Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF)                       N. McCallum
Request for Comments: 9588                                      S. Sorce
Category: Standards Track                                     R. Harwood
ISSN: 2070-1721                                            Red Hat, Inc.
                                                               G. Hudson
                                                             August 2024

      Kerberos Simple Password-Authenticated Key Exchange (SPAKE)


   This document defines a new pre-authentication mechanism for the
   Kerberos protocol.  The mechanism uses a password-authenticated key
   exchange (PAKE) to prevent brute-force password attacks, and it may
   incorporate a second factor.

Status of This Memo

   This is an Internet Standards Track document.

   This document is a product of the Internet Engineering Task Force
   (IETF).  It represents the consensus of the IETF community.  It has
   received public review and has been approved for publication by the
   Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG).  Further information on
   Internet Standards is available in Section 2 of RFC 7841.

   Information about the current status of this document, any errata,
   and how to provide feedback on it may be obtained at

Copyright Notice

   Copyright (c) 2024 IETF Trust and the persons identified as the
   document authors.  All rights reserved.

   This document is subject to BCP 78 and the IETF Trust's Legal
   Provisions Relating to IETF Documents
   ( in effect on the date of
   publication of this document.  Please review these documents
   carefully, as they describe your rights and restrictions with respect
   to this document.  Code Components extracted from this document must
   include Revised BSD License text as described in Section 4.e of the
   Trust Legal Provisions and are provided without warranty as described
   in the Revised BSD License.

Table of Contents

   1.  Introduction
     1.1.  Properties of PAKE
     1.2.  PAKE Algorithm Selection
     1.3.  PAKE and Two-Factor Authentication
     1.4.  SPAKE Overview
   2.  Document Conventions
   3.  Prerequisites
     3.1.  PA-ETYPE-INFO2
     3.2.  Cookie Support
     3.3.  More Pre-authentication Data Required
   4.  SPAKE Pre-authentication Message Protocol
     4.1.  First Pass
     4.2.  Second Pass
     4.3.  Third Pass
     4.4.  Subsequent Passes
     4.5.  Reply Key Strengthening
     4.6.  Optimizations
   5.  SPAKE Parameters and Conversions
   6.  Transcript Hash
   7.  Key Derivation
   8.  Second-Factor Types
   9.  Hint for Authentication Sets
   10. Security Considerations
     10.1.  SPAKE Computations
     10.2.  Unauthenticated Plaintext
     10.3.  Side Channels
     10.4.  KDC State
     10.5.  Dictionary Attacks
     10.6.  Brute-Force Attacks
     10.7.  Denial-of-Service Attacks
     10.8.  Reflection Attacks
     10.9.  Reply Key Encryption Type
     10.10. KDC Authentication
   11. Assigned Constants
   12. IANA Considerations
     12.1.  Kerberos Second-Factor Types
       12.1.1.  Registration Template
       12.1.2.  Initial Registry Contents
     12.2.  Kerberos SPAKE Groups
       12.2.1.  Registration Template
       12.2.2.  Initial Registry Contents
   13. References
     13.1.  Normative References
     13.2.  Informative References
   Appendix A.  ASN.1 Module
   Appendix B.  SPAKE M and N Value Selection
   Appendix C.  Test Vectors
   Authors' Addresses

1.  Introduction

   The Kerberos protocol [RFC4120] commonly uses password-derived long-
   term keys to secure the initial authentication exchange between a
   Kerberos client and a Key Distribution Center (KDC).  As noted in
   Section 10 of [RFC4120], an attacker can perform an offline
   dictionary attack against the password; this is performed either by
   initiating an authentication exchange to a principal for which the
   KDC does not require pre-authentication or after eavesdropping on a
   legitimate authentication exchange that uses encrypted timestamp pre-
   authentication (Section of [RFC4120]).

   This document defines a pre-authentication mechanism that
   authenticates using long-term keys but is resistant to offline
   dictionary attacks.  The mechanism additionally enables the use of
   second-factor authentication without the need for a separately
   established secure channel, by leveraging the trust relationship
   established by the shared long-term key.

1.1.  Properties of PAKE

   Password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) algorithms [RFC8125]
   provide several properties that defend against offline dictionary
   attacks and make them ideal for use in a Kerberos pre-authentication

   1.  Each side of the exchange contributes entropy.

   2.  Passive attackers cannot determine the shared key.

   3.  Active attackers cannot perform a machine-in-the-middle attack.

   These properties of PAKE allow us to establish high-entropy
   encryption keys resistant to offline brute-force attacks, even when
   the passwords used are weak (low entropy).

1.2.  PAKE Algorithm Selection

   The SPAKE algorithm (defined in [SPAKE]) works by encrypting the
   public keys of a Diffie-Hellman (DH) key exchange with a shared
   secret.  SPAKE is selected for this pre-authentication mechanism for
   the following properties:

   1.  SPAKE's encryption method ensures that the result is a member of
       the underlying group, so it can be used with elliptic curve
       cryptography, which is believed to provide equivalent security
       levels to finite-field DH key exchange at much smaller key sizes.

   2.  It can compute the shared key after just one message from each
       party, minimizing the need for additional round trips and state.

   3.  It requires a small number of group operations; therefore, it can
       be implemented simply and efficiently.

1.3.  PAKE and Two-Factor Authentication

   Using PAKE in a pre-authentication mechanism also has another benefit
   when used as a component of two-factor authentication (2FA).  2FA
   methods often require the secure transfer of plaintext material to
   the KDC for verification.  This includes one-time passwords,
   challenge/response signatures, and biometric data.  Encrypting this
   data using the long-term secret results in packets that are
   vulnerable to offline brute-force attacks on the password, using
   either an authentication tag or statistical properties of the 2FA
   credentials to determine whether a password guess is correct.

   In "One-Time Password (OTP) Pre-Authentication" [RFC6560], this
   problem is mitigated using flexible authentication secure tunneling
   (FAST) (Section 5.4 of [RFC6113]), which uses a secondary trust
   relationship to create a secure encryption channel within which pre-
   authentication data can be sent.  However, the requirement for a
   secondary trust relationship has proven to be cumbersome to deploy
   and often introduces third parties into the trust chain (such as
   certification authorities).  These requirements make it difficult to
   enable FAST without manual configuration of client hosts.  In
   contrast, SPAKE pre-authentication, can create a secure encryption
   channel implicitly, using the key exchange to negotiate a high-
   entropy encryption key.  This key can then be used to securely
   encrypt 2FA plaintext data without the need for a secondary trust
   relationship.  Further, if the second-factor verifiers are sent at
   the same time as the first-factor verifier, and the KDC is careful to
   prevent timing attacks, then an online brute-force attack cannot be
   used to attack the factors separately.

   For these reasons, this document departs from the advice given in
   Section 1 of [RFC6113], which states: "Mechanism designers should
   design FAST factors, instead of new pre-authentication mechanisms
   outside of FAST."  However, the SPAKE pre-authentication mechanism
   does not intend to replace FAST and may be used with it to further
   conceal the metadata of the Kerberos messages.

1.4.  SPAKE Overview

   The SPAKE algorithm can be broadly described in a series of four

   1.  Calculation and exchange of the public key

   2.  Calculation of the shared secret (K)

   3.  Derivation of an encryption key (K')

   4.  Verification of the derived encryption key (K')

   In this mechanism, key verification happens implicitly by a
   successful decryption of the 2FA data or of a placeholder value when
   no second factor is required.  This mechanism uses a tailored method
   of deriving encryption keys from the calculated shared secret K, for
   several reasons:

   *  to fit within the framework of [RFC3961],

   *  to ensure negotiation integrity using a transcript hash,

   *  to derive different keys for each use, and

   *  to bind the KDC-REQ-BODY to the pre-authentication exchange.

2.  Document Conventions

   The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
   "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in
   BCP 14 [RFC2119] [RFC8174] when, and only when, they appear in all
   capitals, as shown here.

