Internet DRAFT - draft-ybam-rfc8561bis


CCAMP Working Group                                         S. Mansfield
Internet-Draft                                                  Ericsson
Obsoletes: 8561 (if approved)                                 J. Ahlberg
Intended status: Standards Track                             Ericsson AB
Expires: 4 September 2024                                          M. Ye
                                                     Huawei Technologies
                                                            D. Spreafico
                                                              Nokia - IT
                                                                 D. Pala
                                                            3 March 2024

               A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link


   This document defines a YANG data model for control and management of
   radio link interfaces and their connectivity to packet (typically
   Ethernet) interfaces in a microwave/millimeter wave node.  The data
   nodes for management of the interface protection functionality is
   broken out into a separate and generic YANG data model in order to
   make it available for other interface types as well.  This document
   obsoletes RFC 8561.

About This Document

   This note is to be removed before publishing as an RFC.

   The latest revision of this draft can be found at  Status information for this document may
   be found at

   Discussion of this document takes place on the CCAMP Working Group
   mailing list (, which is archived at

   Source for this draft and an issue tracker can be found at

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 4 September 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.
   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
   and restrictions with respect to this document.  Code Components
   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
   described in Section 4.e of the Trust Legal Provisions and are
   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.1.  Terminology and Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     1.2.  Tree Structure  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.3.  Prefixes in Data Node Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.4.  YANG Tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     1.5.  Explanation of the Microwave Data Model . . . . . . . . .   8
   2.  Microwave Radio Link YANG Data Model  . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   3.  Interface Protection YANG Data Model  . . . . . . . . . . . .  31
   4.  Microwave Types YANG Data Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  37
   5.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  46
   6.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
   7.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
     7.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  48
     7.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  49
   Appendix A.  Changes from RFC 8561  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  50
   Appendix B.  Example: 1+0 and 2+0 Configuration Instances . . . .  51
     B.1.  1+0 Instance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  51
     B.2.  2+0 Instance  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  52
     B.3.  2+0 XPIC Instance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  54
   Appendix C.  Acknowledgments  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  56

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   Contributors  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  56
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  57

1.  Introduction

   This document defines a YANG data model for management and control of
   the radio link interface(s) and the relationship to packet (typically
   Ethernet) and/or Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) interfaces in a
   microwave/millimeter wave node.  The ETSI EN 302 217 series defines
   the characteristics and requirements of microwave/millimeter wave
   equipment and antennas.  Specifically, ETSI EN 302 217-2 [EN302217-2]
   specifies the essential parameters for systems operating from 1.4 GHz
   to 86 GHz.  The data model includes configuration and state data
   according to the new Network Management Datastore Architecture

   The design of the data model follows the framework for management and
   control of microwave and millimeter wave interface parameters defined
   in [RFC8432].  This framework identifies the need and the scope of
   the YANG data model, use cases, and requirements that the model needs
   to support.  Moreover, it provides a detailed gap analysis to
   identify the missing parameters and functionalities of the existing
   and established models to support the specified use cases and
   requirements, and based on that, it recommends how the gaps should be
   filled with the development of the new model.  According to the
   conclusion of the gap analysis, the structure of the data model is
   based on the structure defined in [RFC8561], and it augments
   [RFC8343] to align with the same structure for management of the
   packet interfaces.  More specifically, the model will include
   interface layering to manage the capacity provided by a radio link
   terminal for the associated Ethernet and TDM interfaces, using the
   principles for interface layering described in [RFC8343] as a basis.

   The data nodes for management of the interface protection
   functionality is broken out into a separate and generic YANG data
   module in order to make it also available for other interface types.

   The designed YANG data model uses established microwave equipment and
   radio standards, such as ETSI EN 302 217-2; the IETF Radio Link Model
   [RFC8561]; and the ONF Microwave Model [ONF-model], as the basis for
   the definition of the detailed leafs/parameters, and it proposes new
   ones to cover identified gaps, which are analyzed in [RFC8432].

1.1.  Terminology and Definitions

   The following terms are used in this document:

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   Carrier Termination (CT) is an interface for the capacity provided
   over the air by a single carrier.  It is typically defined by its
   transmitting and receiving frequencies.

   Radio Link Terminal (RLT) is an interface providing packet capacity
   and/or TDM capacity to the associated Ethernet and/or TDM interfaces
   in a node and is used for setting up a transport service over a
   microwave/millimeter wave link.

   The following acronyms are used in this document:

   ACM Adaptive Coding Modulation

   ATPC Automatic Transmitter Power Control

   BBE Background Block Error

   BER Bit Error Ratio

   BPSK Binary Phase-Shift Keying

   CM Coding Modulation

   CT Carrier Termination

   ES Errored Seconds

   IF Intermediate Frequency

   MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output

   RF Radio Frequency

   RLT Radio Link Terminal

   QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

   QPSK Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying

   RTPC Remote Transmit Power Control

   SES Severely Errored Seconds

   TDM Time-Division Multiplexing

   UAS Unavailable Seconds

   XPIC Cross Polarization Interference Cancellation

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1.2.  Tree Structure

   A simplified graphical representation of the data model is used in
   Section 1.4 of this document.  The meaning of the symbols in these
   diagrams is defined in [RFC8340].

1.3.  Prefixes in Data Node Names

   In this document, names of data nodes and other data model objects
   are prefixed using the standard prefix associated with the
   corresponding YANG imported modules, as shown in Table 1.

     | Prefix   | YANG Module               | Reference             |
     | mrl      | ietf-microwave-radio-link | This document         |
     | yang     | ietf-yang-types           | [RFC6991]             |
     | ianaift  | iana-if-type              | [IANA-if-type-module] |
     | if       | ietf-interfaces           | [RFC8343]             |
     | ifprot   | ietf-interface-protection | This document         |
     | mw-types | ietf-microwave-types      | This document         |

               Table 1: Prefixes for imported YANG modules

   # Microwave Radio Link YANG Data Model

1.4.  YANG Tree

   module: ietf-microwave-radio-link
    +--rw radio-link-protection-groups
    | +--rw protection-group* [name]
    |   +--rw name              string
    |   +--rw protection-architecture-type?  identityref
    |   +--rw members*            if:interface-ref
    |   +--rw operation-type?         enumeration
    |   +--rw working-entity*         if:interface-ref
    |   +--rw revertive-wait-to-restore?   uint16
    |   +--rw hold-off-timer?         uint16
    |   +--ro status?             identityref
    |   +---x manual-switch-working
    |   +---x manual-switch-protection
    |   +---x forced-switch

