Internet DRAFT - draft-zh-sn-emulation-arch


Network Working Group                                            K. Zhao
Internet-Draft                                        Nanjing University
Intended status: Informational                            H. Dongxu, Ed.
Expires: 20 August 2024                                           X. Min
                                                         ZTE Corporation
                                                           February 2024

           An Emulation System Architecture for Space Network


   This document describes an emulation architecture which provides a
   realistic, flexible, and extensible experimental environment for the
   space network (SN).  The architecture includes four components,
   namely logical plane, control plane, data plane and measurement
   plane.  Software-defined networking (SDN), virtualization technology,
   and traffic control mechanism are adopted to realize the real space
   environment and arbitrary topology.  Furthermore, an extensible
   structure is described to emulate large-scale scenarios and access
   external emulation resources.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 4 August 2024.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
   license-info) in effect on the date of publication of this document.

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   Please review these documents carefully, as they describe your rights
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   extracted from this document must include Revised BSD License text as
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   provided without warranty as described in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  SN Emulation Architecture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
     2.1.  Logical Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.2.  Control Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
     2.3.  Data Plane  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     2.4.  Measurement Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
   3.  Physical Implementation Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Web UI  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  Main Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.3.  Emulation Node  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.4.  SDN Switch  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
   4.  Emulation Node Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     4.1.  Node Virtualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     4.2.  Node Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     4.3.  >Multiple Network Protocols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  Dynamic Link Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.1.  Implementation of Time-varying Connection Relationship  .   9
     5.2.  Implementation of Dynamic Link Characteristic . . . . . .  12
   6.  Network Topology Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  12
     6.1.  Lower Physical Network Topology . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
     6.2.  Upper Logical Network Topology  . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   7.  Conclusions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  13
   8.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   9.  Acknowledgements  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   10. IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   11. References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     11.1.  Normative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
     11.2.  Informative References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  14
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  15

1.  Introduction

   With the proliferation of low cost spatial information system,
   powerful on-board processing capacity, and mature inter-satellite
   link technique, space network (SN) is emerging as an important part
   of national infrastructure and research frontier.  However, due to
   some unique characteristics of SN, e.g. long propagation delay,
   frequent link disruption, and etc., mature terrestrial networking
   technologies cannot be applied to SN directly.  To tackle this
   problem, network researchers propose various new network protocols

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   and technologies.  Meanwhile, the process of designing and developing
   network protocols and technologies is complex, in which experiment
   phase plays an important role to decipher the performance and make
   helpful suggestions for improvement.  So it is urgent to setup an
   emulation architecture to carry out the research on basic theory and
   key technologies for SN.

   Typical network experimental validation approaches include
   simulation, live testbed, and emulation.  Discrete-event network
   simulation has enough flexibility, e.g. ns-2 and OPNET.  But the
   network simulation has no real network traffic, and is hard to
   realize the real description of complex SN equipment and its
   environment through the abstraction of various environmental
   parameters.  Actual hardware based testbed has the highest emulation
   authenticity, e.g.  ORBIT, UMass DieselNet.  However, for the high
   cost and poor extendibility of SN nodes, it is difficult for the
   testbed to support the requirements of changeable SN emulation

   Compared with network simulation and live testbed, network emulation
   is a hybrid approach which balances authenticity and flexibility.
   But owing to the particularity of SN communication environment,
   existing emulation methods are difficult to balance the authenticity,
   flexibility and extendibility of the emulation.  This document aims
   to present an SN emulation architecture which realizes the reliable
   emulation of dynamic network topology, time-varying link
   characteristics, multiple protocol architectures, and large-scale
   network scenarios with the goal of authenticity, flexibility and
   extendibility.  This architecture consists of logical plane, control
   plane, data plane, and measurement plane.  The emulation architecture
   has a hierarchical star structure to support hardware resource
   expansion and access external physical devices.  Integrating with
   software defined networking (SDN) and traffic control mechanism, the
   architecture supports the emulation of dynamic SN.  Combining with
   virtualization technology, various SN protocols and communication
   technologies could be implemented on the architecture flexibly as
   real deployments.  Considering changeable simulation scenarios and
   different network concerns, the flexible configuration of network
   measurement on demand is realized.