   This document refers to numerous terms and protocol messages defined
   in [RFC4120].

   The terms "encryption type", "key generation seed length", and
   "random-to-key" are defined in [RFC3961].

   authentication facility", and "authentication set" are defined in

   [SPAKE] defines SPAKE as a family of two key-exchange algorithms
   differing only in derivation of the final key.  This mechanism uses a
   derivation similar to the second algorithm (SPAKE2).  For simplicity,
   this document refers to the algorithm as "SPAKE".

   The terms "Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)" and "Distinguished
   Encoding Rules (DER)" are defined in [ITU-T.X680.2021] and
   [ITU-T.X690.2021], respectively.

   When discussing operations within algebraic groups, this document
   uses additive notation (as described in Section 2.2 of [RFC6090]).
   Group elements are denoted with uppercase letters, while scalar
   multiplier values are denoted with lowercase letters.

3.  Prerequisites


   This mechanism requires the initial KDC pre-authentication state to
   contain a singular reply key.  Therefore, a KDC that offers SPAKE
   pre-authentication as a stand-alone mechanism MUST supply a PA-ETYPE-
   INFO2 value containing a single ETYPE-INFO2-ENTRY, following the
   guidance in Section 2.1 of [RFC6113].  PA-ETYPE-INFO2 is specified in
   Section of [RFC4120].

3.2.  Cookie Support

   KDCs that implement SPAKE pre-authentication MUST have some secure
   mechanism for retaining state between authentication service requests
   (AS-REQs).  For stateless KDC implementations, this method will most
   commonly be an encrypted PA-FX-COOKIE.  Clients that implement SPAKE
   pre-authentication MUST support PA-FX-COOKIE, as described in
   Section 5.2 of [RFC6113].

3.3.  More Pre-authentication Data Required

   Both KDCs and clients that implement SPAKE pre-authentication MUST
   support the use of KDC_ERR_MORE_PREAUTH_DATA_REQUIRED, as described
   in Section 5.2 of [RFC6113].

4.  SPAKE Pre-authentication Message Protocol

   This mechanism uses the reply key and provides the client
   authentication and strengthening reply key pre-authentication
   facilities (Section 3 of [RFC6113]).  When the mechanism completes
   successfully, the client will have proved knowledge of the original
   reply key and possibly a second factor, and the reply key will be
   strengthened to a more uniform distribution based on the PAKE
   exchange.  This mechanism also ensures the integrity of the KDC-REQ-
   BODY contents.  This mechanism can be used in an authentication set;
   no pa-hint value is required or defined.

   This mechanism negotiates a choice of group for the SPAKE algorithm.
   Groups are defined in the "Kerberos SPAKE Groups" registry created by
   this document (see Section 12.2).  Each group definition specifies an
   associated hash function, which will be used for transcript
   protection and key derivation.  Clients and KDCs MUST implement the
   edwards25519 group, but they MAY choose not to offer or accept it by

   The subsections that follow will describe the flow of messages when
   performing SPAKE pre-authentication.  We will begin by explaining the
   most verbose version of the protocol, which all implementations MUST
   support.  Then, we will describe several optional optimizations to
   reduce round trips.

   Mechanism messages are communicated using PA-DATA elements within the
   padata field of KDC-REQ messages or within the METHOD-DATA in the
   e-data field of KRB-ERROR messages.  All PA-DATA elements for this
   mechanism MUST use the following padata-type:

   PA-SPAKE  151

   The padata-value for all PA-SPAKE PA-DATA values MUST be empty or
   contain a DER encoding for the ASN.1 type PA-SPAKE.

       support     [0] SPAKESupport,
       challenge   [1] SPAKEChallenge,
       response    [2] SPAKEResponse,
       encdata     [3] EncryptedData,

4.1.  First Pass

   The SPAKE pre-authentication exchange begins when the client sends an
   initial authentication service request (AS-REQ) without pre-
   authentication data.  Upon receipt of this AS-REQ, a KDC that
   requires pre-authentication and supports SPAKE SHOULD (unless
   configuration indicates otherwise) reply with a
   KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_REQUIRED error, with METHOD-DATA containing an empty
   PA-SPAKE PA-DATA element (possibly in addition to other PA-DATA
   elements).  This message indicates to the client that the KDC
   supports SPAKE pre-authentication.

4.2.  Second Pass

   Once the client knows that the KDC supports SPAKE pre-authentication
   and the client wants to use it, the client will generate a new AS-REQ
   message containing a PA-SPAKE PA-DATA element using the support
   choice.  This message indicates to the KDC which groups the client
   prefers for the SPAKE operation.  The group numbers are defined in
   the "Kerberos SPAKE Groups" registry (see Section 12.2).  The group's
   sequence is ordered from the most preferred group to the least
   preferred group.

   SPAKESupport ::= SEQUENCE {
       groups      [0] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF Int32,

   Upon receipt of the support message, the KDC will select a group.
   The KDC SHOULD choose a group from the groups provided by the support
   message.  However, if the support message does not contain any group
   that is supported by the KDC, the KDC MAY select another group in
   hopes that the client might support it.  Otherwise, the KDC MUST
   respond with a KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED error.

   The group selection determines the group order, which shall be a
   large prime p multiplied by a small cofactor h (possibly 1), a
   generator P of a prime-order subgroup, and two masking points M and
   N.  The KDC selects a random integer x in the range 0 <= x < h*p,
   which MUST be divisible by h.  The KDC computes a public key
   T=x*P+w*M, where w is computed from the initial reply key according
   to Section 5.

   The KDC will reply to the client with a
   DATA element using the challenge choice.

   SPAKEChallenge ::= SEQUENCE {
       group       [0] Int32,
       pubkey      [1] OCTET STRING,
       factors     [2] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF SPAKESecondFactor,

   The group field indicates the KDC-selected group used for all SPAKE
   calculations as defined in the "Kerberos SPAKE Groups" registry (see
   Section 12.2).

   The pubkey field indicates the KDC's public key T, serialized
   according to Section 5.

   The factors field contains an unordered list of second factors, which
   can be used to complete the authentication.  Each second factor is
   represented by a SPAKESecondFactor.

   SPAKESecondFactor ::= SEQUENCE {
       type        [0] Int32,
       data        [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL

   The type field is a unique integer that identifies the second-factor
   type.  The factors field of SPAKEChallenge MUST NOT contain more than
   one SPAKESecondFactor with the same type value.

   The data field contains optional challenge data.  The contents in
   this field will depend upon the second-factor type chosen.  Note that
   this challenge is initially transmitted as unauthenticated plaintext;
   see Section 10.2.

   The client and KDC will each initialize a transcript hash (Section 6)
   using the hash function associated with the chosen group and update
   it with the concatenation of the DER-encoded PA-SPAKE messages sent
   by the client and the KDC.

4.3.  Third Pass

   Upon receipt of the challenge message, the client observes which
   group was selected by the KDC and deserializes the KDC's public key
   T.  The client selects a random integer y in the range 0 <= x < h*p,
   which MUST be divisible by h.  The client computes a public key
   S=y*P+w*N, where w is computed from the initial reply key according
   to Section 5.  The client computes a shared group element

   The client will then choose one of the second-factor types listed in
   the factors field of the challenge message and gather whatever data
   is required for the chosen second-factor type, possibly using the
   associated challenge data.  Finally, the client will send an AS-REQ
   containing a PA-SPAKE PA-DATA element using the response choice.

   SPAKEResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
       pubkey      [0] OCTET STRING,
       factor      [1] EncryptedData, -- SPAKESecondFactor

   The client and KDC will update the transcript hash with the pubkey
   value and use the resulting hash for all encryption key derivations.

   The pubkey field indicates the client's public key S, serialized
   according to Section 5.