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    |   +---x lockout-of-protection
    |   +---x freeze
    |   +---x exercise
    |   +---x clear
    +--rw xpic-pairs {xpic}?
    | +--rw xpic-pair* [name]
    |   +--rw name    string
    |   +--rw enabled?  boolean
    |   +--rw members*  if:interface-ref
    +--rw mimo-groups {mimo}?
      +--rw mimo-group* [name]
       +--rw name    string
       +--rw enabled?  boolean
       +--rw members*  if:interface-ref

    augment /if:interfaces/if:interface:
     +--rw id?           string
     +--rw (mode-option)
     | x--:(mode)
     | | x--rw mode       identityref
     | +--:(rlt-mode)
     |   +--rw rlt-mode
     |    +--rw num-bonded-carriers    uint32
     |    +--rw num-protecting-carriers  uint32
     +--rw carrier-terminations*  if:interface-ref
     +--rw rlp-groups*
     |    -> /radio-link-protection-groups/protection-group/name
     +--rw xpic-pairs*       -> /xpic-pairs/xpic-pair/name
     |    {xpic}?
     +--rw mimo-groups*      -> /mimo-groups/mimo-group/name
     |    {mimo}?
     +--rw tdm-connections* [tdm-type] {tdm}?
       +--rw tdm-type      identityref
       +--rw tdm-connections  uint16
    augment /if:interfaces/if:interface:
     +--rw carrier-id?           string
     +--rw tx-enabled?           boolean
     +--ro tx-oper-status?         enumeration
     +--rw tx-frequency          uint32
     +--rw (freq-or-distance)
     | +--:(rx-frequency)
     | | +--rw rx-frequency?       uint32
     | +--:(duplex-distance)
     |   +--rw duplex-distance?     int32
     +--ro actual-rx-frequency?      uint32
     +--ro actual-duplex-distance?     uint32
     +--rw channel-separation       uint32
     +--rw polarization?          enumeration

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     +--rw (power-mode)
     | +--:(rtpc)
     | | +--rw rtpc
     | |   +--rw maximum-nominal-power  power
     | +--:(atpc)
     |   +--rw atpc
     |    +--rw maximum-nominal-power  power
     |    +--rw atpc-lower-threshold   power
     |    +--rw atpc-upper-threshold   power
     +--ro actual-transmitted-level?    power
     +--ro actual-received-level?     power
     +--rw (coding-modulation-mode)
     | +--:(single)
     | | +--rw single
     | |   +--rw selected-cm  identityref
     | +--:(adaptive)
     |   +--rw adaptive
     |    +--rw selected-min-acm  identityref
     |    +--rw selected-max-acm  identityref
     +--ro actual-tx-cm?          identityref
     +--ro actual-snir?          decimal64
     +--ro actual-xpi?           decimal64 {xpic}?
     +--rw ct-performance-thresholds
     | +--rw received-level-alarm-threshold?   power
     | +--rw transmitted-level-alarm-threshold?  power
     | +--rw ber-alarm-threshold?         enumeration
     +--rw if-loop?            enumeration
     +--rw rf-loop?            enumeration
     +--ro capabilities
     | +--ro min-tx-frequency?     uint32
     | +--ro max-tx-frequency?     uint32
     | +--ro min-rx-frequency?     uint32
     | +--ro max-rx-frequency?     uint32
     | +--ro minimum-power?       power
     | +--ro maximum-available-power?  power
     | +--ro available-min-acm?     identityref
     | +--ro available-max-acm?     identityref
     | +--ro acm-profile-list*
     |   [profile-channel-separation-id profile-coding-modulation-id]
     |   +--ro profile-channel-separation-id  uint32
     |   +--ro profile-coding-modulation-id   identityref
     |   +--ro modulation-scheme?        uint8
     |   +--ro nominal-tx-capacity?       uint32
     |   +--ro support-as-fixed-modulation?   boolean
     |   +--ro max-tx-power?          power
     |   +--ro min-tx-power?          power
     |   +--ro lower-acm-profile-ptr
     |   | +--ro profile-coding-modulation-id-ref?  leafref

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     |   | +--ro profile-channel-separation-id-ref?  leafref
     |   +--ro upper-acm-profile-ptr
     |    +--ro profile-coding-modulation-id-ref?  leafref
     |    +--ro profile-channel-separation-id-ref?  leafref
     +--ro error-performance-statistics
     | +--ro bbe?  yang:counter32
     | +--ro es?  yang:counter32
     | +--ro ses?  yang:counter32
     | +--ro uas?  yang:counter32
     +--ro radio-performance-statistics
       +--ro min-rltm?  power
       +--ro max-rltm?  power
       +--ro min-tltm?  power
       +--ro max-tltm?  power

1.5.  Explanation of the Microwave Data Model

   The leafs in the Interface Management Module augmented by RLT and CT
   are not always applicable.

   "/interfaces/interface/enabled" is not applicable for RLT.  Enable
   and disable of an interface is done in the constituent CTs.

   The packet-related measurements "in-octets", "in-unicast-pkts", "in-
   broadcast-pkts", "in-multicast-pkts", "in-discards", "in-errors",
   "in-unknown-protos", "out-octets", "out-unicast-pkts", "out-
   broadcast-pkts", "out-multicast-pkts", "out-discards", and "out-
   errors" are not within the scope of the microwave radio link domain
   and therefore are not applicable for RLT and CT.

2.  Microwave Radio Link YANG Data Model

   This module imports typedefs and modules from [RFC6991], [RFC8343]
   and [RFC7224], and it references [TR102311], [EN302217-1],
   [EN301129], and [G.826].

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-microwave-radio-link@2024-03-03.yang"
   module ietf-microwave-radio-link {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-microwave-radio-link";
     prefix mrl;

     import ietf-yang-types {
       prefix yang;
         "RFC 6991";
     import iana-if-type {

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       prefix ianaift;
     import ietf-interfaces {
       prefix if;
         "RFC 8343";
     import ietf-interface-protection {
       prefix ifprot;
         "RFC 8561";
     import ietf-microwave-types {
       prefix mw-types;
         "RFC 8561";

       "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) CCAMP WG";
       "WG List: <>

         Jonas Ahlberg (
         Min Ye (
         Xi Li (
         Daniela Spreafico (
         Marko Vaupotic (";
       "This is a module for the entities in
        a generic microwave system.

        Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
        to the license terms contained in, the Revised BSD License
        set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX;
        see the RFC itself for full legal notices.";

     // RFC Ed.: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove
     // this note

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     // replace the revision date with the module publication date
     // the format is (year-month-day)

     revision 2024-03-03 {
         "pretty printing";
         "RFC XXX: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";
     revision 2023-10-06 {
         "To add the summary of the changes in this revision:

          - more updates related to git Issue #13 and #16.

          - git Issue #13 and #16 and discussion updates for acm-profile

          - Updated with proposal for BCA.";
         "RFC XXX: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";
     revision 2019-06-19 {
         "Initial revision.";
         "RFC 8561: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";

      * Features

     feature xpic {
         "Indicates that the device supports XPIC.";
         "ETSI TR 102 311";

     feature mimo {
         "Indicates that the device supports MIMO.";
         "ETSI TR 102 311";

     feature tdm {

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         "Indicates that the device supports TDM.";

      * Typedefs

     typedef power {
       type decimal64 {
         fraction-digits 1;
         "Type used for the power values in the data nodes
          for configuration or status.";

     grouping acm-profile {
       leaf modulation-scheme {
         type uint8;
           "It is the logarithm base two of the number of points in the
            transmitted constellation.  E.G.:  value would be 2 for
            4QAM, 10 fo 1024QAM, and 12 for 4096QAM.";
       leaf nominal-tx-capacity {
         type uint32;
           "The nominal radio link capacity associated to this
       leaf support-as-fixed-modulation {
         type boolean;
           "True when the profile can be used in single
       leaf max-tx-power {
         type power;
           "The maximum transmitted power when the carrier termination
            is operating this acm-profile.  Used to configure
            transmitted power.";
       leaf min-tx-power {
         type power;

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           "The minimum transmitted power when the carrier termination
            is operating this acm-profile.  Used to configure
            transmitted power.";