2.  SN Emulation Architecture

   Figure 1 describes the SN emulation architecture which can be divided
   into four planes, namely logical plane, control plane, data plane,
   and measurement plane.  A particular network scenario is set at
   logical plane.  Corresponding settings are stored in database.
   Control plane reads these settings and procedures command to drive
   emulation in data plane.  Measurement plane is served to monitor

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   network performances of simulation scenarios.

 ┌----------------------┐ ┌----------------┐ ┌---------------------------------------┐ ┌---------------┐
 |                      | |                | | ┌------------------------------┐      | |  Measurement  |
 | Logical Plane        | | Control Plane  | | | Server1                      |      | |    Plane      |
 |                      | |                | | | ┌-----------┐  ┌-----------┐ |      | | ┌-----------┐ |
 |                      === ┌------------┐ === | | Emulation |  | Emulation | |      === |Packet Loss| |
 |      S1          S2  | | |    Main    | | | | |   Node1   |  |   Node2   | |      | | └-----------┘ |
 |    ))*(( ----- ))*(( | | | Controller | | | | └----^--^---┘  └----^--^---┘ |      | |               |
 |      /           /   | | └------^-----┘ | | |      |  |           |  |     |      | | ┌-----------┐ |
 |     /           /    | |        |       | | | ┌----v--v-----------v--v---┐ |......| | |  Network  | |
 |    /           /     | | ┌------v-----┐ | | | |     Virtual Switch S1    | |      | | |   Delay   | |
 |   / S3        / S4   | | |  Database  | | | | └----^---------------------┘ |      | | └-----------┘ |
 | ))*(( ----- ))*((    === └------^-----┘ === |      |                       |      ===               |
 |   ^           v      | |        |       | | |    ┌-v--┐           ┌----┐   |      | | ┌-----------┐ |
 |   ^           v      | | ┌------v-----┐ | | |    |eth1|           |eth0|   |      | | |Throughput | |
 |   ^           v      | | |   Web UI   | | | └----└--^-┘-----------└-^--┘---┘      | | └-----------┘ |
 |   ^           v      | | └------^-----┘ | |         |               |             | |               |
 | ┌------┐  ┌-------┐  | |        |       | |         |               |  ┌--------┐ | | ┌-----------┐ |
 | | End- |  |Ground |  | | ┌------v-----┐ | |   Data  |               +->| Switch | | | |Full Packet| |
 | | User |  |Station|  === |   Users    | ===   Plane |   ┌------------┐ └--------┘ === └-----------┘ |
 | └------┘  └-------┘  | | └------------┘ | |         +-->| SDN Switch |--->......  | |    ......     |
 |                      | |                | |             └------------┘            | |               |
 └----------------------┘ └----------------┘ └---------------------------------------┘ └---------------┘

            Figure 1: Figure 1: SN Emulation Architecture

2.1.  Logical Plane

   According to the specific network scenario, a network model could be
   built by logical plane which includes space-based backbone
   transmission network, satellite links, space-based access network,
   ground stations, terrestrial network, and end-users.  The network
   model contains not only parameters of network nodes, but also
   specific connection plan, channel parameters, software deployments,
   and network protocols.

2.2.  Control Plane

   Control plane consists of two parts: the front-end service and the
   back-end service.  The front-end service offers aWeb UI to interact
   with users.  Users can configure various parameters of the network
   model and visualize the network scenario through the Web UI.  The
   back-end service is backed by the main controller which is
   responsible for implementing commands and parameters from logical
   plane into data plane.  The main controller is a software and
   operates all elements in data plane.  Users can configure and control
   the environment parameters with different emulation scenarios, as

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   well as monitor the traffic for each testing through control plane.
   The emulation architecture is thus configurable and controllable.

2.3.  Data Plane

   Data plane is served to emulate network scenarios directly, which
   contains SDN switches, servers, emulation nodes and etc.  These
   underlying network resources are connected with each other in a
   hierarchical star network structure.  Emulation nodes are connected
   to the virtual switch on the server and represent SN nodes at logical
   plane.  Diverse software and applications are installed in the
   emulation node.  Servers and external devices or networks are linked
   to each other by the SDN hardware switch.

2.4.  Measurement Plane

   Measurement plane mainly has two functions, namely real-time network
   information collection and full packet capture.  The capture
   container is the basic unit of measurement plane.  Each capture
   container covers a Python-based Daemon which realizes network
   information collection and supports full packet capture according to
   the configuration of users.  Measurements are stored in database and
   real-time network information is displayed by the Web UI.

