Internet DRAFT - draft-yuan-cats-end-to-end-problem-requirement


CATS                                                             D. Yuan
Internet-Draft                                           ZTE Corporation
Intended status: Standards Track                                  H. Yao
Expires: 25 April 2024                                             Z. Li
                                                            China Mobile
                                                                 F. Zhou
                                                         ZTE Corporation
                                                                 X. Wang
                                                 Ruijie Networks Co.,Ltd
                                                         23 October 2023

         Problem Statement and Requirements of end-to-end CATS


   This document describes and proposes problem statement and
   incremental requirements of an end-to-end computing aware traffic
   steering (CATS) process illustrated in [I-D.ldbc-cats-framework].
   Particularly, this document analyzes the significance of appropriate
   aggregation algorithms and the necessity of hierarchical forwarding

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 25 April 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2023 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

Yuan, et al.              Expires 25 April 2024                 [Page 1]
Internet-Draft     Problem Statement and Requirements       October 2023

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Usecase: Service scheduling for ubiquitous instances  . .   2
     1.2.  Requirements: Hierarchical service routing  . . . . . . .   5
   2.  Requirements Language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   3.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   4.  Problem 1: Design of a Cohesive Scheme to Make Consistent
           Decisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
   5.  Problem 2: Lack of Detailed Information Affects Decisions . .  10
   6.  Problem 3: Microloop Caused by Interruptions  . . . . . . . .  13
   7.  Incremental Requirements for end-to-end CATS  . . . . . . . .  15
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   11. Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  16

1.  Introduction

1.1.  Usecase: Service scheduling for ubiquitous instances

   Taking computing-aware AR or VR mentioned in
   [I-D.ietf-cats-usecases-requirements] for instance, a specific
   condition is further discussed in this draft with ubiquitous service

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        +--------------+     +--------------+     +--------------+
        |Instance 01-20|     |Instance 21-40|     |Instance 41-60|
        +--------------+     +--------------+     +--------------+
                |                    |                    |
                |                    |                    |
           +----+-----+        +-----+----+         +-----+----+
           |  Egress  |        |  Egress  |         |  Egress  |
           | Router 1 |        | Router 2 |         | Router 3 |
           +----+-----+        +-----+----+         +-----+----+
                |                    |                    |
                |                    |                    |
                |           +--------+--------+           |
                +-----------|  Infrastructure |-----------+
                                | Ingress |
                +---------------|  Router |--------------+
                |               +----+----+              |
                |                    |                   |
            +--+--+              +--+---+           +---+--+
          +------+|            +------+ |         +------+ |
          |Client|+            |Client|-+         |Client|-+
          +------+             +------+           +------+

           Figure 1: Service scheduling for ubiquitous instances

   As illustrated in [I-D.ietf-cats-usecases-requirements], it requires
   to dynamically steer traffic to the appropriate instance to meet the
   E2E delay requirements considering both network and computing
   resource status.  However, a large amount of ubiquitous service
   instances connected to different Egress Routers make the work
   complicated which includes the following two aspects:

   1.  Large amount of dynamic entries recorded and maintained in the
   control plane for CATS routers.

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                                     (  Instance 1     Metrics
                                     |    ......
                                     |  Instance 20    Metrics
                 CATS  Routers       |  Instance 21    Metrics
                       x            <     ......
                Average amount of    |  Instance 40    Metrics
            instances per CATS Router|
                                     |  Instance 41    Metrics
                                     |    ......
                                     (  Instance 60    Metrics

                 Figure 2: Large amount of dynamic entries

   2.  Quick updates for FIB.

   Suppose a simple load balance strategy is implemented with a Round-
   Robin scheme.  During time slot 000 - 200 s, the traffic would be
   steered to a definite CATS Router 1 which connects service instance 1
   - 20, however, a FIB with instance granularity is required to update
   quite frequently.

