Internet DRAFT - draft-yizhou-anima-ip-to-access-control-groups


anima                                                              Y. Li
Internet-Draft                                                   L. Shen
Intended status: Standards Track                                 Y. Zhou
Expires: May 19, 2022                                Huawei Technologies
                                                       November 15, 2021

        Autonomic IP Address To Access Control Group ID Mapping


   This document defines the autonomic technical Objectives for IP
   address/prefix to access control group IDs mapping information.  The
   Objectives defined can be used in Generic Autonomic Signaling
   Protocol (GRASP) to make the policy enforcement point receive IP
   address and its tied access control groups information directly from
   the access authentication points and facilitate the group based
   policy enforcement.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on May 19, 2022.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2021 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
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   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   3.  Problems  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
   4.  Autonomic IP Address to Access Control Groups ID Mapping
       Procedures  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.1.  Behaviours of IP to Group Mapping Information Providing
           Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.2.  Behaviours of IP to Group Mapping Information Receiving
           or Requesting Nodes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  Autonomic IP Address to Access Control Groups Objectives  . .  10
     5.1.  IpToGroupId.AAP and IpToGroupId.PEP Objective Option  . .  10
     5.2.  Example of Using the Defined Objective Options  . . . . .  12
   6.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   7.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   8.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   9.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     9.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     9.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Appendix A.  Objective Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

   Ubiquitous group based policy management makes sure that the users
   can obtain the same network access permission and QoS assurance
   wherever they access the campus network.  That is, the permission and
   QoS assurance are tied to user role, rather than access points and/or
   IP address assigned.

   Group means a number of endpoints connecting to the network that
   share common network policies.  It facilitates the easy design and
   provision of policy.  A user's role is usually a group indicated by a
   group ID.  Group based policy management has been replacing the
   traditional IP address and/or port number based policy widely.

   The policy enforcement point (PEP) requires the IP address/prefix and
   access control group ID mapping information of user in order to
   execute the group based policy.  This mapping information is usually
   available at the access authentication point (AAP) during the
   procedures of user access and authentication/authorization.  However
   PEP may not be the access authentication point.  Therefore IP and
   access control group ID mappings has to be passed to PEP.

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   This document defines the autonomic technical Objectives for IP
   address/prefix and access control group ID mapping.  In this
   document, group is also used for short to refer to the access control
   group.  The Generic Autonomic Signaling Protocol (GRASP) [RFC8990]
   can make use of these technical Objectives as the basic building
   blocks of a ubiquitous group based policy management solution,
   especially for a campus network.

   Autonomic Networking Infrastructure (ANI) is designed to provide the
   elementary functions and services to be further integrated and used
   by Autonomic Service Agents (ASA) on nodes.  A campus policy
   management system can integrate the function introduced in this
   document when necessary.  Such an Autonomic Service Agent (ASA)
   performing the function of IP address/prefix to access control group
   ID mapping is called IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA in this

2.  Terminologies

   This document uses terminology defined in [RFC7575].

   PEP:  Policy Enforcement Point.  A logical entity that enforces
      policy decisions [RFC3198].  The policy decisions are group based
      policies in this document.

   AAP:  Access Authentication Point.  A logical entity that obtains the
      information of the attaching clients' assigned IP address/prefix
      and their access control group IDs.  AAP may get the information
      from one or different resources, for example, DHCP [RFC2131]
      [RFC8415] server and/or RADIUS [RFC2865] server.

3.  Problems

   The traditional policy in a campus network is normally presented as
   IP prefix/address based, for example, "Deny the traffic from IP
   prefix X to IP prefix Y".  Each of the access port of the switches is
   assigned a subnet prefix and each subnet implies a group.  It works
   well when the end hosts are static.  With the increasing deployment
   of wireless accessed users and more complicated and dynamic
   requirements of campus network policy, such an assumption no longer
   holds.  For instance, a user from the engineering department may
   bring the laptop to access the campus network via a WiFi access
   point.  Then it will be assigned an IP address from a different
   subnet prefix from the other fixed end hosts in the same engineering
   department.  It is hard and tedious to provision the consistent
   policy with the other hosts in the same group for this specific IP
   address.  Another example is a user can belong to more than one
   group, say group of department A and also VIP group.  Group

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   assignment is much more flexible than subnet defined IP address