3.  Physical Implementation Model

   Corresponding to the emulation architecture, a typically physical
   implementation model is presented which has four principal parts: Web
   UI, main controller, emulation node and SDN switch.

3.1.  Web UI

   Users interact with the emulation architecture through the Web UI.
   The Web UI stores network model parameters configured by users into
   the database, and show network models in real time to make users
   observe the emulation process intuitively.

3.2.  Main Controller

   The main controller interacts with the Web UI and is served for
   parameter calculation, SDN switch control and node management.  The
   calculation results are written to the database for subsequent
   emulation operations.  The parameter calculation refers to the
   process that the main controller reads the network model parameters,
   obtains the relationships of visibility and link characteristics
   between nodes, filters the connection relationships, and assigns the
   network configuration of emulation nodes.  The SDN switch control
   refers to the process that the main controller sends topology control

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   flow tables to SDN switches in real time according to the target
   network topology.  The node management refers to the process that the
   main controller creates emulation nodes, binds nodes with SDN
   switches, and allocates emulation resources.  Besides, the main
   controller is also responsible for generating the experimental start
   time and transmitting the operation state of the experiment to the
   Web UI.

3.3.  Emulation Node

   All emulation nodes run real network protocol stacks and applications
   to complete network traffic exchange.  Due to the advantages of
   flexible configuration, easy extension and convenient management,
   virtual nodes are generally used to simulate the nodes in the target
   network.  For some special needs or cases where emulation can not be
   supported by pure virtual nodes, physical nodes are used, including
   embedded devices, satellite links, and etc.

3.4.  SDN Switch

   According to assigned network parameters, each emulation node is
   linked to corresponding SDN switch by the main controller.  SDN
   software switch is responsible for the connection of virtual nodes.
   Meanwhile SDN hardware switch is in charge of the connection of
   physical nodes, and provides access to external networks or links for
   the emulation architecture.  SDN software switch and SDN hardware
   switch are connected with each other to form an interconnected
   emulation network.  Once the emulation experiment starts, the main
   controller sends real-time flow tables to each SDN switch to simulate
   the dynamic topology of the target network model.  SDN switches can
   also collect and send their own states back to the Web UI for
   displaying, or save these states for subsequent analysis.

4.  Emulation Node Design

   Emulation node is actual carrier of network protocols and
   communication technologies which is the basic emulation element of
   the emulation architecture.

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   │ Emulation Node              |
   │ ┌-----------┐ ┌-----------┐ |
   │ │ Emulation │ │  Capture  │ |
   │ │ Container │ │ Container │ |
   │ └----^--^---┘ └---^--^----┘ |
   │      |  +---+  +--+  |      |
   │    ┌-v---┐  +--+-┌---v-┐    |
   │    │veth1│-----+ │veth2│    |
           |             |
        ┌--v--┐       ┌--v--┐
        │port1│       │port2│
   │        Virtual Switch       │

                     Figure 2: Figure 2: Emulation Node

4.1.  Node Virtualization

   Virtualization is a resource management technology, which realizes
   the goal of virtualizing a physical computer system into multiple
   virtual computer systems.  Typical virtualization methods include
   virtual machine and container.  This document takes the container-
   based virtualization, such as Docker, as an example to illustrate the
   emulation node design.  Moreover, container orchestration, such as
   Kubernetes, could be employed to achieves functions that cannot be
   supported by native container-based virtualization.  A Pod, which is
   the basic arrangement unit, usually covers multiple containers in
   Kubernetes.  Containers in a Pod share some resources with each
   other, e.g. storage and network resources.

   Figure 2 describes an emulation node which is built by a Pod consists
   of an emulation container and a capture container.  Network protocols
   or technologies which need to be validated are deployed at the
   emulation container.  The capture container is responsible for real-
   time network measurement and full packets capture in simulation
   scenarios.  Considering changeable simulation scenarios and different
   networks, researchers need to set network measurement points as
   needed.  Via binding to each other in the form of Pod and sharing
   network resources, the capture container can measure and monitor all
   network information of the emulation container.  Thus, the flexible
   configuration of network measurement on demand is realized.

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4.2.  Node Parameters

   Each emulation node has corresponding physical parameters which are
   used to describe real network nodes in simulation scenarios.  These
   parameters cover communication settings, location parameters, and
   service configurations.  The web front-end in the control plane
   provides interactive interfaces for researchers to set these
   parameters.  Corresponding settings are stored in a database.

