Internet DRAFT - draft-zhang-mipshop-fmip-arinfo


MIPSHOP Working Group                                       Jian Zhang 
                                                          Hongfei Chen 
                                                           Zhongqi Xia 
Internet Draft                                     Huawei Technologies 
                                                         Xiaodong Duan 
                                                          Zhaomin Zhou 
                                                          China Mobile 
Expires: December 2006                                   June 29, 2006 
                         AR information for FMIPv6 







Status of this Memo 

   By submitting this Internet-Draft, each author represents that       
   any applicable patent or other IPR claims of which he or she is       
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   becomes aware will be disclosed, in accordance with Section 6 of       
   BCP 79. 

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering 
   Task Force (IETF), its areas, and its working groups.  Note that 
   other groups may also distribute working documents as Internet-Drafts. 

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months 
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any 
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   The list of current Internet-Drafts can be accessed at 

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Internet-Draft        AR information for FMIPv6              June 2006 

   The list of Internet-Draft Shadow Directories can be accessed at 

   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 29, 2006. 


   The document [FMIP] describes a protocol to reduce the handover 
   latency of MIPv6. In order to reduce the handover latency, MN in 
   FMIPv6 protocol should first send request message to PAR for NAR's 
   information, which is (AP-ID, AR-Info). If PAR can not provide (AP-ID, 
   AR-Info) to MN, MN cannot use FMIPv6 protocol to perform fast 
   handover. So it is important for PAR to have the information of NAR. 
   But there is no mechanism to build the (AP-ID, AR-Info) in FMIPv6 
   protocol. This draft describes a mechanism used to build (AP-ID, AR-
   Info) information. 


Conventions used in this document 

   In examples, "C:" and "S:" indicate lines sent by the client and 
   server respectively. 

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", 
   document are to be interpreted as described in RFC-2119 0. 

Table of Contents 

   1. Introduction.................................................3 
   2. Terminology..................................................4 
   3. Protocol Overview............................................4 
      3.1. Reference model.........................................4 
      3.2. Registration procedure..................................5 
      3.3. (AP-ID, AR-Info) update procedure.......................6 
      3.4. Logout procedure........................................7 
   4. New messages and options.....................................8 
      4.1. AR Information protocol messages........................8 
         4.1.1. Registration message...............................9 
         4.1.2. Registration Acknowledgement message..............10 
         4.1.3. (AP-ID, AR-Info) update message...................11 
         4.1.4. (AP-ID, AR-Info) acknowledgement message..........12 
      4.2. AR Information protocol options........................13 
         4.2.1. AR registration option............................13 
         4.2.2. (AP-ID, AR-Info) option...........................15 
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   5. AR Operation................................................16 
      5.1. Conceptual Data Structures.............................16 
      5.2. Registration with AR-ICR...............................17 
      5.3. (AP-ID, AR-Info) disposing.............................17 
      5.4. AR disposing...........................................18 
      5.5. Provide information for FMIP...........................18 
   6. AR-ICR Operation............................................18 
      6.1. Conceptual Data Structures.............................18 
      6.2. Registration...........................................19 
      6.3. AR disposing...........................................19 
      6.4. (AP-ID, AR-Info) disposing.............................20 
   7. Security Considerations.....................................20 
   8. IANA Considerations.........................................21 
   9. Acknowledgments.............................................21 
   10. References.................................................22 
      10.1. Normative References..................................22 
      10.2. Informative References................................22 
   Author's Addresses.............................................22 
   Intellectual Property Statement................................23 
   Disclaimer of Validity.........................................24 
   Copyright Statement............................................24 


1. Introduction 

   The document [FMIP] describes a protocol to reduce the handover 
   latency of MIPv6. In order to reduce the handover latency, MN in 
   FMIPv6 protocol should first send request message to PAR for NAR's 
   information, which is (AP-ID, AR-Info). If PAR can not provide (AP-ID, 
   AR-Info) to MN, MN cannot use FMIPv6 protocol to perform fast 
   handover. So it is important for PAR to have the information of NAR. 
   But there is no mechanism to build the (AP-ID, AR-Info) in FMIPv6 
   protocol. This draft describes a mechanism used to build (AP-ID, AR-
   Info) information. 

