Internet DRAFT - draft-zhou-nfvcon-arch


OPSAWG                                                           H. Zhou
Internet-Draft                                                   H. Song
Intended status: Informational                                    Huawei
Expires: December 7, 2014                                          Q. Fu
                                                            China Mobile
                                                            June 5, 2014

          Virtual Network Function Configuration Architecture


   This document describes the architecture of NFV configuration in the
   provider's network through a centralized management system and focus
   on the virtualisation characteristics related issues.  It is also a
   typical scenario in cloud computing environment where end users do
   not have to install or manage their applications on their end hosts,
   but can install and manage their own featured powerful software
   application in the cloud.  This specification describes an
   architecture of NFV configuration.  It is also applicable to other
   use cases with similar requirements.

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

   Internet-Drafts are working documents of the Internet Engineering
   Task Force (IETF).  Note that other groups may also distribute
   working documents as Internet-Drafts.  The list of current Internet-
   Drafts is at

   Internet-Drafts are draft documents valid for a maximum of six months
   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on December 7, 2014.

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2014 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of

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   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Simplified BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of
   the Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as
   described in the Simplified BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
   2.  Terminology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   4
   3.  Architecture  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.1.  Design Principals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
     3.2.  NFC-NFVCMP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   6
     3.3.  NFP-NFVCMP  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
     3.4.  NFVCMP-VNF  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     3.5.  NFVCMP-NFVI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   4.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   5.  IANA Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   6.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
     6.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  10

1.  Introduction

   This document describes the architecture to solve the problems
   described in [], In
   virtual network function configuration, the network function
   virtualization (NFV) NFV Control and Management Plane is a broker for
   various Network Function Providers.  It manages how to install a
   virtual network function in the provider's network according to
   Network Function Consumer's requirements.  There needs standard
   protocols between Network Function Consumer and NFV Control and
   Management Plane to describe the components requirements and resource
   requirements for a (or a batch of) virtual network function
   installation and configuration.  There also needs a standard protocol
   between Network Function Provider and NFV Control and Management
   Plane to describe the software basic information, running environment
   resource requirements, components information description.  The
   component of a virtual network function may be another virtual
   network function.  And the NFV Control and Management Plane may
   combine some virtual network functions together to form another
   virtual network function.  If layer N (N can be 1, 2, 3...) virtual
   network function is consisted of several layer N-1 virtual network
   functions, the NFV Control and Management Plane must communicate with
   the Network Function Consumer on how to construct the upper layer VNF
   with lower layer VNFS, and what are the forwarding sequences and what

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   are the conditions to trigger that forwarding sequence.  The resource
   requirements from the Network Function Consumer can be either
   explicit or implicit.  If the resource requirement is "on-demand",
   then the NFV Control and Management Plane has to communicate with the
   virtual network function layer to create new service instances when
   the service load is increasing or delete extra service instances when
   the service load is decreasing.  The resource requirements for each
   service instance is based on the recommendation from the Network
   Function Provider.

   This specification gives a basic management architecture for virtual
   network function (VNF) configuration.  It lists the main functional
   modules that plays important roles in VNF configuration, and
   specifies what each functional module does, and what are the contents
   communicated among these functional modules, as depicted in Figure 1.
   The main concepts from this document are from ETSI NFV ISG [NFVE2E] .
   But there is slightly difference from ESTI.  For example, we have a
   central NFV Control and Management Plane in this architecture that
   contains OSS/BSS, VNF management and Infrastructure management,
   unlike ESTI NFV ISG, where it separates the OSS/BSS and a management
   and orchestration system.  In real world implementation, these
   functional units usually reside in the same physical equipment(s)
   called network management system.

   OSS/BSS (operations support system / business support system)
   functional module is responsible for communication with Network
   Function Consumers.  It provides software (VNF) provider's
   information to the Network Function Consumers, and get components
   requirements and resource requirements from the Network Function
   Consumers.  It also communicates with VNF Network Function Providers
   to get the software information and the recommended resource
   information, and etc.. VNF management module is responsible for VNF
   instance creation/deletion, VNF status management, VNF resource
   management, and VNF connection management when one VNF is represented
   as a conditional/static connection of multiple VNFs.  Infrastructure
   management module is responsible for physical layer resource (CPU,
   memory, storage, bandwidth etc.) allocation for the virtual machine
   that a VNF is resided on.

