Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                            K. Gao
Request for Comments: 9569                            Sichuan University
Category: Standards Track                                      R. Schott
ISSN: 2070-1721                                         Deutsche Telekom
                                                              Y. R. Yang
                                                             L. Delwiche
                                                               L. Keller
                                                         Yale University
                                                          September 2024

The Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Transport Information
                       Publication Service (TIPS)


   "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol" (RFC 7285)
   leverages HTTP/1.1 and is designed for the simple, sequential
   request-reply use case, in which an ALTO client requests a sequence
   of information resources and the server responds with the complete
   content of each resource, one at a time.

   RFC 8895, which describes ALTO incremental updates using Server-Sent
   Events (SSE), defines a multiplexing protocol on top of HTTP/1.x, so
   that an ALTO server can incrementally push resource updates to
   clients whenever monitored network information resources change,
   allowing the clients to monitor multiple resources at the same time.
   However, HTTP/2 and later versions already support concurrent, non-
   blocking transport of multiple streams in the same HTTP connection.

   To take advantage of newer HTTP features, this document introduces
   the ALTO Transport Information Publication Service (TIPS).  TIPS uses
   an incremental RESTful design to give an ALTO client the new
   capability to explicitly and concurrently (in a non-blocking manner)
   request (or pull) specific incremental updates using HTTP/2 or
   HTTP/3, while still functioning for HTTP/1.1.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the
   Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described
   in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction
     1.1.  Requirements Language
     1.2.  Notations
   2.  TIPS Overview
     2.1.  Transport Requirements
     2.2.  TIPS Terminology
   3.  TIPS Updates Graph
     3.1.  Basic Data Model of an Updates Graph
     3.2.  Updates Graph Modification Invariants
   4.  TIPS Workflow and Resource Location Schema
     4.1.  Workflow
     4.2.  Resource Location Schema
   5.  TIPS Information Resource Directory (IRD) Announcement
     5.1.  Media Type
     5.2.  Capabilities
     5.3.  Uses
     5.4.  An Example
   6.  TIPS Management
     6.1.  Open Request
     6.2.  Open Response
     6.3.  Open Example
       6.3.1.  Basic Example
       6.3.2.  Example Using Digest Authentication
       6.3.3.  Example Using ALTO/SSE
   7.  TIPS Data Transfers - Client Pull
     7.1.  Request
     7.2.  Response
     7.3.  Example
     7.4.  New Next Edge Recommendation
       7.4.1.  Request
       7.4.2.  Response
       7.4.3.  Example
   8.  Operation and Processing Considerations
     8.1.  Considerations for Load Balancing
     8.2.  Considerations for Cross-Resource Dependency Scheduling
     8.3.  Considerations for Managing Shared TIPS Views
     8.4.  Considerations for Offering Shortcut Incremental Updates
   9.  Security Considerations
     9.1.  TIPS: Denial-of-Service Attacks
     9.2.  ALTO Client: Update Overloading or Instability
   10. IANA Considerations
     10.1.  application/alto-tips+json Media Type
     10.2.  application/alto-tipsparams+json Media Type
   11. References
     11.1.  Normative References
     11.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  A High-Level Deployment Model
   Appendix B.  Conformance with "Building Protocols with HTTP" (RFC
           9205) Best Current Practices
   Appendix C.  Push-Mode TIPS Using HTTP Server Push
   Appendix D.  Persistent HTTP Connections
   Authors' Addresses

1.  Introduction

   The Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) protocol provides
   means for network applications to obtain network status information.
   So far, the ALTO information can be transported in two ways:

   1.  Using the ALTO base protocol [RFC7285], which is designed for the
       simple use case in which an ALTO client requests a network
       information resource and the server sends the complete content of
       the requested information (if any) resource to the client.

   2.  Using ALTO incremental updates using Server-Sent Events (ALTO/
       SSE) [RFC8895]; this method is designed for an ALTO client to
       indicate to the server that it wants to receive updates for a set
       of resources, and the server can then concurrently and
       incrementally push updates to that client whenever monitored
       resources change.

   Both protocols are designed for HTTP/1.1 [RFC9112].  While they still
   work with HTTP/2 [RFC9113] and HTTP/3 [RFC9114], ALTO and ALTO/SSE
   cannot take full advantage of new features offered by HTTP/2 and

   *  First, consider the ALTO base protocol, which is designed to
      transfer only complete information resources.  A client can run
      the base protocol on top of HTTP/2 or HTTP/3 to request multiple
      information resources in concurrent streams, but each request must
      be for a complete information resource: there is no capability for
      the server to transmit incremental updates.  Hence, there can be a
      large overhead when the client already has an information resource
      and then there are small changes to the resource.

   *  Next, consider ALTO/SSE [RFC8895].  Although ALTO/SSE can transfer
      incremental updates, it introduces a customized multiplexing
      protocol on top of HTTP, assuming a total-order message channel
      from the server to the client.  The multiplexing design does not
      provide naming (i.e., a resource identifier) to individual
      incremental updates.  Such a design cannot use concurrent data
      streams available in HTTP/2 and HTTP/3 because both cases require
      a resource identifier.  Additionally, ALTO/SSE is a push-only
      protocol, which denies the client flexibility in choosing how and
      when it receives updates.

   To mitigate these concerns, this document introduces a new ALTO
   service called the Transport Information Publication Service (TIPS).
   TIPS uses an incremental RESTful design to provide an ALTO client
   with a new capability to explicitly, concurrently issue non-blocking
   requests for specific incremental updates using HTTP/2 or HTTP/3,
   while still functioning for HTTP/1.1.

   While both ALTO/SSE [RFC8895] and TIPS can transport incremental
   updates of ALTO information resources to clients, they have different
   design goals.  The TIPS extension enables more scalable and robust
   distribution of incremental updates but is missing the session
   management and built-in server push capabilities of ALTO/SSE.  From
   the performance perspective, TIPS is optimizing throughput by
   leveraging concurrent and out-of-order transport of data, while ALTO/
   SSE is optimizing latency as new events can be immediately
   transferred to the clients without waiting for another round of
   communication when there are multiple updates.  Thus, we do not see
   TIPS as a replacement for ALTO/SSE, but as a complement to it.  One
   example of combining these two extensions is shown in Section 6.3.3.

   Note that future extensions may leverage server push, a feature of
   HTTP/2 [RFC9113] and HTTP/3 [RFC9114], as an alternative of SSE.  We
   discuss why this alternative design is not ready at the time of
   writing in Appendix C.

   Specifically, this document specifies:

   *  Extensions to the ALTO Protocol for dynamic subscription and
      efficient uniform update delivery of an incrementally changing
      network information resource.

   *  A new resource type that indicates the TIPS updates graph model
      for a resource.

   *  URI patterns to fetch the snapshots or incremental updates.

   Some operational complexities that must be taken into consideration
   when implementing this extension are discussed in Section 8: these
   include load balancing in Section 8.1 and fetching and processing
   incremental updates of dependent resources in Section 8.2.

   Appendix B discusses to what extent the TIPS design adheres to the
   best current practices for building protocols with HTTP [RFC9205].

1.1.  Requirements Language

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

1.2.  Notations

   This document uses the same syntax and notations as introduced in
   Section 8.2 of [RFC7285] to specify the extensions to existing ALTO
   resources and services.

2.  TIPS Overview

2.1.  Transport Requirements

   The ALTO Protocol and its extensions support two transport

   1.  A client can directly request an ALTO resource and obtain a
       complete snapshot of that ALTO resource, as specified in the base
       protocol [RFC7285];

   2.  A client can subscribe to incremental changes of one or multiple
       ALTO resources using the incremental update extension [RFC8895],
       and a server pushes the updates to the client through SSE.

   However, the current transport mechanisms are not optimized for
   storing, transmitting, and processing (incremental) updates of ALTO
   information resources.  Specifically, the new transport mechanism
   must satisfy the following requirements:

   Incremental updates:  Incremental updates only maintain and transfer
      the "diff" upon changes.  Thus, it is more efficient than storing
      and transferring the full updates, especially when the change of
      an ALTO resource is minor.  The base protocol does not support
      incremental updates and the current incremental update mechanism
      in [RFC8895] has limitations (as discussed below).