      * Radio Link Terminal (RLT)

     augment "/if:interfaces/if:interface" {
       when "derived-from-or-self(if:type,"
          + "'ianaift:microwaveRadioLinkTerminal')";
         "Addition of data nodes for the radio link terminal to
          the standard Interface data model, for interfaces of
          the type 'microwaveRadioLinkTerminal'.";
       leaf id {
         type string;
           "Descriptive identity of the radio link terminal used by
            far-end RLT to check that it's connected to the correct
            near-end RLT.  Does not need to be configured if this
            check is not used.";
       choice mode-option {
         mandatory true;
           "A description of the mode in which the radio link
            terminal is configured in terms of:
            - number of bonded carrier terminations;
            - number of protecting carrier terminations.";
         leaf mode {
           type identityref {
             base mw-types:rlt-mode;
           mandatory true;
           status deprecated;
             "A description of the mode in which the radio link
              terminal is configured.  The format is X plus Y.
              X represents the number of bonded carrier terminations.
              Y represents the number of protecting carrier

              This attribute has been deprecated: the rlt-mode container
              which provide flexible definitions of number of bonded
              carriers and protecting carriers should be used instead.";

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         container rlt-mode {
             "This grouping provides a flexible definition of number
              of bonded carriers and protecting carriers of a radio
           uses mw-types:rlt-mode;
       leaf-list carrier-terminations {
         type if:interface-ref;
         must "derived-from-or-self(/if:interfaces/if:interface"
            + "[if:name = current()]"
            + "/if:type, 'ianaift:microwaveCarrierTermination')" {
             "The type of interface must be
         min-elements 1;
           "A list of references to carrier terminations
            included in the radio link terminal.";
       leaf-list rlp-groups {
         type leafref {
           path "/mrl:radio-link-protection-groups/"
              + "mrl:protection-group/mrl:name";
           "A list of references to the carrier termination
            groups configured for radio link protection in this
            radio link terminal.";
       leaf-list xpic-pairs {
         if-feature "xpic";
         type leafref {
           path "/mrl:xpic-pairs/mrl:xpic-pair/mrl:name";
           "A list of references to the XPIC pairs used in this
            radio link terminal.  One pair can be used by two
           "ETSI TR 102 311";
       leaf-list mimo-groups {
         if-feature "mimo";
         type leafref {

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           path "/mrl:mimo-groups/mrl:mimo-group/mrl:name";
           "A reference to the MIMO group used in this
            radio link terminal.  One group can be used by more
            than one terminal.";
           "ETSI TR 102 311";
       list tdm-connections {
         if-feature "tdm";
         key "tdm-type";
           "A list stating the number of active TDM connections
            of a specified tdm-type that is configured to be
            supported by the RLT.";
         leaf tdm-type {
           type identityref {
             base mw-types:tdm-type;
             "The type of TDM connection, which also indicates
              the supported capacity.";
         leaf tdm-connections {
           type uint16;
           mandatory true;
             "Number of connections of the specified type.";

      * Carrier Termination

     augment "/if:interfaces/if:interface" {
       when "derived-from-or-self(if:type,"
          + "'ianaift:microwaveCarrierTermination')";
         "Addition of data nodes for carrier termination to
          the standard Interface data model, for interfaces
          of the type 'microwaveCarrierTermination'.";
       leaf carrier-id {
         type string;
         default "A";

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           "ID of the carrier (e.g., A, B, C, or D).
            Used in XPIC and MIMO configurations to check that
            the carrier termination is connected to the correct
            far-end carrier termination.  Should be the same
            carrier ID on both sides of the hop.  Left as
            default value when MIMO and XPIC are not in use.";
       leaf tx-enabled {
         type boolean;
         default "false";
           "Disables (false) or enables (true) the transmitter.
            Only applicable when the interface is enabled
            (interface:enabled = true); otherwise, it's always
       leaf tx-oper-status {
         type enumeration {
           enum off {
               "Transmitter is off.";
           enum on {
               "Transmitter is on.";
           enum standby {
               "Transmitter is in standby.";
         config false;
           "Shows the operative status of the transmitter.";
       leaf tx-frequency {
         type uint32;
         units "kHz";
         mandatory true;
           "Selected transmitter frequency.";
       choice freq-or-distance {
         mandatory true;
           "A choice to configure rx-frequency directly or compute
            it as duplex-distance subtracted from tx-frequency.";
         leaf rx-frequency {

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           type uint32;
           units "kHz";
             "Selected receiver frequency.";
         leaf duplex-distance {
           type int32;
           units "kHz";
             "Distance between transmitter and receiver frequencies.";
       leaf actual-rx-frequency {
         type uint32;
         units "kHz";
         config false;
           "Computed receiver frequency.";
       leaf actual-duplex-distance {
         type uint32;
         units "kHz";
         config false;
           "Computed distance between Tx and Rx frequencies.";
       leaf channel-separation {
         type uint32;
         units "kHz";
         mandatory true;
           "The amount of bandwidth allocated to a carrier.  The
            distance between adjacent channels in a radio
            frequency channels arrangement";
           "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
       leaf polarization {
         type enumeration {
           enum horizontal {
               "Horizontal polarization.";
           enum vertical {
               "Vertical polarization.";
           enum not-specified {

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               "Polarization not specified.";
         default "not-specified";
           "Polarization - a textual description for info only.";
       choice power-mode {
         mandatory true;
           "A choice of RTPC or ATPC.";
         container rtpc {
             "Remote Transmit Power Control (RTPC).";
             "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
           leaf maximum-nominal-power {
             type power {
               range "-99..99";
             units "dBm";
             mandatory true;
               "Selected output power.";
               "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
         container atpc {
             "Automatic Transmitter Power Control (ATPC).";
             "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
           leaf maximum-nominal-power {
             type power {
               range "-99..99";
             units "dBm";
             mandatory true;
               "Selected maximum output power.  Minimum output
                power is the same as the system capability,
               "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
           leaf atpc-lower-threshold {

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             type power {
               range "-99..-20";
             units "dBm";
             must 'current() <= ../atpc-upper-threshold';
             mandatory true;
               "The lower threshold for the input power at the
                far end, which is used in the ATPC mode.";
               "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
           leaf atpc-upper-threshold {
             type power {
               range "-99..-20";
             units "dBm";
             mandatory true;
               "The upper threshold for the input power at the
                far end, which is used in the ATPC mode.";
               "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
       leaf actual-transmitted-level {
         type power {
           range "-99..99";
         units "dBm";
         config false;
           "Actual transmitted power level (0.1 dBm resolution).";
           "ETSI EN 301 129";
       leaf actual-received-level {
         type power {
           range "-99..-20";
         units "dBm";
         config false;
           "Actual received power level (0.1 dBm resolution).";
           "ETSI EN 301 129";

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       choice coding-modulation-mode {
         mandatory true;
           "A selection of single or
            adaptive coding/modulation mode.";
         container single {
             "A single modulation order only.";
             "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
           leaf selected-cm {
             type identityref {
               base mw-types:coding-modulation;
             mandatory true;
               "Selected the single coding/modulation.";
         container adaptive {
             "Adaptive coding/modulation.";
             "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
           leaf selected-min-acm {
             type identityref {
               base mw-types:coding-modulation;
             mandatory true;
               "Selected minimum coding/modulation.
                Adaptive coding/modulation shall not go
                below this value.";
           leaf selected-max-acm {
             type identityref {
               base mw-types:coding-modulation;
             mandatory true;
               "Selected maximum coding/modulation.
                Adaptive coding/modulation shall not go
                above this value.";
       leaf actual-tx-cm {
         type identityref {

