RFC 400 | Traffic Statistics (September 1972) |
Authors: | A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | October 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0400 |
RFC 401 | Conversion of NGP-0 Coordinates to Device Specific Coordinates |
RFC 402 | ARPA Network Mailing Lists |
RFC 403 | Desirability of a Network 1108 Service |
RFC 404 | Host Address Changes Involving Rand and ISI |
RFC 405 | Correction to RFC 404 |
RFC 406 | Scheduled IMP Software Releases |
Authors: | J.M. McQuillan. |
Date: | October 1972 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0406 |
RFC 407 | Remote Job Entry Protocol |
Authors: | R.D. Bressler, R. Guida, A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | October 1972 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Obsoletes: | RFC 0360 |
Status: | HISTORIC |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0407 |
Authors: | A.D. Owen, J. Postel. |
Date: | October 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0408 |
RFC 409 | Tenex interface to UCSB's Simple-Minded File System |
Authors: | J.E. White. |
Date: | December 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0409 |
RFC 410 | Removal of the 30-Second Delay When Hosts Come Up |
Authors: | J.M. McQuillan. |
Date: | November 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0410 |
RFC 411 | New MULTICS Network Software Features |
Authors: | M.A. Padlipsky. |
Date: | November 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0411 |
RFC 412 | User FTP Documentation |
Authors: | G. Hicks. |
Date: | November 1972 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0412 |
RFC 413 | Traffic statistics (October 1972) |
Authors: | A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | November 1972 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0413 |
RFC 414 | File Transfer Protocol (FTP) status and further comments |
RFC 415 | Tenex bandwidth |
Authors: | H. Murray. |
Date: | November 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0415 |
RFC 416 | ARC System Will Be Unavailable for Use During Thanksgiving Week |
Authors: | J.C. Norton. |
Date: | November 1972 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0416 |
RFC 417 | Link usage violation |
Authors: | J. Postel, C. Kline. |
Date: | December 1972 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0417 |
RFC 418 | Server File Transfer Under TSS/360 At NASA-Ames Research Center |
Authors: | W. Hathaway. |
Date: | November 1972 |
Formats: | json pdf |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0418 |
RFC 419 | To: Network liaisons and station agents |
Authors: | A. Vezza. |
Date: | December 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0419 |
RFC 420 | CCA ICCC weather demo |
Authors: | H. Murray. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0420 |
RFC 421 | Software Consulting Service for Network Users |
Authors: | A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | November 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0421 |
RFC 422 | Traffic statistics (November 1972) |
Authors: | A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | December 1972 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0422 |
RFC 423 | UCLA Campus Computing Network Liaison Staff for ARPANET |
RFC 425 | "But my NCP costs $500 a day" |
Authors: | R.D. Bressler. |
Date: | December 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0425 |
RFC 426 | Reconnection Protocol |
Authors: | R. Thomas. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0426 |
RFC 429 | Character Generator Process |
Authors: | J. Postel. |
Date: | December 1972 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0429 |
RFC 430 | Comments on File Transfer Protocol |
Authors: | R.T. Braden. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0430 |
RFC 431 | Update on SMFS Login and Logout |
RFC 432 | Network logical map |
RFC 433 | Socket number list |
RFC 434 | IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule |
RFC 435 | Telnet issues |
RFC 436 | Announcement of RJS at UCSB |
Authors: | M. Krilanovich. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0436 |
RFC 437 | Data Reconfiguration Service at UCSB |
RFC 438 | FTP server-server interaction |
Authors: | R. Thomas, R. Clements. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0438 |
RFC 439 | PARRY encounters the DOCTOR |
RFC 440 | Scheduled network software maintenance |
Authors: | D.C. Walden. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0440 |
RFC 441 | Inter-Entity Communication - an experiment |
Authors: | R.D. Bressler, R. Thomas. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0441 |
RFC 442 | Current flow-control scheme for IMPSYS |
RFC 443 | Traffic statistics (December 1972) |
Authors: | A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0443 |
RFC 445 | IMP/TIP preventive maintenance schedule |
Authors: | A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0445 |
RFC 446 | Proposal to consider a network program resource notebook |
Authors: | L.P. Deutsch. |
Date: | January 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0446 |
RFC 447 | IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule |
RFC 448 | Print files in FTP |
Authors: | R.T. Braden. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0448 |
RFC 449 | Current flow-control scheme for IMPSYS |