   The communication settings reflect the communication characteristics
   of the network node, e.g. effective isotropic radiated power (EIRP),
   G/T, modulation, communication frequency, and etc.  According to the
   different placements of the network node in SN, the location
   parameters should be discussed separately.  For space-based nodes,
   the location parameters contain eccentricity, period, inclination,
   right ascension of the ascending node, argument of perigee, and true
   anomaly.  For terrestrial-based node, the location parameters refer
   to longitude and latitude.  Through communication settings and
   location parameters, the calculation of connection relationships and
   link characteristics between nodes could be gained.  Service
   configurations are applied to initialize the function of the
   emulation node, involving protocols selection, data transmission
   model, node types selection, and etc.

4.3.  >Multiple Network Protocols

   Based on different container images, various of emulation containers
   are created.  Typically, these containers could be divided into three
   types, namely DTN node, TCP/IP node and custom node.  DTN node and
   TCP/IP node correspond to DTN and TCP/IP network protocol
   architecture respectively.  Furthermore, custom node provides an
   extension method for new or modified protocol architectures in the
   proposed architecture.  Network protocol implementation softwares,
   e.g.  ION-DTN, Quagga [Quagga], and etc., and other applications
   would be deployed among container images in advance to support
   different requirements of emulation.

5.  Dynamic Link Design

   The time-varying connection relationship and the dynamic link
   characteristic are the main features of SN.  In order to analyze the
   dynamic behaviors, a specific SN scenario is divided into multiple
   time slots.  The network status is regarded as static and represented
   by the initial state in each slot.  The more time slots are divided,
   the more accurate of SN environment is emulated.

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5.1.  Implementation of Time-varying Connection Relationship

   The link types in SN can be classified into three categories, namely
   space-based link, ground-based link, and space-terrestrial link.  Due
   to the mobility of space platforms, the time-varying connection
   relationship is mainly reflected in space-based link and space-
   terrestrial link.  The mutual visibility between two space platforms
   or between a space platform and a ground-based node determines
   whether there exist a corresponding link.  Relied on the location
   parameters of emulation nodes, the main controller calculates the
   actual position of nodes, and then achieves the mutual visibility
   between nodes at each time slot.

   | link_id | srcnode_port | dstnode_port | start_time | end_time |

       Figure 3: Figure 3: Data Structure of Connection Relationship

   Connection relationships, which covers link_id, srcnode_port,
   dstnode_port, start_time and end_time, are stored in database.
   Link_id is the link name.  Srcnode_port and dstnode_port represent
   the connection port of source node and destination node on virtual
   switches separately.  The srcnode field in srcnode_port means the
   host name of emulation node.  It is the same for dstnode_port.
   Start_time and end_time represent beginning and ending times of a
   link connection respectively.

   Emulation nodes use virtual ethernet (veth) devices [veth] to access
   the virtual switch on the server where it is located.  Each veth
   represents an antenna or a communication channel in the network
   scenario.  Veth devices are created in pairs.  One device in the pair
   is assigned to the emulation node as a network interface and the
   other is assigned to the virtual programmable switch as a port.  When
   either device is down, the link state of the pair is down.  So, the
   variation of connection relationships between pair-wise nodes equates
   to delete/add corresponding flow entries on virtual switches to
   control the port up and down.  But a port-based flow entry can only
   control the one-way link.  Thus, two flow entries are needed to
   control a link connection, which is two-way, on or off.

   The main controller later allocates corresponding network parameters
   for network interfaces at the emulation node, including IP addresses,
   MAC addresses, interface name, and etc.  The neighboring veths which
   are connected with each other in one hop have the same subnetwork
   segment.  Whenever corresponding forwarding rules between these veths
   are deployed, the links between neighboring emulation nodes are

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   Timer1: link is on
   |=----------->|      Timer2: Link is off
   |=------------------------->|             |\
   +-----------------------------------------+ \
   +-----------------------------------------+ /
               Entire Emulation Period       |/

         Figure 4: Figure 4: Realization of Dynamic Link Connection

   Upon the emulation starts, flow entities are issued by the main
   controller.  As shown in Figure 4, each dynamic link corresponds to a
   timer and two flow entities.  At the start time of emulation, several
   timers are activated and the on/off time points of each dynamic links
   are set in them.  When timers expire, the link connection or
   disconnection functions are executed to deploy corresponding
   connection or delete corresponding flow entities on virtual switches.