                      Round Robin among    Time Slot
                         Instance 1        000-010 s
                          ......           ......
                         Instance 20       190-200 s

                         Instance 21       200-210 s
                          ......           ......
                         Instance 40       390-400 s

                         Instance 41       400-410 s
                          ......           ......
                         Instance 60       590-600 s

                 Figure 3: Large amount of dynamic entries

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1.2.  Requirements: Hierarchical service routing

   Based on the migration of computing resources towards the edge and
   the presentation of distributed and heterogeneous deployment
   patterns, the boundaries between computing resources and the underlay
   network are no longer exactly separated.  Computing-related services
   and corresponding scheduling schemes have gained their popularity and
   necessity in current and future circumstances.  Considering the large
   number of future service instances and the dynamic and continuous
   nature of computing state variations, reflecting detailed instance
   information in the system will result in an incalculable number of
   entries and computational complexity.  This will be catastrophic,
   especially for a circumstance of distributed control plane.

   As illustrated in [I-D.ldbc-cats-framework], the Ingress CATS-Router
   steers service-specific traffic along a CATS-computed path that leads
   to an Egress CATS-Router that connects to the most suitable edge site
   that host the service contact instance selected to satisfy the
   initial service demand.  In some cases, the choice of the service
   contact instance may be left open to the Egress CATS-Router and the
   Egress CATS-Router selects a service contact instance using its
   knowledge of service and network capabilities as well as the current
   load as observed by the CATS router among other considerations.
   Therefore, the end-to-end CATS process is implemented in a
   hierarchical manner.

   A corresponding hierarchical two segment routing scheme is also
   proposed and analyzed in [I-D.huang-cats-two-segment-routing] which
   separates the service routing path into two segments regarding the
   highly dynamic computing status.  Aggregated per-site computing
   related metrics appears as a privileged option scalability-wise.
   High frequency of computing status updates is restrained in a higher
   level decision region which is the GCRS segment described in this

   The introduction of hierarchical segment routing for end-to-end CATS
   brings about the following significant superiority:

   *  The number of entries in the control plane is decreased while the
      computational complexity of path selection is also reduced.

   *  Relatively dynamic computing status of any explicit instance is
      separated from a decision region in a higher level.  The refresh
      of entries in the FIB is also suppressed.

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   Comparatively, in a non-hierarchical scheme, a specific instance may
   be directly selected in a sole decison.  Thus, a qualitative
   comparison between hierarchical and non-hierarchical schemes is shown

      |                |     Hierarchical     |  Non-hierarchical  |
      | Entries in     | Local instances      | All instances      |
      | the control    | and global PEs       | with paths         |
      | plane          | with paths           |                    |
      | (Service RIB)  |                      |                    |
      | Entries in     | Single 'best'        | Single 'best'      |
      | the forwarding | entry or multiple    | entry or multiple  |
      | plane          | equal entries        | equal entries      |
      | (Service FIB)  |                      |                    |
      | Frequency of   | When a relatively    | When a choice      |
      | updates of     | stable choice among  | among all possible |
      | Service FIB    | PEs updates or       | instances updates  |
      |                | local updates happen |                    |

       Figure 4: Comparison between Hierarchical and Non-hierarchical

   Regarding "R6 MUST realize means for rate control for distributing of
   metrics" mentioned in [I-D.ietf-cats-usecases-requirements], rate
   control MAY not be enough for future conditions due to distributed
   and ubiquitous instances.  Thus, an incremental requirement is

   R: SHOULD provide mechanisms to aggregate service metrics for

   However, a hierarchical segment routing implys a multi-device
   decision-making manner which leads to possible problems:

   *  The explicit information of multiple service instances is blurred
      and becomes invisible.  A cohesive set of information which
      represents a whole cloud sites or a cluster of service instances
      must be properly designed.  A global decision-making requires
      correctness and consistency.

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   *  As a general problem in common distributed systems, global updates
      of status variations require a period of notification time.  Thus,
      a microloop problem exists similar to IGP deployed conditions in
      conventional IP networks.