   In this draft, a new entity is introduced to collect (AP-ID, AR-Info) 
   information from AR and forward (AP-ID, AR-Info) information to other 
   ARs. The forwarding of (AP-ID, AR-Info) information is based on the 
   AR's location information. There are also some registration and 
   authentication procedures for security.  


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2. Terminology 

   Access Router Information Collecting Router (AR-ICR) 

      A router, which is in the same domain with AR, is used to receive 
      (AP-ID, AR-Info) information from original AR and forward to other 
      ARs which is at the same location with original AR. 

   AR Identifier (AR-ID) 

      AR Identifier is a 128-bit identifier, which is used to identify 
      an AR. AR-ID can be a IPv6 address that belongs to AR. 

   AR Location (AR-Loc) 

      AR Location is a 32-bit location information identifier, which is 
      used to ascertain which ARs are at the same location. 



3. Protocol Overview 

   For FMIPv6, (AP-ID, AR-Info) information is very important. If there 
   lock of (AP-ID, AR-Info) information, MN cannot perform fast handover 
   based on FMIPv6 protocol. This draft presents a protocol used to 
   collect (AP-ID, AR-Info) information.  

  3.1. Reference model 

   In this protocol, a new entity, which is called AR-ICR, is introduced. 
   So there are two kinds of entities, one is AR and the other is AR-ICR. 
   AR sends (AP-ID, AR-Info) information to AR-ICR and receives other 
   AR's (AP-ID, AR-Info) information from AR-ICR. AR-ICR is responsible 
   for forwarding (AP-ID, AR-Info) information between ARs based on AR's 
   location information. The reference model is illustrated in Figure 1. 

   First, AR must register with AR-ICR in order to use this protocol. 
   For security, there may be an authentication procedure before AR 
   sending (AP-ID, AR-Info) to AR-ICR. After that, AR sends update 
   messages to AR-ICR with one or more (AP-ID, AR-Info). AR-ICR will 
   forward (AP-ID, AR-Info) to other ARs which are at the same location 
   with AR where the (AP-ID, AR-Info) was sent. If an AR wants to quit 
   this protocol, it can send logout message to AR-ICR. AR-ICR will 
   notify other ARs, which are at the same location, to delete the (AP-
   ID, AR-Info) that originate from this AR. 
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   Based on this protocol, each AR can know the (AP-ID, AR-Info)s that  
   belong to adjacent ARs. When AR received RtSolPr message from MN, it 
   can search its (AP-ID, AR-Info) cache and send PrRtAdv message to MN 
   with (AP-ID, AR-Info). 

                          |        AR-ICR      | 
                          /          |         \ 
                         /           |          \ 
                        /            |           \ 
                 +-------+       +-------+      +-------+ 
                 |  AR1  |       |  AR2  |      |  AR3  | 
                 +-------+       +-------+      +-------+ 
                     / \              |             / \ 
                   /   \             |            /   \ 
                  /     \            |           /     \ 
                 /       \           |          /       \ 
             +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+ 
             | AP11 |  | AP11 |  | AP11 |  | AP11 |  | AP11 | 
             +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+  +------+ 
             +----+                                         . 
             | MN |---->                                    . 
             +----+                                         . 
              Figure 1 Reference model for AR Info Protocol. 



  3.2. Registration procedure 

   In order to use AR Info Protocol, AR must register with AR-ICR first. 
   Then AR-ICR will know who wants to use its service. For security, AR-
   ICR can ask AR to do authentication. The registration procedure is 
   illustrated in Figure 2. 

   First, AR must send registration message to AR-ICR with AR-ID, AR-Loc, 
   and AR's lifetime information. AR-ICR will use AR-ID to identify an 
   AR and its (AP-ID, AR-Info), use AR-Loc to make decision that which 
   ARs are adjacent, and use AR's lifetime to make sure that AR is still 
   active. AR-ICR must save this information as described in section 6. 

   AR-ICR will send registration acknowledgement message to AR to 
   confirm whether the registration is success or not. If it is 
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   necessary, AR-ICR can ask AR to do authentication procedure. This can 
   be indicated in acknowledgement message. 

   If AR-ICR asks for authentication, AR can perform authentication 
   procedure by Radius, Diameter, and so on. 

   After AR has successful register with AR-ICR, AR-ICR must examine 
   whether there are some (AP-ID, AR-Info) that need to download to AR 
   based on AR-Loc. If there are some (AP-ID, AR-Info) needed to 
   download, AR-ICR will send update message to AR, and AR will save 
   this information as described in section 5. 