   This document will describe the basic principle for the architecture
   first, then give the description of the interfaces and what contents
   are exchanged among those interfaces.  At the end, it will discuss
   the security threats for the VNF configuration.

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    +----------------+  +----------------+  +---------------+
    |Network Function|  |Network Function|  |Network Service|----------
    |   Consumer     |  |   Provider     |  |Provider       |    ^
    +----------------+  +-----+----------+  +---------------+    |
               |              |                     |
               |                                    |
               |              |                     |        North bound
           | NFV Control and Management Plane             |
           |           +----------+-----------+           |      |
           |           |          |           |           |      V
           | +---------+-+  +-----+----+ +----+----------+|  ----------
           | |OSS/BSS    |  |VNF       | | Infrastructure||      ^
           | |           |  |Management| | Management    ||      |
           | +---+-------+  +----------+ +------+--------+|      |
           |     |                              |         |      |
                 |                              |
                 |                              |           South bound
                ++-+                            |
                |V |                      +-----+--------+       |
                |N |                      |NFV           |       |
                |F |                      |Infrastructure|  -----V------
                +--+                      +--------------+
                / \
               /   \
        +------+   +------+
        |VNF   |-->|VNF   |
        +------+   +------+

  Figure 1  Virtual Network Function Configuration Framework

2.  Terminology

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   document are to be interpreted as described in [RFC2119].  And the
   following terms used in this document have their definitions from the
   NFV end to end architecture [NFVE2E].

   Network Function Consumer: a Network Function Consumer (NFC) is the
   consumer of virtual network functions.  It can be either an
   individual user, home user or the enterprise user.

   NFV: network function virtualization.  NFV technology uses the
   commodity servers to replace the dedicated hardware boxes for the
   network functions, for example, home gateway, enterprise access

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   router, carrier grade NAT and etc.  So as to improve the reusability,
   allow more vendors into the market, and reduce time to market.  NFV
   architecture includes a NFV Control and Management Plane
   (orchestrator) to manage the virtual network functions and the
   infrastructure resources.

   NF: A functional building block within an operator's network
   infrastructure, which has well-defined external interfaces and a
   well-defined functional behavior.  Note that the totality of all
   network functions constitutes the entire network and services
   infrastructure of an operator/service provider.  In practical terms,
   a Network Function is today often a network node or physical

   Network Function Provider: a Network Function Provider (NFP) provides
   virtual network function software.

   Network Service Provider (NSP): a company or organization, that
   provides a network service on a commercial basis to third parties.  A
   network service is a composition of network functions and defined by
   its functional and behavior specification.  The NSP operates the NFV
   Control Plane.

   NFV Infrastructure(NFVI): NFV Infrastructure indicates the computing,
   storage and network resources to implement the virtual network
   function.  High performance acceleration platform is also part of it.

   vNF: virtual network function, an implementation of an executable
   software program that constitutes the whole or a part of an NF that
   can be deployed on a virtualization infrastructure.

   VM: virtual machines, a program and configuration of part of a host
   computer server.  Note that the Virtual Machine inherits the
   properties of its host computer server e.g. location, network

   NFV Control and Management Plane (NFVCMP): a NFV Control and
   Management Plane is operated by a NSP and orchestrates the NFV
   Infrastructure to provide NFV service to NFC.

3.  Architecture

3.1.  Design Principals

   There are six key modules in the architecture.  They are NFV Control
   and Management Plane, Network Function Provider, Network Function
   Consumer, Network Service Provider, VNF, and NFV Infrastructure.  And

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   the NFV Control and Management Plane has three key functional
   modules, OSS/BSS, VNF management, and infrastructure management.