   Therefore group based policy is used in such cases.  No matter what
   IP address is assigned to the user, its belonging access control
   groups have no change and the group based policies have no change
   either.  For example, the policy can be "Allow the traffic from group
   engineering whose group ID is 3 to group testing whose group ID is
   15", or "assign the traffic destined to VIP group whose group ID is 1
   the highest priority".  In order to make group based policy work, the
   IP address and its group mapping information has to be stored on PEP
   so that IP addresses carried in data packet can be extracted and then
   mapped to the group ID.  For instance, when a packet with source
   address X and destination address Y is received by PEP, PEP checks
   its mapping table to get that source address X maps to group ID 3 and
   destination address Y maps to group ID 15.  It checks its policy
   table to see what kind of policy, such as "allow" or "drop", should
   be enforced on packet from group ID 3 to group ID 15.  Then PEP
   executes the group based policy.  The mapping table is short for IP
   address to access control group ID mapping table.  For the
   information in the mapping table, we call it IP and group mapping
   information in this document.

   IP and group mapping information is usually first available at the
   access authentication point (AAP).  AAP may serve as the DHCP relay
   which remembers the IP address assigned to the client during DHCP
   address assignment and at the same time it talks to AAA server to get
   the client's group ID information based on client's identity using
   AAA protocol such as RADIUS [RFC2865].  AAP then obtains the IP and
   group mapping information.  Figure 1 show a typical campus network.
   The policy enforcement point (PEP) can be core switches, while the
   access authentication point (AAP) is the access switch in the figure.
   The problem to be solved by Autonomic Networking Infrastructure(ANI)
   here is how to make IP address and access control group ID mapping
   information passing from AAP to PEPs using
   IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA.

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       +-------+     +-------+
       | core1 | --- | core2 |               core switches (PEP)
       +-------+    /+-------+
        |  \       /  |     \
        |   \     /   |      \
        |    \   /    |       \
        |     \ /     |        \
        |      \      |         \
    +-------+ / \ +-------+   +-------+
    | acc1  |/   \| acc2  |   | acc3  |        access switches
    +-------+     +-------+   +-------+            (AAP)
                               | WiFi  |
                               | AP1   |       wifi access point

                   Figure 1: Hierarchical Campus Network

   A more complex campus network is shown in Figure 2.  There are 4 PEPs
   are deployed at the key positions for different types of traffic.
   The AAPs obtaining a user's IP and group ID mapping information are
   access switches which are the access nodes for the attaching clients.

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                            via VPN tunnel         -----
                           +--------+            /       \
                           | user2  |-----------+Internet |
                           |(group1)|           |         |
                           +--------+            \-------/
           -----               |                     |        |
         /       \             |  +--------+     +--------+   |
        |   WAN   | --------------|  WAN   |     |    VPN |   |
        |         |            |  | border |     |Internet|   |
         \-------/             |  |firewall|     |gateway |   |
             |                 |  +--------+     +--------+   |
             |                 |      |PEP3         | PEP2    |
             |                 |      |        +----+         |
      +------|---------+       |      |        |              |
      |      |         |       |  +--------+   | +--------+   |
      |  +--------+    |       |  | core   |---+ |        |   |
      |  |  core  |    |       |  | switch |-----|firewall|   |
      |  | switch |    |       |  +--------+     +--------+   |
      |  +--------+    |       |      |            PEP1       |
      |      |PEP4     |       |      |                       |
      |      |         |       |      |                       |
      |      |         |       |  +--------+     +--------+   |
      |  +--------+    |       |  | switch | --- | switch |   |
      |  | switch |    |       |  +--------+     +--------+   |
      |  +--------+    |       |      | AAP2         | AAP1   |
      |      | AAP3    |       |      |              |        |
      |      |         |       |  +--------+     +--------+   |
      |  +--------+    |       |  | user1  |     | user3  |   |
      |  | user4  |    |       |  |(group1)|     |(group2)|   |
      |  |(group2)|    |       |  +--------+     +--------+   |
      |  +--------+    |       |                              |
      |                |       |                              |
      |                |       |                              |
      |Branch          |       | Headquarter                  |
      +----------------+       +------------------------------+

               Figure 2: Campus Networks with remote access

   Some deployment uses a centralized controller to distribute IP and
   group ID mapping information.  Every single AAP reports its IP and
   group ID mapping information to the controller.  Controller pushes
   the information regularly to all the PEPs.  In addition, when a PEP
   receives a data packet without pre-stored mapped group ID information

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   of the corresponding IP addresses, it queries the controller for the
   group IDs of the source and/or destination IP addresses and then
   enforce the group based policy.  This approach requires an explicit
   controller able to talk to each and every AAP and PEP.  In the
   deployment where the headquarter and branch campus networks are far
   apart, it will require controllers for each site to exchange
   information or have another super-controller to help exchange the
   information among sites.  It introduces the complexity and
   interoperability issues.

