Internet DRAFT - draft-zeng-ccamp-joint-control-mid-fwd


    Common Control and Measurement Plane                           L. Zeng 
    Internet Draft                                     Tsinghua University 
    Intended status: Informational                           June 10, 2014 
    Expires: December 2014 
            Common Joint Control of Middleboxes and Forwarding Elements 

    Status of this Memo 

       This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the 
       provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.  

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    Internet-Draft    Common Joint Control of Middleboxes and Forwarding 
    Elements                     June 2014 


       Network services become increasingly multifarious. To efficiently 
       guarantee the quality of services and fully utilize the network 
       resources, network operators need to process the traffic flows 
       through more fine-grained way. It is a promising way to deploy a 
       series of middleboxes integrating various functions. However, this 
       results in two challenges: 1) how to control such increasingly 
       different middleboxes; 2) how can networks provide a common joint 
       control scheme for both the middleboxes and forwarding elements. This 
       document proposes a common joint scheme for middleboxes and 
       forwarding elements. This scheme adopts logically centralized control 
       method and utilizes standard control interfaces, which makes it 
       flexible and efficient for the networks to determine the most 
       optimizing path and the most appropriate functions in the middleboxes 
       for traffic flows. It guarantees the quality of services and 
       significantly improves resource utilization. 

    Table of Contents 

       1. Introduction ................................................ 2 
       2. Conventions used in this document............................ 3 
          2.1. Requirements Language................................... 3 
          2.2. Definitions ............................................ 3 
       3. Joint Control Architecture................................... 4 
       4. Joint Control Strategy and Protocol.......................... 5 
          4.1. Protocol Frame ......................................... 5 
          4.2. FEs Control Protocol.................................... 6 
          4.3. G-Mids Control Protocol................................. 6 
       5. Flow Control ................................................ 7 
       6. Security Considerations...................................... 7 
       7. IANA Considerations ......................................... 7 
       8. Conclusions ................................................. 7 
       9. References .................................................. 8 
          9.1. Normative References.................................... 8 
          9.2. Informative References.................................. 8 
       10. Acknowledgments ............................................ 8 
    1. Introduction 

       Network services become increasingly multifarious. To efficiently 
       guarantee the quality of services and fully utilize the network 
       resources, network operators need to process the traffic flows 
       through more fine-grained way. It is a promising way to deploy a 
       series of middleboxes integrating various functions, such as firewall, 
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       IDS, and proxy. In current networks, one middlebox always implements 
       just one specific function. Given that different network services 
       call for quite different data process functions middleboxes deployed 
       in the networks are extremely heterogeneous, makes it inflexible to 
       control. Therefore, two solutions emerge and have captured increasing 
       attentions: 1) integrate multiple functions in one middlebox, named 
       general middlebox (G-Mid); 2) G-Mid is controlled and configured by a 
       centralized monitor through software defining. This document 
       introduces the fundamental problem of G-Mid: how to achieve joint 
       control of G-Mid and forwarding elements. 

    2. Conventions used in this document 

    2.1. Requirements Language 

       The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
       "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this 
       document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 [RFC2119].  

       In this document, these words will appear with that interpretation   
       only when in ALL CAPS. Lower case uses of these words are not to be    
       interpreted as carrying RFC-2119 significance. 

    2.2. Definitions 

       The definitions of this document are summarized as follows: 

       General Middlebox (G-Mid) - A type of middlebox that implements 
       multiple network functions based on one general architecture. The 
       specific function is controlled and configured by one centralized 
       control element through software defining. 

       Forwarding Element (FE) - A logical entity that implements the 
       control protocols. FEs use the underlying hardware to provide per-      
       packet processing and handling as directed/controlled by the 
       centralized control element through software defining. 

       Joint Control Element (JCE) - A network element that takes charge of 
       joint controlling and configuring both FEs and G-Mids via software 
       defining. On one hand, JCE configures the function and the parameters 
       of both FEs and G-Mid; On the other hand, it possesses the global 
       information, which makes it possible to dynamically optimize the 
       whole network via software-defined centralized control. 

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       Joint Control Protocol (JCP) - Joint control protocol indicates the 
       detailed control strategy which is implemented via software and 
       followed by JCE, FEs and G-Mids. 