   Thus, this draft proposes a problem statement and incremental
   requirements of hierarchical segment routing schemes in the end-to-
   end CATS process.

2.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in BCP
   14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

3.  Terminology

   *  GCRS: Global Computing Resource and Service Status

   *  FIB: Forwarding Information Base

   *  IGP: Interior Gateway Protocol

   *  SR: Segment Routing

   *  SRv6: Segment Routing over IPv6

4.  Problem 1: Design of a Cohesive Scheme to Make Consistent Decisions

   As shown below, Instance 1 to Instance 7 locate at PE 1 to PE 3
   respectively and their explicit information is displayed with typical
   computing attributes of CPU cores, memory remains and load.

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                              +----------+          +------------+
                              |   PE 3   +----------+ Instance 7 |
                              +----++----+          +------------+
                                   ||                6C,200G,60%.
                     /                            \
                    /                              \
                   /                                \
                  /                                  \
                 /                                    \
           +----------+                          +----------+
           |   PE 1   +--------------------------+   PE 2   |
           +----++----+                          +----++----+
                ||                                    ||
                ||                                    ||
            (---++---)                            (---++---)
         (---        ---)                      (---        ---)
   -------              --------         -------              --------
  (+------------+               )       (+------------+               )
 ( | Instance 1 |  4C,160G,40%.  )     ( | Instance 4 |  6C,100G,20%.  )
 ( +------------+                )     ( +------------+                )
 ( +------------+                )     ( +------------+                )
(  | Instance 2 |  8C,300G,60%.   )   (  | Instance 5 |  8C,200G,20%.   )
(  +------------+                 )   (  +------------+                 )
 ( +------------+                )     ( +------------+                )
 ( | Instance 3 |  6C,200G,50%.  )     ( | Instance 6 |  8C,250G,80%.  )
  (+------------+               )       (+------------+               )
   -----------------------------         -----------------------------

                                         CPU Cores, Memory Remains, Load.

       Figure 5: Primitive Metadata with a Hierarchical Scheme

   Without a hierarchical scheme, PE 1, PE 2 and PE 3 learn and maintain
   the information of each service instance as shown below.  Entries
   generated and maintained at PE 1, PE 2 and PE 3 are completely
   identical.  Suppose a computing-related service is sensitive to a
   memory attribute and other constraints are temporarily ignored, then
   Instance 2 should be selected as the most appropriate instance.

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                        Instance 1    4C,160G,40%.
                        Instance 2    8C,300G,60%.
                        Instance 3    6C,200G,50%.
                        Instance 4    6C,100G,20%.
                        Instance 5    8C,200G,20%.
                        Instance 6    8C,250G,80%.
                        Instance 7    6C,200G,60%.

          Figure 6: Explicit Entries without a Hierarchical Scheme

   Then, a hierarchical scheme is applied and suppose a summation method
   is utilized to express the aggregated information of all instances
   connected to a PE while explicit and detailed information is
   concealed.  Entries maintained at PE 1, PE 2 and PE 3 vary from each
   other.  Suppose a service request accesses at PE 3, the request is
   steered to PE 1 according to the entries stored at PE 3.  Similar
   decision procedures are made at PE 1 and PE 2, then the request is
   steered between PE 1 and PE 2 continuously which generates a
   permanent loop.