   (1) NFV Control and Management Plane is the brain of all operations.
   NFV Control and Management Plane creates virtual network functions in
   the provider's network.  Although the Network Function Consumers may
   communicate with the virtual network functions in the service layer
   directly, but it has not to directly communicate with the VNF in the
   management level.  A Network Function Consumer can have multiple VNFs
   in the provider's network, and can configure them or a subset of them
   through a simple communication with the NFV Control and Management
   Plane.  The NFV Control and Management Plane is also a broker for
   various Network Function Providers.  It provides standard interfaces
   to convey information model with Network Function Providers and
   Network Function Consumers.  It also monitors the VNF resource
   consumption status when the resource consumption model is "on-

   (2) NFV Control and Management Plane MUST NOT be aware of the service
   logic of each VNF.  When a Network Function Consumer configures
   multiple VNFs by sending a configuration template to the NFV Control
   and Management Plane.  The NFV Control and Management Plane does not
   understand the contents in the configuration template.  It only has
   to know how to apply the configuration to the appropriate VNFs.

   (3) The key point for the protocol development SHOULD focus on the
   information model to describe the VNF itself, the resource
   requirements, the service/forwarding graph, and the status report.


   Network Function Consumer communicates with the OSS/BSS module of the
   NFV Control and Management Plane, to query, buy, or configure VNFs.
   Network Function Consumer gets the VNF list from the query interface.
   Each VNF in the list contains: VNF type, function description,
   description of components that can be installed optionally,
   installation resource requirements, possible performance standard
   (which may include capable number of users per instance, throughput,
   concurrent connections, and etc.), and pricing information.  Network
   Function Consumer can select the appropriate VNF to install from the
   list.  The information that the Network Function Consumer can provide
   to the OSS/BSS before the installation can be the VNF name, quantity,
   the preferred components of the VNF, the preferred installation
   locations in high level (Network Function Consumer do not have to
   know the detailed location such like on which virtual machine), and
   the possible performance requirement at the beginning (which will be
   considered when allocating resources, so that even the same VNF
   provided by the same Network Function Provider can have different

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   initial resource allocation when it is installed to serve different
   customers that have different amount of Network Function Consumers/
   traffic).  Network Function Consumer should also tell the NFV Control
   and Management Plane whether it needs specific resources or it only
   needs resources on-demand.  In the meantime, Network Function
   Consumer should also provide the data forwarding graph to the NFV
   Control and Management Plane, so that the NFV Control and Management
   Plane can figure out how the new VNF is connected to the existing
   network, and how the data flow should forward after the installation
   of this new VNF.  Such forwarding graph should be written in a fixed
   format in spite of the difference of Network Function Consumers.
   Network Function Consumer can get the relative report from the NFV
   Control and Management Plane, the report contains information of
   which VNFs have been installed, the status of each VNF, the number of
   VNF instances, logging information, and accounting information.
   Network Function Consumer can also configure its VNFs from the NFV
   Control and Management Plane, the details of the configuration are
   relative to the specific VNF vendors.  Network Function Consumer
   needs to specify the ID of which VNFs the configuration file is used
   to configure.  When update package is released by the vendor,
   possible procedure may also need for the OSS/BSS to inquire the
   Network Function Consumer whether he would like to update the VNF of
   his own.  The protocol between the Network Function Consumer and OSS/
   BSS module of NFV Control and Management Plane could be a new
   protocol or an extension of existing protocols such like HTTP,
   NetConf, YANG or XML.


   Network Function Provider communicates with the OSS/BSS module of the
   NFV Control and Management Plane, to publish a VNF, update a VNF,
   off-the-shelf a VNF.  To the details, if a Network Function Provider
   sends a request to publish a VNF, the identity of the Network
   Function Provider must be verified before any further action.  The
   Network Function Provider needs to provide the software description
   information and the software package itself.  The description
   information should include the following: VNF name, classification
   (classification types can be provided by the NFV Control and
   Management Plane to the Network Function Provider in advance),
   function description, components description, installation
   environment description (operation system, CPU, memory, storage and
   etc.), and the capacity description under the recommended
   installation environment (for example, the capable number of Network
   Function Consumers per instance, throughput, concurrent connections,
   and etc.), as well as the pricing information if needed.  Please note
   that the software package can be submitted to the OSS/BSS together
   with the description information, or be provided from some out-of-
   band methods.  For example, the Network Function Provider can provide