   Autonomic Networking (AN) puts the intelligence at the node level, to
   minimize dependency on human administrators and central management
   such as a controller.  The Autonomic Networking approach discussed in
   this document is based on the assumption that there is a generic
   discovery and negotiation protocol that enables direct negotiation
   and/or synchronization between the routers or switches.  GRASP
   [RFC8990] is intended to be such a protocol which can make use of the
   technical Objectives defined in the following sections as the basic
   building blocks of a ubiquitous group based policy management
   solution, especially for a campus network.  The ultimate goal is
   self-management of campus networks which can expand over multiple
   sites and share the same set of policies, including self-
   configuration, self-optimization, self-healing and self-protection
   (sometimes collectively called self-X).

4.  Autonomic IP Address to Access Control Groups ID Mapping Procedures

   IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA carries out the the function of IP
   address/prefix to access control groups ID mapping in this document.
   The procedures is illustrated below.  As noted in Section 3, a
   network node with IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA deployed usually
   has a role of either AAP or PEP.  Therefore two new GRASP Objectives
   are defined and used for Objective name based multiplexing.  They are
   IpToGroupId.PEP and IpToGroupId.AAP respectively.  Section 5 gives
   more details of the format of them.

   The basic procedures are AAP provides the mapping information to PEPs
   whenever it obtains new or updated or withdrawn mapping information.
   PEPs will then store the information for future policy enforcement
   usage.  A rare case is that a PEP requests the group ID for a
   specific IP address when it finds that information is required but
   not locally stored.  AAP possessing such mapping information will
   reply to this request.

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4.1.  Behaviours of IP to Group Mapping Information Providing Nodes

   IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA with mapping information providing
   feature is usually an AAP supporting IpToGroupId.AAP Objective
   option.  If a PEP would like to provide mapping information as well
   to the other PEPs, it is logically an AAP in that procedure.  Then
   such PEPs should support both IpToGroupId.PEP and IpToGroupId.AAP
   Objective options in its IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA.

   AAP obtains the mapping of IP address and group IDs of a user in
   various ways.  For instance, use RADIUS [RFC2865] or CAPWAP [RFC5415]
   to get the user's access control group IDs during authentication
   phase and use DHCP snooping to get the user's assigned IP address.
   Therefore the IP and group ID mapping information of a user can be
   obtained by AAP at the very early stage when the user connects to the
   network.  Sometimes such mapping information can be statically
   provisioned based on port or VLAN.  Mapping information obtained in
   such ways is stored locally on AAP.  AAP discovers the
   IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA supporting IpToGroupId.PEP first.
   Then AAP sends Request Negotiation message to those PEPs with the
   mapping information it has.  Whenever there is a change or withdrawn
   of the mapping information, AAP has to send Request Negotiation again
   to PEPs for updating.

   The providing nodes of mapping information are usually at the network
   edges.  The requesting or receiving nodes of the mapping information
   are normally aggregation or core nodes with more storage and
   capability to enforce the policy.  There are normally only a few of
   them, for instance two in a campus network.  Therefore the number of
   mapping information receiving nodes is usually much less than the
   number of providing nodes.  Hence it is quite efficient that the
   information providing AAP nodes proactively send the mapping
   information to the receiving PEP nodes.  It is the most common case
   how the mapping information is distributed.

   In some rare cases that an AAP receives the Request Synchronization
   with specific IP address and NULL (represented by zero) group ID, it
   should reply with Synchronization message with the mapped group ID of
   the specific IP address.  If an AAP has no such mapped information
   available locally, it can reply with an Invalid message.

4.2.  Behaviours of IP to Group Mapping Information Receiving or
      Requesting Nodes

   IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA with mapping information
   requesting or receiving feature is usually a PEP supporting
   IpToGroupId.PEP Objective option.  PEPs need to map the IP address/

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   prefix of the received data packets to one or more group IDs in order
   to enforce the group based policy.