   The factor field indicates the client's chosen second-factor data.
   The key for this field is K'[1] (specified in Section 7).  The kvno
   field of the EncryptedData sequence is omitted.  The key usage number
   for the encryption is KEY_USAGE_SPAKE.  The plaintext inside the
   EncryptedData is an encoding of the SPAKESecondFactor.  Once decoded,
   the SPAKESecondFactor provides the type of the second factor and any
   optional data used.  The contents of the data field will depend on
   the second-factor type chosen.  The client MUST NOT send a response
   containing a second-factor type that was not listed in the factors
   field of the challenge message.

   When the KDC receives the response message from the client, it
   deserializes the client's public key S, and computes the shared group
   element K=x*(S-w*N).  The KDC derives K'[1] and decrypts the factors
   field.  If decryption is successful, the first factor is successfully
   validated.  The KDC then validates the second factor.  If either
   factor fails to validate, the KDC MUST respond with a

   If validation of the second factor requires further round trips, the
   KDC MUST reply to the client with a
   DATA element using the encdata choice.  The kvno field of the
   EncryptedData sequence is omitted.  The key for the EncryptedData
   value is K'[2] (specified in Section 7), and the key usage number is
   KEY_USAGE_SPAKE.  The plaintext of this message contains a DER-
   encoded SPAKESecondFactor message.  As before, the type field of this
   message will contain the second-factor type and the data field will,
   optionally, contain data specific to the second-factor type.

4.4.  Subsequent Passes

   Any number of additional round trips may occur using the encdata
   choice.  The contents of the plaintexts are specific to the second-
   factor type.  If a client receives a PA-SPAKE PA-DATA element using
   the encdata choice from the KDC, it MUST reply with a subsequent AS-
   REQ with a PA-SPAKE PA-DATA element using the encdata choice or abort
   the AS exchange.

   The key for client-originated encdata messages in subsequent passes
   is K'[3] (specified in Section 7) for the first subsequent pass,
   K'[5] for the second, and so on.  The key for KDC-originated encdata
   messages is K'[4] for the first subsequent pass, K'[6] for the
   second, and so on.

4.5.  Reply Key Strengthening

   When the KDC has successfully validated both factors, the reply key
   is strengthened and the mechanism is complete.  The strengthening of
   the reply key is accomplished by the client and KDC replacing it with
   K'[0] (as specified in Section 7).  The KDC then replies with a KDC-
   REP message or continues on to the next mechanism in the
   authentication set.  There is no final PA-SPAKE PA-DATA message from
   the KDC to the client.

   Reply key strengthening occurs only once: at the end of the exchange.
   The client and KDC MUST use the initial reply key as the base key for
   all K'[n] derivations.

4.6.  Optimizations

   The full protocol has two possible optimizations.

   First, the KDC MAY reply to the initial AS-REQ (containing no pre-
   authentication data) with a PA-SPAKE PA-DATA element using the
   challenge choice instead of an empty padata-value.  In this case, the
   KDC optimistically selects a group that the client may not support.
   If the group chosen by the challenge message is supported by the
   client, the client MUST skip to the third pass by issuing an AS-REQ
   with a PA-SPAKE message using the response choice.  In this case, no
   SPAKESupport message is sent by the client, so the first update to
   the transcript hash contains only the KDC's optimistic challenge.  If
   the KDC's chosen group is not supported by the client, the client
   MUST continue to the second pass.  In this case, both the client and
   KDC MUST reinitialize the transcript hash for the client's support
   message.  Clients MUST support this optimization.

   Second, clients MAY skip the first pass and send an AS-REQ with a PA-
   SPAKE PA-DATA element using the support choice.  If the KDC accepts
   the support message and generates a challenge, it MUST include a PA-
   ETYPE-INFO2 value within the METHOD-DATA of the
   KDC_ERR_MORE_PREAUTH_DATA_REQUIRED error response, as the client may
   not otherwise be able to compute the initial reply key.  If the KDC
   cannot continue with SPAKE (either because the initial reply key type
   is incompatible with SPAKE or because it does not support any of the
   client's groups) but can offer other pre-authentication mechanisms,
   the KDC MUST respond with a KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED error containing
   METHOD-DATA for the available mechanisms.  A client supporting this
   optimization MUST continue after a KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED error as
   described in Section 2 of [RFC6113].  KDCs MUST support this

5.  SPAKE Parameters and Conversions

   Group elements are converted to and from octet strings using the
   serialization method defined in the "Kerberos SPAKE Groups" registry
   (see Section 12.2).

   The SPAKE algorithm requires constants M and N for each group.  These
   constants are defined in the "Kerberos SPAKE Groups" registry (see
   Section 12.2).

   The SPAKE algorithm requires a shared secret input w to be used as a
   scalar multiplier.  This value MUST be produced from the initial
   reply key as follows:

   1.  Determine the length of the multiplier octet string as defined in
       the "Kerberos SPAKE Groups" registry (see Section 12.2).

   2.  Compose a pepper string by concatenating the string "SPAKEsecret"
       and the group number as a big-endian four-byte two's complement
       binary number.

   3.  Produce an octet string of the required length using PRF+(K,
       pepper), where K is the initial reply key and PRF+ is as defined
       in Section 5.1 of [RFC6113].

   4.  Convert the octet string to a multiplier scalar using the
       multiplier conversion method defined in the "Kerberos SPAKE
       Groups" registry (see Section 12.2).

   The KDC chooses a secret scalar value x and the client chooses a
   secret scalar value y.  As required by the SPAKE algorithm, these
   values are chosen randomly and uniformly.  The KDC and client MUST
   NOT reuse x or y values for authentications involving different
   initial reply keys (see Section 10.4).

6.  Transcript Hash

   The transcript hash is an octet string of length equal to the output
   length of the hash function associated with the selected group.  All
   bits are set to zero in the initial value.

   When the transcript hash is updated with an octet string input, the
   new value is the hash function computed over the concatenation of the
   old value and the input.

   In the normal message flow or with the second optimization described
   in Section 4.6, the transcript hash is:

   1.  updated with the concatenation of the client's support message
       and the KDC's challenge, then

   2.  updated a second time with the client's pubkey value.

   Therefore, it incorporates the client's supported groups, the KDC's
   chosen group, the KDC's initial second-factor messages, and the
   client and KDC public values.  Once the transcript hash is finalized,
   it is used without change for all key derivations (Section 7).  In
   particular, encrypted second-factor messages are not included in the
   transcript hash.

   If the first optimization described in Section 4.6 is used
   successfully, the transcript hash is first updated with the KDC's
   challenge message and updated a second time with the client's pubkey

   If the first optimization is used unsuccessfully (i.e., the client
   does not accept the KDC's selected group), the transcript hash is
   computed as in the normal message flow, without including the KDC's
   optimistic challenge.

7.  Key Derivation

   Implementations MUST NOT use the shared group element (denoted by K)
   directly for any cryptographic operation.  Instead, the SPAKE result
   is used to derive keys K'[n] (defined in this section).

   First, compute the hash function associated with the selected group
   over the concatenation of the following values:

   *  The fixed string "SPAKEkey".

   *  The group number as a big-endian four-byte two's complement binary

   *  The encryption type of the initial reply key as a big-endian four-
      byte two's complement binary number.

   *  The PRF+ output used to compute the initial secret input w (as
      specified in Section 5).

   *  The SPAKE result K, converted to an octet string (as specified in
      Section 5).

   *  The transcript hash.

   *  The KDC-REQ-BODY encoding for the request being sent or responded
      to.  Within a FAST channel, the inner KDC-REQ-BODY encoding MUST
      be used.

   *  The value n as a big-endian, four-byte, and unsigned binary

   *  A single-byte block counter with the initial value 0x01.

   If the hash output is too small for the encryption type's key
   generation seed length, the block counter value is incremented and
   the hash function is recomputed to produce as many blocks as are
   required.  The result is truncated to the key generation seed length,
   and the random-to-key function is used to produce an intermediate key
   with the same encryption type as the initial reply key.