   Concurrent, non-blocking update transmission:  When a client needs to
      receive and apply multiple incremental updates, it is desired to
      transmit the updates concurrently to fully utilize the bandwidth
      and to reduce head-of-line blocking.  Unfortunately, the ALTO
      incremental update extension [RFC8895] does not satisfy this
      requirement.  Even though the updates can be multiplexed by the
      server to avoid head-of-line blocking between multiple resources,
      the updates are delivered sequentially and can suffer from head-
      of-line blocking inside the connection (for example, when there is
      a packet loss).

   Long polling updates:  Long polling updates can reduce the time to
      send the request, making it possible to achieve sub-RTT
      transmission of ALTO incremental updates.  In [RFC8895], this
      requirement is fulfilled using SSE and is still desired in the new
      ALTO transport.

   Backward compatibility:  While some of the previous requirements are
      offered by HTTP/2 [RFC9113] and HTTP/3 [RFC9114], it is desired
      that the new ALTO transport mechanism can work with HTTP/1.1 as
      many development tools and current ALTO implementations are based
      on HTTP/1.1.

   The new ALTO transport specified in this document satisfies all of
   the following design requirements above by:

   *  Reusing the data format introduced in [RFC8895] that enables
      incremental updates using JSON patches or merge patches.

   *  Introducing a unified data model to describe the changes
      (snapshots and incremental updates) of an ALTO resource, referred
      to as a "TIPS view".  In the data model, snapshots and incremental
      updates are indexed as individual HTTP resources following a
      unified naming convention, independent of the HTTP version.  Thus,
      these updates can be concurrently requested and be transferred in
      a non-blocking manner either by using multiple connections or
      leveraging multiplexed data transfer offered by HTTP/2 or HTTP/3.

   *  Basing the unified naming convention on a monotonically increasing
      sequence number, making it possible for a client to construct the
      URL of a future update and send a long polling request.

   *  Making the unified naming convention independent of the HTTP
      versions and able to operate atop HTTP/1.1, HTTP/2, or HTTP/3.

   This document assumes the deployment model discussed in Appendix A.

2.2.  TIPS Terminology

   In addition to the terms defined in [RFC7285], this document uses the
   following terms:

   Transport Information Publication Service (TIPS):  A new type of ALTO
      service, as specified in this document, to enable a uniform
      transport mechanism for updates of an incrementally changing ALTO
      network information resource.

   Network information resource:  A piece of retrievable information
      about network state, per [RFC7285].

   TIPS view (tv):  The container of incremental transport information
      about the network information resource.  The TIPS view has one
      basic component, the updates graph (ug), but may include other
      transport information.

   Updates graph (ug):  A directed, acyclic graph whose nodes represent
      the set of versions of an information resource and whose edges
      represent the set of update items to compute these versions.  An
      ALTO map service (e.g., a cost map or a network map) may need only
      a single updates graph.  A dynamic network information service
      (e.g., a filtered cost map) may create an updates graph (within a
      new TIPS view) for each unique request.  The encoding of an
      updates graph is specified in Section 6.1.

   Version:  The representation of a historical content of an
      information resource.  For an information resource, each version
      is associated with and uniquely identified by a monotonically and
      consecutively increased sequence number.  This document uses the
      term "version s" to refer to the version associated with sequence
      number "s".  The version is encoded as a JSONNumber, as specified
      in Section 6.1.

   Start sequence number (<start-seq>):  The smallest non-zero sequence
      number in an updates graph.

   End sequence number (<end-seq>):  The largest sequence number in an
      updates graph.

   Snapshot:  A full replacement of a resource that is contained within
      an updates graph.

   Incremental update:  A partial replacement of a resource contained
      within an updates graph, codified in this document as a JSON merge
      patch or a JSON patch.  An incremental update is mandatory if the
      source version (i) and the target version (j) are consecutive
      (i.e., i + 1 = j); otherwise, it is optional (or a shortcut).
      Mandatory incremental updates are always in an updates graph,
      while optional/shortcut incremental updates may or may not be
      included in an updates graph.

   Update item:  The content on an edge of the updates graph, which can
      be either a snapshot or an incremental update.  An update item can
      be considered to be a pair (op, data) where op denotes whether the
      item is an incremental update or a snapshot and data is the
      content of the item.

   ID#i-#j:  Denotation of the update item on a specific edge in the
      updates graph to transition from version i to version j, where i
      and j are the sequence numbers of the source node and the target
      node of the edge, respectively.

        +-----------+ +--------------+ |  Dynamic    | +-----------+
        |  Routing  | | Provisioning | |  Network    | | External  |
        | Protocols | |    Policy    | | Information | | Interface |
        +-----------+ +--------------+ +-------------+ +-----------+
              |              |                |              |
    | ALTO Server                                                     |
    | +-------------------------------------------------------------+ |
    | |                                         Network Information | |
    | | +-------------+                         +-------------+     | |
    | | | Information |                         | Information |     | |
    | | | Resource #1 |                         | Resource #2 |     | |
    | | +-------------+                         +-------------+     | |
    | +-----|--------------------------------------/-------\--------+ |
    |       |                                     /         \         |
    | +-----|------------------------------------/-----------\------+ |
    | |     |       Transport Information       /             \     | |
    | | +--------+                     +--------+        +--------+ | |
    | | |  tv1   |                     |  tv2   |        |  tv3   | | |
    | | +--------+                     +--------+        +--------+ | |
    | |     |                          /                     |      | |
    | | +--------+            +--------+                 +--------+ | |
    | | | tv1/ug |            | tv2/ug |                 | tv3/ug | | |
    | | +--------+            +--------+                 +--------+ | |
    | +----|----\----------------|-------------------------|--------+ |
    |      |     \               |                         |          |
           |       +------+      |                         |
           |               \     |                         |
       +----------+       +----------+                 +----------+
       | Client 1 |       | Client 2 |                 | Client 3 |
       +----------+       +----------+                 +----------+

    tvi   = TIPS view i
    tvi/ug = incremental updates graph associated with tvi

                      Figure 1: Overview of ALTO TIPS

   Figure 1 shows an example illustrating an overview of the ALTO TIPS
   extension.  The server provides TIPS for two information resources
   (#1 and #2) where #1 is an ALTO map service and #2 is a filterable
   service.  There are three ALTO clients (Client 1, Client 2, and
   Client 3) that are connected to the ALTO server.

   Each client uses the TIPS view to retrieve updates.  Specifically, a
   TIPS view (tv1) is created for the map service #1 and is shared by
   multiple clients.  For the filtering service #2, two different TIPS
   views (tv2 and tv3) are created upon different client requests with
   different filter sets.

3.  TIPS Updates Graph

   In order to provide incremental updates for a resource, an ALTO
   server creates an updates graph, which is a directed acyclic graph
   that contains a sequence of incremental updates and snapshots
   (collectively called "update items") of a network information

3.1.  Basic Data Model of an Updates Graph

   For each resource (e.g., a cost map or a network map), the
   incremental updates and snapshots can be represented using the
   following directed acyclic graph model, where the server tracks the
   change of the resource maps with version IDs that are assigned
   sequentially (i.e., incremented by one each time):

   *  Each node in the graph is a version of the resource, which is
      identified by a sequence number (defined as a JSONNumber).
      Version 0 is reserved as the initial state (empty/null).

   *  A tag identifies the content of a node.  A tag has the same format
      as the "tag" field in Section 10.3 of [RFC7285] and is valid only
      within the scope of the resource.

   *  Each edge is an update item.  In particular, the edge from i to j
      is the update item to transit from version i to version j.

   *  The version is path independent, i.e., different paths arriving at
      the node associated with the same version have the same content.

   A concrete example is shown in Figure 2.  There are seven nodes in
   the graph, representing seven different versions of the resource.
   Edges in the figure represent the updates from the source version to
   the target version.  Thick lines represent mandatory incremental
   updates (e.g., ID103-104), dotted lines represent optional
   incremental updates (e.g., ID103-105), and thin lines represent
   snapshots (e.g., ID0-103).  Note that node content is path
   independent: the content of node v can be obtained by applying the
   updates from any path that ends at v.  For example, assume the latest
   version is 105 and a client already has version 103.  The base
   version of the client is 103 as it serves as a base upon which
   incremental updates can be applied.

