Internet DRAFT - draft-zzhang-bess-vpn-option-bc


BESS Working Group                                              Z. Zhang
Internet-Draft                                               K. Kompella
Updates: 9012, 4364 (if approved)                       Juniper Networks
Intended status: Standards Track                             B. Decraene
Expires: 9 August 2024                                            Orange
                                                                L. Jalil
                                                         6 February 2024

                         VPN Inter-AS Option BC


   RFC 4364 specifies protocol and procedures for BGP/MPLS IP Virtual
   Private Networks (VPNs), including different options (A/B/C) of
   Inter-AS support.  This document specifies MPLS VPN Inter-AS Option
   BC that combines the advantages of Option B and Option C (and that
   removes the disadvantages of Option B and Option C).  The same
   concept is applicable to Ethernet Virtual Private Network (EVPN) as

Status of This Memo

   This Internet-Draft is submitted in full conformance with the
   provisions of BCP 78 and BCP 79.

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   and may be updated, replaced, or obsoleted by other documents at any
   time.  It is inappropriate to use Internet-Drafts as reference
   material or to cite them other than as "work in progress."

   This Internet-Draft will expire on 9 August 2024.

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   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents (
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Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.1.  Option B and Option C Pros and Cons . . . . . . . . . . .   2
     1.2.  Option BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       1.2.1.  Using Multiple NLRI labels  . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
       1.2.2.  Using Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute  . . . . . . . .   5
       1.2.3.  Use of Option BC in SRv6/MPLS Service Interworking
               Option BC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   2.  Specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   3.  Security Considerations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   4.  Acknowledgement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
   5.  References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.1.  Normative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
     5.2.  Informative References  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9
   Authors' Addresses  . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9

1.  Introduction

1.1.  Option B and Option C Pros and Cons

   With the Inter-AS Option B, ASBRs readvertises its received VPN
   routes (referred to as service routes) with the next hop changed to
   itself and the label in the NLRI changed to a locally allocated
   (service) label that is bound to the <next hop, label> in the
   received route, and installs corresponding label forwarding state.
   When it receives traffic and the locally allocated label is exposed
   at the top of the stack, the traffic is forwarded according to the
   installed forwarding state.

   With the Inter-AS Option C, the ASBRs are not involved in the
   exchange of service routes.  The PEs receive service routes with the
   next hop unchanged, and label switch paths (LSPs) are established for
   each next hop.  An ingress PE push the service label first, and then
   push the label(s) for the LSP to the egress PE.  The routers along
   the path label switch the traffic only based on the label for the LSP
   to the egress PE.

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   Because the ASBRs with Option B change the service routes' next hop
   and allocate local service labels on each hop, each AS's internal
   information (e.g. the loopback addresses) is hidden from outside the
   AS.  Rich policy control could be applied on the ASBR-ASBR sessions,
   allowing very flexible and fine-grained route export control.  As a
   result, Option B is very suitable for Inter-Provider scenarios.

   On the other hand, Option C scales much better becasue ASBRs don't
   need to handle service routes or maintain per-service-label
   forwarding state.  Compared to Option B, it is more suitable for
   Intra-Provider multi-AS scenarios.

1.2.  Option BC

   Option BC in this document combines the advantages of Option B and
   Option C.  ASBRs re-advertise service routes with optional rich
   policy control.  The service labels are not changed but the LSP
   towards the originating PE is advertised as part of the service
   routes - either as an additional label in the NLRI [RFC8277], or as a
   new type of tunnel in the Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute (TEA)
   [RFC9012] - without exposing the information about the originating

   Consider the following topology:

   PE11                         PE21                          PE31
        -----                   -----                   -----
       (AS100) ASBR1 -- ASBR21 (AS200) ASBR22 -- ASBR3 (AS300)
        -----                   -----                   -----
   PE12                         PE22                          PE32

   PE11 and PE12 originate the following service routes respectively,
   where each tuple represents <service label in NLRI, service prefix,
   next hop>.

   *  <100, sprfx1, PE11>

   *  <100, sprfx2, PE12>

1.2.1.  Using Multiple NLRI labels

   When ASBR1 re-advertises the routes to ASBR21, they become as

   *  <201, 100, sprfx1, ASBR1>

   *  <301, 100, sprfx2, ASBR1>

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   The original service label 100 in the NLRI does not change, but a new
   binding label 201/301 is added respectively, and the next hop changes
   to ASBR1.  Label 201/301 binds to PE11/PE12 respectively and ASBR1
   sets up forwarding state so that when it receives a packet with label
   201 (or 301), it label switches to PE11 (or PE12).

