------------------------------------------------+  |
   |  |                                                   |  |
   |  |      +--------------+      +--------------+       |  |
   |  |      |              |      |              |       |  |
      |      |              |      |              |       |
      |      |              |      |              |       |
      |      |              |      |              |       |
   +--v------+-+          +-v------+--+         +-v-------+-+
   |  worker 1 |          |  worker 2 |         |  worker 3 |
   +-----------+          +-----------+         +-----------+

                      Figure 4: NetReduce Illustration

                           First Pkt
   |   UDP   | IB BTH  | IB RETH | NetReduce Hdr |  Payload | ICRC |

                          Middle Pkt
   |   UDP   | IB BTH  |  Payload | ICRC |

                          Last Pkt
   |   UDP   | IB BTH  | IB IMM  | Payload | ICRC |

                        Figure 5: NetReduce Protocol

   The design objective of [Cepheus] is for offloading Broadcast
   operations.  Multiple receivers first send RDMA related information,
   like Queue Pair(QP) number and destination address, to the sender
   host for registration, and Multicast Forwarding Tree(MFT) is built on
   these information.  Intermediate switches will make decisions based
   on their downstream connectors.  If leaf switch is directly connected
   with the receiver host, it will work as a RDMA bridge by modifying

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   data packets.  In this way, multicast is done in the forward
   direction, and Acknowledge signals are aggregated in reverse
   direction to realize reliability.  This kind of implementation incur
   less modification to native RDMA and has better compatibility.

   Figure 6 shows the Cepheus Multicast Registration Protocol(MRP).
   Before starting to implement the Broadcast operations, the source of
   the multicast propagates the MRP into the entire fabric to install
   multicast forwarding table in each switch and build a MFT.
   Recevier's RDMA information, i.e, QP number and destination IP
   address are predefined before the MFT is set up.  During multicast,
   there is no real RDMA communication.  Switches that are directly
   connected with receivers will modify the packet header to make the
   logical RDMA connection complete.

                Cepheus MRP
   |   UDP   | Metadata | Node Payload |

   |  Total | Seq  |  Node Numbers |

               Node Payload
   | Node QPN | Node IP | Reserve |

             Figure 6: Cepheus Multicast Registration Protocol

   In RoCEv2 network ,there is also server-to-swtich mode where switches
   implement RDMA protocol stack and workers establish RDMA connections
   with switches.  This approach is similar to InfiniBand SHARP, but
   based on Ethernet.  Due to capacity limitations, network devices do
   not need to support complete RDMA transport protocol.  Similarly, the
   shortcoming of this mode is that it requires network devices to
   support RDMA.

3.2.3.  iWARP

   iWARP[RFC5040] is another RDMA scheme for Ethernet based on TCP
   protocol.  Like RoCEv2, iWARP uses InfiniBand Verbs to interact with
   applications.RDMAP (Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol) provides
   RDMA semantic support for upper layer requests such as RDMA_Send,
   RDMA_Read, RDMA_Write.  DDP (Data Placement Protocol) implements zero
   copy function.  DDP Packet contains information describing the memory

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   area.  Hardware can directly move data in the DDP Packet to the
   destination in memory through DMA based on the control information in
   the DDP Packet . The above process does not require the involvement
   of the CPU.  MPA (Marker Protocol Data Unit Aligned Framing) is
   responsible for adding control information to the TCP flow according
   to a certain algorithm at the sending end, so that the receiving end
   can recognize the boundaries of DDP Packet in the flow according to
   the algorithm.

|  TCP Header  |  MPA Header  |  DDP Header  |   RDMA Header   |  Payload   |  MPA CRC |

                       Figure 7: iWARP Protocol

   Due to TCP ensuring packet ordered delivering and transmission
   reliability, iWARP could adapt to larger network scales compared to
   RoCEv2, but its performance is lower. Because of the high cost of
   offloading complete TCP/IP stack to hardware and the resource
   intensive maintenance of TCP protocol status, the use of iWARP is not
   as widespread as RoCEv2.

   In the server-to-server NACA based on iWARP, any change in Payload
   may be considered as an interruption of the flow, and any packet loss
   must be retransmitted.  The transport layer mechanism is too complex
   and difficult to modify.

   In the server-to-switch NACA based on iWARP mode, due to resource
   limitations, network devices do not need to implement a complete
   protocol stack.  It is necessary to clarify which parts of existing
   protocols must be implemented.  Meanwhile, if network devices
   maintain TCP connections, they need to manage resources reasonably.

4.  Requirements

4.1.  NACA Function Design and Header Definition

   NACA offloads collective operations with low computational precision
   and high I/O communication to network device.  Network devices not
   only complete packet routing and forwarding, but also need to process
   collective messages.  Therefore, NACA functions should be designed to
   instruct network devices to distinguish and process different
   traffic.  Accordingly, an NACA header should be designed over the
   transport layer to complete the mapping mechanism between packets and
   collective messages.  Therefore, the following requirements are
   proposed to support collective communication optimization:

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   R1: MUST define a NACA header to indicate what collective operations
   that switches need to offload, together with relevant information,
   for example, message id, sequence number, job id etc.

   R2: SHOULD support fallback mechanism, in case network devices are
   not sufficient for processing complete collective operations.

4.2.  Bridge RDMA Transport Semantics

   As has been explained in previous sections, the major gap between
   native RDMA and NACA is reflected in the transport semantics.  There
   need mechanisms for transport semantic bridging in order to combine
   the high-performance transport capability of RDMA and NACA
   functionality.  Besides, NACA may not need full functionality of
   native RDMA, and it is not ideal to implement full RDMA functionality
   within switches, because of limited hardware resources.  For example,
   most of RDMA-based NACA solutions only call RDMA read, write, send,
   and receive operations.  Accordingly, the following requirements need
   to be met:

   R3: Transport layer MUST support RDMA function.