   The target version 105 can be:

   *  directly fetched as a snapshot;

   *  computed incrementally by applying the incremental updates between
      103 and 104, then 104 and 105; or,

   *  computed incrementally by taking the "shortcut" path from 103 to
      105 if the optional update from 103 to 105 exists.

                                                  ------|  0   |
                                                 /      +======+
                                        ID0-101 /        |   |
                                              |/__       |   |
                                       +======+          |   |
                       tag: 3421097 -> | 101  |          |   |
                                       +======+          |   |
                               ID101-102  ||             |   |
                                          \/             |   |
                                       +======+          |   |
                       tag: 6431234 -> | 102  |          |   |
                                       +======+          |   |
                               ID102-103  ||             |   |
                                          \/             |   |
                                       +======+          /   |
    +--------------+   tag: 0881080 -> | 103  |<--------/    |
    | Base Version |   =======>        +======+ ID0-103      |
    +--------------+             103-104  ||    ..           |
                                          \/     ..          |
                                       +======+  ..          |
                       tag: 6452654 -> | 104  |  .. ID103    |
                                       +======+  .. -105     |
                               ID104-105  ||     ..          | ID0-105
                                          \/   |._           /
                                       +======+             /
                       tag: 7838392 -> | 105  |<-----------/
                               ID105-106  ||
                       tag: 6470983 -> | 106  |

                        Figure 2: TIPS Model Example

3.2.  Updates Graph Modification Invariants

   A server might change its updates graph (to compact it, to add nodes,
   etc.), but it will need to ensure that any resource state that it
   makes available is reachable by clients, either directly via a
   snapshot (that is, relative to 0) or indirectly by requesting an
   earlier snapshot and a contiguous set of incremental updates.
   Additionally, to allow clients to proactively construct URIs for
   future update items, the ID of each added node in the updates graph
   will need to increment contiguously by 1.  More specifically, the
   updates graph MUST satisfy the following invariants:

   Continuity:  At any time, let ns denote the smallest non-zero version
      (i.e., <start-seq>) in the updates graph and let ne denote the
      latest version (i.e., <end-seq>).  Then, any version in between ns
      and ne MUST also exist.  This implies that the incremental update
      from ni to ni + 1 exists for any ns <= ni <= ne, and all the
      version numbers in the updates graph (except 0) constitute exactly
      the integer interval [ns, ne].

   Feasibility:  Let ns denote <start-seq> in the updates graph.  The
      server MUST provide a snapshot of ns; in other words, there is
      always a direct link to ns in the updates graph.

   "Right shift" only:  Assume a server provides versions in [n1, n2] at
      time t and versions in [n1', n2'] at time t'.  If t' > t, then n1'
      >= n1 and n2' >= n2.

   For example, consider the case that a server compacts a resource's
   updates graph to conserve space, using the example model in
   Section 3.1.  Assume at time 0, the server provides the versions
   {101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106}.  At time 1, both {103, 104, 105, 106}
   and {105, 106} are valid sets.  However, {102, 103, 104, 105, 106}
   and {104, 105, 106} are not valid sets as there is no snapshot to
   version 102 or 104 in the updates graph.  Thus, there is a risk that
   the right content of version 102 (in the first example) or 104 (in
   the second example) cannot be obtained by a client that does not have
   the previous version 101 or 103, respectively.

4.  TIPS Workflow and Resource Location Schema

4.1.  Workflow

   At a high level, an ALTO client first requests the TIPS information
   resource (denoted as TIPS-F, where F is for frontend) to indicate the
   information resource or resources that the client wants to monitor.
   For each requested resource, the server returns a JSON object that
   contains a URI, which points to the root of a TIPS view (denoted as
   TIPS-V), and a summary of the current view, which contains the
   information to correctly interact with the current view.  With the
   URI to the root of a TIPS view, clients can construct URIs (see
   Section 4.2) to fetch incremental updates.

   An example workflow is shown in Figure 3.  After the TIPS-F receives
   the request from the client to monitor the updates of an ALTO
   resource, it creates a TIPS view resource and returns the
   corresponding information to the client.  The URI points to that
   specific TIPS-V instance, and the summary contains the <start-seq>
   and <end-seq> of the updates graph and a server-recommended edge to
   consume first (e.g., from i to j).

   An ALTO client can then continuously pull each additional update with
   the information.  For example, the client in Figure 3 first fetches
   the update from i to j and then from j to j+1.  Note that the update
   item at "<tips-view-uri>/ug/<j>/<j+1>" might not yet exist, so the
   server holds the request until the update becomes available (i.e.,
   long polling).

   A server MAY close a TIPS view at any time (e.g., under high system
   load or due to client inactivity).  In the event that a TIPS view is
   closed, an edge request will receive error code 404 (Not Found) in
   response, and the client will have to request a new TIPS view URI.

   If resources allow, a server SHOULD avoid closing TIPS views that
   have active polling edge requests or have recently served responses
   until clients have had a reasonable interval to request the next
   update, unless guided by specific control policies.

      Client                                 TIPS-F           TIPS-V
        o                                       .                .
        | POST to create/receive a TIPS view    .  Create TIPS   .
        |           for resource 1              .      View      .
        |-------------------------------------> |.-.-.-.-.-.-.-> |
        | <tips-view-uri>, <tips-view-summary>  .                |
        | <-------------------------------------| <-.-.-.-.-.-.-.|
        |                                                        .
        | GET /<tips-view-path>/ug/<i>/<j>                       .
        |------------------------------------------------------> |
        | content on edge i to j                                 |
        | <------------------------------------------------------|
        |                                                        .
        | GET /<tips-view-path>/ug/<j>/<j+1>                     .
        |------------------------------------------------------> |
        .                                                        .
        .                                                        .
        | content on edge j to j+1                               |
        | <------------------------------------------------------|
        |                                                        .
        o                                                        .
                                               TIPS View Closed  o

            Figure 3: ALTO TIPS Workflow Supporting Client Pull

4.2.  Resource Location Schema

   The resource location schema defines how a client constructs URIs to
   fetch incremental updates.

   To access each update in an updates graph, consider the model
   represented as a "virtual" file system (adjacency list), contained
   within the root of a TIPS view URI (see Section 6.2 for the
   definition of tips-view-uri).  For example, assuming that the updates
   graph of a TIPS view is as shown in Figure 2, the location schema of
   this TIPS view will have the format as in Figure 4.

       <tips-view-path>  // root path to a TIPS view
         |_ ug    // updates graph
         |  |_ 0
         |  |  |_ 101    // full 101 snapshot
         |  |  |_ 103
         |  |  \_ 105
         |  |_ 101
         |  |  \_ 102    // 101 -> 102 incremental update
         |  |_ 102
         |  |  \_ 103
         |  |_ 103
         |  |  |_ 104
         |  |  \_ 105    // optional shortcut 103 -> 105 incr. update
         |  |_ 104
         |  |  \_ 105
         |  \_ 105
         |     \_ 106
         \_ ...

                     Figure 4: Location Schema Example

   TIPS uses this directory schema to generate template URIs that allow
   clients to construct the location of incremental updates after
   receiving the tips-view-uri from the server.  The generic template
   for the location of the update item on the edge from node 'i' to node
   'j' in the updates graph is:


   Due to the sequential nature of the update item IDs, a client can
   long poll a future update that does not yet exist (e.g., the
   incremental update from 106 to 107).  This can be done by
   constructing the URI for the next edge that will be added, starting
   from the sequence number of the current last node (denoted as <end-
   seq>) in the graph to the next sequential node (with the sequence
   number of <end-seq + 1>):

       <tips-view-uri>/ug/<end-seq>/<end-seq + 1>

   Incremental updates of a TIPS view are read-only.  Thus, they are
   fetched using the HTTP GET method.

5.  TIPS Information Resource Directory (IRD) Announcement

   To announce a TIPS information resource in the IRD, an ALTO server
   MUST specify "media-type", "capabilities", and "uses" as follows.

5.1.  Media Type

   The media type of the Transport Information Publication Service
   (TIPS) resource is "application/alto-tips+json".

5.2.  Capabilities

   The "capabilities" field of a TIPS information resource is modeled on
   that defined in Section 6.3 of [RFC8895].