                      AR                      AR-ICR 
                       |                          | 
                       |  Register with AR-ICR    | 
                       |                          | 
                       |     Ack of Register      | 
                       |                          | 
                       | Authentication if needed | 
                       |                          | 
                       |                          | 
                       | Download (AP-ID, AR-Info)| 
                       |                          | 
                       |                          | 
                     Figure 2 Registration procedure. 


  3.3. (AP-ID, AR-Info) update procedure 

   It is an important procedure that AR floods (AP-ID, AR-Info) to 
   adjacent AR based on AR-Loc information. To satisfy this requirement, 
   AR should send update message to AR-ICR, which includes AP-ID, AR MAC 
   address, AR IPv6 address, AR prefix, lifetime, and AR-ID. After 
   received this message, AR-ICR saves this information and sends a 
   reply to AR. Also, AR-ICR will make a decision that which AR is 
   adjacent with original AR based on AR-Loc information. Then AR-ICR 
   forwards this information to adjacent AR. 

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   The time when AR sends update message to AR-ICR are described as 

   1. When AR has finished the registration procedure, AR should send 
      update message to AR-ICR. 

   2. When the lifetime of (AP-ID, AR-Info) will be expired, AR should 
      send update message to AR-ICR. 

   3. When there are some change in (AP-ID, AR-Info), such as introduce 
      or remove an AP, AR should send update message to AR-ICR. 

   Note: If AR wants to withdraw a (AP-ID, AR-Info), it should send 
   update message to AR-ICR with lifetime must be zero. 


               AR                AR-ICR          Adjacent AR 
               |                    |                     | 
               |       Update       |                     | 
               |------------------->|                     | 
               |                    |                     | 
               |         Ack        |                     | 
               |<-------------------|                     | 
               |                    |        Update       | 
               |                    |-------------------->| 
               |                    |                     | 
               |                    |                     | 
                        Figure 3 Update procedure. 



  3.4. Logout procedure 

   If an AR wants to quit this protocol, it should send registration 
   message to AR-ICR with zero lifetime of AR's. When AR-ICR received 
   this message, AR-ICR sends update message of (AP-ID, AR-Info) to 
   adjacent AR with zero lifetime of (AP-ID, AR-Info) to notify adjacent 
   AR to delete (AP-ID, AR-Info) of original AR's. And then, AR-ICR 
   should delete original AR's information and corresponding (AP-ID, AR-

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               AR                AR-ICR          Adjacent AR 
               |                    |                     | 
               |       Logout       |                     | 
               |------------------->|                     | 
               |                    |                     | 
               |                    |        Update       | 
               |                    |-------------------->| 
               |                    |                     | 
               |                    |                     | 
                        Figure 4 Logout procedure. 


4. New messages and options 


  4.1. AR Information protocol messages 

   All of messages used in this protocol are extended from ICMPv6 
   message. The message header is consistent with ICMPv6 message, and 
   the message of AR info protocol is carried by ICMPv6 message body. 
   The message is illustrated in Figure 5. 


    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |     Code      |          Checksum             | 
   |                            Reserved                           | 
   |                         Message Body                          | 
               Figure 5 Message header of AR info protocol. 


   ICMP fields: 


          Represents AR Info protocol, the value is TBD. 

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          Always be zero. 


          ICMPv6 checksum. 


          MUST be set to zero by the sender and ignored by the receiver. 

     Message body 

          AR Info Protocol message. 


4.1.1. Registration message 

   Registration message is sent by AR to AR-ICR, which is used for 
   registration. It includes AR registration option. 


    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |     Code      |          Sequence             | 
   |                            Reserved                           | 
   |                    AR Registration Option                     | 
                      Figure 6 Registration message. 



               Message type, the value is TBD. 


     Must be zero. 


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     A 16-bit unsigned integer used by the receiving node to sequence 
     message and by the sending node to match a returned acknowledgement. 


     MUST be set to zero by the sender and ignored by the receiver. 

   AR Registration Option 

     AR information used for register with AR-ICR, see section 4.2.1. 