   R4: SHOULD allow for different RDMA communication modes for NACA as
   described in section 3.

   R5: In server-to-swtich mode, SHOULD clarify which part of the RDMA
   functions the switch supports, in order to establish a RDMA
   connection with the server and complete NACA.

4.3.  RDMA Transport Related Issues

   As it has been analyzed in section 3 that IWARP solutions can not
   work well with NACA, because it builds RDMA functions on top of TCP
   which are too complex to implement in switches.  The most promising
   solution is RDMA over UDP, for example, RoCEv2.  However, native
   RoCEv2 has several limitations and can not work very well with NACA
   in large scale clusters.  These limitations are reflected in the
   mechanisms of reliability, flow control, and congestion control.  For
   reliability, go-back-n packet retransmission is low efficient, and it
   may incur much buffer occupancy in NACA switches.  Priority Flow
   Control(PFC) also has high requirement for buffer space, and for
   Many-to-one collective operations, PFC will take up even more buffer
   space.  As for congestion control, there are lots of algorithms and
   not all of them work well with NACA.  A common congestion control
   mechanism need to be designed.  Thus, there are following

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   R6: NACA MUST be designed with reliability, and the reliability
   mechanism of RoCEv2 SHOULD be modified to be more efficient.

   R7: Flow control SHOULD be optimized in order to save more buffer and
   memory space for NACA functions.

   R8: The congestion control of NACA SHOULD work compatibly with other
   congestion control mechanisms applied for other network traffic that
   runs in the same fabric.

4.4.  Joint Design of NACA Task Assignment and Routing Policies

   Since AI model training tasks usually follow a predefined rule that
   task as well as the training group are settle, and once the training
   starts, there will be no more new comers to join the group.  On basis
   of this, NACA task assignment usually follows a centralized pattern.
   For example, NACA support Allreduce by following Aggregation tree,
   and support broadcast by building a multicast forwarding tree.  While
   some routing policies may follow distributed patterns.  For example,
   Adaptive Routing(AR) selects the optimal path at each network node
   distributedly.  These solutions may not co-exist with each other.  In
   order to better balance traffic management and task assignment:

   R9: NACA Task assignment SHOULD be co-designed with routing policies
   for joint optimization.

4.5.  Security and Traffic Isolation

   Due to situations of multi-tenancy, a single switch may need to
   perform different NACA functions and forward normal traffic.  Since
   NACA header contains collective operations metadata and payload
   parameters, if the switch logic designed for NACA is incorrectly
   applied on normal traffic, there will be very severe security issues.
   Hence, security requirements are as follows:

   R10: Resources MUST be isolated on switches to ensure that different
   tasks do not interfere each other, and NACA functions do not operate
   on normal traffic.

4.6.  Fault Tolerance

   Fault tolerance is required since there is a chance that single
   network device may run out of service, due to either single point
   failure or link break down.  Therefore:

   R11: The mechanism of choosing alternative node for implementing NACA
   functions MUST be designed, to ensure system robustness and

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5.  Security Considerations

   Some security concerns have been described in the

6.  Operational Considerations

   Use cases like AI model training, distributed storage, and big data
   analysis usually need infrastructure to be deployed in clusters which
   are operated by single entities, for example, limited domain
   [RFC8799].  In this case, not only the compute and network
   infrastructure, but also the application could be owned by single
   service providers.  These use cases are typically performance-driven,
   which means they need application and infrastructure to be co-
   designed to reach optimization.  However, applications are not co-
   designed with underlying network protocols case-by-case, as long as
   the definition and realization of certain collective operations that
   would be offloaded can be reached in consensus across vendors, like
   unified primitives used for implementing the collective
   communication, applications can leverage on the standardized north
   bound API to improve performance, albeit the applications do not
   belong to the same service providers.

7.  IANA Considerations


8.  References

8.1.  Normative References

              Yao, K., Shiping, X., Li, Y., Huang, H., and D. KUTSCHER,
              "Collective Communication Optimization: Problem Statement
              and Use cases", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              yao-tsvwg-cco-problem-statement-and-usecases-00, 23
              October 2023, <

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC5040]  Recio, R., Metzler, B., Culley, P., Hilland, J., and D.
              Garcia, "A Remote Direct Memory Access Protocol
              Specification", RFC 5040, DOI 10.17487/RFC5040, October
              2007, <>.

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   [RFC8799]  Carpenter, B. and B. Liu, "Limited Domains and Internet
              Protocols", RFC 8799, DOI 10.17487/RFC8799, July 2020,

8.2.  Informative References

   [Cepheus]  Zhang, W. L. A. J., "Cepheus: Accelerating Datacenter
              Applications with High-Performance RoCE-Capable
              Multicast", 2024.

              Liu, S., "In-Network Aggregation with Transport
              Transparency for Distributed Training",
              DOI 10.1145/3582016.3582037, 2023,

   [SHARP]    Graham, R. L., "Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and
              Reduction Protocol (SHARP): A Hardware Architecture for
              Efficient Data Reduction", DOI 10.1109/COMHPC.2016.006,
              2023, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Kehan Yao
   China Mobile

   Shiping Xu
   China Mobile

   Yizhou Li
   Huawei Technologies
   Nanjing, Jiangsu

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   Hongyi Huang
   Huawei Technologies

   Weifeng Wang
   New H3C Technologies Co., Ltd


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