   Specifically, the capabilities are defined as an object of the
   TIPSCapabilities type:

        object {
          IncrementalUpdateMediaTypes incremental-change-media-types;
        } TIPSCapabilities;

        object-map {
           ResourceID -> String;
        } IncrementalUpdateMediaTypes;

                         Figure 5: TIPSCapabilities

   with the field:

   incremental-change-media-types:  If a TIPS information resource can
      provide updates with incremental changes for a resource, the
      "incremental-change-media-types" field has an entry whose key is
      the ID of the resource and the value is the supported media types
      of incremental changes, separated by commas.  For the
      implementation of this specification, this MUST be "application/
      merge-patch+json", "application/json-patch+json", or "application/
      merge-patch+json,application/json-patch+json", unless defined by a
      future extension.

      When choosing the media types to encode incremental updates for a
      resource, the server MUST consider the limitations of the
      encoding.  For example, when a JSON merge patch specifies that the
      value of a field is null, its semantics are that the field is
      removed from the target; hence, the field is no longer defined
      (i.e., undefined).  However, this may not be the intended result
      for the resource, when null and undefined have different semantics
      for the resource.  In such a case, the server MUST choose JSON
      patch encoding over JSON merge patch encoding for the incremental
      update if both media types "application/json-patch+json" and
      "application/merge-patch" are supported by the TIPS information

5.3.  Uses

   The "uses" attribute MUST be an array with the resource IDs of every
   network information resource for which this TIPS information resource
   can provide service.

   This set MAY be any subset of the ALTO server's network information
   resources and MAY include resources defined in linked IRDs.  However,
   it is RECOMMENDED that the ALTO server selects a set that is closed
   under the resource dependency relationship.  That is, if a TIPS
   information resource's "uses" set includes resource R1, and resource
   R1 depends on ("uses") resource R0, then the "uses" set should
   include R0 as well as R1.  For example, if a TIPS information
   resource provides a TIPS view for a cost map, it should also provide
   a TIPS view for the network map upon which that cost map depends.

   If the set is not closed, at least one resource R1 in the "uses"
   field of a TIPS information resource depends on another resource R0
   that is not in the "uses" field of the same TIPS information
   resource.  Thus, a client cannot receive incremental updates for
   another resource R0 that is not in the "uses" field of the same TIPS
   information resource.  If the client observes in an update of R1 that
   the version tag for R0 has changed, it must request the full content
   of R0, which is likely to be less efficient than receiving the
   incremental updates of R0.

5.4.  An Example

   Extending the IRD example in Section 8.1 of [RFC8895], Figure 6 is
   the IRD of an ALTO server supporting the ALTO base protocol, ALTO/
   SSE, and ALTO TIPS.

     "my-network-map": {
       "uri": "",
       "media-type": "application/alto-networkmap+json"
     "my-routingcost-map": {
       "uri": "",
       "media-type": "application/alto-costmap+json",
       "uses": ["my-network-map"],
       "capabilities": {
         "cost-type-names": ["num-routingcost"]
     "my-hopcount-map": {
       "uri": "",
       "media-type": "application/alto-costmap+json",
       "uses": ["my-network-map"],
       "capabilities": {
         "cost-type-names": ["num-hopcount"]
     "my-simple-filtered-cost-map": {
       "uri": "",
       "media-type": "application/alto-costmap+json",
       "accepts": "application/alto-costmapfilter+json",
       "uses": ["my-network-map"],
       "capabilities": {
         "cost-type-names": ["num-routingcost", "num-hopcount"],
         "cost-constraints": false
     "update-my-costs": {
       "uri": "",
       "media-type": "text/event-stream",
       "accepts": "application/alto-updatestreamparams+json",
       "uses": [
       "capabilities": {
         "incremental-change-media-types": {
           "my-network-map": "application/json-patch+json",
           "my-routingcost-map": "application/merge-patch+json",
           "my-hopcount-map": "application/merge-patch+json"
         "support-stream-control": true
     "update-my-costs-tips": {
       "uri": "",
       "media-type": "application/alto-tips+json",
       "accepts": "application/alto-tipsparams+json",
       "uses": [
       "capabilities": {
         "incremental-change-media-types": {
           "my-network-map": "application/json-patch+json",
           "my-routingcost-map": "application/merge-patch+json",
           "my-hopcount-map": "application/merge-patch+json",
           "my-simple-filtered-cost-map": "application/merge-patch+json"
     "tips-sse": {
       "uri": "",
       "media-type": "text/event-stream",
       "accepts": "application/alto-updatestreamparams+json",
       "uses": [ "update-my-costs-tips" ],
       "capabilities": {
         "incremental-change-media-types": {
           "update-my-costs-tips": "application/merge-patch+json"

        Figure 6: Example of an ALTO Server Supporting the ALTO Base
                     Protocol, ALTO/SSE, and ALTO TIPS

   Note that it is straightforward for an ALTO server to run HTTP/2 and
   support concurrent retrieval of multiple resources such as "my-
   network-map" and "my-routingcost-map" using multiple HTTP/2 streams.

   The resource "update-my-costs-tips" provides an ALTO TIPS information
   resource, and this is indicated by the media type "application/alto-

6.  TIPS Management

   Upon request, a server sends a TIPS view to a client.  This TIPS view
   might be created at the time of the request or might already exist
   (either because another client has already created a TIPS view for
   the same requested network resource or because the server perpetually
   maintains a TIPS view for an often-requested resource).

6.1.  Open Request

   An ALTO client requests that the server provide a TIPS view for a
   given resource by sending an HTTP POST body with the media type
   "application/alto-tipsparams+json".  That body contains a JSON object
   of the TIPSReq type, where:

       object {
          ResourceID   resource-id;
          [JSONString  tag;]
          [Object      input;]
       } TIPSReq;

                             Figure 7: TIPSReq

   with the following fields:

   resource-id:  This field contains the resource ID of an ALTO resource
      to be monitored, which MUST be in the TIPS information resource's
      "uses" list (Section 5).  If a client does not support all
      incremental methods from the set announced in the server's
      capabilities, the client MUST NOT use the TIPS information

   tag:  If the "resource-id" is associated with a GET-mode resource
      with a version tag (or "vtag"), as defined in Section 10.3 of
      [RFC7285], and the ALTO client has previously retrieved a version
      of that resource from ALTO, the ALTO client MAY set the "tag"
      field to the tag part of the client's version of that resource.
      The server MAY use the tag when calculating a recommended starting
      edge for the client to consume.  Note that the client MUST support
      all incremental methods from the set announced in the server's
      capabilities for this resource.

   input:  If the resource is a POST-mode service that requires input,
      the ALTO client MUST set the "input" field to a JSON object with
      the parameters that the resource expects.

6.2.  Open Response

   The response to a valid request MUST be a JSON object of the
   AddTIPSResponse type, denoted as media type "application/alto-

       object {
         URI               tips-view-uri;
         TIPSViewSummary   tips-view-summary;
       } AddTIPSResponse;

       object {
         UpdatesGraphSummary   updates-graph-summary;
       } TIPSViewSummary;

       object {
         JSONNumber       start-seq;
         JSONNumber       end-seq;
         StartEdgeRec     start-edge-rec;
       } UpdatesGraphSummary;

       object {
         JSONNumber       seq-i;
         JSONNumber       seq-j;
       } StartEdgeRec;

                         Figure 8: AddTIPSResponse

   with the following fields:

   tips-view-uri:  This is the URI to the requested TIPS view.  The
      value of this field MUST have the following format:

          scheme "://" tips-view-host "/" tips-view-path

          tips-view-host = host [ ":" port]
          tips-view-path = path

      where scheme MUST be "http" or "https" unless specified by a
      future extension, and host, port, and path are as specified in
      Sections 3.2.2, 3.2.3, and 3.3 in [RFC3986].  An ALTO server
      SHOULD use the "https" scheme unless the contents of the TIPS view
      are intended to be publicly accessible and do not raise security
      concerns.  The field MUST contain only ASCII characters.  In case
      the original URL contains international characters (e.g., in the
      domain name), the ALTO server implementation MUST properly encode
      the URL into the ASCII format (e.g., using the "urlencode"

      A server MUST NOT use the same URI for different TIPS views,
      either for different resources or for different request bodies to
      the same resource.  URI generation is implementation specific; for
      example, one may compute a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID)
      [RFC9562] or a hash value based on the request and append it to a
      base URL.  For performance considerations, it is NOT RECOMMENDED
      to use properties that are not included in the request body to
      determine the URI of a TIPS view, such as cookies or the client's
      IP address, which may result in duplicated TIPS views in cases
      such as mobile clients.  However, this is not mandatory as a
      server might intentionally use client information to compute the
      TIPS view URI to provide service isolation between clients.

   tips-view-summary:  Contains an updates-graph-summary.