   The key K'[n] has the same encryption type as the initial reply key,
   and has the value KRB-FX-CF2(initial-reply-key, intermediate-key,
   "SPAKE", "keyderiv"), where KRB-FX-CF2 is defined in Section 5.1 of

8.  Second-Factor Types

   This document defines one second-factor type:

   SF-NONE  1

   This second-factor type indicates that no second factor is used.
   Whenever a SPAKESecondFactor is used with SF-NONE, the data field
   MUST be omitted.  The SF-NONE second factor always successfully

9.  Hint for Authentication Sets

   If a KDC offers SPAKE pre-authentication as part of an authentication
   set (Section 5.3 of [RFC6113]), it SHOULD provide a pa-hint value
   containing the DER encoding of the ASN.1 type PA-SPAKE-HINT.  This
   helps the client determine whether SPAKE pre-authentication is likely
   to succeed if the authentication set is chosen.

       groups      [0] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF Int32,
       factors     [1] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF SPAKESecondFactor

   The groups field indicates the KDC's supported groups.  The factors
   field indicates the KDC's supported second factors.  The KDC MAY omit
   the data field of values in the factors list.

   A KDC MUST NOT include a PA-SPAKE-HINT message directly in a pa-value
   field; hints must only be provided within authentication sets.  A KDC
   SHOULD include a hint if SPAKE pre-authentication is offered as the
   second or later element of an authentication set.

   The PA-SPAKE-HINT message is not part of the transcript, and it does
   not replace any part of the SPAKE message flow.

10.  Security Considerations

10.1.  SPAKE Computations

   The deserialized public keys S and T MUST be verified to be elements
   of the group to prevent invalid curve attacks.  It is not necessary
   to verify that they are members of the prime-order subgroup; the
   computation of K by both parties involves a multiplication by the
   cofactor h.

   The aforementioned cofactor multiplication is accomplished by
   choosing private scalars x and y, which are divisible by the
   cofactor.  If the client or KDC chooses a scalar that might not be
   divisible by the cofactor, an attacker might be able to coerce values
   of K that are not members of the prime-order subgroup and deduce a
   limited amount of information about w from the order of K.

   The scalars x and y MUST be chosen uniformly.  They MUST NOT be
   reused for different initial reply keys.  If an x or y value is
   reused for pre-authentications involving two different initial reply
   keys, an attacker who observes both authentications and knows one of
   the initial reply keys can conduct an offline dictionary attack to
   recover the other one.

   The M and N values for a group MUST NOT have known discrete logs.  An
   attacker who knows the discrete log of M or N can perform an offline
   dictionary attack on passwords.  Therefore, it is important to
   demonstrate that the M and N values for each group were computed
   without multiplying a known value by the generator P.

10.2.  Unauthenticated Plaintext

   This mechanism includes unauthenticated plaintext in the support and
   challenge messages.  Beginning with the third pass, the integrity of
   this plaintext is ensured by incorporating the transcript hash into
   the derivation of the final reply key and second-factor encryption
   keys.  Downgrade attacks on support and challenge messages will
   result in the client and KDC deriving different reply keys and
   EncryptedData keys.  The KDC-REQ-BODY contents are also incorporated
   into key derivation, ensuring their integrity.  The unauthenticated
   plaintext in the KDC-REP message is not protected by this mechanism.

   Unless FAST is used, the factors field of a challenge message is not
   integrity protected until the response is verified.  Second-factor
   types MUST account for this when specifying the semantics of the data
   field.  In particular, second-factor data in the challenge should not
   be included in user prompts: it could be modified by an attacker to
   contain misleading or offensive information.

   Unless FAST is used, the factors field of a challenge message is
   visible to an attacker, who can use it to determine whether a second
   factor is required for the client.

   Subsequent factor data, including the data in the response, are
   encrypted in a derivative of the shared secret K.  Therefore, it is
   not possible to exploit the untrustworthiness of the challenge to
   turn the client into an encryption or signing oracle for the second-
   factor credentials, unless the attacker knows the client's long-term

   Unless FAST is used, any PA-SPAKE-HINT messages are unauthenticated
   and are not protected by the transcript hash if they are included
   when SPAKE is advertised in authentication sets.  Since hints do not
   replace any part of the message flow, manipulation of hint messages
   can only affect the client's decision to use or not use an
   authentication set, which could more easily be accomplished by
   removing authentication sets entirely.

10.3.  Side Channels

   An implementation of the SPAKE pre-authentication mechanism can have
   the property of indistinguishability, meaning that an attacker who
   guesses a long-term key and a second-factor value cannot determine
   whether one of the factors was correct unless both are correct.
   Indistinguishability is only maintained if the second factor can be
   validated solely based on the data in the response; the use of
   additional round trips will reveal to the attacker whether the long-
   term key is correct.  Indistinguishability also requires that there
   are no side channels.  When the KDC processes a response message,
   whether or not it decrypts the factor field, it must reply with the
   same error fields, take the same amount of time, and make the same
   observable communications to other servers.

   Both the size of the EncryptedData and the number of EncryptedData
   messages used for second-factor data (including the factor field of
   the SPAKEResponse message and messages using the encdata PA-SPAKE
   choice) may reveal information about the second factor used in an
   authentication.  Care should be taken to keep second-factor messages
   as small and as few as possible.

   Any side channels in the creation of the shared secret input w, or in
   the multiplications wM and wN, could allow an attacker to recover the
   client long-term key.  Implementations MUST take care to avoid side
   channels, particularly timing channels.  Generation of the secret
   scalar values x and y need not take constant time, but the amount of
   time taken MUST NOT provide information about the resulting value.

   The conversion of the scalar multiplier for the SPAKE w parameter may
   produce a multiplier that is larger than the order of the group.
   Some group implementations may be unable to handle such a multiplier.
   Others may silently accept such a multiplier but proceed to perform
   multiplication that is not constant time.  This is only a minor risk
   in most commonly used groups, but it is a more serious risk for P-521
   due to the extra seven high bits in the input octet string.  A common
   solution to this problem is achieved by reducing the multiplier
   modulo the group order, taking care to ensure constant time

10.4.  KDC State

   A stateless KDC implementation generally must use a PA-FX-COOKIE
   value to remember its private scalar value x and the transcript hash.
   The KDC MUST maintain confidentiality and integrity of the cookie
   value, perhaps by encrypting it in a key known only to the realm's
   KDCs.  Cookie values may be replayed by attackers, perhaps by
   splicing them into different SPAKE exchanges.  The KDC SHOULD limit
   the time window of replays using a timestamp, and it SHOULD prevent
   cookie values from being applied to other pre-authentication
   mechanisms or other client principals.  Within the validity period of
   a cookie, an attacker can replay the final message of a pre-
   authentication exchange to any of the realm's KDCs and make it appear
   that the client has authenticated.

   The SPAKE pre-authentication mechanism is not designed to provide
   forward secrecy.  Nevertheless, some measure of forward secrecy may
   result depending on implementation choices.  A passive attacker who
   determines the client long-term key after the exchange generally will
   not be able to recover the ticket session key; however, an attacker
   who also determines the PA-FX-COOKIE encryption key (if the KDC uses
   an encrypted cookie) will be able to recover the ticket session key.
   If the KDC or client retains the x or y value for reuse with the same
   client long-term key, an attacker who recovers the x or y value and
   the long-term key will be able to recover the ticket session key.

10.5.  Dictionary Attacks

   Although the SPAKE pre-authentication mechanism is designed to
   prevent an offline dictionary attack by an active attacker posing as
   the KDC, such an attacker can attempt to downgrade the client to the
   encrypted timestamp pre-authentication mechanism.  Client
   implementations SHOULD provide a configuration option to enable or
   disable the encrypted timestamp mechanism on a per-realm basis to
   mitigate this attack.