           At PE 1:          At PE 2:          At PE 3:
           Instance 1  160G  Instance 4  100G  Instance 7  200G
           Instance 2  300G  Instance 5  200G  PE 1        660G
           Instance 3  200G  Instance 6  250G  PE 2        550G
           PE 2        550G  PE 1        660G
           PE 3        200G  PE 3        200G

                               |   PE 3   |
                               /  /    \
                              /  /      \
                             /  /        \
                            /  /          \
                           V  /            \
                        +----------+  +----------+
                        |   PE 1   +--+   PE 2   |
                        +----------+  +----------+

           Figure 7: Cohesive Entries with a Hierarchical Scheme

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   Based on the above example, inappropriate aggregation algorithms lead
   to inconsistent decisions among multiple PEs in the global region.
   The fundamental reason is that the application of summation leads to
   the disappearance of comparability between aggregated information and
   detailed information and a summation value of a cluster of instances
   is always preferred and thus selected.  Therefore, a requirement is
   proposed for Problem 1 that the cohesive information needs to be
   comparable to the information of any explicit single instance.  In
   the condition illustrated in Figure 2, taking the maximum value may
   be an appropriate method to unify the decision-making process.  No
   matter a service request accesses at PE 1, PE 2 or PE 3, a
   forementioned loop problem is avoided.

           At PE 1:          At PE 2:          At PE 3:
           Instance 1  160G  Instance 4  100G  Instance 7  200G
           Instance 2  300G  Instance 5  200G  PE 1        300G
           Instance 3  200G  Instance 6  250G  PE 2        250G
           PE 2        250G  PE 1        300G
           PE 3        200G  PE 3        200G

                               |   PE 3   |
                                  /    \
                                 /      \
                                /        \
                               /          \
                              /            \
                        +----------+  +----------+
                        |   PE 1   +--+   PE 2   |
                        +----------+  +----------+
                         PE 1-->Instance 2
                         PE 2-->PE 1-->Instance 2
                         PE 3-->PE 1-->Instance 2

       Figure 8: Adjusted Cohesive Entries with a Hierarchical Scheme

5.  Problem 2: Lack of Detailed Information Affects Decisions

   Undoubtedly, there is an information gap to utilize aggregated
   information to generally represent the ability among multiple
   instances at a PE.  Therefore, profound analysis is required to
   determine whether decisions made based on aggregated information can
   adapt to various scheduling strategies.  Taking a preferred strategy
   and a balanced strategy as examples, the use case and analysis are
   presented below.

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                    Access---->|   PE 3   |
                                  /    \
                                 /      \
                                /        \
                               /          \
                              /            \
                        +----------+  +----------+
                        |   PE 1   +--+   PE 2   |
                        +----------+  +----------+
                    At PE 1:          At PE 2:
                    Instance 1  100G  Instance 4  160G
                    Instance 2  100G  Instance 5  200G
                    Instance 3  400G  Instance 6  300G
                    Average     200G  Average     220G

            Figure 9: Average Value as the Cohesive Information

   Under a preferred strategy, suppose an average value is selected to
   represent the instances behind a PE, when a service request accesses
   at PE 3, it finds that the performance of PE 2 seems better than PE 1
   since the aggregated value is higher at PE 2.  However, the 'best'
   instance which is Instance 3 locates at PE 1.

   Therefore, a maximum value or a minimum value is suggested to be the
   aggregated information to adapt a preferred strategy.  However,
   practical problems may be sophisticated.

   In a more complicated occasion below, more attributes are required to
   expose to fulfill a multi-factor optimization with constraints.  As
   shown below, under scheme 1, scheme 2 and scheme 3, the traffic is
   misled to the incorrect PE with the knowledge of the exposed
   information, however, Instance 6 and Instance 7 prove to be the
   'best' respectively which satisfies the requirement and maintains the
   most memory resource with a global vision.

   Taking scheme 1 as an example, a computing related service requires
   the end-to-end delay is no more than 50ms and it is reckoned as a
   memory sensitive service.  The best value among instances for each
   attribute is selected as the aggregated value.  Thus, 400G and 20ms
   represent the performance at PE 1 while 260G and 30ms represent the
   performance at PE 2.  Referring to the aggregated value, PE 1 seems
   to be the 'better' selection.  However, Instance 3 at PE 1 fails to
   satisfy the service requirement while Instance 1 and Instance 2 have
   lower memory values than Instance 6 at PE 2.