4.1.2. Registration Acknowledgement message 

   Registration acknowledgement message is sent by AR-ICR to AR, which 
   is used for confirming the registration. It includes registration 


    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |     Code      |          Sequence             | 
   |                            Reserved                           | 
              Figure 7 Registration Acknowledgement message. 


               Message type, the value is TBD. 


     8-bit unsigned integer indicating the disposition of the 
     Registration message.  Values of the Code field less than 128 
     indicate that the Registration was accepted by the AR-ICR. Values 
     greater than or equal to 128 indicate that the Registration was 
     rejected by the AR-ICR.  The following Code values are currently 

       0 Registration accepted 
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       1 Accepted but authentication necessary 

       128 Rejected 


     The Sequence Number in the Registration Acknowledgement is copied 
     from the Sequence Number field in the Registration message. It is 
     used by the AR in matching this Registration Acknowledgement with 
     an Registration message. 


     MUST be set to zero by the sender and ignored by the receiver. 


4.1.3. (AP-ID, AR-Info) update message 

   (AP-ID, AR-Info) update message is used to flood (AP-ID, AR-Info) 
   information between adjacent ARs. In order to flood (AP-ID, AR-Info) 
   information between ARs, AR must send (AP-ID, AR-Info) update message 
   to AR-ICR. AR-ICR will forward (AP-ID, AR-Info) information to 
   adjacent AR based on AR-Loc. 


    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |     Code      |          Sequence             | 
   |                            Reserved                           | 
   |                                                               | 
   +                                                               + 
   |                                                               | 
   +                             AR-ID                             + 
   |                                                               | 
   +                                                               + 
   |                                                               | 
   |  (AP-ID, AR-Info) options... 
                 Figure 8 (AP-ID, AR-Info) update message. 

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               Message type, the value is TBD. 


     Must be zero. 


     A 16-bit unsigned integer used by the receiving node to sequence 
     message and by the sending node to match a returned acknowledgement. 


     MUST be set to zero by the sender and ignored by the receiver. 


     AR-ID is a 128-bit identifier, which is used to identify an AR. AR-
     ID can be an IPv6 address that belongs to AR 

   (AP-ID, AR-Info) options 

     (AP-ID, AR-Info) options see section 4.2.2 


4.1.4. (AP-ID, AR-Info) acknowledgement message 

   (AP-ID, AR-Info) acknowledgement message is used to confirm that (AP-
   ID, AR-Info) has been received and disposed correctly by AR-ICR. 


    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |     Code      |          Sequence             | 
   |                            Reserved                           | 
             Figure 9 (AP-ID, AR-Info) acknowledgement message. 


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               Message type, the value is TBD. 


     8-bit unsigned integer indicating the disposition of the (AP-ID, 
     AR-Info) message.  Values of the Code field less than 128 indicate 
     that the (AP-ID, AR-Info) was accepted by the AR-ICR. Values 
     greater than or equal to 128 indicate that the (AP-ID, AR-Info) was 
     rejected by the AR-ICR.  The following Code values are currently 

       0 Registration accepted 

       128 Rejected 


     The Sequence Number in the (AP-ID, AR-Info) Acknowledgement is 
     copied from the Sequence Number field in the (AP-ID, AR-Info) 
     message. It is used by the AR in matching this (AP-ID, AR-Info) 
     Acknowledgement with a (AP-ID, AR-Info) message. 


     MUST be set to zero by the sender and ignored by the receiver. 



  4.2. AR Information protocol options 


4.2.1. AR registration option 

   AR registration option is used in Registration message to carry AR-ID 
   and AR-Loc information. 

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    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |     Code      |          Lifetime             | 
   |                           Reserved1                           | 
   |                                                               | 
   +                                                               + 
   |                                                               | 
   +                             AR-ID                             + 
   |                                                               | 
   +                                                               + 
   |                                                               | 
   |                             AR-Loc                            | 
   |                           Reserved2                           | 
                     Figure 10AR Registration Option. 


     Option type, the value is TBD. 


     Must be zero. 


     The lifetime, in time units of 4 seconds, for which AR-ICR SHOULD 
     retain the entry in its AR cache. If lifetime is zero, AR will 
     logout from AR-ICR. 


     MUST be set to zero by the sender and ignored by the receiver. 


     AR-ID is a 128-bit identifier, which is used to identify an AR. AR-
     ID can be an IPv6 address that belongs to AR 


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      AR Location is a 32-bit location information identifier, which is 
      used to ascertain which ARs are at the same location. 