   ┌-----------┐      ┌-----------┐
   │ Emulation │------│ Emulation │
   │   Node1   │      │   Node2   │
   └-----------┘      └-----------┘
               ┌-----------┐  │
               │ Emulation │  │
               │   Node3   │--+

                Figure 5: Figure 5: Logical Topology in TS1

   ┌-----------┐      ┌-----------┐
   │ Emulation │------│ Emulation │
   │   Node1   │      │   Node2   │
   └-----------┘      └-----------┘
       │                  :
       │  ┌-----------┐   :
       │  │ Emulation │   :
       +--│   Node3   │"""

                Figure 6: Figure 6: Logical Topology in TS2

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   ┌-----------┐      ┌-----------┐
   │ Emulation │      │ Emulation │
   │   Node1   │      │   Node3   │
   └---^---^---┘      └---^---^---┘
      1│   :2            5:   │6
       │   :              :   │
   ┌---v---v---┐      ┌---v---v---┐
   │  Virtual  │======│  Virtual  │
   │ Switch S1 │      │ Switch S2 │
   └---^---^---┘      └-----------┘
      3│   │4
       │   │
   │ Emulation │
   │   Node2   │

                Figure 7: Figure 7: Physical Topology in TS1

   ┌-----------┐      ┌-----------┐
   │ Emulation │      │ Emulation │
   │   Node1   │      │   Node3   │
   └---^---^---┘      └---^---^---┘
      1│   │2            5│   :6
       │   │              │   :
   ┌---v---v---┐      ┌---v---v---┐
   │  Virtual  │======│  Virtual  │
   │ Switch S1 │      │ Switch S2 │
   └---^---^---┘      └-----------┘
      3│   :4
       │   :
   │ Emulation │
   │   Node2   │

                Figure 8: Figure 8: Physical Topology in TS2

   Figure 5, Figure 6, Figure 7 and Figure 8 show the change of link
   connection in time slot TS1 and TS2.  When Node3 disconnects with
   Node2 and connects with Node1 directly, the main controller first
   deletes the bidirectional flow entries between S1-4 and S2-6 ports,
   and then adds the bidirectional forwarding rules between S1-2 and
   S2-5 ports in S1 and S2 separately.  Because the forwarding rule is a
   map between two physical ports in the programmable switch, we can
   emulate the connectivity of link connections in the physical layer

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5.2.  Implementation of Dynamic Link Characteristic

   In the emulation architecture, the SDN switch only offers the
   topology management and do not support the simulation of link
   characteristics.  So, another supplementary method is needed to
   fulfill this function.

   All emulation nodes has installed the Linux-based operation system in
   advance.  The link characteristic configuration is done via the Linux
   traffic control (TC) mechanism [tc].  NetEm is part of TC and
   supports the emulation of network delay, packet loss ratio and etc.
   This mechanism also includes a Token Bucket Filter (TBF) for
   bandwidth limitation.

   TC can classify different parts of data packet according to its
   characteristics and provide different traffic control mechanisms for
   these packets.  The queuing rule is one of the most important parts
   in TC which can be used to realize the classification function.
   Before packets are sent by network interfaces, they are added to
   different send queues according to the characteristics of packets.
   Then the kernel takes packets from these queues and delivers packets
   to network interfaces to complete the process of data transmission.

   The FIFO algorithm forms the basis for the default queuing
   disciplines (qdisc) on all Linux network interfaces.  It transmits
   packets as soon as it can receive and queue them.  A real FIFO qdisc
   must have a size parameter to prevent it from overflowing in case it
   is unable to dequeue packets as quickly as it receives them, i.e.
   when we have a requirement to emulate a high bandwidth with a certain
   delay, we need to calculate the queue size to avoid discarding
   packets.  The size of the queue is defined by the parameter limit,
   and the unit of limit is the packet in TC.  We consider the value of
   limit in the worst case.  The limit would be greater than the average
   delay t multiplied by the maximum packet rate.  The maximum packet
   rate equals to the maximum bandwidth B divided by the maximum
   transmission unit (MTU).  MTU is the largest length of the frame.
   Its default value is 1500 bytes and this value can be changed
   according to the need of experiments.