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                           Requirement: <50ms

                   Access---->|   PE 3   |
                              /          \
                             /            \
                            / 10ms         \ 10ms
                           /                \
                          /                  \
                    +----------+        +----------+
                    |   PE 1   +--------+   PE 2   |
                    +----------+        +----------+
           At PE 1:                     At PE 2:
           Instance 1  100G,20ms        Instance 4  200G,30ms
           Instance 2  220G,20ms        Instance 5  200G,30ms
           Instance 3  400G,40ms        Instance 6  260G,30ms *

           Scheme 1    400G,20ms *                  260G,30ms
           Best Memory, Best Delay

           Scheme 2    240G,27ms *                  220G,30ms
           Average Memory, Average Delay

                   Access---->|   PE 3   |
                              /          \
                             /            \
                            / 10ms         \ 10ms
                           /                \
                          /                  \
                    +----------+        +----------+
                    |   PE 1   +--------+   PE 2   |
                    +----------+        +----------+
           At PE 1:                     At PE 2:
           Instance 1  100G,20ms        Instance 4  200G,30ms
           Instance 2  220G,20ms        Instance 5  200G,30ms
           Instance 3  400G,40ms        Instance 6  260G,30ms
           Instance 7  350G,30ms *

           Scheme 3    400G,40ms                    260G,30ms *
           Instance with Best Memory

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             Figure 10: Cohesive Entries with Multiple Factors

   Since the aggregated information shields explicit and detailed
   entries, it is difficult to locate the 'best' instance under a
   preferred strategy.  However, appropriate aggregation algorithm can
   indicate part of the satisfied instances which could adapts to a
   balanced strategy.  It is suggested that an aggregation algorithm
   should be designated with the knowledge of distribution of computing
   resources and corresponding scheduling strategies.

   With future considerations, the number of service instances may
   increase to a large amount, the explicit information of running
   status may be displayed in a continous manner. 50,000 instances with
   load from 40% to 60% for instance.  With the instances sorted, the
   values in the 'best' section may be 40%, 40.1%, 40.2%, and a great
   number of similar values.  Thus, it is difficult to distinguish and
   it also may not be neccessary to select the 'best' one.  Under the
   mentioned circumstances, a hierarchical method with aggregation
   algorithms introduced can adapt well.

6.  Problem 3: Microloop Caused by Interruptions

   As show below, suppose a service client accesses at PE 2 and Instance
   2 located at a cloud site connected to PE 1 loses efficacy at a
   sudden.  This event has not yet been notified to PE 2 in a timely
   manner which leads to a mistake that PE 2 still steers the traffic to
   PE 1 which is still reckoned as the best selection.  However,
   whenever PE 1 discovers that Instance 2 becomes invalid and updates
   its FIB, PE 2 turns out to be the most appropriate choice decided at
   PE 1.  Thus, the traffic is steered back to PE 2 which forms a

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                                 +----------+          +------------+
                                 |   PE 3   +----------+ Instance 7 |
                                 +----++----+          +------------+
                                      ||                6C,200G,60%.
   At PE 1:              +------------++------------+      At PE 2:
   Instance 1  160G     /                            \     Instance 4  100G
x  Instance 2  300G    /                              \    Instance 5  200G
   Instance 3  200G   /                                \   Instance 6  250G
*  PE 2        250G  /                                  \  PE 1        300G *
   PE 3        200G /                                    \ PE 3        200G
              +----------+   ------------------->   +----------+
              |   PE 1   +--------------------------+   PE 2   +<-------- Access
              +----++----+   <-------------------   +----++----+
                   ||                                    ||
                   ||                                    ||
               (---++---)                            (---++---)
            (---        ---)                      (---        ---)
      -------              --------         -------              --------
     (+------------+               )       (+------------+               )
    ( | Instance 1 |  4C,160G,40%.  )     ( | Instance 4 |  6C,100G,20%.  )
    ( +------------+                )     ( +------------+                )
    ( +------------+x               )     ( +------------+                )
   (  | Instance 2 |x 8C,300G,60%.   )   (  | Instance 5 |  8C,200G,20%.   )
   (  +------------+x                )   (  +------------+                 )
    ( +------------+                )     ( +------------+                )
    ( | Instance 3 |  6C,200G,50%.  )     ( | Instance 6 |  8C,250G,80%.  )
     (+------------+               )       (+------------+               )
      -----------------------------         -----------------------------