     MUST be set to zero by the sender and ignored by the receiver. 


4.2.2. (AP-ID, AR-Info) option 

   (AP-ID, AR-Info) option is used in (AP-ID, AR-Info) update message to 
   carry (AP-ID, AR-Info) information. 


    0                   1                   2                   3 
    0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 
   |     Type      |     Code      |          Lifetime             | 
   |                           Reserved                            | 
   |  Options... 
                     Figure 11(AP-ID, AR-Info) Option. 



     Option type, the value is TBD. 


     Must be zero. 


     The lifetime, in time units of 4 seconds, for which AR/AR-ICR 
     SHOULD retain the entry in its (AP-ID, AR-Info) cache. If lifetime 
     is zero, (AP-ID, AR-Info) will be deleted. 


     MUST be set to zero by the sender and ignored by the receiver. 
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   Valid Options: 

     Link Layer Address Option 

         The Link Layer Address of the interface to which IP Address 
         Option belongs to. See Link-Layer Address Option defined in RFC 
         4068 [FMIP]. 

     IP Address Option 

         The IP Address of the sender which can be used as new router 
         address by the adjacent AR. See IP Address Option defined in 
         RFC 4068 [FMIP]. 

     Prefix Information Option 

         The prefix of the sender used for FMIPv6.  See New Router 
         Prefix Information Option defined in RFC 4068 [FMIP]. 


5. AR Operation 


  5.1. Conceptual Data Structures 

   There are three kinds of data that AR should maintain, AR-ICR 
   information, AR information, and (AP-ID, AR-Info) information. These 
   data MAY be implemented in any manner consistent with the external 
   behavior described in this document. 

   AR-ICR information contains the following fields: 

   o The IPv6 address of AR-ICR, which AR is used to send message to.  


   AR information contains the following fields: 

   o AR-ID is used to identify AR itself. 

   o AR-Loc is information of AR's location, which will be used by AR-
      ICR to determine adjacent AR. 

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   o Lifetime indicates the remaining lifetime for this AR. When AR's 
      lifetime will be expired, AR MUST send Registration message to AR-
      ICR to update AR information saved in AR-ICR. 


   (AP-ID, AR-Info) information contains the following fields: 

   o (AP-ID, AR-Info) that may be belong to AR itself or adjacent AR, 
      and the detail description can be found in RFC 4068 [FMIP]. 

   o Lifetime indicates the remaining lifetime for this entry. When its 
      own (AP-ID, AR-Info)'s lifetime will be expired, AR MUST send (AP-
      ID, AR-Info) update message to AR-ICR to update (AP-ID, AR-Info) 
      saved in AR-ICR. If the (AP-ID, AR-Info) belongs to adjacent AR, 
      AR will delete it when its lifetime expired. 

   o AR-ID is used to identify which AR this entry belongs to. 


  5.2. Registration with AR-ICR 

   After AR started AR Info protocol, AR MUST register with AR-ICR. AR 
   sends Registration message to AR-ICR, with lifetime is none zero. 
   When AR received Registration acknowledgement message from AR-ICR, AR 
   MUST check the code field in Registration acknowledgement message. If 
   the registration is accepted by AR-ICR, then AR can move to next step. 
   If authentication is required by AR-ICR, then AR MUST perform 
   authentication procedure using AAA protocol. 

   If AR wants to quit AR Info Protocol, it MUST send Registration 
   message to AR-ICR, with lifetime is zero. Then AR can clear all 
   information and status of AR Info protocol. 


  5.3. (AP-ID, AR-Info) disposing 

   In the case that list below, AR MUST send (AP-ID, AR-Info) update 
   message to AR-ICR. If the lifetime of (AP-ID, AR-Info) is zero, this 
   entry will be deleted. Otherwise, the entry will be updated. 

   o Registration procedure has finished. 

   o Lifetime of (AP-ID, AR-Info) that belongs to AR itself will be 
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   o There is an AP added to network or deleted from network. 

   AR MUST be able to received adjacent AR's (AP-ID, AR-Info) from AR-
   ICR, and save it to local cache, which can be used by FMIPv6 later. 