      The "updates-graph-summary" field contains the <start-seq> of the
      updates graph (in the "start-seq" field) and the <end-seq> that is
      currently available (in the "end-seq" field), along with a
      recommended edge to consume (in the "start-edge-rec" field).  If
      the client does not provide a version tag, the server MUST
      recommend the edge of the latest available snapshot.  If the
      client provides a version tag, the server MUST either recommend
      the first incremental update edge starting from the client's
      tagged version or recommend the edge of the latest snapshot: which
      edge is selected depends on the implementation.  For example, a
      server MAY calculate the cumulative size of the incremental
      updates available from that version onward and compare it to the
      size of the complete resource snapshot.  If the snapshot is
      bigger, the server recommends the first incremental update edge
      starting from the client's tagged version.  Otherwise, the server
      recommends the latest snapshot edge.

   If the request has any errors, the ALTO server MUST return an HTTP
   400 (Bad Request) error code to the ALTO client; the body of the
   response follows the generic ALTO error response format specified in
   Section 8.5.2 of [RFC7285].  Hence, an example ALTO error response
   has the format shown in Figure 9.

       HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
       Content-Length: 131
       Content-Type: application/alto-error+json

               "code":  "E_INVALID_FIELD_VALUE",
               "field": "resource-id",
               "value": "my-network-map/#"

                        Figure 9: ALTO Error Example

   Note that "field" and "value" are optional fields.  If the "value"
   field exists, the "field" field MUST exist.

   *  If the TIPS request does not have a "resource-id" field, the error
      code of the error message MUST be "E_MISSING_FIELD" and the
      "field" field, if present, MUST be "resource-id".  The ALTO server
      MUST NOT create any TIPS view.

   *  If the "resource-id" field is invalid or is not associated with
      the TIPS information resource, the error code of the error message
      MUST be "E_INVALID_FIELD_VALUE".  If present, the "field" field
      MUST be the full path of the "resource-id" field, and the "value"
      field MUST be the value of the "resource-id" field in the request.

   *  If the resource is a POST-mode service that requires input, the
      client MUST set the "input" field to a JSON object with the
      parameters that resource expects.  If the "input" field is missing
      or invalid, the ALTO server MUST return the same error response
      that resource would return for missing or invalid inputs (see

   Furthermore, it is RECOMMENDED that the server use the following HTTP
   code to indicate other errors, with the media type "application/alto-

   429 (Too Many Requests):  Indicates when the number of TIPS views
      open requests exceeds the server threshold.  The server MAY
      indicate when to retry the request in the "Re-Try After" headers.

   It is RECOMMENDED that the server provide the ALTO/SSE support for
   the TIPS resource.  Thus, the client can be notified of the version
   updates of all the TIPS views that it monitors and make better cross-
   resource transport decisions (see Section 8.2 for related

6.3.  Open Example

6.3.1.  Basic Example

   For simplicity, assume that the ALTO server is using Basic
   authentication [RFC7617].  If a client with username "client1" and
   password "helloalto" wants to create a TIPS view of an ALTO cost map
   resource with the resource ID "my-routingcost-map", it can send the
   request depicted in Figure 10.

       POST /tips HTTP/1.1
       Accept: application/alto-tips+json, application/alto-error+json
       Authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50MTpoZWxsb2FsdG8K
       Content-Type: application/alto-tipsparams+json
       Content-Length: 41

         "resource-id": "my-routingcost-map"

             Figure 10: Request Example of Opening a TIPS View

   If the operation is successful, the ALTO server returns the message
   shown in Figure 11.

       HTTP/1.1 200 OK
       Content-Type: application/alto-tips+json
       Content-Length: 255

         "tips-view-uri": "",
         "tips-view-summary": {
           "updates-graph-summary": {
             "start-seq": 101,
             "end-seq": 106,
             "start-edge-rec" : {
               "seq-i": 0,
               "seq-j": 105

             Figure 11: Response Example of Opening a TIPS View

6.3.2.  Example Using Digest Authentication

   Below is another example of the same query using Digest
   authentication, a mandatory authentication method of ALTO servers as
   defined in Section 8.3.5 of [RFC7285].  The content of the response
   is the same as in Figure 11; thus, it has been omitted for

       POST /tips HTTP/1.1
       Accept: application/alto-tips+json, application/alto-error+json
       Authorization: Basic Y2xpZW50MTpoZWxsb2FsdG8K
       Content-Type: application/alto-tipsparams+json
       Content-Length: 41

         "resource-id": "my-routingcost-map"

       HTTP/1.1 401 UNAUTHORIZED
       WWW-Authenticate: Digest

       POST /tips HTTP/1.1
       Accept: application/alto-tips+json, application/alto-error+json
       Authorization: Digest
       Content-Type: application/alto-tipsparams+json
       Content-Length: 41

         "resource-id": "my-routingcost-map"

       HTTP/1.1 200 OK
       Content-Type: application/alto-tips+json
       Content-Length: 258


             Figure 12: Open Example with Digest Authentication

6.3.3.  Example Using ALTO/SSE

   This section gives an example of receiving incremental updates of the
   TIPS view summary using ALTO/SSE [RFC8895].  Consider the "tips-sse"
   resource, as announced by the IRD in Figure 6, which provides ALTO/
   SSE for the "update-my-cost-tips" resource; a client might send the
   following request to receive updates of the TIPS view (authentication
   is omitted for simplicity).

       POST /updates/tips HTTP/1.1
       Accept: text/event-stream,application/alto-error+json
       Content-Type: application/alto-updatestreamparams+json
       Content-Length: 76

         "add": {
           "tips-123": { "resource-id": "update-my-cost-tips" }

          Figure 13: Example of Monitoring TIPS View with ALTO/SSE

   Then, the client will be able to receive the TIPS view summary as

    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    Connection: keep-alive
    Content-Type: text/event-stream

    event: application/alto-tips+json,tips-123
    data: {
    data:   "tips-view-uri": "",
    data:   "tips-view-summary": {
    data:     "updates-graph-summary": {
    data:       "start-seq": 101,
    data:       "end-seq": 106,
    data:       "start-edge-rec" : {
    data:         "seq-i": 0,
    data:         "seq-j": 105
    data:       }
    data:     }
    data:   }
    data: }

   When there is an update to the TIPS view (for example, when the "end-
   seq" field is increased by 1), the client will be able to receive the
   incremental update of the TIPS view summary as follows.

       event: application/merge-patch+json,tips-123
       data: {
       data:   "tips-view-summary": {
       data:     "updates-graph-summary": {
       data:       "end-seq": 107
       data:     }
       data:   }
       data: }

7.  TIPS Data Transfers - Client Pull

   TIPS allows an ALTO client to retrieve the content of an update item
   from the updates graph, with an update item defined as the content
   (incremental update or snapshot) on an edge in the updates graph.

7.1.  Request

   The client sends an HTTP GET request, where the media type of an
   update item resource MUST be the same as the "media-type" field of
   the update item on the specified edge in the updates graph.

   The GET request MUST have the following format:

       GET /<tips-view-path>/ug/<i>/<j>
       HOST: <tips-view-host>

   For example, consider the updates graph in Figure 4.  If the client
   wants to query the content of the first update item (0 -> 101) whose
   media type is "application/alto-costmap+json", it sends a request to
   "/tips/2718281828/ug/0/101" and sets the "Accept" header to
   "application/alto-costmap+json,application/alto-error+json".  See
   Section 7.3 for a concrete example.

7.2.  Response

   If the request is valid (i.e., "ug/<i>/<j>" exists), the response is
   encoded as a JSON object whose data format is indicated by the media

   A client MAY conduct proactive fetching of future updates, by long
   polling updates that have not been provided in the directory yet.
   For such updates, the client MUST indicate all media types that might
   appear.  It is RECOMMENDED that the server allow for at least the
   long polling of <end-seq> -> <end-seq + 1>.