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           base mw-types:coding-modulation;
         config false;
           "Actual coding/modulation in transmitting direction.";
       leaf actual-snir {
         type decimal64 {
           fraction-digits 1;
           range "0..99";
         units "dB";
         config false;
           "Actual signal to noise plus the interference ratio
            (0.1 dB resolution).";
       leaf actual-xpi {
         if-feature "xpic";
         type decimal64 {
           fraction-digits 1;
           range "0..99";
         units "dB";
         config false;
           "The actual carrier to cross-polar interference.
            Only valid if XPIC is enabled (0.1 dB resolution).";
           "ETSI TR 102 311";
       container ct-performance-thresholds {
           "Specification of thresholds for when alarms should
            be sent and cleared for various performance counters.";
         leaf received-level-alarm-threshold {
           type power {
             range "-99..-20";
           units "dBm";
           default "-99";
             "An alarm is sent when the received power level is
              below the specified threshold.";
             "ETSI EN 301 129";
         leaf transmitted-level-alarm-threshold {

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           type power {
             range "-99..99";
           units "dBm";
           default "-99";
             "An alarm is sent when the transmitted power level
              is below the specified threshold.";
             "ETSI EN 301 129";
         leaf ber-alarm-threshold {
           type enumeration {
             enum 1e-9 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-9 (10^-9).";
             enum 1e-8 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-8 (10^-8).";
             enum 1e-7 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-7 (10^-7).";
             enum 1e-6 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-6 (10^-6).";
             enum 1e-5 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-5 (10^-5).";
             enum 1e-4 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-4 (10^-4).";
             enum 1e-3 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-3 (10^-3).";
             enum 1e-2 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-2 (10^-2).";
             enum 1e-1 {
                 "Threshold at 1e-1 (10^-1).";

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           default "1e-6";
             "Specification of at which BER an alarm should
              be raised.";
             "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
       leaf if-loop {
         type enumeration {
           enum disabled {
               "Disables the IF Loop.";
           enum client {
               "Loops the signal back to the client side.";
           enum radio {
               "Loops the signal back to the radio side.";
         default "disabled";
           "Enable (client/radio) or disable (disabled)
            the IF Loop, which loops the signal back to
            the client side or the radio side.";
       leaf rf-loop {
         type enumeration {
           enum disabled {
               "Disables the RF Loop.";
           enum client {
               "Loops the signal back to the client side.";
           enum radio {
               "Loops the signal back to the radio side.";
         default "disabled";

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           "Enable (client/radio) or disable (disabled)
            the RF loop, which loops the signal back to
            the client side or the radio side.";
       container capabilities {
         config false;
           "Capabilities of the installed equipment and
            some selected configurations.";
         leaf min-tx-frequency {
           type uint32;
           units "kHz";
             "Minimum Tx frequency possible to use.";
         leaf max-tx-frequency {
           type uint32;
           units "kHz";
             "Maximum Tx frequency possible to use.";
         leaf min-rx-frequency {
           type uint32;
           units "kHz";
             "Minimum Rx frequency possible to use.";
         leaf max-rx-frequency {
           type uint32;
           units "kHz";
             "Maximum Tx frequency possible to use.";
         leaf minimum-power {
           type power;
           units "dBm";
             "The minimum output power supported.";
             "ETSI EN 302 217-1";
         leaf maximum-available-power {
           type power;
           units "dBm";
             "The maximum output power supported.";
             "ETSI EN 302 217-1";

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         leaf available-min-acm {
           type identityref {
             base mw-types:coding-modulation;
             "Minimum coding-modulation possible to use.";
         leaf available-max-acm {
           type identityref {
             base mw-types:coding-modulation;
             "Maximum coding-modulation possible to use.";
         list acm-profile-list {
           key "profile-channel-separation-id "
             + "profile-coding-modulation-id";
             "A list of acm-profile.
              Each acm-profile is identified by a channel-separation and
              coding-modulation values as supported by the carrier
              termination and defines the parameter's values of each
              transmission acm profile.
              Basically, the list contains all acm profiles supported by
              the device.  Profiles are organized into profile chains
              for each different channel separation value available. The
              chains are formed by the lower-acm-profile-ptr and
              upper-acm-profile-ptr pointers.  The sequence in the list
              reflects the sequence of profiles that are operated by the
              device according to the fading conditions, from the clear
              sky down to the persistent rain, and vice versa. The
              channel-separation and selected-cm configuration
              parameters (or the selected-min-acm/selected-max-acm
              pair) must address one of the profiles in the list.";
           leaf profile-channel-separation-id {
             type uint32;
               "Uniquely identifies the acm profile (together with
                'profile-coding-modulation-id').  It could be used to
                allow the configuration of the channel-separation
           leaf profile-coding-modulation-id {
             type identityref {
               base mw-types:coding-modulation;

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               "Uniquely identifies the acm profile (together with
                'profile-channel-separation-id').  It could be used to
                allow the configuration of the selected-cm (single
                mode) or selected-min-acm/selected-max-acm (adaptive
           uses acm-profile;
           container lower-acm-profile-ptr {
               "Together with the upper-acm-profile-ptr parameters it
                creates a chain of acm profiles related to a specific
                channel separation value.  Specifically it references
                the next lower acm-profile, while upper-acm-profile-ptr
                references the next higher profile.  The lowest profile
                in the chain, shall not instantiate this container.  The
                acm-profile-list can contain multiple chains related to
                different channel separation values supported by the
             leaf profile-coding-modulation-id-ref {
               type leafref {
                 path "../../../acm-profile-list"
                    + "/profile-coding-modulation-id";
                 "A reference to an acm-profile to give an order in
                  acm-profile-list.  This is the reference to the
                  'profile-coding-modulation-id' key of the next lower
                  acm-profile in the list respect to the current one.";
             leaf profile-channel-separation-id-ref {
               type leafref {
                 + "/acm-profile-list[profile-coding-modulation-id="
                 + "current()/../profile-coding-modulation-id-ref]"
                 + "/profile-channel-separation-id";
                 "A reference to an acm-profile to give an order in
                  acm-profile-list.  This is the reference to the
                  'profile-channel-separation-id' key of the next lower
                  acm-profile in the list respect to the current one.";
           container upper-acm-profile-ptr {
               "Together with the lower-acm-profile-ptr parameters it
                creates a chain of acm profiles related to a specific