   If the user enters the wrong password, the client might fall back to
   the encrypted timestamp mechanism after receiving a
   KDC_ERR_PREAUTH_FAILED error from the KDC, if the encrypted timestamp
   mechanism is offered by the KDC and not disabled by client
   configuration.  This fallback will enable a passive attacker to mount
   an offline dictionary attack against the incorrect password, which
   may be similar to the correct password.  Client implementations
   SHOULD assume that the encrypted timestamp and encrypted challenge
   mechanisms are unlikely to succeed if SPAKE pre-authentication fails
   in the second pass and SF-NONE was used.

   Like any other pre-authentication mechanism using the client long-
   term key, the SPAKE pre-authentication mechanism does not prevent
   online password guessing attacks.  The KDC is made aware of
   unsuccessful guesses and can apply facilities such as rate limiting
   to mitigate the risk of online attacks.

10.6.  Brute-Force Attacks

   The selected group's resistance to offline brute-force attacks may
   not correspond to the size of the reply key.  For performance
   reasons, a KDC MAY select a group whose brute-force work factor is
   less than the reply key length.  A passive attacker who solves the
   group discrete logarithm problem after the exchange will be able to
   conduct an offline attack against the client long-term key.  Although
   the use of password policies and costly, salted string-to-key
   functions may increase the cost of such an attack, the resulting cost
   will likely not be higher than the cost of solving the group discrete

10.7.  Denial-of-Service Attacks

   Elliptic curve group operations are more computationally expensive
   than secret-key operations.  As a result, the use of this mechanism
   may affect the KDC's performance under normal load and its resistance
   to denial-of-service attacks.

10.8.  Reflection Attacks

   The encdata choice of PA-SPAKE can be used in either direction; the
   factor-specific plaintext does not necessarily indicate a direction.
   However, each encdata message is encrypted using a derived key K'[n],
   with client-originated messages using only odd values of n and KDC-
   originated messages using only even values.  Therefore, an attempted
   reflection attack would result in a failed decryption.

10.9.  Reply Key Encryption Type

   This mechanism does not upgrade the encryption type of the initial
   reply key and relies on that encryption type for confidentiality,
   integrity, and pseudorandom functions.  If the client long-term key
   uses a weak encryption type, an attacker might be able to subvert the
   exchange, and the replaced reply key will also be of the same weak
   encryption type.

10.10.  KDC Authentication

   This mechanism does not directly provide the KDC Authentication pre-
   authentication facility because it does not send a key confirmation
   from the KDC to the client.  When used as a stand-alone mechanism,
   the preexisting KDC authentication provided by the KDC-REP enc-part
   still applies.

11.  Assigned Constants

   The following key usage values are assigned for this mechanism:


12.  IANA Considerations

   IANA has assigned the following number for PA-SPAKE in the "Pre-
   authentication and Typed Data" registry:

                     | Type     | Value | Reference |
                     | PA-SPAKE | 151   | RFC 9588  |

                                 Table 1

   This document establishes two registries (see Sections 12.1 and 12.2)
   with the following procedure, in accordance with [RFC8126]:

   Registry entries are to be evaluated using the Specification Required
   method.  All specifications must be published prior to entry
   inclusion in the registry.  Once published, they can be submitted
   directly to the mailing list, where there
   will be a three-week-long review period by designated experts.

   The designated experts ensure that the specification is publicly
   available.  They may provide additional in-depth reviews, but their
   approval should not be taken as endorsement of the specification.

   Prior to the end of the review period, the designated experts must
   approve or deny the request.  This decision is conveyed to both IANA
   and the submitter.  Since the mailing list archives are not public,
   it should include both a reasonably detailed explanation in the case
   of a denial as well as whether the request can be resubmitted.

   IANA must only accept registry updates from the designated experts
   and should direct all requests for registration to the review mailing

12.1.  Kerberos Second-Factor Types

   This section specifies the "Kerberos Second-Factor Types" registry,
   which records the number, name, and reference for each second-factor

12.1.1.  Registration Template

   ID Number:  A value that uniquely identifies this entry.  It is a
      signed integer in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647, inclusive.
      Positive values must be assigned only for algorithms specified in
      accordance with these rules for use with Kerberos and related
      protocols.  Negative values should be used for private and
      experimental algorithms only.  Zero is reserved and must not be
      assigned.  Values should be assigned in increasing order.

   Name:  A brief, unique, human-readable name for this algorithm.

   Reference:  A URI or otherwise unique identifier for where the
      details of this algorithm can be found.  It should be as specific
      as reasonably possible.

12.1.2.  Initial Registry Contents

   ID Number:  0
   Name:  Reserved
   Reference:  RFC 9588

   ID Number:  1
   Name:  SF-NONE
   Reference:  RFC 9588

12.2.  Kerberos SPAKE Groups

   This section specifies the "Kerberos SPAKE Groups" registry, which
   records the number, name, specification, serialization, multiplier
   length, multiplier conversion, SPAKE M and N constants, and
   associated hash function for each SPAKE Group.

12.2.1.  Registration Template

   ID Number:  A value that uniquely identifies this entry.  It is a
      signed integer in the range -2147483648 to 2147483647, inclusive.
      Positive values must be assigned only for algorithms specified in
      accordance with these rules for use with Kerberos and related
      protocols.  Negative values should be used for private and
      experimental use only.  Zero is reserved and must not be assigned.
      Values should be assigned in increasing order.

   Name:  A brief, unique, human-readable name for this entry.

   Specification:  A reference to the definition of the group parameters
      and operations.

   Serialization:  A reference to the definition of the method used to
      serialize and deserialize group elements.

   Multiplier Length:  The length of the input octet string to
      multiplication operations.

   Multiplier Conversion:  A reference to the definition of the method
      used to convert an octet string to a multiplier scalar.

   SPAKE M Constant:  The serialized value of the SPAKE M constant in
      hexadecimal notation.

   SPAKE N Constant:  The serialized value of the SPAKE N constant in
      hexadecimal notation.

   Hash Function:  The group's associated hash function.

12.2.2.  Initial Registry Contents  Edwards 25519

   ID Number:  1
   Name:  edwards25519
   Specification:  Section 4.1 of [RFC7748] (edwards25519)
   Serialization:  Section 3.1 of [RFC8032]
   Multiplier Length:  32
   Multiplier Conversion:  Section 3.1 of [RFC8032]
   SPAKE M Constant:
   SPAKE N Constant:
   Hash function:  SHA-256 [RFC6234]  P-256

   ID Number:  2
   Name:  P-256
   Specification:  Section 2.4.2 of [SEC2]
   Serialization:  Section 2.3.3 of [SEC1] (compressed format)
   Multiplier Length:  32
   Multiplier Conversion:  Section 2.3.8 of [SEC1]
   SPAKE M Constant:
   SPAKE N Constant:
   Hash function:  SHA-256 [RFC6234]  P-384

   ID Number:  3
   Name:  P-384
   Specification:  Section 2.5.1 of [SEC2]
   Serialization:  Section 2.3.3 of [SEC1] (compressed format)
   Multiplier Length:  48
   Multiplier Conversion:  Section 2.3.8 of [SEC1]
   SPAKE M Constant:
   SPAKE N Constant:
   Hash function:  SHA-384 [RFC6234]  P-521

   ID Number:  4
   Name:  P-521
   Specification:  Section 2.6.1 of [SEC2]
   Serialization:  Section 2.3.3 of [SEC1] (compressed format)
   Multiplier Length:  48
   Multiplier Conversion:  Section 2.3.8 of [SEC1]
   SPAKE M Constant:
   SPAKE N Constant:
   Hash function:  SHA-512 [RFC6234]

13.  References

13.1.  Normative References

              ITU-T, "Information technology - Abstract Syntax Notation
              One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notation", ITU-T
              Recommendation X.680, ISO/IEC 8824-1:2021, February 2021.

              ITU-T, "Information technology - ASN.1 encoding rules:
              Specification of Basic Encoding Rules (BER), Canonical
              Encoding Rules (CER) and Distinguished Encoding Rules
              (DER)", ITU-T Recommendation X.690, ISO/IEC 8825-1:2021,
              February 2021.