   Hence, the server processing logic MUST be:

   *  If a resource with path "ug/<i>/<j>" exists, return content using

   *  Else, if long polling "ug/<i>/<j>" is acceptable, put request in a
      backlog queue, then either a response is triggered when the
      content is ready or the request is interrupted (e.g., by a network

   *  Else, return error.

   It is RECOMMENDED that the server use the following HTTP codes to
   indicate errors, with the media type "application/alto-error+json",
   regarding update item requests.

   404 (Not Found):  Indicates that the requested update does not exist
      or the requested TIPS view does not exist or is closed by the

   410 (Gone):  Indicates an update has a seq that is smaller than the

   415 (Unsupported Media Type):  Indicates the media type (or types)
      accepted by the client does not include the media type of the
      update chosen by the server.

   425 (Too Early):  Indicates the seq exceeds the server long polling

   429 (Too Many Requests):  Indicates the number of pending (long poll)
      requests exceeds the server threshold.  The server MAY indicate
      when to retry the request in the "Re-Try After" headers.

7.3.  Example

   Assume the client wants to get the contents of the update item on
   edge 0 to 101.  The format of the request is shown in Figure 14.

       GET /tips/2718281828/ug/0/101 HTTP/1.1
       Accept: application/alto-costmap+json, \

                           Figure 14: GET Example

   The response is shown in Figure 15.

       HTTP/1.1 200 OK
       Content-Type: application/alto-costmap+json
       Content-Length: 50

       { ... full replacement of my-routingcost-map ... }

                    Figure 15: Response to a GET Request

7.4.  New Next Edge Recommendation

   While intended TIPS usage is for the client to receive a recommended
   starting edge in the TIPS summary, consume that edge, and then
   construct all future URIs by incrementing the sequence count by one,
   there may be cases in which the client needs to request a new next
   edge to consume.  For example, if a client has an open TIPS view but
   has not polled in a while, the client might request the next logical
   incremental URI; however, the server has compacted the updates graph,
   so it no longer exists.  Thus, the client MAY request a new next edge
   to consume based on its current version of the resource.

7.4.1.  Request

   An ALTO client requests that the server provide a next edge
   recommendation for a given TIPS view by sending an HTTP POST request
   with the media type "application/alto-tipsparams+json".  The URL of
   the request MUST have the following format:


   and the "HOST" field MUST be "<tips-view-host>".

   The POST body has the same format as the TIPSReq in Figure 7.  The
   "resource-id" field MUST be the same as the resource ID used to
   create the TIPS view, and the optional "input" field MUST NOT be

7.4.2.  Response

   The response to a valid request MUST be a JSON merge patch to the
   object of the AddTIPSResponse type (defined in Section 6.2), denoted
   as media type "application/merge-patch+json".  The "updates-graph-
   summary" field MUST be present in the response; hence, its parent
   field "tips-view-summary" MUST be present as well.

   If the "tag" field is present in the request, the server MUST check
   if any version within the range [<start-seq>, <end-seq>] has the same
   tag value.  If the version exists (e.g., denoted as <tag-seq>), the
   server MUST compute the paths from both <tag-seq> and 0 to the <end-
   seq> and choose the one with the minimal cost.  The cost MAY be
   implementation specific (e.g., number of messages, accumulated data
   size, etc.).  The first edge of the selected path MUST be returned as
   the recommended next edge.

   If the "tag" field is not present, the interpretation MUST be that
   the <tag-seq> is 0.

   It is RECOMMENDED that the server use the following HTTP code to
   indicate errors, with the media type "application/alto-error+json",
   regarding new next edge requests.

   404 (Not Found):  Indicates that the requested TIPS view does not
      exist or has been closed by the server.

7.4.3.  Example

   In this section, we give an example of the new next edge
   recommendation service.  Assume that a client already creates a TIPS
   view (as in Section 6.3) whose updates graph is as shown in Figure 2.
   Now assume that the client already has tag 0881080, whose
   corresponding sequence number is 103, and sends the following new
   next edge recommendation request (authentication is omitted for

       POST /tips/2718281828/ug HTTP/1.1
       Accept: application/merge-patch+json, application/alto-error+json
       Content-Type: application/alto-tipsparams+json
       Content-Length: 62

         "resource-id": "my-routingcost-map",
         "tag": "0881080"

   According to Figure 2, there are three potential paths: 103 -> 104 ->
   105 -> 106, 103 -> 105 -> 106, and 0 -> 105 -> 106.  Assume that the
   server chooses the shortest update path by the accumulated data size
   and the best path is 103 -> 105 -> 106.  Thus, the server responds
   with the following message:

       HTTP/1.1 200 OK
       Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
       Content-Length: 193

         "tips-view-summary": {
           "updates-graph-summary": {
             "start-seq": 101,
             "end-seq": 106,
             "start-edge-rec": {
               "seq-i": 103,
               "seq-j": 105

8.  Operation and Processing Considerations

   TIPS has some common operational considerations as ALTO/SSE
   [RFC8895], including:

   *  the server choosing update messages (Section 9.1 of [RFC8895]);

   *  the client processing update messages (Section 9.2 of [RFC8895]);

   *  the updates of filtered map services (Section 9.3 of [RFC8895]);

   *  the updates of ordinal mode costs (Section 9.4 of [RFC8895]).

   There are also some operational considerations specific to TIPS,
   which we discuss below.

8.1.  Considerations for Load Balancing

   There are two levels of load balancing in TIPS: the first level is to
   balance the load of TIPS views for different clients and the second
   is to balance the load of incremental updates.

   Load balancing of TIPS views can be achieved either at the
   application layer or at the infrastructure layer.  For example, an
   ALTO server MAY set <tips-view-host> to different subdomains to
   distribute TIPS views or simply use the same host of the TIPS
   information resource and rely on load balancers to distribute the

   TIPS allows a client to make concurrent pulls of incremental updates
   for the same TIPS view, potentially through different HTTP
   connections.  As a consequence, TIPS introduces additional
   complexities when the ALTO server balances the load by distributing
   the requests to a set of backend servers.  For example, a request
   might be directed to the wrong backend server and get processed
   incorrectly if the following two conditions both hold:

   *  these backend servers are stateful (i.e., the TIPS view is created
      and stored only on a single server); and

   *  the ALTO server is using Layer 4 load balancing (i.e., the
      requests are distributed based on the TCP 5-tuple).

   Thus, additional considerations are required to enable correct load
   balancing for TIPS, including:

   Using a stateless architecture:  One solution is to follow the
      stateless computing pattern: states about the TIPS view are not
      maintained by the backend servers but are stored in a distributed
      database.  Thus, concurrent requests to the same TIPS view can be
      processed on arbitrary stateless backend servers, which all fetch
      data from the same database.

   Configuring the load balancers properly:  In the case that the
      backend servers are stateful, the load balancers must be properly
      configured to guarantee that requests of the same TIPS view always
      arrive at the same server.  For example, an operator or a provider
      of an ALTO server MAY configure Layer 7 load balancers that
      distribute requests based on the tips-view-path component in the

8.2.  Considerations for Cross-Resource Dependency Scheduling

   Dependent ALTO resources result in cross-resource dependencies in
   TIPS.  Consider the following pair of resources, where my-cost-map
   (C) is dependent on my-network-map (N).  The updates graph for each
   resource is shown, along with links between the respective updates
   graphs to show dependency:

                              +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+
         my-network-map (N)   | 0 |-->|89 |-->|90 |-->|91 |-->|92 |
                              +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+
                                        |   \       \       \
                                        |    \       \       \
                              +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+
         my-cost-map (C)      | 0 |-->|101|-->|102|-->|103|-->|104|
                              +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+   +---+

                    Figure 16: Example Dependency Model

   In Figure 16, the cost-map versions 101 and 102 (denoted as C101 and
   C102) are dependent on the network-map version 89 (denoted as N89).
   The cost-map version 103 (C103) is dependent on the network-map
   version 90 (N90), and so on.

   Thus, the client must decide the order in which to receive and apply
   the updates.  The order may affect how fast the client can build a
   consistent view and how long the client needs to buffer the update.