   PEPs deployed IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA supporting
   IpToGroupId.PEP Objective option will receive the Request Negotiation
   GRASP message with the mapping information from the information
   providing AAP nodes as shown in Section 4.1.  It should save the
   mapping information locally.  And reply with an Negotiation End GRASP
   message with an Accept option.

   It makes the mapping information of the specific IP addresses
   received and pre-stored in most cases by PEP before the data packet
   with those addresses as source or destination is received.

   However there are cases that the mapped group ID information of the
   IP address is not pre-stored when a data packet with that IP address
   arrives, for example due to timeout or unintentional withdrawn of the
   mapping information.  Then PEPs will send the Request Synchronization
   with the specific IP address and NULL group ID to ask AAPs for the
   mapping information.

   The request can be triggered by the first data packet of a flow.
   Group based policy requires both the source and destination group IDs
   which are mapped from source and destination IP addresses
   respectively.  If any of such mapping is not locally available, the
   requesting node needs to ask for it.  In some implementation, data
   packet encapsulation includes the source group ID directly such as in
   the reserved field in VXLAN [RFC7348].  Therefore it is up to the
   requesting node to determine if both source and destination group IDs
   or only one of them should be requested.  If the requesting node is a
   tunnel endpoint, usually the inner rather than outer IP addresses
   should be used to request for the corresponding group id.

   The request can also be sent periodically or voluntarily.  It can be
   sent when a newly booted requesting node wants to get the whole set
   of mapping information or when a requesting node would like have an
   explicit refreshment on some specific information.

   The requesting PEP should send out a GRASP Discovery message
   containing IpToGroupId.AAP Objective option in order to discover
   AAPs.  It then acts as a GRASP synchronization initiator by sending
   the Request Synchronization with IP address and NULL group ID as the
   Objective values to ask for the mapping information.  This starts a
   GRASP synchronization process.

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5.  Autonomic IP Address to Access Control Groups Objectives

   This section defines two GRASP technical Objective options
   IpToGroupId.AAP and IpToGroupId.PEP that can be used by
   IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA to support autonomic IP address/
   prefix to access control group ID mapping information distribution.

5.1.  IpToGroupId.AAP and IpToGroupId.PEP Objective Option

   Both IpToGroupId.AAP and IpToGroupId.PEP Objective option are GRASP
   Objective options conforming to [RFC8990].  They share the same
   Objective option value format defined in this section.  Normally
   IpToGroupId.AAP Objective option should be supported by
   IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA deployed on AAP nodes to provide
   the mapping information and IpToGroupId.PEP Objective option should
   be supported by IPAddressToAccessControlGroups ASA deployed on PEP
   nodes to request or receive the mapping information .

   The Objective carries the IP prefix/address and its mapping access
   control group IDs.  The format of them in CBOR (Concise Binary Object
   Representation [RFC8949]) is show in Concise data definition language
   (CDDL) [RFC8610] as follows.  Tags for general IPv4 and IPv6
   addresses and prefixes defined in [I-D.ietf-cbor-network-addresses]
   are used.

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   objective = ["IpToGroupId.AAP",
                objective-flags, loop-count,
                [ip-address-or-prefix, *group-id]]

   objective = ["IpToGroupId.PEP",
                objective-flags, loop-count,
                [ip-address-or-prefix, *group-id]]

   group-id = uint

   ; copied from draft-ietf-cbor-network-addresses, RFC YYYY TBD:

   ip-address-or-prefix = ipv6-address-or-prefix/ipv4-address-or-prefix

   ipv6-address-or-prefix = #6.54(ipv6-address / ipv6-prefix)
   ipv4-address-or-prefix = #6.52(ipv4-address / ipv4-prefix)

   ipv6-prefix = [ipv6-prefix-length, ipv6-prefix-bytes]
   ipv4-prefix = [ipv4-prefix-length, ipv4-prefix-bytes]

   ipv6-prefix-length = 0..128
   ipv4-prefix-length = 0..32

   ipv6-prefix-bytes = bytes .size (uint .le 16)
   ipv4-prefix-bytes = bytes .size (uint .le 4)

   ipv6-address = bytes .size 16
   ipv4-address = bytes .size 4

   ; copied from the GRASP specification, RFC 8990:

      objective-flags = uint .bits objective-flag

      objective-flag = &(
        F_DISC: 0    ; valid for discovery
        F_NEG: 1     ; valid for negotiation
        F_SYNCH: 2   ; valid for synchronization
        F_NEG_DRY: 3 ; negotiation is a dry run
      loop-count = 0..255