   AR MUST check the lifetime of (AP-ID, AR-Info) periodically to see 
   whether the lifetime will be expired. If the lifetime will be expired 
   and the entry belongs to AR itself, AR MUST send (AP-ID, AR-Info) 
   update message to AR-ICR to update the entry. If the lifetime is 
   expired, the entry belongs to adjacent AR, and there is no update 
   message received by AR for this entry, AR MUST delete this entry. 


  5.4. AR disposing  

   AR MUST check the lifetime of AR periodically to see whether the 
   lifetime will be expired. If the lifetime will be expired, AR MUST 
   send Registration message to AR-ICR to update the AR's information 
   and status. 


  5.5. Provide information for FMIP 

   AR MUST be able to search (AP-ID, AR-Info) entry based on AP-ID, so 
   that FMIPv6 can use this information to perform fast handover. 


6. AR-ICR Operation 


  6.1. Conceptual Data Structures 

   There are two kinds of data that AR-ICR should maintain, AR 
   information and (AP-ID, AR-Info) information. These data MAY be 
   implemented in any manner consistent with the external behavior 
   described in this document. 

   AR information contains the following fields: 

   o AR-ID is used to identify AR. 

   o AR-Loc is information of AR's location, which will be used by AR-
      ICR to determine adjacent AR. 
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   o Lifetime indicates the remaining lifetime for AR. When AR's 
      lifetime will be expired, AR MUST send Registration message to AR-
      ICR to update AR information saved in AR-ICR, otherwise AR-ICR 
      will delete its information and corresponding (AP-ID, AR-Info). 


   (AP-ID, AR-Info) information contains the following fields: 

   o (AP-ID, AR-Info) that may be belong to AR itself or adjacent AR, 
      and the detail description can be found in RFC 4068 [FMIP]. 

   o Lifetime indicates the remaining lifetime for this entry. When its 
      own (AP-ID, AR-Info)'s lifetime will be expired, AR MUST send (AP-
      ID, AR-Info) update message to AR-ICR to update (AP-ID, AR-Info) 
      saved in AR-ICR. If the (AP-ID, AR-Info) belongs to adjacent AR, 
      AR will delete it when its lifetime expired. 

   o AR-ID is used to identify which AR this entry belongs to. 


  6.2. Registration 

   AR-ICR MUST be able to receive and process Registration message which 
   was sent from AR. AR-ICR MUST validate Registration message, save 
   this information in AR data cache, and then send Registration 
   acknowledgement message to AR.  

   If authentication is needed, AR-ICR MUST send Registration 
   acknowledgement message to AR with that the Code field is set to one. 
   In this case, AR-ICR MUST support authentication protocols, such as 
   Radius, Diameter, and so on.  

   After the Registration procedure has finished, AR-ICR should check 
   whether there are some (AP-ID, AR-Info) to download to AR based on 


  6.3. AR disposing  

   When AR-ICR receives Registration message from AR, if the same AR's 
   information is already exist in AR-ICR, AR-ICR MUST update this 
   information. Otherwise AR-ICR MUST perform Registration procedure. 

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   When received Logout message from AR, if there isn't AR's information 
   saved in AR-ICR, AR-ICR MUST discard this message silently. If there 
   is AR's information saved in AR-ICR, AR-ICR searches the (AP-ID, AR-
   Info) entries which belongs to AR, and then notifies adjacent AR to 
   delete these entries. At the end, AR-ICR MUST delete these entries 
   and AR's information. 

   AR-ICR MUST check the lifetime of AR's periodically. If it receives 
   the Registration message before lifetime expired, AR-ICR MUST update 
   lifetime. Otherwise, AR-ICR MUST notify adjacent AR to delete the 
   (AP-ID, AR-Info) entries belongs to this AR, and then delete these 
   entries and AR's information in its own cache. 


  6.4. (AP-ID, AR-Info) disposing 

   When received (AP-ID, AR-Info) from AR, AR-ICR MUST check whether the 
   AR has already registered with it. If AR didn't register with AR-ICR, 
   AR-ICR MUST discard this message silently. If the lifetime of entry 
   is zero, AR-ICR MUST delete this entry in its (AP-ID, AR-Info) cache, 
   and notify adjacent AR to delete this entry. If the lifetime of entry 
   is not zero, AR-ICR MUST update or add this entry, and then forward 
   this entry to adjacent AR based on AR-Loc. 