   [RFC2119]  Bradner, S., "Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate
              Requirement Levels", BCP 14, RFC 2119,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC2119, March 1997,

   [RFC3961]  Raeburn, K., "Encryption and Checksum Specifications for
              Kerberos 5", RFC 3961, DOI 10.17487/RFC3961, February
              2005, <>.

   [RFC4120]  Neuman, C., Yu, T., Hartman, S., and K. Raeburn, "The
              Kerberos Network Authentication Service (V5)", RFC 4120,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC4120, July 2005,

   [RFC6113]  Hartman, S. and L. Zhu, "A Generalized Framework for
              Kerberos Pre-Authentication", RFC 6113,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6113, April 2011,

   [RFC6234]  Eastlake 3rd, D. and T. Hansen, "US Secure Hash Algorithms
              (SHA and SHA-based HMAC and HKDF)", RFC 6234,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6234, May 2011,

   [RFC7748]  Langley, A., Hamburg, M., and S. Turner, "Elliptic Curves
              for Security", RFC 7748, DOI 10.17487/RFC7748, January
              2016, <>.

   [RFC8032]  Josefsson, S. and I. Liusvaara, "Edwards-Curve Digital
              Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)", RFC 8032,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC8032, January 2017,

   [RFC8126]  Cotton, M., Leiba, B., and T. Narten, "Guidelines for
              Writing an IANA Considerations Section in RFCs", BCP 26,
              RFC 8126, DOI 10.17487/RFC8126, June 2017,

   [RFC8174]  Leiba, B., "Ambiguity of Uppercase vs Lowercase in RFC
              2119 Key Words", BCP 14, RFC 8174, DOI 10.17487/RFC8174,
              May 2017, <>.

   [SEC1]     Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group, "SEC 1:
              Elliptic Curve Cryptography", May 2009.

   [SEC2]     Standards for Efficient Cryptography Group, "SEC 2:
              Recommended Elliptic Curve Domain Parameters", January

13.2.  Informative References

   [RFC6090]  McGrew, D., Igoe, K., and M. Salter, "Fundamental Elliptic
              Curve Cryptography Algorithms", RFC 6090,
              DOI 10.17487/RFC6090, February 2011,

   [RFC6560]  Richards, G., "One-Time Password (OTP) Pre-
              Authentication", RFC 6560, DOI 10.17487/RFC6560, April
              2012, <>.

   [RFC8125]  Schmidt, J., "Requirements for Password-Authenticated Key
              Agreement (PAKE) Schemes", RFC 8125, DOI 10.17487/RFC8125,
              April 2017, <>.

   [SPAKE]    Abdalla, M. and D. Pointcheval, "Simple Password-Based
              Encrypted Key Exchange Protocols", CT-RSA 2005, Lecture
              Notes in Computer Science, Volume 3376, pages 191-208,
              Springer, DOI 10.1007/978-3-540-30574-3_14, February 2005,

Appendix A.  ASN.1 Module

   KerberosV5SPAKE {
           iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1)
           security(5) kerberosV5(2) modules(4) spake(8)

       EncryptedData, Int32
         FROM KerberosV5Spec2 { iso(1) identified-organization(3)
           dod(6) internet(1) security(5) kerberosV5(2) modules(4)
           krb5spec2(2) };
           -- as defined in RFC 4120.

   SPAKESupport ::= SEQUENCE {
       groups      [0] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF Int32,

   SPAKEChallenge ::= SEQUENCE {
       group       [0] Int32,
       pubkey      [1] OCTET STRING,
       factors     [2] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF SPAKESecondFactor,

   SPAKESecondFactor ::= SEQUENCE {
       type        [0] Int32,
       data        [1] OCTET STRING OPTIONAL

   SPAKEResponse ::= SEQUENCE {
       pubkey      [0] OCTET STRING,
       factor      [1] EncryptedData, -- SPAKESecondFactor

       support     [0] SPAKESupport,
       challenge   [1] SPAKEChallenge,
       response    [2] SPAKEResponse,
       encdata     [3] EncryptedData,

       groups      [0] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF Int32,
       factors     [1] SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..MAX)) OF SPAKESecondFactor


Appendix B.  SPAKE M and N Value Selection

   The M and N values for the initial contents of the SPAKE group
   registry were generated using the following Python snippet, which
   assumes an elliptic curve implementation following the interface of
   Edwards25519Point.stdbase() and Edwards448Point.stdbase() in
   Appendix A of [RFC8032]:

   def iterhash(seed, n):
       h = seed
       for i in range(n):
           h = hashlib.sha256(h).digest()
       return h

   def bighash(seed, start, sz):
       n = -(-sz // 32)
       hashes = [iterhash(seed, i) for i in range(start, start + n)]
       return b''.join(hashes)[:sz]

   def canon_pointstr(ecname, s):
       if ecname == 'edwards25519':
           return s
       elif ecname == 'edwards448':
           return s[:-1] + bytes([s[-1] & 0x80])
           return bytes([(s[0] & 1) | 2]) + s[1:]

   def gen_point(seed, ecname, ec):
       for i in range(1, 1000):
           hval = bighash(seed, i, len(ec.encode()))
           pointstr = canon_pointstr(ecname, hval)
               p = ec.decode(pointstr)
               if p != ec.zero_elem() and p * p.l() == ec.zero_elem():
                   return pointstr, i
           except Exception:

   The initial seed strings are as follows:

   *  For group 1 M: edwards25519 point generation seed (M)

   *  For group 1 N: edwards25519 point generation seed (N)

   *  For group 2 M: 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 point generation seed (M)

   *  For group 2 N: 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7 point generation seed (N)

   *  For group 3 M: point generation seed (M)

   *  For group 3 N: point generation seed (N)

   *  For group 4 M: point generation seed (M)

   *  For group 4 N: point generation seed (N)

Appendix C.  Test Vectors

   For the following text vectors:

   *  The key is the string-to-key of "password" with the salt
      "ATHENA.MIT.EDUraeburn" for the designated initial reply key
      encryption type.

   *  x and y were chosen randomly within the order of the designated
      group, then multiplied by the cofactor.

   *  The SPAKESupport message contains only the designated group's

   *  The SPAKEChallenge message offers only the SF-NONE second-factor

   *  The KDC-REQ-BODY message does not contain KDC options, but does
      contain the client principal name "raeburn@ATHENA.MIT.EDU", the
      server principal name "krbtgt/ATHENA.MIT.EDU", the realm
      "ATHENA.MIT.EDU", the till field "19700101000000Z", the nonce
      zero, and an etype list containing only the designated encryption

   des3-cbc-sha1 edwards25519
   key: 850bb51358548cd05e86768c313e3bfef7511937dcf72c3e
   w (PRF+ output): 686d84730cb8679ae95416c6567c6a63
   w (reduced multiplier): a1f1a25cbd8e3092667e2fddba8ecd24
   x: 201012d07bfd48ddfa33c4aac4fb1e229fb0d043cfe65ebfb14399091c71a723
   y: 500b294797b8b042aca1bedc0f5931a4f52c537b3608b2d05cc8a2372f439f25
   X: ec274df1920dc0f690c8741b794127233745444161016ef950ad75c51db58c3e
   Y: d90974f1c42dac1cd4454561ac2d49af762f2ac87bf02436d461e7b661b43028
   T: 18f511e750c97b592acd30db7d9e5fca660389102e6bf610c1bfbed4616c8362
   S: 5d10705e0d1e43d5dbf30240ccfbde4a0230c70d4c79147ab0b317edad2f8ae7
   K: 25bde0d875f0feb5755f45ba5e857889d916ecf7476f116aa31dc3e037ec4292
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a0053003020101
   SPAKEChallenge: a1363034a003020101a122042018f511e750c97b592acd30
   Transcript hash after challenge: 22bb2271e34d329d52073c70b1d11879
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: eaaa08807d0616026ff51c849efbf35b
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: baf12fae7cd958cbf1a29bfbc71f89ce49e03e295d89dafd
   K'[1]: 64f73dd9c41908206bcec1f719026b574f9d13463d7a2520
   K'[2]: 0454520b086b152c455829e6baeff78a61dfe9e3d04a895d
   K'[3]: 4a92260b25e3ef94c125d5c24c3e5bced5b37976e67f25c4