   Example 1:  The client requests N89, N90, N91, C101, C102 in that
      order.  The client either gets no consistent view of the resources
      or has to buffer N90 and N91.

   Example 2:  The client requests C101, C102, C103, N89.  The client
      either gets no consistent view or has to buffer C103.

   To get consistent ALTO information, a client must process the updates
   following the guidelines specified in Section 9.2 of [RFC8895].  If
   resources permit (i.e., sufficient updates can be buffered), an ALTO
   client can safely use long polling to fetch all the updates.  This
   allows a client to build consistent views quickly as the updates are
   already stored in the buffer.  Otherwise, it is RECOMMENDED to
   request a full snapshot if the client does not have enough local
   resources to buffer and process the incremental updates.

8.3.  Considerations for Managing Shared TIPS Views

   From a client's point of view, it sees only one copy of the TIPS view
   for any resource.  However, on the server side, there are different
   implementation options, especially for common resources (e.g.,
   network maps or cost maps) that may be frequently queried by many
   clients.  Some potential options are listed below:

   *  An ALTO server creates one TIPS view of the common resource for
      each client.

   *  An ALTO server maintains one copy of the TIPS view for each common
      resource and all clients requesting the same resources use the
      same copy.  There are two ways to manage the storage for the
      shared copy:

      -  the ALTO server maintains the set of clients that have sent a
         polling request to the TIPS view and only removes the view from
         the storage when the set becomes empty and no client
         immediately issues a new edge request; or

      -  the TIPS view is never removed from the storage.

   Developers may choose different implementation options depending on
   criteria such as request frequency, available resources of the ALTO
   server, the ability to scale, and programming complexity.

8.4.  Considerations for Offering Shortcut Incremental Updates

   Besides the mandatory stepwise incremental updates (from i to i+1),
   an ALTO server MAY optionally offer shortcut incremental updates, or
   simple shortcuts, between two non-consecutive versions i and i+k (k >
   1).  Such shortcuts offer alternative paths in the updates graph and
   can potentially speed up the transmission and processing of
   incremental updates, leading to faster synchronization of ALTO
   information, especially when the client has limited bandwidth and
   computation.  However, implementors of an ALTO server must be aware

   1.  optional shortcuts may increase the size of the updates graph,
       worst case scenario being the square of the number of updates
       (i.e., when a shortcut is offered for each version to all future

   2.  optional shortcuts require additional storage on the ALTO server.

   3.  optional shortcuts may reduce concurrency when the updates do not
       overlap (e.g., when the updates apply to different parts of an
       ALTO resource).  In such a case, the total size of the original
       updates is close to the size of the shortcut, but the original
       updates can be transmitted concurrently while the shortcut is
       transmitted in a single connection.

9.  Security Considerations

   The security considerations of the base protocol (Section 15 of
   [RFC7285]) fully apply to this extension.  For example, the same
   authenticity and integrity considerations (Section 15.1 of [RFC7285])
   still fully apply; the same considerations for the privacy of ALTO
   users (Section 15.4 of [RFC7285]) also still fully apply.
   Additionally, operators of the ALTO servers MUST follow the
   guidelines in [RFC9325] to avoid new TLS vulnerabilities discovered
   after [RFC7285] was published.

   The additional services (the addition of update read service and
   update push service) provided by this extension extend the attack
   surface described in Section 15.1.1 of [RFC7285].  The following
   subsections discuss the additional risks and their remedies.

9.1.  TIPS: Denial-of-Service Attacks

   Allowing TIPS views enables new classes of DoS attacks.  In
   particular, for the TIPS server, one or multiple malicious ALTO
   clients might create an excessive number of TIPS views, to exhaust
   the server resource and/or to block normal users from accessing the

   To avoid such attacks, the server MAY choose to limit the number of
   active views and reject new requests when that threshold is reached.
   TIPS allows predictive fetching and the server MAY also choose to
   limit the number of pending requests.  If a new request exceeds the
   threshold, the server MAY log the event and return the HTTP status
   429 (Too Many Requests).

   It is important to note that the preceding approaches are not the
   only possibilities.  For example, it might be possible for a TIPS
   server to use somewhat more clever logic involving TIPS view eviction
   policies, IP reputation, rate-limiting, and compartmentalization of
   the overall threshold into smaller thresholds that apply to subsets
   of potential clients.  If service availability is a concern, ALTO
   clients MAY establish service level agreements with the ALTO server.

9.2.  ALTO Client: Update Overloading or Instability

   The availability of continuous updates can also cause overload for an
   ALTO client, in particular, an ALTO client with limited processing
   capabilities.  The current design does not include any flow control
   mechanisms for the client to reduce the update rates from the server.
   For example, TCP, HTTP/2, and QUIC provide stream and connection flow
   control data limits, which might help prevent the client from being
   overloaded.  Under overloading, the client MAY choose to remove the
   information resources with high update rates.

   Also, under overloading, the client might no longer be able to detect
   whether information is still fresh or has become stale.  In such a
   case, the client should be careful in how it uses the information to
   avoid stability or efficiency issues.

10.  IANA Considerations

   IANA has registered the following media types from the registry
   available at [IANA-Media-Type]:

   *  application/alto-tips+json: as described in Section 6.2;

   *  application/alto-tipsparams+json: as described in Section 6.1;

10.1.  application/alto-tips+json Media Type

   Type name:  application

   Subtype name:  alto-tips+json

   Required parameters:  N/A

   Optional parameters:  N/A

   Encoding considerations:  Encoding considerations are identical to
      those specified for the "application/json" media type.  See

   Security considerations:  See the Security Considerations section of
      RFC 9569.

   Interoperability considerations:  N/A

   Published specification:  Section 6.2 of RFC 9569.

   Applications that use this media type:  ALTO servers and ALTO clients
      either stand alone or are embedded within other applications.

   Fragment identifier considerations:  N/A

   Additional information:

      Deprecated alias names for this type:  N/A
      Magic number(s):  N/A
      File extension(s):  RFC 9569 uses the media type to refer to
         protocol messages; thus, it does not require a file extension.
      Macintosh file type code(s):  N/A

   Person & email address to contact for further information:
      See the Authors' Addresses section of RFC 9569.

   Intended usage:  COMMON

   Restrictions on usage:  N/A

   Author:  See the Authors' Addresses section of RFC 9569.

   Change controller:  Internet Engineering Task Force (

10.2.  application/alto-tipsparams+json Media Type

   Type name:  application

   Subtype name:  alto-tipsparams+json

   Required parameters:  N/A

   Optional parameters:  N/A

   Encoding considerations:  Encoding considerations are identical to
      those specified for the "application/json" media type.  See

   Security considerations:  See the Security Considerations section of
      RFC 9569.

   Interoperability considerations:  N/A

   Published specification:  Section 6.1 of RFC 9569.

   Applications that use this media type:  ALTO servers and ALTO clients
      either stand alone or are embedded within other applications.

   Fragment identifier considerations:  N/A

   Additional information:

      Deprecated alias names for this type:  N/A
      Magic number(s):  N/A
      File extension(s):  RFC 9569 uses the media type to refer to
         protocol messages; thus, it does not require a file extension.
      Macintosh file type code(s):  N/A

   Person & email address to contact for further information:
      See the Authors' Addresses section of RFC 9569.

   Intended usage:  COMMON

   Restrictions on usage:  N/A

   Author:  See the Authors' Addresses section of RFC 9569.

   Change controller:  Internet Engineering Task Force (

11.  References

11.1.  Normative References

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform
              Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,
              RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, January 2005,

   [RFC7285]  Alimi, R., Ed., Penno, R., Ed., Yang, Y., Ed., Kiesel, S.,
              Previdi, S., Roome, W., Shalunov, S., and R. Woundy,
              "Application-Layer Traffic Optimization (ALTO) Protocol",
              RFC 7285, DOI 10.17487/RFC7285, September 2014,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [RFC8259]  Bray, T., Ed., "The JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Data
              Interchange Format", STD 90, RFC 8259,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8259, December 2017,

   [RFC8895]  Roome, W. and Y. Yang, "Application-Layer Traffic
              Optimization (ALTO) Incremental Updates Using Server-Sent
              Events (SSE)", RFC 8895, DOI 10.17487/RFC8895, November
              2020, <>.