   AR-ICR MUST check the lifetime of each (AP-ID, AR-Info) entry 
   periodically. If it receives the Update message for this entry before 
   lifetime expired, AR-ICR MUST update lifetime. Otherwise, AR-ICR MUST 
   notify adjacent AR to delete the (AP-ID, AR-Info) entry, and then 
   delete this entry in its own cache. 

   AR-ICR MUST update (AP-ID, AR-Info) entries to ARs based on AR-Loc, 
   which lifetime has not expired. 


7. Security Considerations 

   This document proposed a new AR Info Protocol. For security, each AR 
   that wants to use this protocol MUST register with AR-ICR. If needed, 
   there can be an authentication procedure. The new messages are 
   extended ICMPv6 message. All security provisions in [ICMPv6] apply 
   equally to this document. 

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8. IANA Considerations 

   IANA services are required for this document.  The values for new 
   messages must be assigned from the ICMPv6 [ICMPv6] numbering space.  

   Type of AR Info Protocol message 

       Type of Registration message  

      Type of Registration Acknowledgement message  

      Type of (AP-ID, AR-Info) Update message 

      Type of (AP-ID, AR-Info) Acknowledgement message  

         Type of AR Registration Option 

         Type of (AP-ID, AR-Info) Option 

9. Acknowledgments 


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10. References 

  10.1. Normative References 

   [RFC-2119]Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate 
             Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.  

   [FMIP]   Rajeev Koodli(Editor), "Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6", RFC 
             4068, July 2005. 

   [MIP6]  Johnson, D., Perkins, C., and J. Arkko, "Mobility Support in 
             IPv6", RFC 3775, June 2004. 

   [ICMPv6] A. Conta, and S. Deering, "Internet Control Message Protocol 
             (ICMPv6) for the Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) ", RFC 
             2463, December 1998 


  10.2. Informative References 

   [FMIPbit] Rajeev Koodli(Editor), "Fast Handovers for Mobile IPv6", 
             draft-koodli-mipshop-rfc4068bis-00,(work in progress), July 

Author's Addresses 

   Jian Zhang 
   Huawei Technologies Co., LTD. 
   No. 3 Xinxi Road, Shangdi, 
   HaiDian District, 
   Beijing City, 
   The P.R.China 

   Hongfei Chen 
   Huawei Technologies Co., LTD. 
   No. 3 Xinxi Road, Shangdi, 
   HaiDian District, 
   Beijing City, 
   The P.R.China 

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Internet-Draft        AR information for FMIPv6              June 2006 

   Zhongqi Xia 
   Huawei Technologies Co., LTD. 
   No. 3 Xinxi Road, Shangdi, 
   HaiDian District, 
   Beijing City, 
   The P.R.China 

   Xiaodong Duan 
   Research Institut of China Mobile 
   53A Xibianmennei Ave, 
   Xuanwu District, 
   Beijing City, 
   The P.R.China 

   Zhaomin Zhou 
   Research Institut of China Mobile 
   53A Xibianmennei Ave, 
   Xuanwu District, 
   Beijing City, 
   The P.R.China 

Intellectual Property Statement 

   The IETF takes no position regarding the validity or scope of any 
   Intellectual Property Rights or other rights that might be claimed to 
   pertain to the implementation or use of the technology described in 
   this document or the extent to which any license under such rights 
   might or might not be available; nor does it represent that it has 
   made any independent effort to identify any such rights.  Information 
   on the procedures with respect to rights in RFC documents can be 
   found in BCP 78 and BCP 79. 

   Copies of IPR disclosures made to the IETF Secretariat and any 
   assurances of licenses to be made available, or the result of an 
   attempt made to obtain a general license or permission for the use of 
   such proprietary rights by implementers or users of this 
   specification can be obtained from the IETF on-line IPR repository at 
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   The IETF invites any interested party to bring to its attention any 
   copyrights, patents or patent applications, or other proprietary 
   rights that may cover technology that may be required to implement 
   this standard.  Please address the information to the IETF at 

Disclaimer of Validity 

   This document and the information contained herein are provided on an 

Copyright Statement 

   Copyright (C) The Internet Society (2006). 

   This document is subject to the rights, licenses and restrictions 
   contained in BCP 78, and except as set forth therein, the authors 
   retain all their rights. 


   Funding for the RFC Editor function is currently provided by the 
   Internet Society. 


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