   rc4-hmac edwards25519
   key: 8846f7eaee8fb117ad06bdd830b7586c
   w (PRF+ output): 7c86659d29cf2b2ea93bfe79c3cefb88
   w (reduced multiplier): 2713c1583c53861520b849bfef0525cd
   x: c8a62e7b626f44cad807b2d695450697e020d230a738c5cd5691cc781dce8754
   y: 18fe7c1512708c7fd06db270361f04593775bc634ceaf45347e5c11c38aae017
   X: b0bcbbdd25aa031f4608d0442dd4924be7731d49c089a8301859d77343ffb567
   Y: 7d1ab8aeda1a2b1f9eab8d11c0fda60b616005d0f37d1224c5f12b8649f579a5
   T: 7db465f1c08c64983a19f560bce966fe5306c4b447f70a5bca14612a92da1d63
   S: 38f8d4568090148ebc9fd17c241b4cc2769505a7ca6f3f7104417b72b5b5cf54
   K: 03e75edd2cd7e7677642dd68736e91700953ac55dc650e3c2a1b3b4acdb800f8
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a0053003020101
   SPAKEChallenge: a1363034a003020101a12204207db465f1c08c64983a19f5
   Transcript hash after challenge: 3cde9ed9b562a09d816885b6c225f733
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: f4b208458017de6ef7f6a307d47d87db
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: 770b720c82384cbb693e85411eedecba
   K'[1]: 621deec88e2865837c4d3462bb50a1d5
   K'[2]: 1cc8f6333b9fa3b42662fd9914fbd5bb
   K'[3]: edb4032b7fc3806d5211a534dcbc390c

   aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96 edwards25519
   key: fca822951813fb252154c883f5ee1cf4
   w (PRF+ output): 0d591b197b667e083c2f5f98ac891d3c
   w (reduced multiplier): 17c2a9030afb7c37839bd4ae7fdfeb17
   x: 50be049a5a570fa1459fb9f666e6fd80602e4e87790a0e567f12438a2c96c138
   y: b877afe8612b406d96be85bd9f19d423e95be96c0e1e0b5824127195c3ed5917
   X: e73a443c678913eb4a0cad5cbd3086cf82f65a5a91b611e01e949f5c52efd6dd
   Y: 473c5b44ed2be9cb50afe1762b535b3930530489816ea6bd962622cccf39f6e8
   T: 9e9311d985c1355e022d7c3c694ad8d6f7ad6d647b68a90b0fe46992818002da
   S: fbe08f7f96cd5d4139e7c9eccb95e79b8ace41e270a60198c007df18525b628e
   K: c2f7f99997c585e6b686ceb62db42f17cc70932def3bb4cf009e36f22ea5473d
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a0053003020101
   SPAKEChallenge: a1363034a003020101a12204209e9311d985c1355e022d7c
   Transcript hash after challenge: 4512310282c01b39dd9aebd0cc2a5e53
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: 951285f107c87f0169b9c918a1f51f60
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: 548022d58a7c47eae8c49dccf6baa407
   K'[1]: b2c9ba0e13fc8ab3a9d96b51b601cf4a
   K'[2]: 69f0ee5fdb6c237e7fcd38d9f87df1bd
   K'[3]: 78f91e2240b5ee528a5cc8d7cbebfba5

   aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 edwards25519
   key: 01b897121d933ab44b47eb5494db15e50eb74530dbdae9b634d65020ff5d88c1
   w (PRF+ output): e902341590a1b4bb4d606a1c643cccb3
   w (reduced multiplier): 35b35ca126156b5bf4ec8b90e9545060
   x: 88c6c0a4f0241ef217c9788f02c32d00b72e4310748cd8fb5f94717607e6417d
   y: 88b859df58ef5c69bacdfe681c582754eaab09a74dc29cff50b328613c232f55
   X: 23c48eaff2721051946313840723b38f563c59b92043d6ffd752f95781af0327
   Y: 3d51486ec1d9be69bc45386bb675c013db87fd0488f6a9cacf6b43e8c81a0641
   T: 6f301aacae1220e91be42868c163c5009aeea1e9d9e28afcfc339cda5e7105b5
   S: 9e2cc32908fc46273279ec75354b4aeafa70c3d99a4d507175ed70d80b255dda
   K: cf57f58f6e60169d2ecc8f20bb923a8e4c16e5bc95b9e64b5dc870da7026321b
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a0053003020101
   SPAKEChallenge: a1363034a003020101a12204206f301aacae1220e91be428
   Transcript hash after challenge: 23a5e72eb4dedd1ca860f43736c458f0
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: 1c605649d4658b58cbe79a5faf227acc
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: a9bfa71c95c575756f922871524b6528
   K'[1]: 1865a9ee1ef0640ec28ac007391cac62
   K'[2]: e57781513fefdb978e374e156b0da0c1
   K'[3]: 008e6487293c3cc9fabbbcdd8b392d6d

   aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 P-256
   key: 01b897121d933ab44b47eb5494db15e50eb74530dbdae9b634d65020ff5d88c1
   w (PRF+ output): eb2984af18703f94dd5288b8596cd369
   w (reduced multiplier): eb2984af18703f94dd5288b8596cd369
   x: 935ddd725129fb7c6288e1a5cc45782198a6416d1775336d71eacd0549a3e80e
   y: e07405eb215663abc1f254b8adc0da7a16febaa011af923d79fdef7c42930b33
   X: 03bc802165aea7dbd98cc155056249fe0a37a9c203a7c0f7e872d5bf687bd105e2
   Y: 0340b8d91ce3852d0a12ae1f3e82c791fc86df6b346006431e968a1b869af7c735
   T: 024f62078ceb53840d02612195494d0d0d88de21feeb81187c71cbf3d01e71788d
   S: 021d07dc31266fc7cfd904ce2632111a169b7ec730e5f74a7e79700f86638e13c8
   K: 0268489d7a9983f2fde69c6e6a1307e9d252259264f5f2dfc32f58cca19671e79b
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a0053003020102
   SPAKEChallenge: a1373035a003020102a1230421024f62078ceb53840d0261
   Transcript hash after challenge: 0a142afca77c2e92b066572a90389eac
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: 20ad3c1a9a90fc037d1963a1c4bfb15a
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: 7d3b906f7be49932db22cd3463f032d0
   K'[1]: 17d74e36f8993841fbb7feb12fa4f011
   K'[2]: d192c9044081a2aa6a97a6c69e2724e8
   K'[3]: 41e5bad6b67f12c53ce0e2720dd6a988

   aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 P-384
   key: 01b897121d933ab44b47eb5494db15e50eb74530dbdae9b634d65020ff5d88c1
   w (PRF+ output): 0304cfc55151c6bbe889653db96dbfe0ba4acafc024c1e88
   w (reduced multiplier): 0304cfc55151c6bbe889653db96dbfe0
   x: f323ca74d344749096fd35d0adf20806e521460637176e84d977e9933c49d76f
   y: 5b7c709acb175a5afb82860deabca8d0b341facdff0ac0f1a425799aa905d750
   X: 0211e3334f117b76635dd802d4022f601680a1fd066a56606b7f246493a10351
   Y: 0383dfa413496e5e7599fc8c6430f8d6910d37cf326d81421bc92c0939b555c4
   T: 02a1524603ef14f184696f854229d3397507a66c63f841ba748451056be07879
   S: 020d5adfdb92bc377041cf5837412574c5d13e0f4739208a4f0c859a0a302bc6
   K: 0264aa8c61da9600dfb0beb5e46550d63740e4ef29e73f1a30d543eb43c25499
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a0053003020103
   SPAKEChallenge: a1473045a003020103a133043102a1524603ef14f184696f
   Transcript hash after challenge: 4d4095d9f94552e15015881a3f2cf458
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: 5ac0d99ef9e5a73998797fe64f074673
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: b917d37c16dd1d8567fbe379f64e1ee3
   K'[1]: 93d40079dab229b9c79366829f4e7e72
   K'[2]: bfc4f16f12f683e71589f9a888e23287
   K'[3]: 3630e2b5b99938e7506733141e8ec344

   aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 P-521
   key: 01b897121d933ab44b47eb5494db15e50eb74530dbdae9b634d65020ff5d88c1
   w (PRF+ output): de3a095a2b2386eff3eb15b735398da1caf95bc8425665d8
   w (reduced multiplier): 003a095a2b2386eff3eb15b735398da1
   x: 017c38701a14b490b6081dfc83524562be7fbb42e0b20426465e3e37952d30bc
   y: 003e2e2950656fa231e959acdd984d125e7fa59cec98126cbc8f3888447911eb
   X: 03003e95272223b210b48cfd908b956a36add04a7ff443511432f94ddd87e064
   Y: 030064916687960df496557ecab08298bf075429eca268c6dabbae24e258d568
   T: 02017d3de19a3ec53d0174905665ef37947d142535102cd9809c0dfbd0dfe007
   S: 02004d142d87477841f6ba053c8f651f3395ad264b7405ca5911fb9a55abd454
   K: 03007c303f62f09282cc849490805bd4457a6793a832cbeb55df427db6a31e99
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a0053003020104
   SPAKEChallenge: a1593057a003020104a145044302017d3de19a3ec53d0174
   Transcript hash after challenge: 554405860f8a80944228f1fa2466411d
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: 8d6a89ae4d80cc4e47b6f4e48ea3e579
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: 1eb3d10bee8fab483adcd3eb38f3ebf1
   K'[1]: 482b92781ce57f49176e4c94153cc622
   K'[2]: a2c215126dd3df280aab5a27e1e0fb7e
   K'[3]: cc06603de984324013a01f888de6d43b

   aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 edwards25519, accepted optimistic challenge
   key: 01b897121d933ab44b47eb5494db15e50eb74530dbdae9b634d65020ff5d88c1
   w (PRF+ output): e902341590a1b4bb4d606a1c643cccb3
   w (reduced multiplier): 35b35ca126156b5bf4ec8b90e9545060
   x: 70937207344cafbc53c8a55070e399c584cbafce00b836980dd4e7e74fad2a64
   y: 785d6801a2490df028903ac6449b105f2ff0db895b252953cdc2076649526103
   X: 13841224ea50438c1d9457159d05f2b7cd9d05daf154888eeed223e79008b47c
   Y: d01fc81d5ce20d6ea0939a6bb3e40ccd049f821baaf95e323a3657309ef75d61
   T: 83523b35f1565006cbfc4f159885467c2fb9bc6fe23d36cb1da43d199f1a3118
   S: 2a8f70f46cee9030700037b77f22cec7970dcc238e3e066d9d726baf183992c6
   K: d3c5e4266aa6d1b2873a97ce8af91c7e4d7a7ac456acced7908d34c561ad8fa6
   SPAKEChallenge: a1363034a003020101a122042083523b35f1565006cbfc4f
   Transcript hash after challenge: 0332da8ba3095ccd127c51740cb905ba
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: 26f07f9f8965307434d11ea855461d41
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: 4569ec08b5de5c3cc19d941725913ace
   K'[1]: 0d96ce1a4ac0f2e280a0cfc31742b064
   K'[2]: 58018c19315a1ba5d5bb9813b58029f0
   K'[3]: ed7e9bffd68c54d86fb19cd3c03f317f

   aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96 P-521, rejected edwards25519 challenge
   key: 01b897121d933ab44b47eb5494db15e50eb74530dbdae9b634d65020ff5d88c1
   w (PRF+ output): de3a095a2b2386eff3eb15b735398da1caf95bc8425665d8
   w (reduced multiplier): 003a095a2b2386eff3eb15b735398da1
   x: 01687b59051bf40048d7c31d5a973d792fa12284b7a447e7f5938b5885ca0bb2
   y: 01ded675ebf74fe30c9a53710f577e9cf84f09f6048fe245a4600004884cc167
   X: 03001bed88af987101ef52db5b8876f6287eb49a72163876c2cf99deb94f4c74
   Y: 02007bd3bf214200795ea449852976f241c9f50f445f78ff2714fffe42983f25
   T: 02014cb2e5b592ece5990f0ef30d308c061de1598bc4272b4a6599bed466fd15
   S: 02016c64995e804416f748fd5fa3aa678cbc7cbb596a4f523132dc8af7ce84e5
   K: 0200997f4848ae2e7a98c23d14ac662030743ab37fccc2a45f1c721114f40bcc
   Optimistic SPAKEChallenge: a1363034a003020102a122042047ca8c
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a0053003020104
   SPAKEChallenge: a1593057a003020104a145044302014cb2e5b592ece5990f
   Transcript hash after challenge: cb925b8baeae5e2867ab5b10ae1c941c
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: d0efed5e3e2c39c26034756d92a66fec
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: 631fcc8596e7f40e59045950d72aa0b7
   K'[1]: 881464920117074dbc67155a8f3341d1
   K'[2]: 377b72ac3af2caad582d73ae4682fd56
   K'[3]: 35ad8e4d580ed3f0d15ad928329773c0

   There are currently no encryption types with a seed size large enough
   to require multiple hash blocks during key derivation with any of the
   assigned hash functions.  To exercise this possibility, the following
   test vector illustrates what keys would be derived if there were a
   copy of the edwards25519 group with group number -1 and associated
   hash function SHA-1:

   AES256 edwards25519 SHA-1 group number -1
   key: 01b897121d933ab44b47eb5494db15e50eb74530dbdae9b634d65020ff5d88c1
   w (PRF+ output): 26da6b118cee6fa5ea795ed32d61490d
   w (reduced multiplier): d166c7cc9e72ca8c61f6a9185a987251
   x: 606c1b668008ed78fe2eee942e8f08007f3f1dcbef66d37fd69033525bda2030
   y: 10fc4e0bb1a902e58f632a1ea0bceb366360ac985f46996d956a02572bfcf050
   X: 389621509665abad35eaab26eab3a0f593c7b4380562aa5513c1140fd78ce048
   Y: de3ed05986eeac518958b566f9bad065b321402025cd188f3d198dc55c6d6b8d
   T: 2289a4f3c613e6e1df95e94aaa3c127dc062b9fceec3f9b62378dc729d61d0e3
   S: f9a7fa352930dedb422d567700bfcd39ba221e7f9ac3e6b36f2b63b68b88642c
   K: 6f61d6b18323b6c3ddaac7c56712845335384f095d3e116f69feb926a04f1340
   SPAKESupport: a0093007a00530030201ff
   SPAKEChallenge: a1363034a0030201ffa12204202289a4f3c613e6e1df95e9
   Transcript hash after challenge: f5c051eb75290f92142c
   Final transcript hash after pubkey: 9e26a3b148400c8f9cb8
   KDC-REQ-BODY: 3075a00703050000000000a1143012a003020101a10b3009
   K'[0]: 40bceb51bba474fd29ae65950022b704
   K'[1]: c29a7315453dc1cce938fa12a9e5c0db
   K'[2]: f261984dba3c230fad99d324f871514e
   K'[3]: d24b2b46bab7c4d1790017d9116a7eeb


   Nico Williams (Cryptonector)

   Taylor Yu (MIT)

Authors' Addresses

   Nathaniel McCallum
   Red Hat, Inc.

   Simo Sorce
   Red Hat, Inc.

   Robbie Harwood
   Red Hat, Inc.

   Greg Hudson