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                channel separation value.  Specifically it references
                the next higher acm-profile, while lower-acm-profile-ptr
                references the next lower profile.  The highest profile
                in the chain, shall not instantiate this container.  The
                acm-profile-list can contain multiple chains related to
                different channel separation values supported by the
             leaf profile-coding-modulation-id-ref {
               type leafref {
                 path "../../../acm-profile-list"
                    + "/profile-coding-modulation-id";
                 "A reference to an acm-profile to give an order in
                  acm-profile-list.  This is the reference to the
                  'profile-coding-modulation-id' key of the next higher
                  acm-profile in the list respect to the current one.";
             leaf profile-channel-separation-id-ref {
               type leafref {
                 + "/acm-profile-list[profile-coding-modulation-id="
                 + "current()/../profile-coding-modulation-id-ref]"
                 + "/profile-channel-separation-id";
                 "A reference to an acm-profile to give an order in
                  acm-profile-list.  This is the reference to the
                  'profile-channel-separation-id' key of the next higher
                  acm-profile in the list respect to the current one.";
       container error-performance-statistics {
         config false;
           "ITU-T G.826 error performance statistics relevant for
            a microwave/millimeter wave carrier.";
         leaf bbe {
           type yang:counter32;
           units "number of block errors";
             "Number of Background Block Errors (BBEs).  A BBE is an
              errored block not occurring as part of Severely Errored
              Seconds (SES).  Discontinuities in the value of this
              counter can occur at re-initialization of the management

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              system and at other times as indicated by the value of
              'discontinuity-time' in ietf-interfaces.";
             "ITU-T G.826";
         leaf es {
           type yang:counter32;
           units "seconds";
             "Number of Errored Seconds (ES).  An ES is a one-second
              period with one or more errored blocks or at least one
              defect.  Discontinuities in the value of this counter
              can occur at re-initialization of the management system
              and at other times as indicated by the value of
              'discontinuity-time' in ietf-interfaces.";
             "ITU-T G.826";
         leaf ses {
           type yang:counter32;
           units "seconds";
             "Number of SES.  SES is a one-second period that contains
              equal or more than 30% errored blocks or at least
              one defect.  SES is a subset of ES.  Discontinuities in
              the value of this counter can occur at re-initialization
              of the management system and at other times as indicated
              by the value of 'discontinuity-time' in ietf-interfaces.";
             "ITU-T G.826";
         leaf uas {
           type yang:counter32;
           units "seconds";
             "Number of Unavailable Seconds (UAS); that is, the
              total time that the node has been unavailable.
              Discontinuities in the value of this counter can occur
              at re-initialization of the management system and at
              other times as indicated by the value of
              'discontinuity-time' in ietf-interfaces.";
             "ITU-T G.826";
       container radio-performance-statistics {
         config false;

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           "ETSI EN 301 129 radio physical interface statistics relevant
            for a carrier termination.";
         leaf min-rltm {
           type power {
             range "-99..-20";
           units "dBm";
             "Minimum received power level.  Discontinuities in the
              value of this counter can occur at re-initialization
              of the management system and at other times as
              indicated by the value of 'discontinuity-time' in
             "ETSI EN 301 129";
         leaf max-rltm {
           type power {
             range "-99..-20";
           units "dBm";
             "Maximum received power level.  Discontinuities in the
              value of this counter can occur at re-initialization
              of the management system and at other times as
              indicated by the value of 'discontinuity-time' in
             "ETSI EN 301 129";
         leaf min-tltm {
           type power {
             range "-99..99";
           units "dBm";
             "Minimum transmitted power level.  Discontinuities
              in the value of this counter can occur at
              re-initialization of the management system and
              at other times as indicated by the value of
              'discontinuity-time' in ietf-interfaces.";
             "ETSI EN 301 129";
         leaf max-tltm {
           type power {
             range "-99..99";

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           units "dBm";
             "Maximum transmitted power level.  Discontinuities
              in the value of this counter can occur at
              re-initialization of the management system and
              at other times as indicated by the value of
              'discontinuity-time' in ietf-interfaces.";
             "ETSI EN 301 129";

      * Radio Link Protection Groups

     container radio-link-protection-groups {
         "Configuration of radio link protected groups of
          carrier terminations in a radio link.  More than one
          protected group per radio link terminal is allowed.";
       uses ifprot:protection-groups {
         refine "protection-group/members" {
           must "derived-from-or-self(/if:interfaces/if:interface"
              + "[if:name = current()]"
              + "/if:type, 'ianaift:microwaveCarrierTermination')" {
               "The type of a protection member must be
         refine "protection-group/working-entity" {
           must "derived-from-or-self(/if:interfaces/if:interface"
              + "[if:name = current()]"
              + "/if:type, 'ianaift:microwaveCarrierTermination')" {
               "The type of a working-entity must be

      * XPIC & MIMO groups - Configuration data nodes

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     container xpic-pairs {
       if-feature "xpic";
         "Configuration of carrier termination pairs
          for operation in XPIC mode.";
         "ETSI TR 102 311";
       list xpic-pair {
         key "name";
           "List of carrier termination pairs in XPIC mode.";
         leaf name {
           type string;
             "Name used for identification of the XPIC pair.";
         leaf enabled {
           type boolean;
           default "false";
             "Enable(true)/disable(false) XPIC";
         leaf-list members {
           type if:interface-ref;
           must "derived-from-or-self(/if:interfaces/if:interface"
              + "[if:name = current()]"
              + "/if:type, 'ianaift:microwaveCarrierTermination')" {
               "The type of a member must be
           min-elements 2;
           max-elements 2;
             "Association to XPIC pairs used in the radio link
     container mimo-groups {
       if-feature "mimo";
         "Configuration of carrier terminations
          for operation in MIMO mode.";
         "ETSI TR 102 311";
       list mimo-group {
         key "name";

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           "List of carrier terminations in MIMO mode.";
         leaf name {
           type string;
             "Name used for identification of the MIMO group.";
         leaf enabled {
           type boolean;
           default "false";
             "Enable(true)/disable(false) MIMO.";
         leaf-list members {
           type if:interface-ref;
           must "derived-from-or-self(/if:interfaces/if:interface"
              + "[if:name = current()]"
              + "/if:type, 'ianaift:microwaveCarrierTermination')" {
               "The type of a member must be
           min-elements 2;
             "Association to a MIMO group if used in the radio
              link terminal.";

3.  Interface Protection YANG Data Model

   The data nodes for management of the interface protection
   functionality is broken out from the Microwave Radio Link Module into
   a separate and generic YANG data model in order to make it also
   available for other interface types.

   This module imports modules from [RFC8343], and it references

   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-interface-protection@2024-03-03.yang"
   module ietf-interface-protection {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-interface-protection";
     prefix ifprot;

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     import ietf-interfaces {
       prefix if;
         "RFC 8343";

       "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) CCAMP WG";
       "WG List: <>

         Jonas Ahlberg (
         Min Ye (
         Xi Li (
         Daniela Spreafico (
         Marko Vaupotic (";
       "This is a module for the entities in
        a generic interface protection mechanism.

        Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
        to the license terms contained in, the Simplified BSD License
        set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC XXXX; see
        the RFC itself for full legal notices.";

     // RFC Ed.: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove
     // this note
     // replace the revision date with the module publication date
     // the format is (year-month-day)

     revision 2024-03-03 {
         "Updating reference to RFC XXXX. - pretty printing";
         "RFC XXX: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";
     revision 2020-10-06 {
         "Updating reference to RFC XXXX.";

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         "RFC XXX: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";
     revision 2019-06-19 {
         "Initial revision.";
         "RFC 8561: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";

      * Protection architecture type identities

     identity protection-architecture-type {
         "protection architecture type";
         "ITU-T G.808.1";

     identity one-plus-one-type {
       base protection-architecture-type;
         "1+1; one interface protects
          another one interface.";
         "ITU-T G.808.1";

     identity one-to-n-type {
       base protection-architecture-type;
         "1:N; one interface protects
          n other interfaces.";
         "ITU-T G.808.1";

      * Protection states identities

     identity protection-states {
         "Identities describing the status of the protection
          in a group of interfaces configured in
          a protection mode.";

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     identity unprotected {
       base protection-states;
         "Not protected.";

     identity protected {
       base protection-states;

     identity unable-to-protect {
       base protection-states;
         "Unable to protect.";

      * Protection Groups

     grouping protection-groups {
         "Configuration of protected groups of interfaces
          providing protection for each other.  More than one
          protected group per higher-layer interface is allowed.";
       list protection-group {
         key "name";
           "List of protected groups of interfaces
            in a higher-layer interface.";
         action manual-switch-working {
             "A switch action initiated by an operator command.
              It switches a normal traffic signal to the working
              transport entity.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         action manual-switch-protection {
             "A switch action initiated by an operator command.
              It switches a normal traffic signal to the protection
              transport entity.";

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             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         action forced-switch {
             "A switch action initiated by an operator command.
              It switches a normal traffic signal to the protection
              transport entity and forces it to remain on that
              entity even when criteria for switching back to
              the original entity are fulfilled.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         action lockout-of-protection {
             "A switch action temporarily disables access to the
              protection transport entity for all signals.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         action freeze {
             "A switch action temporarily prevents any switch action
              to be taken and, as such, freezes the current state.
              Until the freeze is cleared, additional near-end external
              commands are rejected, and fault condition changes and
              received Automatic Protection-Switching (APS) messages
              are ignored.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         action exercise {
             "A switch action to test if the APS communication is
              operating correctly.  It is lower priority than any 'real'
              switch request.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         action clear {
             "An action clears all switch commands.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         leaf name {
           type string;
             "Name used for identification of the protection group.";

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         leaf protection-architecture-type {
           type identityref {
             base protection-architecture-type;
           default "ifprot:one-plus-one-type";
             "The type of protection architecture used, e.g., one
              interface protecting one or several other interfaces.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         leaf-list members {
           type if:interface-ref;
           min-elements 2;
             "Association to a group of interfaces configured for
              protection and used by a higher-layer interface.";
         leaf operation-type {
           type enumeration {
             enum non-revertive {
                 "In non-revertive operation, the traffic does not
                  return to the working interface if the switch requests
                  are terminated.";
                 "ITU-T G.808.1";
             enum revertive {
                 "In revertive operation, the traffic always
                  returns to (or remains on) the working interface
                  if the switch requests are terminated.";
                 "ITU-T G.808.1";
           default "non-revertive";
             "The type of protection operation, i.e., revertive
              or non-revertive operation.";
         leaf-list working-entity {
           when "../operation-type = 'revertive'";
           type if:interface-ref;
           min-elements 1;

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             "The interfaces that the traffic normally should
              be transported over when there is no need to use the
              protecting interface.";
         leaf revertive-wait-to-restore {
           when "../operation-type = 'revertive'";
           type uint16;
           units "seconds";
           default "0";
             "The time to wait before switching back to the working
              interface if operation-type is revertive.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         leaf hold-off-timer {
           type uint16;
           units "milliseconds";
           default "0";
             "Time interval after the detection of a fault and its
              confirmation as a condition requiring the protection-
              switching procedure.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";
         leaf status {
           type identityref {
             base protection-states;
           config false;
             "Status of the protection in a group of interfaces
              configured in a protection mode.";
             "ITU-T G.808.1";

4.  Microwave Types YANG Data Model

   This module defines a collection of common data types using the YANG
   data modeling language.  These common types are designed to be
   imported by other modules defined in the microwave area.

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   <CODE BEGINS> file "ietf-microwave-types@2024-03-03.yang"
   module ietf-microwave-types {
     yang-version 1.1;
     namespace "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:yang:ietf-microwave-types";
     prefix mw-types;

       "Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) CCAMP WG";
       "WG List: <>

         Jonas Ahlberg (
         Min Ye (
         Xi Li (
         Daniela Spreafico (
         Marko Vaupotic (";
       "This module contains a collection of YANG data types
        considered generally useful for microwave interfaces.

        Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as
        authors of the code.  All rights reserved.

        Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
        without modification, is permitted pursuant to, and subject
        to the license terms contained in, the Revised BSD License
        set forth in Section 4.c of the IETF Trust's Legal Provisions
        Relating to IETF Documents

        This version of this YANG module is part of RFC 8561; see
        the RFC itself for full legal notices.";

     // RFC Ed.: replace XXXX with actual RFC number and remove
     // this note
     // replace the revision date with the module publication date
     // the format is (year-month-day)

     revision 2024-03-03 {
         "pretty printing";
         "RFC XXX: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";
     revision 2023-10-06 {
         "To add the summary of the changes in this revision:

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          - Changed name for 8PSK.

          - Updated for 8PSK

          - Updated with proposal for BCA.";
         "RFC XXX: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";
     revision 2019-06-19 {
         "Initial revision.";
         "RFC 8561: A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link";

      * Radio-link-terminal mode identities

     identity rlt-mode {
       status deprecated;
         "A description of the mode in which the radio link
          terminal is configured.  The format is X plus Y.
          X represents the number of bonded carrier terminations.
          Y represents the number of protecting carrier

     identity one-plus-zero {
       base rlt-mode;
       status deprecated;
         "1 carrier termination only.";

     identity one-plus-one {
       base rlt-mode;
       status deprecated;
         "1 carrier termination
          and 1 protecting carrier termination.";

     identity two-plus-zero {
       base rlt-mode;
       status deprecated;

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         "2 bonded carrier terminations.";

      * Coding and modulation identities

     identity coding-modulation {
         "The coding and modulation schemes.";

     identity half-bpsk {
       base coding-modulation;
         "Half BPSK coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity half-bpsk-strong {
       base half-bpsk;
         "Half BPSK strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity half-bpsk-light {
       base half-bpsk;
         "Half BPSK light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity bpsk {
       base coding-modulation;
         "BPSK coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity bpsk-strong {
       base bpsk;
         "BPSK strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity bpsk-light {
       base bpsk;
         "BPSK light coding and modulation scheme.";

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     identity qpsk {
       base coding-modulation;
         "QPSK coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity psk-8 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "8PSK coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-4 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "4 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-4-strong {
       base qam-4;
         "4 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-4-light {
       base qam-4;
         "4 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-16 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "16 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-16-strong {
       base qam-16;
         "16 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-16-light {
       base qam-16;
         "16 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

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     identity qam-32 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "32 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-32-strong {
       base qam-32;
         "32 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-32-light {
       base qam-32;
         "32 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-64 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "64 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-64-strong {
       base qam-64;
         "64 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-64-light {
       base qam-64;
         "64 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-128 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "128 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-128-strong {
       base qam-128;
         "128 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

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     identity qam-128-light {
       base qam-128;
         "128 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-256 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "256 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-256-strong {
       base qam-256;
         "256 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-256-light {
       base qam-256;
         "256 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-512 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "512 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-512-strong {
       base qam-512;
         "512 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-512-light {
       base qam-512;
         "512 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-1024 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "1024 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