   A common practice usually uses 16 bits to present a group ID.  But
   the representation does not limit that.  Zero group ID represents a
   NULL group value and is used for full retraction of a prefix or

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5.2.  Example of Using the Defined Objective Options

   Figure 1 shows a typical campus network of with three access switches
   which are AAPs and two core switches which are PEPs.  We assume that
   the policy in this campus is outsource_group (which has group ID 5)
   is not allowed to access accounting_group (which has group ID 10).
   The policy (5, 10, drop) expressed in the form of (source group ID,
   destination group ID, action) is provisioned on the PEPs which are
   core switches in the figure.

   When a user gets connected, the access switch which is an AAP snoops
   the DHCP address assignment exchange to obtain the IP address IP_A.
   The user provides a user ID to get authenticated via 802.1x and
   RADIUS protocol.  Thus the access switch obtains the user's group ID
   which is 5 in this example in authentication procedures.  So the
   access switch has the mapping information (IP_A, 5) in the form of
   (IP address, access control group ID).  The mapping information is
   then passed from the access switch to the core switches which are
   PEPs using GRASP Objective defined in this document.  Figure 3 shows
   an example of the procedures.  Only the key values of the Objective
   is shown for simplicity.

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     +-------------+        +-------------+       +-------------+
     |access switch|        | core switch |       | core switch |
     |   (AAP)     |        |   (PEP1)    |       |   (PEP2)    |
     +-------------+        +-------------+       +-------------+
                                    |                    |
          |                         |                    |
          | Discovery (IpToGroupId.PEP)                  |
          |                         |                    |
          |                         |                    |
          |   Discovery Response    |                    |
          |<----------------------- |                    |
          |                         Discovery Response   |
          |                         |                    |
          |                         |                    |
          |                         |                    |
          |Request Negotiation (    |                    |
          |IpToGroupId.PEP,(IP_A,5))|                    |
          |------------------------>| save (IP_A,5)      |
          |                         |                    |
          | Negotiation End (ACCEPT)|                    |
          |<----------------------- |                    |
          |                         |                    |
          |               Request Negotiation (          |
          |               IpToGroupId.PEP,(IP_A,5))      |
          |--------------------------------------------->|save (IP_A,5)
          |                         |                    |
          |                         |                    |
          |                         |                    |
          |                   Negotiation End (ACCEPT)   |
          |                         |                    |
          |                         |                    |
          |                         |                    |

       Figure 3: Example of AAP pushing mapping information to PEPs

   After the core switches get this mapping information, they save it
   for future policy enforcement.  For example, when a data packet with
   source IP address IP_A and destination IP address IP_B is received,
   the PEP checks its mapping table to get the group ID 5 for IP_A and
   group ID 10 for IP_B.  Then the policy provisioned as (5, 10, drop)
   is enforcement.  So the data packet will be dropped.  It facilitates
   the group based policy execution.

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6.  Security Considerations

   Security consideration for GRASP [RFC8990] applies in this document.
   The preferred security model is that devices are trusted following
   the secure bootstrap procedure [RFC8995] and that a secure Autonomic
   Control Plane (ACP) [RFC8994] is in place.

7.  IANA Considerations

   This document defines two new GRASP Objective option names:
   "IpToGroupId.AAP" and "IpToGroupId.PEP".  The IANA is requested to
   added them to the "GRASP Objective Names" subregistry defined by

8.  Acknowledgements

   Thanks to Carsten Bormann, Brian Carpenter and Michael Richardson for
   useful suggestions and revising CDDL representations.

9.  References

9.1.  Normative References

   [RFC7575]  Behringer, M., Pritikin, M., Bjarnason, S., Clemm, A.,
              Carpenter, B., Jiang, S., and L. Ciavaglia, "Autonomic
              Networking: Definitions and Design Goals", RFC 7575,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC7575, June 2015,

   [RFC8610]  Birkholz, H., Vigano, C., and C. Bormann, "Concise Data
              Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to
              Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and
              JSON Data Structures", RFC 8610, DOI 10.17487/RFC8610,
              June 2019, <>.