    3. Joint Control Architecture 

       A logical view of the joint control architecture is shown in Figure 1, 
       which consists of three types of elements: joint control element 
       (JCE), general middleboxes (G-Mids) and forwarding elements (FEs). 

       |                                                              | 
       |  +---------------------------------------------------------+ | 
       |  |             +--------------------------------------+    | | 
       |  |   Joint  +--+  Optimizing and Determination Layer  +--+ | | 
       |  |  Control |  +------+------------------------+------+  | | | 
       |  |  Element |         |                        |         | | | 
       |  |   (JCE)  |         |Global Information Layer|         | | | 
       |  |          |  +------+----------+   +---------+------+  | | | 
       |  |          |  |Function Database|   |Network Database|  | | | 
       |  |          |  +------+----------+   +--------+-------+  | | | 
       |  |          |         |                       |          | | | 
       |  |          |         | Control Ability Layer |          | | | 
       |  |          |  +------+----------+   +--------+-------+  | | | 
       |  |          +--+  G-Mid Control  |   |   FE Control   +--+ | | 
       |  |             ++-----+------+---+   +----+-----+----++    | | 
       |  +--------------|-----|------|------------|-----|----|-----+ | 
       |                 |     |      |Joint Contrl|Protocol  |       | 
       |                 |     |      |            |     |    |       |  
       |        +--------+-+   | +----+-----+   +--+---+ |  +-+----+  | 
       |        |Function A|   | |Function B|   |  FE  ******  FE  |  | 
       |        +----------+   | +----------+   +---*--+ |  +--*---+  | 
       |           G-Mid       |    G-Mid            *   |    *       | 
       |                       |                      *  |   *        | 
       |                  +----*-----+                +*-+--*+        | 
       |                  |Function C|                |  FE  |        | 
       |                  +----------+                +------+        | 
       |                     G-Mid                                    | 
       |                                                              | 
                        Figure 1 Joint Control Architecture 

       JCE contains three layer: control ability layer, global information 
       layer, and the optimizing and determination layer. The control 
       ability layer is comprised of G-Mid control module and FE control 
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       module. They provide lots of control functions. For example, the G-
       Mid control module may offer functions such as setting the function 
       of one G-Mid, configuring the parameters of one G-Mid, and etc. While, 
       the FE control module may possess the functions such as setting the 
       forwarding rules, adjusting the priority of rules, and etc. The 
       control ability layer is the cornerstones of JCE since all the 
       optimization and the determination are implemented by these abilities. 

       The global information layer consists of two databases: the function 
       database and the network database. The information in function 
       database includes the function sets of each G-Mid, the current 
       function running in each G-Mid, the parameter of each G-Mid, and etc. 
       The network database reflects the network features, e.g. network 
       topology, the forwarding rules of each FE, the priorities of 
       forwarding rules in each FE, and etc. Without this global information, 
       it is impossible for the optimizing and determination layer to make 
       the most appropriate determination. 

       The optimizing and determination layer is the control center of JCE. 
       Normally, after accessing two databases in the global information 
       layer, the optimizing and determination layer optimizes and makes the 
       determination from the global perspective, and then it sends the 
       corresponding rules to the G-Mids and FEs via control ability layer. 

       This joint control architecture provides a centralized method to 
       jointly control both of the G-Mids and FEs. Therefore, it is 
       convenient to optimize the network and significantly improves 
       resource utilization. 

    4. Joint Control Strategy and Protocol 

       This section addresses the problem that how to efficiently control 
       both the G-Mids and FEs. 

    4.1. Protocol Frame 

       The joint control protocol in this architecture follows match-action 
       strategy. After optimizing and determining, the JCE makes the rules 
       of G-Mids and FEs and sends these rules to them via standard 
       interfaces. In each network element, including G-Mid and FE, there 
       exists a flow table to store flow entries sent by the controller. 
       After receiving the rules, G-Mids and FEs will generate or update 
       their flow tables. When data packets arrive at any G-Mid or FE, 
       match-field in the packet headers will be checked. If match-field 
       matches the flow entries, the data packets will be processed 
       according to the corresponding rules and actions. Otherwise, these 
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       packets SHOULD be dropped or sent to the JCE. This match-action 
       strategy based protocol applies to both of G-Mid and FE. But, given 
       that the functions of G-Mid and FE are quite different, the next two 
       subsections illustrate them respectively. 