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     identity qam-1024-strong {
       base qam-1024;
         "1024 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-1024-light {
       base qam-1024;
         "1024 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-2048 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "2048 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-2048-strong {
       base qam-2048;
         "2048 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-2048-light {
       base qam-2048;
         "2048 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-4096 {
       base coding-modulation;
         "4096 QAM coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-4096-strong {
       base qam-4096;
         "4096 QAM strong coding and modulation scheme.";

     identity qam-4096-light {
       base qam-4096;
         "4096 QAM light coding and modulation scheme.";

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      * TDM-type identities

     identity tdm-type {
         "A description of the type of TDM connection,
          also indicating the supported capacity of the

     identity E1 {
       base tdm-type;
         "E1 connection, 2.048 Mbit/s.";

     identity STM-1 {
       base tdm-type;
         "STM-1 connection, 155.52 Mbit/s.";

      * Radio-link-terminal mode grouping

     grouping rlt-mode {
         "This grouping provides a flexible definition of number
          of bonded carriers and protecting carriers of a radio
       leaf num-bonded-carriers {
         type uint32;
         mandatory true;
           "Number of bonded carriers.";
       leaf num-protecting-carriers {
         type uint32;
         mandatory true;
           "Number of protecting carriers.";

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5.  Security Considerations

   The YANG data models specified in this document define schemas for
   data that is designed to be accessed via network management protocols
   such as NETCONF [RFC6241] or RESTCONF [RFC8040].  The lowest NETCONF
   layer is the secure transport layer, and the mandatory-to-implement
   secure transport is Secure Shell (SSH) [RFC6242].  The lowest
   RESTCONF layer is HTTPS, and the mandatory-to-implement secure
   transport is TLS [RFC8446].

   The Network Configuration Access Control Model (NACM) [RFC8341]
   provides the means to restrict access for particular NETCONF or
   RESTCONF users to a preconfigured subset of all available NETCONF or
   RESTCONF protocol operations and content.

   There are a number of data nodes defined in these YANG data models
   that are writable/creatable/deletable (i.e., config true, which is
   the default).  These data nodes may be considered sensitive or
   vulnerable in some network environments.  Write operations (e.g.,
   edit-config) to these data nodes without proper protection can have a
   negative effect on network operations.  These are the subtrees and
   data nodes and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

   Interfaces of type microwaveRadioLinkTerminal:

         /if:interfaces/if:interface/mimo-groups, and

   These data nodes represent the configuration of the radio link
   terminal, and they need to match the configuration of the radio link
   terminal on the other side of the radio link.  Unauthorized access to
   these data nodes could interrupt the ability to forward traffic.

   Interfaces of type microwaveCarrierTermination:

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         /if:interfaces/if:interface/if-loop, and

   These data nodes represent the configuration of the carrier
   termination, and they need to match the configuration of the carrier
   termination on the other side of the carrier.  Unauthorized access to
   these data nodes could interrupt the ability to forward traffic.

   Radio link protection:


   This data node represents the configuration of the protection of
   carrier terminations.  Unauthorized access to this data node could
   interrupt the ability to forward traffic or remove the ability to
   perform a necessary protection switch.



   This data node represents the XPIC configuration of a pair of
   carriers.  Unauthorized access to this data node could interrupt the
   ability to forward traffic.



   This data node represents the MIMO configuration of multiple
   carriers.  Unauthorized access to this data node could interrupt the
   ability to forward traffic.

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   Some of the RPC operations in this YANG data model may be considered
   sensitive or vulnerable in some network environments.  It is thus
   important to control access to these operations.  These are the
   operations and their sensitivity/vulnerability:

   Radio link protection:

     /radio-link-protection-groups/protection-group/exercise, and

   These data nodes represent actions that might have an impact on the
   configuration of the protection of carrier terminations.
   Unauthorized access to these data nodes could interrupt the ability
   to forward traffic or remove the ability to perform a necessary
   protection switch.

   The security considerations of [RFC8343] also apply to this document.

6.  IANA Considerations

   No IANA Considerations in this update.

7.  References

7.1.  Normative References

   [RFC6241]  Enns, R., Ed., Bjorklund, M., Ed., Schoenwaelder, J., Ed.,
              and A. Bierman, Ed., "Network Configuration Protocol
              (NETCONF)", RFC 6241, DOI 10.17487/RFC6241, June 2011,

   [RFC6242]  Wasserman, M., "Using the NETCONF Protocol over Secure
              Shell (SSH)", RFC 6242, DOI 10.17487/RFC6242, June 2011,

   [RFC6991]  Schoenwaelder, J., Ed., "Common YANG Data Types",
              RFC 6991, DOI 10.17487/RFC6991, July 2013,

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   [RFC7224]  Bjorklund, M., "IANA Interface Type YANG Module",
              RFC 7224, DOI 10.17487/RFC7224, May 2014,

   [RFC8040]  Bierman, A., Bjorklund, M., and K. Watsen, "RESTCONF
              Protocol", RFC 8040, DOI 10.17487/RFC8040, January 2017,

   [RFC8341]  Bierman, A. and M. Bjorklund, "Network Configuration
              Access Control Model", STD 91, RFC 8341,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8341, March 2018,

   [RFC8343]  Bjorklund, M., "A YANG Data Model for Interface
              Management", RFC 8343, DOI 10.17487/RFC8343, March 2018,

   [RFC8446]  Rescorla, E., "The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol
              Version 1.3", RFC 8446, DOI 10.17487/RFC8446, August 2018,

   [RFC8561]  Ahlberg, J., Ye, M., Li, X., Spreafico, D., and M.
              Vaupotic, "A YANG Data Model for Microwave Radio Link",
              RFC 8561, DOI 10.17487/RFC8561, June 2019,

7.2.  Informative References

   [EN301129] ETSI, "Transmission and Multiplexing (TM); Digital Radio
              Relay Systems (DRRS); Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH);
              System performance monitoring parameters of SDH DRRS", EN
              301 129 V1.1.2 , May 1999.

              ETSI, "Fixed Radio Systems; Characteristics and
              requirements for point-to-point equipment and antennas;
              Part 1: Overview, common characteristics and system-
              dependent requirements", EN 302 217-1 V3.1.0 , May 2017.

              ETSI, "Fixed Radio Systems; Characteristics and
              requirements for point to-point equipment and antennas;
              Part 2: Digital systems operating in frequency bands from
              1 GHz to 86 GHz; Harmonised Standard covering the
              essential requirements of article 3.2 of Directive
              2014/53/EU", EN 302 217-2 V3.1.1 , May 2017.

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              SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS; Digital networks ; General aspects
              Generic protection switching ; Linear trail and subnetwork
              protection", ITU-T Recommendation G.808.1 , May 2014.

              SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS; Digital networks - Quality and
              availability targets; End-to-end error performance
              parameters and objectives for international, constant bit-
              rate digital paths and connections", ITU-T Recommendation
              G.826 , December 2002.

              IANA, "iana-if-type YANG Module", January 2023,

              ONF, "Microwave Information Model", TR-532, version 1.0 ,
              December 2016,

   [RFC8340]  Bjorklund, M. and L. Berger, Ed., "YANG Tree Diagrams",
              BCP 215, RFC 8340, DOI 10.17487/RFC8340, March 2018,

   [RFC8342]  Bjorklund, M., Schoenwaelder, J., Shafer, P., Watsen, K.,
              and R. Wilton, "Network Management Datastore Architecture
              (NMDA)", RFC 8342, DOI 10.17487/RFC8342, March 2018,

   [RFC8432]  Ahlberg, J., Ed., Ye, M., Ed., Li, X., Contreras, LM., and
              CJ. Bernardos, "A Framework for Management and Control of
              Microwave and Millimeter Wave Interface Parameters",
              RFC 8432, DOI 10.17487/RFC8432, October 2018,

   [TR102311] ETSI, "Fixed Radio Systems; Point-to-point equipment;
              Specific aspects of the spatial frequency reuse method",
              ETSI TR 102 311 V1.2.1 , November 2015.