   Similarly, when ASBR21 re-advertises the routes to its peers in
   AS200, the routes become:

   *  <202, 100, sprfx1, ASBR21>

   *  <302, 100, sprfx2, ASBR21>

   Again, the inner service label does not change and the outer label
   201/301 changes to 202/302 respectively.  ASBR21 installs forwarding
   state so that when it receive packets with label 202/302, it swaps
   the label to 201/301 and then tunnel to ASBR21 the next hop.

   This continues.  ASBR22 re-advertise to ASBR3 as following:

   *  <203, 100, sprfx1, ASBR22>

   *  <303, 100, sprfx2, ASBR22>

   and ASBR3 re-advertises to its AS300 peers as following:

   *  <204, 100, sprfx1, ASBR3>

   *  <304, 100, sprfx2, ASBR3>

   When PE31/PE32 sends traffic for sprfx1/sprfx2, the following label
   stacks are used respectively:

   *  <label (stack) to reach ASBR3, 204, 100>

   *  <label (stack) to reach ASBR3, 304, 100>

   ASBR3 label switches the traffic based on 204/304 as following:

   *  <label (stack) to reach ASBR22, 203, 100>

   *  <label (stack) to reach ASBR22, 303, 100>

   Eventually the traffic arrives on ASBR1 and it label switches the
   traffic based on 201/301 as following:

   *  <label (stack) to reach PE11, 100>

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   *  <label (stack) to reach PE12, 100>

1.2.2.  Using Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute

   Alternatively, when ASBR1 re-advertises the routes to ASBR21, they
   become as following:

   *  <100, sprfx1, ASBR1>, TEA composite tunnel <ASBR1, 201>

   *  <100, sprfx2, ASBR1>, TEA composite tunnel <ASBR1, 301>

   The service label in the NLRI does not change.  The next hop changes,
   but it is not used.  A TEA with a "Composite Tunnel" is added, which
   includes the ASBR1 as the tunnel egress endpoint and a binding label
   201/301, which binds to PE11/PE12 accordingly.  ASBR1 also sets up
   forwarding state so that when it receives a packet with label 201 (or
   301), it label switches to PE11 (or PE12).

   Similarly, when ASBR21 re-advertises the routes to its peers in
   AS200, the routes become:

   *  <100, sprfx1, ASBR21>, TEA composite tunnel <ASBR21, 202>

   *  <100, sprfx2, ASBR21>, TEA composite tunnel <ASBR21, 302>

   Again, the service label does not change.  The Composite Tunnel in
   the TEA changes to a new one <ASBR21, 202/302> respectively.  ASBR21
   installs forwarding state so that when it receive packets with label
   202/302, it swaps the label to 201/301 and then send to ASBR21 the
   tunnel egress endpoint.

   This continues.  ASBR22 re-advertise to ASBR3 as following:

   *  <100, sprfx1, ASBR22>, TEA composite tunnel <ASBR22, 203>

   *  <100, sprfx2, ASBR22>, TEA composite tunnel <ASBR22, 303>

   and ASBR3 re-advertises to its AS300 peers as following:

   *  <100, sprfx1, ASBR3>, TEA composite tunnel <ASBR3, 204>

   *  <100, sprfx2, ASBR3>, TEA composite tunnel <ASBR3, 304>

   When PE31/PE32 sends traffic for sprfx1/sprfx2, the following label
   stacks are used respectively:

   *  <label (stack) to reach ASBR3, 204, 100>

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   *  <label (stack) to reach ASBR3, 304, 100>

   ASBR3 label switches the traffic based on 204/304 as following:

   *  <label (stack) to reach ASBR22, 203, 100>

   *  <label (stack) to reach ASBR22, 303, 100>

   Eventually the traffic arrives on ASBR1 and it label switches the
   traffic based on 201/301 as following:

   *  <label (stack) to reach PE11, 100>

   *  <label (stack) to reach PE12, 100>

   With Option C, the signaling of inter-AS LSPs for PEs is done
   separately and associated with the PE addresses.  With Option BC, the
   signaling of those PE LSPs is done as part of service routes
   advertisement, without associating with the PE addresses.  Incremental Deployment

   The Option BC method requires the receiving PEs/ASBRs to handle the
   composite tunnel in TEA.  While it is reasonable to upgrade ASBRs, it
   may not be feasible to upgrade all PEs at the same time to support
   Option BC.  Therefore, an Option-BC-capable ASBR may have to revert
   back to Option B when re-advertising service routes.

   In the above example, for the service routes originated by PE11/PE12:

   *  If ASBR21 does not support Option BC, ASBR1 must not use Option BC
      when re-advertising to ASBR21.

   *  If ASBR21 does support Option BC (and receive service routes from
      ASBR1 with the composite tunnel in TEA), but if any one of
      PE21/PE22/ASBR22 does not support Option BC, ASBR21 must revert to
      Option B when re-advertising into AS200.  It removes the TEA, and
      allocate local labels that bind to received <service label,
      composite tunnel>.  When it receive traffic with the allocated
      local service label, the traffic is label switched per the bound
      <service label, composite tunnel>.