        Figure 11: Interrupt Notification with Time Difference

   Without a hierarchical scheme, the destination is explicitly
   indicated with a single decision process.  Without introducing or
   configuring instance or path protection schemes, packets will be
   directly discarded.

   Compared with microloop occured in IGP, a microloop mentioned here
   has similarities.  Distributed status storage and disorderly
   convergence lead to inconsistent decision-making among distributed
   devices.  SR provides a scheme to eliminate potential loops in the
   network with minimal impact on the network, creating an acyclic SRv6
   Segment List for instance.  However, unlike conventional problems and
   solutions, an explicit destination is not determined within previous
   decisions in a hierarchical scheme.  Therefore, explicit routing path

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   indicated by SR is not enough to solve a hierarchical segment routing
   problem.  Actually, a higher level decision has been made within the
   last entry lookup.  Thus, entries should be distinguished according
   to their gradation in the overall hierarchical scheme.  And finally a
   requirement is proposed for Problem 3 that hierarchical entries
   should be designed and a corresponding forwarding behaviour should be
   introduced to adapt the forementioned entries.

7.  Incremental Requirements for end-to-end CATS

   As illustrated in [I-D.ietf-cats-usecases-requirements], the
   requirements of CATS are listed.  As analyzed in this draft, the
   incremental requirements for a hierarchical segment routing scheme
   for CATS are further concluded as follows:

   1.  The cohesive information calculated by an aggregation algorithm
       SHOULD be comparable to a explicit entry of any service instance
       to guarantee the consistency and basic correctness of decision-
       making process.

   2.  The aggregation algorithm SHOULD be appropriately designed
       according to the distribution of computing resources and a
       corresponding applied scheduling strategy to reflect the
       performance and compatibility of local instances.  Qualified
       service instances MUST be distinguished.

   3.  Hierarchical forwarding information entries SHOULD be separated
       within the lookup process and a corresponding hierarchical
       forwarding mechanism SHOULD be introduced accordingly.

8.  Security Considerations


9.  Acknowledgements


10.  IANA Considerations


11.  Normative References

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Internet-Draft     Problem Statement and Requirements       October 2023

              Huang, D., Du, Z., and C. Zhang, "Hierarchical segment
              routing solution of CATS", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-huang-cats-two-segment-routing-01, 5
              September 2023, <

              Yao, K., Trossen, D., Boucadair, M., Contreras, L. M.,
              Shi, H., Li, Y., and S. Zhang, "Computing-Aware Traffic
              Steering (CATS) Problem Statement, Use Cases, and
              Requirements", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-
              ietf-cats-usecases-requirements-00, 24 July 2023,

              Li, C., Du, Z., Boucadair, M., Contreras, L. M., Drake,
              J., Huang, D., and G. S. Mishra, "A Framework for
              Computing-Aware Traffic Steering (CATS)", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-ldbc-cats-framework-03, 4
              August 2023, <

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

Authors' Addresses

   Dongyu Yuan
   ZTE Corporation
   No.50 Software Avenue
   Jiangsu, 210012

   Huijuan Yao
   China Mobile

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Internet-Draft     Problem Statement and Requirements       October 2023

   Zhiqiang Li
   China Mobile

   Fenlin Zhou
   ZTE Corporation
   No.50 Software Avenue
   Jiangsu, 210012

   Xuewei Wang
   Ruijie Networks Co.,Ltd

Yuan, et al.              Expires 25 April 2024                [Page 17]