Appendix A.  Changes from RFC 8561

   To be added in a future revision of this draft.

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Appendix B.  Example: 1+0 and 2+0 Configuration Instances

   This section gives simple examples of 1+0 and 2+0 instances using the
   YANG data model defined in this document.  The examples are not
   intended as a complete module for 1+0 and 2+0 configuration.

B.1.  1+0 Instance

                       /--------- Radio Link ---------\
                        Near End              Far End

                 +---------------+           +---------------+
                 |  Radio Link   |           | Radio Link    |
                 |  Terminal A   |           | Terminal B    |
                 |               |           |               |
                 |               |           |               |
                 | +-----------+ |           | +-----------+ |
                 | |           | | Carrier A | |           | |
                 | |  Carrier  | |<--------->| |  Carrier  | |
                 | |Termination| |           | |Termination| |
                 | |     1     | |           | |     1     | |
                 | +-----------+ |           | +-----------+ |
                 |               |           |               |
                 |               |           |               |
                 +---------------+           +---------------+

           \--- Microwave Node ---/          \--- Microwave Node ---/

                           Figure 1: 1+0 Example

   Figure 1 shows a 1+0 example.  The following instance shows the 1+0
   configuration of the Near End node.

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     "ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
       "interface": [
           "name": "RLT-A",
           "description": "Radio Link Terminal A",
           "type": "iana-if-type:microwaveRadioLinkTerminal",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:carrier-terminations": [
           "name": "RLT-A:CT-1",
           "description": "Carrier Termination 1",
           "type": "iana-if-type:microwaveCarrierTermination",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:carrier-id": "A",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-enabled": true,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-frequency": 10728000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:duplex-distance": 644000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:channel-separation": 28000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:polarization": "not-specified",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:rtpc": {
             "maximum-nominal-power": "20.0"
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:single": {
             "selected-cm": "ietf-microwave-types:qam-512"

B.2.  2+0 Instance

   Figure 2 shows a 2+0 example.

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                       /--------- Radio Link ---------\
                        Near End              Far End

                 +---------------+           +---------------+
                 | Radio Link    |           | Radio Link    |
                 | Terminal A    |           | Terminal B    |
                 |               |           |               |
                 |               |           |               |
                 | +-----------+ |           | +-----------+ |
                 | |           | | Carrier A | |           | |
                 | |  Carrier  | |<--------->| |  Carrier  | |
                 | |Termination| |           | |Termination| |
                 | |     1     | |           | |     1     | |
                 | +-----------+ |           | +-----------+ |
                 |               |           |               |
                 | +-----------+ |           | +-----------+ |
                 | |           | | Carrier B | |           | |
                 | |  Carrier  | |<--------->| |  Carrier  | |
                 | |Termination| |           | |Termination| |
                 | |     2     | |           | |     2     | |
                 | +-----------+ |           | +-----------+ |
                 |               |           |               |
                 +---------------+           +---------------+

           \--- Microwave Node ---/          \--- Microwave Node ---/

                           Figure 2: 2+0 Example

   The following instance shows the 2+0 configuration of the Near End

     "ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
       "interface": [
           "name": "RLT-A",
           "description": "Radio Link Terminal A",
           "type": "iana-if-type:microwaveRadioLinkTerminal",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:carrier-terminations": [
           "name": "RLT-A:CT-1",
           "description": "Carrier Termination 1",

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           "type": "iana-if-type:microwaveCarrierTermination",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:carrier-id": "A",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-enabled": true,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-frequency": 10728000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:duplex-distance": 644000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:channel-separation": 28000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:polarization": "not-specified",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:rtpc": {
             "maximum-nominal-power": "20.0"
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:single": {
             "selected-cm": "ietf-microwave-types:qam-512"
           "name": "RLT-A:CT-2",
           "description": "Carrier Termination 2",
           "type": "iana-if-type:microwaveCarrierTermination",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:carrier-id": "B",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-enabled": true,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-frequency": 10618000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:duplex-distance": 644000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:channel-separation": 28000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:polarization": "not-specified",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:rtpc": {
             "maximum-nominal-power": "20.0"
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:single": {
             "selected-cm": "ietf-microwave-types:qam-512"

B.3.  2+0 XPIC Instance

   The following instance shows the XPIC configuration of the Near End

     "ietf-interfaces:interfaces": {
       "interface": [
           "name": "RLT-A",
           "description": "Radio Link Terminal A",
           "type": "iana-if-type:microwaveRadioLinkTerminal",

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           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:carrier-terminations": [
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:xpic-pairs": [
           "name": "RLT-A:CT-1",
           "description": "Carrier Termination 1",
           "type": "iana-if-type:microwaveCarrierTermination",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:carrier-id": "A",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-enabled": true,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-frequency": 10728000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:duplex-distance": 644000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:channel-separation": 28000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:polarization": "not-specified",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:rtpc": {
             "maximum-nominal-power": "20.0"
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:single": {
             "selected-cm": "ietf-microwave-types:qam-512"
           "name": "RLT-A:CT-2",
           "description": "Carrier Termination 2",
           "type": "iana-if-type:microwaveCarrierTermination",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:carrier-id": "B",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-enabled": true,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:tx-frequency": 10618000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:duplex-distance": 644000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:channel-separation": 28000,
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:polarization": "not-specified",
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:rtpc": {
             "maximum-nominal-power": "20.0"
           "ietf-microwave-radio-link:single": {
             "selected-cm": "ietf-microwave-types:qam-512"
     "ietf-microwave-radio-link:xpic-pairs": {
       "xpic-pair": [

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           "name": "xpic-pair1",
           "members": [


Appendix C.  Acknowledgments

   This document was prepared using the kramdown RFC tool written and
   maintained by Carsten Bormann.  Thanks to Martin Thomson for the
   github integration of the kramdown RFC tool and for the aasvg tool
   which is used for the ascii to SVG conversion.


   Italo Busi
   Huawei Technologies

   Koji Kawada
   NEC Corporation
   1753, Shimonumabe Nakahara-ku, Kawasaki, Kanagawa

   Carlos J. Bernardos
   Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
   Av. Universidad, 30
   28911 Leganes, Madrid

   Marko Vaupotic
   Aviat Networks
   Motnica 9
   SI-1236 Trzin-Ljubljana

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Internet-Draft          Microwave Radio Link YANG             March 2024

   Xi Li
   NEC Laboratories Europe
   Kurfursten-Anlage 36
   69115 Heidelberg

Authors' Addresses

   Scott Mansfield

   Jonas Ahlberg
   Ericsson AB
   Lindholmspiren 11
   SE-417 56 Goteborg

   Min Ye
   Huawei Technologies
   No.1899, Xiyuan Avenue

   Daniela Spreafico
   Nokia - IT
   Via Energy Park, 14
   20871 Vimercate (MI)

   Danilo Pala

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