   [RFC9112]  Fielding, R., Ed., Nottingham, M., Ed., and J. Reschke,
              Ed., "HTTP/1.1", STD 99, RFC 9112, DOI 10.17487/RFC9112,
              June 2022, <>.

   [RFC9113]  Thomson, M., Ed. and C. Benfield, Ed., "HTTP/2", RFC 9113,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC9113, June 2022,

   [RFC9114]  Bishop, M., Ed., "HTTP/3", RFC 9114, DOI 10.17487/RFC9114,
              June 2022, <>.

   [RFC9325]  Sheffer, Y., Saint-Andre, P., and T. Fossati,
              "Recommendations for Secure Use of Transport Layer
              Security (TLS) and Datagram Transport Layer Security
              (DTLS)", BCP 195, RFC 9325, DOI 10.17487/RFC9325, November
              2022, <>.

11.2.  Informative References

              IANA, "Media Types",

   [RFC7617]  Reschke, J., "The 'Basic' HTTP Authentication Scheme",
              RFC 7617, DOI 10.17487/RFC7617, September 2015,

   [RFC9205]  Nottingham, M., "Building Protocols with HTTP", BCP 56,
              RFC 9205, DOI 10.17487/RFC9205, June 2022,

   [RFC9562]  Davis, K., Peabody, B., and P. Leach, "Universally Unique
              IDentifiers (UUIDs)", RFC 9562, DOI 10.17487/RFC9562, May
              2024, <>.

Appendix A.  A High-Level Deployment Model

   Conceptually, the TIPS system consists of three types of resources:

   (R1):  The TIPS frontend to create TIPS views.

   (R2):  The TIPS view directory, which provides metadata (e.g.,
      references) about the network resource data.

   (R3):  The actual network resource data, encoded as complete ALTO
      network resources (e.g., a cost map or a network map) or
      incremental updates.

                      |                                                |
 +------+             |R1: Frontend/Open  R2: Directory/Meta  R3: Data |
 |      | "iget" base |     +-----+           +-----+         +-----+  |
 |      | resource 1  |     |     |           |     |         |     |  |
 |      |-------------|---->|     |           |     |         |     |  |
 |      | incremental |     |     |           |     |-------->|     |  |
 |      | transfer    |     |     |           |     |         |     |  |
 |      | resource    |     |     |           |     |         |     |  |
 |      |<------------|-----------------------|     |         |     |  |
 |Client|             |     |     |           +-----+         +-----+  |
 |      | "iget" base |     |     |                                    |
 |      | resource 2  |     |     |           +-----+         +-----+  |
 |      |-------------|---->|     |           |     |         |     |  |
 |      | incremental |     |     |           |     |         |     |  |
 |      | transfer    |     +-----+           |     | ------->|     |  |
 |      | resource    |                       |     |         |     |  |
 |      |<------------|-----------------------|     |         |     |  |
 +------+             |                       +-----+         +-----+  |
                      |                                                |

               Figure 17: Sample TIPS Deployment Model

   Design Point: Component Resource Location

   Design 1 (Single):  all the three resource types at the same single
      server (accessed via relative reference).

   Design 2 (Flexible):  all three resource types can be at their own
      server (accessed via absolute reference).

   Design 3 (Dir + Data):  R2 and R3 must remain together, though R1
      might not be on the same server.

   This document supports Designs 1 and 3.  For Design 1, the ALTO
   server simply needs to always use the same host for the TIPS views.
   For Design 3, the ALTO server can set tips-view-host to a different
   server.  Note that the deployment flexibility is at the logical
   level, as these services can be distinguished by different paths and
   potentially be routed to different physical servers by Layer 7 load
   balancing.  See Section 8.1 for a discussion on load balancing
   considerations.  Future documents could extend the protocol to
   support Design 2.

Appendix B.  Conformance with "Building Protocols with HTTP" (RFC 9205)
             Best Current Practices

   This specification adheres fully to [RFC9205] as further elaborated

   *  TIPS does not (as described in Section 3.1 of [RFC9205]):

      |  ...redefine, refine, or overlay the semantics of generic
      |  protocol elements such as methods, status codes, or existing
      |  header fields.

      and instead focuses on

      |  ...protocol elements that are specific to [the TIPS]
      |  application -- namely, [its] HTTP resources.

   *  There are no statically defined URI components (Section 3.2 of

   *  No minimum version of HTTP is specified by TIPS, which is
      recommended (in Section 4.1 of [RFC9205]).

   *  The TIPS design follows the advice (in Section 4.1 of [RFC9205])

      |  When specifying examples of protocol interactions, applications
      |  should document both the request and response messages with
      |  complete header sections, preferably in HTTP/1.1 format...

   *  TIPS uses URI templates, which is recommended (in Section 4.2 of

   *  TIPS follows the pattern (in Section 4.4.1 of [RFC9205]) that:

      |  Generally, a client will begin interacting with a given
      |  application server by requesting an initial document that
      |  contains information about that particular deployment,
      |  potentially including links to other relevant resources.  Doing
      |  so ensures that the deployment is as flexible as possible
      |  (potentially spanning multiple servers), allows evolution, and
      |  also gives the application the opportunity to tailor the
      |  "discovery document" to the client.

   *  TIPS uses existing HTTP schemes (Section 4.4.2 of [RFC9205]).

   *  TIPS defines its errors "to use the most applicable status code"
      (Section 4.6 of [RFC9205]).

   *  TIPS does not (as in Section 4.11 of [RFC9205]):

      |  ...make assumptions about the relationship between separate
      |  requests on a single transport connection; doing so breaks many
      |  of the assumptions of HTTP as a stateless protocol and will
      |  cause problems in interoperability, security, operability, and
      |  evolution.

      The only relationship between requests is that a client has to
      first discover where a TIPS view of a resource will be served,
      which is consistent with the URI discovery in Section 4.4.1 of

Appendix C.  Push-Mode TIPS Using HTTP Server Push

   TIPS allows ALTO clients to subscribe to incremental updates of an
   ALTO resource, and the specification in this document is based on the
   current best practice of building such a service using basic HTTP.
   Earlier versions of this document had investigated the possibility of
   enabling push-mode TIPS (i.e., by taking advantage of the server push
   feature in HTTP/2 and HTTP/3).

   In the ideal case, push-mode TIPS can potentially improve performance
   (e.g., latency) in more dynamic environments and use cases with wait-
   free message delivery.  Using the built-in HTTP server push also
   results in minimal changes to the current protocol.  While not
   adopted due to the lack of server push support and increased protocol
   complexity, push-mode TIPS remains a potential direction of protocol

Appendix D.  Persistent HTTP Connections

   Previous draft versions of this document use persistent HTTP
   connections to detect the liveness of clients.  However, this design
   does not conform well with the best current practices of HTTP.  For
   example, if an ALTO client is accessing a TIPS view over an HTTP
   proxy, the connection is not established directly between the ALTO
   client and the ALTO server, but between the ALTO client and the proxy
   and between the proxy and the ALTO server.  Thus, using persistent
   connections might not correctly detect the right liveness state.


   The authors of this document would like to thank Mark Nottingham and
   Spencer Dawkins for providing invaluable reviews of earlier draft
   versions of this document; Adrian Farrel, Qin Wu, and Jordi Ros
   Giralt for their continuous feedback; Russ White, Donald Eastlake
   3rd, Martin Thomson, Bernard Aboba, Spencer Dawkins, Linda Dunbar,
   and Sheng Jiang for the directorate reviews; Martin Duke for the area
   director review; Francesca Palombini, Wesley Eddy, Roman Danyliw,
   Murray Kucherawy, and Zaheduzzaman Sarker for the telechat and IESG
   reviews; and Mohamed Boucadair for shepherding the document.

Authors' Addresses

   Kai Gao
   Sichuan University
   No.24 South Section 1, Yihuan Road

   Roland Schott
   Deutsche Telekom
   Deutsche-Telekom-Allee 9
   64295 Darmstadt

   Yang Richard Yang
   Yale University
   51 Prospect Street
   New Haven, CT 06511
   United States of America

   Lauren Delwiche
   Yale University
   51 Prospect Street
   New Haven, CT 06511
   United States of America

   Lachlan Keller
   Yale University
   51 Prospect Street
   New Haven, CT 06511
   United States of America