   *  If ASBR22 and ASBR3 both support Option BC, ASBR22 can use Option
      BC when re-advertising the service routes to ASBR3 even though
      ASBR21 has reverted to Option B.  This is as if ASBR21 is a PE
      that originated the service routes.

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   *  If PE31/PE32 don't support Option BC, ASBR3 has to revert to
      Option B again.

   Even though there are repeated Option BC <-> Option B conversions on
   ASBR21/ASBR22/ASBR3 in the above example, ASBR1 and ASBR22 are able
   to take the scaling advantage of Option BC.

   A PE/ASBR advertises its support of Option BC with a new Capability
   Code in its BGP Capabilities Optional Parameter [RFC5492].  A Router
   Reflector (RR) does not need to support Option BC procedures, but it
   advertises Option BC capability on behalf of its clients.  This can
   be either based on provisioning (e.g. the operator knows all clients
   support Option BC) or based the RR's dynamic detection of client's
   Option BC capability.  Update to RFC 9012

   [RFC9012] specifically calls out in its Section 10 "Applicability
   Restrictions" that use of the Tunnel Encapsulation attribute in an
   "Inter-AS option b" scenario is not recommended, as quoted below:

   "Note that if the Tunnel Encapsulation attribute is attached to a
   VPN-IP route [RFC4364], if Inter-AS "option b" (see Section 10 of
   [RFC4364]) is being used, and if the Tunnel Egress Endpoint sub-TLV
   contains an IP address that is not in the same AS as the router
   receiving the route, it is very likely that the embedded label has
   been changed.  Therefore, use of the Tunnel Encapsulation attribute
   in an "Inter-AS option b" scenario is not recommended."

   Notice that context is "Tunnel Egress Endpoint sub-TLV contains an IP
   address that is not in the same AS as the router receiving the route"
   and the embedded service label is not allocated by the Tunnel Egress
   Endpoint.  With Option BC, the binding label in the composite tunnel
   is allocated by the tunnel egress endpoint in the TEA, and the
   embedded service label will only be exposed at the PE/ASBR that
   allocated that embedded service label, so it is safe to use TEA with
   the "composite tunnel" in Option BC.

   Even in the pure Option B case, as long as it is guaranteed that the
   embedded service label is allocated by the Tunnel Egress Endpoint, it
   is safe to use TEA with Option B.

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1.2.3.  Use of Option BC in SRv6/MPLS Service Interworking Option BC

   In [I-D.zzhang-spring-service-interworking], when service routes are
   re-advertised by the interworking node to the MPLS domain from the
   SRv6 domain with the Option BC method, the next hop maps to an IPv6
   prefix on the originating SRv6 PE.  That has the following

   *  If the MPLS domain is IPv4, then many IPv4 addresses may have to
      be allocated and map to the IPv6 prefixes.

   *  Even if the MPLS domain is IPv6, exposing those IPv6 prefixes may
      not be desired in the inter-provider case.

   The Option BC procedures in this document can be used to address the
   above concerns.  Instead of using a next hop that maps to an IPv6
   prefix on the originating PE, the interworking node can use its own
   address as the next hop and use a composite tunnel in the TEA, in
   which the binding label is bound to the IPv6 prefix on the
   originating PE.

2.  Specification

   Normative specification will be provided in future revisions.

3.  Security Considerations

   To be added.

4.  Acknowledgement

   The authors thank Srihari Singha for his review and suggestions.

5.  References

5.1.  Normative References

   [RFC5492]  Scudder, J. and R. Chandra, "Capabilities Advertisement
              with BGP-4", RFC 5492, DOI 10.17487/RFC5492, February
              2009, <>.

   [RFC8277]  Rosen, E., "Using BGP to Bind MPLS Labels to Address
              Prefixes", RFC 8277, DOI 10.17487/RFC8277, October 2017,

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   [RFC9012]  Patel, K., Van de Velde, G., Sangli, S., and J. Scudder,
              "The BGP Tunnel Encapsulation Attribute", RFC 9012,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9012, April 2021,

5.2.  Informative References

              Zhang, Z. J., Decraene, B., Zadok, S., Jalil, L., and D.
              Voyer, "MPLS/SRv6 Service Interworking Option BC", Work in
              Progress, Internet-Draft, draft-zzhang-spring-service-
              interworking-02, 12 September 2023,

Authors' Addresses

   Zhaohui (Jeffrey) Zhang
   Juniper Networks

   Kireeti Kompella
   Juniper Networks

   Bruno Decraene

   Luay Jalil

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