6.  Network Topology Design

   The network topology of the emulation architecture can be divided
   into the lower physical network topology and the upper logical
   network topology.

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6.1.  Lower Physical Network Topology

   The lower physical network topology is the basis of emulation system,
   which is constructed by the main controller, switches, and servers.
   For each server in data plane, a virtual switch is implemented.  Some
   network interfaces of the server are attached to the virtual switch.
   To communicate with other servers, other ends of attached network
   interfaces are connected to a high performance SDN hardware switch in
   the form of Virtual Extensible LAN.  In this way, a distributed
   server cluster is constructed in a star structure.  The main
   controller is linked to virtual switches and SDN hardware switches,
   and it controls them directly.  When researchers create a specific
   network scenario in the logical plane, the main controller,
   integrated with container orchestration, allocates resources and
   places emulation nodes at the server cluster.  Emulation nodes are
   linked to a virtual switch at each servers in a star network
   topology.  Physical nodes and external emulation devices can also be
   linked to the SDN hardware switch and managed by the main controller.
   From top to bottom, all the switches, servers, and emulation nodes
   construct in a hierarchical star network structure.  This network
   topology makes the platform have high scalability.  If computing
   resources need to be expanded, more virtual node servers can be
   simply accessed through the SDN hardware switch.

6.2.  Upper Logical Network Topology

   The upper logical network topology keep consistent with the SN
   emulation scenario.  With the scene information, including time-
   varying connection relationships, dynamic link characteristics,
   emulation node parameters, and etc, the main controller generates
   corresponding commands, such as flow entities.  Then data plane is
   driven by these commands.  In this way, the proposed platform
   emulates a network scenario with arbitrary logical topology described
   in logical plane.

7.  Conclusions

   Through the above designs, the proposed emulation platform
   effectively provides a realistic, flexible, and extensible
   experimental environment for SN.

   Virtual emulation nodes have the same functionality as physical
   hardware and can execute exactly the same code in a real deployment.
   Meanwhile, the proposed emulation architecture supports the joint
   emulation method among virtual nodes, physical nodes, real networks
   and real links, bringing credible emulation results.

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Internet-Draft          SN Emulation Architecture          February 2024

   Integrating with SDN and traffic control mechanism, the networking
   can change automatically like that of a real space communication
   environment (especially, time-varying link quality and dynamic link
   connection).  And various network protocol architectures are
   reconstructed by container images.  These realize the reliable and
   flexible emulation of different SN scenarios.

   The platform architecture has extendibility including the horizontal
   extension of hardware resources and the access of external physical
   emulation devices.  The main controller offers a novel unified
   control for the connection relationships between emulation nodes
   under different switches through flow tables.  These features allow
   multiple nodes with huge individual differences to become a part of
   the proposed platform and to be managed.

8.  Security Considerations


9.  Acknowledgements


10.  IANA Considerations

   This document has no IANA actions.

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

11.2.  Informative References

              Dongxu, H., Min, X., Zhou, F., and D. Yuan, "Satellite
              Network Routing Use Cases", Work in Progress, Internet-
              Draft, draft-hou-tvr-satellite-network-usecases-01, 13
              March 2023, <

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Internet-Draft          SN Emulation Architecture          February 2024

              Birrane, E. J., Kuhn, N., and Y. Qu, "TVR (Time-Variant
              Routing) Use Cases", Work in Progress, Internet-Draft,
              draft-ietf-tvr-use-cases-00, 15 April 2023,

   [KUIPER]   "Amazon receives FCC approval for project Kuiper satellite
              constellation.", <>.

              "Large Scale LEO Satellite Networks for the Future
              Internet: Challenges and Solutions to Addressing and
              Routing," Computer Networks and Communications, 1(1),
              31-58", <

   [Quagga]   "Quagga", <>.

   [StarLink] "Starlink", <>.

   [tc]       "tc(Linux)", <

   [veth]     "Introduction to Linux interfaces for virtual networking",

Authors' Addresses

   Kanglian Zhao
   Nanjing University
   No.163 Xianlin Avenue
   Jiangsu, 210023

   Hou Dongxu (editor)
   ZTE Corporation
   No.50 Software Avenue
   Jiangsu, 210012

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Internet-Draft          SN Emulation Architecture          February 2024

   Xiao Min
   ZTE Corporation
   No.50 Software Avenue
   Jiangsu, 210012

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