   [RFC8990]  Bormann, C., Carpenter, B., Ed., and B. Liu, Ed., "GeneRic
              Autonomic Signaling Protocol (GRASP)", RFC 8990,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8990, May 2021,

              Richardson, M. and C. Bormann, "CBOR tags for IPv4 and
              IPv6 addresses and prefixes", draft-ietf-cbor-network-
              addresses-13 (work in progress), October 2021.

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9.2.  Informative References

   [RFC2131]  Droms, R., "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol",
              RFC 2131, DOI 10.17487/RFC2131, March 1997,

   [RFC2865]  Rigney, C., Willens, S., Rubens, A., and W. Simpson,
              "Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS)",
              RFC 2865, DOI 10.17487/RFC2865, June 2000,

   [RFC3198]  Westerinen, A., Schnizlein, J., Strassner, J., Scherling,
              M., Quinn, B., Herzog, S., Huynh, A., Carlson, M., Perry,
              J., and S. Waldbusser, "Terminology for Policy-Based
              Management", RFC 3198, DOI 10.17487/RFC3198, November
              2001, <>.

   [RFC5415]  Calhoun, P., Ed., Montemurro, M., Ed., and D. Stanley,
              Ed., "Control And Provisioning of Wireless Access Points
              (CAPWAP) Protocol Specification", RFC 5415,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC5415, March 2009,

   [RFC7348]  Mahalingam, M., Dutt, D., Duda, K., Agarwal, P., Kreeger,
              L., Sridhar, T., Bursell, M., and C. Wright, "Virtual
              eXtensible Local Area Network (VXLAN): A Framework for
              Overlaying Virtualized Layer 2 Networks over Layer 3
              Networks", RFC 7348, DOI 10.17487/RFC7348, August 2014,

   [RFC8415]  Mrugalski, T., Siodelski, M., Volz, B., Yourtchenko, A.,
              Richardson, M., Jiang, S., Lemon, T., and T. Winters,
              "Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)",
              RFC 8415, DOI 10.17487/RFC8415, November 2018,

   [RFC8949]  Bormann, C. and P. Hoffman, "Concise Binary Object
              Representation (CBOR)", STD 94, RFC 8949,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8949, December 2020,

   [RFC8994]  Eckert, T., Ed., Behringer, M., Ed., and S. Bjarnason, "An
              Autonomic Control Plane (ACP)", RFC 8994,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8994, May 2021,

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   [RFC8995]  Pritikin, M., Richardson, M., Eckert, T., Behringer, M.,
              and K. Watsen, "Bootstrapping Remote Secure Key
              Infrastructure (BRSKI)", RFC 8995, DOI 10.17487/RFC8995,
              May 2021, <>.

Appendix A.  Objective Examples

   This appendix shows a number of examples of Objective defined in this
   document conforming to the CDDL syntax given in Section 5.1.

   ["IpToGroupId.PEP", 15, 101,
      [54([4, h'A50386A78BA56FA4BBC734281C51']), 3506, 2698, 4562]]

   ["IpToGroupId.PEP", 5, 73, [52(h'9946B8A3'), 2881,
              2265, 1720, 2450]]

   ["IpToGroupId.PEP", 15, 161,

   ["IpToGroupId.PEP", 15, 2, [52(h'98A1CE4F')]]

   ["IpToGroupId.PEP", 15, 66, [52(h'69A16BFE'), 2601,
              1851, 3876, 1405]]

   ["IpToGroupId.AAP", 15, 254,
     [54(h'38AB303B8895DC95068CE00248D2FE91'), 4019, 1166, 3113]]

   ["IpToGroupId.AAP", 15, 63, [52([4, h'0B48']), 3035,

   ["IpToGroupId.AAP", 15, 44, [52(h'01F1D8FF'), 3099,
              1577, 1138, 1670]]

   ["IpToGroupId.AAP", 15, 181,

   ["IpToGroupId.PEP", 15, 129, [52(h'A2EF97C7'), 3149,

Authors' Addresses

   Yizhou Li
   Huawei Technologies


Li, et al.                Expires May 19, 2022                 [Page 16]
Internet-Draft     Auto IP and Access Group ID Mapping     November 2021

   Li Shen
   Huawei Technologies


   Yujing Zhou
   Huawei Technologies


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