RFC 450 | MULTICS sampling timeout change |
Authors: | M.A. Padlipsky. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0450 |
RFC 451 | Tentative proposal for a Unified User Level Protocol |
Authors: | M.A. Padlipsky. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0451 |
RFC 452 | TELNET Command at Host LL |
RFC 453 | Meeting announcement to discuss a network mail system |
Authors: | M.D. Kudlick. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0453 |
RFC 454 | File Transfer Protocol - meeting announcement and a new proposed document |
RFC 455 | Traffic statistics (January 1973) |
Authors: | A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0455 |
RFC 456 | Memorandum: Date change of mail meeting |
Authors: | M.D. Kudlick. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0456 |
RFC 457 | TIPUG |
Authors: | D.C. Walden. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0457 |
RFC 458 | Mail retrieval via FTP |
Authors: | R.D. Bressler, R. Thomas. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0458 |
RFC 459 | Network questionnaires |
Authors: | W. Kantrowitz. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0459 |
RFC 460 | NCP survey |
Authors: | C. Kline. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0460 |
RFC 461 | Telnet Protocol meeting announcement |
Authors: | A.M. McKenzie. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0461 |
RFC 462 | Responding to user needs |
Authors: | J. Iseli, D. Crocker. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0462 |
RFC 463 | FTP comments and response to RFC 430 |
Authors: | A.K. Bhushan. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0463 |
RFC 464 | Resource notebook framework |
Authors: | M.D. Kudlick. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0464 |
RFC 466 | Telnet logger/server for host LL-67 |
Authors: | J.M. Winett. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0466 |
RFC 467 | Proposed change to Host-Host Protocol: Resynchronization of connection status |
Authors: | J.D. Burchfiel, R.S. Tomlinson. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Updated by: | RFC 0492 |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0467 |
RFC 468 | FTP data compression |
Authors: | R.T. Braden. |
Date: | March 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0468 |
RFC 469 | Network mail meeting summary |
Authors: | M.D. Kudlick. |
Date: | March 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0469 |
RFC 470 | Change in socket for TIP news facility |
RFC 471 | Workshop on multi-site executive programs |
RFC 472 | Illinois' reply to Maxwell's request for graphics information (NIC 14925) |
RFC 473 | MIX and MIXAL? |
Authors: | D.C. Walden. |
Date: | February 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0473 |
RFC 474 | Announcement of NGWG meeting: Call for papers |
RFC 475 | FTP and Network Mail System |
RFC 476 | IMP/TIP memory retrofit schedule (rev 2) |
RFC 477 | Remote Job Service at UCSB |
Authors: | M. Krilanovich. |
Date: | May 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0477 |
RFC 478 | FTP server-server interaction - II |
Authors: | R.D. Bressler, R. Thomas. |
Date: | March 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0478 |
RFC 479 | Use of FTP by the NIC Journal |
RFC 480 | Host-dependent FTP parameters |
RFC 482 | Traffic statistics (February 1973) |
RFC 483 | Cancellation of the resource notebook framework meeting |
Authors: | M.D. Kudlick. |
Date: | March 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0483 |
RFC 485 | MIX and MIXAL at UCSB |
Authors: | J.R. Pickens. |
Date: | March 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0485 |
RFC 486 | Data transfer revisited |
Authors: | R.D. Bressler. |
Date: | March 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0486 |
RFC 487 | Free file transfer |
Authors: | R.D. Bressler. |
Date: | April 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0487 |
RFC 488 | NLS classes at network sites |
Authors: | M.F. Auerbach. |
Date: | March 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0488 |
RFC 489 | Comment on resynchronization of connection status proposal |
RFC 490 | Surrogate RJS for UCLA-CCN |
Authors: | J.R. Pickens. |
Date: | March 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0490 |
RFC 491 | What is "Free"? |
Authors: | M.A. Padlipsky. |
Date: | April 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0491 |
RFC 492 | Response to RFC 467 |
Authors: | J.C. Michener, I.W. Cotton, K.C. Kelley, D.E. Liddle, E. Meyer. |
Date: | April 1973 |
Formats: | txt html pdf json |
Obsoletes: | RFC 0292 |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0493 |
RFC 494 | Availability of MIX and MIXAL in the Network |
Authors: | D.C. Walden. |
Date: | April 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0494 |
RFC 495 | Telnet Protocol specifications |
RFC 496 | TNLS quick reference card is available |
Authors: | M.F. Auerbach. |
Date: | April 1973 |
Formats: | txt html json |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0496 |
RFC 497 | Traffic Statistics (March 1973) |
RFC 498 | On mail service to CCN |
Authors: | R.T. Braden. |
Date: | April 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0498 |
RFC 499 | Harvard's network RJE |
Authors: | B.R. Reussow. |
Date: | April 1973 |
Formats: | txt json html |
Status: | UNKNOWN |
DOI: | 10.17487/RFC 0499 |