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   a URL where the OSS/BSS can get this VNF package, or the OSS/BSS
   provides a URL where the Network Function Provider can upload its
   package.  The Network Function Provider should provide the VNF name
   and the update package to the NFV Control and Management Plane when
   updating a certain VNF.  Modification of functions, components, and
   the other basic information should also be provided to the NFV
   Control and Management Plane.  The protocol between Network Function
   Provider and the OSS/BSS module of NFV Control and Management Plane
   could be a new protocol or an extension of existing protocols such
   like HTTP, NetConf, YANG and XML.


   Another important role for the NFV Control and Management Plane is
   the VNF management.  VNF management module collaborates with the OSS/
   BSS and infrastructure management module for the VNF creation,
   deletion, update, monitoring, scale-out/scale-in, and software
   configuration.  OSS/BSS receives the VNF request from the Network
   Function Consumer, and then invokes its interface with the VNF
   management module to create VNFs.  VNF management module gets VMs
   with requested resources from the infrastructure module, or directly
   gets the physical host resources.  And then it mounts operation
   system on the VM or the host, then installs the customized VNF(s),
   sets up the forwarding rules between VNFs according to the forwarding
   graph provided by the Network Function Consumer.  VNF management is
   also in charge of VNF update when update request is made by the
   vendor.  When update request is agreed by the Network Function
   Consumer, the OSS/BSS invoke the update procedure of the VNF
   management to install the update version VNF(s) on the corresponding
   VM.  Each VNF will report its status to the VNF management module,
   such like the CPU, memory, storage usage, current traffic volume
   information , the link usage on the forwarding graph.  Network
   Function Consumer can configure his VNFs through the OSS/BSS
   interface, but the configurations are finally carried out by the VNF
   management module.  VNF management module can automatically scale-out
   or scale-in the number of VNF instances according to the load
   information on the current VNFs.  For example, when a Network
   Function Consumer's resource model is "on-demand", then when the VNF
   management module finds a relative VNF is beyond the load threshold,
   then it creates another same VNF to offload the relative VNF.  And if
   the VNF function is process network traffic for the Network Function
   Consumer, then VNF management module needs to coordinate with the NFV
   infrastructure to configure the relative switches (including soft
   switches), routers (including soft routers), so as to make traffic be
   divided to different VNFs.  And Network Function Consumer SHOULD be
   agnostic of this traffic division operation.

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   The protocol between the VNF management module can be a new protocol
   or the extension of existing protocols, such like HTTP, NetConf, and


   The third module in the NFV Control and Management Plane is the
   infrastructure management module.  It manages the infrastructure
   resources that the VNFs are using.  It can create, delete, query
   about VMs.  It configures the underlying network, including IP
   address, VLAN, ACL rules and flow tables.  It can utilize OpenStack,
   CloudStack for some network management system similar to that.
   Infrastructure management can use the existing open interfaces.
   Infrastructure management also configure the network for the
   forwarding graph among the VNFs.

4.  Security Considerations

   Because VNFs are running in the provider's network, so the privacy
   concern should be the most important aspect that a Network Function
   Consumer would think about.  The operator of NFV must guarantee that
   no third party can access the Network Function Consumer's VNFs or any
   information of the VNFs without the Network Function Consumer's

   VNFs are generally considered to be run on cloud computing
   environment, so the security threats to a cloud computing system are
   also applicable here.

5.  IANA Considerations

   There is no IANA considerations in this document.

6.  References

6.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

              Song, H. and Z. Cao, "The Problems of Virtual Network
              Function Configuration", draft-song-opsawg-virtual-
              network-function-config-01 (work in progress), October

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6.2.  Informative References

   [NFVE2E]   "Network Functions Virtualisation: End to End
              DRAFT/0010/", .

Authors' Addresses

   Hong Zhou


   Haibin Song


   Fu Qiao
   China Mobile


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