    4.2. FEs Control Protocol 

       The proposed architecture directly adopts the SDN (Software-defined 
       Network) protocol, e.g. OpenFlow, to control FEs. The JCE uses flow 
       entries to control multiple FEs, where the forwarding function is 
       executed. The controller can add/delete/modify flow entries to each 
       FE. Reference [CCAMP-SDN] depicts the detailed SDN protocol. 

    4.3. G-Mids Control Protocol 

       The G-Mids control abstraction is shown in Figure 2. 

       |                                                      | 
       |   +-----------+-------------+---------+---------+    | 
       |   |-----------+-------------+---------+---------+    | 
       |                                                      | 
                          Figure 2 G-MID Control Abstract 

       The MID-FUNC-ID field refers to the function ID in each middlebox. 
       MID-FUNC-ID is the unique identification being used to distinguish 
       different functions. For example, firewall, IDS, and Proxy functions 
       MUST have different MID-FUNC-ID. It is notable that one G-MID may 
       integrate several functions, and the JCE may guide different data 
       packets to be processed by different functions. 

       The MID-FUNC-NAME field depicts the function, which corresponds to 

       The CTRL-LIST field refers to the current state of each function such 
       as active, available, sleep, deleted, and etc. Active means this 
       function is configured as a part of process for at least one table 
       entry; Available means this function is available but not used now, 
       but it may turn to active state immediately by easily sending some 
       control message; Sleep means this function can be used only after 
       installing; Deleted means this function ever emerged but no longer 

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    Internet-Draft    Common Joint Control of Middleboxes and Forwarding 
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       The PAPA-LIST field contains a series of parameters required by 
       different functions. Different functions may have quite different 

       Similar as FE control, G-Mid control also utilizes the math-action 
       strategy. All the actions in FEs are related to forwarding features, 
       while the actions in G-Mids are different network functions by 
       calling functions through G-MID control abstract in Figure 2. 

    5. Flow Control 

       This section introduces the network flow control process. 

       o Stage 1: Calculate the path 

       When one network flow comes, the JCE SHOULD calculate and optimizing 
       the path of this flow. It contains two items: 1) calculate the 
       forwarding path that the flow goes through; 2) optimize the functions 
       of G-Mids which are necessary along the path. 

       o Stage 2: Configure the G-Mids 

       In this stage, the JCE SHOULD configure the functions in each G-Mid. 

       o Stage 3: Configure the G-Mids and send rules&action 

       In this stage, the JCE SHOULD configure FEs and send the rules and 
       actions to each G-Mid and FE. 

       After these three phases are finished, the network is able to deploy 
       this network flow. 

    6. Security Considerations 

       This requirements document does not raise in itself any specific 
       security issues. 

    7. IANA Considerations 

       IANA does not need to take any action for this draft. 

    8. Conclusions 

       This document proposes a common joint scheme for middleboxes and 
       forwarding elements. This scheme adopts logically centralized control 
       method and utilizes standard control interfaces, which makes it 
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       flexible and efficient for the networks to determine the most 
       optimizing path and the most appropriate functions in the middleboxes 
       for traffic flows. It guarantees the quality of services and 
       significantly improves resource utilization. 

    9. References 

    9.1. Normative References 

       [RFC2119] Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate 
                 Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997. 

    9.2. Informative References 

       [CCAMP-SDN] McKeown N, Anderson T, Balakrishnan H, et al, "OpenFlow: 
                      enabling innovation in campus networks", ACM SIGCOMM 
                      Computer Communication Review, 2008, 38(2): 69-74. 


    10. Acknowledgments 

       This work is supported by Chinese National Major Scientific and 
       Technological Specialized Project (No.~2013ZX03002001), National 
       Basic Research Program of China (973 Program Grant No.~2013CB329105), 
       China's Next Generation Internet (No.~CNGI-12-03-007), and ZTE 

       This document was prepared using 

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     Authors' Addresses 

       Lieguang Zeng 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 
       Jiaqiang Liu 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 
       Mao Yang 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 

       Yong Li 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 
       Depeng Jin 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 
       Li Su 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 
       Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing, 

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